Ageing Report

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MAY 2022










Certified that this project report“ AGING CONTROL PROJECT ”is the
bonafide work of who caried out the project work under my/our supervision.



Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on 18/05/2022


We would like to express our special thanks to our teacher Dr.Ashish

Sachdeva who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
‘independent project’ and guided us. We are especially grateful to our
respected mentor Dr. Md Azizur Rahman whose insightful leadership and
knowledge benefitted us to complete this project successfully. Thank you so
much for your continuous support and presence whenever needed.


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Ageing Control Project






Ageing is a very complex phenomena. It is usually associated with dynamic

changes in the biological, psychological, physiological, environmental and
social processes . There are multiple theories present to study the causative
factors of aging like Free Radicle Theory ,the Protein Restriction theory ,etc.
Also ageing brings along a wide range of chronic and fatal diseases like cancer,
diabetes, Alzheimer’s diseases, hypertension, etc. The following paper reports
the various ancient anti-aging methods, genetic and molecular aspects of ageing,
a few of the age related diseases, comparison of average lifespan between
human beings and other animals, and the pharmaceutical and therapeutic
aspects of ageing.


Aging is an universal phenomena. With the increase in standard of living ,the

average lifespan of humans has increased, but it has also brought along with
itself several chronic age related diseases. Increase in urbanisation and
industrialisation may have brought the world forward but has compromised with
health. Constant exposure to pollution causes early appearance of skin ageing.
Fast foods which have made its way as an easy ,time effective and tasty option
decreases health and thus longevity.
Human beings have always tried to find methods to be youthful and healthy. So,
have they developed several theories (FRTA & PETA)and
methods(Antioxidants and calorie restriction) to increase lifespan. The
following project encompasses the various biological aspects of ageing. It
studies the evolution of age based studies done from the ancient times to
contemporary day and further future scopes of this subject.
This project is divided into 3 main objectives.


considered the very first night
There has always been a search for cream.
everlasting youth and beauty and They liberally spread oils over the
studies conducted on slowing down skin and hair to protect their skin
ageing. A huge number of from the wrinkling and drying up
communities like the Egyptians, from the hot and dry climate. A
Greeks , Chinese, Indians, etc. have number of oils like rosemary ,castor
searched for methods to increase and almond oils were applied to hair
longevity and create a younger to increase hair growth.
looking appearance. A lot of these Men even applied fats from animals
ancient studies are used in anti- like crocodiles ,goats and lions on
ageing techniques today. their scalp to promote hair growth.
It is a complex phenomena and an They also applied henna on hair to
universal process. The sum total of mask graying .
multiple changes that occurs with
the passage of time in an organism
that leads to decrease in ability of Ancient Greeks:
survival stress, increasing functional Grecian women used various
impairment and growing probability substances and oils for getting
of death is known as ageing. Ageing healthy skin.
encompasses physical, One of their most popular
psychological and social changes. It ingredients were honey which were
is a result of a wide range of used in skin care products, to
molecular and cellular damage. moisturise skin.
Studies are still being conducted on Olive oil was used not only as a skin
a wide range of artificial modes of protectant but also to give it shine.
reversal of this phenomena. Their oils and products were used to
make skin care creams and perfumes
which not only smelled good but
Some ancient methods used to retard was also good on skin.
ageing They stayed out of the sun as it was
known to stimulate ageing.
Ancient Egypt: Grecian men and women also took
They are known as the first society mineral baths.
to develop the study of cosmetology.
Ancient wealthy Egyptians didn’t Ancient Indians:
use soap ,but a baking soda. This The most important anti-ageing
created soft, smooth and hydrated ingredient to Indians were
skin. sandalwood .It has been used as a
They mixed water and natron( by base over centuries to create
