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Brazilian Journal of Botany


A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

Douglas C. Daly1   · Ricardo O. Perdiz2   · Paul V. A. Fine3   · Gabriel Damasco4   ·
María Cristina Martínez‑Habibe5   · Laura Calvillo‑Canadell6

Received: 29 July 2021 / Revised: 9 November 2021 / Accepted: 10 November 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Botanical Society of Sao Paulo 2021

This review of Neotropical Burseraceae emphasizes developments since the last major review of the family in 2011. The
Burseraceae comprise a Laurasian group (represented by Eocene fossils in the Northern Hemisphere) that originally dispersed
through Central America into Amazonia. During cooling and drying events in the Oligocene, the frost-intolerant northern
American progenitors were likely driven extinct; subsequently, the family experienced several vicariant events and later
several long-distance dispersals across the Southern Hemisphere. From Amazonia, the family re-colonized Central America
and the Caribbean. The most rapid diversifications in the Americas for the Burseraceae occurred during the Miocene in
Protium and Bursera, much of it through geological events, dispersal, and habitat specialization. A number of taxonomic
advances were made in Neotropical Burseraceae since 2011; these included 59 published new species overall, re-drawn
generic limits in tribe Protieae, new genus records for Burseraceae in Central America and the Cerrado of Brazil, new taxa
that more than doubled the number of Neotropical Dacryodes, and a recently recognized center of diversity for Protium
in the Andes. Revised generic descriptions and a new key to the New World genera of Burseraceae are provided. Special
attention is given to the implications of leaf architecture for characterization of clades. Monoecy (rare) and parthenocarpy
(possibly frequent) are discussed, and the close relationship of dioecious trees and small bee pollination is highlighted. Most
Burseraceae are dispersed by birds or arboreal mammals that carry pyrenes relatively short distances away from the mother
tree; however, other modes are found in the family, including wind dispersal (rare in New World Burseraceae), clumped
dispersal of pyrenes by ants and lizards, and oilbirds that can disperse Dacryodes fruits more than 30 km; some dispersers
that ingest pyrenes also aid in germination. The diversity and abundance of Burseraceae in a number of regions and habitats
(but especially in moist forests of Amazonia and dry forests of Mexico) are striking. This, plus the fact that the taxonomy
and phylogeny of New World Burseraceae are relatively well-resolved, spotlights the Burseraceae as an important model
organism for researching mechanisms of diversification, species limits, cryptic species, and “hyperdominance” in tropical
forests. High chemical diversity and differences in biological activity make sense in the context of diversification and coex-
istence. Studies of chemical defenses support the idea of a “growth defense trade-off” and suggest that selection by different
natural enemies could be implicated in the speciation process; they also show that closely related species often display high
chemical divergence, and plants with the most chemical defenses have a lower number and diversity of insect herbivores.
The range of physical and chemical properties of Burseraceae resin is reflected in their cultural uses, which are diverse while
showing strong ethnobotanical convergence.

Keywords  Cryptic species · Diversification · Hyperdominance · Leaf architecture · Model organisms

1 Introduction

New World Burseraceae comprise an excellent case of recip-

rocal illumination, in which a strong taxonomic foundation
has permitted development of a robust phylogeny, which in
turn has informed decisions regarding suprageneric as well
* Douglas C. Daly as infrageneric classification (e.g., Daly et al. 2001; Fine et  al. 2005, 2014; Daly and Fine 2018). This permits
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

D. C. Daly et al.

highlighting the results of research in which Burseraceae an extinct lineage that was neither strictly Anacardiaceae or
taxa or clades have served as model organisms for testing Burseraceae.
hypotheses relating to diversification or to patterns of plant The fossil record of the family from the Paleocene and
diversity (Daly et al. 2012a; Lagomarsino and Frost 2020), Eocene includes several macrofossils from North America
shedding light on the roles of habitat specialization, parapa- and Europe. From the London Clay Formation, there are
tric speciation, herbivore pressure, and chemical defenses in fruits described as Bursericarpum aldwickense Chandler
diversification and species coexistence. and Protocommiphora europea Reid & Chandler, com-
Moreover, phylogenomic studies of recalcitrant species pared, respectively, with extant Protieae and Commiphora
complexes are proving highly relevant to two prominent (Chandler 1961, 1964; Reid and Chandler 1933; Collinson
issues in tropical tree diversity, cryptic species and hyper- 1983; Harley and Daly 1995; Weeks et al. 2005, 2014; Friis
dominance, with the former bringing a critical focus on the et al. 2011). Similarly, reports of fossil leaves and pollen of
latter. Bursera of the Eocene from the Lagerstätte of the Floris-
This review of Neotropical Burseraceae is not meant to sant Fossil Beds in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado sug-
replace that of the whole family that appeared in Kubitzki’s gest a tropical (or frost-free) climate there (Meyer 2003).
magnum opus (Daly et al. 2011; Kubitzki 2011); rather, it Furthermore, Calvillo-Canadell et al. (2013) described two
emphasizes developments since then and in fact some sec- Eocene fossil leaves, Bursera popensis Calvillo-Canadell,
tions (e.g., pollen) have been omitted if there has been little Rodríguez-Reyes, Medina-Lemos, & Cevallos-Ferriz and
of substance to report since 2011. Discussions and genus B. ezequieli Calvillo-Canadell, Rodríguez-Reyes, Medina-
descriptions are tailored to focus on New World Burser- Lemos, & Cevallos-Ferriz, from the La Carroza Formation
aceae; this means that some sections are rather different in the La Popa basin of Nuevo León, Mexico.
from the treatment in Kubitzki (2011) even if they do not The phylogenetic analysis of Weeks et al. (2014) suggests
report significant research post-2011. that the family originated in the Northern Hemisphere, in
All of Bursera is treated because the genus comprises an the Laurasia megacontinent. After the major cooling and
important part of New World Burseraceae diversity, and any drying that took place in the Oligocene, Burseraceae along
geography-based partial exclusion would be artificial. Some with other plant taxa lacking frost tolerance were extirpated
species are truly tropical, some are technically subtropical from freezing climates and this resulted in several vicari-
or warm-temperate; moreover, some occur at low latitudes ant events, with lineages entering the tropics and becoming
but high elevations. separated during continental drift and the widening Atlan-
tic Ocean. Several Neotropical lineages of Burseraceae
(e.g., within Protieae and Canarieae s.l.) have relatives in
Africa, Madagascar, and Asia that likely are products of such
2 Fossil‑calibrated phylogenetic results ancient vicariance (Weeks et al. 2014; Gostel et al. 2016).
of Neotropical Burseraceae Long-distance dispersal has also played an important role in
the historical biogeography of the family, with more recent
The crown age of the Burseraceae was estimated to be transitions across oceans in Protium and Commiphora being
78–106 Ma, with its stem dating to at least 115 Ma (Weeks facilitated by bird- or wind-dispersed seeds (Fine et al. 2014;
et al. 2014). A second analysis that included all of the Sap- Gostel et al. 2016).
indalean families and fossils throughout the order (but The Protieae radiated after they arrived in the Amazon
relatively few Burseraceae taxa) recovered a more recent and then secondarily dispersed to Central America, the
fossil-calibrated crown age of 64–85 Ma for Burseraceae Caribbean, the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and the Chocó bio-
(Muellner-Riehl et al. 2016). In any case, both analyses geographic region. This surprising result may be explained
estimate the origin of the Burseraceae to be during the by the contraction of lowland rain forest habitat in Central
Cretaceous. America during the Oligocene and early Miocene—meaning
Fossil wood of Upper Cretaceous age (73 ma) was that although the Protieae once lived in North America and
reported from the Olmos Formation in Coahuila, México likely dispersed to South America via Central America and/
(Estrada-Ruiz et al. 2010) and described as a new genus or the Caribbean, these progenitors must have gone extinct
and species in the Sapindales, Coahuiloxylon terrazasiae soon afterward and thus all extant Caribbean and Central
Estrada-Ruiz, Martínez-Cabrera & Cevallos-Ferriz. The American taxa come from Amazonian ancestors (Fine et al.
wood shares anatomical characteristics with Burseraceae 2014).
and Anacardiaceae, like the presence of indistinct growth Most diversification in Burseraceae has occurred since
rings, simple perforation plates, and heterocellular rays. One the Miocene, with two of the largest rate shifts occurring in
could infer that C. terrazasiae represents a period when the Neotropical Protieae (Fine et al. 2014; Weeks et al. 2014)
two sister families were diverging, although it could also be and Meso-American Bursera (De-Nova et al. 2012). This

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

accumulation of Amazonian diversity during the Miocene Hemisphere. It is interesting to note that Federman et al.
agrees with recent paleogeographic reconstructions that (2015) showed Malagasy Canarium to be monophyletic and
indicate that this period involved major changes in the hypothesized that it reached Madagascar via long-distance
Western Amazon, including Andean uplift, major changes dispersal from tropical Asia. As currently circumscribed,
to the hydrology of the main rivers, and the formation of new the genus is highly diverse in both Asia and Madagascar but
edaphic habitats (Fine et al. 2014). Radiations are thought is represented in continental Africa by a single, apparently
to be spurred by key innovations or the colonization of new relictual species, C. schweinfurthii Engl.
regions. In this case, we envision that arrival into the large,
contiguous rain forest habitats of Amazonia, coupled with
the propensity to evolve habitat specialization, represented 3 Family description and morphology
an opportunity for Protieae trees to spread their ranges and
diversify. Fine et al. (2014) found that habitat specializa- Trees or shrubs, sometimes rupicolous, very rarely scan-
tion into sandy soil and flooded forest habitats has occurred dent or epiphytic, with schizogenous resin canals in most
many times independently in the Protieae, especially in the vascularized tissues. Leaves alternate, rarely stipulate or
Amazon. pseudostipulate (Old World only), imparipinnately com-
Bursera is an important floristic element in Neotropical pound or infrequently unifoliolate or apparently simple,
dry forests. Its center of origin is Mesoamerica, where about rarely bipinnate, often the petiole pulvinate at base, the
100 of its 125 species occur. As noted, most extant spe- rachis sometimes winged, often the lateral or at least the
cies of Bursera arose in the Miocene (De-Nova et al. 2012), terminal petiolules pulvinulate at apex; leaflets (sub-)
when that region underwent its peak aridification (Graham opposite; primary vein framework pinnate, secondary
2010). Very similar to Bursera and sister to it is the almost vein framework usually some form of brochidodromous
exclusively Old World genus Commiphora, represented in or semi-craspedodromous (see separate “Leaf architec-
the New World solely by C. leptophloeos (Mart.) J.B. Gillett. ture of Burseraceae” section). Inflorescences (pseudo-)
The two genera are so similar that some authors in Cuba and terminal and/or axillary, rarely cauliflorous, structurally
Dominican Republic transferred several species of Bursera a panicle of cymes but sometimes appearing spicate, fas-
to Commiphora, but molecular studies confirmed that in fact ciculate, or racemose. Flowers actinomorphic, unisexual
all of the taxa present in the Greater Antilles and the Baha- (with either the androecium or gynoecium reduced or
mas belong in Bursera (Martínez-Habibe 2012). rarely obsolete, see “Reproductive Morphology” sec-
Extant species of Bursera in the Greater Antilles and the tion) or less often bisexual; hypanthium sometimes pre-
Bahamas are derived from two separate colonization events sent; perianth 2-whorled and 3–5(6)-parted; calyx par-
from Central America, and no sister relationships exist tially synsepalous, valvate (less often imbricate or apert
between any South American ancestor and extant Greater (open)), sometimes slightly accrescent in fruit; petals
Antilles and the Bahamas taxa. Speciation in this region distinct or less often partially fused, when free usually
occurred on and among emergent islands between the mid- induplicate-valvate or sometimes imbricate in the middle;
Miocene and the Pleistocene (Martínez-Habibe 2012), an flowers (meta-)obdiplostemonous, rarely haplostemonous
evolutionary history that agrees with paleogeographic evi- (the antepetalous series missing); filaments usually dis-
dence (Iturralde-Vinent and MacPhee 1999; MacPhee and tinct, anthers sometimes continuous with the filaments
Iturralde-Vinent 2000). (not sagittate), dehiscence longitudinal and introrse or
Megafossil records of Canarium fruits have been identi- latrorse; disk intrastaminal, usually annular, sometimes
fied from the Eocene in North America, the Eocene to Oli- adnate to the receptacle or apparently absent (taxa with
gocene in Europe, the Oligocene in Africa, the Oligocene hypanthium); gynoecium syncarpous and 2–5(6–12)-car-
to Miocene in Asia, and the Pleistocene in Australia and pellate and -locular, in staminate flowers the pistil reduced
the Pacific islands. Recently, Han et al. (2018) described or less often rudimentary or absent, sometimes the disk
Canarium guangxiensis Han & Manchester based on com- and pistillode replaced by a parenchymatous ovariodisk;
puted tomography (CT) scans of fossil fruits from the late ovary superior, rarely semi-inferior within a hypanthium;
Oligocene in China. The broad distribution of Canarium and most locules abortive in most genera; ovules 2 per locule,
related lineages over the Northern Hemisphere contracted epitropous, collateral or (in Beiselia) superposed, attached
during the Miocene as a result of its extinction in North laterally or (sub-)apically; style 1, erect, sometimes shortly
America and Europe. branched near the apex, stigmas or stigmatal lobes usu-
Based on the fossils known so far, Han et  al. (2018) ally as many as carpels but sometimes the stigma capitate.
hypothesized that Canarium may have had a North Ameri- Fruit a fleshy or dry compound drupe or rarely a pseudo-
can Eocene origin, with subsequent spread to Eurasia capsule (Beiselia); each seed contained in a pyrene, the
and Africa, followed by dispersal across the Southern pyrenes fused and indehiscent (Dacryodes, Trattinnickia),

