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note to teachers

Topical ~':ammar Practice is a tailor-made series of six practice books for

primary students learning English as a first language and for junior high students
learning it as a foreign language. The contents closely follow the school syllabus.
Each unit covers a specific grammar point in a clear and relevant way, allowing
the young learner to practise both the use and meaning of the grammar point.

The units follow a familiar pattern of practising at both the sentence and text
levels. This is done through MCQs or choosing the correct word in sentences,
and exercises using cloze texts so that students can focus on the language itself
and not be distracted by varying methods and instructions.

Since each unit deals with a precise grammar item teachers are encouraged to
'dip into' the books at any stage to support the language item being taught in the
classroom. This way, these practice books complement the school English

The authors strongly believe that, while the English language is the focus, the
context should be meaningful to the learners. Thus, texts have been chosen :

~~ to be cross-curricular: the texts reinforce and support what is being learnt

in other classes.

~~ to be informative and educational: the texts cover a wide range of topics

of interest to young learners, such as famous people, important places and
events, science and technology, sports, animal life, etc.

~~ to be fun: the texts include especially written stories, traditional folk and
fairy stories , quizzes and dialogues that the students could act out.

~~ to be socially-responsible: the texts include discussions on the

environment and pollution, civic responsibility, etc.

Finally, in the knowledge that teachers are busy people, the series has been
designed to be 'teacher friendly' so it is unambiguous and easy to use.

at you'll find in this book

A note to teachers 3
1 Plural Nouns 6
2 Uncount Nouns 9
3 Quantifiers 12
4 Masculine, Feminine and Neutral Nouns 16
5 Proper Nouns 20
6 The Articles: a, an, the 23
7 Adjectives 26
8 Position of Adjectives (before or after nouns) 30
9 Comparative Adjectives 33
10 Superlative Adjectives 36
11 REVIEW (1) 40
12 Subject and Object Pronouns 46
13 Reflexive Pronouns 50
14 Interrogative Pronouns 54
15 Possessive Adjectives; The Possessive with 's 58
16 REVIEW(2) 62
17 The Simple Present Tense 68
18 The Present Continuous Tense 71
19 The Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses 75
20 The Simple Past Tense: Regular Verbs 79
21 The Simple Past Tense: Irregular Verbs 83
22 The Past Continuous Tense 87
23 Questions in the Past Continuous Tense 91
24 The Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses 95
25 The Imperative 99
26 Talking about the Future: will, shall, be going to 103
27 Talking about the Future: will, be going to,
the Simple Present Tense 107
28 Talking about Ability in the Present 111
29 Talking about Ability in the Past 115
30 Modals for Asking Permission: may, can,
could, should 119
31 REVIEW(3) 122
32 Prepositions of Time 130
33 Prepositions of Place 134
34 Adverbs of Manner, Place and Time 139
35 Subject and Verb Agreement 143
36 Direct and Indirect Objects 146
37 Asking Questions 150
38 Connectors 154
39 Compound Sentences 158
40 REVIEW(4) 162


Plural Nouns

Circle the correct noun in brackets.


Do you wear (

1 Do you like roast ( potato I potatoes )?

2 What colour are the ( bus I buses ) in your town?

3 May I borrow your ( scissor I scissors )?

4 How many ( foot I feet ) does a centipede


5 Are you scared of ( mouse I mice )?

6 How many times a day do you brush your

( teeth I tooth )?

7 How many ( children I child ) are there in your .....



8 Mum bought some ( strawberry I strawberries

9 Do you wear ( short I shorts ) to school?

10 What language do ( people I person ) in

France speak?
Fill in the gaps with the singular or plural form of the noun in brackets.

Laying the table

My mother always asks me to lay the table for dinner. First, I put out

the big, white (1) (plate) and then the (2) _ _ _ __

(knife), (3) (fork) and spoons. Next, I carefully fold a

(4) (napkin) for each (5) (person). Then I

put the (6) (glass) for water on the table. My mother

cuts a (7) _ _ _ _ (loaf) of bread with a sharp (8) _ _ __

(knife) and I put the bread basket on the table. Finally, I put a big bowl

of fresh fruit- (9) (mango), (10)

(cherry) and bananas - in the

centre of the table. And

then we are ready to


Fill in the gaps with the singular or plural form of the noun in brackets.

Computer games

We have two (1) (computer) at home. I like playing

on the (2) (computer) in my bedroom with my friends.

I have lots of different (3) (game). My favourite

(4) _ (game) is 'Speedtrack 2'. Two (5)

(person) can play this racing game. There are six (6) _

(car) in the race and each (7) _ (person) chooses a

(8) _ (car). I always

choose the red car. When

the race starts we

drive our cars around

the(9)_ _ __

(circuit) as fast as

possible. The winner is

the person who drives ten

(10) (circuit) in the quickest time .


Uncount Nouns

Circle the uncount noun in each sentence.


What is your favourite ?

I love apples.

1 My mother bought some new furniture for my bedroom.

2 I don't eat a lot of meat but I like burgers.

3 We took a lot of luggage on holiday.

4 I love fried rice and noodles.

5 How much money have you got? I've got 10 dollars!

6 like pop music and I've got lots of COs.

7 do my homework 1n the kitchen with my brothers.

8 Can I have a pencil and some paper, please?

9 Today the weather will be sunny with a few clouds.

10 There is a lot of traffic in the city today.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the noun in brackets.

Preparing for a test

Here is some good (1) (advice) for you. Before a

(2) (test) it is important to do some (3) _ _ _ __

(revision). Go over your (4) _ _ _ _ _ (lesson) and look at your

(5) _ _ _ (homework) again. The night before the test, go

to (6) _ _ _ _ (bed) early and get lots of (7) _ (rest).

On the day of the test, remember to read all the (8) _ _ _ _ __

(question) very carefully and make (9) ___ _ (note) on some

rough (1 0) (paper).

Circle the 10 uncount nouns in the passage.

Cookery class

Today we will make pancakes. Put 150 g of flour into a

bowl with a little bit of salt. Add an egg and mix well.

Add 250 ml of milk and water. Mix again. Add 25 g of

melted butter and beat the mixture. Put a bit of the

mixture in a frying pan and cook. When it is ready, put

the pancake on a plate and add jam, sugar or lemon

juice. Tomorrow we will learn how to make a dessert with

rice and cream .


Choose the correct quantifier and write its number in the brackets.


We spent _ _ _ time looking for information at the library.

(1) many (2) some
(3) a lot (4) few ( 2 )

1 How pocket money do you get?

( 1) many (2) much
(3) some (4) little ( )

2 I like _ of sugar in my tea.

( 1) a lot of
(2) a little
(3) much
(4) lots ( )

3 We just need pencils for

the project.
( 1) much
(2) a few
(3) many
(4) a lot of ( )

4 How brothers and sisters do you have?
(1) many (2) much
(3) some (4) little ( )

5 Ann is very popular. She has friends .

. .

(1) much (2) a few

(3) a lot of (4) lots ( )

6 I don't have homework tonight.

( 1) many (2) much
(3) some (4) lots ( )

7 Are there museums in your town?

(1) many (2) much
(3) a (4) lots ( )

8 I have apples. Would you like one?

( 1) an (2) much
(3) some (4) alittle ( )

9 Would you like more rice?

Thank you. Just , please.
( 1) few
(2) little
(3) a few
(4) a little ( )

10 Your homework is excellent. You made very

( 1) few (2) little
(3) a few (4) a little ( )

Fill in the gaps with much or many.

A football superstar

Interviewer : Welcome, Mr Tomaso. First, do you do (1) _ __


Tomaso : Yes, we have (2) _ _ _ _ practice matches but I

don't do (3) work in the gym .

Interviewer: Do you have (4) free time?

Tomaso : No, I don't have (5) _ _ _ _ free days during the

football season.

Interviewer : How (6) _ __ matches do you play a season?

Tomaso : Between 20 and 40, but we don't play so (7)

games in the last two months of the year.

Interviewer : How (8) _ _ __ times have you played for your


Tomaso : 32 times.

Interviewer : What about food? Do you eat (9) _ _ _ _ meat?

Tomaso : No, I don't. I usually eat fish or cheese.

Interviewer : And lastly, how (1 0) _ _ _ _ money are you paid for

each match?

Tomaso : That's my secret!

Fill in the gaps with the correct quantifier from the box. You may use some
of the quantifiers more than once.

.( _ _ _ _a_f_e_w a little much many )



Indonesia is an interesting country in Southeast Asia. lt is a group

of (1) _ _ _ _ islands: over 3,000. (2) _ _ _ _ of the islands

are very big, like Java, but many of them are very small with only

(3) _ __ people living on them or no people living there at

all. Java has a wet season from

October to March, but there is

not (4) _ _ _ rain in the

other months. (5)

Indonesians are farmers. They

grow (6) _ _ _ different

things such as rice, tea and rubber.

The main language, Bahasa Indonesia, is quite easy to

learn with (7) _ _ _ _ practice, and (8) _ _ __ tourists learn

(9) _ Indonesian words during their visit. Indonesia is so

nice that (1 0) tourists want to go back.


Masculine, Feminine and Neutral Nouns

Circle the correct noun in brackets.


Madonna is a famous singer and (

1 Mr John Green is our new ( headmaster I headmistress ).

2 In fairy tales, ( princes I princesses ) often wear beautiful


3 The ( hero I heroine ) of this book is called Tom .

4 Annie wants to be ( an air steward I a flight attendant )

when she grows up.

5 My ( uncle I aunt ) is a waiter in a big restaurant.

6 Both Mr and Mrs Naylor are ( policemen I police officers ).

7 My ( grandfather I grandmother ) only wears lipstick when

she goes out.

8 Cleopatra a beautiful ( king I queen ) of Egypt.

9 My ( brother I sister ) goes to an all-boys school.

10 Our teacher has a new baby ( son I daughter ). Her name

is Sally.
Fill in the gaps with the correct masculine or feminine noun from the box.
You have to use one noun twice.

cousin brother grandmother

( uncle father mother
aunt sister grandfather

A family quiz

Who is my aunt's daughter? 1 My

Who is my mother's son? 2 My

(or me!)

Who is my father's mother? 3 My

Who is my mother's brother? 4 My

Who is my brother's father? 5 My

Who is my father's wife? 6 My

Who is my father's sister? 7 My

Who is my uncle's son? 8 My

Who is my father's daughter? 9 My

(or me!)

Who is my mother's father? 10 My

Choose the correct noun in brackets to fill in the gaps.


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. Her

(1) (mother I father), a kind man,

had married again after Cinderella's

mother died, and he had three

more daughters. Cinderella's

three (2) _ _ __

(stepsisters I stepbrothers) were

very ugly and her (3) _ _

(stepmother I stepfather) was very unkind.

One day the king and (4)

(queen I king) of the country announced

a big party. Cinderella was very

unhappy because her stepmother

did not allow her to go to the party.

++ + She had to stay at home alone.

Suddenly a beautiful fairy appeared

and said that she was Cinderella's fairy

(5) _ (godmother I godfather). She told Cinderella

that she would go to the dance at

the palace that night.

Cinderella arrived at the

palace in a beautiful, new

dress and when the king's

son, the (6) _ __ _ __

(princess I prince), saw her

he fell in love immediately. But

at midnight, Cinderella had to leave

the dance. She ran home quickly but on the way she lost one of her

glass shoes.

The next day the king and queen announced that their

(7) _ _ _ (daughter I son), the prince, would marry the

(8) (girl I boy) who wore the glass shoe. All the

(9) _ _ _ _ (girls I boys) in the city tried the shoe on. But it

didn't fit any of them. Then the prince arrived at Cinderella's house.

One by one, Cinderella's three ugly (1 0) __ (stepsisters I

stepbrothers) tried the shoe on, but it didn't fit them. The prince saw

Cinderella and asked her to try the shoe on. She did and it fitted

perfectly. The next day the prince and Cinderella were married and

lived happily ever after.

Proper Nouns

Circle the correct form of the noun in brackets.


Madrid is the capital of ( spain

1 London has many beautiful ( parks I Parks ).

2 We visited Central ( park I Park ) when we were on holiday

in New York.

3 The British ( museum I Museum ) is very big.

4 There are many interesting ( museums I Museums ) in


5 In the ( summer I Summer ) we always go to the beach .

6 At Christmas we usually eat roast ( turkey I Turkey ).

7 Ankara is the capital city of ( turkey I Turkey ).

8 What language do ( brazilian I Brazilian ) people speak?

9 I like the ( harry I Harry ) Potter books very much.

10 The ( swiss I Swiss ) are famous for their chocolates.

Answer the questions with the correct proper noun from the box.

Mount Everest Christmas George Washington

Tuesday China the Alps
the Pacific June Jakarta

A general knowledge quiz

1 Beijing is the capital of which country?

2 What is the name of the highest

mountain in the world?

3 Who was the first president of the


4 What is the capital of Indonesia?

5 What are the mountains in Switzerland


6 Where do you find the pyramids?

Name the country.

7 What is the largest ocean called?

8 What festival is celebrated on the

25th of December?

9 What month is between May and July?

10 What day is two days after Sunday?

Choose the correct word from the box to fill in the gaps. Begin with a
capita/letter where necessary.

japanese chinese country indian italians )

( noodles english world american national

Food, glorious food

The (1) _ _ _ _ _ are famous for pasta and pizza, and everyone

knows about (2) _ _ _ _ _ sushi. You can get delicious

(3) __ food like sweet and sour pork with rice in almost

every (4) _ in the world. But if you like hot, spicy food,

you should try an (5) _ _ _ _ _ curry or some Thai seafood soup.

Both the spaghetti and fried (6) _ _ _ _ _ are my favourite

dishes. A well-known (7) _ _ _ __

food is fish and chips, but the

most famous food in the

(8) is probably

the (9) _ _._ _ _ -style


What's your favourite

food? What is your country's

(10) _ _ dish?


The Articles: a, an, the

Choose the correct article or 'no article' and write its number in the


Do you have _ _ _ umbrella with you?

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( 2 )

1 I have got two sandwiches and

apple for lunch today.
(1) a
(2) an
(3) the
(4) no article ( )

2 Moscow is capital of Russia.

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

3 Have you got brother?

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

4 I really like to listen to music on my iPod .

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )
5 Where are Himalayan Mountains?
(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

~. I got _____ new watch for my birthday.

(1} a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

7 Have you ever seen _____ elephant?

( 1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

8 I love going to _ _ _ zoo.

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

9 Sam collects _ stamps from around the world.

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

10 Would you like egg for breakfast?

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

Fill in the gaps using a, an or the.

Unusual pets

My friend Alia has (1) ______ unusual pet. lt isn't (2) _ _ __

cat and it isn't (3) _ _ __ dog. lt's (4) _ _ __ Madagascar

cockroach. lt's called Woody. lt's not very big, only (5) _ _ __
few centimetres long. Woody lives in (6) warm cage.

(7) _ _ cage has a tight lid so Woody can't escape! Woody

eats (8) mixture of grain and fruit. lt likes apricots and

mangoes the best. There is some water in a little bowl for Woody to

drink. Alia changes (9) water every two days so it is

always fresh and clean. She likes her pet cockroach very much.

Have you got (1 0) interesting or unusual pet?

Fill in the gaps using a, an or the.


Italy is (1) country in

southern Europe. lt is shaped like

(2) boot and it sticks out

into (3) Mediterranean Sea. Italy has (4) _ lot of

mountains. In the north there are (5) Alps. (6) _ _ __

capital of Italy is Rome. lt is (7) interesting and beautiful city,

where you can see lots of historical buildings. The ancient people of

Rome had (8) big empire. Italy is also famous for its food,

especially its pizzas and pasta. Have you ever tried (9) _ _ __

Italian pizza or (1 0) delicious plate of spaghetti Bolognese?

Choose the correct adjective and write its number in the brackets.


The film I saw was very _

(1) excite (2) excited
(3) exciting (4) excitable ( 3 )

1 Mountain climbing can be _ -- ·

(1) danger (2) dangerously
(3) endanger (4) dangerous ( )

2 A dictionary is a very book.

(1) use (2) useful
(3) useless (4) used ( )

3 JK Rowling is probably now the most

writer of children's books in the world.
(1) famous
(2) famously
(3) fame
(4) infamous ( )

4 lt is usually very _ ___ in Spain in the summer.

(1) sunshine (2) sun
(3) sunny (4) sunless ( )

5 Switzerland is a very _ _ __ country.
( 1) beauty (2) beautifully
(3) beautify (4) beautiful ( )

6 When I broke my leg it was very

( 1) pained (2) painful
(3) painless (4) pain ( )

7 My brother is very . He is always losing things.

( 1) careful (2) care
(3) careless (4) carelessly ( )

8 I went to bed late last night, so today

I am very
( 1) sleepy
(2) asleep
(3) slept
(4) sleep ( )

9 Tom : How was your holiday?

Lisa : I had a great time. lt was

( 1) wonderful
(2) wondered
(3) wonder
(4) wondering ( )

10 Mother : Why have you brought that kitten home?

Sally : Oh, it was just sitting in the road all alone and

( 1) help (2) helpful

(3) helpless (4) helplessly ( )
Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective in brackets.

Black Beauty

This is a very (1) (exciting I excited) story about a

(2) (beauty I beautiful) horse called Black Beauty.

Black Beauty is a (3) (gentle I gently) and good-

tempered horse even when it has (4) (cruel I cruelty)

owners. There are some (5) _ (sad I sadly) parts

when Black Beauty is treated badly. He isn't fed well and becomes

(6) (thinly I thin) and sick. The story does have a

(7) (happiness I happy) ending , though. Black

Beauty finally finds a (8) (good I goodness) home

with (9)

(loved /loving) owners. This

isa(10) _ _ _ __

(wonder I wonderful) book

that will make you both laugh

and cry.

Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective formed from the word in brackets.

Marco Polo

Marco Polo, the (1) _ _ _ __ (fame) explorer, was born in Italy

in the thirteenth century. When he was only 18 he travelled to China

with his father and uncle. lt was a very (2) (danger)

journey and they were

(3) (luck)

to arrive in Beijing alive.

Marco stayed in China for

17 years and saw lots of

(4) _ _ __ _

(interest) things. He was

very (5) _ _ _ __ __ (success) and returned to Italy with

lots of (6) _ __ _ __ (beauty) jewels. He wrote a book

about his (7) _ _ (excite) adventures. The stories

he told were so (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ (amaze) that many people

thought they were not (9) (truth). Now travelling is

so (10) _ (ease), we forget how difficult and dangerous

it was long ago.


Position of Adjectives (before or after nouns)

Decide whether the adjective in brackets should be in position (1) or (2) .

Then fill it in the correct gap.


Chess is a (1) difficult game (2) _ _ _ __


1 The bride ( 1) looks (2) . (radiant)

2 lt'sa(1) day, (2) today. (fine)

3 What a (1) dress (2) ! (lovely)

4 This (1) cake is (2) . (delicious)

5 My (1) brother is (2) . (tall)

6 I like (1) oranges (2) . Ouicy)

7 Do you like this (1) _ shirt (2) ? (blue)

8 The (1) sky is (2) today. (cloudy)

9 These (1) flowers smell (2)


10 This is a very (1) _ book (2)


Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective from the box. Use every adjective
only once.

big broad friendly kind

brown perfect curly shy
strong tall

My brother

My (1) _ _ _ _ brother is very good looking. He is (2) _ _ __

for his age. He has large (3) _ _ _ _ _ eyes. His hair is black and

a little (4) _ __ __ . He does a lot of

sport. He has (5) _ _ __ _

shoulders and looks very

(6) _ _ _ __

He doesn't talk a lot

and people think he is

(7) _ _ _ _ . In fact, he

is very (8) _ _ _ _ __ _

even to people he doesn't know.

He is (9) _ _ _ _ _ to me and lets me play on his computer

sometimes. In fact, he is a (10) _ _ _ _ _ brother.

Fil! in the gaps with the correct adjective from the box. Use every adjective
only once;
-- ----

( beautiful

--- - -

--- ~-
Going to the dentist

When I was (1) _ _ _ _ I was (2) _ _ _ _ of going to the

dentist. I always thought that it would be (3) . The

room smelled (4) _ and the dentist always looked very

(5) . But now

I am (6) to

go. My new dentist is very

(7) _ _ _ _ _ and he

always makes me laugh!

He is very (8) _ _ __

He never hurts me because

he is very (9) _ _ _ _ _ .

And now my teeth are (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ and strong .

Comparative Adjectives

Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.


I think chocolate ice cream is __n_1c

_e_r_ (nice) than

1 My brother is _ _ _ __ (tall) than your brother.

2 Sandra is _ _ _ _ _ (good) at Maths than me.

3 Cars are _ __ _ (fast) than bikes.

4 Mr Slake thinks Singapore is _ _ _ _ _ __ (modern) than


5 My mother is (young) than my father.

6 I'm (interested) in reading than music.

7 Beijing is (big) than Hong Kong .

8 I think English is (easy) than Science.

9 This exercise is (difficult) than the last one.

10 I think mangoes are (tasty) than bananas.

Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

The twins

Sally and Susie are twins. They look very similar but if you look

hard, you can tell the difference between them. Sally is a bit

(1) (tall) than Susie and a bit (2) _ _ _ _ _ (thin)

too. Susie has (3) (long) hair and (4) (big)

eyes than Sally. Her nose is a bit (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ (pointed) too.

Their teachers know who is Susie and who is Sally because Sally is

(6) (good) at Maths and (7) (bad) at

History than Susie. Susie gets (8) _ _ _ _ _ (high) marks in Art

and Social Science. In sport,

Susie is a (9) _ _ _ __

(fast) runner than

Sally, but Sally is a

(10) _ _ __

(strong) swimmer.

Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives from the box.
You will have to use one adjective twice.

long J
Big cats

Lions and cheetahs are members of the cat family but they are very
different. A lion is about 180 cm long but a cheetah is only about 130 cm.

So a lion is (1) _ _ __ than a cheetah. Lions are about 100 cm tall

but cheetahs are only about 70 cm. So lions are (2) _ _ _ _ _ too.

Lions are also much (3) _ _ _ _ than cheetahs, weighing as much

as 160 kg each. The cheetah only weighs about 50 kg. So the lions'

bigger size makes them much (4) _ __ __ than cheetahs and

(5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as they sometimes attack people. Lions live in

'prides' of up to 30 animals, but cheetahs live in (6) _ _ __ groups

of 2 or 4 animals. Lions live about two years (7) _ __ __ than

cheetahs. But, as everyone knows, cheetahs are much (8) _ _ __ _

than lions. They can run up to 100 km an hour. Both animals are

beautiful, but I think the cheetah is (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than

the lion because of its lovely spots. Sadly, both animals are becoming

(10) _ _ _ _ _ as they are hunted and their homes destroyed .

Superlative Adjectives

Choose the corrrect superlative adjective and write its number in the


Mount Everest is the _ _ _ mountain in the world.

(1) high (2) higher
(3) highest (4) most high ( 3

1 Jericho is believed to be the city in the world.

(1) older (2) most old
(3) oldest (4) old (

2 I think the mosquito is the insect of all.

( 1) most dangerous
(2) more dangerous
(3) danger
(4) dangerous ( )

3 Taipei 101 Tower is the building

in the world.
( 1) taller
(2) most tall
(3) tall
(4) tallest ( )

4 The Pacific Ocean is the _ ocean in the world.

(1) larger (2) most large
(3) largest (4) large ( )

5 Pluto is the _ planet from the sun .

(1) far (2) most far
(3) more far (4) furthest ( )

6 Tokyo is the city in the world.

( 1) expense
(2) more expensive
(3) most expensive
(4) expensive ( )

7 The blue whale is the mammal in the world .

(1) biggest (2) bigger
(3) big (4) most big ( )

8 The Dead Sea is the part of the world not

under an ocean.
(1) low (2) lower
(3) most low (4) lowest ( )

9 The cheetah is the land animal.

(1) fastest (2) faster
(3) fast (4) most fast ( )

10 The Vatican is the independent state in the

( 1) most small (2) small
(3) smaller (4) smallest ( )

Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

A doctor's life

Being a doctor is one of the (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (useful) jobs

in the world. Only the (2) (serious) students

finish the 7 long years of training. The examinations are some of the

(3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (difficult) at university and only the

(4) (good) students pass them first time.

After university, young doctors go to a hospital for more training.

Good hospitals have the (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (high)

standards and one of the (6) (important)

things is hygiene. Junior doctors have to keep high standards and

they have to work the (7) __ (long) hours you

can imagine! lt may not be the (8) (easy) job

in the world but it is probably the (9) (needed) .

And seeing a sick person get well and go home is one of the

(1 0) (happy) moments in a doctor's life.

Look at the information about the three teams. Fill in the gaps with the
correct superlative adjective from the box.
- -· - --
slowest highest best lowest strongest
( weakest furthest worst fastest most successful

School Sports Day

Charlie Alan Brian

EVENT Red team Blue team Green team
100 m race 11 sec 11.5 sec 12 sec
High jump 1.20 m 1.25 m 1.27 m
Long jump 2.10 m 2.40 m 2.15 m
Weight-lifting 10 kg 11.5 kg 10.75 kg
Relay race 3rd 1st 2nd

Charlie was the (1) _ __ _ _ _ runner in the 100 m race and

Brian was the (2) _ __ _ __ . In the next event, Brian made the

(3) _ _ _ _ jump at 1.27 m and Charlie made the (4)

In the third event, the long jump, Alan was first because he jumped the

(5) . The next part of the competition was weight-lifting.

Alan was the (6) and Charlie was the (7) _ _ __ _

In the last race, the relay, Alan's blue team was the (8) _ __ _ _

and Charlie's red team the (9) _ _ _ _ _ . At the end of the day,

Alan and his blue team were the (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

because they won the most medals.



Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


Men and women who work in the fire service are called
(1) fire fighters (2) firemen
(3) firewomen (4) fire people ( 1

1 Where are my ? I can't see without them!

( 1) glass
(2) glasses
(3) a glass
(4) the glass (

2 I'd like some , please.

( 1) a coffee
(2) coffees
(3) the coffee
(4) coffee ( )

3 from Holland speak Dutch.

( 1) Person
(2) Persons
(3) People
(4) Peoples ( )
4 Pass me , please.
(1) bread
(2) a bread
(3) the bread
(4) breads ( )

5 My mother's husband is my
(1) brother (2) father
(3) uncle (4) grandfather ( )

6 The wife of a king is a

( 1) prince (2) princess
(3) king (4) queen ( )

) 7 We didn't spend time at the library.

(1) much (2) many
(3) some (4) little ( )

8 How _ computer games have you got?

( 1) much (2) many
(3) some (4) little ( )

9 She speaks _ words of Malay.

(1) a few (2) little
(3) much (4) a little ( )

10 My brother speaks Japanese.

(1) a few (2) many
(3) few (4) a little ( )

11 Excuse me, what's time, please?

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no arlicle ( )

12 What kind of music do you like?

(1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no arlicle ( )

13 Our form teacher was ill today, so we had
new teacher.
( 1) a (2) an
(3) the (4) no article ( )

14 come from Australia .

( 1) The kangaroos
(2) A kangaroo
(3) Kangaroo
(4) Kangaroos ( )

15 was the founder of Singapore.

( 1) stamford raffles
(2) Stamford Raffles
(3) stamford Raffles
(4) Stamford raffles ( )

16 She looks in that dress!

( 1) beauty (2) beautify
(3) beautiful (4) beautifully ( )

17 lt is to eat fruit than chocolate.

(1) good (2) better
(3) best (4) the best ( )

18 What's you have ever travelled?

(1) far (2) the furthest
(3) furthest (4) most far ( )

19 Ice-hockey is one of the sports I know.

(1) excite (2) exciting
(3) excites (4) most exciting ( )

20 Sue is the _ child in our class.

( 1) most young (2) young
(3) younger (4) youngest ( )

) Fill in the gaps with the correct noun from the box. Use every noun only
- ~

garden mother fruit coins grou:d J

( trees bang witch food baby
----- - -

Three Balls of Wool (1)

Once upon a time in Persia, there was a poor (1) _ _ __ _ called

Mara. Everyday she went out to look for (2) for her family.
One day she went into a (3) _ _ __ full of apple (4) _ __ _
Mara started to pick the (5) _ __ __ . But as soon as she

touched the first apple there was a loud (6) _ __ _ and a horrible
) (7) appeared. The witch asked for 100 gold (8) _ __ _

or Leila, Mara's one-year old (9) _ __ _ , in exchange for the fruit.

Mara was very scared and she fell down onto the (10) _ _ __

Fill in the gaps with a, an or the.

Three Balls of Wool (2)

(1) _ _ _ _ friend saw Mara lying on the ground and took her

home. When Mara woke up and saw she was at home, she thought,

"lt must have been (2) _ _ _ _ bad dream."

Ten years later, her daughter Leila was (3) _ _ _ beautiful

little girl - (4) most beautiful in Persia. One day she was

playing (5) _ _ _ game with her friends. She saw (6) _ __

unusual purple butterfly. (7) _ __ butterfly stopped on (8) _ __

leaf and Leila reached out to touch it. Suddenly there was (9) _ _ _

big bang and (1 0) _ _ _ horrible witch appeared .

Fill in the gaps with the correct adjective from the box. Use each adjective
only once.

( kind magic unhappy

red ho;:_jrible
sunny long small
dark busy
- - ------ - - - - - ------ - -- --------
Three Balls of Wool (3)

The (1) _ _ __ witch took Leila back to her old, dark castle. Leila

was very (2) _ _ _ _ and very scared. She stayed in the castle for

seven years but the witch was (3) _ _ _ _ to her. Leila could do

anything but she was not allowed to look inside a secret cupboard, in
a(4) _ _ mirror or out of a window onto the (5) _ _ _ street.

One (6) _ _ _ _ day the witch left the castle. Leila looked

inside the cupboard. There were three (7) _ ___ balls of wool:

green, blue and (8) _____ . Suddenly, Leila heard the witch

saying: "Leila, Leila, Dark and Fair. I'm coming home. Let down
your hair." Leila quickly put the wool back into the cupboard. Then she

let her (9) hair down for the witch to climb up into the

(10) _ castle.

Fill in the gaps with the correct word in brackets.

Three Balls of Wool (4)

The next time the witch was out, Leila looked in the (1) _ __ (mirror I

cupboard) and saw that she was a beautiful, young (2) _ _ _ __

(man I woman). She looked out of the window into the busy street and
) saw a young man: a handsome (3) (prince I princess). When

Prince (4) (rupert I Rupert) looked up he saw Leila and

fell in love with her. She let down her long (5) (hair I hairs)

and the prince climbed into the (6) (castle I house). They

decided to escape. (7) (A I The) witch started to chase them.

First, Leila threw the green ball of wool, which turned into (8) _ __

(a I the) forest, but the witch ran through it. Then, Leila threw the blue

ball of wool and it turned into (9) _ __ (a I an) ocean, but the witch

swam through it. After that she threw the red ball of wool. lt turned into

an enormous (1 0) _ _ __ (fire I fires) and the witch disappeared .

Leila married the prince and they lived happily ever after.

Subject and Object Pronouns

Choose the correct subject pronoun or object pronoun and write its
number in the brackets.


Susie is my sister. _ __ is 7 years old.

(1) I (2) We
(3) He (4) She ( 4 )

1 am 10 years old .
( 1) She (2) We
(3) He (4) I ( )

2 Michaelis from London . lives in the

city centre.
(1) We (2) He
(3) They (4) lt ( )

3 John! Sally! Are ready for school?

(1) you (2) she
(3) they (4) he ( )

4 The students stood up when saw the principal.

(1) he (2) she
(3) we (4) they ( )


5 This is my cat. is called Mog.

(1) They (2) lt
(3) We (4) You ( )

6 My brother and I went to the bookshop.

bQught some magazines.
(1) We (2) They
(3) lt (4) You ( )

7 My brother is younger than me but is taller.

( 1) he (2) she
(3) I (4) we ( )

8 "Please give your homework," said the

) (1) I (2) me
(3) it (4) you ( )

9 I wrote to my grandparents and sent

some photos.
(1) them (2) they
(3) we (4) us ( )

10 Our new teacher is Mrs Green. I like

very much.
( 1) it (2) she
(3) her (4) him ( )

11 Don't drop paper on the floor! Put in the bin.

(1) them (2) they
(3) him (4) it ( )

12 Tom knows the answer. Ask

(1) them (2) they
(3) him (4) it ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun from the box. You may use some
of the pronouns more than once.

her it she they we

My mother's birthday

When it is my mother's birthday, everyone in the family makes it a

special day for (1) _ _ ___ . First, my father makes breakfast and

(2) _ _ _ _ takes it to my mother with a pretty flower. My sister

washes the dishes and (3) _ _ puts them away in the

cupboard. My two brothers tidy the table and then (4) _ __

clean the shoes. My job is

,, taking the dog for a walk.

(5) _ __ _ is called

Mutt. (6) _ __ take it

to a park near the house.

When (7) _ _ _ _ get

back, all the family are in

the kitchen. (8) _ _ _ _ sing

'Happy Birthday' to my mother and then give (9) _ __ _ presents

and cards. (1 0) _ _ _ _ is always very happy on her birthday.


Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun from the box. You may use some
of the pronouns more than once.

it me she them they us we

The circus

I love going to the circus. (1) _ ____ is very exciting. First, the

ring master comes in. (2) _ _ _ _ wears a bright red coat and

a big black hat. Then all the performers come in and they wave to

(3) _____ all. (4) _ _ _ _ wave back. The acrobats are the

first to perform. (5) _ __ _

are so quick and clever.

I like the man on the

trapeze. (6) _ _ __

swings and then jumps into

the air and catches another

trapeze. Then it is the clowns.

(7) _ _ _ _ run around and throw water at each other. They make

(8) _ _ _ laugh and I like (9) _ _ _ _ very much. But my

favourite is the lady on the horse. (10) _ _ _ _ is so beautiful.


Reflexive Pronouns

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun and write its number in the brackets.


Did you enjoy _ _ _ at the circus?

(1) herself (2) himself
(3) yourself (4) itself ( 3 )

1 Be careful! Don't cut with that knife!

( 1) itself (2) himself
(3) myself (4) yourself ( )

2 I did all my homework by

( 1) itself (2) himself
(3) myself (4) yourself ( )

3 He fell over but didn't hurt

( 1) itself (2) himself
(3) myself (4) yourself ( )

4 Children! Please be quiet and behave

( 1) yourself
(2) yourselves
(3) ourselves
(4) themselves ( )
5 There was nobody in the kitchen, so we helped
to the biscuits.
( 1) yourself (2) yourselves
(3) ourselves (4) themselves ( )

6 She enjoyed at the birthday party.

( 1) herself (2) himself
(3) itself (4) myself ( )

7 Shall I turn the computer off?

No, it turns off.
(1) herself (2) himself
(3) itself (4) myself ( )
8 Anne, have a lovely holiday and enjoy
( 1) itself
(2) himself
(3) myself
(4) yourself ( )

9 Did your brothers have a good time camping?

Yes, they really enjoyed
( 1) yourself
(2) yourselves
(3) ourselves
) (4) themselves ( )

10 ~y uncle lives by
( 1) herself
(2) himself
(3) itself
(4) myself ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun from the box. You may

u~e some of the pronouns more than once.


l himself

Meet Paul Dylan, the superstar

Reporter : Do you write all the songs (1) _ _ __ _ ?