product of sodium bicarbonate ) to medicines and creams. The two
make a cream which could be basic types used were: white sandal,
used for makeup and skin care
needs; and red sandal , used for both The role of genetics in determining
makeup and skin care needs. It life-span is complex and
cleans and conditions the skin as it paradoxical. Although the
moisturises and protects the skin heritability of life-span is relatively
from both harmful rays of sunshine minor, some genetic variants
and pathogens. significantly modify senescence of
Sandalwood powder mixed with mammals and invertebrates, with
turmeric was used to make a skin both positive and negative impacts
paste to treat acne. For cooling on age-related disorders and life-
effects camphor was often added to spans. In certain examples, the gene
the paste . variants alter metabolic pathways,
They were the firsts to create face which could thereby mediate
masks by mixing rose water creams interactions with nutritional and
and sandalwood powder. They also other environmental factors that
used it on their torsos to provide influence life-span. Given the
relief from heat rashes. relatively minor effect and variable
They blended body massages and penetrance of genetic risk factors
yoga to enhance health and that appear to affect survival and
youthfulness. health at advanced ages, life-style
Ayurveda used a number a herbs and and other environmental influences
plant products to balance skin and may profoundly modify outcomes of
scalp on the cellular level and aging.
prevent dehydration and ageing
effects of old and drying skin cells.
They used mud treatments which Previously we have discussed lot
gives skin cells healthy, refreshed about free radical theory of aging
and youthful appearance. where we came to this is the one of
Herbal and floral baths ,milk the major reasons for the process of
products and steam treatments using aging .
sesame oil lubricates skin without Thioredoxin -1 (TRX-1) has a
clogging pores and eliminates function and role to protect DNA
harmful toxins from the body . from oxidative stress. The stress is
These mixtures now a days are caused due to accumulations of
called aromatherapy steam. reactive oxygen species made up of
oxygen that gets easily reacts with
most of the molecules present in the
cell. The reactive oxygen species are
also called free radical has less life
span but are very reactive. The TRX
-1 protects the DNA and retards the
MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF process of aging but due to reactive
AGEING: oxygen accumulations which turns
into TXNIP which is completely
against the function of TRX-1 as it us know mechanism of infection and
causes acceleration in aging, and in we can take medication of drug to
parallel damages DNA, RNA, and the disease that causing and  leading
Nucleic acids. The cellular balance the process of aging .
of the body gets disturbed and a
condition arises in which a repetitive Antibody based detection of
reaction occurs which leads to the molecular heterogeneity :
death of cells and further leads to If there is change in molecular
cancer weight and net charge of the protein
than its result lead to variation in
The protein theory of aging: genome phosphorylation and single
nucleotide sequence
DNA , RNA and Ribosome all are polymorphism . 
having constituent of protein more
as compared to others .  Conclusions protein slow down the
And process like transcriptions, process  , so if any error is detected
translation and other are by this technique that error will
mechanisms in which protein is an affect the process of aging and aging
essential part of it , and even at the process will increase .
cellular level mechanisms protein
constitutes the most part of ,it is GEL ELECTROPHORESIS:
major constituent  Gel electrophoresis is use to separate
By the combination of the different the protein on the basis of molecular
technique we able to current weight and the size 
situation of protein stability of our
body . The following technique are : Molecular weight and Size of the
protein depend upon the number of
1. Gel electrophoresis : In this we amino acid present in the protein ,
separate DNA and RNA and we got but because of the folding in the
to know about change in building protein the size of the same show
block amino acids in protein. variation. 
Even in the molecular weight
2. Mass spectrometry : In this ion Molecular weight of protein post
source is there and a mass analyser , translation .
ion detector  Reason why we can use gel
Here is the protein are detected at electrophoresis are for
level ionisation captured by mass understanding the structure of
spectrometry . protein for aging process 