D. C. Daly et al.

or separated by a columella and dehiscent, with the pyr- papery and exfoliating (e.g., most Bursera subgenus Bur-
ene (partly) enveloped in a pseudaril or rarely (sub-)alate sera); it can be thin and smooth (most Protium) to thick and
(Beiselia). Seeds exalbuminous, the embryo minute and deeply fissured (e.g., Protium sect. Tetragastris).
straight; cotyledons entire and plano-convex, or lobed and Resin ducts are associated with virtually all vascularized
contortuplicate, or palmatifid, rarely transversely twice- tissues. The resin is usually evident as an exudate and can
folded. Germination epigeal or hypogeal, cryptocotylar be clear, translucent, milky, or rarely reddish, and the con-
or phanerocotylar, with the first eophylls opposite or sistency can be watery or gummy; the clear and translucent
alternate, simple or trifoliate or pinnately compound, the resins usually have a strong terpenoid odor. It can dry crys-
leaf(let) margin entire or serrate. talline and powdery, or solid and translucent, or rubbery and
In the New World, approximately 280 species in 6 gen- opaque. In most species the resin is flammable when dry, in
era, in the tropics and subtropics, represented by few taxa in some when fresh as well.
some warm temperate areas (Fig. 1). Most taxa are unarmed, but some Commiphora and a very
few Bursera have thorns that terminate short shoots, some-
Vegetative morphology  – Burseraceae are entirely times on adventitious shoots from the trunk and boughs;
woody. Most taxa are small to large trees, but Commiphora axillary thorns have been reported on seedlings of Protium
leptophloeos can be shrubby and species in Bursera can be javanicum Burm.f. (Lam 1932b) and observed on the only
shrubby, pachycaulous, or caudiciform in arid conditions; known specimen of Protium melinonis Engl. The persistent
some of these can be effectively lithophytic. Bursera stand- swollen petiole bases of Beiselia are often cuspidate.
leyana L.O. Williams & Cuatrec. is a small, epiphytic cloud Cataphylls are sometimes present (persistent in some Bur-
forest tree in Costa Rica. sera subgenus Elaphrium (Jacq.) Triana & Planch.). The
Buttresses are often present in moist forest taxa; these are leaves are evergreen or deciduous (Beiselia, most Bursera,
(sometimes branched) plank buttresses, rarely flying but- Commiphora) and alternate (sometimes appearing opposite
tresses, and/or stilt roots. The bark is diverse; the color is in Protium unifoliolatum Engl.), often conferted at branch
usually gray or brown but can be red, yellow, or green (e.g., apices. New World Burseraceae are exstipulate; most are
many Bursera spp.). It is close in most genera but can be imparipinnate, but a few Bursera species are bipinnate,

Beiselia Bursera Commiphora

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 km

Dacryodes Protium Trattinnickia

Fig. 1  Generalized distributions of the six New World genera of Burseraceae. Specimen data from New York Botanical Garden database. Dots
represent specimen collections of each genus. Map generated in R environment 4.1 (R Core Team 2021) with R packages tmap (Tennekes 2018),
sf (Pebesma 2018), and shapefiles from R package rnaturalearth (South 2017)

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

several Protium species are unifoliolate (with a distal pulvi- structurally bisexual, but with either a reduced pistillode
nulus), and several species of Bursera appear to have simple lacking stigmas or reduced staminodes lacking pollen. The
leaves, lacking pulvinuli. flowers of some taxa and lineages show sexual dimorphism,
The petiole is often basally pulvinate, the rachis winged the pistillate flowers being slightly larger and more robust.
in some Bursera. Most Dacryodes, Protium, and Trattin- Perigynous species occur in some Bursera.
nickia have a pulvinulus at least at the distal end of the ter- The perianth is always 2-whorled and can be
minal petiolule and usually at both ends of the lateral peti- 3–5(6)-parted. The calyx is partially synsepalous (rarely
olules. The leaflets are (sub)opposite. The leaflet apex can divided to the base) and lobed (rarely truncate), and the aes-
be gland-tipped (e.g., some Bursera). The margin is entire tivation is usually valvate (apert (open) in Bursera, imbri-
or variously crenate or toothed, the teeth rarely gland-tipped cate in Commiphora). The petals are distinct or less often
(e.g., Beiselia and Protium cuneifolium (Cuatrec.) Byng & partly to mostly fused, and their aestivation can be valvate,
Christenh.). induplicate-valvate (including all Protium) or valvate at the
Leaflet architecture (following Ellis et al. 2009) is mod- apex and slightly imbricate along the sides (some Commi-
erately diverse (summarized here but see separate “Leaf phora and Dacryodes). In most taxa, there is an inflexed
architecture of Burseraceae” section on this topic). Pri- apiculum. Petal color ranges from pale green to (greenish)
mary venation is always pinnate, the secondary framework yellow, white, cream, pink, and red.
most often (festooned-) brochidodromous or less often The flowers are usually obdiplostemonous (i.e., carpels
cladodromous (Beiselia, some Bursera), or as noted above are antepetalous), but the two whorls often appear to form a
semi-craspedodromous (Protium sect. Crepidospermum, single cycle (metaobdiplostemony; Lam 1931, 1932a); some
many Bursera subgenus Elaphrium). Intersecondaries are taxa are haplostemonous, with the antepetalous series miss-
sometimes present, also usually epimedial tertiaries. The ing; the anthers are sometimes continuous with the filaments
intercostal tertiary fabric is variously percurrent, irregular- (not sagittate; some Dacryodes and staminate flowers of
reticulate, or admedially ramified (sometimes composite some Protium sect. Tetragastris), the dehiscence longitudi-
admedial). In Trattinnickia sect. Burserifoliae the areoles nal and introrse or latrorse. As noted, in pistillate flowers the
define papilla-filled abaxial laminar crypts. Freely ending stamens are reduced and the anthers do not produce pollen.
veinlets are usually present and then dendritic, and ranging In New World species, the disk is intrastaminal and annu-
from unbranched to highly branched (the latter in some Pro- lar, less often adnate to the receptacle or apparently absent
tium clades and most Bursera and Dacryodes), sometimes (some Bursera with a hypanthium); in several clades the disk
ending in tracheoid idioblasts (Beiselia, most Bursera, many and pistillode are replaced by a parenchymatous ovariodisk
Protium) or highly branched sclereids (e.g., Protium sect. (e.g., Protium sect. Tetragastris). In staminate flowers the
Papilloprotium). pistillode is variously reduced: (1) most often resembling
Punctate leaflets characterize Protium sect. Icicopsis but a reduced pistil and parenchymatous or with locules and
are not restricted to that section. In the Neotropics, asperous rudimentary ovules, capped by a style; (2) consisting of a
leaflets are found in some Trattinnickia and in Dacryodes parenchymatous cylinder (e.g., Protium sect. Sarcoprotium);
cuspidata (Cuatrec.) Daly. (3) obsolete (e.g., some Bursera); or (4) part of the aforesaid
Reproductive morphology  – Inflorescences are often The gynoecium is syncarpous, 2–5-locular or rarely
initiated with leaf flush or, in the case of most arid-zone (Beiselia) 10–12-locular, the ovary usually superior or
taxa, beforehand. In New World taxa, they are axillary albeit sometimes the perianth epigynous when a hypanthium is
often pseudoterminal (e.g., Trattinnickia). Inflorescence present (some Bursera), the placentation axile. The single
architecture is a panicle of cymes, as noted above, but a style is apical, erect, sometimes shortly branched near the
great deal of morphological diversity is achieved through the apex, usually the stigmas or stigmatal lobes as many as the
suppression or proliferation of axes or the pedicels, result- carpels, sometimes the stigma capitate. In most Burseraceae,
ing in pseudoracemes, pseudofascicles, or pseudospikes, the gynoecium is synascidiate at least to the midpoint of
the latter characteristic of some lineages (e.g., Protium sect. the ovary, and symplicate up to the base of the distinct stig-
Icicopsis). Some New World taxa show rather subtle sexual mas, but in Beiselia the synascidiate region encompasses
dimorphism of inflorescences; in these cases, the male inflo- the whole ovary and extends beyond the locules, and the
rescences are somewhat longer, more slender and more laxly symplicate zone below the postgenitally united distinct
branched, with more flowers. Inflorescence bracts subtend carpel tips is short. In the flower of Beiselia, the notable
inflorescence axis branches and cymules and may be cadu- massive remnant of the floral apex is uplifted to the base of
cous to persistent. the distinct carpel tips (Bachelier and Endress 2009). The
Burseraceae flowers are actinomorphic and unisexual or ovules are 2 per locule, collateral or superposed, usually
less often bisexual. In dioecious taxa, flowers are usually bitegmic, slightly campylotropous, and they have a longer

D. C. Daly et al.

and thicker inner integument and an S-shaped or zigzag Both phenomena could be interpreted as effectively reduc-
micropyle. Additional details on the floral anatomy of the ing the fitness of seed predators, which apparently invest a
family can be found in Narayana (1959, 1960) and Bachelier great deal of energy opening empty fruits while the trees
and Endress (2009). economize on seed development.
New World Burseraceae fruits are rarely dehiscent pseu- The endocarp in all but one genus has a zone of weakness
docapsules or variations on a compound drupe, and the unit (usually at the apex) where it splits open during germina-
of dispersal is the pyrene. The plants with pseudocapsules tion. The testa in Burseraceae is thin but sometimes with
(Beiselia in the New World) are dehiscent via dry valves, irregular thickenings and then infolded with contortuplicate
releasing dry, compressed, winged pyrenes separated by a cotyledons, a morphology sometimes referred to as a “laby-
persistent columella with as many lobes as the number of rinth seed” (van Heel 1970). The seed is exalbuminous, the
valves; each pyrene is compressed parallel to radii of the embryo straight, and the cotyledons account for most of the
fruit axis (the columella lobes) and distally winged. seed volume. Cotyledon morphology in Burseraceae ranges
The compound drupes of New World Burseraceae are of from entire and plano-convex and straight or variously
three types: curved, to entire and plicate or contortuplicate, to pinnately
or palmately divided and folded, to 3-lobed and transversely
1. Fruits dehiscent septicidally and acropetally via valves, reverse-folded. Germination and seedling morphology in the
the valves fleshy to leathery; pyrene 1 (including 1–2 family are similarly diverse: germination can be epigeal or
connate or connivent abortive locules, rarely one or both hypogeal and cryptocotylar or phanerocotylar, and the first
of these developing), basally attached to the receptacle, eophylls can be opposite or alternate, simple or trifoliate or
and invested with a fleshy and brightly colored pseudaril pinnately compound, the margin entire or less often toothed.
that partly or completely covers the pyrene (Bursera,
2. Fruits dehiscent septicidally and acropetally via valves,
the valves fleshy to leathery (rarely sublignified), pyr- 4 Leaf architecture of Burseraceae
enes 1–5, separated by a columella and enveloped in a
sweet, pulpy, white or rarely red pseudaril, on dehis- Leaves constitute an extremely rich and woefully under-
cence tenuously suspended from the fruit apex by an utilized source of characters for describing as well as dis-
inverted V-shaped structure (Protium). tinguishing—or linking—angiosperms (Ellis et al. 2009),
3. Fruits indehiscent, the exocarp thin and dry; the meso- revealing features of leaf architecture that will map onto
carp fleshy and oily or resinous or rarely dry; compound phylogenies at different ranks. Hickey (1973) expected that
pyrene (endocarp) of 2–3 connate locules, of which 1–2 leaf architecture will continue to grow in importance as an
are abortive; in Dacryodes the pyrenes are cartilaginous integral part of any morphological study of dicots.
and the undeveloped locules highly reduced and com- Recent work on the leaf architecture of Burseraceae and
pressed, forming an often separable articulated plate on Anacardiaceae has not only yielded insights into a number of
a margin of the developed locule; in Trattinnickia the leaf characters (see below), it has also led to improvements
connate pyrenes are bony and tuberculate, the abortive in protocols for leaf preparation (Vasco et al. 2014), which
locules not reduced and not separable. in turn have made possible high-resolution images used in
studies quantifying connectivity in leaf vein networks (Ron-
There is disagreement about the homology of the ellenfitsch et al. 2015).
pseudaril in the anatomy of the first two types. Van der Walt Paleobotanists need to be able to characterize the vein
(1975) considered it a zone of the mesocarp, and similarly, patterns of leaf fossils, because that is most of what is avail-
Ramos-Ordoñez et al. (2013) interpreted it as being derived able to them for study. The reality that leaf architecture is
from an inner mesocarp, while other authors associate it the primary utensil for characterizing and identifying fossils
with the endocarp; further developmental studies are needed. makes it essential for studies that help to re-construct ancient
In a phenomenon reported by Ramos-Ordoñez et  al. floras and to understand how the plants of the past responded
(2012) in Bursera species and frequently observed by the to climate change (e.g., Carvalho et al. 2021).
current authors in Protium, the ovary develops and the Based on their fossil records as currently understood,
fruits reach their mature size and color well before the seeds the Burseraceae and its sister family Anacardiaceae have a
develop, and the locules are mostly empty; the seeds fully long evolutionary history. Fossils of leaves, wood and fruits
develop and fill the locules just as the pseudarils are devel- attributed to various genera, especially of the Anacardi-
oping and just before the valves fall away. Ramos-Ordoñez aceae, have been described from globally distributed fossil
et al. (2012) also reported true parthenocarpy in Bursera, in localities, principally of Cenozoic age. Historical biogeog-
which the ovary and locules develop but no seeds develop. raphy depends heavily on plausible fossil identifications to

