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87 AUUNATOUNHOANQUINIBOANINA ANN 1 Choose the best answers, 1. People go out for dinner at +L. theatres 2. restaurants 3. public libraries 4, stationary shops 2. George can lift 60 kilograms. He is a . man, 1. shy 2. fat 3. strong 4. diligent 3. Which one is unhealthy food? 1. French fried and hamburger 2. Soy bean milk and fruit salad 3. Fish with tomato sauce 4. Grilled pork and sticky rice 4. Kao Chang is a very peaceful island. What does “peaceful” mean? 1. clear 2. busy 3. quiet 4, beautiful 5. Today is Tuesday. It is the ninth of June, Last Tuesday was the of June, 1. eighth 2. first 3. tenth 4, second 6. When we see an accident, we must telephone for an ambulance 1. regularly 2. daily 3. slowly 4, immediately 7. Which of the following pairs are not the opposites? 1. easy — difficult 2. full loaded 3. rarely - of ten, 4, boring - interesting 8. Fem has been working ........ for the coming examination. She hopes to do well. 1. sulkily 2. diligeatly 3. faithfully 4, considerately 9. The spider has four pairs of legs. Ithas .. legs. 1. eight 2. twelve 3. fourteen 4. sixteen 10. ou. 1 13. 14. 1s. 16. 17, 88 dasha The traffic policeman calls the man for .. 1. cycling in the rain 2. travelling in the bus 3. driving carelessly 4. walking along the road ‘What don’t we mix in salad cream? 1. sauce 2, salt 3. sugar 4. eggs ‘Take eleven from twenty. The answers .. 1. eight 2 nine 3. bwenty ~ nine 4. thirty - one Andrea : George, if you're passinga ............., could you get a magazine for me? George : Sure 1, drugstore. 2. news ~ stand. 3. haindresser’s. 4. jewelry store. The sign “KEEP OFF THE GRASS” means 1. this is a private place 2. the grass is under special care. 3. you must not walk on the grass. 4. you should avoid ge near the grass. Tf dogs are not allewed in a certain place, ‘ve'll see the sign saying, * 1. DOGS ARE NOT COMING 2. DON'T ALLOW Docs. 3. DOGS ARENOT ALLOWED. 4. KEEP OFF THE DOGS. Anna: Bob: English and Chinese, 1. Do you speak English? 2. Can you speak Chinese? 3. Have you been to China? 4. What language do you speak? A: “Hello, Mai, occ? B: “To visit my aunt.” 1. Where are you? 2. Why are you here? 3. What are you? 4, How are you? 18. 19. a 22, 23, 24, 25, Suchard: Who is Nancy? Mitre 1, She is Mr. Somsak’s grandchild. 3. He is Mr. Somsak’s son. Tanya Jeff: Steak, please. 1, Do you want steak? 3. Would you like to have steak? hee ae B + “She is tall and thin.” How is she? How old is she? > How do you like your steak? . Not much Medium rare, please John : Excuse me, where is the bus stop? Suda: 1. It's on the second road. 3. It's in the small boat. ‘Tom : 'd like to see a shark, Mom. Mother : Let’s go. 1. It's dangerous. 3. Go swimming Which sentence is telling you about insects? 1. The octopus is in the sea. 3. The ladybug has six legs ‘A:Can you identify your boss? B: 1. He is going home. 3. He likes parties. 89 + de ES She is thiry —one kilos. 4, He is tall and thin. 2. What would you like to have? 4, Could you have lunch with me? 2. What does she like? 4. What's she like? 2. Big one 4. Llike my steak 2. It’s under the water. 4. It's inthe sky, Drawa shark, 4, That's a good ides. 2. The parrot is colourful. 4, The spider can make webs, 2. He is married. 4, He is tall and thin. 90 ee 26. Mary: How old is she? Susan Mary: Task how old she is, 1. Sorry 2. Pardon 3. About twelve 4. Of course not “27. John: Hil Ruth, how are you? Ruth: Oh, hiJohn. I'm fine, how about you? John : Great, ... Ruth; Oh, I've been working in Poland. 1. What's new? 2, What are you? 3. What do you do? 4. What's the matter? Ann : Heis going to feed his dog. 1. What are you going to play? 2. What is John going to do? 3. Who is going to feed the dog? 4. Where is he going to go? 29. Sam Scott : No, thanks. I'd rather stay home and watch T.V. 1. Do you like movie? 