3.Protein protein interaction : In this 1. Gycosylation is the effect the

we can check the function of protein protein from all three dimension , it
at cellular level and biological is responsible for the structure
process , interaction of proteins lets function and stability of the protein ,
due to protein - protein interaction in If PI value is equal to Ph value it
mixture of sample the mass of will be neutral the conc of OH- is
protein get increased . low
2 . Acetylation is responsible for  to If the ph value higher than PI than
control the protein - DNA the OH - conc is high than the amino
interaction and protein - protein acids will be negative
interaction  In isoelectric we use to PH strip ( ph
In this way is control the protein at 3 - ph 11 or ph 4 to ph 10 ) we
enzymatic activity , at cellular level , isolate the sample of mixture of
responsible for its location and the protein on the PH strip under the
stability stable condition , than this strip is
placed in lab DEVICE which is use
3. In gel electrophoresis dodecycle to give electric current , the left strip
Sulphate is use to separate the side is the acidic  part PH connect to
protein , but the denaturation of the positive electron and the right part
all protein in sample mixture is not connected to on the negative part of
possible because some protein are to the electrode 
strong due to presence of basic The protein in which H+ conc is
amino acid and due to strong peptide more move toward the negative
bond present between the protein  terminal or negative electrode , the
In denaturation the shape of protein protein in which OH- conc is more.
change and becomes disfunction  It will shift towards the negative
Protein like globular protein which electrode 
easily get denaturation 
But protein found in the skin and Now after this strip after this placed
nails are not easily denaturation by in resolving gel  we provide  electric
gel electrophoresis  current know here in this it gets
separated on the basis of the
4. If basic amino acids is present ,all molecular weight of the protein but
nine essentially are present it called because  different value of PI even
complex protein  for same molecular weight the
More is the strong is the disulphide protein it get separated and no
bond it is very difficulty to break it overlapping and black spot is
into the aggregate. appearing due to overlap it occur
In 2D gel electrophoresis are worked when we directly use gel
on two principle electrophoresis instead of 2D gel
1st - iso electric point - some amino electrophoresis.
acids Are positive and some are
negative and some are neutral  GENETIC ASPECTS OF AGING:
If the H+ conc is more than the pi
value is less than PH than the amino The genetics analysis of life span
acid gets positive change  has only begun in mammals,
invertebrates, such
as Caenorhabditis
elegans and Drosophila, and yeast.
Even at this primitive stage of the
genetic analysis of aging, the
physiological observations that rate
of metabolism is intimately tied to DECLINE OF
life span is supported. In many OCCURRENC ORGAN-
examples from mice to worms to MOLECULAR
flies to yeast, genetic variants that HALLMARKS PGYSIOLOGI
affect life span also modify FUNCTION
metabolism. Insulin signalling
regulates life span coordinately with AGING
reproduction, metabolism, and free
radical protective gene regulation
in C. elegans. This may be related to
the findings that caloric restriction
also regulates mammalian aging, FLOWCHART ON
perhaps via the modulation of METASTATIC AGING
insulin-like signaling pathways. The
nervous system has been implicated
as a key tissue where insulin-like Cell Aging :DNA damage And
signaling and free radical protective Telomeres :
pathways regulate life span in C.
elegansand Drosophila. Genes that A principal factor in aging is an
determine the life span could act in exponential increase in incidence
neuroendocrine cells in diverse and mortality rates of cancer and
animals. The involvement of insulin- non-cancerous diseases, as well
like hormones suggests that the progressive tissue degeneration and
plasticity in life spans evident in atrophy, caused by a decrease in
animal phylogeny may be due to adult or somatic stem cell function
variation in the timing of release of
hormones that control vitality and
Cells are constantly exposed to a
mortality as well as variation in the
harmful environment throughout
response to those hormones.
life. Increasing cell damage
Pedigree analysis of human aging
contributes to the dysfunction that
may reveal variations in the
characterizes the aging body. The
orthologs of the insulin pathway
best example of DNA damage as a
genes and coupled pathways that
cause of aging are the progeroid
regulate invertebrate aging. Thus,
syndromes, which are caused by a
genetic approaches may identify a
deficiency in the mechanisms
set of circuits that was established in
involved in DNA repair and whose
ancestral metazoans to regulate their
symptoms begin early in life
Mutations in certain genes confer marked chromosome instability.
greater stress resistance and a Consistent with this, telomere
reduced rate of damage dynamics are important for HSC
accumulation, increasing longevity. maintenance , telomere shortening
For example, mutation in the gene impairs adult stem cell function ,
that encodes the oxidative stress and telomerase-deficient mice have
response protein p66shc, which short telomeres and age
prolongs life and protects from a prematurely ; most strikingly,
variety of aging-associated diseases telomerase-overexpressing mice
in mice, enhances resistance to have longer telomeres and show
apoptosis following oxidative delayed aging and cancer resistance .
stress in vitro-cultured cells [ The pathways that involve DNA
sequence alterations in somatic stem
Telomeres are DNA-protein cell aging are still unclear, but these
complexes that cap the ends of linear findings raise the possibility that
DNA strands, stabilizing them and telomere length or deficiencies in
preventing chromosome instability . DNA repair systems could be part of
A correlation has been proposed these routes.
between telomere shortening and
somatic stem cell decline during Some researchers shed light on gene
aging. The enzyme telomerase adds mutation-caused progeroid
specific DNA sequence repeats to syndromes, such as Hutchinson-
the chromosome ends that are lost Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS),
through cell division, thus restoring Werner syndrome, Rothmund
telomere length and delaying cell Thomson syndrome, Cockayne
senescence, apoptosis, and death . syndrome, ataxia-telangiectasia, and
The repetitive DNA at chromosome Downsyndrome*3. Gene mutation is
ends shortens with age, as observed inherited and causes progeria, a type
in fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and of premature aging, often showing
hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) . accelerated skin aging phenotype,
Telomeres become critically short including skin
after repeated mitotic divisions atrophy and sclerosis, poikiloderma,
without adequate telomerase alopecia, thinning, and graying of
activity, making cells susceptible to the hair53, for example, HGPS is
apoptosis, death and to a clear caused by the mutation of gene
increase in mutation LMNA54, which produces progerin,
a mutant protein that impairs many
Telomere shortening is associated important cellular processes55.
with age-related diseases in More work is being done to try to
humans ,and patients with gain insight into genetic variation
accelerated aging syndromes show a during the aging process. In 2014
higher rate of telomere erosion and and 2017, different groups identified
single-nucleotide polymorphisms
associated with skin aging in enzymes can lead to accumulation of
Caucasians and the Chinese Han cell damage, as demonstrated by the
population,respectively. progeria syndromes.


Cockayne Syndrome ERCC6(CSA) DNA repair
Fanconi Anemia FANCA. FANCB. FANCC. FANCD1. DNA repair
Werner Syndrome (WS) WRN DNA helicase
Bloom Syndrome RECQLA DNA helicase
Hutchinson-Gilford LMNA Structural
Syndrome Protein