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

formulate hypotheses about the origins and migrations of notable for non-vein characters, such as papillae (sect. Papil-
extant groups; conversely, baseless taxonomic attribution loprotium) or punctations (sect. Icicopsis).
can misdirect those hypotheses. The present study thor-
oughly characterizes the leaves of many extant taxa repre- Salient leaf architecture features of  major clades
senting many of the major lineages. Applying the same cri- of Burseraceae‑Protieae – Protium sect. Crepidosper-
teria to ancient leaves will greatly facilitate a re-assessment mum (1 of 6 species sampled). Secondary vein framework
of key fossils that have formed the basis for prevailing sce- semi-craspedodromous; intercostal tertiaries mixed oppo-
narios of their historical biogeography. site-alternate  percurrent and irregular-reticulate; FEVs
As part of an initiative to develop an interpretive atlas of (freely ending veinlets) 0–2-branched; marginal ultimate
the leaf architecture of the Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae, a venation completely looped.
group of four collaborators has cleared, stained, and imaged Protium sect. Icicopsis (8 of 21 species sampled). Epime-
leaflets of 171 species of Burseraceae and scored them for 84 dial tertiaries all perpendicular to midvein but also parallel
leaf characters (plus 10 tooth characters when appropriate), to secondaries in 2 species, all distally reticulating and in
plus nine geographic and ecological traits. This sampling 7 spp also basiflexed; 6 species have intercostal tertiaries
accounts for 12 of the 17 currently recognized genera in the mixed opposite-alternate-percurrent and irregular-reticulate;
family and 111 of the estimated 193 species of tribe Protieae. all 8 sampled species have FEVs highly branched; 6 have
punctations visible.
Leaf architecture and phylogeny of Burseraceae‑Pro‑ Protium sect. Marignia (2 of 2 species sampled). Costal
tieae  – The most recent comprehensive phylogeny treat- secondary veins in 7–10 pairs, insertion (slightly) decurrent;
ing Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae is that of Weeks et al. intersecondary veins 0–1 per intercostal space, long, adme-
(2014). Sampling of major lineages in Burseraceae, espe- dially branched; intercostal tertiary veins irregular-reticulate
cially in tribe Protieae, makes it possible to discern congru- and admedially branched; admedial tertiaries present, all off
ences in leaf architecture within each of the nine published intercostal tertiaries and composite from secondary loops;
sections in Protium, as well as in a number of unpublished quaternary veins all irregular-reticulate and freely ramified;
clades that can be recognized also by macromorphological FEVs highly branched, terminating in tracheoid idioblasts.
characters. Protium sect. Papilloprotium (5 of 5 species sampled).
All Protieae have pinnate primary vein framework and Admedial tertiaries present in 4 of 5 species; quaternary
some form of brochidodromous secondary vein framework vein fabric irregular-reticulate and freely ramified; areolation
(here including semi-craspedodromous). The venation is weak; FEVs highly branched, in 4 of 5 species terminating
usually highly organized, with strong areolation; for qua- in highly branched sclereids; some with serrate margin; 4 of
ternary and quintenary fabrics a very common combination 5 with dense papillae on abaxial surface.
is irregular-reticulate and freely ramified. The great major- Protium sect. Pepeanthos (5 of 8 species sampled). Cos-
ity of Protieae species sampled have a fimbrial vein, while tal secondary veins in 8–11 pairs; 4 species have alternate-
the marginal ultimate venation in some taxa is incomplete; percurrent tertiaries in combination; all have quintenaries
looping is rare. irregular-reticulate and freely ramified (sextenary same in 2
Greater variation is found in the intersecondary veins, of them); FEVs highly branched; 4 of 5 have a fimbrial vein.
including presence/absence, angle, length, and distal behav- Protium sect. Protium (3 of 4 species sampled, Old World
ior. Admedial tertiaries are quite diverse in origin (from only). Epimedial tertiaries 1–2 per intercostal space, per-
secondaries or their loops, intersecondaries, epimedial ter- pendicular to midvein, short and basiflexed or reticulating;
tiaries, costal tertiaries) and complexity (simple vs. com- FEVs highly branched, in at least 2 species terminating in
posite). Freely ending veinlets (FEVs) may be absent (i.e., tracheoid idioblasts; marginal ultimate venation with incom-
areoles empty), or little-branched, or highly branched, and plete looping; inclusions in 2 species.
termination can be simple, or tracheoid idioblasts, or highly Protium sect. Sarcoprotium (4 of 9 species sampled).
branched sclereids. Quintenary vein fabric irregular-reticulate and freely
Unlike Bursera, less than ten percent of Protieae have ramified; FEVs highly branched, terminating in tracheoid
leaflets with teeth; some of these are only distally serrulate, idioblasts.
while others have teeth only on juvenile leaflets. Leaflets Protium sect. Tetragastris (4 of 12 species sampled).
of Protium sect. Crepidospermum always have teeth (some Quaternary and quintenary veins in 3 species are irregular-
glandular-tipped), while in the rest of the tribe some clades reticulate and freely ramified; FEVs highly branched but
include toothed and untoothed species, and a few species can endings inconsistent.
have toothed or untoothed individuals (e.g., Protium sub- Protium aracouchini complex (4 of 8 species sampled).
serratum (Engl.) Engl.). Some Protieae clades have leaflets Epimedial tertiaries are perpendicular to midvein; 3 species

D. C. Daly et al.

have quintenaries irregular-reticulate and freely ramified; 2 species and sections of Protium. For example, the tooth dis-
species have FEVs 0–1 branched, but 1 is unbranched or tal flank can be straight to concave (P. atlanticum), convex
1–3-branched. (P. alvarezianum Daly & P. Fine, P. subserratum), or straight
Protium guianense (Aubl.) Marchand complex (3 spe- (P. dawsonii); and the tooth proximal flank can be straight
cies sampled). Costal secondaries in 9–11 pairs; all 3 have to convex (P. alvarezianum, P. pristifolium, P. subserratum),
intersecondaries; epimedial tertiaries are perpendicular to slightly convex (P. dawsonii), or convex (P. elegans, P. uni-
midvein; all are irregular-polygonal at quintenary or sex- foliolatum, P. pilosum (Cuatrec.) Daly).
tenary; areoles empty or FEVs unbranched or 1-branched;
lamina appears punctate. Leaf architecture and phylogeny of Bursera  – To date,
Protium hebetatum Daly complex (3 species sampled). sampling of Burseraceae outside of the well-sampled and
FEVs unbranched or 1-branched. relatively highly resolved Protieae has been much more
Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand complex (4 spe- uneven and incomplete. Of the major groups of Bursera
cies sampled). Tertiaries in 5 species are alternate-percurrent delimited by Espinosa et al. (2006), Andrés-Hernández et al.
in combination; 3 species have sextenaries irregular-polyg- (2012), De-Nova et al. (2012), and Martínez-Habibe (2012),
onal and freely ramified (1 has them irregular-reticulate and one (the B. copallifera (Sessé & Moc.) Bullock group) is
freely ramified); 4 have FEVs unbranched or 1-branched, 2 not yet represented in our samples and three groups are rep-
species are unbranched to 2- or 3-branched. resented by only two samples each. Subgenus Elaphrium
Protium opacum Swart complex (4 species sampled). (syn.: section Bullockia) is especially poorly sampled. Still,
Intercostal tertiaries in 2 species are alternate-percurrent some patterns can be observed.
and irregular-reticulate and 2 species are mixed opposite- Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. clade (7 species sampled).
alternate percurrent and irregular-reticulate; quaternaries all All species sampled have festooned- brochidodromous sec-
alternate-percurrent and irregular-reticulate. ondary framework; in 5 the quintenaries are irregular-retic-
ulate and freely ramified; in 6 the FEVs are highly branched.
Diversity of tooth architecture in leaflets of Burser‑ Caribbean clade (6 species sampled). Three have the leaf-
aceae‑Protieae  – Most species of Burseraceae and Anac- let apex tip glandular, 5 have admedial tertiaries (albeit with
ardiaceae have leaves or leaflets with entire margins, but different origins), all have the FEVs highly branched and
one also finds a number of taxa with margins that are ser- terminating in tracheoid idioblasts, and 4 have the marginal
rate, dentate, or crenate. The teeth described for these sister ultimate venation with incomplete looping.
families are diverse, and their morphological configurations Bursera inaguensis Britton clade (3 species sampled).
(including vasculature) may be linked to their evolutionary All have admedial tertiaries, but with several combinations
history. Description of the distinct tooth types in their leaf of origins; all have the quaternaries irregular-reticulate and
architecture brings new informative characters that per- freely ramified, and all have the FEVS highly branched and
mit making taxonomic distinctions and in some instances terminating in tracheoid idioblasts.
phylogenetic inferences. The work of Hickey and Wolfe Bursera fagaroides Engl. clade (2 species sampled). Both
(1975) already recognized the importance of tooth charac- species sampled show a cladodromous secondary frame-
ters for understanding angiosperm systematics (see Doyle work, decurrent insertion of secondary veins, admedial
2007); they may also be understood as functional adaptive tertiaries (also irregular-reticulate), and marginal ultimate
responses in the context of climate studies, the leaf being the venation incompletely looped.
organ that interfaces most with the environment in which the Bursera glabrifolia Engl. clade (2 species sampled). Both
plant grows (Xu et al. 2009; Hernández and Falcón 2014). species sampled have crenate margin, intercostal tertiaries
Teeth occur in at least five of the nine published sec- percurrent and irregular-reticulate, quaternaries alternate-
tions and five unofficially recognized clades of Protium; the percurrent and irregular-reticulate, and quintenaries irreg-
margin may be crenate as in P. atlanticum (Daly) Byng & ular-reticulate and freely ramifying. They also have very
Christenh. (sect. Crepidospermum); sparsely crenate as in similar tooth characteristics except the tooth principal vein
P. unifoliolatum (P. guianense clade); serrate as in P. pris- may be secondary or tertiary in rank and the sinus vascu-
tifolium Daly, or sparsely serrate as in most P. subserratum larization is different.
(Engl.) Engl. (sect. Papilloprotium), P. dawsonii Cuatrec. (P. Bursera fragilis S. Watson/B. microphylla A. Gray clade
heptaphyllum clade), and P. elegans Engl. (P. aracouchini (2 species sampled). Both have the secondary framework
clade). cladodromous and intersecondaries that are parallel to the
Irregular tooth spacing, angular sinus shape, and one secondaries and reticulating, but they differ in a number of
order of teeth predominate in tribe Protieae, although two other respects.
to three orders of teeth occur in Protium atlanticum and P.
pristifolium. The form and apex of teeth can vary among

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

Discussion of  leaf architectural characters  – The that Neotropical Dacryodes was not well represented in the
Manual of Leaf Architecture (Ellis et al. 2009) provides the sampling for the phylogeny.
framework for leaf architectural studies. Working on the Generic limits in Protieae were re-examined by Daly and
Burseraceae-Anacardiaceae atlas has helped to refine con- Fine (2018). Long-standing doubts about the monophyly of
cepts and scoring of a number of leaf architectural character- Protieae genera (Daly 1989) were resolved by subsuming
istics and indeed to make improvements in some of them and Crepidospermum and Tetragastris under Protium in a mono-
to identify characters in the Manual needing improvement. generic tribe Protieae. The phylogeny showed strong sup-
A character that has yet to be investigated in much depth port for the nine formally recognized sections of Protium,
or taxonomic breadth is the Freely Ending Veinlets, or FEVs, most of which had been recognized as genera at some point;
that occur within the areoles formed by leaf venation net- the necessary new combinations were made, a diagnosis for
works. The Manual and the scoring for the current Atlas in each section presented, and all the recognized species in
preparation allow for type of branching (dendritic vs. dichot- the genus assigned to sections. Still, Protium sect. Icica is
omizing), number of branches, and specialized endings something of a “wastebasket” in that there is very little to
(tracheoid idioblasts and highly branched sclereids). Roth define it morphologically; moreover, it contains a good deal
(1996) realized that there are more character states related to of internal structure, some of which may eventually warrant
FEVs than had been reported but did not produce a coherent sectional status.
framework for them. It will be important to examine them
in enough detail to study such characters as the number of
branching points within areoles and other qualitative aspects 6 Taxonomic and floristic advances in New
of branching. It is also worth exploring possible correlations World Burseraceae, 2011–2021
between FEV type and habitat or phylogeny.
Hickey and Wolfe (1975) noted that the type and vascu- Research on Neotropical Burseraceae in the decade since
larization of leaf teeth have a strong phylogenetic signal at Kubitzki’s landmark synthesis of the angiosperms (Daly
higher taxonomic ranks, but even a cursory examination of et al. 2011) has resolved or greatly improved the taxonomy
the diversity of leaf(let) teeth in Anacardiaceae and Burser- of a number of clades in the family, including Protium sect.
aceae highlights the fact that this feature of leaf architecture Tetragastris, P. sect. Icicopsis, Trattinnickia, Bursera, and
is very poorly explored, indeed several patterns have yet to Dacryodes. It has produced treatments of the family for
be named, much less categorized. several flora catalogs. Fieldwork has revealed some striking
range extensions, and the results of taxonomic investiga-
tions have necessitated changes in ideas about dominance,
habitats, and geographic patterns of diversity and endemism.
5 Generic limits in New World Burseraceae A total of 59 new species were published in New World
Burseraceae in the decade since 2011.
The most recent available overall phylogeny of Burseraceae Floras. Treatments were published for the catalogs of the
is that of Weeks et al. (2014), in which the monotypic Afri- floras of Bolivia (Daly 2014a, b, c) and the Department of
can genus Aucoumea is sister to Bursera + Commiphora. Antioquia in Colombia (Daly 2011). New species of Bur-
The two major subgenera of Bursera are supported, as is sera have been published (Martínez-Habibe et al. 2013;
the placement of Commiphora leptophloeos firmly within Martínez-Habibe and Daly 2016) in preparation for a treat-
Commiphora. ment of the family for the Flora of Cuba, which is as yet
The most recent available phylogeny that examined tribe unpublished.
Canarieae s.l. in some depth (Federman et al. 2015) suggests Bursera. There were developments in the infrageneric
that Neotropical Dacryodes is sister to Trattinnickia; this classification of this genus. Bursera subgenus Buntingia was
close relationship is evidenced by D. connata Daly & M.C. published to accommodate B. inversa Daly, which is distin-
Martínez, in which the petals are partially connate while guished from subgenera Bursera and Elaphrium by having a
the rest of the genus is apopetalous. It is also suggestive of milky resin, 15 staminodes (vs. 10), the stigma capitate (vs.
that relationship that both D. cuspidata (Cuatrec.) Daly and lobed), the abortive locules not reduced (vs. not), and the
D. glabra (Steyerm.) Cuatrec. were originally published in cotyledons undivided with erose margin (vs. lobed, Castro-
Trattinnickia. Laportte 2013).
The same phylogeny (Federman et al. 2015) shows the The Bursera species known colloquially as the quajiotes
Neotropical Dacryodes + Trattinnickia clade as sister to have long been proposed as a distinct monophyletic group,
African Dacryodes, and that clade in turn rather distantly characterized by having a cladodromous secondary leaflet
related to Asian Dacryodes + Santiria. It should be noted vein framework, tracheoid idioblasts terminating the Freely

