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* Tobe (is, am, are: là, thì)

(+): S+ tobe+....

(-): S+ tobe+ not+....

(?): Tobe+ S+...?

WH (What, where, when, who, how)+ tobe+ S+....?

Trong đó:

I+ am

She, he, it, N số ít, N không đếm được, everyone, anybody, this/ that+ is

You, we, they, N số nhiều, these/ those+ are

* V thường

(+): S+ V(s,es, nguyên thể)

I, you, we, they, N số nhiều, these/ those+ V nguyên thể

She, he, it, N số ít, N không đếm được, everyone, anybody, this/ that+ V(s,es)

 Nếu động từ kết thúc bằng đuôi “o,s,z,ch,x,sh” thì V+ es

 Have-> has
 Động từ kết thúc bằng “y”: Trước “y” là nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i) thì thêm s như
bình thường, trước “y” là phụ âm thì đổi “y”-> i+ es

Ex: She (play)-> plays

She (study)-> studies

(-): S+ don’t/ doesn’t+ V nguyên thể

I, you, we, they, N số nhiều, these/ those+ don’t

She, he, it, N số ít, N không đếm được, everyone, anybody, this/ that+ doesn’t

(?): Do/ does+ S+ V nguyên thể?

-> Yes, S+ do/ does/ No, S+ don’t/ doesn’t

WH (What, where, when, how) + do/ does+ S+ V nguyên thể?

* Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường xuyên), often (thường
xuyên), frequently (thường xuyên), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), seldom (hiếm khi),
rarely (hiếm khi), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), regularly (thường


(+): S+ tobe+ V-ing

(-): S+ tobe+ not+ V-ing

(?): Tobe+ S+ V-ing? Yes, S+ tobe/ No, S+ tobe+ not

WH (Where, what, when, how...)+ tobe+ S+ V-ing?

* Cách thêm đuôi –ING:

- Động từ tận cùng là “e” thì bỏ “e” thêm “ing” (dance-> dancing)

- Động từ tận cùng là “ee” thì thêm “ing” như bình thường (knee-> kneeing)
- Động từ tận cùng là “ie” thì đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm đuôi “ing” (die-> dying;
lie-> lying)

- Động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm ( trừ h, w, x, y), trước nó là nguyên âm thì ta gấp
đôi phụ âm rồi thêm “ing” (run-> running; shop-> shopping)

- Nếu phụ âm kết thúc là ‘l” thì thường người Anh sẽ gấp đôi “l” còn người Mỹ thì
không. (travel-> travelling/ traveling)

* Dấu hiệu nhận biết

+ now (bây giờ)

+ right now (ngay bây giờ)

+ at the moment (ngay lúc này)

+ at present (hiện tại)

+ It’s + giờ cụ thể + now

+ Look!; Listen!

* Những từ KHÔNG chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:

1. want 7. contain 13. depend 19. hate

2. like 8. taste 14. seem 20. wish

3. love 9. suppose 15. know 21. mean

4. prefer 10. remember 16. belong 22. lack

5. need 11. realize 17. hope 23. appear

6. believe 12. understand 18. forget 24. sound


Bài 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn

1. The flight (start) ________at 6 a.m every Thursday.

2. I like Math and she (like) ________Literature.

3. I (bake)________ cookies twice a month.

4. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.

5. Jane always ________ (take care) of her sister.

6. My family (have) ________a holiday in December every year.

7. Martha and Kevin ___________ (swim) twice a week.

8. She ____ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

9. Mike (be)________humour. He ___________ (tell) us funny stories.

10.Tiffany and Uma (be) ______my friends.

Bài 2. Điền dạng đúng của động từ “tobe”:

1. My dog __________small.

2. She ________ a student.

3. We _________ready to get a pet.

4. My life _____ so boring. I just watch TV every night.

5. My husband________from California. I _______from Viet Nam.

6. We ____________ (not/be) late.

7. Emma and Betty(be)________ good friends.

8. ___________ (she/be) a singer?

9. His sister(be) _________seven years old.

10.Trixi and Susi(be)__________my cats.

11.Everyone (not be) __________ here.

12. The flight (be) __________ on the way back to airport.

13. Children (be) __________ very friendly.

14. People (be) __________ facing to many problems in daily life.

15.(be)______________Zoe at school?

Bài 3. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây với các từ gợi ý trong hộp

wake up – open – speak – take – do – cause – live – play – close – live – drink

1. Ann _____________ handball very well.

2. I never _____________ coffee.

3. The swimming pool _____________ at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It _____________ at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving _____________ many accidents.

6. My parents _____________ in a very small flat.

7. The Olympic Games _____________ place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always _____________ their homework.

9. My students _____________ a little English.

10.I always _____________ early in the morning.

Bài 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai

1. What does they wear at their school?

2. Do he go to the library every week?

3. Windy always watch TV at 9 p.m before going to bed at 10 p.m.

4. Sometimes, we goes swimming together with her family.

5. How does Linda carries such a heavy bag?

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
0. I am not drinking (not drink) beer; it’s only tea.

1. They (meet) ____________their teacher at the moment.

2. We (visit) _____________the museum at the moment.

3. John (not read) ________ a book now.

4. What______you (do) ________ tonight?

5. Silvia (not listen) ________ to music at the moment.

6. Maria (sit) ________ next to Paul right now. Is/ am/ are

7. He_______always (make) ________ noisy at night.

8. Where your husband (be) ________?

9. My children (be)_____ upstairs now. They (play)______ games.

10. Look! The bus (come)________.

9. He always (borrow) _________me money and never (give)_________back.

10. While I (do)__________my housework, my husband (read)___________ books.

11. He (not paint) ______________ his pictures at the moment

12. We (not plant) ______________the herbs in the garden at present

13. ________They (make)___________ the artificial flowers of silk now?

14. Your father (repair)______________your motorbike at the moment

15. Look! The man (take)______________the children to the cinema.

16. Listen! The teacher (explain) ______________a new lesson to us.

17. Ba (study) __________________Math very hard now.

18. We (have) ______________dinner in a restaurant right now.

19. I (watch) ______________TV with my parents in the living room now.

20. Some people (not drink) _____________coffee now.

21. My mother __________________ (buy) some food at the grocery store.

22. Luke __________________ (not study) Japanese in the library. He’s at home
with his friends.

23. __________________ (she, run) down the street?

24. My cat __________________ (eat) now.

25. What __________________ (you, wait) for?

26. Her students __________________ (not try) hard enough in the competition.

27. All of Andy’s friends __________________ (have) fun at the party right now.

28. My neighbours __________________ (travel) around Europe now.

29. The little girl __________________ (drink) milk.

30. Listen! Our teacher __________________ (speak).

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