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Project file data Coordinate System

Name: Name: World wide/UTM

Size: Datum: WGS 1984

Modified: 8/30/2019 1:44:06 PM (UTC:-6) Zone: 50 North

Time zone: Mountain Standard Time Geoid: EGM96 (Global)

Reference number: Vertical datum:

Description: Calibrated site:

Comment 1:

Comment 2:

Comment 3:

Baseline Processing Report

Processing Summary
Observation From To Solution H. Prec. V. Prec. Geodetic Ellipsoid ΔHeight
Type (Meter) (Meter) Az. Dist. (Meter)
BMK.GPK.01 --- BMK.GPK.01 BM.31 Fixed 0.0104 0.0565 36°05'33.7" 11016.176 49.9859
BM.31 (B1) 5
BM.GPK.01 --- BM.GPK.01 BM.32 Fixed 0.0086 0.0481 35°49'50.9" 10993.271 47.4029
BM.32 (B2) 0

Acceptance Summary
Processed Passed Flag Fail

2 2 0 0

BMK.GPK.01 - BM.31 (Invalid leap seconds-Invalid leap seconds) (S1)
Baseline observation: BMK.GPK.01 --- BM.31 (B1)

Processed: Invalid leap seconds

Solution type: Fixed

Frequency used: Multiple Frequencies

Horizontal precision: 0.0104 m

Vertical precision: 0.0565 m

RMS: 0.0347 m

Maximum PDOP: 2.131

Ephemeris used: Broadcast

Antenna model: NGS Absolute

Processing start time: Invalid leap seconds (Local: UTC+7hr)

Processing stop time: Invalid leap seconds (Local: UTC+7hr)

Processing duration: 01:51:00

Processing interval: 30 seconds

Vector Components (Mark to Mark)

From: BMK.GPK.01

Grid Local Global

Easting 351221.160 m Latitude N0°04'22.50417" Latitude N0°04'22.50417"

Northing 8061.820 m Longitude E115°39'47.09952" Longitude E115°39'47.09952"

Elevation 58.888 m Height 113.956 m Height 113.956 m

To: BM.31

Grid Local Global

Easting 357710.232 m Latitude N0°09'12.32208" Latitude N0°09'12.32208"

Northing 16962.082 m Longitude E115°43'16.96828" Longitude E115°43'16.96828"

Elevation 108.626 m Height 163.942 m Height 163.942 m


ΔEasting 6489.0719 m NS Fwd Azimuth 36°05'33.7" ΔX -5862.1540 m

ΔNorthing 8900.2616 m Ellipsoid Dist. 11016.1765 m ΔY -2784.3277 m

ΔElevation 49.738 m ΔHeight 49.9859 m ΔZ 8902.0556 m

Standard Errors
Vector errors:

σ ΔEasting 0.0041 m σ NS fwd Azimuth 0°00'00.1" σ ΔX 0.0134 m

σ ΔNorthing 0.0041 m σ Ellipsoid Dist. 0.0040 m σ ΔY 0.0258 m

σ ΔElevation 0.0288 m σ ΔHeight 0.0288 m σ ΔZ 0.0041 m

Aposteriori Covariance Matrix (Meter²)

X 0.0001796057

Y -0.0003252602 0.0006670862

Z 0.0000111620 -0.0000210383 0.0000168033

From To

Point ID: BMK.GPK.01 BM.31

Data file: C:\Users\Geomatica1\Documents\Trimble C:\Users\Geomatica1\Documents\Trimble

Business Center\Unnamed Business Center\Unnamed
(2)\29761448G.23O (2)\3035144BI.23O
Receiver type: S82T GNSS S82T GNSS

Receiver serial number: S8267C117242976 S82677117223035

Antenna type: Galaxy G1-S82D Galaxy G1-S82D

Antenna serial number: -------- --------

Antenna height (measured): 1.3000 m 1.4950 m

Antenna method: Antenna Phase Center Antenna Phase Center

Tracking Summary


Processing style
Elevation mask: 10°00'00.0"