D. C. Daly et al.

Ending Veinlets, and distinctively multi-lobed cotyledons. but then four new species were added to that number in the
Espinosa et al. (2006) suggested recognition of a section to following five years (Santamaría-Aguilar and Lagomarsino
be called Quaxiotea, and Andrés-Hernández et al. (2012) 2017; Perdiz et al. 2020); furthermore, eight species from
reiterated the idea, but it has never been formally described. Central America remain undescribed.
One remarkable recent discovery was Bursera pereirae Prior to 2011, only a handful of Protium species were
Daly (2014c), the first new species of the genus described known from montane regions in the Andes and Venezuelan
from South America in the preceding 21 years, the first Guayana, but that vision is changing. Several new Andean
record of Bursera for the Cerrado region, and the only spe- species of Protium have been published recently (Daly 2020;
cies of tribe Bursereae endemic to Brazil. Daly et al. 2020), with a backlog of 25 undescribed species
As noted, two species of Bursera were published for the from the region; a complicating factor is that ten of those are
Flora of Cuba project still under way. Bursera gibarensis known from only one collection.
M.C. Martínez, Daly & J. Pérez is a densely branching suf- Despite substantial advances in range extensions, habitat
frutex with trifoliate leaves, and B. yaterensis M.C. Mar- extensions, and diversity of a number of clades in Neotropi-
tínez, Daly & J. Pérez is a small shrub with unifoliolate cal Burseraceae, there are glaring gaps in documentation of
leaves. Both species are endemic to xeromorphic coastal that diversity in regions where botanical activity has slowed
scrub in eastern Cuba. In addition, a taxonomic and phylo- drastically in recent decades, including Venezuelan Guay-
genetic analysis of Bursera subgenus Bursera in the Greater ana, Panama, and montane elevations in general. Many of
Antilles and the Bahamas resulted in 15 accepted species, the specimens representing undescribed diversity in these
including 5 species that had been transferred to Commiphora regions as well as most of the Andes were collected in the
but belong in Bursera (Martínez-Habibe 2012). 1980s and 1990s, reinforcing the pattern observed by Bebber
Dacryodes. Until 2011, Neotropical Dacryodes consti- et al. (2010) that new taxa usually languish in herbaria for
tuted a relatively small group of 23 species known from many years before they are discovered and described.
the Caribbean and lowland northern South America, and Trattinnickia. With the publication of seven new species
with the exception of the Caribbean D. excelsa Vahl, rare since 2011, Trattinnickia now comprises 19 accepted spe-
where they occurred. In the decade since, 30 new Neotropi- cies, the great majority of them Amazonian and 12 of the
cal species have been published (29 by authors of the present 19 rare and poorly collected (Daly and Melo 2017; Melo
paper), totaling 53 recognized Neotropical species (Daly and Daly 2021).
and Martínez-Habibe 2016, 2019; Santamaria-Aguilar and
Aguilar 2017; Martínez-Habibe and Daly 2019). Dacryodes
patrona Daly (2014a, b, c) constituted a new genus record 7 Plant‑animal interactions and fungal
for Central America, and D. uruts-kunchae Daly, M.C. Mar- associates
tínez & D.A. Neill (Daly et al. 2012a, b) is a dominant tree
on a number of sites in the northern Andes, some at eleva- Pollination and breeding systems  – Neotropical Burser-
tions exceeding 2000 m. The major center of diversity for aceae are mostly dioecious, while the flowers of some Bur-
neotropical Dacryodes is Amazonia, with minor centers in sera and Dacryodes are bisexual. Monoecy is rare, but one
the Andes and the Chocó floristic province. example is Bursera linanoe (La Llave) Rzed., Calderón &
Protium. The past decade has seen significant resolution Medina in Guerrero, Mexico: in three populations, 77 trees
of the taxonomy of tribe Protieae. First, Protium sect. Pap- were found to be pistillate, 29 were staminate, and 44 were
illoprotium was published (Daly and Fine 2011), followed predominantly staminate but still produced a few fruits
later by an overhaul of generic limits in the tribe, such that it (Gutiérrez-Santiago et al. 2016).
now comprises a single genus, Protium, with nine published Another strategy was displayed by Bursera morelensis
sections. Two of these, Crepidospermum and Tetragastris, Ramírez in Mexico. Parthenocarpic fruits developed from
had until recently been treated as distinct genera (Daly and flowers that were not pollinated, and it was proposed that
Fine 2018). Protium currently comprises 145 published and this might serve to deceive insect seed predators (Ramos-
accepted taxa, plus 60 as yet undescribed (Daly et al. 2020). Ordoñez et al. 2008).
We have increased our understanding of geographic pat- Dioecy often correlates with a woody habit and entomo-
terns of diversity in Protium. Amazonia + Guianas continues phily (e.g., Matallana et al. 2005), notably with pollination
to be the most important center of diversity, with 97 pub- by small generalist insects (e.g., Bawa and Opler 1975); the
lished and recognized taxa, some of them published only rather scant literature about pollination of Burseraceae sug-
recently (e.g., Daly 2018), plus a number of still unpublished gests that this is consistent in the family regardless of habi-
taxa. Meanwhile, examination of specimens from Mexico tat; examples are Trattinnickia peruviana Loes. (small bees,
and Central America had led to the recognition of 13 pub- van Dulmen 2001), Protium divaricatum Engl. and Com-
lished and accepted species from that region as of 2015, miphora leptophloeos (diverse small insects, van Dulmen

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

2001 and Machado and Lopes 2004, respectively), Protium (notably oropendulas and caciques) swallowed the pyr-
subserratum (mostly Trigona spp. but some other Hymenop- ene and pseudaril and subsequently regurgitated the pyr-
tera and Lepidoptera, Misiewicz et al. 2020), and Protium ene remotely (Trainer and Will 1984). Also in Panama, 25
spruceanum (Benth.) Engl. (Trigona sp. and Apis mellifera species were recorded as visiting Protium stevensonii (syn:
Linnaeus, 1758, Vieira and Carvalho 2008). Tetragastris panamensis) fruits, and a number of mammal
In Central Amazonia, Burseraceae constituted the second and bird species removed the pyrenes, but monkeys were the
most-preferred family for two Melipona species (Souza et al. primary dispersers and the howler monkey Alouatta alone
2020). In the Yucatán of Mexico, Burseraceae comprised accounted for 74% of seed removal; seeds deposited in the
the second most important source of nectar for the Mayan feces of the mammals were viable (Howe 1980).
Stingless Honey Bee Melipona beecheii Bennett, 1831 as There are cases of strong (inter-)dependence. For the
estimated by pollen volume (Villanueva-Gutiérrez et al. oil-bird Steatornis on Trinidad, Burseraceae comprised
2018). In Puebla, Mexico, Bursera copallifera received a more than 25% of fruits consumed and was the second most
higher diversity of floral visitors on lower-disturbance sites important family after palms; Dacryodes fruits often out-
in dry forests (Rivas-Arancibia et al. 2015). numbered all other species in the samples (Snow 1962).
Individual flowers in Burseraceae are generally short- In Sonora, Mexico, the migratory gray vireo’s five-month
lived (e.g., Bursera simaruba, Primack 1985). Both “Big winter diet consists almost entirely of Bursera microphylla
Bang” and “trapline” flowering strategies occur in the family fruits, and there is strong overlap between the vireo’s winter
(sensu Gentry 1974), and at least in Protieae members of the range and that of B. microphylla (Bates 1992).
same clade tend to show the same syndrome (e.g., trapline In Amazonia and the Guianas, bats have been observed
in Protium sect. Icicopsis as opposed to Big Bang in sect. dispersing the fruits of several Protium species (Charles-
Sarcoprotium, pers. obs. Daly). Dominique 1991; Parrado-Rosselli 2005; Lobova et  al.
Sexual dimorphism in Burseraceae flowers is usually sub- 2009); it is worth noting that all have fruits that are green
tle in Neotropical Burseraceae and visible only in dissected or whitish both inside and out, whereas the fruits of many
flowers, because the non-functional organs are more often Protium species show a sharp color contrast between the
reduced instead of obsolete; notable differences in flower outside and inside.
size between genders are found in only a few groups (e.g., The “quality” of dispersal is extremely important. In a
Protium sect. Icicopsis). study of Bursera longipes Standl. dispersal in a dry-forest
The pollinator reward is nectar, secreted by the usually zone of southwestern Mexico, it was noted that birds that
annular disk. For example, in Central Brazil both flower functioned as legitimate dispersers by consuming whole
sexes of Protium spruceanum produced relatively abundant pyrenes and regurgitating or defecating intact pyrenes also
nectar (~ 4 µl), with an average 30% concentration of sucrose removed the pseudaril in the process, thereby facilitating
equivalents (Vieira and Carvalho 2008). germination; the highest germination percentages were
recorded for seeds that passed through the digestive tract
Dispersal  – The two prevalent dispersal syndromes in of two migratory flycatchers (Almazán-Nuñez et al. 2016).
Burseraceae are zoochory (mostly endozoochory) and Dispersers may have different digestive systems. For
anemochory. Winged pyrenes have arisen independently in example, in Mexico, two bird species ingested pyrenes and
at least four distinct lineages, the Mexican endemic Beiselia pseudarils of Bursera fagaroides, but 17% of those ingested
and the Paleotropical genera Aucoumea, Boswellia, and Tri- by Dumetella carolinensis (Linnaeus, 1766) germinated
omma (Canarieae). Hydrochory has not been recorded but (Ortiz-Pulido and Rico-Gray 2006), while those passed by
likely occurs in some of the rather few floodplain species. Vireo griseus (Boddaert, 1783) did not.
The reward for dispersers differs among lineages. The At Caparú Biological Station in Amazonian Colombia,
fruits of Protieae are dehiscent, and their pseudarils are woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha (Humboldt, 1812))
sweet, but they provide a low-energy resource, for exam- dispersed the pyrenes of seven species of Protium and facili-
ple, 6.5 kJ per pseudaril in Protium stevensonii (Standl.) tated their germination (González and Stevenson 2014).
Daly (syn: Tetragastris panamensis) (see Howe 1980). The At the Cueva de los Guácharos in the Colombian Andes,
fruits of Bursera are also dehiscent, but in contrast, the the oilbird Steatornis caripensis (Humboldt, 1817) ingested
pseudarils of Bursera simaruba and B. hindsiana Engl. are the lipid-rich fruits of Dacryodes olivifera Cuatrec. and dis-
fleshy and have high caloric content (32.8 ± 1.3 kJ ­g−1 and persed them up to 32.3 km (Stevenson et al. 2021). Prestoea
27.4 ± 0.8 kJ ­g−1, respectively, Bates 1992). acuminata (Willd.) H.E. Moore (Arecaceae) and D. olivifera
Many Burseraceae show a generalist dispersal strat- accounted for the most biomass, and D. olivifera showed
egy, and few visitor species are effective or important dis- the highest Seed Dispersal Effectiveness value (Cárdenas
persers. In Panama, while 26 bird species were observed et al. 2021).
feeding on Bursera simaruba fruits, only some of these

D. C. Daly et al.

In Bursera and especially Protium, when the valve(s) fall arbuscular mycorrhizae were found associated with Com-
from the dehiscing fruit, the exposed pyrene + pseudaril is miphora leptophloeos (Teixeira-Rios et al. 2018). In Minas
tenuously attached (at base and apex, respectively) and even- Gerais State, Brazil, a new species of Rosenscheldia (Doth-
tually falls if not animal-dispersed; that of Protium stevenso- ideomycetes) was discovered on branches of Protium warm-
nii (syn: Tetragastris panamensis) can hang suspended for ingianum Marchand, the first report of Rosenscheldia on
72 h before dropping to the forest floor (Howe 1980). Burseraceae hosts in Brazil (Custódio et al. 2019).
Several lineages in Burseraceae display clump-dispersal,
in which frugivores defecate seeds in masses, and this often Other relationships  – Bark-boring weevils of the genus
corresponds to high seedling survival, something unexpected Sternocoelus (Curculionidae) induce resin exudation by sev-
considering density-dependent mortality and seed-shadow eral species of Burseraceae in eastern Amazonia, and the
effects. In Panama, 24% of ingested pyrenes of Protium hardened resin protects the developing larvae; the Tembé
stevensonii (syn: Tetragastris panamensis) were dropped and Ka’apor indigenous groups take advantage of this phe-
in fecal clumps; droppings of howler monkey, white-faced nomenon to collect resin and take it to market, where it is
monkey and coatimundi contained 1–60, 6–45, and 4–9 pyr- bought and used for a number of practical and medicinal
enes, respectively (Howe 1989). In the Colombian Ama- purposes (Plowden et al. 2002).
zon, a relatively high proportion of seeds were viable under
and near the parent tree crown of Dacryodes chimantensis
Steyerm. & Maguire. Similarly, there was high survivorship 8 Ecological importance
capacity close to (< 10–15 m) parent trees of Protium pan-
iculatum Engl., and overall seed predation of its fruits was In the New World tropics and subtropics, the Burseraceae
low compared to many other tropical species, suggesting a comprise a significant component of the structure and diver-
need for only occasional longer-distance dispersal to found sity of a number of regions and habitats, as borne out by
new populations (“patches,” Parrado-Rosselli 2005). numerous studies published since 2011, some of them cited
In a Northeastern Brazilian forest, leaf-cutter ants here. The (sub-)tropical dry forests of Mexico are in many
amassed numerous pyrenes of Protium heptaphyllum locations the domain of Bursera; several species of Protium
3.4 ± 2.2 m from parent trunks; subsequently, they cut and are highly important in much of Amazonia; Commiphora
harvested the epicotyls of most seedlings but ultimately leptophloeos is abundant in parts of the Caatinga and Cer-
effected short-distance dispersal of the survivors (Silva et al. rado biomes of Brazil; and P. icicariba is an important part
2007). of several areas of coastal restinga vegetation in Eastern Bra-
A study of Protium icicariba (DC.) Marchand in Eastern zil. As currently circumscribed, Protium heptaphyllum is a
Brazil observed dispersal by birds, but also workers of Atta dominant element in other restingas of Eastern Brazil, ripar-
robusta ants removed the pseudarils or moved the pyrenes ian forests of Northeastern and Southeastern Brazil, and dry
to anthills; at the same time, Tropidurus torquatus lizards forests of parts of Central Brazil, but recent phylogenomic
ingested pyrenes with the pseudarils and defecated them studies suggest that some of these regional dominants com-
whole (Pereira et al. 2020). prise at least eight distinct species overall (see “Hyperdomi-
nant lineages in Burseraceae” section; Damasco et al. 2021).
Galls  – Burseraceae are conspicuous in both the abundance In a study of tropical dry forest in the Siboney-Juticí
and diversity of galls. On three sites in Central Amazonia, a Ecological Reserve, Cuba, Bursera simaruba showed the
species of Protium and Licania micrantha Miq. (Chrysobala- second highest density of all recorded tree species (Cardona
naceae) were the host tree species that presented the high- et al. 2017). In a biogeographical analysis of dry forests in
est number of gall morphospecies (ten morphotypes each, southern Mexico, multiple species of Bursera were endemic
Julião et al. 2014). In the Northeastern Brazilian state of to each of two floristic subprovinces of the Sierra Madre
Bahia, Burseraceae hosted the second greatest number of del Sur province (Morrone et al. 2017). A study of the tree
gall midge species (Maia and Silva 2020). In Costa Rica, a flora in the Tenancingo-Malinalco-Zumpahuacán protected
new species of the braconid wasp genus Allorhogas crinitus area, state of Mexico revealed 19 species of Bursera, the
was described, reared from leaf galls on Protium panamense third most species-rich genus in the area (López-Patiño et al.
(Rose) I.M. Johnst. (Centrella and Shaw 2013). 2012). And in a study of a remnant tropical dry forest in
central Veracruz, Mexico, three of the seven most dominant
Fungal associates  – In addition to galls, Burseraceae also species were Bursera species (Williams-Linera and Álvarez-
harbor fungal diversity. In the Brazilian Cerrado, a new Aquino 2016).
Puccinia-like genus, Neopuccinia, was discovered on Pro- In a study of the woody component of the flora of semi-
tium heptaphyllum (Martíns-Junior et al. 2019). In an area arid caatinga vegetation in Paraíba state, Commiphora lep-
of caatinga vegetation in Northeastern Brazil, 14 species of tophloeos had the third-highest Importance Value (Guedes

