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Level A Reader

dog cat bird

fish blue green

Bob’s Pets

Bob has a dog.

The dog has a red ball.

Bob has a cat.

The cat has a blue ball.

Bob has a bird.

The bird has a green ball!

Bob has a fish.

The fish has no ball. © K5 Learning 2019 41

Level A Reader

Bob’s Pets (exercises)

1. Answer each question.

a. Who has a red ball?


b. Who has a blue ball?


c. Who has a green ball?


2. Answer each question.

a. How many pets does Bob have?

____________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 42

Level A Reader

b. Which pet is the biggest?


c. Which pet is the smallest?


3. Draw the pet with no ball. © K5 Learning 2019 43

Level B Reader

clouds fluffy white

bunny truck look

The Clouds

The clouds are in the sky.

They are fluffy.

They are white.

I look at the clouds.

That one looks like a bunny!

That one looks like a truck!

That one looks like a big doll!

Look at the fluffy clouds.

What do you see?

They are fun to look at! © K5 Learning 2019 8

Level B Reader

The Clouds (exercises)

1. Put the words in order to make each


you / do / see / What


the / clouds / fluffy / at / Look


The / sky / in / are / clouds / the


2. Answer each question to complete the


What is in the sky?

There are _________________ in the sky. © K5 Learning 2019 9

Level B Reader

What color are they?

The clouds are __________________.

What do the clouds in the story look


They look like a __________________and a


3. Draw a picture of a cloud from the story

and label it. © K5 Learning 2019 10

Level C Reader

feelings nervous proud

excited scared angry

How do you feel?

Matt wins a big game.
He feels proud!
Sarah’s little toy breaks.
She feels angry.
Joe’s friends come to play.
He feels happy!
Jenna is going to a new school.
She feels nervous.
Kara knows how to tie her shoes.
She feels excited!
Your feelings are important!
Your feelings are different each day.
How do you feel today? © K5 Learning 2019 4

Level C Reader

Feelings (exercises)

1. Write “happy”, “sad” or “proud” on

each line.

I won an award. I feel ______________.

I lost my favorite book. I feel ___________.

I won the contest. I feel ___________.

2. Complete this sentence.

I was excited when _________________

_______________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 5

Level C Reader

3. Draw lines to match the words to the

correct pictures.




sad © K5 Learning 2019 6

Level D Reader

birdhouse pencil ruler fourth

second nails wood third

Jack’s Birdhouse

Jack wants to build a birdhouse.

He gets some wood.
He gets some nails
and paint.
His mom helps too.
She gets a saw and a hammer.
She gets a pencil and ruler.
Jack draws his birdhouse. They build it together.
Then they hang it up in a tree.
A bird goes into the bird house.
A second bird goes in. A third bird goes in.
A fourth bird goes in!
Jack and his mom look at each other.
They need a bigger birdhouse! © K5 Learning 2019 68

Level D Reader

Jack’s Birdhouse (exercises)

1. Answer each question to complete the


What does Jack want to build?

He wants to build a _______________.

Who helps him?

His _______________ helps him.

Where does he put the birdhouse when he is

He hangs it in a _______________. © K5 Learning 2019 69

Level D Reader

2. Draw a birdhouse you would like to make.

3. Write three things Jack uses to make his


1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________ © K5 Learning 2019 70

Level E Reader

clothes shelf room

blanket floor bed

The Missing Doll

Jane was very sad. She could not find her doll.

Her mom said, “Look in your room. Maybe your

doll is there.”

Jane looked in her room. It was a terrible mess.

She started to clean her room.

She put all the books on the shelf. She put her
blankets on her bed. She picked up her clothes
off the floor. © K5 Learning 2019 30

Level E Reader

“I found her,” Jane said.

“My doll was hiding under my clothes. I think

she was playing hide and seek.”

Jane put her doll in the dollhouse. Her room was

clean, and now it was time to play. © K5 Learning 2019 31

Level E Reader

The Missing Doll (exercises)

1. Circle the correct answer.

Jane lost her _______________.

a. pet
b. doll
c. truck

Jane found it under her _______________.

a. clothes
b. blanket
c. hat

At the start of the story, Jane’s room was

a. clean
b. messy
c. green © K5 Learning 2019 32

Level E Reader

At the end of the story, Jane’s room was

a. clean
b. messy
c. wet

2. What happened first, second, and third?

_______ Jane found her doll.

_______ Jane could not find her doll.
_______ Jane cleaned her room.

3. Answer each question.

Have you ever lost anything? _______________.

What was it? _________________.
Where did you find it? _______________________
_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 33

Level F Reader

clownfish dogfish jokes sea

lionfish serious shark laugh

Marty the Clownfish

Marty was sad in the sea. As a clownfish, he felt
like he should be funny. As a clownfish, he was
not funny.

He was not funny at all. He was very serious and

did not make anyone laugh.

He told jokes to the lionfish, but they did not

laugh. He told jokes to the
dogfish, but they did not
laugh either.

“I am a clownfish, and
I should be funny,”
Marty said aloud. © K5 Learning 2019 77

Level F Reader

“You don’t have to be funny,” said a shark from

nearby. “You are kind and helpful. You are
friendly and smart.”

“But clowns make people laugh, so a clownfish

should make fish laugh,” said Marty.

“The lionfish do not act like lions.

The dogfish do not act like
dogs,” the shark told him.

“Marty, just be yourself.”

So, Marty did just that. He stopped trying to tell

jokes. Soon, the fish all liked him. Soon, he had
a lot of fish friends.

One day, Marty said, “I am going to tell you all

a joke.”

“Marty, no! No more jokes!”

Marty said, “Just kidding!” © K5 Learning 2019 78

Level F Reader

Marty the Clownfish (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

What kind of fish is Marty?

a. angelfish
b. clownfish
c. lionfish
d. swordfish

Marty is sad because:

a. He is not tall.
b. He is not smart.
c. He is not funny.
d. He is not red.

Which of the following is a lesson that Marty

learned in the story?
a. Be yourself.
b. Try harder.
c. Tell the truth.
d. Study more. © K5 Learning 2019 79

Level F Reader

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences


In the story, the ( stingray / shark ) helps


At the end of the story, Marty wants to

( read a book / tell a joke ) to his friends.

Marty lives in the ( river / sea ).

3. Write a sentence below to tell how Marty got

new friends in the story.




_______________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 80

Level G Reader

groceries wash paid

money earn work

Money is Funny
Mary saw her mom spend money on groceries.
She saw her dad spend money on new tools.
That all seemed funny to Mary.

Money is just green paper, Mary thought. Why

do people give my parents groceries and tools
for green paper?

Mary took out her big box of crayons. She

colored some paper green. She took her green
paper to the toy store in town.

“I want to buy a toy,” Mary declared.

“Here is some green paper.”

The lady at the store said, “Sorry. That's

not real money. It is just green paper.” © K5 Learning 2019 49

Level G Reader

Mary asked her dad about money. He said that

money was a special type of green paper. He
also said you have to go to work to earn
money. That is the only green paper you can

“Can I work and earn some money?” Mary


“Yes,” said her dad. “Wash the car, and I will

pay you.”

Mary washed the car and got paid six dollars.

She went back to the store and bought a toy.

Now, she knows why her mom and dad work for
money. © K5 Learning 2019 50

Level G Reader

Money is Funny (exercises)

1. Answer these questions.

How did Mary try to make money?


What did Mary do to earn some money?


What did Mary’s dad buy with his money?


2. Pick the correct answer.

Mary washed:

a. a toy store
b. her hair
c. a car © K5 Learning 2019 51

Level G Reader

Mary colored paper green with:

a. her pencil
b. some spinach and lettuce
c. a crayon

Money is:

a. made by coloring paper green

b. found on trees in the forest
c. special paper you have to work for

3. Look at a piece of paper money. Try to find

words on it that you know how to read.



________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 52

Level H Reader

announcement principal computer

photocopier students recess

The New Principal

Macy and her family had a great time at the
school fair. There were games, cotton candy,
and even a dunk tank.

The fair had prizes, and Macy won the best

prize. She got to be the principal for a day!

On Monday morning, Macy’s principal let her sit

in the principal’s chair at her big desk. Macy
spun around on the chair. This was fun already. © K5 Learning 2019 29

Level H Reader

Next, she made her first announcement. All

students could chew gum in class!

Macy walked around the school. She stopped in

to play with the kindergarten students. She
listened to a story with the Grade 1 class. There
were kids in the gym playing dodgeball, so she
joined their game. The morning flew by!

When it was time for recess, Macy made her

next big announcement. She told everyone that
recess would be an extra ten minutes! She
could hear all the kids cheering.

In the afternoon, Macy played on

the principal’s computer.
She learned how to use
the photocopier. She
sat at the big desk and
drew pictures. © K5 Learning 2019 30

Level H Reader

At the end of the day, Macy made her last

announcement. She was sure this one would
make all the kids happy.

“Attention, students! This is your principal, Macy.

I am happy to tell you that there will be no
homework for anyone today!”

Cheering and laughter came from the

classrooms. Being the principal was so much
fun! © K5 Learning 2019 31

Level H Reader

The New Principal (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice.

Macy won a prize at the ________________.

a. hockey game
b. park
c. school fair

Macy learned how to use ________________.

a. a tractor
b. a photocopier
c. the scissors

What game did Macy play in the gym?

a. dodgeball
b. basketball
c. soccer © K5 Learning 2019 32

Level H Reader

2. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the

story in order.

_______ Macy let the kids chew gum.

_______ Macy won a prize.

_______ Macy told everyone there would be

no homework.
_______ Macy sat in the principal’s chair.

3. Write two rules you would make if you were

the principal for a day.

1. ____________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________

____________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2019 33

Level I Reader

tickled serious scold

winked giggle wise

The Tangled Feet Problem

On a hot day, a group of children were sitting
by a pond. They wanted to have some fun. They
took off their shoes and put their feet in the
pond. They splashed around a little. After a
while, they got bored.

