119MM0759 - Heat Treatment - Mid Sem Exam

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the fromtfermation at (ower emp Wene et [nuit ster Stet mat anne cower site > MAa@ee cae Nome BIN Tal: \4mmotsq Mid seme x am i Ded ee i From aioe above graph » We Can see thatthe austenivation tempercctuse fox Normalizing ise higher Hho Annetling » For amnedling anc for Mp oeutectoid Steel the atstinafalion fomprcdise 4 p+ 20-He'e but for Normalizing He UCT 4 Yorsete » Anneeling reywines furnace Cooling ashere ay normaly Ping Tepires eelaively faster Cooling vshich implies 74 wequires highs Under tooling +} So, to acheive the highe x under Cooling use need. fo make th mo ther Austentte phate") 4o Le homogenott £0 thed WIE Cr Push +p, Yr) frenn¢h: Veaction to ecrebdively lovoes temperature Where omnecting vesults Camrce grained shuchwe % MA only vequires a homogqmows w D> As homoge nizing vesults +@ fine graine Sievelut Ree kc g¢4+ the fine grained Structure we Nerd +o produce Migher Ander cooling je transformation at lower temp and acheive. ag —— fo remove all chort of temp and Conc) Gradiord and for that we need to heed the Heel af ablah-tes, ve Fhou the Dfoby above veaton for high austenizing temp of Novmaliging comPared te anneal j Ythe mayor TSSUe of homogeni gation annealing 4: U) High tem Perakuv UN feng time holdi'vq of higher p UD pe carburipation af high temperatr, WJ Grain growth, Aighly expens: ? Nen 2 we are hating fhe above problen, Sometimes ,1u< mid +0 copt few diffusioy amneul: O Hypo sutectoid Stell, to vemoVe he ree. Present in Steel The mafor im hemogenities are dendrites, EU. Greui n amd chemical inhomogenitics Pace, Steel which aare formed during Casting » S these oily acts as pre fervew nucledon aie, So by Koni ng phese Uke tose the control ovev pramsfor mation amd sometimes ee uefeck focds (9 britilen’s and boueer ductility and fo ughner yan orden to overtome , the inbomg en/t, Wee Undergo diffusion ameding Lt occitrs at -rebdaal Aightem) je af }ooo 212008 > we boll the Sample at the temp fo o~ohour followed by artery Slow Cooling procey to evsuse the homogenous, So Fce/ there is Ho L_ coon (ertodion in hownag tmidy COV Ceqreqate! on} awe Present 5 Diffusion omenl- | ao BS i Sic, x, > Tr bur Cow > 4 tous} emp enadure spony pend g 4 only welieve the tmernal strese, Bede cs brHtImess while mainrdaining « majority en Nigh tomp tou > picmatcing FemReraduree tend fo Produce a Aecate reduction in the hardness Pein. Ro He Id Strength omd ensile Sreng J for Mm \nereecte iM elasticity vod plasticity ® =| 4) compasisen Ce Banealing and Normaliginy « 1 i ? Annaling involve: Aecting +o a ea ea Fao ling ad this Temperatere and spe cooling aka Ulery Sdow vole ae, en : iging i ique Use by mies” ae through out an alloy. The metal ay heated +o higher temp and -then yemoved tom furnace fer air Goling in nox malizing vethey than farcnace Cooling D Goling vele is fester: Frans prmafion temperature ¢ temp “due 4o move undercooling in normalising a > Time required to inttiecle amd finish a ay fess ive faster Kinefits amd due yo faster tinetit diner structure will be produced. BT) > AT2 ft —— tees r tae more cull be wnderteoli vg ies more no ef nuclei eshich have S$medler critical vadi uy will 6¢ developed. ? Faster is kinetics = Of Toon | aT >ATal ' r ULM dercoblivy i ‘ Vari ction jy Pro perHe - a ty D i mneale d oan yess internal oreo Vinternal Stresses are more } fess. hardness, tensile Shem] 2) slight'y move in| omd -fough ness sroglh and toughe > Girwin $3¢ alist bution IS more | a Gverin sige distribestion is gli ty Ton fOr TS omar | > Normalizing is Tndustrially fciper p P ir Normaligny to evweeling ae l Meathing mal iz oss ome, rs “he he longadion Ve Ye 4endilatest Ube % Sometim 6 the Chactic plasire sie Ring fimit is on raeeen So thet “po ecu ng Yield feint G@n he missed Hence proof Myess is intra Miladages gt normal ing Ovex Ameali ng a Be ey mechaui ad propertie hess time -fonsuning Jouter Cost of fuck amd Aeration A Wlantage of Kimedling Nex novwaliz, es softness mplte sabten le ieee Iunal ebeeces - * Cuheeh ® Necestitg in Cowpler ond Inhiate Part RS Ni awl; > Fullannallh hart ———_3 oh 0804 '3 ing, Annens Proves Sana! — Fae TP nt. 5 i D> Bustentte ai fovmed on heeding an ag gvegake of ferrite amd peavlite , foorite amd cementite on) Comendit: — amal Pea lite depending an whether. the cheek iy hy p-euctecto!s), uttecto/ Sow ay Per eutecford - > Formedion of cucknite in cutectoid steel eccecre ocf a partially —fomperedure AG) ushereas am Ay po omd hype artedloid, it ocenss aver a Yonge 44 dentperockunc ype adectoid steed Auustenig ation” % The mirdure of pro eutectod frrite and pearlide “On slou heating austentte nucki are formed Just abo the attectoid tempereture *) Mewe TL he temp-eredure is increased more nuclei Da Wosmereed sf At first p-the audenitic graing axéll grow by th Pouth of initially formed austenitic grains amo hen by the grout af newly formed auselente rucl S The auctenite formed is non homogeneous duc to Presence of embedded Cementte Particle Urithin the austentic grains. 2 Thus, for Aypo eutectoid steel, Growth of Primary ausden't’e gredns tbe place at the expene 4 90 extectoid forte iva ® 7 ee aot Hyper etectoid cteel fusei Dd pryture of pre eutecto Cementik omd curstenite - > Cementite Lissolves into forte which in Fury tram Clorms into autstenttc - DThus, for hype tadectoid steek , growth of pritrary aubtnetiare grains tales place af the expence of pre eactechid comentite ELUTE CTORD STEEL TWonefornation': ? The alternate Brim ferrik ond lementde jn cheek Steel is Known ~ os peew lite ° Cemenhite hay 6687 C wherea fernte (3 abme ct Pure iron, Ree of larkon me) The firt Step is heading fo eutectory gare Bec tron (e-Fe) ¢ hamges to FCC iron (YFe J “)Thes Akeond Melepy 5 diffusion G Cement "D bh)do nA Bn Hf Corlon from pire ReTIO7g 4 E Fac be 1 noragtniged > The moximnun diffusion af Carbon fake Peden Cementite af ferrite — Cementie trterface. ») Austenite nucleods at mterfac blus ferrite ond comet cpectally in betuoeen pearlitic colonies DB gra duck dissoludion 6 Cavbon from cementite and au Genie FS formed = a. @ TSthe Primary autstoile firmed dissolile “the Survound fing Forte and grew at her egpense: Pine (grist rake Gok austen fs Nahe shew th vate a dissolution af Cementite ) Thus, disso lutioy af fomite is canplete befor ¢ that 4 Cemencite- 2» ") the hax demabilhty of Steal oe pends on ©) ustenl ti grain Sige'- dl ie major tole yn determining havdnény respon} Sy 2 Fine gran austenite shourr louser harden aby h'ty \ became there ave ‘more number 4 s/' Yes Yor hetero nucleation of pearlike ai Pincrease| My hartdenability ‘due to coarse grain £196 is nop telonmendabk as rH Is accom purines od by poor ten pact prop 4h quench Cralt and loss of duct! grain size 6 R44 OAnSi P, ee > Cau be ntl! ¢) elleyeg Ae tele | Yalmost alt oujing slemed gy cep Obal¥ shitt $ ate the ave fo right a. aps 10 ae Inclidjons decree hardenabi lity LS clissolled tdemends increase hax denabilityatite, ites pyToming end Quendh test *) Mest Common method 10 debermihe hard evrabiliky of Steal. YHere a steel bay a | unch diame omd nowda 446 Hinch dong} healed 40 proper autenty,, 4 Aempereture ? | YA fey being Locked for Lometime the Seal SPecimen is quickly pla cede! fixture: Steer, =? DA wotey Hct Comes out at Const pressure “4r0m an o-s inch OrrIflle ond =the Hream of Weeler strikes the wer oe Of Specimen amd -the end quenching in carried OEE Cel Yt raid box reaches almost ambient tempers The Cooling vet. a Very FE+ af fhe bottom end dit cle create ay the distante pray the bottom nd in reete- Pathe hardorahi lity i8\determined at van Inderal af Vig inch which) Imcretet 40 Ih inclr near Guendl a, <) spheroidization Anmeaking \T+ is wa heat -+treetmed Process resulli ng ina Aructure “¢onsiSling ef globules Goxbeile, Yeemendite nteboort jin high CAs not desirable The degree spheroidization depends ov terap and boldindtive, ’ Hy ter uctetoid steal consist of peeoHe amd comedy the gementite forme 4 brittle nefuerk axound the perlite This presents difficulty in mathining the Hyper eukectold Heels STs improve the machinabr hity af exmeal ehy pereaterfoid Ceehd Spheroidizing amn eating 4 app rect » 4 ecw Hellgation necting dqhis process consists ef heating the steel comple fo a femperedure “above the reerystallization enperaduwe j ho Iding at this Heoperadave amd Cooling theve buftey >The Fomp 2 not fixad tn Tcevy Halipetion Aron ending Pshis Process is usted to treat work hardened pasts Made oud af dot Gubonsteele. This alloun the Parts fo be Soft amough to undergo further Cold working withod Fracturing YAll cteek Ghat have been. heastly ald woorke are Subjecte! 4o this peroces < of heet 4readm,

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