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

et al. 2012). In a study of the soil seed bank at different from being a single hyperdominant species (sensu ter Steege
depths and light conditions in a dry forest in northern Minas et al. 2013), and the identities and abundance of the spe-
Gerais, Brazil, seeds [pyrenes] of C. leptophloeos were the cies involved below will have to be re-examined (Damasco
most abundant (Menezes et al. 2019). et al. 2019, 2021). In a fragment of dry forest of the Serra
Amazonia is an important center of diversity and end- de Maracaju in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul,
emism for Burseraceae (Daly et al. 2012a, b; Daly 2018, Brazil, “Protium heptaphyllum” showed by far the highest
etc.). In a long-term inventory of 15 hectares of terra firme Importance Value (Stavis et al. 2020). In an area of wood-
dense forest in Central Amazonia, 36% of the species were land savanna in the Brazilian Cerrado biome in Gurupi,
considered rare but the families Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae Tocantins state, “P. heptaphyllum” had the second highest
and Burseraceae together accounted for 39% of the total Importance Value (Cândido et al. 2016).
number of individuals (Silva et al. 2011). In a riparian forest in Sirinhaém, Pernambuco state,
In an extensive study of niche determinism in the Colom- Northeastern Brazil, “P. heptaphyllum” showed the highest
bian Amazon, Burseraceae comprised two of the top ten relative density and Importance Value (Silva et al. 2012).
indicator species for the geological shield and three of the “Protium heptaphyllum” showed the second highest rela-
top ten indicator species for Tertiary substrates (Cárdenas tive density in both an area of moist Atlantic Forest in Per-
et al. 2017). In a study of forest on an alluvial terrace in nambuco, Brazil (Lima et al. 2019) and in a study of woody
Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Amazonian Peru, “Protium coastal restinga vegetation in Maranhão state (Machado
altissimum” had the third-highest Importance Value (Agu- and Almeida Jr. 2019). “Protium heptaphyllum” showed
irre and Pollito 2011), although given the location, the spe- the highest Importance Value both in a study of coastal
cies was probably P. acrense Daly (2020). dune vegetation in Itaúnas, northern Espírito Santo state in
In Puerto Rico, Dacryodes excelsa is a dominant tree spe- Southeastern Brazil (Giaretta et al. 2013) and in a study of
cies in moist tabonuco forests, as the species is popularly the woody components of coastal plain restinga vegetation
known. This dominance is due in part to “unions” or clumps in southern Bahia state (Santos et al. 2015).
of trees interconnected by root grafts. More than 60% of all The Protium heptaphyllum complex is not the only
stems and basal area of tabonuco trees occur in these unions, Burseraceae that can dominate Cerrado sites. In a dry forest
in which hurricane damage is significantly lower and the fragment in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, Protium spruceanum
trees are taller and have a smaller crown-DBH ratio (Basnet showed the highest density, and P. spruceanum and P.
et al. 1993). widgrenii Engl. showed two of three highest Importance
A combination of ecological versatility and habitat spe- Values (Silva et al. 2019a).
cialization makes the Burseraceae an important part of
white-sand formations in Amazonia (Fine and Baraloto
2016). In a study of three forest formations on white-sand 9 Ethnobotany and economic botany
soils in Viruá National Park, in the Rio Negro basin of north-
ern Amazonian Brazil, Burseraceae had the second highest Wherever Burseraceae occur, they are well known by local
relative density and Protium stevensonii (syn.: Tetragastris cultures and they are easily found using the appropriate
panamensis) was the species with the highest Importance regional names; some of the Neotropical examples are tabo-
Value (Mendonça et al. 2017). In a study of forests on three nuco or encens (Caribbean Dacryodes), anime (Colombia),
other areas of white-sand soils in central Amazonia, Burser- isigo (eastern Bolivia), breu (Amazonian Brazil), tacama-
aceae showed the third-highest Importance Value and the jaca (Venezuela), almêcego/almácigo/almiscar (Colombia,
second highest relative density (Demarchi et al. 2018). Central and Southern Brazil), and copal (Mexico, Central
For a study of ecological dominance in a sandy coastal America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)(pers. obs.), not to men-
plain open scrub formation in Jurubatiba National Park, Rio tion lesser-known indigenous names such as variations on
de Janeiro, Brazil, Protium icicariba had the second highest uruts-kunché (Shuar of Peru and Ecuador, Daly et al. 2012b).
Importance Value (Rosado and Mattos 2017). In Guarapari, The resins of Burseraceae can be so important culturally that
Espírito Santo state, Brazil, P. icicariba had the second high- for example the Ka’apor of Maranhão, Brazil, have a spe-
est Importance Value in both periodically flooded and non- cial purpose resin-based classification for them parallel to
flooded shrubby restinga vegetation on white sand (Kuster a more standard morphology-based folk taxonomy (Balée
et al. 2019). and Daly 1990).
The Protium heptaphyllum complex has long been prob- There is remarkable congruence of uses for Burseraceae
lematic (e.g., Daly 1987 and see “Hyperdominant lineages resins; throughout the tropics, they are used as a sealant
in Burseraceae” section). It should be noted that while one (especially for caulking boats), as a fumigant, and for illu-
or another component of the complex may be a dominant mination, among multiple other uses, but especially for
part of many regions and habitats, P. heptaphyllum is far

D. C. Daly et al.

medicinal and ritual purposes (pers. obs.; also e.g., Walker of copal are being depleted by overexploitation (Cruz-León
and Sillans 1961; Miller and Morris 1988; Daly et al. 2015). et al. 2006).
The Yanomami of northern Brazil have many uses for Another NTFP is represented by the alebrijes, the pop-
Burseraceae species (Albert and Milliken 2009; Yanomami ular and expensive painted wood carvings of fantastical
et al. 2014). As is common for Burseraceae across Amazo- animals made in southern Mexico from the soft, workable
nia, they burn the resin of many Protium spp. and Dacryodes wood of Bursera glabrifolia (H.B.K.) Engl. Populations of
spp. for illumination, and the wood is valued as excellent this resource too have been under heavy pressure, but for-
firewood. The resin of Protium unifoliolatum and P. ama- tunately it was the model for a scientifically and socially
zonicum (Cuatrec.) Daly (the latter cited under the synonym sound approach to resource management that appeared to be
P. fimbriatum Swart) has been used to treat pulmonary dis- working to conserve the species (Peters et al. 2003).
orders. People consume the fruits of Dacryodes peruviana A South American copal, Dacryodes olivifera Cuatrec.,
(Loes.) H.J. Lam, D. roraimensis Cuatrec., P. altissimum and is abundant in the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve in Napo,
P. polybotryum (Turcz.) Engl., and they recognize ten dis- Ecuador, where its resin is considered a promising NTFP.
tinct entities within Dacryodes under the name mora mahi As with other Burseraceae in Amazonia and beyond, it has
(Milliken et al. 1999). They also eat the larvae of Nymphali- been widely used for illumination and to seal wounds, and
dae collected in the trunks of P. amazonicum. Flowers of P. it is still used in religious ceremonies. There is international
amazonicum are visited by bees in the process of making demand for this resin, in the form of dried resin or incense
honeycombs. The wood of P. amazonicum is used to make sticks, but its future as a sustainable economic activity is still
joists in house construction. Burned resin of Protium spp. is uncertain (Getahun et al. 2014).
mixed with an extract of crushed Bixa orellana L. seeds and In Vaupés on the upper Río Negro in Colombia, the
Copaifera sp. oil to produce a black dye for body-painting. Kubeo people make a beverage from the mesocarp of
An unidentified species of Protium is used to treat diarrhea. another species of Dacryodes, D. belemensis Cuatrec.,
In moist forests of eastern Bahia, Brazil, Protium sp. trees known locally as ibapichuna (“black fruit;“ Zarucchi 1980).
are wounded to produce resin used in candomblé ceremonies For the Aguaruna Jívaro of Peru, the folk generic kunchai
(pers. obs., Daly), while P. catuaba (as Tetragastris) is used corresponds to Dacryodes and they recognize four species,
locally as a sexual tonic (one of many species in various all with a thin, oil-rich, edible pseudaril that is eaten raw or
families in Brazil used under that name; Daly 1990). roasted: númi kunchái (D. peruviana), wáwa kunchái and
In tropical America, copal usually refers to species of múun kunchái (D. kukachkana L.O. Williams), tsáju kunchái
Bursera, Dacryodes, and Protium, but it is also applied in (D. nitens Cuatrec.) and újuts (Dacryodes sp.)(Jernigan
some instances to non-Burseraceae like Hymenaea, Jat- 2006).
ropha, Pinus and Rhus. Ritual uses of copal have been
documented as far back as the seventh century A.D. on the
Mayan stelae (monuments) at the ceremonial site of Nim Li 10 Chemistry and biological activity
Punit, showing copal (in this case, Protium copal (Schltdl.
& Cham.) Engl. used to make sacred fires by the Maya, with In the past 10 years, a substantial amount of research has
the belief that this sacred essence is the manifestation of the been conducted on Burseraceae chemistry in the Americas,
Maya gods (Freidel et al. 1993). especially in Bursera and Protium. Bursera graveolens has
Most copal from the genus Bursera comes from two promising antiacaricidal effects against larvae of the cattle
widely distributed Mexican species, Bursera bipinnata Engl. tick Rhipicephalous microplus (Rey-Valeirón et al. 2017)
and B. copallifera (Linares and Bye 2008), although the and inhibits amastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis (Mon-
resin of up to 30 species of this genus has been harvested as zote et  al. 2012). Bursera copallifera showed cytotoxic
copal since pre-Hispanic times (Purata 2008). For example, effects on breast cancer cell lines (Domínguez et al. 2018),
B. bipinnata and B. stenophylla Sprague & L. Riley were and the resin and essential oil of B. schlechtendalii Engl.
used by the Aztecs on the site of the Templo Mayor as an have strong repellence against Aedes aegypti, while the inha-
adhesive molding material for figurines representing deities lation of its vapors had anxiolytic effects in mice (Villa-
and as spiritual offerings (Lucero-Gómez et al. 2014). Ruano et al. 2018).
Currently, copal species are cultural and economic Within Protium, the most-studied species is the wide-
resources valued as non-timber forest products (NTFPs). In spread “P. heptaphyllum;” again it should be noted that
Mexico, the resin is burned during the celebration of the Day the P. heptaphyllum complex contains at least eight line-
of the Dead and the quantity and quality of the harvested ages deserving of specific rank (Damasco et  al. 2019,
resin in Mexico has led to the suggestion that Bursera spe- 2021). A review of the pharmacological effects of α‐ and
cies were domesticated in the past (Abad-Fitz et al. 2020). β‐ amyrin in this taxon describes its analgesic, anti‐inflam-
Unfortunately, in some rural areas in Mexico, populations matory, anticonvulsant, antidepressive, gastroprotective,