Auto start processing: Yes

Start automatic ID numbering: AUTO0001

Continuous vectors: No

Generate residuals: Yes

Antenna model: Automatic

Ephemeris type: Automatic

Frequency: Multiple Frequencies

Processing Interval: Automatic

Force float: No

GIS processing type: Automatic Carrier and Code Processing

Acceptance Criteria

Vector Component Flag Fail

Horizontal Precision > 0.0500 m + 1.000 ppm 0.1000 m + 1.000 ppm

Vertical Precision > 0.1000 m + 1.000 ppm 0.2000 m + 1.000 ppm

BM.GPK.01 - BM.32 (Invalid leap seconds-Invalid leap seconds) (S2)

Baseline observation: BM.GPK.01 --- BM.32 (B2)

Processed: Invalid leap seconds

Solution type: Fixed

Frequency used: Multiple Frequencies

Horizontal precision: 0.0086 m

Vertical precision: 0.0481 m

RMS: 0.0305 m

Maximum PDOP: 3.158

Ephemeris used: Broadcast

Antenna model: NGS Absolute

Processing start time: Invalid leap seconds (Local: UTC+7hr)

Processing stop time: Invalid leap seconds (Local: UTC+7hr)

Processing duration: 02:02:00

Processing interval: 1 Minute

Vector Components (Mark to Mark)

From: BM.GPK.01

Grid Local Global

Easting 351221.160 m Latitude N0°04'22.50417" Latitude N0°04'22.50417"

Northing 8061.820 m Longitude E115°39'47.09952" Longitude E115°39'47.09952"

Elevation 58.888 m Height 113.956 m Height 113.956 m

To: BM.32

Grid Local Global

Easting 357656.074 m Latitude N0°09'12.68023" Latitude N0°09'12.68023"

Northing 16973.084 m Longitude E115°43'15.21655" Longitude E115°43'15.21655"

Elevation 106.042 m Height 161.359 m Height 161.359 m


ΔEasting 6434.9136 m NS Fwd Azimuth 35°49'50.9" ΔX -5812.2189 m

ΔNorthing 8911.2638 m Ellipsoid Dist. 10993.2710 m ΔY -2763.1727 m

ΔElevation 47.154 m ΔHeight 47.4029 m ΔZ 8913.0495 m

Standard Errors
Vector errors:

σ ΔEasting 0.0035 m σ NS fwd Azimuth 0°00'00.1" σ ΔX 0.0113 m

σ ΔNorthing 0.0034 m σ Ellipsoid Dist. 0.0034 m σ ΔY 0.0221 m

σ ΔElevation 0.0245 m σ ΔHeight 0.0245 m σ ΔZ 0.0034 m

Aposteriori Covariance Matrix (Meter²)


X 0.0001274072

Y -0.0002338422 0.0004871335

Z -0.0000006129 0.0000018395 0.0000116788

From To

Point ID: BM.GPK.01 BM.32

Data file: C:\Users\Geomatica1\Documents\Trimble C:\Users\Geomatica1\Documents\Trimble

Business Center\Unnamed Business Center\Unnamed
(2)\29761477H.23O (2)\30351479T.23O
Receiver type: Galaxy G1-S82D Galaxy G1-S82D

Receiver serial number: S8267C117242976 S82677117223035

Antenna type: Galaxy G1-S82D Galaxy G1-S82D

Antenna serial number: -------- --------

Antenna height (measured): 1.4070 m 1.3680 m

Antenna method: Antenna Phase Center Antenna Phase Center

Tracking Summary


Processing style
Elevation mask: 10°00'00.0"

Auto start processing: Yes

Start automatic ID numbering: AUTO0001

Continuous vectors: No

Generate residuals: Yes

Antenna model: Automatic

Ephemeris type: Automatic

Frequency: Multiple Frequencies

Processing Interval: Automatic

Force float: No

GIS processing type: Automatic Carrier and Code Processing

Acceptance Criteria

Vector Component Flag Fail

Horizontal Precision > 0.0500 m + 1.000 ppm 0.1000 m + 1.000 ppm

Vertical Precision > 0.1000 m + 1.000 ppm 0.2000 m + 1.000 ppm

5/29/2023 6:08:50 AM Trimble Business Center


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