There is increasing evidence that, in

addition to genetic factors, age-
VARIOUS GENETIC associated alteration of gene
SYNDROMES function might also depend on
epigenetic factors. Examples of
epigenetic alterations with age
Aging is characterized by a
include global DNA
progressive decline in physical,
hypomethylation and promoter
mental, and reproductive capacity,
hypermetylation. Thus, aging is not
as well as an increase in morbidity
probably mediated by a single gene
and mortality. Damage invariably
or main mechanism. The magnitude
accumulates with age and
of the contribution of the pathways
contributes to the cell dysfunction
cited above to the onset and
that characterizes this process, and is
progression of aging and age-related
clearly influenced by genetic and
diseases remains unclear. Many
environmental factors. The effects of
questions regarding epigenetic and
the variety of factors involved in
its role in age related diseases still
aging are the result of the balance
remain open, but may be able to
between our defense and damage
explain many of the phenotypic
repair systems and the aggression to
changes related to the aging process.
which we are subjected . Defense
Further studies are needed to
and repair systems are highly
describe the pathways involved in
enzyme dependent; the absence or
age-related physiological alteration
malfunction of a gene necessary for
(hypertension, insulin resistance)
production and activity of these
and predisposition to age-related
pathological changes (cancer, Some similar characters are also
neurodegenerative disease). found in Humans and Rats, Humans
Exploration of these functional and Rats share some physical,
connections might provide options psychological, behavioral and social
to help develop more efficient anti- characteristics. It is somewhat true
aging strategies to ameliorate that Rats have a reputation for being
senescence-related diseases. disease carriers, but the use of rats
Exploration of these functional has also played an important role in
connections might provide options laboratories in saving human lives.
to help develop more efficient anti- Rats are widely used in laboratories
aging strategies to ameliorate because of their similarity to
senescence-related diseases. humans.


Comparison of age in Insects, flies,

rats and humans are very difference.
For example, in few models
organisms, the Worm
Caenorhabditis elegans lives for 2
weeks, the Fly Drosophila
melanogaster lives for 2 months, the
Mouse musculus for 2 years and
Human upto 70 years. Much can be
learned by comparing the aging
process in different species, which
humans age so slowly compared to
other organisms. Compared to
Worm cells, Human cells are more
protected against mitochondrial
oxidative damage, or telomerase
shortening. Age related
transcriptional changes are majority
private to Human, and these species
specific ones are probably the result
of a cell degeneration pathway.  

Genomics experiments show that the

aging process is significantly
different between Rats and Humans.
Name of Animals Lifespan
NORTHERN PIKE 10 YEARS Hypertension is also known as High
CHEETAH 12 YEARS Blood Pressure. Hypertension is the
DOG 13 YEARS blood pressure that is higher than the
CROWNED 14 YEARS normal blood Pressure. Blood
EAGLE pressure varies throughout the day
SKUNK 15 YEARS depending on the activities of the
WOLF 15 YEARS people.
EURASIAN CARP 20 YEARS • The body's network of blood
GIANT PANDA 20 YEARS vessels, also known as the vascular
CARP 20 YEARS system, changes with age. The
KANGAROO 25 YEARS hardening of the arteries increases
blood pressure. for high blood
pressure also called "Silent killer".
Many people with high blood
pressure are unaware of the problem
because they do not notice any
HORSE 30 YEARS warning signs or symptoms. That's
SNAPPING 30 YEARS why it is important to have regular
TURTLE blood pressure checks. Although it
DONKEY 35 YEARS affects about half of adults, many
CHIMPANZEE 35 YEARS people may not even know they
DROMEDARY 40 YEARS have the disease.
INDIAN 45 YEARS •Blood pressure is written in two
RHINOCEROS types, Systolic and Diastolic. The
WEL CATFISH 60 YEARS Systolic represent the pressure in the
AFRICAN 70 YEAR blood vessels when the heart
ELEPHANT contracts or beats. When the heart
HUMAN 70 YEARS relaxes between beats is represented
TORTOISE 150 YEARS by the pressure in Diastolic vessels.
•The systolic blood pressure reading die due to lack of oxygen leading to
is 140 mmHg and diastolic blood a heart attack.
pressure reading is 90mmHg. •Heart failure occurs when the heart
is unable to pump enough blood and
•Doctors can diagnose high blood oxygen to other vital organs of the
pressure and make treatment body.
decision by reviewing systolic and •Sudden death can occur due to
diastolic blood pressure levels and irregular heart rate.
comparing them to levels found in •High blood pressure can also
certain guidelines. rupture or damage the arteries that
supply blood and oxygen to the
brain, which also lead to stroke.
•Kidney damage can cause high
blood pressure, which can lead to
LESS LESS THAN kidney failure.

•Increased level of high blood

120 - 129 LESS THAN Pressure can cause many diseases in
a person like headache, chest pain,
heart disease, heart attack, etc.
130 - 139 80 - 89