Paul : Yes, I do. I always write the songs (2) _ _ _ __

Reporter : Do you write the music too?

Paul : No, Peter writes the music by (3) __ _ _ _ . I don't help.

Reporter: And what do you and Peter do with (4) _ _ _ ___ when

you are not singing?

Paul : My family and I go to the seaside and enjoy (5) _ _ __ _

on the beach. Peter and his family go to the mountains and

enjoy (6) _ __ _ _ walking and climbing .

Reporter : Tell me more about (7) _ _ _ __

Paul : Well, I enjoy being with my family and I like singing. But

sometimes I like to be by (8) _ ____ _

Reporter : Do your family watch you singing?

Paul : Yes, they do. They always enjoy (9) _ _ _ _ _ and I

enjoy (1 0) _ _ __ _ even more because my family is

Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun from the box. You may
use some pronouns more than once.

- herself himself ourselves

) (
yourselves myself themselves
" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ' "-

In the mornings

In the mornings, after I get up, I wash and dress (1) _ _ __

Then I look at (2) _____ in the mirror to brush my hair. I go into

the kitchen for breakfast. My father always makes (3) _ _ __

::> . coffee and my mother makes tea for (4) _ _ _ _ and my brother. I
n drink milk. Usually, my brother and I make toast for (5) _ _ _ __

My parents always help (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ to cereal before they eat

toast. We talk a little between (7) but my father likes to

read the newspaper quietly. When it's time to go to school, my brother

and I get (8) _ _ _ _ ready. My

mother always drives us to

school (9) _ _ _ _ because

my father is busy. When we get

out of the car, she always

says, "Work hard and behave

(10) _ _ _ _ _ !"

Interrogative Pronouns

Choose the correct interrogative pronoun and write its number in the


____ is your name?

(1) What (2) Which
(3) Who (4) Whose ( 1 )

1 did your teacher say?

( 1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

2 jacket is yours? The blue one or the

red one?
( 1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

3 gave you that new watch?

(1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

4 won the race?

( 1) Which (2) What
(3) Whose (4) Who (

5 bicycle is this?

- (1) Which
(2) What
(3) Whose
(4) Who ( )

6 _ _ _ is your brother's name?

(1) Which
(2) What
(3) Who
(4) Whose ( )

7 school do you go to? This one or the one

) in the city centre?
(1) Which
(2) What
(3) Who
(4) Whose ( )

) 8 _ _ _ is your favourite colour?

(1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

9 parents are coming to the meeting at

school tonight?
( 1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

10 got the best marks in the test?

(1) Which (2) What
(3) Who (4) Whose ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct interrogative pronoun from the box. You
may use some pronouns more than once.
~----------- -- - -

( what who which


Mother Teresa

1 was Mother Teresa's real name? Agnes Bojaxhiu

2 country did she come from? Albania

3 _ country did she work in,

India or Kenya? India

4 did she look after? Poor children

5 did she open in 1952? A home for very sick


6 ____ did she win in 1979? The Nobel Peace P ·

7 _was her first job in India? She was a teacher.

8 city did she work in, Mumbai

or Kolkata? Kolkata

9 did she work with? Other sisters

10 colour did she always wear? White

Fill in the gaps with what, who or which.

Finding out about someone

Jane : Hello, I'm Jane. (1) _ _ _ _ is your name?

Sally : Sally.
Jane : (2) _ _ _ _ is your best friend?
Sally : Candi is my best friend.
Jane : (3) _ __ is the eldest in your family?
Sally :I am.
Jane : (4) _ ___ is your mother's name?
Sally : Katherine but everyone calls her Kate!
Jane : (5) _ __ do you do at weekends?
Sally : I play with friends.
Jane : (6) _ _ _ _ sport do you like best, tennis, basketball or
Sally : Swimming. I love swimming.
Jane : (7) _ _ __ is your favourite book?
:e Sally : Black Beauty.
Jane : (8) _ _ __ gives you pocket money?
Sally : My mother.
Jane : (9) ___ _ _ do you spend it on?
Sally : Comics and snacks.
Jane : (10) __ do you want to do when you grow up?
Sally : I want to be a vet.
Possessive Adjectives; The Possessive with 's

Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


Excuse me, what is _ _ _ name?

(1) you (2) she
(3) he (4) your ( 4 )

1 Anne loves cat.

(1) she (2) her
(3) its (4) it ( )

2 John and Peter share bedroom .

( 1) their (2) they
(3) his (4) them ( )

3 The dog sleeps in box in the garden .

( 1) it
(2) our
(3) your
(4) its (

4 Mum, I can't find pen. Can you help me

look for it?
( 1) I (2) her
(3) my (4) me ( )

5 OK, children. Please shut _ _ _ books and listen.

(1) you
- (2) they
(3) their
(4)_ your ( )

6 Paul plays on _ _ _ computer all the time.

(1) his (2) he
(3) him (4) it ( )

7 Sally and I are in the same class. _ _ _ teacher

is called Mrs Jackson.
) (1) Us (2) Our
(3) Your (4) We ( )

8 This is my eldest _ _ _ room.

( 1) sister (2) sisters

) (3) sister's (4) sisters' ( )

9 Where are _ _ _ exercise books?

(1) Ben and Ali's
) (2) Ben's and Ali's
(3) Ben and Alis'
(4) Bens and Alis ( )

10 _ _ _ parents are both

(1) Tom and Julie
(2) Tom and Julies
(3) Tom's and Julie's
(4) Tom and Julie's ( )
Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive form in brackets.

The lost boys

This is a story about two boys. They were left on an island after their

boat sank. The older (1) (boys' I boy's) name was Mark.

(2) _ __ _ (Marks' I Mark's) younger brother Jem was with him.

(3) (Mark's and Jem's I Mark and Jem's)

grandparents lived on another island 20 kilometres away, and the

(4) (boys I boy's) were on their way to see them for a

holiday. The boys were frightened at first but they soon built a camp.

Each evening it was (5) (Marks' I Mark's) job to light a fir

so that (6) (ship's I ships) could see them .

(7) (Jem's I Jems) job was to collect the wood. lt wa

very difficult for them but the (8) (boy's I boys') patience

and courage helped them. They had many adventures and found

many interesting things. They found a (9) (bee's I bees')

nest and ate the honey. They found a mango tree and ate the fruit.

Then one day, they heard a (10) (ships I ship's) hooter.

They ran down to the beach, waving and shouting. They were safe!

Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive form from the box. You may
use some of the words more than once .
. ,_

(~her his my our parents' their )


Going camping

Every year (1) _ _ __ family and I go camping for (2) _ __ _

holiday. My brother's favourite place is by the sea but my

(3) _ _ _ _ _ favourite is the mountains. In fact, (4) _ _ _ __

really favourite place is by a lake in the mountains so we can swim

and climb. The first job when we arrive is to put the two tents up.

Then my brother, Sam, and I make the beds while my mother makes

; (5) _ _ _ _ dinner. After dinner we go for a walk, and then we play

before bedtime. Sam always brings (6) computer games

with him and I always bring (7) _paints. My mother usually

reads (8) _ _ __ book and my father listens to music on

headphones. (9) _ _ _ _ favourite music is jazz. At bedtime, Sam

and I go to (10) _ ___ tent and usually we talk before we go to




Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


Mum, have you seen _ _ _ blue jacket? I can't find it.

(1) I (2) me
(3) my (4) mine ( 3 )

1 Please give the book.

( 1) I (2) me
(3) my (4) myself ( )

2 Tom said it was racket.

(1) he (2) him
(3) his (4) himself ( )

3 Where did you put homework?

( 1) you (2) your
(3) yours (4) yourself ( )

4 _ have two pets, a cat and a dog.

( 1) They (2) Them
(3) Their (4) Themselves ( )

5 are going to Malaysia for our holidays.

( 1) We (2) Us
(3) Our (4) Ourselves ( )
15 The children helped _ to some cake.
(1) they (2) them
(3) their (4) themselves ( )

16 _ _ _ tusks are long and white.

(1) Elephants
(2) Elephant's
(3) Elephants'
(4) Elephant ( )

17 I like new jacket.

( 1) Pams
(2) Pam's
(3) Pams'
(4) Pam ( )

18 -- dog is called Wolfie.

( 1) Alan and Andys
(2) Alan's and Andy's
(3) Alan and Andys'
(4) Alan and Andy's ( )

19 My eldest best friend is the school

football captain.
( 1) brothers
(2) brothers'
(3) brother
(4) brother's ( )

20 My house is very small.

(1) grandparents'
(2) grandparents
(3) grandparent's
(4) grandparent ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun in brackets.

My two cats

My two cats are called Lucy and Larry. (1) _ _ __ (lt I They) are

) very lazy. They sleep most of the day. When (2) (we I they)

are not sleeping they sit and wash (3) (themselves I

ourselves). Sometimes, Lucy sits on (4) (her I my) lap and

she purrs loudly. (5) (They I She) is very gentle. Larry is

wilder. He goes out at night and (6) _ __ _ (we I he) catches

mice. Sometimes, he brings (7) (they I them) back home!

(8) (Lucy and Larry's I Lucy's and Larry's)

) bed is a little box by the door. (9) (Our I My) mother and

I put old clothes in it to make (1 0) _ __ _ (it I us) nice and warm.

I like my cats very much.

Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun or possessive form from the box.
You may use some of the words more than once.
--~---- ---

- -S-pain's
he her their
she his they Manchester United's
\..._~----- -----------

David Beckham

David Beckham is one of the most famous footballers in the world.

(1) _ _ _ _ was born in London in 1975. (2) _ _ _ _ parents

liked football very much and Manchester United was (3) _ _ __

favourite team. David joined (4) ---~---- Youth

Training Scheme in 1991 and he played for their first team in

1995. He was a very good player and scored lots of goals, so

(5) _ __ name was often in the newspapers. In 1998 Beckham

played for England in the World Cup but (6) _ _ _ _ didn't

win. That year he met Victoria Adams. (7) _ _ _ _ was a singer

and (8) _ _ _ __ group was called the Spice Girls. He married

(9) ---~- in 1999 and now they have three children. In 2003

Beckham went to Spain to play for Real Madrid. lt is a football team

in (10) ______ capital city. Now, Beckham spends a lot of

time training younger players.


X. Fill in the gaps with the correct question word what, who or which. Cover
the answers in colour and try to answer the questions without looking.

) A general knowledge quiz

1 was the first emperor of China? Shi Huangti

2 are the colours of the Japanese flag? Red and white

3 was the famous queen of Egypt? Cleopatra

4 river is in India, the Nile or the Ganges? The Ganges

5 is the hero of JK Rowling's books? Harry Potter

6 is ice made from? Water

7 is the opposite of 'sad'? Happy

8 is the author of Robinson Crusoe? Daniel Defoe


9 is the smallest planet- Pluto, Mars or Jupiter? Pluto

10 is the capital city of Korea? Seoul

The Simple Present Tense

Circle the correct verb form in brackets.


They ( is I

1 Mike ( play I plays ) football every Saturday.

2 ( Do I Does ) she like reading?

3 He ( doesn't I don't ) speak German.

4 They ( has I have ) a big apartment in the city.

5 Does he ( drink I drinks ) tea or coffee?

6 We usually ( go I goes ) to the seaside for our holidays.

7 You ( don't I doesn't ) look very well today!

8 I ( am I is ) very tired today.

9 lt ( isn't I aren't ) very warm today.

10 Do they ( watch I watches ) television a lot?

11 How many brothers does she ( has I have )?

12 ( Do I Does ) you go to school on Saturdays?

- Fill in the gaps with the simple present form of the verb in brackets.

On Monday mornings

Sally's school (1) _ __ (start) at 9 o'clock. There (2) _ _ __

(be} a short assembly with all the students and teachers. The first

lesson is English at 9.15 am. This (3) (last) for 45

minutes. Then they (4) (have) a break, but it

(5) _ _ _ _ _ (not be) very long, just 15 minutes. The second

lesson is Maths. Sally really (6) _ _ _ _ (enjoy) Maths. She

usually (7) _ __ _ (work) with her friend Pam. She (8) _ _ __

(love) Maths too. The lesson (9) _ __ _ (finish) at 11.00 and

after that it's Social Science until 11.45 am.

What (10) _ _ _ _ you _ _ __ (do) on Monday mornings

at school?

Time M on Tue Wed Thu Fri
9.00 Assembly - - - -

9.15 English English Maths Science Maths

10.00 R E c E s s
10.15 Maths
I Science fSodal&
I English English

Fill in the gaps with the correct simple present form of the verbs from the
bgx. You may use some verbs more than once.

( be have know like go not be take


Do you (1) _ _ _ _ how to play chess? lt (2) _ _ _ _ an easy

game but it is fun. There (3) _ _ _ _ two players. Each player

(4) 16 chess pieces. One

set is white and the other black.

The pieces (5) _ _ __

strange names such as

rook, knight, pawn, and the

king and queen. The player

with the white pieces always

(6) _ _ _ _ first, and then each

player (7) _ _ _ _ a turn to move a piece. You (8) _ _ __

allowed to miss your turn. The aim of the game (9) _ _ _ _ to

capture the other player's king. When you do this it is called

checkmate and you are the winner.

What game do you (10) _ _ _ _ playing?



The Present Continuous Tense

Choose the correct helping verb to form the present continuous tense,
and write its number in the brackets.


My friend and I _ _ _ playing on my computer.

(1) am (2) are
(3) isn't (4) is ( 2 )

1 My aunt living in New York at the moment.

( 1) am (2) are
(3) aren't (4) is ( )

2 Ted playing football because his leg is

( 1) am (2) are
(3) isn't (4) is ( )

3 Look, Mum! I climbing the

( 1) am
(2) are
(3) isn't
(4) is ( )

4 Can I speak to your father, please?
I'm sorry, he having a shower.
( 1) aren't
(2) are
(3) isn't
(4) is ( )

5 Jill: ____ your grandparents still working?

(1) Am (2) Are
(3) Isn't (4) Is ( )

6 Kate: No, they

(1) am not (2) are
(3) isn't (4) aren't ( )

7 Why _ those children crying?

( 1) am (2) are
(3) isn't (4) is ( )

8 Mum: Bill, you watching television?

(1) am (2) are
(3) isn't (4) is ( )

9 Bill: No, I
( 1) am not (2) are
(3) isn't (4) aren't ( )

10 that Susan playing the piano?

( 1) Am (2) Are
(3) Aren't (4) Is (

Fill in the gaps with the correct present continuous form of the verb in

) The race

The race (1) _ _ __ _ __ _ (start). They're off! And

James (2) _ __ _ __ _ _ (run) in front, but Paul and John

(3) _ __ _ _ __ _ (stay) close behind him. And Peter

(4) _ _ _ ______ (come) closer and closer. Oh, no! James

(5) _ __ _ _ (slow) down. He (6) _ _ _ _ __ __

(not run) as fast. Perhaps he's tired. Paul (7)

) (overtake) him. Paul (8) _ _ _ __ _ __ (win). Yes, Paul's the


"Paul, how (9) _ _ _ __ you _ _ _ _ __ (feel)?"

"I (10) _ _ _ _ __ (have) a wonderful day, thank you."

"Have you got any more races?"

} "Yes, there's an inter-school competition next week."

"Well, good luck!"

"Thank you."

Fill in the gaps with the correct present continuous form of the verbs from
the box. You may use some verbs more than once.

An email to a friend

From: Katy <>

Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2007 18:01 :58 +0800 (CST)
To: Amy <>
Subject: Re: Hello from Paris

Dear Amy,

We (1) _ _ _ _ __ a great time in Paris. Mum and Dad

(2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all the museums but I'm not! Aunty Pam

(3) _ _ _ _ _ _ me around the city, and I (4) _ _ _ _ _ __

all the great landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. We (5) _ _ _ _ _ __

the underground because the weather is too nice. So, we

(6) _ _ __ everywhere. I (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to speak

French but I (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ well!

What (9) _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ for your holiday? I hope you

(10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time.

The Simple Present and Present
Continuous Tenses


Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


Katy _ _ _ to school today.

(1) isn't walking (2) walking
(3) walks (4) are walking ( 1 )

1 oranges and mangoes.

( 1) love (2) loves
(3) am loving (4) is loving ( )

2 Listen, your mother you.

( 1) calls (2) am calling
(3) is calling (4) call ( )

3 I usually milk for breakfast.

( 1) has (2) have
(3) am having (4) is having ( )

4 School always at 9 o'clock.

( 1) is starting (2) start
(3) are starting (4) starts ( )

5 Where's John?
He _ _ in the park.
( 1) plays
(2) play
(3) playing
(4) is playing ( )

6 Sh! The baby

( 1) is sleeping
(2) sleeps
(3) are sleeping
(4) sleep ( )

7 How often do you swimming?

( 1) go
(2) goes
(3) going
(4) are going ( )

8 Excuse me, _ _ _ you speak Malay?

( 1) doing (2) do
(3) does (4) are doing ( )

9 Children! _ you listening?

( 1) Do (2) Does
(3) Is (4) Are ( )

10 You can turn the TV off. We _

watching it.
( 1) don 't (2) doesn't
(3) aren't (4) isn't ( )

Choose the correct simple present or present continuous form of the verb
in brackets to fill in the gaps.

