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COPYRIGHT RESERVED Code : 104501 B.Tech 5th Semester Exam., 2021 ( New Course ) COMPUTER NETWORKS AND SECURITY Time : 3 hours _ Full Marks : 70 Instructions : () The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin. (ii) There are NINE questions in this paper. (iii) Attempt FIVE questions in all. (iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 1. Choose the correct answer of the following (any seven) : 2x7=14 (a) SHA-1 produces a hash value of (i), 256 bits 4 wheo bits (iii) 180 bits (iv) 128 bits 22AK/343 ( Turn Over ) a Scanned with CamScanner (ae) J) Which of the following tasks is not done by data link layer? () Framing (ii) Exror control (ii) Flow control Gof Channel coding (c) Which of the following routing algorithms can be used for network layer design? {) Shortest path algorithm ii) Distance vector routing (fi) Link state routing Gy Al of the above (4) The physical layer translates logical ‘communication requests from the into hardware specific operations. Gata link layer (i) network layer (iii) transport layer (iv) application layer 22AK/343 (Continued ) (3) (c) Which of the following is the type of () 22AK/343, firewall? \(iyPacket filtering firewall (ii) Dual-homed gateway firewall (iii) Screened host firewall fiv) Dual-host firewall In TCP, sending and receiving data are done as wjAtream of bytes (ii) sequence of characters (i) lines of data (iv) packets In the IPv6 header, the traffic class field is similar to which field in the IPv4 header? () Fragmentation field (i Fast-switching Gi TOS field (iv) Option field Scanned with CamScanner e a) a o 22AK/343 (4) Which of the followin layer protocols used in ne! ( TCP and FTP (i) UDP and HTTP fig TCP and UDP (v) HTTP and FTP g are transport working? ‘An ALOHA network uses an 18.2 kbps channel for sending message packets of 100 bits long size. Calculate the maximum throughput. @ 5999 i) 6900 (ii) 6027 fix) 5027 RSA stands for Gf Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (ii) Roger-Shamir-Adrian (iti) Robert-Shamir-Anthoney (iv) Rivest-Shaw-Adleman ( Continued ) (5) I tis TCP/IP model? i hina is protocols and feearen a ayer. Compare it with OSI model an 4 9 Mat are Hamming distance and Hammi code? Explain with an example. ming 4 4. Differentiate between —classful and classless IP addressing. Subnet the IP address into 30 subnets, Js a valid host ID after subnetting? mn Differentiate between OSPF and RIP protocols * with an example. 14 6. Discuss flow and error control protocols of transport layer. In the stop-and-wait protocol, show the case in which the receiver feceives a duplicate packet (which is also out of order). Hint : Think about a delayed ‘ACK. What is the reaction of the receiver to this event? 14 te short notes on the following : 4 (a) HTTP (») FTP (9 DNS (d) TELNET 22AK/343 {Turn Over } Scanned with CamScanner (6) -. fow is security provided by SSL? What services are provided by the SSL Record Protocol? What steps are involved in the SSL Record Protocol transmission? 14 wa fferentiate between symmetric key crypto- system and asymmetric key cryptosystem. Explain RSA algorithm in detail with an example. 14 kok 22AK—1090/348 Code’: 104501 Scanned with CamScanner

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