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S0L0_W0RK is an effort to adapt the excellent
CY_BORG. I’ve been playing Sölitary Defilement
for months and wanted to bring this to
CY_BORG, so thanks to 1D10+5 for this.


the whole team at STOCKHOLM KARTELL for making

S0L0_W0RK is heavily inspired by both

Ironsworn and The One Ring’s Strider Mode by
Shawn Tomkin.
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S0L0_W0RK is an independent production by

magui and is not affiliated with Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG
Third Party License. CY_BORG is ©2022

__BASIC_RULES[] ...................... 4
__M0VES[] ............................ 6



__0RACLES[] .......................... 10





__THEME::MATRIX[] ..................... 14
__HOW_TO[] ............................ 15

S0L0_W0RK is a ruleset to play CY_BORG by
yourself. You’ll both play as the GM and as
the player. Most of the time you’ll play
scenes as follows:

__FICTION[]: Set the scene. Imagine and

describe what is happening, what the place
looks like… the way a GM does. You can use
0racles to introduce rand0m, or as an
inspiration t00l, or simply use your
__MOVES[]: Interact with the scene
impersonating your character. S0L0_W0RK is
using the same 2d20 mechanics as SÖLITARY
DEFILEMENT when rolling dice:
Any time you roll, use 2d20 against set
DR. Modifiers apply to both dice.
__BOTH DICE PASS: a Strong Hit. You succeed!
__ONE DIE PASSES: a Weak Hit. You succeed but
encounter a complication along the way.
__BOTH DICE FAIL: a Fail. You messed up.
Something bad happens.

____________________________________ ______________

|------|------| __ __ __ | ___________ | () |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | || | | | | | | | | | | ___|
|------|------| || | | | | | | |____| |____| || D |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | || |__| |__| |__| ________________ ||| I |
|------|------| | ________ ______ ______ | ADV476KN50 | ||| P |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | |TRIDENT | |______| |______| | 1-54BV 8940 | ||| S |
|------|------| || |TVGA | |______| |______| |________________| |||___|
| 64X4 | 64X4 | || |8800CS | ________________ ___|
|------|------| || |11380029| LOW->| /\ SUPER VGA | _________ | |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | -------- BIOS | \/ (1) ||_________| | 1 |
|------|------| || ______ J ______ |________________| _________ | 5 |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | || |______| 2 |______| ________________ |_________| |___|
|------|------| || ________ ______ | /\ SUPER VGA | ___|
| 64X4 | 64X4 | |________| |______|| \/ (2) | _________ | |
|------|------| () HIGH->|________________| |_________| | 9 |
| 64X4 | 64X4 | ________ _________ _____________ _________ | |
|______|______|__ |________| |_________| |_____________| |_________| |___|
| __ TVGA-1623D _ () |

Using 2d20 allows for more situations where

you will not fail entirely, while at the same
time creating complications that you’ll need
to address, feeding the story along the way.

You stole that ganger’s gun in the bar, but the

bartender saw you doing it. He said nothing. Yet.
You convinced that c0p that he doesn’t need to check
your ID. But it wasn’t free.
You found out who @xX_F0nk0rz_300_Xx is and where he
lives, but you left connection logs doing so.
You may use only one die like classic CY_BORG,
just know you’ll probably end up missing a lot
more. The __MOVES[] do use the 2d20
granularity. To use only 1d20, simply ignore
the Weak Hit entries of the __MOVES[].
/// __M0VES[] ///
//You’ll be using that one a lot

Decide what you’re trying to do. Choose the

most relevant stat according to what you’re
trying to achieve. Use your remaining Glitches
as a sixth stat for ‘Luck’ rolls.
__Strong Hit: Everything goes out as you wanted it to
go. Strange.
__Weak Hit: You succeed but encounter a complication
along the way. Your mag is ejected, someone spots
you, you’re slow, you lose something...
__Fail: You failed. You should never have tried.
There will be consequences. Bad ones.
// SET+THE+DR //////////////////////
Set the difficulty of what you’re trying to
achieve. A good rule of thumbs is:

6 .............. Simple
12 .............. Normal
18 .............. Almost Impossible

__GET_AWAY() //survive to fight another day

Agility vs DR 11 + <Number of ennemies>

__Strong Hit: Successful evasion.
__Weak Hit: You escape, but take a free hit in the
process. Roll for defense against an enemy. You get
away even if you take damage.
__Fail: You can’t get away. What you do get, is an
enemy hitting you. Roll for defense.
__SEARCH_FOR_SOMETHING() //get all the good stuff

G̴li̷ ̵tc̷ ̶h̸e̸s̴ vs DR 12

__Strong Hit: You find d4: __Weak Hit: You find d4:

// 1: Pocket Lint # 1: Nothing

// 2-3: Useful Item (0racle) # 2-3: Pocket Lint

// 4: Infested Item # 4: Useful Item

__Fail: You get both disappointment and DANGER.


After a mission, a tough fight, a significant

achievement, you can ImPr0vE (Core: p.89).
Don’t do it too often, not being overpowered
is part of the fun.