I love Saturdays

During the week, after school, I (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (come I am

coming) home and (2) _ __ _ _ _ _ (do I am doing) my

> homework. I (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (don't watch I am not watching)

television and my mother (4) _ _ _ _ _ ___ (doesn't let I isn't

letting) me play games on the computer. My homework usually

(5) _ _ _ _ _ __ (takes I is taking) about an hour and a half.

But today is Saturday! So, at the moment I (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(watch I am watching) my favourite programme on TV and I

(7) _ _ _ _ __ (have I am having) my special Saturday treat -

) chocolate sandwiches! Upstairs, my sister (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(plays I is playing) Solitaire on the computer. My brother and his

friends (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fly I are flying) kites in the park. We

(10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have I are having) a wonderful day!

Fill in the gaps with the correct simple present or present continuous
form of the verbs from the box. Use every verb only once. An example has
been done for you.

enjoy feel not get up get like

\..____ spe_n_d _ _g_o ___ finis_h_ _ _ _s_t_art _ work
_ _)

Work and holidays

AI Smith is a doctor. He (1) _ _w

_o_r_k_s__ in a busy hospital. He
(2) ____ work at 8 o'clock in the morning and often

(3) _ _ _ _ _ _ at 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening. He (4) - - - - 1

his job very much but he always (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ tired at the end of

the day.

At the moment, he is on holiday.

He (6) _ _ _ _ __ a

few days at the seaside. He

(7) _ _ _ _ _ __

the rest from work. He

(8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

early in the morning and he (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to bed

early at night. He (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good rest from work!

The Simple Past Tense: Regular Verbs

) Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


Larry _ _ _ his room yesterday afternoon.

(1) clean (2) cleans
(3) is cleaning (4) cleaned ( 4 )

1 I basketball with my friends last weekend.

( 1) played (2) plays
(3) is playing (4) play ( )

2 Last year we our aunt in Sydney.

( 1) visit (2) are visiting
(3) visited (4) visits ( )

3 Last weekend Sally with her best friend

( 1) is staying (2) stayed
(3) stays (4) stay ( )

4 My brother _ _ Wendy a year after he met

her at a party.
( 1) marry (2) married
(3) is marrying (4) marries ( )

5 They had dinner at the new restaurant but they
enjoy their meal .
( 1) didn't (2) don't
(3) doesn't (4) aren't ( )

6 Everyone when the singer walked onto

the stage.
( 1) clap (2) claps
(3) clapping (4) clapped ( )

7 you brush your teeth this morning?

( 1) Do (2) Does
(3) Did (4) Are ( )

8 We a big party for Grandma. lt was

supposed to be a surprise for her.
( 1) planned (2) planning
(3) plans (4) plan ( )

9 The frog onto the river bank and

croaked loudly.
( 1) hopped (2) hopping
(3) hop (4) hops ( )

10 What time did you at

school this morning?
( 1) arrive
(2) arriving
(3) arrived
(4) arrives ( )

Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verb in brackets.

A wonderful day

Last year, my family and I (1) _ _ _ _ _ (visit) Rome. We

) (2) - - -- (travel) there by plane and (3) _ _ _ _ _ (arrive)

early in the morning.

The first day, my father and I (4) (walk) around the

centre of the city and (5) (look) at all the wonderful

monuments. My mother and sister (6) (not want) to

come with us. They (7) (decide) to go shopping instead.

) At lunchtime, my father and I (8) - - -- Uoin) my mother and

sister in a little restaurant near our hotel. The food was delicious.

Everybody (9) _ _____ (agree) on going to a museum after

lunch. The museum was very big!

When we arrived back at the

hotel, I was tired and

(10) _ _ __ (want)

to go to sleep. lt was a

great start to our holiday,


Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verbs from the box. Use
every verb only once.

( ask be continue
\ _ _shout start not know

The kind old man

A long time ago, there was a kind and generous old man, Ali Khan,

who (1) _ _ _ _ _ in a little house near a little village. One day

he (2) into the village to buy some meat. After buying

some meat in the butcher's, he (3) _ _ _ __ to walk home again.

On his way, a friend (4) _ _ __ him and (5) _ _ _ __

"Aii, do you know how to cook that meat? I have a wonderful recipe!"

Ali (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ how to cook very well, so he was happy

to have his friend's recipe. He (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to walk home.

Suddenly, a big black bird flew down from the sky and (9) ---------1

the meat. Because Ali Khan (8) _ _ _ _ _ such a kind and

generous old man, he (10) _ _ _ _ _ ,"Come back! Come back!

The meat is no good without this recipe!"


The Simple Past Tense: Irregular Verbs

) Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


Yesterday I ____ to the zoo.

(1) go (2) goes
(3) went (4) go1ng ( 3 )

1 Last Saturday I in the lake near my uncle's
• I
(1) swim (2) swum
(3) swims (4) swam ( )

2 Last weekend my mother _ a cake for my

( 1) makes (2) made
(3) make (4) is making ( )

3 My grandma _ _ my brother a new watch for

passing his exams last week .
( 1) gives
(2) gave
(3) give
(4) is giving ( )

4 Last year we _ _ _ to Bangkok for our holiday.
(1) flew
(2) flow
(3) fly
(4) flies ( )

5 This morning I _ _ _ an email to

my pen pal.
(1) write
(2) wrote
(3) am writing
(4) writes ( )

6 Liza _ a nice time staying on her uncle's

farm last weekend.
(1) have (2) has
(3) had (4) having (

7 _ _ _ my mother the news yesterday.

( 1) tell (2) tells
(3) telling (4) told (

8 What did he _ _ for his holiday?

(1) doing (2) did
(3) do (4) does (

9 Where _ _ _ you yesterday?

( 1) are (2) were
(3) be (4) was (

10 _ _ _ ill at home.
(1) are (2) were
(3) be (4) was (


Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verb in brackets.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi (1)

(be) born in 1869. He (2) _ _ _

(go) to England to study law. After

completing his law studies, he

(3) (leave) England

and went to South Africa to work.

There he (4) _ _ (see) that

Indians and Africans were treated

badly. He (5) _ _ _ (make) a

decision to help them, and so he (6) _ _ _ (not go) back to

India until 1915. When he did go back, he joined the National

Congress Party and (7) _ (lead) them in their fight against

British rule. India (8) _ _ __ (be) a British colony then. The British

{9) (send) him to prison several times, but he continued to

work for the independence of India. In 1947 India (10) _ _ __ _

(become) independent.

Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verbs from the box. You
may.use some verbs more than once.

be catch come not be able j

C_ _ _s_e_
l l _ _ _ send _ _ eat _n_

The Dodo

The Dodo (1) a bird. lt lived on the island of Mauritius

in the Indian Ocean. lt (2) proper wings so it

(3) _ __ _ _ _ to fly. Then, about 400 years ago, some

European explorers and sailors (4) _ _ _ _ to the island. The

Dodos could be meat for their meals, so they (5) _ _ _ the

Dodos and (6) _ _ _ _ them. They (7) _ _ __ very tasty. The

sailors even (8) _ _ _ _ Dodo meat

back to their own country and

(9) _ __ it to earn some

money. By the end of the

seventeenth century there

(10) _ _ _ _ no Dodos left.

The Past Continuous Tense

Choose the correct past continuous form of the verb and write its number
in the brackets.


Last year we _ _ _ in Mumbai.

( 1) are living (2) were living
(3) was living (4) is living ( 2 )

1 Sam was at school early. He for a test.

(1) is studying (2) were studying
(3) studies (4) was studying ( )

2 Her parents were at home. They at the office.

( 1) wasn't working (2) not working
(3) weren't working (4) were working ( )

3 I was at the station. I for a friend.

( 1) was waiting (2) am waiting
(3) waited (4) were waiting ( )

4 Yesterday at 4 o'clock, we kites in the park.

( 1) flying (2) were flying
(3) are flying (4) was flying ( )

5 Yesterday at 6 o'clock they tea at a friend's house.
( 1) are having
(2) having
(3) was having
(4) were having ( )

6 Yesterday she was jeans and a red T-shirt.

( 1) wore
(2) wear
(3) wearing
(4) wears ( )

7 I saw Paul just now. He was a

big box.
( 1) carry
(2) carrying
(3) carried
(4) carries ( )

8 lt raining when I went out.

(1) didn't (2) doesn't
(3) weren't (4) wasn't ( ~
9 Yesterday it was cool and breezy. The sun
( 1) wasn't (2) doesn't
(3) weren't (4) didn't (

10 My parents living in the same city when

they first met.
(1) didn't (2) don't
(3) weren't (4) wasn't (

Fill in the gaps with the past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

This time last year

This time last year, my family and I (1) _ _ _ __ __ (stay)

with my aunt and uncle in the mountains in France. We

(2) _ __ __ _ (have) a holiday and I (3) _ _ _ _ __

(learn) how to ski. I (4) _ _ _ _ __ (not do) very well but I

(5) (enjoy) it. My brothers (6) _ _ _ __ _

(spend) all their time on a


My aunt and uncle

(7) _ _ _ _ _ (live)

in France for one year. They

(8) _ _ __ __ _

(learn) French and my aunt

(9) (teach)

English in a local school. My uncle (10) _ _ __ __ _ (work) in

an international company.

lt was lovely staying with them and we had a wonderful holiday.

Fill in the gaps with the past continuous form of the verbs from the box.
Yo~tmay use some verbs more than once.

L hold play
not wear
w_alk __________________

The strange man

Yesterday I (1) down the street when I saw a

strange man. He (2) a bright blue jacket, red

trousers and a green shirt but he (3) any shoes

on his feet. He (4) a big bunch of balloons and

a big bag. I (5) at him when suddenly he started

dancing. He (6) a recorder and dancing in the

street! Lots of people (7) at this very strange man.

Suddenly, I saw three more men. They (8) _ ___________ down

the street towards us. They (9) _ _ __ _ all _ _ _ __ _ the

same clothes. The three men (1 0) _ _ _ ____ _ a big banner. lt



Questions in the Past Continuous Tense

Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


What were you _ _ _ this morning?

(1) do (2) doing
(3) did (4) does ( 2 )

1 Who was your brother with last weekend?

j ( 1) stay (2) staying
(3) stayed (4) stays ( )

2 What you doing at the library yesterday?

(1) are (2) did
1 (4) was
(3) were ( )

3 Mother: Tom, John and Paul flying kites
when you saw them?
( 1) Did (2) Do
(3) Were (4) Was ( )

4 Tom: Yes, they

( 1) did (2) do
(3) were (4) was ( )

5 Why _ _ your sister crying outside the school
this morning?
( 1) are (2) did
(3) was (4) were ( )

6 Dave: _ _ _ it raining when you went out?

( 1) Did (2) Does
(3) Were (4) Was ( )

7 Alice: No, it
( 1) didn't
(2) doesn't
(3) weren 't
(4) wasn't ( )

8 When _ you _ in Hong Kong?

( 1) were I living
(2) was I living
(3) is I living
(4) did I living ( )

9 Why ____ your teacher _ you off?

( 1) was I telling
(2) were I telling
(3) did I telling
(4) are I telling ( )

10 Why your brothers ?

(1) were I fighting
(2) was I fighting
(3) do I fighting
(4) did I fighting ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct past continuous form of the verb in

Lucky Man

Mrs Brown : I saw a funny thing yesterday.

Mrs Smith : What?

Mrs Brown :Well, I (1) _ __ __ _ (walk) down the road and I

(2) _ _ __ __ (think) about the shopping.

Mrs Smith : And?

Mrs Brown : Well, I (3) _ _ __ _ _ (look) at my shopping

list when suddenly I heard a man's voice. He

(4) _ _ __ _ _ (shout) loudly.

Mrs Smith : What (5) _ _ __ he _ _ __ _ (say)?

Mrs Brown : I wasn't sure.

Mrs Smith : (6) _ _ _ someone _ __ __ (rob) him?

Mrs Brown : I didn't see anyone .

Mrs Smith : (7) _ ___ he _ _ _ __ (shout) because he was


Mrs Brown : I didn't think so.

Mrs Smith :What did you do next?

Mrs Brown : I started to walk towards him and as I got nearer I heard
) what he (8) _ ____ _ _ (say) .
Mrs Smith : So, tell me! What (9) _ _ _ _ he _ _ _ _ _ (say)?

Why (10) he _ _ _ _ _ (shout)?

Mrs Brown : He was shouting with joy. He had a winning lottery

ticket! Lucky man!

Fill in the gaps with the past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

Phoning Tom

Danny : Hi, Tom. I tried to phone you last night but there was no

answer. ( 1) the phone ? (work)

Tom : I think so.

Danny: (2) you _ _ _ _ (use) the computer?

Tom : No, I (3) (not be)

Danny : (4) you _ _ _ _ _ (listen) to loud music?

Tom : No, I (5) (not be)

Danny : (6) your friends _ _ _ _ _ (visit)?

Tom : No, they (7) (not be)

Danny : (8) _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ (play) outside?

Tom :No.

Danny : Well, what (9) _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ (do)?


The Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses

Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


I_ _ a good film yesterday.

(1) was seeing (2) see
(3) saw (4) am seeing ( 3 )

1 Last year I to Malaysia for my holiday.

(1) was
(2) was going
(3) been
(4) went ( )

2 I'm sorry, I hear what you said .

( 1) wasn't
(2) didn't
(3) weren't
(4) don't ( )
3 What time you go to bed last night?
(1) did
(2) were
(3) was
(4) do ( )

4 lt was a beautiful day yesterday. The sun
brightly all day.
(1) was shine
(2) didn't shine
(3) was shining
(4) shining ( )
5 Were you TV when I rang you last night?
( 1) watched (2) watching
(3) watch (4) watches ( )

6 What you doing between 8 and 9 o'clock

last night?
( 1) were (2) did
(3) was (4) do ( )

7 lt raining when we went out.

( 1) were (2) did
(3) didn't (4) was ( )

8 Anna: Lucy, you Paul yesterday?

( 1) Was I seeing (2) Did I saw
(3) Did I see (4) Were I see ( )

9 Lucy: No, I
( 1) didn't (2) wasn't
(3) weren't (4) did ( )

10 David for the first or second team

in that match?
( 1) Were I playing (2) Was I playing
(3) Did I playing (4) Was I play ( )

Fill in the gaps with the simple past or past continuous form of the verb
in brackets.

The White Horse (1)

Last weekend Anna and her family went on holiday. They

) (1) _ __ _ _ (pack) the car and set off for the beach early

in the morning. They (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ (drive) along a highway

and then turned off into smaller roads. Suddenly, as they

(3) _ __ _ _ _ (drive) along a little lane, they (4) _ _ __ _

(see) a big white horse in front of them. lt (5) _ _ _ _ __

(stand) in the road and eating some grass at the side of the road.
Anna's father immediately (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ (stop) the car.

Everyone got out and walked towards the horse. The horse stopped

) eating and looked at them. Anna's father (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ (go)

up to the horse and took hold of the reins around its neck. As he

(8) _ _ _ _ _ _ (look) over the horse to make sure it wasn't hurt,

he (9) _ _ _ _ _ (hear) a cry 'Help!' The whole family ran towards

the sound and they saw a young boy. He (10) _ _ _ _ _ (lie)

on the ground.

Fill in the gaps with the simple past or past continuous form of the verb
in brackets.

The White Horse (2)

"Are you all right? What happened?" Anna's mother asked the young


"I (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ (ride) my horse along the road when a car

(2) _ _ _ _ _ (pass) us. lt (3) _ _ __ (go) very fast

and scared my horse. So it jumped up and I fell off," said the boy.

Anna's mother (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) sure the boy was

not hurt. She asked him what his name was and where he lived. He

(5) _ _ _ _ _ _ (say) his name was David and his family

(6) (stay) in a caravan on a nearby farm for their

holiday. Anna's father carefully (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ (put) the boy into

the car, and Anna's mother drove the boy home. Anna and her father

followed them and brought the horse. When they arrived at the farm,

David's mother rushed out.

"Oh, thank goodness," she said. "I (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) so

worried about you. Are you all right?"

David (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ (tell) his mother about the accident.

She thanked Anna's family for helping her son and asked them to stay

for lunch. They all (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) a lovely picnic on the

farm, and David and Anna became good friends.

The Imperative

Choose the correct verb form and write its number in the brackets.


Please _ _ _ up, children.

( 1) stand (2) stood
(3) standing (4) stands ( 1 )

1 your books at page 37 .

( 1) Opens
(2) Opened
(3) Opening
(4) Open ( )

2 before you cross the road.

( 1) Looking
(2) Look
(3) Looked
(4) Looks ( )

3 Remember! your teeth after every meal.

( 1) Brush
(2) Brushes
(3) Brushed
(4) Brushing ( )

4 in the library.
( 1) Doesn't talk (2) Don't talk
(3) Not talk (4) Not talking ( )

5 quiet when I'm talking.

( 1) Be (2) Was
(3) Is (4) Are ( )

6 with your sister!

(1) Not argue
(2) Not arguing
(3) Doesn't argue
(4) Don't argue ( )

7 your food so quickly.