2. What would you prefer? 3. Would you like to join us? 4. What is your favorite past time? 30. David: I can’t go to school today. Tony : Why? David: Tony : I'm sorry to hear that. 1. Iwill go shopping. 2. Lam tired and sleepy. 3. Tam hungry and thirsty. 4. Ihave a stomachache. 31. It'sa lovely moming. Let’s go .. +a walk, 1. by 2. with, 3. in 4, for 32. Ten planes arrived Suwannabhumi airport last night. 1. over 2. on 3, at 4. inside 33. 34, 35. 36. 37, 38. 39, 40. 41 Daniel : Did you enjoy Stacy : No, not really. 1. wateh 3. watching IN --++ flour did you want? B: Two kilos, 1. What 3. How many Be careful! The . are broken. 1. table’s legs 3. table's leg Dean : Let's go to the shopping Mall, Kim : It's a good idea. 91 soap opera last night? 2. watched 4, to watch Which 4, How much 2. legs of the table 4, leg of the table 1. shal we 2. dowe 3. will you 4. do you Pom lives ... ..- 215 Rama IV Road. Lin 2. at 3. on 4. t0 That is the house Iwas bom. 1. that 2. which 3. in what 4, in which There is too .. pepper in the soup. 1. much 2. many 3. alot 4. alot of Take the umbrella. It ... Tain. Lis 2. going 3. is going 4. is going to AY cscs Alice go to the cinema yesterday? B: No, she didn’t. 1. Did 2. Does 3. Will 4, Won't 42. Itis. in Britain, 1, warm and sun 3. rainy and foggy ASA eerie B: The yellow one, please. 1, What do you want 3. Which shirt do you want 44, There is not La 3. some 45. seoccsseeeun earth moves around the sun, L. the 3. An 46. Jim has oranges, but 1. five, the fifth 3. five, fifth +. Water in the canal. eo wind and cool 4. cold and rain 2. Do you wanta shirt 4. Do you wanta yellow shirt 2. any 4. the 4. No anticle 2. the five, fifth 4. fifth, five In items 47 ~ 48, choose the underlined words that are wrong, 47, Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has a tropical climate, March and April are the hottest months, in A 2 May the rainy season begin 3 4 48. The Great Wall of China is almost 4,000 miles long, Its the longest structure that has ever been 1 2 built. It crossed northem China from the east coast, 3 4 ‘Choose the best answer for each item. 49. Write the note to your friend to prepare the clothes at the bezch. 1, coatand rain coat. 2. sweater and shorts, 3. swimming suit and shorts. 4, suit and swimming suit. 98) wed pati? 50, The coffee machine az school does not work. What sign will you make? 1. Forsale 2. Don’t flush 3. Nosmoking 4. Qut of order 51. You write a sign for your classmate’s party. She is retuming to class after being sick for a month. 1, Lost and Found 2. Welcome back 3. Personal 4. Wanted 52. How to make apple juice, 1. Finally, pour into a glass. Enjoy! 2. Then, add milk and yoghurt. 3. First, chop an apple into small pieces 4, After that, blend till mix well. 5. Next, put the pieces into the blender. Which is the correct order? i: t-3-2 -4 233-21 3. 5-2-4-1-3 4, 4—1-3-2-5 53. Atthe graduation ceremony, Peter writes “....ccccucsuesued” im the card. 1. Happy birthday 2. Merry Christmas 3. Happy Valentine's Day 4, Congratulations on your success 594, Put the words in correct order. She looked at your ......++....101++ yesterday. 1. black leather jacket . leather black jacket 3. jacket black leather 4, black jacket leather 55. Which sentence is correct?” 1. Ahogpital is a place where people go when they are sick or hurt ‘A temple is a place where people go when they are sick or hurt. 3. A library is a place where people go when they are sick orhurt. 4. A hotel isa place where people go when they are sick or hurt, 94 2 toetuti2 56, 120x 8 = 960 Which sentence has the same meaning of the above numbers? 