Just then an old man walked by. One of the

children said, “Let’s have some fun with him!”
They all laughed and planned to play a trick on

The children
called to the
man, “Please,
come here. We have a
big problem!” © K5 Learning 2019 68

Level I Reader

The old man walked over to the

children. He looked worried and he
wanted to help the children. “What is
it?” he asked.

“Our feet are tangled. We cannot tell

whose feet belong to who!” The
children giggled and winked at each

The old man was wise but also kind.

He understood that the children were not
serious. He did not get angry or scold the
children. Instead, he played along. He said,
“That sounds like a serious problem, but I think I
can help.”

The old man found a long stick. Then he came

back to the pond and tickled the children’s
feet with it. © K5 Learning 2019 69

Level I Reader

Each child whose feet he tickled would start

laughing loudly. The child would laugh so hard
that he would roll out of the water. One after
another, the children and their feet rolled out of
the pond.

“There, I have solved your problem!” said the

wise man. © K5 Learning 2019 70

Level I Reader

The Tangled Feet Problem (exercises)

1. Find the best answer.

Where were the children sitting?

a. in a park
b. by a pond
c. at school
d. at home

Who did the children decide to play a trick


a. their friends
b. a girl
c. an old man
d. nobody

What did the children tell the old man?

a. that their hands were tangled

b. that they were bored
c. that they were lost
d. that their feet were tangled © K5 Learning 2019 71

Level I Reader

2. Answer the questions using full sentences .

Why did the old man walk over to the



Did the man get upset at the children?


What did the man use to tickle the

children’s feet?


3. What would you have done to solve the

children’s problem?


_______________________________________________. © K5 Learning 2019 72

Level J Reader

combed special haircut

patient scissors mirror

Please Wait

Today was the first day of school, and my friend Jody

had a new haircut. It looked so cool.

When I got home, I asked my mom for a haircut, and

I told her exactly how I wanted it. I asked her, very
politely, “Could you please do it today?”

Sadly, she was busy. She told me that it takes a long

time to cut hair. “First, you have to take a bath so
that your hair is wet. Then, you have to brush it out
really well,” she said. My face dropped as my mom
continued. “Finally, when
you cut, you have to use
special scissors, and cut
very gently so that
everything is even…” Her
voice trailed off. © K5 Learning 2019 59

Level J Reader

“You need to be very careful and get it just right. If

you make a mistake, you can’t glue the hair back
on,” she said, laughing. I didn’t think it was very

“Maybe I can cut it for you on the weekend,” she

told me.

I went back to my room and looked at my hair in the

mirror. It was way too long, and I didn’t want to go
back to school looking like this.

I thought about what Mom had told

me. She said to take a bath first, but I
already took one this morning. Then
she said to brush my hair, so I gave it
a quick brush. Mom had said to use
special scissors. I got my school
scissors out of my desk. If they could
cut paper, they could cut hair! © K5 Learning 2019 60

Level J Reader

I looked in the mirror again and paused. Mom’s

comment that “you can’t glue it back on again”
made me worry a little. I decided to cut off just a
little hair.

Snip. Snip. Snip. I watched some hair float to the

floor. I looked in the mirror, and one side was shorter
than the other.

Snip. Snip. Snip. I looked again, but now the other

side was shorter!

Snip. Snip. Snip. It was still wrong.

Snip. Snip. Snip. I kept trying to fix things,

but the more I cut, the more lopsided
and crooked my hair became. I
started to cry.

Mom walked in. She looked at my new

haircut. She shook her head and didn’t
say anything. I don’t like it when she
doesn’t say anything. © K5 Learning 2019 61

Level J Reader

“Are you mad because it's ugly?” I asked.

“No, I’m disappointed because you were not patient.

I am disappointed that you did not wait for me,” she

I went into the bathroom and took a bath. My mom

brushed my hair out, then clipped gently with her
special scissors. It wasn’t perfect, but it was much
better. My mom smiled as she combed my hair one
last time.

“All good things come to those

who wait,” she said. © K5 Learning 2019 62

Level J Reader

Please Wait (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answer.

Why did the girl want to cut her hair?

a. She was bored with her hair.

b. Her best friend got a new haircut that she
c. She didn’t want hair anymore.
d. She wanted to annoy her mom.

Why did the girl’s mom ask her to wait?

a. She did not want to cut her dau ghter’s hair.

b. She was not in the mood.
c. She was busy.
d. She wanted her daughter to cut her own

What lesson did the girl learn at the end of the


a. Do not steal.
b. Be kind to others.
c. Be respectful toward your parents.
d. Be patient. © K5 Learning 2019 63

Level J Reader

2. Circle the correct choice in the sentences below.

The girl wanted to make her hair

( longer / shorter ).

Her best friend’s hair was ( cool / awful ).

The result was ( amazing / terrible ) when the girl

cut her own hair.

Mom was ( angry / disappointed ) that her

daughter cut her own hair.

3. Fill in the blanks with the steps for a good haircut .

Take a _______________, so that your _______________

is _______________.

_______________ your _______________ really well.

_______________ hair _______________ with

_______________ scissors.

Did the girl follow these steps when she cut her
own hair?

_______________. © K5 Learning 2019 64

Level J Reader

apartment elevator salami

behaved favorite fear

Ernest and the Elevator

Liam has a dog named Ernest. He is a very good dog.

Ernest rarely barks. He never bites. He’s very well -

behaved, except that he loves chewing Liam’s

Every day after school , Liam takes Ernest for a walk.

“Time for a walk, Ernest,”

Liam calls. Ernest wags his
tail and runs over to Liam.
Liam clips Ernest’s leash to
his collar.

Liam and Ernest live in an apartment building. Ernest

does not like to ride in the elevator. Every day, Liam
tries to get Ernest to go into the elevator. And every
day, Ernest refuses to go inside. © K5 Learning 2019 4

Level J Reader

Ernest whines, cries and pulls on the

leash. He’s too scared to
ride the elevator.

Most of the time, Liam and Ernest

take the stairs. Not today! Today, Liam
decides to help Ernest conquer his fear.

First, Liam tries to lure Ernest into the

elevator with his favorite dog toy. He
takes Ernest’s stuffed monkey out of his
doggie bed and puts it on the elevator floor.

“Come on, Ernest!” he exclaims, holding the elevator

door open. “Come get your toy.”

Ernest looks at the stuffed monkey. He looks at the

elevator. Then he lies down and makes a soft whining
noise. He won’t get in the elevator.

Liam has another idea. He finds some salami in the

fridge and puts it on the floor of the elevator.

“Come get the salami, Ernest,” he says. © K5 Learning 2019 5

Level J Reader

Ernest looks at the salami. He looks at the elevator.

He inches a little bit forward, then stops. Ernest still
won’t get in the elevator.

Liam is about to give up. Will nothing help Ernest

overcome his fear?

Then, Liam has another idea. He takes off one of his

shoes and tosses it inside the elevator.

“Ernest, go get the shoe!” Before Liam can even

finish his sentence, Ernest jumps inside the elevator.
He starts chewing on Liam’s shoe.

They get to the bottom floor. “You are so brave,

Ernest,” Liam says. Ernest won’t let go of the shoe,
but Liam doesn’t mind. He takes Ernest for a walk in
one shoe and one sock. © K5 Learning 2019 6

Level J Reader

Ernest and the Elevator (exercises)

1. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the correct answer .

Ernest’s favorite thing to

chew is salami.

Liam takes Ernest for a walk

every day.

Ernest’s favorite dog toy is a

stuffed giraffe.

2. Circle the correct answer.

Ernest looks at the stuffed monkey. He looks at

the elevator. Then he lies down and ( barks /
makes a soft whining noise ).

Ernest won’t let go of the ( stuffed monkey / shoe ),

but Liam doesn’t mind.

Other than the fact that he loves

( hiding / chewing ) Liam’s shoes, Ernest is very
. © K5 Learning 2019 7

Level J Reader

3. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events of the story in

the correct order.

_______ Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator

with salami.

_______ Liam tries to lure Ernest into the elevator

with a stuffed monkey.

_______ Liam takes Ernest for a walk wearing only

one shoe.

_______ Liam lures Ernest into the elevator with

one of his shoes. © K5 Learning 2019 8

Level K Reader

substitute sighed scary

muscles tattoo scars

Second-Grade Substitute

Josh waved to his mom, sat

down, sighed, and looked out
the window. He checked his
watch. He would be at school
in about ten minutes. His
stomach was full of butterflies.

The bus stopped, and five more

students got on. Maddox sat down next to him and
gave him a nervous look and a half-smile.

“Are you ready?” he asked him.

Josh shrugged his shoulders. Their teacher, Mrs.

Whitman, was gone for the day, and they were
having a substitute. © K5 Learning 2020 30

Level K Reader

Normally, they wouldn’t mind this, but their teacher

had told them that Mr. Stafford would be filling in for
her. The boys had never had Mr. Stafford before, but
the older kids had told them all about him.

Brendan said Mr. Stafford had tattoos all over and

the biggest muscles he had ever seen! Max said that
he had piercing blue eyes, a thick dark beard, big
teeth and a huge scar on his face. They both said
that Mr. Stafford was the biggest, meanest and
scariest teacher they had ever had!

The bus came to a stop and Josh looked up. They

had arrived at the school. He took a deep breath
and walked off the bus. © K5 Learning 2020 31

Level K Reader

Josh and Maddox headed up

the second-grade hallway. They
were walking a little more slowly
than normal. Josh noticed that
Mrs. Whitman wasn’t standing at
the classroom door like she
usually was. He sighed again,
put his head down and walked
into the classroom.

He looked around the room for their substitute

teacher. He didn’t see the big, scary man anywhere .
Puzzled, he said to Maddox, “I don’t see him. Do

Maddox pointed, and Josh’s eyes followed the

direction of his finger. He spotted their substitute in
the reading area with several students.