( 1) Not eating
(2) Doesn't eat
(3) Don't eat
(4) Not eat ( )

8 your homework before watching

( 1) Do (2) Don't
(3) Did (4) Doing ( )

9 Anna, please your bed.

( 1) making (2) make
(3) made (4) makes ( )

10 Robert! John! making so much noise!

( 1) Stopping (2) Stop
(3) Stops (4) Stopped ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct imperative verb from the box. Use every
verb only once.

copy form Arrange unfold Cut l

C Fold
-- - - -
Have c~

Chinese Tangram

(1) _ _ _ _ out a square piece of card 12 cm by 12 cm .

(2) _ _ _ _ it in half and then in half again. (3) _ __ _ this

step. Then (4) _ _ __ the paper and spread it open. You have

16 squares on your paper.

(5) _ _ _ _ at the diagram

) on the right and, with a pencil,

(6) _ _ _ _ the lines in colour

onto your piece of paper. Next,

) (7) _ _ _ _ along these lines

so that there are seven pieces of

different shapes. (8) _ _ _ _ these pieces to form an animal or an

object. Or (9) _ __ _ a cat or a dancer. (10) _ _ _ _ a

competition with a friend. How many different pictures can you make

) in 2 minutes?

Fill in the gaps with the correct imperative verb from the box. Begin
the words with capita/letters where necessary. Use every verb only once.

(- · ~move­ add mash pour cut

squeeze mix freeze serve put j
Mango ice cream

What you need: 2 mangoes, 1 lemon, 1 litre fresh cream,

1 cup sugar, salt
What to do:

• (1) _ _ _ _ _ the skins from 2 mangoes.

• (2) _ _ _ _ _ the mangoes into small pieces with a knife

and (3) _ _ _ _ _ the mangoes through a sieve.

• (4) _ _ _ _ a litre of fresh cream and (5) well.

• (6) _ _ _ _ _ a lemon and add about one and half

tablespoons of the juice into the mango mixture.

• Add a cup of sugar and a very small pinch of salt. Mix all the

ingredients carefully again with a spoon.

• (7) _ _ _ _ _ the mixture into a plastic container with a lid.

• (8) _ _ _ _ _ it in the freezer. (9) _ _ _ __ the ice

cream for at least two hours before eating .

• (10) _ _ _ _ _ the ice cream in a small bowl or dish.

Talking about the Future: will, shall, be going to


Choose the correct verb form to indicate the future tense, and write its
number in the brackets.


Next year, Harry's father _ _ _ work in New York.

( 1) shall (2) is going to
(3) is (4) are going to ( 2 )

1 Do you think it ___ _ tomorrow?

(1) will to rain (2) is going rain
(3) is going to rain (4) rains ( )

2 You must study for your test or you it.

( 1) aren't passing
(2) going to pass
(3) won't pass
(4) will pass ( )

3 we play in the garden or in the park?

( 1) Shall (2) Are
(3) Won't (4) Aren't ( )

4 I'm sure I be rich and famous one day.

( 1) will to (2) will
(3) am going (4) going to ( )

5 What your parents ____ when they
see this mess?
( 1) won't I say (2) will to I say
(3) won't to I say (4) will I say ( )

6 Next week my sister be 8 years old.

( 1) is going
(2) will to
(3) going to
(4) will ( )

7 Sally, when are you tidy your room?

( 1) going to (2) going
(3) are going to (4) will ( )

8 Tom stay with his grandparents for the

( 1) is going (2) will go
(3) is going to (4) going to ( )

9 you do your homework now

or later?
( 1) Are I going to
(2) Are I going
(3) Will I to
(4) Is I going to ( )

10 What you get your mother for

her birthday?
( 1) will I go
(2) are I going
(3) will I to
(4) are I going to ( )

) Fill in the gaps with will or won't.

In the year 2050

What (1) _ _ _ life be like in 2050? I think people (2)

live in very tall buildings and some people (3) _ _ _ even live in
space. There (4) _ __ be many trees or plants because the Earth

(5) _ __ be too hot and there (6) _ _ __ be much water. Cars

) (7) use petrol but they (8) run on hydrogen or

electricity. There (9) _ _ _ be robots to do all the work and people

(1 0) have lots of free time to play!

--- - - -

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of be going to + the verb in brackets.
The first one is done for you.

The explorer's plans

Interviewer: Well, Dr. Adams. What are your plans for this year?

Or Adams : First, I (1) am going to take (take) a boat down

the Amazon River.

Interviewer: Why (2) _ _ _ _ you _ _ __ __ (do) that?

Or A dams : I (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (study) a rare butterfly that

lives there.

Interviewer: What next?

Or Adams : After that, Dr White and I (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(look) at penguins in the Antarctic. He

(5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (take) photographs of them

and I (6) (count) them.

Interviewer: That (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not be) easy!

Or A dams : I (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not work) alone. Ten of my

students (9) (help) me.

Interviewer: And, after that?

Or A dams : After that, I (1 0) _ _ _ _ __ _ (stay) at home

and write a book.

Talking about the Future:
will, be going to, the Simple Present Tense

Choose the correct verb form to show future events, and write its number
in the brackets.


The Prime Minister _ _ _ at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(1) arrive (2) arrived
(3) arriving (4) arrives ( 4 )

1 The new term next Monday.

(1) starting (2) start
(3) started (4) starts ( )

2 Both planes at 11.00 tomorrow.

(1) leaves (2) leave
(3) leaving (4) left ( )

3 The new shopping mall next month.

( 1) opens
(2) open
(3) opening
(4) opened ( )

4 When your train arrive tomorrow?

(1) does (2) did
(3) do (4) is ( )
5 the film end at 9 o'clock or 9.30 tonight?
(1) Is (2) Did
(3) Do (4) Does ( )

6 Next month the bus service _ _ _ until6 am .

( 1) begins
(2) isn't beginning
(3) doesn't begin
(4) don't begin ( )

7 What you going to do this weekend?

( 1) are (2) will
(3) do (4) is ( )

8 Tom his pen pal in Hong Kong next month .

( 1) visits
(2) is going visit
(3) will to visit
(4) is going to visit ( )

9 What life like in 100 years' time?

( 1) will I to be
(2) will I be
(3) is I be
(4) are I going to be ( )

10 The weather-man says that there

thunderstorms tomorrow.
( 1) am
(2) to be
(3) am being
(4) will be ( )


Fill in the gaps with will + the verb in brackets or with the simple present
form of the verb in brackets to talk about future events.

Going on a trip

Mr Bell's plane (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave) at 6 tomorrow morning. He

flies from Singapore to Paris. The flight (2) _ _ _ __ _ (arrive) at

midday. Then he will take a taxi from the airport to the railway station.

His train (3) _ _ _ _ _ (depart) at 2 pm and (4) _ _ _ _ _

(arrive) in London at 4 pm. He (5) (get) another taxi

from the airport to the hotel because he (6) _ _ _ probably _ _ _

(be) tired by then. Then he (7) _ __ _ _ _ (have) a rest. But it

(8) (not be) a long rest as he has got tickets for the

theatre. The show (9) (start) at 7 o'clock. He is really

excited because he (1 0) _ _ ____ (have) a great trip.

Fill in the gaps with be going to + the verb in brackets or with the simple
present form of the verb in brackets to talk about the future. The first one is
don·e for you.

Good intentions

This year I (1) _ am going_!_o t ry _ (try) to be better! The new

school term (2) (begin) next week and I

(3) (get) all my books ready for the first day.

The new library also (4) (open) next week

and I (5) (spend) more time there studying.

I (6) (not play) so much in the park with my

friends. The chess club (7) (start) up again

a week later. This term I (8) (be) very

serious and learn to play chess. But

that's next week! Now I'm still on

holiday and my favourite programme

(9) (be)

on in ten minutes and I

(10) - - - - - - - -

(watch) it!

Talking about Ability in the Present

Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


He's a pilot. He _ __ fly planes.

(1) can (2) cannot
(3) can't (4) can to ( 1 )

1 He won the gold medal for swimming. He

swim very quickly.
(1) can to (2) can't
(3) cannot (4) can ( )

2 How many languages you speak?

( 1) can't (2) can
(3) can to (4) cannot ( )

3 My grandfather is deaf. He hear.

( 1) can (2) can to
(3) can't (4) cannot to ( )

4 The baby is only three months old. Of course,

she walk!
(1) can (2) can't
(3) cannot to (4) can to ( )
5 Please speak more loudly. I hear you.
(1) can (2) can't to
(3) can't (4) cannot to ( )

6 Can you your breath for more than

· one minute?
( 1) held
(2) holds
(3) hold
(4) holding ( )

7 Look, Dad! Tom can a bike

with no hands!
(1) rides
(2) ride
(3) to ride
(4) riding ( )

8 Why can an owl so well at

(1) seeing (2) sees
(3) to see (4) see ( )

9 My oldest brother can a car.

(1) drive (2) drives
(3) driving (4) to drive ( )

10 Can Anna and Sally _ English?

( 1) to speak
(2) speaking
(3) speaks
(4) speak ( )

Fill in the gaps with can or can~t +the verb in brackets .

. Interesting creatures

Owls are amazing creatures. They have large eyes and they

(1) (see) even in the dark. They also have very

good hearing. They (2) (catch) mice at night just

by listening for them. Another interesting fact about owls is that they

(3) (turn) their heads 270°. That means they

(4) (see) behind them!

Dogs are interesting too. Although they often have beautiful eyes,

they (5) _ _ _ (see) colours. They can only see greys.

But they (6) _ (smell) very well and that is why they

are often used to search for missing people .

Mosquitoes are tiny insects, but they are dangerous because

they (7) (spread) diseases such as malaria and

dengue fever. The female mosquito (8) (lay) up to

300 eggs at a time! She (9) (smell) a person or an

animal from about 30 metres away! And it is the female that bites you!

I don't like mosquitoes because the noise they make with their wings

(10) (keep) me awake at night.

Fill in the gaps with can or can't+ the verb in brackets.

My cousin

My cousin is blind. He uses a white stick to help him walk around the

town, and people are always kind to him. But he (1) _ _ _ (do)

a lot more than people think! Although he (2)

(read) ordinary books like mine, he

(3) _ _ _ _ _ _ (read) books

written in Braille - a special form of

writing for people who have problems

with seeing. He (4) _ _ _ _ __

(use) the computer too! His computer has

a special programme that speaks to him and he (5) _ _ __

(speak) to the computer.

He (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ (travel) all over the city by himself. He

knows all the bus stops and railway stations. He (7) _ _ _ __ (go)

to an ordinary school because they have special equipment to help

him in class. He (8) _ _ _ _ _ (do) a lot of sports, and one day he

hopes to compete in the Para-Oiympics- in the 100-metre dash! In

fact, he (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) most things that sighted people do.

And he can even do some things they (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ (do)!


Talking about Ability in the Past


Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


He could __ _ when he was only five years old.

(1) swim (2) to swim
(3) swimming (4) swam ( 1 )

1 Our teacher said he could really fast

when he was younger.
(1) to run (2) runs
(3) ran (4) run ( )

2 lt was a very difficult test but Lisa was able it.

( 1) passed
(2) to pass
(3) pass
(4) passing ( )

3 I lost my new pen and couldn't _ it anywhere.

(1) finding
(2) found
(3) to find
(4) find ( )

4 My cousins couldn't _ _ _ to my birthday party
because they were away on holiday.
( 1) coming (2) came
(3) come (4) to come ( )

5 Could you _ a bicycle when you were eight?

( 1) ride (2) rode
(3) riding (4) to ride ( )

6 She had a broken arm but she was still able ____ .
( 1) wrote (2) write
(3) writing (4) to write ( )

7 I was tired last night but I couldn't to sleep .

(1) get (2) getting
(3) to get (4) got ( )

8 He was a very famous magician because he could

_ _ _ from cages with his hands tied behind
his back!
( 1) escaped
(2) escaping
(3) to escape
(4) escape ( )

9 I spoke English very slowly to the Japanese tourist

so he could me.
(1) understood (2) understanding
(3) to understand (4) understand ( )

10 Were you able the Maths homework?

(1) to do (2) do
(3) did (4) doing ( )

Fill in the gaps with could or was.

A child genius

Sally Stuart was an amazing little girl. By the time she was three,

she (1) do very difficult sums. When she was five she

(2) read books in three languages: English, French and

Spanish. She had a brilliant memory and (3) remember

hundreds of poems by heart. She was so clever she (4) _ _ __

able to go to university at the age of eleven. There, she (5) _ _ __

able to get her first degree by the time she was thirteen . By that time,

she (6) speak and read another four languages! But,

when Sally left university two years later with two medical degrees,

she (7) _____ not become a doctor because she was too


Sally was a real genius but she wasn't very practical. She

(8) not able to tie her shoelaces until she was ten years

old. She (9) not ride a bicycle- she kept falling off! And

she (1 0) never able to learn to cook. Luckily, Sally still

lives at home with her mother and father!

Fill in the gaps with could, was or were.

. A comic strip hero

When I was younger I loved reading comics. My hero then was

called Birdman. He dressed in black and had huge wings so he

(1) fly like a bird. He (2) able to see for

miles and miles. In many stories he

flew high into the sky so that he

(3) _ _ watch over

the city and make sure it

was safe. From high up he

(4) --~ _able to see

if there were any bad

people. They (5)

never able to escape his 'eagle eyes'. Birdman (6) _ _ __

always catch them. He (7) do lots of other things too.

Like some birds, he (8) _ swoop down from the sky and

dive into the sea or river. He (9) able to stay under the

water for ages. The one thing he (1 0) not do was drive a

car! But he said, "Who has ever seen a bird driving a car?"

Modals for Asking Permission:
may, can, could, should

Circle the correct modal in brackets to ask or give permission.


. I should ) I leave the table?

1 ( Should I Could ) we go to the beach this weekend?

2 You ( could I may ) go home now children. Bye-bye!

3 Please, Dad, ( can I should ) I stay up later tonight to watch

a movie?

4 No, you ( can't I couldn't ) have more chocolate. You've

had enough.

5 I've told you before! You ( could not I may not ) go to the
shops alone.

6 Mum, ( should I can ) Jack come here to play after school?

7 ( Should I Could ) I have a new bike for my birthday, please?

8 ( May I Should ) I leave school early today? I've got a

dentist's appointment.

9 Please, ( should I can ) we play a game now?

10 Our teacher says we ( couldn't I can't ) wear jewellery to

Fill in the gaps with the correct modal in brackets for asking or giving

Holiday camp

Welcome to this year's holiday camp. I'm sure you will all have a

wonderful time here. But first of all, I want to tell you about some of

our rules. You (1) (may I could) watch television in the

clubroom but you (2) (couldn't I can't) watch it after 9 pm.

Parents (3) (may I could) phone you between 8 and 10

am, and 7 and 9 pm. The rest of the time you will be away from the

camp. At no time (4) _ _ _ _ (should I could) you leave the camp

site alone. You (5) _ __ _ (could I may) visit your friends in other

dormitories but you (6) _ _ _ _ _ (couldn't I may not) stay after

9 pm. Does anyone have any questions?

"Please, (7) _ _ _ _ (should I can) I use the computer in the


"Yes, you (8) _ (should I can)."

"(9) _ (May I Could) we play music in the dormitories?"

"Yes, you may but you (10) _ _ _ _ _ (couldn't I shouldn't)

play it too loudly. Now, everyone to bed. We've got a busy and

exciting day tomorrow."

Fill in the gaps with the correct modal in brackets for asking or giving
permission ..

Please, Mum!

(1) (Should I May) I stay up late tonight?

Please say that I (2) _ _ _ (may I could).

And (3) _ _ _ (should I can) I play with Pally?

lt's such a lovely day.

(4) (Should I Could) we go to visit Nan?

Please say that we (5) _ _ _ (can I can't) .

And (6) _ _ _ (could I should) we have some ice cream?

I've just heard the ice cream van.

You (7) _ __ (could I may) stay up late tonight,

And you (8) (can I could) play with Pally.

You can visit Nan, all right,

And you (9) _ _ _ (could I can) have a lolly.

But kindly listen to me now

As you sit upon my knees.

You (1 0) _ _ _ (should I may) do anything you like

As long as you say 'please'!



Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


My father _ _ _ up at 7 o'clock every morning.

( 1) get (2) gets
(3) is getting (4) to get ( 2 )

1 I always to school in the mornings.

( 1) am walking (2) walks
(3) walk (4) walking ( )

2 Sally is a vegetarian. She _ _ eat meat.

( 1) don't (2) aren't
(3) isn't (4) doesn't ( )

3 Why you like swimming?

( 1) don't (2) doesn't
(3) aren't (4) isn't ( )

4 Tom, why you so much noise?

( 1) do I make
(2) is I making
(3) are I making
(4) does I make ( )
5 Careful! A car _
( 1) comes (2) is coming
(3) coming (4) come ( )

6 When I was twelve, I _ in Penang.

(1 ). live (2) am living
(3) lives (4) lived ( )

7 Bill was sick so he didn't ___ _ to school today.

(1) go (2) went
(3) goes (4) going ( )

8 She _ her lunch when her friend arrived.

(1) eat (2) eating
(3) was eating (4) eats ( )

9 What _ _ Terry ? lt looked very heavy.

( 1) does I carry
(2) was I carrying
(3) did I carry
(4) is I carrying ( )

10 Were you in the library this morning?

( 1) work (2) worked
(3) working (4) works ( )

11 careful when you cross the road!

( 1) Is (2) Do
(3) Be (4) Are ( )

12 to tell your parents about the school trip.