HYPERTENSION THAN 180 THAN 120 •• Treatment of high blood pressure
can vary from Health care
professional to health care
professional :
•Any patients whose blood pressure
is 140/90 mm Hg or higher is cared
for by certain health care
••High blood pressure causes serious
professionals. The data given below
damage to the heart. The arteries can
is on 2003 basis
harden from excessive pressure,
•Any patients whose blood pressure
which can reduce the flow of blood
is 130/80 mm Hg or higher is cared
and oxygen to the heart. It can cause
for by certain other health care
high pressure and low blood flow:
professionals. The data given below
•Chest pain is also known as angina.
is on 2017 basis
• The blood supply to the heart is
blocked and the heart muscle cells
• Nausea
The Seventh The American • Vomiting
Report of the College of
Joint National Cardiology/American • Confusion
Committee on Heart • Buzzing in the ears
Prevention, Association
Detection, Guideline for the
• Chest Pain
Evaluation, and Prevention, • Nosebleed
Treatment of Detection, • Anxiety
High Evaluation, and
Blood Pressure Management of High • Vision Problem
(2003 Guideline) Blood Pressure in • Muscle tremors
Adults (2017
• Blood in Urine
Normal Normal
systolic: less than systolic: less than •• People sometimes feel that
120 mm hg 120 mm hg
following symptoms may be related
diastolic: less diastolic: less than 80 to High blood pressure, but they
than 80 mm hg mm hg may not be :
Elevated • Dizziness
At Risk systolic: 120-129 • Trouble sleeping
(prehypertension) mm Hg
• Sweating
systolic: 120- diastolic: less than 80 • Facial flushing
139 mm Hg mm hg • Blood spots in eyes
Diastolic: 80-89 • Nervousness
mm Hg

High Blood High blood pressure

Pressure (hypertension) •• Preventio• Reducing salt intake.
(hypertension) systolic: 130 mm Hg • Eating more fruit and vegetables.
systolic: 140 mm or
hg • Being physically active on a
higher regular basis.
or higher • Avoiding use of tobacco.
diastolic: 80 mm Hg
Diastolic : 90 or • Reducing alcohol consumption.
mm hg • Limiting the intake of foods high
or higher in saturated fats
• Reducing trans fats in diet.

•• Management
DIASTOLIC AND SYSTOLIC • Reducing and managing stress.
PRESSURES • Regularly checking blood pressure.
•• Some of the • Treating high blood pressure.
features/characteristics Hypertension • Managing other medical
are identified below : conditions.
• Headache
• Irregular heart rhythm •• Lifestyle changes
• Heart palpitations • Avoid smoking
• Fatique • Eat a healthy diet
• Exercise properly the healthy brains. But in
•Avoid alcohol Alzheimer’s disease they function
• Manage stress Abnormal. Amyloid forms Plaques
outside cell when Tau forms Tangles
inside the cell. These Plaques and
Tangles damage the brain cells they
are the causing them to die, when
lots of cells dies causes the brain
In Alzheimer disease memory
thinking, behaviour these things are
mainly affected. In
born ,Hippocampus is of the first are
often seen to be affected.

-> It has a very important role

forming memory. At the early stage
of Alzheimer's disease people
sometimes have trouble forming the

-> As Alzheimer’s is the most

common type of dementia. It worsen
over time, it is also called a
progressive disease 
The greatest risk factor in
Alzheimer’s disease is the increasing
everywhere most of the people with
Alzheimer's are 65 years old and
older than that . In 2013, 6.8 million
people in the United States had been
diagnosed with this dementia And
the number is increasing day by day
Alzheimer disease is the most
-> Researchers have divided the
common cause of dementia also the
symptoms of Alzheimer's into 3
best understood. Alzheimer disease
main stage.
is thought to be cause by the
In the early stage, the main
formation of abnormal deposits of
symptoms is forgetting thigs.
protein in the brain. These are called
Someone may forget about what
Plaques and Tangles. They are made
they have just done, misplacing
of two key proteins Amyloid and
items . Some move symptoms in the
tau. Amyloid and Tau are present in
early stage are, ask questions
repetitively, poor judgment, less
flexibility etc. As Alzheimer disease
develops, memory problem becomes
worsen with time getting lost, OSTEOPOROSIS:
confusion between items, impulsive
behaviour , delulsions are also some
major signs and symptoms of
Alzheimer disease 

-> There is no such test for this

disease diagnosis if someone goes to
doctor with these problems, he will
look into these symptoms medical
history also may be rule out other
conditions before making diagnosis

-> At present there is no cure for

Alzheimer's disease. But doctors
prescribe some medicine to slow FLOWCHART ON
down the process. These medicine OSTEOPOROSIS
can only be prescribed by the
specialists .Also these medicine
have side effects too. So better be In the word osteoporosis, osteo
carful  means bones where porosis refers to
pores. It is a bone disease which
-> We can reduce our risk from means higher breakdown of bones in
Alzheimer's disease by eating a comparison to the formation of new
balanced diet, leading an active life, bones with time. Osteoporosis is
stop smoking, having regular health also known as silent disease and the
check up as getting order  risk of fracture increasing with age.
-> Moreover, Alzheimer's disease is
a neurological disorder where There are two layers in a bones.
memory loss and cognitive decline Hard external layer known as
due to the death of brain cells cortical bone and a soft internal
spongy bone. Osteoporosis means
fragile bones where bones are more
likely to break. Due to ageing
process ,the bones starts
deteriorating which causes