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

hepatoprotective, antipancreatitic, antihyperglycemic, and be implicated in the speciation process (Fine et al. 2013;
hypolipidemic effects (Nogueira et al. 2019). Specifically, Lokvam et al. 2015).
“P. heptaphyllum” is considered promising as a leishmani- Building on these results, Salazar et al. (2018) con-
cidal (Houël et al. 2015; Cabral et al. 2021), acaricidal (Pon- ducted a larger more comprehensive study of the chemical
tes et al. 2007), gastroprotective (Araújo et al. 2011), vas- defenses and insect herbivores associated with 31 Protium
orelaxant (Mobin et al. 2017), cytotoxic (Siani et al. 1999), species co-occurring in the Allpahuayo-Mishana National
antimicrobial (Bandeira et al. 2006), and antinociceptive Reserve near Iquitos, Peru. Over 800 juvenile individu-
(Rao et al. 2007). als were monitored for 64 weeks, and over 4000 feeding
Biological activity of other Protium species of interest records were documented from over 230 insect species;
include the antibacterial properties of the fresh resin of from these same plants the authors characterized close to
Protium neglectum Swart (Suárez et al. 2007); the essential 600 putative secondary metabolites. Chemical investment
oil activity against Fusarium spp. in vitro of P. colombi- in secondary metabolites by Protium was high, averag-
anum Cuatrec. (Carvajal et al. 2016); the antiproliferative ing 40% of leaf dry weight (22–58%), and the metabolites
properties of P. ovatum Engl. against cancer cells (Alves identified belonged to two main categories: (1) phenolics
et al. 2020) and Chagas Disease (Estevam et al. 2018); the (including procyanidins, flavone glycosides and chlo-
repellent and lethal activity against the red spider mite, rogenic acids); and (2) terpenoids (including saponins,
Tetranychus urticae, of the essential oils of Protium bahi- monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and triterpenes).
anum Daly and “P. heptaphyllum” (Pontes et al. 2007); and Different Protium species expressed different chemi-
the larvicidal activity of Protium spruceanum leaf extracts cals, and phylogenetic similarity was not a good predic-
against the Asian blue mite (Rhipicephalous microplus, a tor of defense chemistry—in other words, closely related
cattle parasite; Figueiredo et al. 2019). In vitro studies of species often showed high chemical divergence, which is
promastigotes and amastigote-infected macrophages showed consistent with results reported from other highly diverse
that the α-pinene, p-cymene and 1,8-cineole present in P. genera of tropical woody plants (e.g., Bursera, Piper, and
hebetatum and P. altsonii Sandwith have in vitro leishmani- Inga)(Becerra 2007; Kursar et al. 2009; Richards et al.
cidal activity (Santana et al. 2020). 2015; Salazar et al. 2016). What is more, Protium and Bur-
The only species of Commiphora in the Neotropics, sera species that co-occur with their congeners are more
C. leptophloeos, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory likely to have divergent chemical defenses, consistent with
properties (Medeiros 2019), including inhibitory properties the hypothesis that plant species compete for “enemy-free
against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) space” and can more easily coexist when they have fewer
(Pereira et al. 2017) and its application to treat subclinical shared enemies (Becerra 2007; Vleminckx et al. 2018).
mastitis in ruminants (Silva et al. 2019a, b). This species The insects associated with feeding on Protium were
also has bioactive compounds including (E)-caryophyllene mostly hemipterans, coleopterans, and lepidopterans, and
and α-humulene, which have been reported as oviposition most insects were generalists that fed on a large number of
deterrents and larvicidals against Aedes aegypti (Silva et al. different Protium species (average 11 species). Neverthe-
2015). less, all herbivore species showed strong preferences for or
avoidance of particular Protium species. Using statistical
machine learning techniques, Salazar et al. (2018) identi-
fied 81 different chemical compounds that were implicated
11 Ecological implications of chemical in repelling individual herbivore species. These “herbi-
defenses in Burseraceae vore active metabolites” or HAMs were found in each
Protium species and the plants that had the most of these
The decade since 2011 witnessed a major research focus HAMs had a lower number and diversity of insect herbi-
on the ecological and evolutionary significance of chemi- vores (Salazar et al. 2018). These results suggest that the
cal investment in Protium. Protium species endemic to rich chemical diversity found in plants evolves because
nutrient-poor white-sand forests were found to have greater although many compounds are active, each one is effec-
investment in synthesis of defensive compounds and slower tive against only a few herbivore species, and plants are
growth rates than Protium species occurring in nutrient- attacked by a multitude of different enemy taxa with differ-
rich clay terra firme rain forests, consistent with the idea ent metabolisms and evolutionary histories. Future studies
of a growth defense trade-off (Fine et al. 2004, 2006). The will investigate the associations between fungal pathogens
amount and types of chemical investment also were found and Protium secondary metabolites to learn more about
to differ among different ecotypes of Protium subserratum defense strategies of the entire plant (roots, leaves, stems)
adapted to different soils, suggesting that the growth defense across its ontogeny.
trade-off and selection by different natural enemies could

D. C. Daly et al.

12 Burseraceae as a model organism species complex, revealing five new species (Perdiz et al., in
prep.), one of which has been published (Perdiz et al. 2020).
After many years of a collective research effort including a Despite the amount of taxonomic research on Neotropical
diverse network of research groups, it is safe to say that the Burseraceae that has been published in the past decade since
Burseraceae comprise one of the most-studied plant fami- Daly et al. (2011), some groups still need further investi-
lies. With regard to the Amazonian flora, many advances gation into their species boundaries. For example, Perdiz
have been observed since it was suggested that the Burser- (2020) investigated Protium calanense Cuatrec., which
aceae be used as a model organism (Daly et al. 2012a, b). contains morphologically distinguishable populations from
Recent studies have addressed (1) use of new techniques four different geographical areas, one of them in the Bra-
and multiple datasets in species delimitation; (2) cryptic zil's Atlantic Forest while the rest are found in the Amazon,
species within lineages whose morphological variation and concluded that they have undergone recent speciation
has been overlooked; and (3) processes responsible for (Perdiz 2020).
the diversification and demography of Burseraceae line-
ages. The latter include the evolution of chemical defenses, Cryptic diversity  – Cryptic species are characterized as
discussed above. The sections below address these topics such because they are difficult to distinguish morphologi-
and discuss how future research can contribute to improv- cally, and often they are initially detected only with the aid
ing the field of tropical botany and systematics. of molecular data (Bickford et al. 2007; Pinheiro et al. 2018).
One can expect to find numerous cases of cryptic diversity
Species limits  – Species limits in Neotropical Burseraceae in the highly diverse tropics, especially in groups like Ama-
have been inferred mainly using morphological data cou- zonian Protieae that have speciated recently and rapidly
pled with geographic distributions (e.g., Daly and Fine 2011; (Weeks et al. 2014).
Daly and Melo 2017; Daly and Martínez-Habibe 2019). Some recent investigations have reinforced this expecta-
Besides the traditional morphological characters that empha- tion. Using morphological, geographical and habitat prefer-
size reproductive structures, leaf venation characters have ence data, Daly (2020) described three new species from
been gaining more attention and for the past decade have Protium sect. Tetragastris, two of which had been frequently
been commonly incorporated into taxonomic descriptions confused under P. altissimum (Aubl.) Marchand while the
and diagnoses (e.g., Daly and Fine 2011; Andrés-Hernández other had been included within P. stevensonii (syn.: Tetra-
et al. 2012; Daly et al. 2015; Mitchell and Daly 2015; Daly gastris panamensis) during the preceding 18 years. Simi-
2018, 2019, 2020; Daly and Martínez-Habibe 2019), leading larly, Perdiz et al. (2020) described P. santamariae Perdiz,
to better species delimitations. Daly & P. Fine, an entity that had been included within P.
In the past decade, integrative approaches have improved aracouchini for more than 30 years.
the understanding of species limits in a diverse array of Novel technologies are being developed and tested
Burseraceae. Weeks and Tye (2009) merged the traditional to improve and accelerate the detection and diagnosis of
morphological approach with DNA markers and amplified cryptic diversity in plant groups that have relatively well-
fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) for assessing the established baseline taxonomy. Near-infrared spectroscopy
phylogeography and taxonomic boundaries of two Bursera (FT-NIR) has the potential to discriminate Amazonian tree
species. Misiewicz and Fine (2014) examined morphological species through their spectral signatures (Durgante et al.
and genetic data to investigate populations of Protium sub- 2013). Using Burseraceae-Protieae trees as a model, Lang
serratum growing parapatrically in three different habitats, et al. (2015) concluded that FT-NIR has great potential for
and they suggested that these populations were diverging in identifying plant species in the field even at different ontoge-
an incipient process of habitat-mediated speciation. Misie- netic stages. More recently, Draper et al. (2020) proposed
wicz et al. (2020) expanded this investigation among para- the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate an integra-
patrically distributed P. subserratum populations by combin- tive framework that includes several disparate data sources
ing reproductive biology, population genetics, ecology, and (e.g., spectroscopy, DNA sequences, image recognition,
species distribution modeling, revealing more evidence of and morphological data). These technologies offer potential
reproductive isolation of these populations. solutions for improving and accelerating plant identifica-
Damasco et al. (2019, 2021) combined data from mor- tion techniques and the resolution of cryptic species (Draper
phology, phylogenomics and leaf spectroscopy to clarify et al. 2020).
species limits within the P. heptaphyllum species complex Although still scarce, explicit species delimitation studies
and reestablished P. cordatum Huber. Similarly, Perdiz in an integrative framework have provided strong evidence
(2020) investigated species limits in the P. aracouchini that the number of cryptic, unpublished species in Neo-
tropical Burseraceae is significantly greater than previously
thought, as evidenced by two studies cited above that alone

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

revealed a total of 11 new species requiring description number of seeds, which may optimize widespread dispersal
(Damasco et al. 2019, 2021; Perdiz 2020). In addition, Daly and enhance chances of habitat colonization. In addition, a
et al. (2020) estimated ca. 60 undescribed species of Protium few widespread Burseraceae species maintain continuous
already represented in herbaria, a well-known phenomenon distributions over long distances via riparian forest habitats
for flowering plants in general (Bebber et al. 2010), and (e.g., Protium spruceanum). None of these arguments serve
ca. half of these species are Andean endemics from under- to distinguish hyperdominant Burseraceae from other abun-
collected montane forests (Daly et al. 2020). It is therefore dant lineages, however. More plausible arguments may well
reasonable to expect that a more thorough inventory of the not involve reproductive factors. Investment in synthesiz-
Neotropical flora, coupled with more refined integrative ing chemical defense compounds represents a fundamental
studies, will reveal many more new species “hidden in plain survival strategy against natural enemies. Previous results
sight” due to cryptic diversity. on Protium lineages strongly supported the existence of a
growth defense trade-off, and chemical investment across
Hyperdominant lineages in Burseraceae  – Plant species Burseraceae species is well-known to be high and diverse
are not distributed evenly across space, and natural habitats (see “Ecological importance” section on Ecological Implica-
can harbor contrasting patterns of community structure and tions of Chemical Defenses). Future studies will investigate
species abundance. For instance, Amazonian forests harbor whether the hyper-abundance of Burseraceae trees can be
greater plant diversity than most other forests across the linked to the presence of chemical compounds considered
globe, nonetheless tree communities are structured in a way active against herbivores and pathogens.
that relatively very few species are extremely abundant (ca. An important caveat must be reiterated here in relation
2% out of ~ 12,000 species), the so-called hyperdominants to the hyperdominance phenomenon. By the estimates of
(e.g., ter Steege et al. 2013), while the great majority are the ATDN (ter Steege et  al. 2013), Protium altissimum
rare. This unbalanced distribution of individuals across spe- (cited as Tetragastris altissima) was considered the sec-
cies has captured the interest of many tropical ecologists, but ond most hyperdominant tree species in the entire Amazon
still the causes of the hyperdominance phenomenon in Ama- region (third most in Piva et al. 2020), but a recent study
zonian forests have not been fully examined, and in some revealed that it actually corresponds to three species, one
instances what appear to be single hyperdominants can prove abundant in parts of central and eastern Amazonia and the
to be cryptic species complexes. Guianas, one abundant in southwestern Amazonia, and one
Patterns of hyperdominance have been extensively native to the Cerrado of Central Brazil (Daly 2020). Simi-
described in Amazonia since Pitman et al. (2001) reported larly, P. heptaphyllum, seemingly ubiquitous in many parts
“species oligarchy” in Peruvian and Ecuadorian forests (Pit- of northern South America (see “Ecological importance”
man et al. 2013). In that first report, Burseraceae was listed section), has been shown to refer to at least eight species,
among the families with exceptional numbers of abundant most geographically restricted and each apparently adapted
tree species. A synthetic study led by the ATDN (Amazon to distinct soil and climatic conditions; similarly, the abun-
Tree Diversity Network) analyzed ten years of data from dant P. aracouchini complex refers to at least five species
1430 tree-inventory plots distributed across the entire Ama- (Damasco et al. 2019, 2021; Perdiz 2020).
zon Basin and highlighted the hyperdominance phenomenon It is clear that a number of hyperdominants are not nearly
on a broader geographical scale (ter Steege et al. 2013). Of a as dominant as proposed, still it is likely that many sites
list of ca. 5000 confirmed species in the Amazon tree flora at across a number of Neotropical biomes are dominated by
the time, Burseraceae was the seventh most abundant family, one or a few taxa of hyperdominance complex. In the P.
accounting for approximately 24.2 billion trees, of which 11 heptaphyllum complex, for example, abundance values of
species were ranked as hyperdominants. In addition, Protium P. “aromaticum” Engl. sensu Damasco et al. (2021) were
is listed among the top five most abundant genera, therefore extremely high relative to other tree species in different
Burseraceae lineages are expressively relevant for future fragments of seasonally dry forests in the Pantanal (Stavis
research aiming to reveal the ecological and evolutionary et al. 2020), woodland savannas in the Brazilian Cerrado
mechanisms that favor the unbalanced abundance of Ama- (Cândido et al. 2016), riparian and moist forests (Silva et al.
zonian tree taxa. 2012; Oliveira Junior et al. 2014; Lima et al. 2019), and
Plant species could be successfully dominant for many white-sand restingas of Brazil’s Atlantic forest (Giaretta
reasons, and they usually harbor an array of life history et al. 2013; Santos et al. 2015; Machado and Almeida Jr.
traits that directly favors survival, reproduction and dis- 2019).
persal over other taxa. Members of the Burseraceae usu-
ally produce fruits that are attractive to a diverse group of
dispersers, including mammals and birds (see “Dispersal”
section), and many species are capable of producing a dense

D. C. Daly et al.

13 Key to the new world genera 2 Pulvinulus present 3

of Burseraceae at least on terminal
petiolule, plants
– Pulvinuli lacking 5
altogether, plants
1 Branches and trunk Beiselia deciduous or ever-
armed with later- green
ally compressed, 3 Flowers Protium pro maxima
cuspidate protuber- (3–)4–5-merous, parte
ances formed by when trimerous
persistent swollen the petals fleshy
petiole bases; and cucullate
secondary leaflet (Protium sect. Sar-
venation craspe- coprotium); fruit
dodromous; fruit dehiscent, with 1–5
a pseudocapsule unilocular pyrenes,
with 10(12) narrow each pyrene
valves dehisc- overlain by a sweet,
ing to release as spongy, white
many pyrenes, the or red pseudaril;
pyrenes com- cotyledons plano-
pressed and distally convex or lobed,
winged, the wings often the latter
parallel to radii contortuplicate
of the fruit axis;
– Flowers 3-merous; 4
endemic to Micho-
fruit indehiscent
acán, Mexico
and drupaceous,
– Branches and trunk 2 with 1 plurilocular
unarmed except pyrene, 1–3 locules
sometimes with developing; coty-
thorny short shoots ledons palmatifid
(Commiphora or palmate (tribe
leptophloeos, some Canarieae)
Bursera); second-
4 Often one or both Trattinnickia
ary leaflet venation
surfaces of leaflets
diverse, only rarely
aspereous; flowers
3–5 mm long;
fruit a compound,
petals connate
indehiscent or
more than half
dehiscent drupe,
their length, (sub)
the latter releas-
erect, fleshy, the
ing 1–5 pyrenes
abaxial surface
slightly compressed
provided with
perpendicular to
radii of the fruit
hairs; stigmas (sub)
axis; not restricted
sessile, style mostly
to Michoacán
obsolete; fruits
globose to ovoid
or umbonate, not
oblique, the endo-
carp bony, tubercu-
late, with 2–3 equal
lobes and horned
at apex, the locules
not separable