( 1) Don't forget
(2) Doesn't forget
(3) Not forgetting
(4) Not to forget ( )

13 _ we go to the seaside or the mountains this
(1) Did (2) Are
(3) Do (4) Shall ( )

14 When granny arrive?

(1) is (2) will
(3) do (4) are ( )

15 I bed early tonight. I'm tired.

(1) go (2) went
(3) am going to (4) am going ( )

16 What _ _ you to do this weekend?

(1) do I do
(2) are I going
(3) will I do
(4) will I go ( )

17 The film tomorrow night __ at 7 o'clock.

(1) starts (2) start
(3) starting (4) started ( )

18 you play chess?

(1) Shall (2) Should
(3) Can (4) Are ( )

19 I_ swim until I was seven .

(1) could
(2) can't
(3) couldn't
(4) won't ( )

20 Please I borrow your pencil?

(1) should (2) shall
(3) will (4) may ( )
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the box. Use every verb only

came · can fly lived Come may ---)

( said rushed told wasn't will make
----------- - - - - - - - -

The Kite Flyers (1)

Ahmed and Khalid were great friends. They (1) _ _ _ _ in a small

village and their parents were poor farmers. There (2) _ _ __

much to do in the village, so the

boys spent their free time

making and flying simple kites.

One day an old man

(3) _ _ _ _ to the village. He

asked, "Who (4) _ _ _ __

their kites the highest?" The village

people (5) _ _ _ _ him thatAhmed and Khalid

were the best kite flyers in the village. The old man went to see the

boys and said, "Can you really fly kites high and fast?"

"Yes, we can," replied the boys.

So the old man said, "(6) _ _ _ _ with me. I (7) _ _ _ __

you rich and famous."

The boys (8) _ _ _ _ off and told their parents about the

old man. "Please , (9) __ --~ I go with him?" Khalid asked his

father. "Please father, can I go with Khalid and the old man?" Ahmed

asked his·father.

His father (10) _ _ _ _ , "Yes , you can , my son but be careful.

Look after yourself."

Fill in the gaps with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs
from the box. Use every verb only once.

arrive be enter go look

see set spend walk work

The Kite Flyers (2)

Khalid and Ahmed (1) _ ____ off with the old man. They

(2) _ _ _ __ and walked, day after day. After a week of walking

they (3) _ _ _ _ at a city. As they (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the

city through the big gates they (5) _ ____ a big notice. lt said:



(6) _ _ ___ at each other. They (7) _ _ _ __ very excited.

"We must win," Khalid said to Ahmed. "Then our families won't be

poor anymore!"

For the next few days the boys (8) _ _ _ _ _ their time making

bigger anq bigger kites. While the boys (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

the old man sat and watched them. The boys finished their biggest

and best kite and then (10) _ _ _ _ to bed. The competition

began the next day!

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the
simple past, past continuous, or imperative form.

The Kite Flyers (3)

There were hundreds of people at the competition. Many of them

were poor boys like Khalid and Ahmed. As the old man and the boys

(1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (watch), they noticed that an older boy was

beating all the other boys in the competition. He was a rich boy and

(2) _ _ _ _ __ (wear) expensive clothes. He (3) _ __ _ _

(have) the biggest and most magnificent kite in the world.

"We will never win against that kite," (4) _ _ _ _ (say) Khalid .

"Don't say that!" said Ahmed. "I promise you, we will win."

On the second day of the competition, Khalid and Ahmed

(5) _ _ (get) up very early. They picked out their best and

biggest kite, and the old man led them to the field for the competition.

As they (6) _ _ _ __ (wait) for their turn, they again saw the

rich boy beating the others. Then it was their turn .

"(7) ~--- (check) your kite!" ordered the old man. The

boys picked it up and looked at it.

"Oh, no!" said Ahmed. "lt's broken! The frame is broken! And that

was our best kite ever! What are we going to do now?"

They looked at the old man. He (8) _ _ _ _ (smile) and said,

"Remember, you have been making simple kites in your village.

(9) _ _ __ (make) another one now."

"We can't do it," said Khalid. "lt will never beat that boy's kite."

"(10) _____ (do) it!" said the old man sternly.

Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verb in brackets.

The Kite Flyers (4)

The two boys quickly (1) _ _ (make) the simplest kite they

could. lt was just like the ones they made in the village. Suddenly,

they (2) (hear) their names. lt was their turn in the


Khalid (3) (hold) the string for the kite and Ahmed

held the kite. The whistle (4) (blow) and Ahmed let the

kite go. lt soared into the air like a bird. lt (5) (fly) as fast

as an eagle and as high as a lark. They (6) _ _ _ _ (win) the

competition! They couldn't believe it.

"Our families are going to be so happy!" they said to each

other. The old man (7) (come) up to them. "Now, you

understand," he said. "lt is not always the biggest or the most beautiful

or the richest which is the best. Go home to your families and be


The two boys (8) (do) what the old man said. They

(9) (go) home and (10) (tell) their families

the story of the kite competition. Again the old man was right. Their

families were very happy!

Prepositions of Time

Choose the correct preposition of time and write its number in the


My father gets up _ _ _ 7 o'clock every morning.

(1) in (2) on
(3) at (4) until ( 3 )

1 My sister was born 1998.

( 1) in (2) at
(3) from (4) on ( )

2 I always brush my teeth a meal.

( 1) until (2) after
(3) on (4) at ( )

3 My birthday is 26th February.

( 1) in (2) at
(3) from (4) on ( )

4 We have English lessons 3 pm to 5 pm.

( 1) in (2) at
(3) until (4) from ( )

5 Ken and Tom play football _ Saturday
( 1) in (2) from
(3) on (4) after ( )

6 All my family get together _ New Year.

(1) until (2) at
(3) on (4) in ( )

7 We are going camping July.

( 1) in (2) from
(3) on (4) at ( )

8 You must do your homework _ you can

watch TV.
( 1) from
(2) at
(3) before
(4) until ( )

9 I love going to the beach

(1) in
(2) from
(3) on
(4) at ( )

10 In many countries, you can't leave school

you are 16 years old.
( 1) at
(2) until
(3) from
(4) on ( )
Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition of time from the box. You may
use some of the prepositions more than once.

( in - o-
n~ ~ from before until after

(1) _ _ __ Mondays school usually starts (2) _ _ _ _ 7.45 am .

(3) _ _ _ _ the morning we have three classes. There is a break

(4) _ _ _ _ 10.30 to 10.50 am. School doesn't finish (5) _ _ __

1 o'clock in the afternoon .

I usually play football in

the field with my friends

(6) _ _ _ _ school

and then go home

(7) _ __ about 4.00.

lt's different next

Monday, though. lt's the 1st of May and there is a holiday (8)

this day. So, (9) _ _ __ the weekend we can go and stay with our

cousins near the beach. But my mother always makes me do my

homework (10) _ _ _ _ we go and see my cousins!

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition of time from the box. You may
use some of the prepositions more than once.

__in-~==----_o_n_ _ _~_fr-
(_- om- -- --u-n-til---~e-;-~)

Sir Stamford Raffles

Sir Stamford Raffles was born

(1) the summer (2) _ __

1781. When he was 14 his father

died. (3) _ __ his father's death

Raffles started working for the British

East India Company. He was the

Governor of Java (4) _ _ __ 1811 to 1815. While he was governor

he stopped the slave trade and learnt the Malay language. He

returned to England and was made a knight (5) _ _ _ 1817. He

stayed in England (6) __ the following year. Then in 1818 he

returned to Sumatra, and (7) 29th January 1819, he made

Singapore a free-trade port. (8) _ _ _ _ 6th February, only one

week later, Singapore was founded. Four years later, (9) 1823

he returned to England. He died (10) _ _ _ July 1826 and was

buried in Hendon in England.


Prepositions of Place

Choose the correct preposition of place and write its number in the

: • ~- ~ . . . ,.l ·- ·. ! ~ : :

I have a compute·r _ __ my bedroom.

(1) in (2) at
(3) on (4) between ( 1 )

1 Mike was born Sydney.

(1) on (2) next to
(3) at (4) in ( )

2 My eldest sister is university.

(1) on (2) in
(3) at (4) opposite ( )

3 My cat loves hiding the armchair.

(1) on
(2) opposite
(3) behind
(4) above ( )

4 At school, Sally sits _ May and Ann.

(1) at (2) between
(3) on (4) in ( )
5 My grandparents live in a village the seaside .
( 1) in
(2) opposite
(3) behind
(4) near ( )

6 The sun is shining high the clouds.

(1) below (2) above
(3) near (4) at ( )

7 The sugar is in the cupboard the

(1) at
(2) above
(3) in
(4) on ( )

8 Where are my shoes?

Have you looked your bed?
(1) over
(2) between
(3) under
(4) opposite ( )

9 There is a bus stop our school.

( 1) in
(2) opposite
(3) at
(4) on ( )

10 Ali, will you sit Granny?

(1) between (2) on
(3) next to (4) at ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition of place from the box. You
may use some prepositions more than once.

next on near above

( between in
Our apartment

I live (1) _ __ _ the 16th floor of a big building (2) _ ___ the

city centre. There is a lovely view from the window. There is a park

(3) _ ___ our building and there are lots of beautiful trees

(4) _ _ __ the park.

We have three bedrooms (5) _ __ _ our apartment. I have

my own bedroom. There is a dark blue carpet (6) _ __ _ _ the

floor. I've put lots of pictures of my favourite stars and animals

(7) _ _ _ the wall (8) _ _ __ my bed. I've got a desk and

computer in the corner of the room. (9) _ _ __ to the desk is

my bed. There is a bookcase (10) _ _ _ __ my bed and the door.

I keep all my books there. lt's a lovely room in a lovely apartment in a

lovely city!

With the help of the picture, fill in the gaps with the correct preposition from
the box. You may use some prepositions more than once.

----- ----
( next to
in front of


~z 00

My town

My town is quite small but it has a lot of shops and things to do. There

is a cinema (1) _ _ _ _ _ the corner of City Street and Newton

Road. (2) _ _ _ _ _ the cinema and the bookshop, there is a

lovely cafe. We sometimes go there for ice cream. (3) _ _ _ __

the bookshop there is a bank. We have a library (4) _ _ _ __

Parkview Road, (5) _____ a computer shop. You can get the
latest DVDs and computer games there. (6) the other

end of City Street, (7) Newton Road, there is a sports

centre. There is a swimming pool, a gym, tennis and squash courts

(8) _ _ __ _ the centre. lt's great! What's more, there is a bus

stop right (9) the centre which is very useful. I can

take a bus direct (1 0) _ __ __ my home to the centre.


Adverbs of Manner, Place and Time

Choose the correct adverb and write its number in the brackets.


Tom played football _ _ _ last Saturday.

(1) good (2) best
(3) goodness (4) well ( 4 )

1 My father always drives

( 1) care (2) canng
(3) carefully (4) careful ( )

2 May is shy and speaks very

( 1) quiet (2) quietly
(3) quietness (4) quite ( )

3 arrive home at 4.30 pm.

( 1) usually (2) usual
(3) used (4) use ( )

4 The school choir sang

( 1) beauty
(2) beautiful
(3) beautify
(4) beautifully ( )
5 My best friend lives _ _ _ .
( 1) next door
(2) at next door
(3) in next door
(4)- on next door ( )

6 Most of the bedrooms in this house are

( 1) outside
(2) upstairs
(3) here
(4) outdoors ( )

7 I'll wait for you in the garden.

( 1) inside (2) upstairs
(3) outside (4) indoors ( )

8 This morning I arrived for school and my

teacher was angry with me.
( 1) late (2) soon
(3) early (4) inside ( )

9 Today is Tuesday, so _ was Monday.

( 1) today
(2) tomorrow
(3) yesterday
(4) this morning ( )

10 What are you doing after school?

( 1) this evening
(2) this morning
(3) last week
(4) yesterday ( )

Fill in the gaps with the adverb of manner formed from the adjective in
brackets. The first one is done for you.

Good manners

lt is always important to behave

(1) - -------'w
-'"--=e'-11'-'-_ _ (good). For

example, we shouldn't speak

(2) _ _ ____ (loud) on our

mobile phones in public places.

And, of course, we should always

(3) _ _ __ (polite) give up our seats to older people on

buses and trains. We should never drop litter (4) _ _ _ _ _ __

(thoughtless), but put it in a bin or take it home with us. We should

always cross the road (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ (careful) and never step

(6) _ __ _ _ _ (dangerous) onto the road. We should always

talk (7) _ _ _ _ _ (nice) to other people and treat people

(8) _ _ _ _ _ _ (fair) even if they are younger than us. We should

try and act (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ (generous) and share our games and

things with our brothers and sisters. I know it is almost impossible to

behave (10) ______ (perfect), but we should all try very hard!

Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb of place or time from the box. Use
every adverb only once.

yesterday downstairs early before there

l next door next month late after here

Prize-giving Day

I had a very special day (1) _ __ __ . lt was Prize-giving Day

at school. I got up (2) because I didn't want to arrive

(3) _ __ _ for this special day. I washed and then put on my clean

school uniform and went (4) _ _ _ __ to the kitchen. My mother

was already (5) _ _ _ and she was making breakfast. (6) _ __

breakfast we went to my friend's house (7) _ _ __ _ . His father

was driving us to school. When we arrived my parents joined the other

parents. Together with my class I walked into the hall and we took our

seats . The Principal began her speech. "I am very happy to see all

you parents (8) _ _ ___ on such a special day. (9) _ _ __ _

I announce the prize-winners I just want to remind you that the school

swimming pool will be open during the holiday (10) _ _ _ __ "

She spoke about the school year. Then it was time to announce the

winners, starting with Year 1. Then it was our year. I waited for the

Principal to announce the Music Prize, and I heard my name being

called. I had won the prize! My parents clapped loudly as I went up to

collect my prize.
Subject and Verb Agreement

Circle the correct verb in brackets.


Uncle Kenny ( like I likes ) living in the countryside.

1 Anna ( have I has ) a beautiful dress for the party.

2 My parents ( have I has ) a small business in the city.

3 I ( don't I doesn't ) drink coffee.

4 The dog ( don't I doesn't ) come into the house.

5 John and his family ( go I goes ) to visit their grandparents

in Japan every year.

6 Sally and I ( am I are ) best friends.

7 Paul ( am I is ) playing football with his friends.

8 Where ( were I was ) you yesterday?

9 What ( were I was ) your mark in the English test?

10 My parents ( was I were ) living in New York in 2005.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb in brackets.

Schools in Malaysia

Malaysian children (1) (go I goes) to school at the age of

four or five in a kindergarten. A child (2) _ (start I starts)

Year One in school when he or she (3) _ __ _

(turn I turns) six or seven years old. Every child

(4) (has I have) to take an exam when

they (5) (leave I

leaves) primary school at the

end of Year Six. Secondary

school (6) (last I

lasts) five years. If a student

(7) (want I wants)

to go to university, he or she (8) _ __ _ _

(stay I stays) in school for another two years.

The English language (9) (is I are) very important in

Malaysia and now Mathematics and Science (10) _ _ __ _ __

(is taught I are taught) in English in school.


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs from the box. You may
use some of the verbs more than once. The first one is done for you.

be grow have make li~

- -d~
- -
go meet live tell )

The wonderful world of books

Do you (1) _l_ik_e__ reading? I certainly (2) _ _ _ _ . When I

(3) _ _ __ reading I (4) _ _ __ into a different world. Sometimes

it is a world of magic. Sometimes it is a world of adventure. When you

(5) _ _ __ reading you can learn about different places, animals

and sports or almost anything. Books (6) _ _ _ _ us about

different people and how they (7) _ _ __ . Books can make you

laugh or make you cry! At the moment, at school we (8) _ _ __

reading a story about a boy who

(9) _ _ __ _ into space. He

(10) _ __ ___ creatures from

other planets and he (11) _ __ _

lots of adventures. lt (12)

a very exciting story and it

(13) _ __ _ me want to be an astronaut when I (14) _ _ __

up. What type of books (15) _ ___ you like to read?

Direct and Indirect Objects

Put the words into the correct order to make a sentence. End the sentence
with a full stop.


the book I Pass I me

Pass me the book.

1 to the children I a story I She read

2 the picture I the old man I She showed

3 it I They sent I to their grandparents

4 us I My parents took I to the cinema

5 for my mother I some chocolates /I bought

6 Science I Year 3 children I Mrs Clark teaches

7 a litre of milk, please I Can you get I me ?

8 our teacher I We gave I a present

9 to his brother I John lent I his bicycle

10 Mary told I her parents I the truth

Underline 10 nouns which are direct objects.

The lost game

Last weekend my younger brother lent his friend, Tom, a new

computer game called Sky Gazer. lt was mine! My aunt had given it to

me for my birthday. He said he just wanted to show Tom the game

and that he was going to return it. Unfortunately, he left the game at

Tom's house, and Tom lent it to another friend. That friend didn't

return it to Tom. My brother gave me his promise that he would get it

back. I wanted to teach my brother a

lesson. I told him that he owed me a

new game and that he must give his

pocket money to me. So he did.

Then, this morning the postman

arrived with a parcel for me. Inside

was my game and a letter. I showed the letter to my brother. Tom was

sick and couldn't leave the house, so his parents had sent the game

back. I was sorry for Tom but happy to have my game back. And, of

course, my brother was happy when I gave him his pocket money

Underline 10 nouns and pronouns which are indirect objects.

My birthday

on my birthday we always do the same things. First of all, at

brea kfast everyone wishes me 'Happy Birthday!' Then my mother

jves me my birthday cards. This year my grandparents sent some

ney to me in the card. I pass the cards to my mother and she puts

m on the shelf. Next, I

n my presents. This

ar my parents gave

e a new watch and

big brother bought

a box of paints. I

mised to paint him

family sang 'Happy

hday' to me and we all ate breakfast.