It is really important for our life-

like- if we fracture one of our hip
bones, it can affect our life span. If we break any bones ,we will feel
The density of bones structure pain. That's  the main symptoms of
between a Normal person and an osteoporosis. It doesn't have any
osteopath reduces the actual particle. clear symptoms until we break any
Both men and women are at a risk of of our bones . 
osteoporosis but women are more
likely affected to osteoporosis. It is usually noticed on X-ray. Dual-
With ageing, the middle of the body energy X-ray Absorption is used to
becomes shorter  when the bone disk diagnose osteoporosis.
starts loosing fluid .With time it
become thinner. The treatment depends on the cause
of osteoporosis . Some of the
The most common cause of treatment option includes-
osteoporosis is Gonadal  Steroid supplementation of vitamin D,
Deficiency .it is mainly seen in calcium Supplementation,
women's. Others causes are - Parathyroid hormone which can
calcium deficiency, stimulate bone formation
Vitamin D deficiency 
Smoking Alzheimer's is a bone disease which
Immobilisation causes more than 8.9 million broken
Drinking alcohol etc... bones worldwide across men and
women every year and the number is
The skeleton is made up with bones. increasing day by day.
Bones give protection to soft organs
like - brain, heart. Strong bones Osteoporosis is a condition, where
along with muscles body can able to bones are getting weak with time.
move freely. If our bones are not Healthy bones are dense enough to
strong enough ,it will affect our life support the body. So we all should
span. be careful about our body.
Overall idea is the action of
osteoclasts is much greater than PHARMACEUTICAL ASPECTS
osteoblasts. Osteoblasts is OF AGING:
responsible for forming bones where
osteoclasts eats up the bones. Skin ageing