1. One hundred and twenty equals nine hundred and sixty. One hundred and twenty plus eight equals nine hundred, * 3. One hundred and twenty divided into eight cqual ninety 4. One hundred and twenty multiply by eight equal nine hundred and sixty, ‘57. Arrange the number to make a conversation 1. A big one, please, Can [help you? 3. What topping would you like? 4. Yes, I would like a pizza, please. Ok, what size would you like? 6. I’dlike cheese and seafood. 58. 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons Write the correct sentence for above message 1. One tablespoon is about three 2. One tablespoon equals three teaspoons 3. One tablespoon is under three teaspoons 4, One tablespoon is n three teaspoons 59. Which of these sentences can explain how to make a sandwich? 1. Put jelly on the ice ~ cream. 2. Put bacon in the pan 3. Cut meat into a dice shape. 4. Spread mayonnaise on the bread. 60. Which item has the words arranged like in a dictionary? 1. hat, gun, jar, kick 2. gun, hat, 3. jar, kick, hat, gun 4, kick, hat, gun, jar 95 English Class Reading and Writing Painting, Drawing and Carving (On Saturday On Sunday . From 13: 00~ 17:00 Best Tutor Siam Center Soi 5 PRESSES np Silom Road 12 30 hours : 3000 Baht 20 hours : 2500 Baht 61. Where can you take English Course? 1. Artist Center 2. Best Tutor 3. English Class 4, Art Class 62. Which class is cheaper? 1, 2500 baht. 2. 20 hours. 3. English Class 4, Art Class A strong and lazy horse and a donkey were traveling with heavy bags on their backs. The donkey was sick, and it begged the horse to help carry the bags. But the lazy horse refused. After an hour, the donkey fell down and died. The owner threw the donkey’s bags on the horse's back. 63. Why did the owner throw the dorkey’s bags on the horse’s back? Because... 1. The donkey was sick. 2. Thehorse was lazy. 3. The donkey was dead. 4. The horse was clever. 64, What happened when the donkey died? |. The horse had to carry all the heavy bags The donkey was sent to the vet. 3. The owner carried the bags 4. The bags were on the donkey's back. 96, sed saodutla Inthe summer the grasshopper sang while the ants collected food. As the winter came, the BSrasshopper could not find food. He was very hungry. It went to the ants" house and asked for alittle food. But the ants didn’t give it any food. 65. What did the grasshopper do in the summer? 1. collected food 2. planted food +3. sang 4, dance 66. Why was the grasshopper hungry? Because... 1. It sang. 2. It was not easy to find food. 3. It didn’t ask for food from ants. 4, Thad enough food, The Nile is the longest river. It is longer than the Thames. Asia is the largest continent. It is larger than Affica. The Pacific is the biggest ocean, It isbigger than the Indian Ocean, It is deeper than the Indian Ocean. 67. What is the biggest ocean? 1. The Pacific 2. The Nile 3. The Indian 4. The Thames 68. What is deeper than the Indian Occan’? 1. The Pacific 2. The Nile 3. The Indian 4, The Thames 69. What is longer than the Thames? L. The Pacifie 2. The Nile 3. The Indian 4. The Thames ‘This country is in North America, We are going there in winter so we will need warm clotkes and hats because itis very cold, It snows a lot, The people there speak two languages. One of them is English. The other is French, 70. Where will they go? 1. Egypt 2. England 3. Canada 4. India 97 oe sduii2 71. What language do the people speak in this country? 1. English and German, 2. English and French. 3. English and Chinese, 4, English and The The king of pop, Michael Jackson, is performing on August 25” at the National Stadium, He and his members will be flown by 747 jumbo jets, 72. How will they go to Thailand? 1. By bus 2. By car. 3. By plane 4. By taxi 73. When will itbe performed? 