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

– Leaflet surface only Dacryodes – Freely ending 6

rarely asperous; veinlets usually
flowers 1–2 mm highly branched,
long; petals free marginal ultimate
(fused at base in venation incom-
Dacryodes con- pletely looped;
nata), membrana- snail-shaped
ceous, retrorse glands absent;
hairs absent; style flowers sometimes
evident in flower; perfect, perianth
fruits ellipsoid 3–5-parted, very
(rarely globose) rarely haploste-
and usually slightly monous; ovary
oblique, the 2–3-locular and
endocarp cartilagi- stigma lobes 2–3;
nous and smooth, pyrenes 1(–2), very
not lobed nor rarely 3, connate,
horned, the aborted basifixed, pseudaril
locule(s) strongly fleshy and bright
compressed and red, yellow, or
forming an articu- orange; cotyledons
lated, separable palmatifid and
plate on periphery folded or contortu-
of pyrene plicate
5 Freely ending Protium sect. Crepi- 6 Branches often Commiphora
veinlets on leaflets dospermum thorny due to mod-
0–2-branched, ified short shoot
marginal ultimate apices; calyx cupu-
venation looped; lar to bell-shaped,
most surfaces lobes closed in
with snail-shaped bud, antepetalous
glands; flowers stamens usually
always unisexual, much shorter than
perianth 5-parted, antesepalous ones;
often haploste- pseudaril rarely
monous; ovary covering pyrene
5-locular and entirely, its arms or
stigmas (or stigma lobes (when pre-
lobes) 5; pyrenes sent) occurring on
1–5, separated by a sutures as well as
columella, covered on 1 or both faces;
with a white, in the Neotropics
spongy, sweet occurring in NE
pseudaril; after and C Brazil, E
dehiscence the Bolivia, Orinoco
pyrenes tenuously Basin of Venezuela
suspended from – Branches only rarely Bursera
fruit apex by an thorny; calyx
inverted V-shaped saucer-shaped to
structure; cotyle- shallowly cupular,
dons plano-convex the lobes open
and uncinately (apert) in bud, two
curved to form series of stamens
a J- or U-shaped (sub)equal; arillate
structure structures, when
not covering pyrene
entirely, with arms
on the sutures but
never on the faces;
Mexico and Carib-
bean south to Peru,
Ecuador, and N and
C Brazil

D. C. Daly et al.

14 Genus descriptions for Neotropical margin coarsely dentate to slightly serrate. Secondary

Burseraceae venation craspedodromous, strong intersecondaries often
present, opposed intercostal tertiaries freely branching and
Beiselia Forman (Fig. 2). meeting only at higher ranks. Inflorescences axillary, pseu-
Beiselia Forman, Kew Bull. 42: 262 (1987). doracemose, cymules on female inflorescences usually
reduced to solitary flowers. Flowers pedicellate. Perianth
Small dioecious trees or shrubs. Older bark gray and 5(–6)-parted, calyx apert (open) in bud, corolla valvate,
peeling, trunk armed with laterally compressed, cuspidate petals free. Androecium of 2 subequal series, stamens free
protuberances formed by persistent petiole bases. Leaves and inserted outside base of intrastaminal annular disk; in
deciduous, exstipulate, lateral leaflets sessile, leaflet staminate flowers the disk and pistillode fused to form a
broadly conical, parenchymatous ovariodisk; staminodes

Fig. 2  Beiselia mexicana Forman. A Leaf. B Leafless shoot with pendent infructescences, showing persistent spinose petiole bases. C Fruit with
valves falling away. D Fruit with valves fallen away and pyrenes in different stages of release, in lateral (above) and apical (below right) views. E
Pyrenes in lateral and dorsiventral views (A–E from Taylor 516, NY 4204148)

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

in pistillate flowers present but significantly reduced. almost to base, aestivation apert (open); petals free, indu-
Gynoecium 10(–12)-locular and slightly 10(–12)-lobed, plicate-valvate at apex but slightly imbricate along sides,
stigma subsessile, discoid, persistent. Fruit a pseudo- white, green, yellow, or rarely reddish, rarely cucullate (B.
capsule, ovoid-oblong, septicidal, each of 10(12) narrow schlechtendalii), usually with a thickened, inflexed apicu-
valves dehiscing acropetally to release a pyrene sepa- lum. Flowers either diplostemonous with the stamens and
rated by a wing of the columella, the pyrenes oblong and staminodes in 2 usually subequal series (staminodes in 3
compressed parallel to radii of the fruit axes and distally series in subgenus Buntingia). Pollen (most species): out-
winged. Cotyledons flat, entire, accumbent, radicle api- line in polar view strongly triangular-lobed, shape spheroidal
cal and small. Germination epigeal, cotyledons opposite, or prolate-spheroidal. Disk intrastaminal, usually annular,
entire, first eophylls simple. N = 13. sometimes adnate to hypanthium when latter present. Pis-
One species endemic to dry forests in Michoacán, tillode greatly reduced, with rudimentary locules and ovules,
Mexico. or sometimes spindle-shaped and parenchymatous, occa-
sionally obsolete. In pistillate flowers, staminodes present
Bursera Jacq. ex L. (Fig. 3). and reduced. Gynoecium 3-carpellate (subgenera Bursera
Bursera Jacq. ex L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 471 (1762), nom. and Buntingia) or 2-carpellate (subgenus Elaphrium); style
cons. usually short, stigmas or stigma lobes 3–2 (1 capitate stigma
Elaphrium Jacq. (1760). in subgenus Buntingia), or the style shortly 3–2-branched;
Terebinthus P. Browne (1756). the stigmas capitate, discoid, or elongate. Fruit a septicidally
dehiscent compound drupe, pericarp fleshy to coriaceous,
(Polygamo-)dioecious shrubs to large trees or suffrutices, ellipsoid to ovoid (obovoid in B. inversa Daly) or subglo-
sometimes caudiciform, rarely (B. standleyana) epiphytic bose, often slightly oblique, maturing green or reddish(-
or lithophytic. Bark papery and peeling (then usually red- brown) or reddish; at dehiscence 2–3 valves (equaling the
dish or yellowish, subgenus Buntingia and most of subge- number of developing locules) dehisce acropetally, expos-
nus Bursera) or close (then (reddish-)gray, most Caribbean ing the basifixed compound pyrene; pyrene cartilaginous
Bursera and subgenus Elaphrium (syn: sect. Bullockia)). to bony, either fully enveloped by a brightly colored (red,
Resin clear, translucent, or white (subgenus Buntingia). orange, or yellow), fleshy, arillate structure (subgenera Bur-
Branchlets usually unarmed (rarely with thorns terminat- sera and Buntingia), or the arillate structure partially cover-
ing short shoots). Cataphylls sometimes present (some sub- ing the pyrene from the base and extending arms or lobes
genus Elaphrium). Leaves usually clustered near branchlet up the sutures (most of subgenus Elaphrium); 1 locule or
apices, exstipulate, usually deciduous, often flushing dur- rarely 2(3) developing a seed, the other(s) abortive and either
ing or after anthesis; imparipinnately compound or some- developed but seedless (subgenus Buntingia) or compressed
times unifoliolate or apparently simple, rarely bipinnate; and shorter, these not separable from fertile locule(s) but
rachis often winged in subgenus Elaphrium; petiolules often distinguishable by a ridge or furrow. Testa membrana-
lacking pulvinuli. Leaflet margin entire (subgenera Bursera ceous, cotyledons usually multi-lobed, otherwise unlobed
and Buntingia), crenate, or dentate (subgenus Elaphrium). and erose (subgenus Buntingia) or palmately 3-lobed,
Secondary venation (festooned-)brochidodromous, (semi-) folded. Germination epigeal, phanerocotylar, first eophylls
craspedododromous, or cladodromous; intersecondaries alternate and simple or trifoliolate. N = 12.
sometimes present (subgenus Bursera); intercostal tertiar- Approx. 125 species, SW U.S., Mexico (center of diver-
ies alternate-percurrent or admedially ramified or random- sity), Central America, Caribbean, Colombia, Venezuela,
reticulate, rarely opposing tertiaries meeting only at higher Trinidad, Guyana, SW Ecuador, NW Peru, N and C Brazil
orders (e.g., B. kerberi Engl.); freely ending veinlets some- (Roraima, Goiás), and possibly Vietnam (Bursera tonkinen-
times highly branched, often terminating in tracheoid idi- sis Engl., incertae sedis).
oblasts or sometimes highly branched out of the plane of the
other veins. Inflorescence an axillary or subterminal pani- Commiphora Jacq. (Fig. 4)
cle of cymes, sometimes pseudospicate, pseudofasciculate, Commiphora Jacq., Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 2: 66, t. 249
or pseudoracemose. Flowers functionally unisexual or less (1797), nom. cons.
often bisexual. Staminate flowers (3–4)5-parted in subge- Balsamodendrum Kunth (1824).
nus Bursera, 4-parted in subgenus Elaphrium (unknown for Hemprichia Ehrenb. (1829).
subgenus Buntingia). Pistillate and hermaphroditic flow- Heudelotia A. Rich. (1831).
ers 3-parted in subgenus Bursera, 4-parted in subgenus Hitzeria Klotzsch (1861).
Elaphrium, 5-parted in subgenus Buntingia. Receptacle flat Spondiopsis Engl. (1895).
to saucer-shaped (rarely cup-shaped), sometimes forming
a hypanthium in staminate flowers. Calyx usually divided

D. C. Daly et al.

Fig. 3  Bursera pereirae Daly. A Habit and bark. B Branchlet with detail of rachis and leaflet bases. C Leafless flowering branchlet. D Bud. E
Staminate flower at anthesis; longisection of same with two petals and four stamens removed (at left) and pistillode (extreme left). F Adaxial
view of petal and ventral view of stamen (at left), lateral view of stamen (right). G Part of infructescence (above) and dehiscing fruit (A from
field photographs of Pereira & Alvarenga 3216, NY; B from Pereira & Alvarenga 3007, NY; C–F from Pereira & Alvarenga 3216, NY; G from
Pereira & Alvarenga 3658, NY)

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

Fig. 4  Commiphora leptophloeos (Engl.) J.B. Gillett. A Papery bark. B Leaves. C Leafy branch with thorns. D flowering branchlet. E Flowering
branchlet with thorn. F Flower bud (left) and portion of inflorescence with open flower (right). G Longisection of staminate flower with stamens
from two series (left) and adaxial side of flower (right). H Fruiting branchlet. I Opened fruit in dorsiventral and lateral views. J Dorsiventral
view of pyrene (A from Zappi 3272, NY 02218629; B from Zappi & Harley 16309, NY 00608700; C from Parada 841 NY 04204147; D–G
from Pirani 1199, NY 00929435; H–I from Atkins 5090, NY 01016404; J from Pereira 3013, NY 00929360.)

(Polygamo-)dioecious shrubs or small trees. Bark papery branches often armed, the thorns modified axillary short
and peeling; resin usually aromatic and drying gummy; shoots or shoot apices. Leaves usually clustered near branch-
let apices, deciduous, exstipulate, often flushing during or

D. C. Daly et al.

Fig. 5  Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C. Martínez. A Inflorescence and petiole. B Lateral view with 2 petal removed  and view in plan of
staminate flower. C Longitudinal section of staminate flower with corolla removed, lateral view of staminate flower with perianth removed, and
(below) ovariodisk and one stamen. D Adaxial view of stamen. E Infructescence and immature fruits. F Adaxial view of petal and lateral view
of pistillate flower with one petal removed. G Lateral view of pistillate flower with perianth removed and longitudinal section of pistillate flower.
H Adaxial view of staminode. I Portion of infructescence (A–D from Daly et al. 6016, NY; E–H from Aymard & Delgado 6898, NY; I from
Treacy & Alcorn 289, F)

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

Fig. 6  Protium hebetatum Daly. A Flowering branchlet. B Portion of pistillate inflorescence. C Pistillate flower. D Pistillate flower with three
petals removed, plus adaxial view of petal (upper left) and adaxial view of staminode (upper right). E Longisection of pistillate flower. F Stami-
nate flower (right) with adaxial view of petal (left). G Staminate flower with three petals removed. H Disk and pistillode (left), longisection of
staminate flower (center), and lateral and adaxial views of stamen (right). I Fruit. J Longisection of fruit. K Ventral and lateral views of pyrene
(A–D from Bernardi (tree no.) 2/1, NY; B–E from Clark et al. 7079, NY; F–H from Daly et al. 4100, NY; I–J from Daly et al. 5644, NY; K
from Bernardi (tree no.) 1/61, NY)

D. C. Daly et al.

Fig. 7  Trattinnickia zickeliana M.F.F. Melo & Daly. A Leaf. B Portion of inflorescence and detail of leaflet margin (inset lower left). C Portion
of staminate inflorescence. D Staminate flower (right) and same with part of calyx and corolla removed. E Ovariodisk and four of the six sta-
mens. F Dorsal and ventral views of stamens. G Infructescence (A–F from Prance et al. 20,111, NY; G from Freitas 17, NY)