Maddox and Josh instantly felt better and smiled. Mr.

Stafford didn’t have huge muscles or scars. He didn’t
have tattoos all over him, and his eyes and teeth
were normal. He didn’t look scary at all. © K5 Learning 2020 32

Level K Reader

He was an older man, wearing grey pants, a plaid

shirt, a dark green cardigan sweater and glasses. He
had a warm smile and gentle laugh.

The kids all began to clap as he finished reading a

story. “Second grade, I hope you enjoyed that book.
Are you ready to start our day together? I’m looking
forward to it!” he told them.

Josh smiled. Suddenly, he was really looking forward

to it too. © K5 Learning 2020 33

Level K Reader

Second-Grade Substitute (exercises)

1. Choose the correct answers.

How is Josh feeling at the beginning of the story?

a. angry
b. nervous
c. excited
d. brave

What is another word for piercing in the story?

a. pointy
b. intense
c. sad
d. large

What does the teacher wear?

a. a red necktie
b. black boots
c. a leather jacket
d. a green cardigan © K5 Learning 2020 34

Level K Reader

2. Put the events in the correct order.

_______ Josh and Maddox ride the bus.

_______ The teacher reads a story .

_______ Mrs. Whitman tells the students about a


_______ Josh and Maddox look around the


3. What made Josh change his mind about the day





______________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 35

Level K Reader

ground snowman disappointed

lying rolling determined

The Snowman Problem

Kyle and Emma were playing in the snow. It was the

kind of snow that was perfect for making snowballs.
They talked about building a fort or having a
snowball fight.

“How about we make a

snowman?” Kyle asked
Emma. “Let’s make the
biggest snowman ever!”

“Great idea!” Emma


The two children started working on their snowman.

They each started with a small pile of snow that they
rolled into a ball. Next, they rolled their snowballs on
the ground, making them bigger and bigger. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level K Reader

“Do you think my snowball is big

enough?” Emma asked.

“Not yet!” Kyle replied. “Keep rolling!”

Emma and Kyle kept rolling their

snowballs through the snow. Soon, the
snowballs were so heavy that
they could barely push them.
They decided to start making
a smaller snowball to use for
the snowman’s head.

Once the last snowball was ready, it was time to put

the snowman together.

“Help me lift this big snowball on top of the other

one,” Emma said to Kyle.

The children stood on each side of the huge snowball

and tried as hard as they could to lift it. It was way
too heavy for them to pick up! They could not even
lift it one inch off the ground. © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level K Reader

“Now what?” Emma sighed. “Should we start again

and just make a small snowman?”

Kyle and Emma stared at the three balls of snow on

the ground. They felt disappointed, but Kyle was
determined to build a big

“I have an idea,” Kyle

replied. “Help me push
this snowball.”

Emma and Kyle pushed one of the big snowballs so it

was right beside the other one. Next, Kyle rolled the
smallest snowball over and added it to the line of

“What are you doing?” Emma asked. “Why do you

have all the snowballs in a row?”

“I’m making a snowman,” Kyle smiled. “But he’s lying

down!” © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level K Reader

Emma laughed. “I know the perfect things to add to

our snowman!”

She ran into the house. A few minutes later, she

came out with sunglasses, a big, floppy hat, and a
glass of lemonade.

“He’s lying on the beach!” she exclaimed, as she

carefully put the hat and sunglasses in place on the
smallest snowball.

Kyle laughed and asked his sister, “Should we put

some sunscreen on him so he doesn’t get
sunburned?” © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level K Reader

The Snowman Problem (exercises)

1. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the events from the story

in order.

_______ Kyle and Emma couldn’t lift the big


_______ Emma put a hat and sunglasses on the


_______ Kyle and Emma made a small snowball

to use for the snowman’s head.

_______ Emma ran into the house.

2. Multiple Choice.

Kyle and Emma wanted to make the _____________

snowman ever.

a. smallest
b. smelliest
c. biggest © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level K Reader

Where did Emma pretend the snowman was


a. in the bathtub
b. on the beach
c. on the couch

Where did Kyle put the three snowballs?

a. in the freezer
b. on top of each other
c. in a row

3. What would happen to a snowman at the beach

in summer? Answer in a full sentence.



____________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level L Reader

perfectly sketch quiet

beautiful night deer

The Night Artist

Macy tiptoed through the cabin, as quiet as a

mouse. She did not want to wake anyone up. She
silently got dressed, picked up her sketch pad and
slipped outside.

It was cooler than she expected. And quieter. And

darker. It was hard to see even the trees, which just
looked like shadows in front of the cabin. Macy crept
along the porch to the bench and sat down quietly. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level L Reader

Everything seemed a bit spooky, and Macy felt a

little nervous. She wasn’t used to being outside at
night, alone in the dark. Macy thought about going
back inside, but she decided not to. Her dad had
told her that many wild animals only come out at
night, and she wanted to see them. She wanted to
see the animals and sketch them.

Macy waited in the quiet of the night. She could hear

the wind softly rustling the leaves in the trees. An owl
hooted in the distance. After a while , she could see
better. Up in the sky, the full Moon
shone down on her, and she could
see thousands of stars. The owl
hooted again. Macy liked the owl
sound, and she started to relax
more. She started to sketch the

After a little while, Macy heard a rustling in the

bushes. She could feel the excitement ris ing in her, as
well as a little fear. She reminded herself to be calm
and not run if it was a bear. © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level L Reader

It wasn’t a bear. A beautiful doe stepped out of

shadows and into the light of the full Moon. The doe
was only about 20 feet away. Macy gasped. She
had never been this close to a wild animal before.

“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered.

The deer spun its head around and stared at Macy.

The deer stood perfectly still. Macy sat perfectly still.
The deer stared at Macy. Macy stared at the deer.
Finally, the deer decided that
Macy was not dangerous and
started to eat the grass.

Macy very carefully and slowly

picked up her pad and started
to sketch the deer. She drew
the deer’s long neck and legs.
She drew the spots on the
doe’s tan and white fur. She
drew the deer’s dark eyes and
big ears. © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level L Reader

A couple of times, the deer looked up at Macy. Each

time, Macy stopped drawing and sat perfectly still.
She did not want to scare the deer away. After a few
seconds, the deer always went back to eating grass.

Just as Macy was finishing her sketch, the doe silently

slipped away into the bushes.

Macy picked up her pad and went back inside the

cabin. Everyone else was still sleeping. Macy knew
she should go to sleep, but she was too excited. She
looked at her sketch. She felt very special. She had
truly connected with nature. © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level L Reader

The Night Artist (exercises)

1. Vocabulary

To feel nervous is to feel:

a. very happy
b. really hungry
c. a little scared

A doe is:

a. a plant-eating dinosaur
b. an angry bear
c. a female deer

To sketch means:

a. to draw
b. to dig
c. to destroy © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level L Reader

2. Answer the questions.

a. Did the full Moon help Macy draw? How?



b. Why do you think the deer stared at Macy?



3. Draw the doe and label her neck, legs, body,

spots, eyes, ears and tail. © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level L Reader

mailbox envelope Post Office

mailman sidewalk policeman

Mikey Mails It

“Mikey, I have some letters for you to

mail,” Mom called.

“Coming, Mom!” Mikey put down his

book and went downstairs.

“Make sure these all go inside the

mailbox,” Mom reminded him. Their street
had a blue mailbox on the corner just two blocks

“I will, Mom.” He headed down the street. It was a

little windy. When he got to Evan’s driveway, he saw
his friend bouncing a basketball. Mikey put down the
mail and started playing with his friend.

Suddenly three envelopes flew by, caught by the

wind. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level L Reader

“Yikes!” Mikey and Evan scrambled to catch the

letters. Mikey counted to make sure he had them all.
Then he ran down to the mailbox and mailed them
before he forgot again.

The next day, Mom came into Mikey’s bedroom.

“Would you take this to Mrs. Smith’s house?” she

asked, holding up a big yellow envelope. “It’s the
money from the bake sale. I need you to go str aight
there and make sure you give it to Mrs. Smith.”

Mikey felt grown-up as he marched down the

sidewalk with the envelope under his arm.

At the end of the block, his friend Emily came around

the corner. She had a bouncy black puppy
on a leash.

“We have a new dog!” Emily

exclaimed. The cute little
puppy jumped up against
Mikey’s legs. © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level L Reader

“Wow!” Mikey giggled as the furry little dog nudged

him with its nose. “I think he likes me.”

“Yes, he does,” Emily agreed. “Do you want to walk


“Sure! Mikey was about to take the leash, when he

saw the mailbox up ahead. “Oh, wait. First, I have to
mail this for my mom.”

Mikey ran up to the mailbox,

opened it, and tossed the
yellow envelope inside.

Just as he heard the envelope drop down inside, he

remembered that the yellow envelope wasn’t mail.
It was the money from the bake sale. He had thrown
the money in the mailbox!

Mikey tried to see into the mailbox, but it was

completely dark.

“What’s the matter?” Emily ran up, the puppy

barking at the excitement. © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level L Reader

He told her his mistake, and her eyes opened wide.

“Maybe you can reach it,” Emily suggested. Emily

held the mailbox door open while Mikey stood on his
tiptoes and tried to reach into the mailbox as far as
his arm would go.

“What’s going on, kids?”

Mikey and Emily both turned around. Two

kids and an excited puppy stared up at a
very tall policeman. The policeman
looked very serious. Mikey couldn’t
help it. He started to cry.

“I mailed the money,” he sobbed. “It

was an accident!”

After Mikey had sni ffled out the whole

story, the officer walked Mikey home.
Mom was surprised to see a policeman
at the door. © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level L Reader

Once Mom called the Post Office, things turned out

well. A mailman came, found the yellow envelope
and gave it back to Mikey’s mom.