1. On August 25 By 747 jumbo jets 3. The king of pop. 4. Atthe National Stadium, Mary likes to read. She likes adventure stories, She enjoys reading so much that some time she forgets about the time. Every day, after Mary finishes her home work, she reads a storybook in her bed toom. She likes to share the stories she has read with her mother and her friends. Mary has many storybooks in her room. Her parents often buy storybooks for her. Sometimes, her mother takes her to the library. She spendgan hour reading in the library. She borrows some books before she leaves. 74, Where does Mary read a storybook? 1, Inher classroom. 2. Inher bedroom. 3. Inher family room. 4, Inher dining room, 75. Who buys storybooks for Mary? 1, Her teachers. 2. Her friends, 3. Her mother and father 4. Her sister. 98 ‘i ae thy 76. Where do Mary and mother borrow the story book? 1. School 2. Book store 3. Library Market Instructions : Read the following advertisement and match with the person in each statement (77 a) RATT & oleganty |. ovalumished apartment, ER a. Saladaeng, Silom ens eRULS (ehind Abauircnim sidg)) Call:02 664 1322 or Near BTS & Mar Joe ee 3a os eth Perea aE eae Special offer roe member ‘Ot Claik Hatch Fitness - Thanlya Plaza branch, Maid service eae ‘oz2331489| House for Sale in Exclusive Golf Club Resort. 500 m? on 243 wa? landscaped garden w/poc. 4 bedlbathe, 3 reception, family area & study Bath 31,000,000 [Call owner. 02-750-3089 = MRT Huai Khang Ei Short Atorig.Stuys furnished, UBC/Cable security 77. Reterandhis two frends have «small business. They want torenta place to live in and se itas an oifice 78. Mr. Brian wants to look for anew house for his family of six people. 79. A business man wants to renta furnished room. He likes to watch foreign programs. 80. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor want to renta place to live. They have two children. They don’t ike to live in Bangkok. All of them love sunbathing and fishing. 99 ee sastui2 ‘One evening, Jane took out her book to do her homework. She opened the book. It was torn. There was a paper plane on the floor It was the missing page. Jane knew that John tore her book because he likes to make paper planes. Jane was very angry. John was building a house with his building blocks. Jane kicked his building block down. He cried Mother came Mother said, “Jane you must not bully your brother” Mother taught John to say “sorry” to Jane. Jane also apologized to John. Then Mother helped Jane to repair her book. Every one was happy again. 81. Why did Jane think her bookstore by her brother? 1, Because her book has missing page, 2. Because her brother liked to make paper planes. 3. John was bully boy, 4, John liked to make paper plane and her book was missing. 82, Who helped Jane repair her book? 1, Jane's brother 2. Jane's mom 3. Jane’s dad 4, Jane’s friend Read this passage Itis raining now. Mrs. Sumana is sitting in a car. The car is not going quickly. It is going very slowly. The car is om a road near Bangkok. The road is flooded Mr. Lekis behind the car. He is MrsSumana’s husband. He is pushing the car. His sons, Boon and Thawat, are helping him. The water on the road is deep. The car cannot go fest. Mrs. Sumana is not wet, The boys and their father are wet, ‘Choose the best answer for each question. 83, What is the name of Mrs, Sumana’s husband? 1. Mr. Boon 2. Mr. Thawat 3. Mr. Lek: 4. Mrs. Lek 84. What is Mrs. Sumana doing? 1. She is sitting in the water. 2. She is pushing the car. 3. She is sitting in the car. 4, She is going very quickly. 85. What is Thawat doing? 1. He is sitting in the car. 2. He is pushing in the bus. 3. He is pushing the car. 4, He is helping his mother. 100 ood hotuih2 86. Is Mr.Lekin the car? 1. Yes, She is, 2. No, he isn’t 3. Yes, heis. 4. don't know. 87. Is Boon helping his father? 