After the age 30, osteoclasts The most voluminous organ of the
significantly remove more bones body,skin is exposed to the outer
than the osteoporosis makes. That's environment.It is the barrier that
why osteoclasts has much effect on separates the body from the outer
body than osteoblasts which causes environment while also protecting
bone reduction. from water loss and pathogenic
attacks .However, skin suffers from
intrinsic and extrinsic factors which
results in phenotypic changes in mitochondrial DNA and further
cutaneous cells as well as structural activation of certain enzymes which
and functional changes in extra damages extra cellular matrix.
cellular matrix components like
collagens, elastin, proteoglycans Certain theories that lead to ageing:
required for tensile strength, Oxidative stress
elasticity and hydration to skin. The Genetic mutations 
most obvious signs of skin ageing DNA damage 
are atrophy ,laxity ,wrinkling, telomere attrition ,etc.
dryness, sagging, etc.
Ageing can be slowed down by -
Intrinsic ageing: it is an inevitable Topical Agents-Products that delay
physiological process that results in or reverse visible signs of ageing is
thin ,dry skin dermal atrophy, termed as anti ageing
wrinkles, etc. In this case the most cosmeceuticals. The active
remarkable histological changes ingredient used is vitamin A,
occur within basal layer. With age C ,E ,hyaluronic acid,  alpha
proliferation of cells to Bassler hydroxy acids (AHAs )and beta
layers decrease. The epidermis gets hydroxy acid (BHAs)and essential
thinner and contact surface between fatty acids (EFAs).
dermis and epidermis decreases
which results in smaller exchange Retinoids increases the rate of cell
surface area for nutrition supply to division and improves
epidermis. The decreased wrinkling ,coarseness, hyper
proliferation ability of cells like pigmentation and roughness
keratinocytes, fibroblasts, etc. is associated with over exposure to
called cellular senescence . The sun. Photo age skin is repaired by
dermis of aged skin shows fewer inhibiting collagenase and
mast cells, fibroblasts, rarefied improving dermal vasculature while
collagen fibre and elastic fibre. also stimulating new collagen
deposition . It promotes the down
Extrinsic ageing : exposure to UV growth of rate ridges.
radiation is the main factor unlike
intrinsic factors where epidermis Hyaluronic acid helps to keep the
becomes thin ,in case of extrinsic surface of skin hydrated, supple and
factors ,epidermis becomes thick. It less prone to wrinkling. Restylane  is
leads to damage to collagen and an injectable gel that acts as a filter
elastin fibre.It is also referred to as which removes the wrinkle which
photo ageing. Expression of type VII binds to the water and provides
collagen in keratinocytes decrease in volume to fill in larger folds of skin.
UV radiated skin areas UV rays
interact with DNA which results to AHAs( ascorbic acid ,citric
alteration of nuclear and acid ,gluconic acid ,malic acid ,lactic
acid), BHAs( salicylic acid ,pyruvic
acid) increases skin Injectable agents- Botox is a
thickness ,improves skin elasticity neuromuscular blocking agent
and increases collagen content and produced by Clostridium
glycosaminoglycans. These are thus botulinum . It results in temporary
used in cosmetic products . improvement of frown lines . Bovine
collagen implants are for cosmetics.
Vitamin C accelerate wound healing
. It is a potent antioxidant that Fibrils work by creating clots that
protects fatty tissues from oxidation becomes colonised by host collagen.
damage and play an integral role in This shows long term persistent
elastin and collagen synthesis. It results of correction.
controls inflammatory responses
associated with UV exposure. Autologous fat grafting is the
standard method for soft tissue
Vitamin E has moisturising augmentation and volume
properties, anti-inflammatory effects restoration of the ageing phase.
and provides protection from UV
damages. They inhibit formation of Surgical procedures- cutaneous
lipid peroxides preventing skin surgery is performed to treat visible
ageing. It improves decreased signs of ageing in extremely elderly
function of the sebaceous glands. patients and is well tolerated
ensuring comfort and safety. 
Further antioxidants include leaf
wax of Eucalyptus and Prunus, the Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is
seeds of black rice, leaves of barley, the minimally invasive procedure
sesame seeds, green tea, coral that is accomplished with a small
extracts, aleovera and so on. incision and can restore an youthful
appearance to the face .
Natural antioxidants include
flavonoids (red grapes ,blue
berries);quercetin (onion ,apple ANTIOXIDANTS:
skin);catechisms ,carotenoids
(carrot),etc. Free radicals at the main culprits that
speed up degenerative processes like
EFAs smoothed wrinkles by aging. They are chemically active
hydrating the skin and slows new and work to break down cells. They
signs of ageing . lead to cancer, ageing or diseases
Estrogen topical application shows that come later in life. The radicals
improvement in skin elastic city and go through a chemical process in
firmness . which they damage and alter DNA
Lipoid acid is a potent scavenger creating physical changes. Our
with anti-inflammatory properties. bodies also produce many of its own
free radicals which if in excess can epidermal growth factor receptor
cause life threatening diseases like pathway.
cancers, Alzheimer's etc.
However a healthy body also Certain supplements should be taken
produces antioxidants which as the body does not receive enough
neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants antioxidants from the diet.
work throughout the body to protect Supplements increase protection
DNA organs and tissues from from free radicals and oxidation. But
damage. With age the production of sometimes supplements interact
valuable antioxidants decreases. negatively with many over the
counter and prescription medications
Free radicals are found in daily and cause negative interactions with
exposure to UV radiations from the particular foods. So it is always
Sun, industrial pollution and better to ask a doctor or dietitian
crowded environmental living before taking supplements.
conditions. Some antioxidant supplements
include grape seed extract garlic
The methods to reduce excess of pills fish oils etc. Green tea extract is
free radicals from the body is to one of the best antioxidants because
avoid or minimise the exposure to it contains polyphenols and
products or locations that cause flavonals. Some important
them. Also taking antioxidant rich supplements for optimal health are
diets can neutralize the impact Vitamin D3, vitamin K2 ,Iodine,
external free radicals have on the Selenium ,minimally oxidized
body. Omega 3 fatty acids etc. These are
known as health supplements.
Antioxidants as reducing agents can Next r a few longevity supplements
relieves skin aging by neutralizing that can extended life span like
ROS that have already formed. ROS fisetin, alpha keto glutarate, lithium,
activate MAPK pathway and glycine, etc.
increases MMP production that
degrades collagen. Antioxidants like Anti aging antioxidant products are
Vitamin C ,vitamin E or anti very high in demand for increasing
oxidative enzymes like superoxide skin tone and reducing wrinkles.
dimuyase, catalase, coenzyme Q10 Three products when used together
are some examples. can make up a healthy anti aging
skin care regiment: skin
Some plants are also used as natural supplements, day cream and
source of antioxidants such as green wrinkle. Antioxidant anti aging
tea and aloe vera. A kind of catechin creams reduce effects of aging and
in green tea prevents skin aging via works to keep skin cells fresh and
wrinkle free.
peaks leading to cross linking and
over stimulation of aging
Antioxidant Activity
Reduction of consumption of too
8000 much animal protein especially red
7000 6970
6000 meat. Too much animal protein
5000 accelerates aging. Animal protein
Time interval (seconds)