“Next time,” Mikey promised, “I’ll finish my job before

I stop to play!” © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level L Reader

Mikey Mails It (exercises)

1. True or False?

_______ Mikey went right to Josh’s house with the

yellow envelope.

_______ Emily had a new brown and white


_______ The policeman took Mikey to jail.

_______ Money from the bake sale was in the

yellow envelope.

2. Circle the correct answers.

When his mom gave Mikey the three envelopes:

a. Mikey took them straight to the mailbox.

b. Emily’s new puppy ate them.
c. Mikey put the envelopes down to play
basketball. © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level L Reader

Why did the policeman come?

a. The puppy was barking too loud.

b. The kids were trying to reach into the
c. He had a letter to mail.

Mikey promised:

a. He would clean his room.

b. He would finish his job before he stopped to
c. He would never mail another letter.

3. Write 1 to 4 to put the events in order.

_______ Mikey met Emily with her new puppy .

_______ Mom called the Post Office.

_______ Mikey started to cry.

_______ Evan and Mikey scrambled after the

envelopes. © K5 Learning 2020 10

Level M Reader

brilliant hurricane interviewer

crew blankets television

The Blanket Drive

Mr. Kent’s students were very concerned about a

hurricane that had just happened in Mexico. It had
gotten very windy. The wind blew trees over and
damaged houses. After the wind, there were heavy
rains. Houses and streets were flooded.

The class spoke about what it would be like in

Mexico. They discussed how the houses, and all the
things inside, would be ruined. Ava said, “People will
need clothes.”

“They’ll need new blankets to keep warm ,” Melanie

added. © K5 Learning 2020 43

Level M Reader

“My sister has a ton of clothes. We should send those

to Mexico,” said Brett, thinking of how upset his sister
would be to come home to an empty closet.

“Brett, that’s brilliant!” said Ava.

“It is?” replied Brett, who didn’t think he had ever

said anything brilliant.

“Yes, it is!” exclaimed Ava with excitement. “You ,

your sister, Melanie and I, and everyone else in the
school, can bring in our extra clothes and blankets to
send to Mexico. We all have lots of stuff, and now
they need some of it.”

“Let’s do it!” Melanie said. “My mom has a whole

closet full of blankets. We don’t need that many .” © K5 Learning 2020 44

Level M Reader

The classroom was buzzing with chatter as the

students talked to Mr. Kent about how they could
collect clothes and blankets. Some kids were going
to make signs that said: “Blanket Drive.” Other kids
were writing a newsletter. Everyone was going to ask
their friends and relatives for ol d clothes and
blankets. Brett was put in charge of stacking all the
clothes and blankets in the gym.

Everyone was excited, except Brett. “Am I going to

have to miss recess for this?” Brett said, groaning.
“Maybe this isn’t such a
brilliant idea.”

All week long, students

brought in clothes and
blankets. News of the
blanket drive spread,
and people living all
over the city brought in
more clothes and blankets. Even Brett was impressed
by how generous people were. © K5 Learning 2020 45

Level M Reader

Everyone in town was talking about the Blanket Drive.

The local television station sent a camera crew to the
school. The reporter wanted to know whose idea this

They found Brett in the gym. Behind him , thousands of

blankets and pieces of clothing were stacked almost
to the ceiling.

The interviewer asked Brett, “This was a brilliant idea.

You must be very proud of yourself for thinking of it.”

Brett looked at the mountain of clothes behind him

and then looked back at the camera. “No, it wasn’t
a brilliant idea,” Brett said thoughtfully. “We had a lot
of stuff and those people in Mexico really needed
some of it. We’re just trying to help. It’s simple.” © K5 Learning 2020 46

Level M Reader

The Blanket Drive (exercises)

1. Write short answers to the questions.

a. In what country was there a hurricane?


b. What did the kids collect?

_____________________ and _____________________.

c. Where did they store all the items they



d. What was the name of the teacher?

_____________________. © K5 Learning 2020 47

Level M Reader

2. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer.

It didn’t rain during the


Students thought the

“Blanket Drive” was a T F
brilliant idea.

People from all over the city

made donations.

Brett’s sister donated all the


3. Can you think of two other things the hurricane

victims might need?


______________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 48

Level M Reader

patient scowled interrupted

bait osprey airplane

Fishing for Memories

On a warm summer day, Joan was going fishing with

her grandmother. They climbed into a small boat and
rowed out onto the water. Joan studied the waves all
around her, looking for a giant fish to catch.

“You have to be patient

when you go fishing,”
Joan’s grandmother
cautioned. “Can you be
patient, Joan?”

“I’m going to catch all the fish in this pond,”

responded Joan confidently. “There won’t be a
single one left, Grandma.”

Joan’s grandmother smiled, shook her head and

handed Joan a fishing rod. Joan quickly cast her line
into the water. © K5 Learning 2020 13

Level M Reader

“There’s no bait on your line,” her grandmother said.

“Even if there was, you’d still have to wait. Today is
about enjoying our time together
and relaxing on the water. You
don’t have to catch everything in
the pond.”

Joan scowled, reeled her fishing

line back in and placed a piece of
her turkey sandwich on the hook. Then, she
cast her line back into the water.

Joan heard her grandmother chuckle as she leaned

over the side of their boat and stared into the pond.
She tried to see how far down her sandwich had
traveled and whether any fish were nibbling on it.
However, the water was too murky, and Joan didn’t
feel anything tugging on the end of her fishing line.

After a few minutes, a frustrated Joan sighed in

disappointment and leaned back in her
grandmother’s boat. © K5 Learning 2020 14

Level M Reader

Her grandmother had been watching Joan. Now , she

pointed to the sky and said, “Do you see the bird
flying up there? That bird is an osprey,” her
grandmother said. “Ospreys catch fish, too.”

Joan watched as the osprey flew in a big circle and

then suddenly swooped down to pluck a fish from the
water. Joan and her grandmother spoke about how
it would feel to fly like a bird.

Then, they talked about the first time her

grandmother flew in an airplane, a long time ago.
She was about Joan’s age at that time and
was going to school, just like Joan was

Joan and her grandma spoke

about Joan’s school, and what
Grandma’s school was like.
In some ways, their schools
were different, but in some ways, they were the
same. Boys were naughty then, too! Joan and her
grandmother laughed at the stories they shared. © K5 Learning 2020 15

Level M Reader

Joan was telling her grandma about something that

had happened last week at her school assembly,
when her grandmother interrupted her. “Joan, look!
Your rod is bending!”

Joan reeled in her line. She had caught a fish, a fish

that was hungry for a turkey sandwich.

Later that night, Joan thought about her day, but she
didn’t think about the fish or the turkey sandwich.
She thought about the funny stories her grandmother
had told her. © K5 Learning 2020 16

Level M Reader

Fishing for Memories (exercises)

1. True (T) of False (F)? Circle the right answer. If the

story doesn’t say the answer, circle (X).

Joan placed a ham

sandwich on her fishing T F X

Grandma was wearing

jeans and a sweater.

Joan’s grandmother
pointed out a bald eagle T F X
in the sky.

At first, Joan threw her

fishing line into the pond T F X
without any bait. © K5 Learning 2020 17

Level M Reader

2. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the story events in order.

_______ Joan’s grandmother pointed out an osprey

in the sky.

_______ Joan put a turkey sandwich on the hook

of her fishing line.

_______ Joan caught a fish.

_______ They rowed their boat out onto the


3. Answer in sentences.

a. At the start of the story, what did Joan think

was the most important thing about going



_________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 18

Level M Reader

b. At the start of the story, what did Joan’s

grandmother think was the most important
thing about going fishing?




4. What did Joan remember the most about her

fishing trip?

a. Joan thought catching a lot of fish was the

most important thing.

b. Joan’s grandmother thought being together

and relaxing was the most important thing.

c. Joan remembered her grandmother’s stories

the most. © K5 Learning 2020 19

Level N Reader

young planks photographs

attic ladder insulation

A House of Memories

Eddie does not like cleaning, but over the past few days, he
has had to stuff his old toys into garbage bags and the new
ones into boxes. He tossed out old, dried-up Silly Putty,
puzzles he once glued together, plush animals and more.
Eddie’s family is about to move to a new
house, and they need their home clean
for the next family who will live in it.

“Won’t they want our stuff?” Eddie

asked his mother. “Who wouldn’t want

“They’ll bring their own toys,” she

answered. “Come on, Eddie. We’re
nearly done. All that’s left to clean is the attic.”

Eddie looked around his home. Without any furniture, the

house looked big, empty and strange. It ma de Eddie feel a
little sad. He liked this house and his friends, and he did not
really want to move. © K5 Learning 2020 44

Level N Reader

Eddie followed his mother to the foot of the rickety ladder

that led to the attic. Eddie’s father was already up there,
looking through boxes of old photographs.

“One step at a time, please. This ladder is older

than me,” Eddie’s mother warned.

Eddie carefully climbed up the ladder. At the top,

Eddie was surprised to find a big, dark and dusty
room. The ceiling was slanted, and the floor was
made of rows of wooden planks with strange
pink fluff in between the planks.

“You’ll have to walk on the wooden beams,”

Eddie’s father said from deep in the room.
“The pink stuff between the beams is called
insulation. If you step on that, you’ll fall through the floor
and wind up in the kitchen!”

With the help of his mother, Eddie balanced on a wooden

beam and slowly walked through the attic. He reached his
father, who handed Eddie a small and dusty picture. It d id
not have much color left, but show ed a young boy playing
baseball in his backyard.

“Is this me when I was younger?” Eddie asked. © K5 Learning 2020 45

Level N Reader

“That is me, Eddie, when I was your age,” his father replied.
“I found it in one of these old boxes .”

“Look, here’s one of me,” Eddie’s mother said, handing

Eddie another photograph.

This picture showed a young girl playing hopscotch on a

sidewalk. Eddie put the two pictures side by side on the
wooden beam he was balanced on.