1. Yes, she is, 2. Yes, he is. +3. No, he isn’t, 4. don't know, Meeting and Greeting Customs All around the world, when friends meet they greet each other. Different people greet fiiends in different ways. Here are some. In Greenland, when Eskimo Children greet each other, they rub noses. Korea, men bow slightly and shake hanils to greet each other, Woman do not usually shake hands. In Philippines, everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and woman, Men sometimes pat cach other on the back. In some countries to greet aking, boys must bow low, girls must eurtsy. In other ‘countries, people bend very low. They ‘ouch orkiss the foot of king, 88. What is noi the way to greeting friends? 1, Rub the foot 2. Bowing the heads 3. Shaking hands 4, Hug and kiss 89. Which sentence is correct? 1. Eskimos live in Greenland 2. People always rub noses in Greenland 3. Children always rub noses when they meet their friends. 4. All around the world, people shake hands when they meet their friends, 90. What is the word that means. “a woman's bows with bent knees” ? 1. Hug 2. Kiss 3. Bow 4. Curtsy 91. The main idea of the whole story is that 1. Different people greet each other differently. 2. Korea women do not shake hands, 3. Pilipino men sometimes pat each other on the back. 4. Eskimos rub noses when they greet on another, 101 soadutia 92. From the passage, we can tell that 1. some people like to show off 2. the ancient Romans rub noses 3. people like to meet their friends 4. people like to greet each other Thailand (eg ~ Posteard December 23, 2006 | Stamp Dear Mary, | Now fam in Bangkok. The westheris not | ‘Mrs. Mary Smart hot and sunny. Some days it is windy. 1 like Thai | 556 Highview Street food. Thai fruits are great. 1 will be in Thailand for Pitsburgh, PA. 11204 2weeks. Tomorrow will go to Ayuthaya, Please USA. tell Kate and Sue I miss them. | | | | Tommy | l 2 ee _ 93. Who wrote this letter? 1. Tommy 2. Mary 3. Kate 4. Sue 94. Where is the postcard from? 1, Highview Street 2. Bangkok 3. USA. 4. Ayuthaya 95. Where does Mrs. Smart live? In... 1. Thailand 2. Ayuthaya 3. Main Street 4. Pittsburg, 102 ay spetull2 Linda and Sue are tourists. They are at Long Beach Hotel. A guide is talking to Linda, Guide : Drive slong the Emperor Avenue, Tur left at Queen Road. Tum right at White Road. Tum leftat the Tunnel Read. Drive along the tunnel. It is on your right. 96. Where is Linda going to? 1. To the park. 2. To the Hospital 3. To the school 4, To the museum. A guide is talking to Sue. Guide : Please turn left at the First Road, Drive along the First Road. Tun left. Drive along the Grand Bridge. It is on your left 97. Where is Sue going to? 1, To the park. 2. To the school. 3. To the museum. 4, To the hospital 103 svt 98. Waiter: What would you like to order, please? Jane 1. Yes, please. 2. A newspaper 3. Lam thirsty. Thanks. 4. Com soup and meat steak, please. Look at the chart and answer. Susan's Chart Monday Tuesday | Wednesday | — Thursday Friday as v7. a Vi 7 7 meal vw | v v fish ee | milk iz | | stable 1 vegetables p 99. Susan os esee ate rive. 1. always 2. never 3. usually 4. sometimes 100. Susan... até vegetables. LLalways 2. never 3. usually 4. sometimes inasdodoumsAaTUM IB OINQuINYIBOANINA AIIM 1 Lo a eee au ad prawn 2 (sudsvauAnwan 4-6) nag do | mimou | vo | maou | vo | maou | vo | mmou | vo | Arnou 1 2 2. 3 3 4. 2 5. 4 6. 4 i, 2 8. 2 9: 1 10. “sh i, 1 12. es Nahe 2 14. 2 ES. 3 16. 4 17. 2 18. 1 19. 2 20. 4 21. 3 22. a 23. 4 24. z 25. 4 26. 2 27. 1 28. 2 29. 3 30. 4 SL. 4 32. 3 33. Za aM. 4 35. 2 36. 1 ST. 2 38. 4 39. 1 40. 4 41. 1 42. oh 43. a 44. 2 45. ih 46. 1 47. 4 4 49. 3 50. 4 SL. 2 52. z 4 54, 1 oE.. 1 ‘56. 4 57. 3 2 59. 4 60. 2 61. 2 62. a 63. - 64, 1 65. a 66. Z 67. 1 68. 1 69. 2 70. 3 Ae a 72. 3 7A, 1 74, 2 75, 3 76. 3 ahs 2 ms 4 79. 3 80. 1 Sl. 4 82. 2 83. = 84, 3 85. 3 86. 2 87. 2 88. iI 89. 1 90. 4 OL. 1 92. 4 93. 1 94, 2 95 4 96. 1 97. 2 98. 4 99. 1 100. 2

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