__CHASE() //They’re behind you || You’re behind them

Use a d20 to track the distance between target and pursuer

1. Set starting distance 2. Set DR. You are:

Short ................. 3 Faster ................ 8

Medium ................ 9 About as fast ......... 12

Great ................. 15 Slower ................ 16

3. Choose your stat

Running -> Agility

Driving -> Presence

Netrunning -> Knowledge

Swimming -> Strength

Climbing -> Toughness

3. Roll 2d20
__Strong Hit: Change the distance by 2d6 (Increase it if
you're ahead, decrease it if you’re behind)

__Weak Hit: Change the distance by 1d6

__Fail: You’re losing! Decrease the distance by 1d6 if
you’re ahead, increase it if you’re behind

Distance == 20 Distance == 0

↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓
The target escaped. Pursuer reaches target

__NET::RUNNING() //Hack stuff! Steal data! Get nosebleed!!

When net::running(), track your alert level with a d10 (Start

on 1). Act on your initiative turn if in combat.

Security is DR ICE dICE Success needed

basic 6 1d6 3
medium 9 1d8 4
reinforced 12 1d10 4
high 15 2d6 5
extreme 18 2d6+4 5
Test Knowledge with 2d20 vs DR:

__Strong Hit: You sneak your way through the data.

Gain 2 success, don’t increase Alert level

__Weak Hit: You get through, but not silently.

Gain 1 success, then increase alert level by your success


__Fail: You trigger security response!

Increase alert level by 4. <ICE dICE> - Knowledge damage.

////////////////////// Ā̵̰Ĺ̷̥Ȇ̵͍͚͛R̶̪̤͋̽T̵̤͆͝ ////////////////////////

When alert level is 10 or higher, Intrusion

Countermeasures activate. Take <ICE dICE> damage
every turn. Knowledge works as damage reduction
against this. You can try to __GET_AWAY() or
complete your netrun. Admin trace your geolocation.

/* __0RACLES[] */
Roll a d12, using the following table to
answer yes-no questions depending on the
likeliness of what you’re asking:

2+ ............. Almost certainly

4+ ............. Very likely
6+ ............. Possibly
8+ ............. Unlikely
10+ ............. Very unlikely
12 ............. Almost impossibly

Core: p.118...126 Core: p.129
Core: p.117 Core: p.128
+ Or NPC generator

In the CYty ........ Core p.130

In the NET ......... Core p.134


d6: 1. d12 Cybertech (Core:


1. d12 Weapon (Core: p.58/59) 2. Cyberdeck+, d2 random


2. d3+1 Armor (Core: p.60) 3. A random Nano Power

3. random equipment (Core: p.62) 4. An unguarded Cyberbike

4. d10 booster mod (Core: p.65) 5. A sniper rifle

5. d12 drug (Core: p.66), d4 doses 6. Anonymous credstick with

d4 x 1k¤
6. $$$ JACKPOT $$$

Core: p.87 Core: Front cover
Core: Front cover

__DUDES_WITH_STUFF_TO_SELL() //Roll a [d8]

1. Weapons/Armor/mods 5. Equipment [Illegal]

2. Drugs 6. Random app, with a request

3. Equipment [legal] 7. Other services

4. Cybertech 8. Street doc to patch you up

What Where
Core: p.124 Core: p.125
[Or Asset Pack: Location Pad]

Size Number of Stories Number of rooms/story

Small 1d4 1d4
Medium 2d4 2d4
Big 3d4 3d4
Huge 4d4 4d4
Gigantic 5d4 5d4
Features/themes: //Roll 3d10 on Core: 127 &/or 1d8 here

Gloomy Corporate Rats. Or worse.

