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Far Far away, lived a

liitle giraffe called

Every day is the same.
Gregory had no one
to play with, and he
was bored. He had no
giraffe friends, and all
the other animals
only played with their
own kind.
One day Gregory had
a big idea.
Perhaps if he dressed
up to look like the
other animals, they
would let him join in
with their games
So Gregory search
high up in the trees.
Low down in the
grass, and even
He put his disguise.
He then asked the
ostrichs “Hi ostrich, I
am an ostrich too,
can I play with you”
“you’re not a real
ostrich you’re a
giraffe, you couldn’t
keep up with us
youre way to slow”
Grogory put another
disguise and ask the
rhinos. “ Can I play
with you”
“You’re not a real
rhino, you’re a
giraffe. You’re not
strong enough to
wrestle with us”
Gregorry goes to the
water and disguise as
corocdile “Can I play
with you?”
“You’re not a real
crorcodile, your’e a
giraffe you are
terrible swimmer”
Gregory was sad no
one wants to play
with him. He never
felt so sad or lonely .
Later that afternoon
he saw something
incredible. The
strangest giraffes he
had ever seen.
But they weren’t
giraffe at all. All the
animal were very
sorry for not allowing
Gregory joining them
to play, and had
dressed up to look
just like him.
From that day all the
animals always play
Moral of the story.
Always be yourself no
matter what. You will
find good friend who
accept you for who
you are.

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