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COPYRIGHT RESERVED Code : 104503 B.Tech 5th Semester Exam., 2021 ( New Course ) LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEM Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 70 Instructions : eA (i) The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin. (ii) There are NINE questions in this paper. (iii) Attempt FIVE questions in all. (iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 1. Answer any seven of the following : 2x7=14 Ne nat is servomechanism and where is it used? (b / fe. necessary and sufficient conditions for Routh stability criterion. (c). Define’ gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency using Bode ‘plo! Find transfer function of a series R-L circuit. 22AK/369 ( Turn Over ) Scanned with CamScanner Define minimum phase, non-minimum wr phase and all-pass transfer functions. 3 Write the advantages of lag compensator and explain. fine angle criterion and magnitude criterion. eu Define root locus and write the advantages of root locus. @) Define gain margin using polar plot. _#Y7 define gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency using polar plot. and phase margin 2 of Obtain the overall transfer function of the following block diagram using block diagram reduction : Gy 22AK/369 ( Continued ) Scanned with CamScanner (3) (b) /Obtain the overall transfer function of the following signal flow graph using Mason’s gain formula : 7+7=14 ae Using generalized error series, calculate the steady-state error of a unity feed- 3 back system having = 3545) for the following excitations : @) r(t)=3 (ii) r(t)=2t+2 (iii) r(t)=t? /2+3 (iv) r(t)=1+5t+t? /2 22AK/369 ( Turn Over ) Scanned with CamScanner (4) feedback control (b) For’ given unity path transfer system with forward function 140 Gts)= Gy 15-73) i i io when a unit fi) determine damping ratio wi B i input is applied and (ii) Saeed damping ratio, percentage - pe Fr overshoot and settling time if a P controller with Kp=1, Kj=40 is . introduced in the forward path. 7+7=14 4 mn feedback system’ has open-loop iy transfer function Ke* s(s? +254 5) Using Routh criterion, determine the maximum value of K for the closed-loop system to be stable. Gls) H(s) = (b) The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback contro] system is given by Gjs)=—Ks+5)_ S°+Bs* +8541 Determine the value of K and B such that the system oscillates at Requeney ©=4rad/sec if it has Poles at S=+jo and no oles rf of s plane. gee ia aie 22AK/369 ( Continued ) Scanned with CamScanner (5) 5. (a) Fora unity feedback system with open- loop transfer function K G(s) = =-—_.—____ (s+ 4)(s? +85+24) sketch root locus. At what value of K system becomes unstable? At this point of instability, determine the frequency of oscillation of the system. (b) The open-loop transfer function with unity feedback is given by 10 s(s+5) Design a lead compensator such that the closed-loop system satisfies the following specifications : Static velocity error constant = 14s Phase margin = 60° Gain margin > 10dB G(s)= 747214 6. {a} Find K and a for a feedback system QZ with forward path transfer function K Gls)= s(st+a) X so that resonant peak is 1:5 and resonant frequency is 15 rad/s. Also determine the settling time and band- width of the system. 22AK/369 ( Turn Over ) Scanned with CamScanner (6) 2 Breten the Bode plot for the system Keo!s s(s+1)(1+0-1s) Determine the system gain K for the gain crossover frequency to be 2 rad/s. What is the phase margin for this value of K? 74+7=14 G(s)H(s) = 7. (a) For 10(1+0-5s) s?(0-1s+1)(0-03s +1) draw the Nyquist plot and comment on G(s) H(s)= the stability. (b) Sketch the Nyquist plot for a system having G(s) H(s) = 1018 +5) s(s-2) In addition, comment on the closed- loop stability. 7+7=14 8. (a) Express the transfer function Y(s)___ 4s? +5s+9 Se test Ss Ris) s° +35? 4128415 in (i controllable canonical form and (ii) observable canonical form, Further comment on the controllability and observability. 22AK/369 ( Continued ) tt Scanned with CamScanner (7) (b) A regulator system has a plant ¥(s) _ 40 U(s) (s+i)(st+4)(s+7) Define state variable as X= Yr Xp =H X3 =H By use of the state-feedback control u=-Kx, it is desired to place the closed- loop poles at s= -3+2V3j and s=-12. Determine the necessary _ state- feedback gain matrix K. 7+7=14 Sr Conse the state-space model of an LTI system with matrices 40 0 0 Az=|0 -5 1], B=/1 0 0 -l 0 Find the state transition matrix and comment on the controllability. (b) Consider the LTI system F Oo 1s % 0 k= +| 0 ju -9 4|/x} [1 Find the non-homogeneous solution if x,(0) = 3, x2(0)=0 and uis a unit step function. 747714 kak 22AK—1360/369 Code : 104503 Scanned with CamScanner

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