Concrete Residential Full of wastes

Half-finished Noisy Cables everywhere

Abandonned No-net zone Burned down

Squat Holds a death cult Secret fight club

Moldy Mall Factory

INFESTED Full of junkies Full of AR projections

Empty Heavily guarded Hotel/Casino/Night club

__ROOM_FILLER(): // chose thematic enemies when rolling 1-2 or 7


1-2. A weak enemy 8. Some dude with stuff to sell

3. Nothing 9. Somewhere safe. Take a breather

4. __USEFUL_ITEM() 10. 100% virtual room

5-6. Pile of junk, searchable 11. A NPC [roll first impression]

7. A strong enemy 12. 4-in-6: - a __USEFUL_ITEM()

or - Something really bad

Thematic opposition: See Index at the end of Core book.

Generate enemies quickly with this 100%

free algorithm [lite version with ads]:
extra::weak::enemy(){ //minions and such

// groups of 1d6 or 2d4

HP == 1d4;

Armor == 0 or -d2;

Damage == d2 or d4;

Morale == HP x2;

weak::enemy(){ //goons, guards and gangers

HP == 2d4;



Morale == HP;

strong::enemy(){ //Big-ass SecBot, gang boss

HP = 4d4;



1-in-6 nano-infested (d2 powers);

Morale == 14 - d4;

// Need inspiration? Use the

# THEME::MATRIX() [====--]
1. Rotten PVNK Steal 1. Rogue Vigilante Decrypt
2. Drunk Slave Hide 2. Awful Tech Kill

3. Rich Scvm Find 3. Premium Corp-zombie Hack

4. Lost H4CK3R Drive 4.Hardcore Bartender Infiltrate

5. Corpo Hunter Drop 5. Unaware AI Overcome
6. Chromed Bounty Sync 6. Neon Net Deal

1. Numb |RCD| Extract 1. Ads-free Firearm Pay

2. Free Weapon Fight 2. Wet Drugs Hurt
3. STOLEN APP C̶Ó̷̟̹͕̎R̴̈Ȑ̴̪Ų̶̍P̶͊ͬT 3. STINKY P̷̛̯̟̳̞̜̞̱̉͠S ̵̭͆͆̓̇̏Y ̸͔̰̹̅C ̴̢̩̺̦̥̹͕͌̇̐̀̓H ̸͓̜͆͒̕O ̵͍̿̂̀́̀͐ SPEAK

4. Retr0 Face Betray 4. Snob Deckhead Make

5. Fancy Junky Punish 5. Tattooed G00N Ride
6. Anxious Virus Lose 6. Hacked Killer Repair

1. Wounded Street Heal 1. Infested Beggar Download

2. Nano Security React 2. Bloody Cult Mimic
3. Raging Escort Sacrifice 3. Hooked Node Break

4. Fake Vehicle Alert 4. Shitty Boss Eat//Drink

5. Loyal Building Cross 5. Cyber Contact Ḿ̴̡̙̦̥̀u̬͖̯͌̓ͅt̵ ̶̥̫͉̹̂͗̐ą̷͊ț̶̝̐̎e̵̖̰̮͌̎͘
6. Dirty Mob Take 6. Dead Night Survive

__HOW_TO[]//actual play
Let’s do an actual play. It’ll provide context, help you understand how to
actually use the moves and the 0racles, and give you an example of how
you can manage your playing journal, logs, or whatever.

I like to write down my adventures in a journal when I play Sölitary

Defilement and play without any sort of computer, pdf, commlink or
whatever. CY_BORG feels like writing on a computer can be fun though.
Let’s have fun with the fonts and layout as well!

Get a synthpresso. Then let’s spawn a PVNK. I simply go through character
creation (Core rules, pages 38/39), and roll my way through. I’ll die
anyway, might as well blame the dice.

- random::class = Burned Hacker. Just like me, heh. Stats are:

Agility ........ -1 HP: 5/5

Knowledge ...... +1 Glitches: d2

Presence ....... -2

Strength ....... +0

Toughness ...... -1

- starting::gear {

- a hand grenade - an ancient revolver

- a collapsable ladder, great - a tier-I armor

- a nano power, replaced by a __SigilTag__ app.

- a cyberdeck+ with 5 slots and a __TrolleySkipper__ app.

- Hacker app: __tError__ - 1100¤

He owes 34k¤ to a crime syndicate. He’s a murdercore diehard fan with a

giant RCD helmet rig. He wants self-control. He likes to chew on his own
hair (or other’s). He’s currently obsessed by hand-pressed synthpresso.