“You guys were kids?” Eddie asked.

“We weren’t born this old,” Eddie’s mother said, laughing.

Eddie looked at the pictures some more. He had never seen

his dad or mom playing baseball or hopscotch o r other
games. They were always working, cooking, cleaning,
driving and doing other adult things. It was hard to imagine
them as kids playing in their backyards. © K5 Learning 2020 46

Level N Reader

Eddie followed his mother to the corner of their attic where

a dusty window was notched into the wall. Looking out,
Eddie could see his back yard with a swing set, a tiny
tricycle and a machine that m ade giant bubbles. Eddie had
been playing with those toys for as long as he could

“Soon, a new family is going to make this house their own,”

Eddie’s mother whispered from over Eddie’s shoulder. “And
we’re going to have a new yard to make our own, too.”

Eddie looked back out the dusty window. He liked the swing
set, and he did have a lot of fun in that back yard, but he
was not a little kid anymore. At the new house, he would be
going to a new school. He wanted to try out for the school
soccer team and maybe join the drama club. Maybe it was
a good time to move after all.

Eddie and his parents finished cleaning the attic and

climbed down the old ladder, into their now almost -empty
house. Eddie picked up their camera , took it to his parents
and said, “Mom, Dad,
could you take a
picture of me playing
in our back yard?” © K5 Learning 2020 47

Level N Reader

A House of Memories (exercises)

1. Pick the correct answer.

Eddie is helping clean out his (basement / attic).

Eddie is shown pictures of his (grandparents / parents)

while they were younger.

Eddie’s family is moving to (a new house / Australia).

The picture of Eddie’s father shows him playing

(soccer / baseball) when he was younger.

2. Write 1, 2, 3 and 4 to put the story events in order.

_______ Eddie looks at his old back yard.

_______ Eddie’s father explains what insulation is in

their attic.

_______ Eddie follows his mother up the ladder to their


_______ Eddie sees what his home looks like without any
furniture. © K5 Learning 2020 48

Level N Reader

3. Answer in sentences.

a. At the start of the story, how does Eddie feel about



b. Why is Eddie surprised to see the pictures of his



c. What is Eddie looking forward to doing after he



4. If you moved, what sorts of things would you fill a new

back yard with? Write your answers below.



_____________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 49

Level N Reader

yeast directions ingredients

recipe croutons measuring

A Loaf of Croutons

Mimi and her little sister Claire are each baking a loaf of
bread to go with their family’s dinner.

“I’m following Grandma’s old bread recipe,” Claire

announces. She has lined up all sorts of measuring cups and
measuring spoons in front of her. Behind them are bags of
flour, sugar, salt and yeast. In the middle of her workspace,
Claire has a wrinkled piece of paper which has her
grandmother’s recipe written on it.

Clair follows the directions. “It says t o put a

pinch of yeast into four cups of warm
water, and then add five cups
of flour,” Claire reads out loud,
while measuring the precise
amount of flour she needs and
dumping it into her bowl.

“Well, I’m going to make my own special bread. I have the

recipe right up here,” Mimi says, pointing to her head. © K5 Learning 2020 22

Level N Reader

Mimi starts dumping ingredients into her bowl without

measuring them. A handful of flour goes in, followed by a
large spoonful of sugar, a small spoonful of salt , a tiny bit of
yeast and a coffee mug of water. Mimi starts kneading
these ingredients together, but they are not
sticking together very well.

“I don’t think bread works like that,” Claire

says. Claire adds exactly one teaspoon of
sugar and one-half a teaspoon of salt to her
bowl, and then she starts working the
mixture into a round ball of sticky dough.

“Well, this is how my bread works,” Mimi says,

still struggling with the mess in her bowl. “It’s supposed to
be dry and gloppy like this, and then it all comes together
perfectly in the end.”

“Whatever you say, Mimi.”

Claire shapes her dough into a perfect ball , then coats it

with olive oil, just like the recipe says. She places a kitchen
towel over her bowl and sets it by the window.

“It’s not going to bake by the window, Claire. The sun isn’t
hot enough,” Mimi points out to her sister in her best grown -
up voice. © K5 Learning 2020 23

Level N Reader

“I’m not baking it yet. The recipe says you have to wait half
an hour,” Claire answers. “Grandma says the yeast needs
time to make the dough rise. It’s supposed to double in size
before you bake it.”

“My dough’s perfect just like it is,” Mimi declares. The

ingredients in her bowl are barely clinging together, but
Mimi plops them onto a baking tray , and into the oven they
go. She turns around and smiles at Claire, quite satisfied
with her efforts.

“We’ll see, Mimi. None of that looked right to me,” Claire


An hour later, the sisters compare their

loaves of bread. Claire’s dough has
risen beautifully in the oven and
has gained a fine and golden
crust. Mimi’s dough, on the
other hand, has turned into
something dense and hard. Her
bread looks like a short, sand-
colored brick. © K5 Learning 2020 24

Level N Reader

“You should have just followed the recipe and waited for
the yeast to rise,” Claire says. She shrugs her shoulders and
rests her perfect loaf on the kitchen table.

Mimi tries to cut her bread, but it is too hard. It breaks into
small pieces.

“Be careful, you might break the knife,” Claire says,


“I think next time I’ll follow a recipe ,” Mimi says, sighing.

Just then, the girl s’ mother walks in and winks at Claire.

“Did someone make croutons?” their mother asks. “ We
need them for the salad .”

Mimi lifts up the baking tray with her dense and hefty bread.
“Fresh croutons, right here!” she answers.

“Oh, it was you, Mimi,” her mother

exclaims, looking surprised. “I
never knew you could bake!
These croutons are perfect!” © K5 Learning 2020 25

Level N Reader

A Loaf of Croutons (exercises)

1. Look back through the story. List three different

ingredients that either Mimi or Claire used to bake their

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

2. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer.

Mimi waited for her dough to

rise before baking it.

The recipe Claire followed was

for her grandmother’s bread.

It helps to follow recipes closely

when you bake. © K5 Learning 2020 26

Level N Reader

3. Do you think Mimi’s mom really wanted croutons for

dinner? Why did she say the croutons were perfect?




____________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 27

Level O Reader

disease evidence experiment

theory cholera scientific

The Doctor Who Saved London

In the city of London about 150 years ago , many people

started to get very sick. The sickness they had was called
‘cholera’. The disease caused panic among Londoners
because nobody knew how to prevent it , or how to cure it.

Lots of doctors tried to figure out how to preve nt people

from getting cholera. Most doctors thought that people got
cholera from breathing in polluted air. They told their
patients to open their windows and breathe in fresh air as
much as possible. However, this advice did not seem to
work as more and more people contracted the disease.

Doctors also struggled to help the

patients who already had cholera.
Some doctors told their patients to
drink lots of water, but that did not
help. Some told their patients to
take certain medicines, but those
did not help, either. The doctors did
not know what to do. © K5 Learning 2020 24

Level O Reader

John Snow was a doctor and scientist who had a different

idea. He thought that cholera might have been spreading
through the water that people were drinking. Maybe
polluted water was making everyone sick.

At first, other doctors and scientists

disregarded Doctor Snow’s idea.
They believed that cholera was
spread through the air and that
water was not the problem. N obody paid
much attention to Dr. Snow.

When scientists have an idea that is not

proven, it is called a ‘theory’. Scientists then
create experiments to test whether their theories are true or
not. Dr. Snow developed a plan to test his theory about
polluted water causing cholera.

Dr. Snow went to different neighborhoods in London and

tested their water. He also counted the number of sick
people in each neighborhood. It was just as he had
thought! The neighborhoods with the cleanest water had
the fewest sick people. The places with the dirtiest water
had the greatest number of sick people. This proved his
theory that cholera was spread through dirty water . © K5 Learning 2020 25

Level O Reader

Dr. Snow showed the results of his study to the mayor of

London and the other doctors. They examined the evidence
and realized that Dr. Snow was right.

All over London, people stopped drinking water that might

be polluted. Almost immediately, people stopped getting
sick, and the whole city was overjoyed. Doctors knew how
to stop cholera now. All it took wa s clean water.

Thanks to Dr. John Snow, we also know how to stop many

other sicknesses that can be spread through dirty water.
Cities are now designed to make sure everyone has a
supply of clean water.

We would not know about the risks

of dirty water if it were not for
Dr. John Snow’s scientific
training, hard work and
discovery. Dr. Snow may not be
as famous as Batman or
Wonder Woman, but he is a
hero. © K5 Learning 2020 26

Level O Reader

The Doctor Who Saved London (exercises)

1. Answer these questions:

a. What is the name of the sickness that people were



b. What is the name of the doctor who helped stop



c. In what city were people getting sick with



2. Pick the correct answer:

Why were people getting sick with cholera?

a. They were eating dirty food.

b. They were drinking dirty water.
c. They were not taking enough baths. © K5 Learning 2020 27

Level O Reader

How did most doctors (but not Dr. John Snow) first think
that cholera was spread?

a. Through breathing in polluted air.

b. Through not changing your dirty socks often
c. Through petting stray cats and dogs.

Was Dr. John Snow’s discovery important?

a. No; he only helped a few peopl e.

b. No; it is not important to drink clean water.
c. Yes; now all doctors know how important clean
water is to being healthy.

3. Fill in the blanks.

theory experiments discoveries

When a scientist has an idea which is not proven,

it is called a ____________________. In order to figure out if
a theory is correct, a scientist will perform
_________________. Theories and experiments can lead to
important ____________________. © K5 Learning 2020 28

Level O Reader

prank squeaky shampoo

ladle raisins alphabet

May the Best Prankster Win

When Perla found out she would be spending a

few days at her grandparents’ house, she
squealed with excitement. Her grandpa was a
real prankster. For several years, they had been
in an intense prank war.