In the afternoon my friends came round for tea and I showed

m my presents and cards. In the evening I wrote my thank-you

rs. I wrote my grandparents a letter and thanked them for the

ney and told them about my day.

Asking Questions

Put the words in the correct order to make a question. Start with a capital
letter and end with a question mark.


what I your name I is

What is your name?


1 swim I you I can

2 reading I do /like I you

3 go to bed I what time I yesterday I did you

4 the dictionary I pass I could you I me

5 on Saturday I you see I did I the football match

6 down the road I why I you running I were

7 the watch I gave I you I who

8 you learn I today I what I did

9 you going I to visit the museum I tomorrow I are

0 work I where I your father I does

Choose the correct question word or punctuation mark in brackets to fill
in the gaps.

The new student

Teacher: So, Kenny, tell me about yourself. (1) _ _ _ (Where/

When) do you come from (2) ( . I? )

Kenny : I come from Sri Lanka. (3) _ _ _ _ (have I Have) you

been there, Mrs Chen (4) _ _ ( . I? )

Teacher: No, I haven't, Kenny. (5) _ __ _ (Where I What) is it


Kenny lt's very beautiful.

Teacher: (6) --~

(What I Which) do

your parents do

(7) (.I? )

Kenny My father is an engineer and my mother is a computer


Teacher: (8) _ _ _ _ (Are I are) you happy living here (9)

(.I ? )

Kenny : Yes, I am. I have made lots of new friends (1 0) _ _ ( . I?)

Fill in the gaps with the correct word order in brackets to make a question.

Calling the doctor

Doctor: Hello, Or lbrahim speaking. (1) (Can I I I can)

help you?

Mother: Good morning, doctor. I'm calling because my daughter isn't well.

Doctor: (2) (Does she I She does) have a temperature?

Mother: Yes, she does and she is feeling sick.

Doctor: (3) (Is she I She is) feeling sick, uhmm! What

(4) (did she I she did) eat yesterday?

Mother: I'm not sure. She went to a restaurant for a birthday party.

Doctor: (5) (She does I Does she) have a tummy ache?

Mother: Yes, she does. (6) (lt is I Is it) serious, doctor?

Doctor: No, I don't think so. She probably ate something that upset

her tummy.

Mother: What (7) _ _ _ _ (I shall I shall I) do? (8) _ _ _ __

(Should she I She should) eat something? (9) _ _ _ __

(Should I I I should) make her drink water?

Doctor : Let her eat if she wants to. But make sure she drinks a lot of

water. (1 0) (You will I Will you) phone me

tomorrow and tell me how she is?

Mother: Yes, I will, doctor. Thank you very much.


Choose the correct connector and write its number in the brackets.


I read my book for 10 minutes. _ _ _ I went to sleep.

(1) Before (2) Then
(3) While (4) Firstly ( 2 )

1 I like swimming playing tennis .

( 1) as (2) while
(3) next (4) and ( )

2 I washed the dishes my mother had a rest.

( 1) since (2) while
(3) firstly (4) next { )

3 I fed my cat I arrived home.

(1) when (2) while
(3) and (4) before ( )

4 I arrived at school the teacher did .

( 1) firstly
(2) next
(3) before
(4) while ( )

5 I was watching TV _ _ _ Dad got home.
(1) as (2) when
(3) while (4) next ( )

6 Eat your breakfast. _ _ _ brush your teeth .

(1) Then
(2) While
(3) Firstly
(4) When ( )

7 First, stand in a line. _ __ , walk slowly to the

(1) Since (2) When
(3) While (4) Next ( )

8 You may go home _ _ _ you finish the exercise.

(1) when
(2) while
(3) and
(4) next ( )

9 _ we were driving to the

city, I saw my friend Tom.
(1) Before
(2) As
(3) Then
(4) Next ( )

10 They enjoy watching TV _ _ _ playing

computer games.
(1) since (2) then
(3) and (4) when ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct connector from the box. You may use
some connectors more than once.

(~r before and while

~n firstly then lastly

Fruit Jamboree

(1) _ _ _ _ , get 3 bananas, 2 mangoes, 1 orange and a few

strawberries. Peel the fruit and chop them into small pieces.

(2) _ __ , put the bananas, mangoes and orange into a food

processor (3) _ _ _ _ turn it on. (4) _ _ __

the processor is working, get some ice cubes

from the fridge. (5) _ _ _ _ the fruit mixture is

smooth, turn the processor off. Add a handful of

ice cubes to the fruit and (6) _ _ _ _ turn the

processor on again. (7) _ about ten

seconds, take the mixture and put it in the fridge .

Chop the strawberries into small pieces (8) _ _ _ you are

waiting for the mixture to get cold. Remove the mixture from the fridge

and pour it into glasses. (9) _____ serving, put the strawberries

on top for decoration. (10) _ _ _ _ , enjoy your fruit jamboree.

Fill in the gaps with the correct connector from the box. Some connectors
may be used more than once.
~-'----------- -- ------~-------

when firstly next while

until lastly and

Making glue

Here is a way to make your own glue. Remember to ask your

parents' permission before making the glue. (1) _ _ ,boil

about 6 big spoonfuls of water in a saucepan. (2) _ _ _ _ , turn the

heat off (3) _ _ _ add about 15 g of

gelatine. Stir the gelatine (4) _ _ __

it dissolves. (5) _ _ itis

completely dissolved, add 2

spoonfuls of vinegar and 2 small

spoonfuls of glycerine. Stir the

mixture well and then leave it to cool.

(6) _ _ _ _ it is cooling, wash and

dry a glass jar. (7) -~ ____ the mixture is cool, pour it into the jar

(8) _ _ __ close it tightly. (9) _ _ _ _ _ , put your jar of

glue in a cool place (10) _____ you need it.

Compound Sentences

Choose the correct conjunction to make a compound sentence and

write its number in the brackets.


I like rice ____ my sister prefers noodles.

(1) and (2) so
(3) but (4) because ( 3 )

1 On Saturday I went shopping with my mother

she bought me a pair of shoes.
(1) and
(2) but
(3) so
(4) or ( )

2 I was very tired I went to bed early.

(1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

3 I bought a new DVD I didn't watch it

(1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

4 Are you going out to play _ _ _ will you play
chess with me?
(1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

5 We went to the beach had a picnic.

( 1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

6 lt was raining yesterday we stayed at home.

(1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

7 The food looked lovely I wasn't very

( 1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

8 Shall we have a barbecue here shall we

have a picnic in the park?
( 1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

9 George rang Tom they arranged to meet

at the park.
(1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

10 Caro had a bad headache she stayed in

( 1) and (2) but
(3) so (4) or ( )

Fill in the gaps with the correct conjunction from the box. You may use
some conjunctions more than once.

and or but so )
Stamp collecting

Sally collects stamps. She started when her

parents gave her a stamp album (1) _ __

her grandparents gave her some old stamps

they had. She arranged them by country (2) she stuck them

in the album. She got other stamps from her family (3) _ _ __

sometimes her teachers gave her some. She didn't get many letters

herself (4) _ _ _ her father did, (5) _ _ _ she got lots of stamps

from him. She also asked her friends to give their old stamps to her.

Sally loved showing her collection to her friends. They always

asked her, "Which one is your favourite?" She liked all her stamps

(6) she couldn't decide if her big stamp from France (7) _ _

a small brightly-coloured Japanese stamp was her real favourite. She

wanted to get more stamps from France (8) _ ___ she found a

French pen pal, Amy. At first the two girls sent emails (9) _ _ __

Then Sally explained about her stamp collection. Amy agreed to write

ordinary letters, (10) _ _ _ she started to collect stamps too!

Fill in the gaps with the correct conjunction from the box. You may use
some conjunctions more than once.

C:------~~a_n_d_____ or but so

Mountain biking

Patrick has a mountain bike. His parents bought it for him for his

birthday. At first, they only let him ride it in the park, (1) _ _ _ now

he rides it to school (2) ____ to his friend's house. When he is

cycling, he always wears a helmet, (3) _ _ _ he has shiny

reflectors on his wheels so car drivers can see him easily.

Patrick really loves riding his bike along the beach (4) _______

he also loves riding in the mountains. lt is exciting going up and down

the hills, (5) _ _ _ it can be a bit dangerous, too! He has fallen off

his bike one or two times (6) _ _ _ he wasn't hurt (7) _ __

luckily, his bike wasn't damaged either.

Patrick knows the bike was expensive (8) he looks

after it very carefully. Every weekend he washes it (9) then

he polishes it (1 0) _ _ _ it shines brightly.



Choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets.


Where do you _ __ ?

(1) live (2) lives

(3) lived (4) to live ( 1 )

1 Dad, have you got work in the office

(1) many (2) few
(3) much (4) little ( )

2 I don't have stamps in my collection yet.

( 1) many (2) few
(3) much (4) little ( )

3 Where is book I bought this morning?

(1) a (2) an
(3) some (4) the ( )

4 Would you like cup of coffee?

(1) a (2) an
(3) some (4) the ( )
5 Beijing is Hong Kong.
( 1) bigger
(2) bigger than
(3) big than
(4) biggest ( )

6 The albatross is bird that can fly.

( 1) larger (2) larger than
(3) largest (4) the largest ( )

7 Where are shoes?

( 1) I (2) me
(3) my (4) myself ( )

8 He gave some chocolates.

(1) she (2) her
(3) hers (4) to her ( )

9 I hurt in the playground.

(1) me (2) myself
(3) I (4) my ( )

10 I sometimes a cup of tea with my

(1) have (2) has
(3) am having (4) had ( )

11 Kenny to play the piano this term.

( 1) learns (2) learn
(3) is learning (4) to learn ( )

12 Last weekend we in the sea.

( 1) swim (2) swims
(3) swum (4) swam ( )

13 a funny dream when the alarm clock rang.
(1) was having (2) am having
(3) had (4) have ( )

14 Please _ in your homework now.

(1) to hand (2) hand
(3) hands (4) handing ( )

15 What we do this evening?

(1) Will (2) Are
(3) Shall (4) Do ( )

16 What you do after school today?

(1) are I going (2) do I to
(3) will/ to (4) are I going to ( )

17 you turn the music down, please?

(1) Shall (2) Can
(3) Should (4) May ( )

18 Sorry, Mrs Lin, I finish my homework.

I was ill.
(1) shouldn't (2) don't
(3) couldn't (4) wasn't able ( )

19 Bye Philip. See you _ Monday.

(1) at (2) on
(3) 1n (4) by ( )

20 Please put the dictionaries back _ the shelf.

(1) on (2) In
(3) at (4) behind ( )

Choose the correct word in brackets to fill in the gaps.

In a shop

Good morning. I need (1) _ _ _ (a I an) kilo of (2)

(potato I potatoes) and (3) (some I any) onions, please. I

also need (4) (a little I a few) tomatoes, just three, and

(5) _ __ (a I an) lettuce. Now, what else? Oh, yes. I'd like two

(6) _ _ _ _ (pepper I peppers) please, (7) (a I the)

green ones, not the red ones. Thank you. I also need (8) _ _ __

(a lot I a lot of) fruit: some (9) (mango I mangoes), apples

and bananas. Can you put (10) (a I the) fruit on the top of

the bag? Thank you very much. How much is that?

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Turtle Island

Once upon a time, there was a Chinese fisherman who (1) _ _ __

(live) with his family on the island of Singapura. His family were very

poor. Everyday he went out in his boat to catch fish to sell. One day
the sky was dark, the clouds (2) (be) black and a strong

wind (3) (blow). There was going to be a

thunderstorm. "(4) (not go) fishing today," said the

fisherman's wife.

"I must. We cannot (5) _ _ __ (live) without the fish," replied

the fisherman.

The fisherman (6) _ _ _ _ (go) out to sea in his little boat.

The waves were big and his boat rocked from side to side. As he

(7) (try) to throw his net into the sea, there was a big

wave. lt knocked the boat over, and the poor fisherman (8) _ _ _ _

(fall) into the sea. "Help! Help! I (9) (drown)!

Help!" (10) (cry) the fisherman.

But there was no one to hear him. He tried to swim but the

waves were too strong and he could not stay above the waves.

Suddenly, a large turtle appeared. lt was the biggest turtle the

fisherman had ever seen. At first the fisherman was frightened. Then

the turtle disappeared. A moment later the fisherman was out of the

sea! The turtle (11) (carry) him on its back. The

turtle (12) (take) the fisherman to a little island that was

nearby. The fisherman stayed on the island, he collected the fruit that

grew there.

One stormy day the fisherman (13) _ _ __ (hear) a cry.

"Help! Help! I'm drowning! Help!" He (14) _ __ _ (rush) out of

his house and, to his surprise, he (15) _ _ __ (see) the same

turtle, And on the turtle's back there (16) _ __ _ (be} a Malay

fisherman. The Malay fisherman (17) _ _ __ (get) onto the island

safely and the two men (18) _ _ _ _ (become) good friends. To

thank the turtle for saving their lives, they (19) _ _ __ (build) a

Malay shrine, a Chinese temple and a huge turtle. Today you can see

these on Kusu Island. This island (20) _ _ _ _ (be) also called

'Turtle Island'.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective or adverb in brackets.
The first one is done for you.

A trip to the museum

Yesterday we had a very (1) interesting (interest) school trip to

the museum. The (2) (old) things in the museum were

stone tools made over 10,000 years ago! They were great but I liked

the ancient vases best. They were painted (3) _ _ _ _ _ (beauty)

in different colours: reds and blues and yellows.

There was one special room in the museum that had just one

object the (4) (fame) King's Mask. lt was made

of gold and had a painted face on it. lt was (5) _ _ __ __

· (amaze)! lt almost looked alive. lt is very (6) _ _ __ _ _ (value)

and so it is looked after very, very (7) (care). After

seeing the King's Mask, we went to a room that showed the history of

medicine. I think it was very (8) (danger) to be ill a

thousand years ago! lt certainly was (9) (pain) to go

to the doctor's! (10) (Luck) we are living now and it

doesn't hurt to go to the dentist or the doctor.

lt was a great day out and I learnt a lot about the past.

Answer Key

UNIT 1 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (4) 5 godmother 6 prince

Exercise A 10 (1) 7 son 8 girl
1 potatoes 2 buses 9 girls 10 stepsisters
Exercise B
3 scissors 4 feet
1 much 2 many UNITS
5 mice 6 teeth
3 much 4 much Exercise A
7 children 8 strawberries
5 many 6 many 1 parks 2 Park
9 shorts 10 people
7 many 8 many 3 Museum 4 museums
Exercise B 9 much 10 much 5 summer 6 turkey
1 plates 2 knives Exercise C 7 Turkey 8 Brazilian
3 forks 4 napkin 9 Harry 10 Swiss
1 many 2 A few
5 person 6 glasses
3 a few 4 much Exercise B
7 loaf 8 knife
5 Many 6 many 1 China
9 mangoes 10 cherries
7 a little 8 many 2 Mount Everest
Exercise C 9 a few 10 many 3 George Washington
1 computers 2 computer 4 Jakarta
3 games 4 game UNIT4
5 the Alps
5 people 6 cars Exercise A
6 Egypt
7 person 8 car 1 headmaster 7 the Pacific
9 circuit 10 circuits 2 princesses 8 Christmas
3 hero 9 June
UNIT 2 4 a flight attendant 10 Tuesday
Exercise A 5 uncle
1 furniture 2 meat 6 police officers Exercise C
3 luggage 4 rice 7 grandmother 1 Italians 2 Japanese
5 money 6 music 8 queen 3 Chinese 4 country
7 homework 8 paper 9 brother 5 Indian 6 noodles
9 weather 10 traffic 10 daughter 7 English 8 world
9 American 10 national
Exercise B Exercise B
1 advice 2 test 1 My COUSin. UNIT6
3 revision 4 lessons 2 My brother (or me!) Exercise A
5 homework 6 bed 3 My grandmother. 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (1)
7 rest 8 quest1ons 4 My uncle. 4 (4) 5 (3) 6 (1)
9 notes 10 paper 5 My father. 7 (2) 8 (3) 9 (4)
6 My mother. 10 (2)
Exercise C 7 My aunt.
flour, salt, milk, water, butter, jam, 8 My COUSin. Exercise B
sugar, juice, rice, cream 9 My sister (or me!) 1 an 2 a 3 a
10 My grandfather. 4 a 5 a 6 a
UNIT3 7 The 8 a 9 the
Exercise A Exercise C
10 an
1 (2) 2 (4) 3 (2) father 2 stepsisters
4 (1) 5 (3) 6 (2) 3 stepmother 4 queen