Oh, and he’s name is Soma, a.k.a. @_HashCat_0301. Now, let's get him

Soma needs money, because Soma messed up big time, and a crime syndicate
really wants their money back. So, Soma needs to work. I roll a mission
using the Core rules:

He’s contacted by a [19] job broker on behalf of [3] an ambitious startup

who promises [14] [d10] 4K ¤ if he [15] punishes a [15] cult leader. The
target can be found in an [05] apartment building, somewhere in [13]
Svärta. He’s protected by a [08] stealth-suit psychopath.
That’s it for now, let’s keep a bit of surprise till we’re there.
We need to punish a cult leader, so let’s generate a cult while we’re at
it! It seems they are worshipping [12] Those Who Came Before, sounds
good. Their temple is [8] public but heavily defended. Let’s say it is
this apartment building in Svärta that we just rolled.

Soma is homeless right now, so he mostly hangs out in the Slums. First,
he stops at a shop too buy a cheap backpack to put his stuff in. Then he
takes the bus to Svärta. On his way there, he checks his newsfeed. «CEO
of Chirper turns out to be a cluster of biocomputers who became
sentient». Again.

He steps off of the bus. Checks that his gun is in his pocket. Corp
slaves keep competing for the stupidest trends here, and he heard latest
ones where about smacking someone’s head with a hammer in the streets.
Degenerate corpo filth.

He doesn’t have the exact location of his target, so he takes a moment to
do some research on a park bench. First ten minutes of sitting are free,
and you don’t even need to enter credentials.

I roll a Knowledge check with 2d20 DR21 => [10, 14]: Weak Hit.

He finds an ugly website for the cult,

It does list the address of the cult’s ‘headquarters’. Soma loads the
address in his navigation system to take him there. The site forgets to
mention that it’s in a fenced building (as per Weak Hit-induced

Soma checks if anyone is around with a Presence check [9, 11], DR12:
Fail. He doesn’t see anyone around and begins to hack the gate Knowledge
[21, 18], DR12: Strong hit! As the door opens, he hears quick footsteps
behind him. He turns around just to see a corpslave with a hammer in one
hand and a camera on a selfie stick on the other, shouting «OKAY,
HAMMERHEAD CHALLENGE! YOUR TURN @Xx_love_my_life_love_my_corp_392772

HAHAHAHA» before trying to bash Soma’s head. [Soma did not notice him
sooner since he failed his Presence check]

Defense roll: Agility [5] -> Fail. Soma takes d6 [1] damage and has no
armor to reduce it. He tries to shoot the corpslave with his revolver:
Presence [9] failed.

The corpslave is however not expecting people to defend themselves, and

rolls for Morale (Which I estimate to be a wretched low 5) : [9], the
corpslave runs away.

Soma enters the building, but the gunshot probably has anyone in there on
their nerves. Unless the walls are more soundproof that he thinks? I
estimate it is unlikely and roll the 0racle d12 [9]: The walls are indeed
soundproof, so his altercation outside hasn’t raised any concern inside.
The temple is on third floor, the elevator is broken, so he takes the
stairs. He now faces a door drenched in blood, forming the letters
‘REPENT’. Whatever.

He checks his gun is loaded, and tries to kick the door. Strength roll
[19, 7] -> Weak Hit. He bursts the door open, but loses [d2=1] HP in the
process. He enters a big room with foldable chairs forming a circle
around an esoteric pile of junk. No one is here. There are two doors. The
first one leads Soma to a cramped kitchen. The sink reeks of blood. As he
walks to the other door, Presence [8, 13] -> Weak Hit he catches a
glimpse in the air and barely avoids a monosword that almost cuts his
head clean off. The cult leader has a body guard! He’s hidden by a
stealth suit. The psycho has the initiative. If I had failed my Presence
check, I would have taken a free hit + lost initiative. Defense roll:
Agility [5] -> Fail. Takes d8 [6] damages. The monosword cuts through
Soma’s clothes and his right arm falls on the floor. The cult leader
comes out of the other room, and Soma ends up bleeding out while the cult
leader is screaming occult incantations to the glory of Those Who Came

That’s it for Soma, but this bodyguard seems like a good start for my
next character, so I might as well roll for his stats and use him next. I
didn’t even get a chance to see how the mission could go south. Except,
of course, by getting killed by some invisible psychopath with a
monosword while a maniac frantically dedicates the kill to dark gods.

If Soma had survived his first mission, I would probably have had him
Upgrade(), and maybe find a bit of stuff inside the cult leader’s stash.
Maybe a random gun, or a few creds? I didn’t even need to roll stats for
enemies either, as Soma got killed on the very first defense roll.


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