As soon as she arrived, Perla began plotting her

first prank. The next morning, Grandpa sat down
to eat his breakfast of Raisin Bran and orange juice as usual.
When he went to take a bite, however, he noticed that his
regular spoon had been replaced by a giant ladle! Even
worse, all the raisins had disappe ared from his cereal.

“Who took my raisins?!” Grandpa bellowed. He looked

around and saw Perla hiding a few feet away. Pretending
to be upset, he began to chase her around the house. After
he caught her, he held her upside down over the table as
she giggled. He pried the raisins from her fingers one by one
until her palms were empty and the bowl was full. Then he
sat down and ate his cereal using the big ladle. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level O Reader

Later that night, Perla found her favorite doll wrapped in

toilet paper. It was sitting on her bed next to a sign that
read, “I want my Mummy.”

The next morning, Grandpa found plastic ants in his

shampoo when he went to wash his hair.

That same day, after dinner, Perla went to

pour a glass of milk and jumped back
in shock when it came out green!
Grandpa stood smiling a few feet
away. He was holding a box of
food coloring in his hand.

Several hours later, Perla woke

up in the middle of the night to
a loud squeal. She looked
around, startled by the noise. Her heart was pounding hard.
After a moment, though, she realized what had happ ened.
Grandpa had placed a squea ky dog toy under her pillow.

Perla spent the next day trying to think of the perfect final
prank. She would be leaving the next morning and needed
something good. Finally, she had an idea. © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level O Reader

She went to the closet where her old toys were kept and
began digging. She pulled out several dolls and dress -up
clothes before she found what she was looking for. It was a
toy keyboard that sounded out the letters
of the alphabet when you pressed on
them. Smiling, she put it under
Grandpa’s pillow.

The next morning at

breakfast, she asked
Grandpa how he had
slept. She smiled

Grandpa scowled, pretending to pout. He continued to eat

his Raisin Bran, full of raisins this time, in s ilence.

Anxious to hear if her prank had worked, Perla turned to her

grandmother. “Grandma, how did he sleep?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it!” Grandma hollered from the

other side of the room. “He woke up at 2:00 am singing the
ABC’s!” © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level O Reader

May the Best Prankster Win (exercises)

1. Short Answer.

a. What did Perla put in Grandpa’s shampoo?


b. What color did Grandpa dye Perla’s milk?


c. What did the sign say on Perla’s doll?


d. What kind of cereal was Grandpa eating?

________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level O Reader

2. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. If the story
does not say the answer, circle (X).

Grandpa wrapped Perla’s doll

in toilet paper.

Perla cried whenever

Grandpa played a prank on T F X

Perla arrived at her

grandparents’ house on a T F X

Grandpa pretended to be
mad about Perla’s pranks.

3. Multiple Choice.

What was Grandpa doing when he woke up at 2 am?

a. Dancing the Macarena

b. Singing the Star-Spangled Banner
c. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
d. Singing the ABCs © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level O Reader

What did Grandpa put under Perla’s pillow?

a. A bowl of cereal.
b. A dog.
c. A squeaky dog toy .
d. A toy keyboard.

What kind of juice did Grandpa drink with his cereal?

a. Apple
b. Orange
c. Cranberry
d. Prune

4. If you were going to play a prank on a family member,

what would you do? (Remember that you do not want
anyone to get hurt!)



______________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level P Reader

scientist agricultural discrimination

slavery productive circumstances

The Plant Doctor

George Washington Carver was an agricultural scientist who

became one of America's most well -known inventors. His
accomplishments are even more remarkable when we learn
how his life began.

George certainly did not have an easy start to life. He was

born into slavery just one year before it was made illegal in
America. As a child, he lived with his mother's previous
owners, the Carvers, who owned a farm in Missouri. There,
Mrs. Carver taught him how to read and write and how to
work the land. © K5 Learning 2020 41

Level P Reader

From a young age,

George was naturally
curious. He loved art,
music, and science.
He was especially
interested in farming
and enjoyed experimenting with soil and plants. He had a
knack for understanding how to protect crops from pests
and diseases. He became so skilled that neighboring
farmers recruited him to help them with their orchards and
farms. George soon became known in the area as the
“Plant Doctor.”

Though he was already quite an expert at a yo ung age,

Carver was hungry to learn more. “I wanted to know the
name of everything,” he said. “Every stone and flower and
insect and bird and beast. I wanted to know where it got its
color, where it got its life. But there was no one to tell me.”

At age eleven, Carver left the farm to seek his education

elsewhere. For the next ten years, Carver attended various
schools across the Midwest, working to support himself
financially. He faced a lot of discrimination in these years,
and he was often turned away f rom educational
opportunities because of his skin color. © K5 Learning 2020 42

Level P Reader

Eventually, he was accepted at Iowa State College. There,

he became the first African American to earn his master’s
degree in Agriculture. George then left Iowa to teach at a
school for black students in Alabama. He wanted to help
students rise out of their difficult circumstances. Education,
he believed, was “the key to unlock the golden door of

In Alabama, he taught farmers a thing or two as well.

Carver saw that the southern soil had been worn out from
growing cotton year after year. He believed it could be
made healthier by growing other crops during certain
seasons. He encouraged farmers to grow peanuts,
soybeans, and sweet potatoes.

His plan worked perfectly. By rotating crops, th e soil

became more productive. The Plant Doctor was alive and
well. The local farmers were ecstatic. Not only were their
cotton crops better than ever, but they now had a surplus
of potatoes and peanuts! © K5 Learning 2020 43

Level P Reader

Carver also used his creative genius to invent ov er 150 uses

for sweet potatoes, including flour, vinegar, paint, and ink.
Carver is best known today for also inventing over 300 uses
for peanuts. These included milk, oil, paper, and makeup.

George's lasting reputation, though, did not come easily. As

an African American living at a time when slavery had just
ended, he faced many unjust obstacles and dangers.
However, through education and hard w ork, Carver
achieved his goals. His passion for plants and people led
him from slavery to success. © K5 Learning 2020 44

Level P Reader

The Plant Doctor (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice.

Which of the following is NOT one of the crops George

encouraged farmers to grow in Alabama?

a. soybeans
b. sweet potatoes
c. peanuts
d. broccoli

Based on what you know about George, which of the

following was probably his favorite school subject?

a. English
b. science
c. history
d. recess

Which of the following was George sometimes called

during his lifetime?

a. The Tree Hugger

b. The Plant Doctor
c. The Flower Child
d. The Nutcracker © K5 Learning 2020 45

Level P Reader

2. True (T) or False (F)? Circle the right answer. If t he story

does not say the answer, circle (X).

Today, George is best known

for what he did with sweet T F X

George’s plan for farming in

Alabama worked, and the soil
and the cotton crops were
healthier than ever.

George liked farming in

Alabama better than in Iowa.

George did not really enjoy

learning, and he often T F X
slacked off in school. © K5 Learning 2020 46

Level P Reader

3. In the fourth paragraph of the story, there is a quotation

from George Carver. Write out the quotation below.






4. Is there something you would like to learn about as

much as George wanted to learn about plants and





_____________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 47

Level P Reader

gust hoists harness

lead pulse course

Ada Falls

Today, on the final day of summer camp, Ada and Lilly

stand below The Bear Crawl, the camp’s highest, hardest
rope course. They watch the rope ladder, with its wooden
rungs and rope sides, sway in the wind between two tall

Ada’s pulse is racing, and her hands feel clammy, but she is
relieved to hear Lilly volunteer to go first. Pauline, the camp
counselor who always wears a purple
jacket, purple hat and purple pants,
nods and helps Lilly get ready.

Pauline tugs on Lilly’s harness and makes

sure her helmet is snug. The safety cable
runs from Lilly’s harness up to a pulley
and then back down to Pauline’s purple
harness. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level P Reader

Ada watches Lilly grow smaller and smaller as Pauline hoists

her up to the wooden platform at one end of the Bear
Crawl. Then, ha nds before feet, Lilly begins her frightening
crawl across the rope ladder. The wind blows Lilly’s ponytail
back and forth and the ladder sways, but Lilly grips tight.

“Go, Lilly, go! You're a champion. You’ve got this!” Ada

cheers from below. When Lilly makes it all the way across,
completing the challenge, Ada feels relieved for her friend
but also nervous: it is her turn now. Pauline checks Ada’ s
helmet and harness, and she hoists Ada up to the platform.

On the platform, Ada surveys the whole camp. Lilly and

Pauline look so tiny down below! Ada stretches her arms out
to the first rung on the rope ladder. Her arms feel shaky as
she feels the ladder twist a little
under her weight. She carefully
walks her hands forward to the
next rung.

About halfway across the Bear

Crawl, Ada is starting to feel a little more confident. She
can hear the wind whistling down into the valley and over
the lake. The delicate hairs at the nape of her neck rustle in
the strong breeze, tickling her. With every rung, she is
getting closer to the opposite platform. She can do this! © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level P Reader

Ada purposefully reaches out for the next rung with her left
hand, just as a stronger gust of breeze makes the rope
ladder sway. Ada ’s hand does not gras p the wood rung.
Instead, her hand hits only air and continues downward,
followed by her arm, her shoulder and the rest of her body!

Almost immediately, the harness catches her. Pauline slowly

lowers Ada to the ground, letting the rope out bit by bit.
Ada can see all the other kids staring up at her. Ada’s face
burns from embarrassment; she feels like a red traffic light
dangling above an intersection with everyone’s eyes on
her. When she finally reaches the ground, she looks at her
sneakers and the ground around them.

“Can I try again?” Ada whispers, laboring to hold in hot


Pauline glances at her watch. “I’m

sorry, Ada, we don’t have time.”

On the bus home, Ada rests her

forehead against the window
watching trees flash by as the bus
leaves camp. Her body feels slow
and heavy, like lead. Beside her,
Lilly sits silent and thoughtful. © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level P Reader

“Hey Ada?” Lilly says. “I couldn’t have made it across the

ladder without you. I got so terrified in the middle, but then
you shouted my name and I kept going.”