3000 like white meet fish and vegetable
1000 1008 574 538 proteins should be consumed. Fishes
0 147 63 56 45 39 33
s o rry ct ne te uit on wi le rot having low Mercury content should
es e tra Wi cola efr em Ki App Car
pr kb Ex
Es Blac te Red Cho Gra
p L be chosen in diet.
m Unhealthy fats like trans facts and
Stem cell therapy. Stem cell Omega 6 fats should be avoided.
transplantation is a very promising Fried foods cookies best foods snack
therapy for treatment of skin aging. foods fast foods Sunflower oil corn
Adipose tissue transplantation oil margarine sesame oil and
improves skin quality and increases mayonnaise should be avoided.
skin volume. Adipose derived stem
cells contribute to regeneration of Avoid drinking milk because it
skin during aging. In recent clinical accelerates aging in many ways. It's
test autologous fat grafting stimulates pro aging mechanisms
rejuvenates aging skin and enhances and Pathways like mTOR, IGF, etc.
the volume of periocular and
perioral skin. A lot of vegetables legumes and
mushrooms should be consumed.
Following a longevity diet. Are diet Least process foods should be
and feeding habits impact the rate of included in diet. Certain foods that
aging. Nutrition is one of the most increase longevity like blueberries,
powerful Lifestyle intervention to broccoli ,Salmon, dark chocolate,
live longer. Certain diet restrictions Kale,etc. should be included in diet.
and inclusions can retard aging. Few Avoid too much alcohol. Drinking
of the following are listed below lots of water should be adopted. As a
whole eat less. Try two meals a day.
Sugary foods like soda drinks sweets Calorie restriction processes like
candies cakes doughnuts should be fasting can also be adopted.
Physical exercise. Engagement in
Intake of Starchy empty calorie anaerobic exercises like
foods should be reduced like bread weightlifting and aerobic exercises
Pasta Pizza rice potatoes. Such foods like running and HIIT is good to
cause high and protracted glucose improve metabolism leading to
increase mitochondrial biosynthesis. damage. Similarly calorie restriction
A 20 minute work on a daily basis topics have also been explored.
can reduce risk of heart Our objective were divided into 3
diseases ,Alzheimer's ,etc. broad categories one leading to the
other in the form of the given flow
Sufficient sleep like 8 hours and chart.
daily basis repairs the body. Sleep
deficiency leads to accelerated aging RESULTS ANALYSIS AND
and higher risk of diseases like VALIDATION:
Evaluati on Of We have critically studied the
Therapeutic Aspects Biological sphere of aging.
Of Aging A chronological review of various
Physical research papers were done ,where
we have studied the various factors
Skills that lead to aging .
botox Further studies were also conducted
on the various chronic diseases of
therapy aging.
Pharmaceutical and therapeutic
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 aspects were studied thoroughly.

DESIGN FLOW/PROCESS: We arrive at the understanding that

Aging based Studies were aging is a wide spread, inevitable
conducted via several scholarly and universal process. It is a
articles available online. cumulative result of various factors
First of all ,the topic was chosen that lead to physical ,psychological
because it is a topic of widespread and social impairment in
concern all over the world. People people .The most beneficial of all
try multiple methods to slow down mechanisms is intake of antioxidants
the appearance of aging . be it from fruits and diet or
So, we have aimed at exploring the supplements.
biological aspects of this subject .
We have firstly aimed at studying CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
the molecular reasons like Free SCOPE:
Radicle Theory and oxidative stress .
Mitochondrial Dysfunction causes Ageing is the root cause of age
oxygen stress in the body that leads related diseases, like heart disease,
to damage of various organs and Alzheimer’s disease ,osteoporosis,
tissues. From such have we arrived etc. So many scientists around the
to the concept of antioxidants that world are working on new therapies
protects the body from oxidative that can slow down the ageing
process or reverse ageing.
        Some natural substances that
Take heart disease for example. can improve epigenetic health are
Apart from the clinical reasons a Calcium alpha ketoglutarate,
doctor would state, the basic cause is Vitamin C, Glycine, etc.
that with age lysosomes cannot
breakdown cholesterol properly. 1. Clearing up the protein mess -
Lysosomal dysfunction is one of the When we get older, more and
hallmarks of ageing. more proteins accumulate
inside and outside our cells.
Some technologies that aim to either This leads to Alzheimer’s
delay or reverse ageing are as disease and heart disease.
1. Mitochondrial rejuvenation -         Protein accumulation can be
Mitochondria are the slowed down or reversed by
powerhouses of a cell. administering a protein vaccine to
Mitochondrial DNA contain the immune system to clear up
blueprints to build and specific proteins, by infusing
maintain mitochondria. With lysosomal enzymes to digest the
age, the DNA damages down . specific proteins, improving
Mitochondrial rejuvenation autophagy .
could be a solution to this.
         1. Stem Cell Therapy - Stem
         This can be done by cells are cells that generate
intravenously injecting tagged new cells and maintain our
mitochondrial DNA,   administering tissues and organs. When we
specific peptides that improve become older, the stem cells
mitochondrial health, administering either become dysfunctional
new mitochondrial decoupling or die off.
agents, etc.
        Stem cells can be infused in the
1. Epigenetic reprogramming - body to replace the dwindling stem
The epigenome is the cell pool or to reboot the existing
complex molecular machinery stem cell population. Substances like
surrounding the DNA which alpha-ketoglutarate can improve the
decides which genes are health of stem cells.
switched off and which genes
are switched on. With age, the 1. Extending telomeres -
epigenome becomes Telomeres are the caps at the
dysregulated. This increases ends of DNA strands. The
the risk of cancer and more cells divide, the shorter
inflammatory diseases. the telomeres become. This is
directly related to lifespan.
        Scientists are exploring ways to
lengthen the telomeres. Now, in the 21st century, we know
much more about age related
1. Drugs that can slow down diseases than people of the earlier
ageing - Some drugs, like times did. In the coming decade,
Rapamycin or Metformin, fascinating new biotechnology
could extend lifespan. techniques will come to light which
Research on the usage of will substantially slow down the
these drugs to retard ageing is ageing process and save mankind
underway.  from several health related diseases.


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TELOMERES: Telomere is a region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of
a chromosome. Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from becoming
frayed or tangled. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides

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