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

after anthesis, imparipinnate or sometimes trifoliolate; rachis sometimes divided nearly to base. Petals free (connate at
unwinged (terete); petiolules lacking pulvinuli; leaflet mar- base in D. connata), aestivation induplicate-valvate at apex,
gin entire or sparsely serrulate. Inflorescence an axillary or on sides valvate or slightly imbricate at anthesis, usually green
subterminal panicle of cymes. Flowers unisexual or rarely or pale yellow but sometimes red or whitish, with an inflexed
some flowers bisexual, 4-parted; calyx cupular to slightly apiculum, spreading to patent at anthesis. In staminate flowers
campanulate, closed in bud, partly synsepalous but lobed; the stamens in two subequal series, inserted outside base of
corolla (induplicate-)valvate at apex but often imbricate disk or on the sides or rim, anthers continuous with the fila-
along sides, usually with an inflexed apiculum; stamens in ments or less often sagittate. Annular disk usually present;
two markedly unequal series, inserted outside base of or pistillode either reduced but provided with locules and ovules,
on top of an intrastaminal annular disk, the disk forming a or a variously shaped parenchymatous structure, or reduced
shallow hypanthium with the calyx; pistillode rudimentary to a rudiment, or the disk and pistillode replaced by a coni-
or obsolete; gynoecium 2(rarely 3-)carpellate, style short, cal ovariodisk. Staminodes reduced in pistillate flowers. Pis-
stigma 2-lobed. Fruit a compound drupe with fleshy to coria- til 2–3-locular, style short and thick, stigma 2–3-lobed. Fruit
ceous pericarp, septicidally dehiscent by 2 (sometimes 4, an indehiscent, compound drupe, variously colored, slightly
very rarely 3) valves, exposing a basifixed compound pyr- (oblique-)ovoid or ellipsoid or rarely subglobose, exocarp
ene, enveloped basally by a brightly colored, fleshy, arillate thin and drying wrinkled, mesocarp thin and oily-resinous,
structure that extends lobes up the sutures and usually the sometimes edible. Endocarp (thinly) cartilaginous, smooth,
faces also; 1(–2) locule(s) developing a seed and usually not lobed; pyrenes 1(–2)- seeded, the 1–2 aborted locules
1 abortive. Testa membranaceous; cotyledons palmately strongly compressed, forming an articulated, separable plate
3-lobed or multi-lobed and flat or folded. Germination phan- on periphery of pyrene. Testa smooth, cotyledons palmate
erocotylar, the first eophylls opposite and simple. N = 13. or up to 13-palmatifid; folded or contortuplicate. Germina-
One species in S Venezuela, C and NE Brazil, E Bolivia, tion usually epigeal and phanerocotylar (rarely hypogeal and
plus approx. 185 spp. in Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, penin- cryptocotylar, e.g., D. excelsa), the first eophylls opposite or
sular India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Iran. alternate and simple or trifoliate.
As currently circumscribed (including African and Asian
Dacryodes Vahl (Fig. 5). species), ca. 1004 species in the moist tropics, of which 53
Dacryodes Vahl, Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6: 115 (1810). are Neotropical, usually lowland but some montane.
Pachylobus G. Don (1832).
Canarium sect. Africana Engl. in A. DC. & C. DC. Protium Burm.f. (Fig. 6).
(1883). Protium Burm. f., Fl. Indica 88 (1768).
Canarium sect. II, ser. 4 Tenuipyrena Engl. in A. DC. & Icica Aubl. (1775).
C. DC. (1883), pro parte. Hedwigia Sw. (1788).
Curtisina Ridl. (1920). Tetragastris Gaertn. (1802).
Hemisantiria H. J. Lam (1929). Marignia Commers. ex Kunth (1824).
Crepidospermum Hook.f. in Benth. & Hook. f. (1862).
Dioecious trees, sometimes with plank buttresses and less Icicopsis Engl. (1874).
often with stilt roots or flying buttresses. Outer bark tan to Hemicrepidospermum Swart (1942).
(reddish) brown or (pale) gray, smooth or somewhat rough due
to scales or raised lenticels, relatively thin and shed in irregu- Dioecious, unarmed (except Protium melinonis Engl. and
lar plates; inner bark orange, yellowish-white or pink. Resin juvenile P. javanicum), small to large trees or rarely shrubs,
clear or somewhat milky, drying as opaque, brittle globules, usually displaying Rauh's architectural model (Hallé et al.
often aromatic. Leaves evergreen, exstipulate, imparipinnately 1978), buttresses often present, bark usually smooth or less
compound, rachis often rhombic in cross-section, pulvinuli often thick and fissured and shed in large irregular plates
apparent usually on terminal petiolules, sometimes on lateral on older trees (e.g., sect. Tetragastris). Resin translucent or
petiolules; leaflet margin entire; abaxial surface very rarely milky, usually aromatic, usually flammable when dry and
asperous; leaflets drying black in some species; secondary sometimes also when fresh. Leaves alternate (sometimes
venation usually festooned-brochidodromous, intersecondar- appearing opposite in P. unifoliolatum), sometimes conferted
ies usually present (parallel to secondaries or perpendicular distally on branchlets (sect. Crepidospermum), evergreen,
to midvein), intercostal tertiaries alternate-percurrent or ran- exstipulate. Leaves imparipinnate or rarely unifoliolate, a pul-
dom-reticulate; fimbrial vein usually present. Inflorescence vinulus present at the apex of the terminal petiolule (except
an axillary or sometimes (pseudo-)terminal panicle of cymes, sect. Crepidospermum) and usually at distal or both ends of
secondary axes reduced in some species. Flowers 3-parted, lateral petiolules; leaflet margin entire or serr(ul)ate, rarely
calyx (shallowly) cupular to urceolate, truncate or 3-lobed, with glandular-tipped teeth (Protium cuneifolium). Secondary

D. C. Daly et al.

vein framework some form of brochidodromous (here includ- Trattinnickia Willd. (Fig. 7).
ing semi-craspedodromous); venation usually highly organ- Trattinnickia Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4: 975
ized, with strong areolation; intersecondary veins sometimes (1806).
present; admedial tertiaries sometimes present, diverse in ori-
gin; freely ending veinlets (FEVs) may be absent (i.e., areoles Medium-sized to large dioecious trees, less often small
empty), or little-branched, or highly branched; termination trees, rarely shrubby, usually displaying Rauh's architectural
can be simple, or tracheoid idioblasts, or highly branched model (Hallé et al. 1978), some species capable of stump-
sclereids. Inflorescence an axillary or subterminal panicle of sprouting; lacking proper buttresses but roots often broad or
cymes, sometimes pseudofasciculate or pseudospicate (then swollen at base of trunk. Outer bark thin and smooth in some
the flowers (sub-)sessile). Receptacle flat to shallowly cup- taxa, in most of sect. Rhoifoliae rough and shallowly to deeply
shaped. Perianth 4–5-parted (most staminate flowers 3-parted fissured and shed in irregular plates; hoop marks frequently
in Protium sect. Sarcoprotium). Calyx partially synsepalous present. Resin clear and watery or oily (rarely reported as
but lobed, valvate; corolla apopetalous or sometimes partially white), slightly sticky, drying yellowish or white and hard,
sympetalous (consistently so in sect. Tetragastris), aestivation flammable in some species. Leaves evergreen, exstipulate,
induplicate-valvate, petals abaxially white to pale green or rachis usually rhombic in cross section, pulvinuli usually
yellow, rarely red. Flowers usually obdiplostemonous with apparent on lateral petiolules and almost always on the termi-
the two series of stamens subequal, or the stamens pentady- nal ones, pulvinuli often galled; usually one or both leaflet sur-
namous or tetradynamous, or sometimes the flowers haploste- faces asperous, the margin entire; Secondary vein framework
monous (staminate flowers of some sect. Crepidospermum festooned-brochidodromous, intersecondaries sometimes pre-
or pistillate flowers of some sect. Icicopsis). Filaments free, sent and then perpendicular to the midvein, intercostal tertiar-
anthers usually sagittate (continuous with filaments in stami- ies alternate-percurrent (sometimes also admedially ramified),
nate flowers of sect. Tetragastris). Pollen diverse. Receptacle composite admedial tertiaries sometimes present; fimbrial
flat to shallowly cup-shaped. Disk usually intrastaminal and vein present. Often (sect. Burserifoliae Swart) the vein are-
annular, not adnate to calyx, green or yellow; pistillode usu- oles on the abaxial side defining papilla-filled laminar crypts.
ally present in staminate flowers, usually containing locules Inflorescence an axillary, pseudoterminal, or terminal panicle
and reduced ovules, sometimes reduced to a parenchymatous of cymes. Perianth 3-parted, green or wine-red (rarely report-
cylinder (e.g., sect. Sarcoprotium) or the disk and pistillode edly white to yellow). Calyx cupular, partlyl synsepalous but
fused to form a conical or discoid ovariodisk (sects. Icicop- 3-lobed, aestivation valvate, sometimes invested with retrorse
sis, Tetragastris). Pistil 4–5-locular, style 1, sometimes with hairs abaxially, calyx not persisting in fruit and often shed
4–5 short lateral branches, stigmas 4–5, sometimes spiculate as a unit; corolla of 3 partly to mostly connate petals, fleshy,
(sects. Pepeanthos, Sarcoprotium). Fruit a compound dehis- aestivation induplicate-valvate, usually (sub)erect with an
cent drupe (nuculanum), pendent or horizontal at maturity, inflexed apiculum, both surfaces always with at least some
obliquely ovoid to subglobose or ellipsoid, maturing red or retrorse trichomes, adaxial surface often densely invested with
less often green, orange, gray, or brown, pericarp (exo- and minute capitate glandular trichomes. Flowers diplostemonous,
mesocarp) fleshy to coriaceous or rarely sublignified, sep- stamens of two subequal series, filaments free, usually strap-
ticidally and acropetally dehiscent by 1–5 valves (equal to shaped, anthers often continuous with the filaments (i.e., not
the number of pyrenes developed), the valves white or pale sagittate), sometimes red. Pollen endoapertures (per-)lalon-
red within. Pyrenes separated by a columella, each tenuously gate. Pistillode reduced to a conical parenchymatous structure
suspended from the fruit apex by an inverted V-shaped struc- either surmounting the intrastaminal disk or the two fused to
ture, pyrene cartilaginous to bony or rarely papery (Protium form an ovariodisk, the stamens inserted at or near the base. In
divaricatum subsp. fumarium Daly), enveloped in a spongy, pistillate flowers staminodes reduced, inserted on rim of a thin
sweet, white (very rarely red) pseudaril, ventral side with a annular disk. Gynoecium 2–3-locular, style short, stigma 1,
usually raised funicular scar of diverse shape and size, often 2–3-lobed. Fruit a compound, indehiscent drupe, depressed-
embossed; cotyledons lobed and contortuplicate, or simply globose to depressed-ovoid, maturing blue-black to (purplish)
plano-convex and straight or uncinately curved, or (Protium black, mesocarp oily and resinous. Pyrene bony, 2–3-locular
sect. Icicopsis) plano-convex plus laterally reverse twice- and 2–3-lobed, tuberculate, with sutures between the lobes but
plicate and then sometimes uncinately folded. Germination the carpels not separable, 2–3-horned at apex. Cotyledons pal-
through the apex of the pyrene, epigeal or hypogeal, phanero- matifid, germination epigeal, first eophylls simple, alternate,
cotylar or cryptocotylar, first eophylls opposite or alternate, and sparsely serrate.
simple, the margin entire or distally serrulate. N = 11. A genus of 19 species, Costa Rica south to Brazil and
As presently circumscribed, the genus is estimated to Bolivia (excluding the Caribbean).
have 205 species in the Neotropics, plus 4 in tropical Asia,
and 2 in Madagascar and Mauritius.

A review of Neotropical Burseraceae

Acknowledgements  D. C. Daly received general support from the Leo (Burseraceae) and systematic significance. Plant Syst Evol
Model Foundation, and fieldwork that contributed to this review of 298:1723–1731. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s00606-​012-​0673-x
the Burseraceae was supported by the National Science Foundation Araujo DAOV, Takayama C, Faria FM, Socca EAR, Dunder RJ, Manzo
(Grant No. 0918600), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the LP, Luiz-Ferreira A, Souza-Brito ARM (2011) Gastroprotective
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the JRS Biodiversity Foundation, the Helmsley Charitable Trust, the tal gastric ulcer models in rats. Rev Bras Farmacogn 21:721–729.
Beneficia Foundation, and the National Geographic Society. Herbarium https://​doi.​org/​10.​1590/​S0102-​695X2​01100​50001​17
visits were generously hosted by ESALQ, GH, IAN, MEXU, RB, RON, Bachelier JB, Endress PK (2009) Comparative floral morphology and
and SINCHI. P. V. A. Fine’s work on Burseraceae has been supported anatomy of Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae (Sapindales), with a
by grants from the NSF (especially NSF DEB-0919567 and DEB- special focus on gynoecium structure and evolution. Bot J Linn
1254214) and the National Geographic Society. PVAF would like to Soc 159:499–571. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/j.​1095-​8339.​2009.​
thank fellow copaleros (besides the other coauthors) Italo Mesones, 00959.x
Julio Sánchez, Tracy Misiewicz, Chris Baraloto and Diego Salazar for Balée W, Daly DC (1990) Resin classification by the Ka’apor Indians.
sharing ideas and many good times in the field. R. O. Perdiz has been Adv Econ Bot 8:24–34
supported by scholarships from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Bandeira PN, Fonseca AM, Costa SMO, Lins MUDS, Pessoa ODL,
de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil (CAPES) (finance code 001) and Monte FJQ, Nogueira NAP, Lemos TLG (2006) Antimicrobial
the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of resin of Protium
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Authors and Affiliations

Douglas C. Daly1   · Ricardo O. Perdiz2   · Paul V. A. Fine3   · Gabriel Damasco4   ·

María Cristina Martínez‑Habibe5   · Laura Calvillo‑Canadell6
Ricardo O. Perdiz Department of Integrative Biology and Jepson and University Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley, 3040 and 1005
Valley Life Sciences Bldg. #3140, Berkeley, CA 94720‑3140,
Paul V. A. Fine
Department of Botany and Zoology, Universidade Federal
Gabriel Damasco
do Rio Grande do Norte, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova,
Natal, RN 59078‑970, Brazil
María Cristina Martínez‑Habibe 5
Departamento de Química y Biología, Universidad del
Norte, Km. 5 vía Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla, Atlántico,
Laura Calvillo‑Canadell Colombia 6
Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología,
1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Zona
Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical
Deportiva s.n., Ciudad Universitaria, Apartado Postal
Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458, USA
70‑233, 04510 Mexico City, Mexico
Luz da Floresta, Rua Xiriana, 311, Aparecida, Boa Vista,
Roraima 69306‑320, Brazil


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