“You got scared?”

Lilly nods vigorously, her eyes widening. “Super scared. I’m

surprised I didn’t faint or throw up on everybody below.”

Ada smiled a little.

“You were just unlucky such a big wind came up. It felt like
a hurricane or something. I thought all the trees were going
to fall over and squish us like pancakes,” continued Lilly.
“Can you imagine what a Pauline pancake would look

Ada giggled.

“Pauline the purple pancake,” Lilly said


Ada burst out laughing. She knew her

friend was just try ing to cheer her up,
but suddenly falling off the ladder did
not seem so important any more. Having
good friends was more important. © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level P Reader

Ada Falls (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice .

Why does Ada fall?

a. A knot forms in her throat.

b. She tries to swat a fly and misses.
c. Lilly pushes her.
d. Her hand misses the rung of the ladder.

How does Lilly cheer Ada up?

a. She convinces Pauline to let her try again.

b. She watches the trees flash by the bus window.
c. She starts a food fight at lunch.
d. She makes her laugh.

Where are Ada and Lilly when they try The Bear Crawl ?

a. On a field trip
b. At a family reunion
c. At summer camp
d. Lost in the woods © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level P Reader

2. True or False.

Lilly and Ada sit together on

True False
the bus ride home.

Pauline is the bus driver. True False

Lilly is kind and thoughtful to

True False
her friend.

3. An old expression is that “ laughter is the best

medicine.” What do you think that means?





_____________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level Q Reader

courage seamstress discrimination

justice arrested segregation

Rosa Parks Takes a Stand

Rosa Parks was tired. She had worked long hours that day as
a seamstress at a local clothing store in Montgomery,
Alabama. However, it was not because she was physically
tired that she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a
white man. It was because she was worn -out from being
pushed around. She was tired of the discrimination in the
world around her.

Discrimination is when a person is treated differently or

judged unfairly by others. Rosa Parks lived at a time and in
a place where people were discriminated against based on
the color of their skin. Black people were often treated
differently than white people. They could not shop at the
same stores, eat at the same restaurants, or even use the
same water fountains as white people. © K5 Learning 2020 69

Level Q Reader

Schools were segregated, or separated, according to a

person’s skin color. As a child, Mrs. Parks rem embered
school buses taking white children to their schools.
Meanwhile, black children had to walk miles to their often -
run-down schools. Schools for black children did not have
enough books, supplies, or even
desks; however, there were
plenty of learning materials
at schools for white children.
At a young age, Mrs. Parks
understood, but did not
accept, that there were two
worlds: a world for white
people, and a world for black

Parks was small as a child, but she was not one to back
down from a fight. There were some white children in her
neighborhood who would bully black children. Mrs. Parks
often stood up to them, sometimes even resorting to using
her fists.

Even though Mrs. Parks saw a lot of hatred and unkindness,

she also knew that not all people were like that. Mrs. Parks
believed in the goodness of all people. She believed in a
person’s ability to do the right thing. © K5 Learning 2020 70

Level Q Reader

On December 1, 1955, Mrs. Parks

took a stand against
discrimination by remaining
seated on the bus. The rules for
who could sit in which bus seat
were unjust. At that time, there
was a section of the bus for white
people and a smaller section at
the back of the bus for black people. The white section
could be made bigger according to how many white
passengers were on the bus. Even though most of the
passengers on busses were generally black people, they
often had to stand, or even get off the bus, if there was not
enough room for white passengers.

As more white passengers boarded the bus that day, the

bus driver demanded that Mrs. Parks and three other
passengers in the “colored” section give up their seats to
four white passengers. Mrs. Parks thought of how her people
had been abused and mistreated because of the color of
their skin. The three other passengers moved, but Park s
refused. The bus driver started to become angry.

“Are you going to stand up?” he asked Mrs. Parks.

“No, I’m not,” she replied. © K5 Learning 2020 71

Level Q Reader

“Well, if you don’t stand up, I’m going to have to call the
police and have you arrested,” he went on.

“You may do that,” Mrs. Parks responded.

Mrs. Parks was duly arrested. The next day, when she went
to court, her trial lasted 30 minutes. She was found guilty
and fined, but Mrs. Parks continued to fight for her rights in
the courts.

Rosa Parks became a spark that helped ignite the fight

against segregation. After her arrest, over 40,000 black
people boycotted riding the bus. They carpooled together,
used cabs operated by black drivers, and some even
walked as far as 20 miles to get to work.

While that type of segregation no lo nger exists in America

today, there is still inequality, and there are wrongs that
need to be righted. Rosa Parks fought for racial, criminal
and social justice for her entire life. She showed that even
ordinary people can take a
stand for what is right and
make a change. Sometimes,
all it takes is a simple act of
courage. © K5 Learning 2020 72

Level Q Reader

Rosa Parks Takes a Stand (exercises)

Part One: Matching Opposites .

During Rosa Park’s time, there were a lot of things that

were opposite of how they should have been. Match
the words in column A to the word that means the
opposite in column B.

Column A Column B

1. unfair a. brave

2. different b. friend

3. unjust c. kind

4. unequal d. equal

5. segregate e. same

6. cruel f. fair

7. wrong g. just

8. enemy h. keep together

9. move i. right

10. afraid j. stay © K5 Learning 2020 73

Level Q Reader

Part Two: Fill in the blank.

Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks


Word Bank
tired segregated spark
boycotted discrimination

1. Mrs. Parks became a ______________________ that ignited

the fight against segregation.

2. Mrs. Parks took a stand against ______________________ by

remaining seated in her seat on the bus.

3. She was ______________________ of the discrimination in

the world around her.

4. Over 40,000 black people ______________________ riding

the bus.

5. Schools were ______________________ or separated,

according to a person’s color of skin. © K5 Learning 2020 74

Level Q Reader

Part Three: What Would You Do?

Imagine you were at a playground and saw another child

being treated unfairly or bullied because of how they
looked. What would you do?





__________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 75

Level R Reader

society executive constitution

judicial congress legislative

The Three Branches of the Treehouse


“The official meeting of the Treehouse

Society will now come to order,” Ernie said,
slamming a hammer down on the card
table in front of him.

Leo and Judy, the two other members of

the Treehouse Society, each gave a solemn nod.

Ernie continued, “Our first item of business is to agree on a

constitution for our club. I think our first rule should be that
no vegetables are allowed, ever.”

“What? I love vegetables ! You cannot make rules just to

please yourself,” Judy exclaimed.

“Vegetables are disgusting, and since I am the president of

our club, I get to make the rules,” Ernie said.

“That’s not fair! Leo, what do you think?” Judy asked. © K5 Learning 2020 30

Level R Reader

With the two other members staring at him, Leo blushed. He

did not like confrontation. “Maybe we could make a rule
that only some vegetables are allowed?”

“That’s still not fair! How do we decide

which vegetables should be banned?
Broccoli? Zucchini? Asparagus? Where does
it stop?” Judy asked. She felt her anger
rising. Ernie was not happy either. They had
just started the Treehouse Society and
already they were having problems.

Just then their argument was interrupted by a knock at the

treehouse door. The door swung open, revealing two
gentlemen dressed in strange, old -fashioned clothes.

“I am John Locke,” the taller man said , bowing politely.

“And this is Charles-Louis de Secondat.”

“Please, call me Charles,” the second man said, also

bowing. “We hear you are having problems establishing
your club.”

Judy nodded. “Yes, we can’t agree on the rules. I don’t

think one person sho uld be able to make all the rules and
have all of the control, like some sort of king. We should all
have a say.” © K5 Learning 2020 31

Level R Reader

“When America was first getting started,

John and I helped solve the exact problem
you are now facing. The founding fathers
wanted a country that would not be ruled
by one person with all the power,” Charles

“I came up with the idea of a separation

of powers,” John said. “I proposed that
there be different branches of the
government that would have separate
responsibilities and powers. Mr. Locke
smiled. “I did not want any one part of
the government to have power over the
other parts.”

“Cool,” Judy said. “But how does it


“I used John’s idea of a separation of powers and

suggested the three branches of government that the
United States still uses today: the executive branch, the
legislative branch, and the judicial branch,” Charles said.

“Do all three branches make the laws, and how do they
decide on a law if they disagree?” Judy asked. © K5 Learning 2020 32

Level R Reader

“Those are great questions,” Charles said, smil ing. “It is the
job of the legislative branch to make the laws. Congress is
part of the legislative branch. They are responsible for
writing bills or proposals for laws. They then vote on these
bills in order to make them laws.

The executive branch, which includes the President and

Vice-President of the United States, can veto a bill, but they
cannot make a new law themselves. They are also in
charge of making sure the approved laws are enforced.

The judicial branch must judge the laws and make sure the y
follow the Constitution. Maybe you have
heard of the Supreme Court? The Supreme
Court and other lower courts are part of
the judicial branch,” Charles explained.

“These three branches form what is

called a checks and balance system,” added
John. “One bra nch cannot have all of the power. If the
legislative branch suggests a bill, and the President does
not approve, the executive branch can veto or cancel the
bill before it becomes law. Or, if there is a law that goes
against the constitution, the judicial branch can rule
against it. Each branch works together to keep our country
balanced and running smoothly. Does that make sense?” © K5 Learning 2020 33

Level R Reader

The three members of the Treehouse Society nodded slowly.

“Well,” Charles said. “Our work here is done. Farewell!”

Judy looked at Ernie and Leo as the door closed behind

their two visitors. “If it works for the United States, it should
work for us.”

After voting, Ernie became president, part of the executive

branch for their club. Leo was appointed to represent the
legislative branch, and Judy was selected for the judicial

Their first item of business was the vegetable law.

Congressman Leo proposed the rule that only one
vegetable, any vegetable of choice, could be served at a
meeting. Judge Judy decided that this rule was consistent
with the Treehouse Society’s constitution. President Ernie
didn’t veto the law and agreed
to inspect all future picnic
baskets to ensure they
complied with the rule.