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Exercise C 4 more modern 10 (4) 11 (3) 12 (4)
1 a 2 a 3 the 5 younger 13 (1) 14 (4) 15 (2)
4 a 5 the 6 The 6 more interested 16 (3) 17 (2) 18 (2)
7 an 8 a 9 an 7 bigger 19 (4) 20 (4)
10 a 8 easier
Exercise B
9 more difficult
UNIT7 10 tastier 1 mother 2 food
Exercise A 3 garden 4 trees
Exercise B 5 fruit 6 bang
1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
1 taller 2 thinner 7 witch 8 coins
4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (2)
3 longer 4 bigger 9 baby 10 ground
7 (3) 8 (1) 9 (1)
5 more pointed 6 better
10 (3) Exercise C
7 worse 8 higher
Exercise B 9 faster 10 stronger 1 A 2 a 3 a
4 the 5 a 6 an
1 exciting 2 beautiful
Exercise C 7 The 8 a 9 a
3 gently 4 cruel
1 longer 10 the
5 sad 6 thin
2 taller
7 happy 8 good ExerciseD
3 heavier
9 loving 10 wonderful 1 horrible 2 unhappy
4 stronger
Exercise C 5 more dangerous 3 kind 4 magic
1 famous 6 smaller 5 busy 6 sunny
2 dangerous
7 longer 7 small 8 red
3 lucky 4 interesting
8 faster 9 long 10 dark
5 successful 6 beautiful
7 exciting 8 amazing 9 more beautiful Exercise E
9 true 10 easy 10 rarer mirror 2 woman
3 prince 4 Rupert
5 hair 6 castle
Exercise A Exercise A
7 The 8 a
1 The bride looks radiant. (2) 1 (3) 2 (1) 3 (4) 9 an 10 fire
2 it's a fine day, today. (1) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (3)
3 What a lovely dress! (1) 7 (1) 8 (4) 9 (1) UNIT 12
4 This cake is delicious. (2) 10 (4) Exercise A
5 My brother is tall. (2) 1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
Exercise B
6 I like juicy oranges. (1) 4 (4) 5 (2) 6 (1)
1 most useful
7 Do you like this blue shirt? (1) 7 (1) 8 (2) 9 (1)
2 most serious
8 The sky is cloudy today. (2) 10 (3) 11 (4) 12 (3)
3 most difficult
9 These flowers smell beautiful. (2)
4 best Exercise B
10 This is a very exciting book. (1)
5 highest 1 her 2 he
Exercise B 6 most important 3 she 4 they
1 big 2 tall 7 longest 5 it 6 I
3 brown 4 curly 8 easiest 7 I 8 We
5 broad 6 strong 9 most needed 9 her 10 She
7 shy 8 friendly 10 happiest
9 kind 10 perfect Exercise C
Exercise C 1 it 2 He
Exercise C 1 fastest 2 slowest 3 us 4 We
1 little 2 frightened 3 highest 4 lowest 5 They 6 He
3 painful 4 strange 5 furthest 6 strongest 7 They 8 me
5 serious 6 happy 7 weakest 8 best 9 them 10 She
7 funny 8 kind 9 worst
9 gentle 10 beautiful 10 most successful UNIT 13
Exercise A
UNIT9 UNIT 11 1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (2)
Exercise A Exercise A 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (1)
1 taller 1 (2) 2 (4) 3 (3) 7 (3) 8 (4) 9 (4)
2 better 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (4) 10 (2)
3 faster 7 (1) 8 (2) 9 (1)

----- ---- ---

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Exercise B 4 (1) 5 (1) 6 (2) UNIT 18
1 yourself 2 myself 7 (2) 8 (4) 9 (4) Exercise A
3 himself 4 yourselves 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (1) 1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (1)
5 ourselves 6 themselves 13 (3) 14 (3) 15 (4) 4 (4) 5 (2) 6 (4)
7 yourself 8 myself 16 (3) 17 (2) 18 (4) 7 (2) 8 (2) 9 (1)
9 themselves 10 myself 19 (4) 20 (1) 10 (4)
Exercise C Eercise B Exercise B
1 myself 2 myself 1 They 2 they is starting
3 himself 4 herself 3 themselves 2 is running
5 oufSelves 6 themselves 4 my 3 are staying
7 ourselves 8 ourselves 5 She 4 is coming
9 herself 10 yourselves 6 he 5 is slowing
7 them 6 isn't running
UNIT 14 8 Lucy and Larry's 7 is overtaking
Exercise A 9 My 8 is winning
(2) 2 (1) 3 (3) 10 it 9 are (you) feeling
4 (4) 5 (3) 6 (2) 10 am having
Exercise C
7 (1) 8 (2) 9 (4)
1 He Exercise C
10 (3)
2 His 1 are having
Exercise B 3 the tr 2 are visiting
1 What 2 What 4 Manchester United's 3 is showing
3 Which 4 Who 5 his 4 am seeing
5 What 6 What 6 they 5 aren't taking
7 What 8 Which 7 She 6 are walking
9 Who 10 What 8 her 7 am trying
9 her 8 am not doing
Exercise C
10 Spam·s 9 are (you) doing
1 What 2 Who
ExerciseD 10 are having
3 Who 4 What
5 What 6 Which 1 Who 2 What
7 What 8 Who 3 Who 4 Which
Exercise A
9 What 10 What 5 Who 6 What
1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (2)
7 What 8 Who
UNIT 15 4 (4) 5 (4) 6 (1)
9 Which 10 What
Exercise A 7 (1) 8 (2) 9 (4)
UNIT 17 10 (3)
1 (2) 2 (1) 3 (4)
4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (1) Exercise A Exercise B
7 (2) 8 (3) 9 (1) 1 plays 2 Does 1 come
10 (4) 3 doesn't 4 have 2 do
5 drink 6 go 3 don't watch
Exercise B
7 don't 8 am 4 doesn't let
1 boy's 2 Mark's 9 isn't 10 watch 5 takes
3 Mark and Jem's 4 boys 11 have 12 Do 6 am watching
5 Mark's 6 ships .
Exercise B 7 am having
7 Jem's 8 boys
8 is playing
9 bees' 10 ship's 1 starts 2 is
9 are flying
3 lasts 4 have
Exercise C 10 are having
5 isn't 6 enjoys
1 my 2 our 7 work 8 loves Exercise C
3 parents' 4 their I our 9 finishes 10 do/do 1 works
5 our 6 his
Exercise C 2 starts
7 my 8 her
3 finishes
9 HIS 10 our 1 know 2 isn't
3 are 4 has
UNIT 16 5 feels
5 have 6 goes
Exercise A 6 is spending
7 takes 8 aren't
7 is enjoying
1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (2) 9 is 10 like
8 isn't getting up

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9 IS going 4 wasn't doing Exercise B
10 Is gelling 5 was enjoying 1 packed
6 were spending 2 drove
UNIT 20 7 were living 3 were driving
Exercise A 8 were learning 4 saw
1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (2) 9 was teaching 5 was standing
4 (2) 5 (1) 6 (4) 10 was working 6 stopped
7 (3) 8 (1) 9 (1) 7 went
Exercise C
10 (1) 8 was looking
1 was walking
Exercise "B 9 heard
2 was wearing
10 was lying
1 visited 2 travelled 3 wasn't wearing
3 arrived 4 walked 4 was holding Exercise C
5 looked 6 didn't want 5 was staring 1 was riding
7 decided 8 joined 6 was playing 2 passed
9 agreed 10 wanted 7 were staring 3 was going
8 were running 4 made
Exercise C
9 were (all) wearing 5 said
1 lived 2 went 10 were holding 6 were staying
3 started 4 stopped
7 put
5 asked 6 didn't know UNIT 23 8 was getting
7 continued 8 grabbed Exercise A 9 told
9 was 10 shouted (2) 2 (3) 3 (3) tO had
4 (3) 5 (3) 6 (4)
7 (4) 8 (1) 9 (1) UNIT 25
Exercise A
10 (1) Exercise A
1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (2)
Exercise B 1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
4 (1) 5 (2) 6 (3)
4 (2) 5 (1) 6 (4)
7 (4) 8 (3) 9 (2) 1 was walking
7 (3) 8 (1) 9 (2)
10 (4) 2 was thinking
10 (2)
3 was looking
Exercise B
4 was shouting Exercise B
1 was 2 went 5 was (he) saying 1 Cut 2 Fold
3 left 4 saw 6 Was (someone) robbing 3 Repeat 4 unfold
5 made
7 Was (he) shouting 5 Look 6 copy
6 didn't go I did not go
8 was saying 7 cut 8 Arrange
7 led 9 was (he) saying 9 form 10 Have
8 was
10 was (he) shouting
9 sent Exercise C
10 became Exercise C 1 Remove 2 Cut
1 Was (the phone) working 3 mash 4 Add
Exercise C
2 Were (you) using 5 mix 6 Squeeze
1 was 2 didn't have
3 wasn't 7 Pour 8 Put
3 wasn't able 4 came
4 Were (you) listening 9 Freeze 10 Serve
5 caught 6 ate
5 wasn't
7 were 8 sent
6 Were (your friends) visiting UNIT 26
9 sold 10 were
7 weren't Exercise A
8 Were (you) playing 1 (3) 2 (3) 3 (1)
9 were (you) doing 4 (2) 5 (4) 6 (4)
Exercise A
10 was sleeping 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (I)
1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (1)
10 (4)
4 (2) 5 (4) 6 (3) UNIT 24
7 (2) 8 (4) 9 (1) Exercise A Exercise B
10 (3) 1 will 2 will
1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
Exercise B 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (1) 3 will 4 wont
7 (4) 8 (3) 9 (1) 5 will 6 wont
1 were staying-
10 (2) 7 won't 8 will
2 were having
9 will 10 will
3 was learning

- - -----
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Exercise C Exercise C Exercise B
1 Bffi §Oif1§ le take 1 can do 2 can't read 1 lived 2 wasn't
2 are (you) going to do 3 can read 4 can use 3 came 4 can fly
3 am going to study 5 can speak 6 can travel 5 told 6 Come
4 are going to look 7 can go 8 can do 7 will make 8 rushed
5 is going to take 9 can do 10 can't do 9 may 10 said
6 am going to count
UNIT 29 Exercise C
7 isn't going to be
8 am not going to work Exercise A 1 set 2 walked
9 ar.e.going to help 1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (4) 3 arrived
10 am going to stay 4 (3) 5 (1) 6 (4) 4 were entering
7 (1) 8 (4) 9 (4) 5 saw
UNIT 27 10 (1) 6 looked
Exercise A 7 were
Exercise B 8 spent
1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
4 (1) 5 (4) 6 (3) 1 could 2 could 9 were working
7 (1) 8 (4) 9 (2) 3 could 4 was 10 went
10 (4) 5 was 6 could
Exercise 0
7 could 8 was
Exercise B 9 could 10 was 1 were watching
1 leaves 2 was wearing
Exercise C 3 had
2 arrives
3 departs 1 could 2 was 4 said
4 arrives 3 could 4 was 5 got up
5 will get 5 were 6 could 6 were waiting
6 will (probably) be 7 could 8 could 7 Check
7 will have 9 was 10 could 8 smiled
8 will (not) be 9 Make
UNIT 30 10 Do
9 starts
Exercise A
10 will have Exercise E
1 Could 2 may
Exercise C 3 can 4 can't 1 made 2 heard
1 Bffi §Oif1§ le try 5 may not 6 can 3 held 4 blew
2 begins 7 Could 8 May 5 flew 6 won
3 am going to get 9 can 10 can't 7 came 8 did
4 opens 9 went 10 told
Exercise B
5 am going to spend
1 may 2 can't UNIT 32
6 am not going to play
3 may 4 should Exercise A
7 starts
8 am going to be 5 may 6 may not 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (4)
9 is
7 can 8 can 4 (4) 5 (3) 6 (2)
9 May 10 shouldn't 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (3)
10 am going to watch
10 (2)
Exercise C
UNIT 28 1 May 2
may Exercise B
Exercise A 3 can Could
4 1 On 2 at
1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 can could
6 3 In 4 from
4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (3) 7 may can
8 5 until 6 after
7 (2) 8 (4) 9 (1) 9 can 10 may 7 at 8 on
10 (4) 9 at I on 10 before
Exercise B UNIT 31
Exercise A Exercise C
1 can see 2 can catch 1 1n 2 in
1 (3) 2 (4) 3 (1)
3 can turn 4 can see 3 After 4 from
5 can't see 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (4)
6 can smell 5 in 6 until
7 can spread 8 can lay 7 (1) 8 (3) 9 (2)
10 (3) 11 (3) 12 (1) 7 on 8 On
9 can smell 10 can keep 9 in 10 1n
13 (4) 14 (2) 15 (3)
16 (2) 17 (1) 18 (3)
19 (3) 20 (4)

--- -- ----
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UNIT 33 Exercise C Then my mother gives me my
Exercise A 1 like 2 do birthday cards. This year my
1 (4) 2 (3) 3 (3) 3 am 4 go grandparents sent some money to
4 (2) 5 (4) 6 (2) 5 are 6 tell me in the card . I pass the cards to
7 (2) 8 (3) 9 (2) 7 live 8 are IW 1l1Q100r and she puts them on the
10 (3) 9 goes 10 meets shelf. Next, I open my presents. This
year my parents gave me a new
Exercise B UNIT 36 watch and my big brother bought m_e
1 on 2 in I near Exercise A a box of paints. I promised to paint
3 near 4 in 1 She read a story to the children. him a picture. Altar that. the family
5 in 6 on 2 She showed the old man the sang 'Happy Birtllday· to me and we
7 on 8 above picture. all ate breakfast.
9 Next 10 between 3 They sent it to their grandparents. In the afternoon my friends came
Exercise C 4 My parents took us to the round for tea and I showed 1b.ern my
c1nema. presents and cards. In the evening I
1 on I at 2 Between
5 I bought some chocolates for my wrote my thank-you letters. I wrote
3 Opposite 4 in
mother. my gr.and_fl.aren.ts a letter and thanked
5 next to 6 At
6 Mrs Clark teaches Year 3 them for the money and told them
7 in 8 at/ in
children science. about my day.
9 in front of 10 from
7 Can you get me a litre of milk,
UNIT 34 please? UNIT 37
8 We gave our teacher a present. Exercise A
Exercise A
9 John lent his bicycle to his 1 Can you swim?
1 (3) 2 (2) 3 (1)
brother. 2 Do you like reading?
4 (4) 5 (1) 6 (2)
10 Mary told her parents the truth. 3 What time did you go to bed
7 (3) 8 (1) 9 (3)
10 (1) Exercise B 4 Could you pass me the
Exercise B Last weekend my younger brother dictionary?
1 well 2 loudly lent his friend, Tom, a new CQ[J]~teJ: 5 Did you see the football match
3 politely 4 thoughtlessly g.arne called Sky Gazer. it was mine! on Saturday?
5 carefully 6 dangerously My aunt had given it to me for my 6 Why were you running down the
7 nicely 8 fa1rly birthday. He said he just wanted to road.
9 generously 10 perfectly show Tom ~ame and that he was 7 Who gave you the watch?
going to return it. Unfortunately, he 8 What did you learn today?
Exercise C left tbe,ffil..rne at Tom's house. And 9 Are you going to visit the
1 yesterday 2early Tom lent it to another friend. That museum tomorrow?
3 late 4downstairs friend didn't return it to Tom. My 10 Where does your father work?
5 there 6After brother gave me that he
7 next door 8here would get it back. I wanted to teach Exercise B
9 Before 10 next month my brother ~. I told him that 1 Where 2 ?
he owed me a..new_g.arne and that he 3 Have 4 ?
UNIT 35 must give bis_p.QCk_ei_rnQlle_J' to me. 5 What 6 What
Exercise A So, he did. Then, this morning the 7 ? 8 Are
1 has 2 have postman arrived with a parcel for me. 9 ? 10 •
3 don't 4 doesn't Inside was my game and a letter. I Exercise C
5 go 6 are showed theletler to my brother. Tom
7 is 8 were 1 Can I 2 Does she
was sick and couldn't leave the
9 was 10 were
3 She is 4 did she
house so his parents had sent ttle
5 Does she 6 Is it
g.arne back. I was sorry for Tom but
Exercise B 7 shall I 8 Should she
happy to have my game back. And,
1 go 2 starts 9 Should I 10 Will you
of course, my brother was happy
3 turns 4 has
when I gave him his-PQCke.LmQney UNIT 38
5 leave 6 lasts
back! Exercise A
7 wants 8 stays
9 is 10 are taught Exercise C 1 (4) 2 (2) 3 (1)
11 has 12 is On my birthday we always do the 4 (3) 5 (2) 6 (1)
13 makes 14 grow same things. First of all, at breakfast 7 (4) 8 (1) 9 (2)
15 do everyone wishes me 'Happy Birthday!' 10 (3)

6 © 2007 Learners Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore All rights reserved

Exercise B Exercise C Exercise C
1 Firstly 2 Then 1 but 2 and I or 1 lived 2 were
3 and 4 While 3 and 4 and 3 was blowing 4 Don't go
5 When 6 then 5 but 6 but 5 live 6 went
7 After 8 while 7 and 8 so 7 was trying 8 fell
9 ·Before 10 Lastly 9 and 10 so 9 am drowning 10 Cried
Exe.rciseC 11 was carrying 12 took
UNIT40 13 heard 14 rushed
1 Firstly 2 Next Exercise A 15 saw 16 was
3 aocf _ 4 until 1 (3) 2 (1) 3 (4) 17 got 18 became
5 Wl:ien 6 While 4 (1) 5 (2) 6 (4) 19 built 20 is
z -When- _- 8 -and'- 7 (3) 8 (2) 9 (2)
9 Lastly 10 until 10 (1) 11 (3) 12 (4) ExerciseD
13 (1) 14 (2) 15 (3) 1 interesting 2 oldest
UNIT39 3 beautifully 4 famous
16 (4) 17 (2) 18 (3)
Exercise A 5 amazing 6 valuable
19 (2) 20 (1)
1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (2) 7 carefully 8 dangerous
4 (4) 5 (1) 6 (3) Exercise B 9 painful 10 Luckily
7 (2) 8 (4) 9 (1) 1 a 2 potatoes
10 (3) 3 some 4 a few
5 a 6 peppers
Exercise B
7 the 8 alotof
1 and 2 and
9 mangoes 10 the
3 and 4 but
5 so 6 but
7 or 8 so
9 but 10 and

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