The Analysis and Design of Work

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The number and nature of the outputs selected create

challenges for how to process the inputs to generate the Redesign is similar to analyze a job that has not yet exist.
outputs effectively. For example: McDonald recorded their Analyzing Work Outputs Work Redesign A firm often seeks to redesign work to make it more
worst speed-of performance metrics following the launch efficient or effective.
of new menu items.

Work-flow design is the process of analyzing the tasks Managers analyze an organization’s human resource
Teams are not a panacea. For teams to be effective, it is Human Resource Planning needs in a dynamic environment and develop activities
needed for the production of a product or service, prior to
essential that the level of task interdependence (how that enable a firm to adapt to change.
allocating and assigning these tasks to a particular job
much they have to cooperate) matches the level of Analyzing Work Processes
category or person.
outcome interdependence (how much they share the To identify the most qualified applicant, it must determine
reward for task accomplishment). the task will be performed by the individual employed and
the knowledge, skills and abilities he/she must have to
These inputs can be broken down into the raw materials, perform effectively.
equipment, and human skills needed to perform the Analyzing Work Inputs
tasks. The Importance of Job Analysis The training will prepare individuals to perform the jobs
Training and Development effectively; and some training programs may be more
Centralization extensive than others.
Dimensions of Structure
Work-Flow Analysis and Organization Structure
Gathering information about how an employee behave
Performance Appraisal their work (effective or ineffective) and provide with
High levels of centralization tend to go naturally with justification for why the poor performance is disciplined.
functional departmentalization because individual units in
the structures are so specialized that members of the unit Functional Structure Matching an individual’s skills and aspirations with
may have a weak conceptualization of the overall Career Planning opportunities that are or may become available in the
organization mission. organization.
Structural Configurations Organization structure refers to the organization's
generally stable and formalized network of vertical and
Are not very efficient because of the redundancy Assessing the relative dollar value of each job to the
horizontal links between roles. Job Evaluation
associated with each group carrying its own functional organization to set up internally equitable pay structures.
Divisional Structure
specialists. It also “self-cannibalize” if the gains achieved
in one unit come at the expense of another unit. Managers must have detailed information about all the
jobs in their work group to understand the work-flow
The choice of structure also has implications for people process.
who would assume the jobs created in functional versus
divisional structures. Taller structures have implications Structure and the Nature of Jobs Managers need to understand the job requirements to
for organizational culture in terms of ethics and make informed hiring decisions.
accountability. The Importance of Job Analysis to Line Managers
A manager is responsible for ensuring that each
Changing the tasks or the way work is done in an existing individual is performing satisfactorily (or better).
Managers ensure that the work is being done safely,
One must thoroughly comprehend the job as it exists (job Job Redesign identify potential hazards, and create an environment in
analysis) and its place (work-flow process) in the larger which individuals are allowed to avoid unsafe situations.
work unit’s work-flow process in order design jobs
effectively. TDRs are observable
Job Description: a list of the tasks, duties and
Identifying the simplest way to structure work that responsibilities (TDRs) that a job consists. An effective balance between breadth and specificity
maximizes efficiency. This approach focuses on: task Job Analysis: the process of collecting detailed when constructing job descriptions.
THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF WORK information about jobs.
Nature of Information
specialization, skill simplification, and repetition.
Job Specification: a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities
Reducing the complexity of the work to make the work so and other characteristics (KSAOs) that a person must
simple that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to have to perform the job.
perform it. However, this can lead to unethical practice of
some companies in undeveloped countries. Job Analysis Information Assess the informal social network that exists within the
Mechanistic Approach formal organizational structure.
The organization reduces its need for high-ability (classical industrial engineering)
individuals and thus becomes less dependent on Although incumbents may provide the most accurate
individual workers. estimates, supervisors may be a more precise source of
Sources of Job Analysis Information Job Incumbent
information about the importance of job duties.
This approach are performed in developing countries
where there is a large supply of low-skilled labor and Other sources, such as customers, can be helpful,
relatively lax legal guidelines regarding safety standards. particularly for service jobs. External job analysts may be
However, this can lead to a backlash against companies the best source when it comes to analyzing skill levels.
that benefit from this unethical practice.
Information Input
Focus on increasing the meaningfulness of jobs through Job Design: the process of defining how work will
such interventions as job enlargement, job enrichment, be performed and the tasks that will be required Mental Processes
and the construction of jobs around socio-technical in a that job.
Motivational Approach (organizational psychology and Work Output
systems. Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ): one of the
management literature)
broadest and most well-researched instruments.
Creating meaningful work requires matching the right Relationships with other persons
type of person to the right type of task.
Job Context
Minimize physical strain on the worker by structuring the
physical work environment around the way the human Job Analysis Methods Other Characteristics
body works. Any job that creates a significant number of
injuries is a target for ergonomic redesign. Biological Approach Uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to
(ergonomics) describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and
Programs also have a positive psychological effect on work context required for various occupations that are
workers by emphasizing an organizational climate that more broadly defined
values safety and health. The Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
Individuals who want to improve their ability to find
Improve reliability, safety, and user reactions by employment can obtain from the O*NET relatively
designing jobs to reduce their information-processing accurate information about what jobs they are qualified
requirements. for given their current literacy level.

Similar to the mechanistic approach, this approach Most inaccuracy is likely to result from job descriptions
generally decreases the job’s cognitive demands. simply being outdated. The job analysis process must
Perceptual-Motor Approach also detect changes in the nature of jobs.
(human-factors literature)
The new technology serves as a source of distraction Dynamic Elements of Job Analysis
from the primary task, reducing performance and A trend referred to as “dejobbing” in organizations -
increasing the opportunities for errors. consisting of viewing organizations as a field of work
needing to be done rather than a set of discrete jobs held
Team-based work design is a central component in terms by specific individuals.
of strategy and competitive advantage

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