The Treehouse Society went on

to become a model for
Treehouse clubs all over the
world. © K5 Learning 2020 34

Level R Reader

The Tree Branches of the Treehouse

Society (exercises)

Will you help the Treehouse Society set up their club?

Part 1. Move each job from the list under the correct
branch that does that job.

Ernie Leo Judy

Jobs Executive Legislative Judicial
Branch Branch Branch

Judge whether
a law follows the

Propose laws by
writing bills.

Vote on bills.

Execute the laws

or put them into

Veto a law that

they disagree

Rule against a
law through a
court decision. © K5 Learning 2020 35

Level R Reader

Part 2. This is the official constitution for the Treehouse

Club. Use words from the word bank to fill in the

Word Bank
judge executive government
veto power legislative

We, the kids of the Treehouse club, in order to form a more

perfect club, have decided to form three branches of

_____________________ for our club. The _____________________

branch will include the president and will be able to

_____________________ any laws they don’t approve of. The

_____________________ branch will make laws that are fair and

just for everyone. The judicial branch will _____________________

whether or not these laws are fair. All members of the club

will have a voice and equal _____________________ and

responsibilities in running our club. © K5 Learning 2020 36

Level R Reader

Part 3. Imagine you were part of Congress. What laws

would you want to make?








__________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 37

Level S Reader

villa orator Colosseum

toga tunic gladiator

The Gladiator’s Son

The gladiator took his son’s hand in his own rough and
calloused one. “Son, they want to send you to gladiator
school to begin training soon, but this is not the life I want
for you. I do not want you to ever stand in an arena and
fight another gladiator or beast. So, tonight, you will run
away. Go to school and learn math, Greek,
and geography. Learn from Plato
and Socrates. Rise above all of

Marco looked around the dark, dank

cell at the scarred faces of the other
gladiators. This was the only life he had
ever known, and he did not want to
leave. However, one by one, the
gladiators nodded and told Marco to
listen to his father’s wise words. © K5 Learning 2020 30

Level S Reader

That night, Marco quietly slipped away. Wiping away a tear,

he glanced back at the towering Colosseum, its smooth,
white marble walls glistening in the moonlight. He had
watched his father fight many times in that immense
building in front of crowds of tho usands of cheering people.

He fell asleep beneath a statue of Rome’s founder,

Romulus. According to legend, Romulus and his brother,
Remus, had been raised by wolves until they were
eventually found by shepherds. If Romulus could have such
a difficult life but still be the founder of the great city of
Rome, then Marco knew he, too, could overcome his

In the morning, Marco awoke to a girl yelling at him. “Boy!

You cannot sleep there! What are you doing inside my
family’s villa?”

Marco sprang to his feet. The

girl was about his age, but
intimidating. As Marco turned
to run away, the girl grabbed
his arm. “Wait! I have seen
you before. You are from the
Colosseum, are you not? Your
father is a gladiator?” © K5 Learning 2020 31

Level S Reader

Marco nodded and without knowing why, he began to tell

her his story. When he finished, the girl squinted at him for a
moment before saying, “Your father is wise. The gladiator
fights are barbaric. My name is Cara, and I am going to
help you start your new life. Wait here.”

A few minutes later, Cara returned and

handed him a tunic and a toga. “Put these
on. You cannot go to school dressed as
you are. These belonged to my older
brother, but he will not miss them. I will
turn away, so you do not need to be
bashful, but please hurry!” She spu n
around and faced the garden wall.

Marco quickly removed his tattered wrap,

slid the tunic over his head and then put
on the toga. “Okay, I am ready .”

Cara looked him over and then handed

him a wax tablet. “This will be your school
tablet. You write on i t with this stylus, and
then you can soften the wax to erase what you have
written. Now, follow me. I have an idea for where you can
live.” © K5 Learning 2020 32

Level S Reader

As they walked down the bumpy cobblestone street,

merchants and tradesmen were selling their wares: fruits,
vegetables, fish, handmade dishes and pottery, beautiful
jewelry, and wool clothing. The aroma of garlic and herbs
filled the air. Entertainers sang, danced and told stories. The
streets were noisy with the bustle of the crowd. They passed
by insula after insula, apartment buildings made of
mudbricks and timbers. Finally, they reached their

Cara pointed at a five -story insula. The courtyard was full of

people cooking over small fires and cleaning their laundry
in large wooden buckets of water. “There is an old woman
here who makes pottery. She does not
have much, but you will work for her and
she will give you a place to live and help
you go to school. With an education, you
will never have to fight as a gladiator.

For the next 5 years, Marco spent his

mornings in a small school, learning to read,
write and give speeches with the other boys. In his
afternoons, he worked for the lady making all types of clay
bowls and containers. Because of Cara and a kind, elderly
woman who took him in, he was able to c omplete his
schooling and rise above his past. © K5 Learning 2020 33

Level S Reader

Years later, Marco became one of the most well -known

orators in Rome. He and other educated men spoke
eloquently against the violence of arena battles. When the
Emperor Honorius decreed the end to gladiator fights,
Marco went to the Col osseum. As he rested his hand on the
cold, stone wall, memories of his father and the sacrifices
that his father had made for him, flooded his mind. He knew
his father was proud of him, and he was proud to be a
gladiator’s son. © K5 Learning 2020 34

Level S Reader

The Gladiator’s Son (exercises)

1. Vocabulary : Use clues from the text to figure out what

the underlined words mean.

“They want to send you to gladiator school to begin

training next week, but this is not the life I want for
you.” What does gladiator mean?

a. someone who is happy all the time

b. an older person
c. someone who fought other people or beasts to
make a living
d. a person who cleaned the Coliseum

“They passed by insula after insula, apartment buildings

made from mudbricks and timbers.” What does insula

a. types of statues
b. roads
c. indoor kitchens
d. ancient apartment buildings © K5 Learning 2020 35

Level S Reader

“You write on it with this stylus and then you can soften
the wax to erase what you’ve written.” What does
stylus mean?

a. something you could use to write with

b. someone with good fashion sense
c. a place where a pig lives
d. someone with terrible fashion sense

“Marco quickl y removed his tattered wrap and slid the

tunic over his head and then put on the toga.” What
does toga mean?

a. a type of exercise
b. clothing that was once worn in Ancient Rome
c. a type of chariot
d. a party game

“Years later, Marco became one of the most well -

known orators in Rome.” What does orator mean?

a. someone who rates things

b. a type of gladiator
c. a person who gives speeches
d. someone who likes to eat © K5 Learning 2020 36

Level S Reader

2. Compare/ Contrast

Mark wants to tell his classmates how schools in

Ancient Rome were different from schools now. Use the
Venn Diagram below. Re-write each statement in the
correct place on the Venn Diagram. If a statement
describes Ancient Rome schools, place th e statement
under “Ancient Rome”. If it describes schools today,
place the statement under “Schools Now”. If it
describes both schools in Ancient Rome and schools
today, place the statement in the middle.

Students use wax Students use paper,

tablets. pencils, and computers.

Students learn new Boys and girls go to

things from teachers. school.

Generally, only boys go Students learn to read

to school. and write. © K5 Learning 2020 37

Level S Reader

Ancient Rome Schools Now


3. Pretend you had to give a speech to convince people

that the gladiator fights should not be allowed. What
would you say? Write a paragraph.





_____________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 38

Level T Reader

exhausted binoculars juvenile

conceived procession refuge

Saving Thor

“Are those seagulls?” Zeke asked, pointing to the top of the dikes.

Rania stopped pedaling and took her binoculars out of her

backpack. “Not gulls. I’m not sure what they are, but they’re pretty
big. Maybe hawks? You take a look.”

Zeke examined the birds through

the binoculars. “They’re young
bald eagles, called juveniles. They
don’t get the white head feathers
until they’re adults.”

As they watched, the two brown birds paced around on top of a

cluster of boulders. Finally, they flew off, landing at the top of a
dead tree overlooking the bay.

Zeke and Rania pushed their bikes to the top of the dike, and then
looked down into the marsh grass. “Look!” Zeke c ried. “There’s
another juvenile, and it looks like he is stuck.”

As they got closer, they could see frayed yellow rope wrapped
around one of the young eagle’s legs, and it appeared as if the
rope was caught between two massive boulders. © K5 Learning 2020 48

Level T Reader

“That’s so sad,” R ania said. “His friends are

probably trying to help him.”

Farther along the dike, the other two eagles flapped

away from the dead tree they had been
perched on, squawking and circling, before
coming back to roost again on the same tree .

The stuck eagle looked up at them with eyes that did not look like
fierce, eagle eyes. They looked defeated and exhausted.

“What’s that place called where they rescue wild animals?” Zeke
asked. “I saw a video of them rescuing an i njured owl.”

“Wildlife Refuge,” Rania said. She dug her phone out of her
backpack. After several rings, someone answered. “Wildlife Refuge.
How may I help you?”

“We’re out on the dikes near Canning, and I think we found a

juvenile bald eagle,” Rania said. “He has rope wrapped around one
leg, and the rope is trapped between some rocks.”

Rania answered a few questions and hung up. “Somebody will be

here within the hour. Guess we’ll wait and keep this guy company.
Let’s give him a name. How about Thorond or, like in The Lord of the

Zeke shrugged. “How about just Thor, like in the comics?”

“Sure,” Rania said, looking sadly at the eagle. “Hey, Thor. Hang in
there, buddy. Help is coming.” © K5 Learning 2020 49

Level T Reader

The eagle blinked, then launched himself into the air, only to have
the rope pull him down, crashing back onto the rocks. The other
eagles squawked.

“Oh my goodness, is he OK?” Rania asked. The teenagers were really

worried that the eagle was going to hurt himself before the wildlife
refuge people arrived. They looked around for help, but nobody was
in sight. Rania kept talking to the eagle, telling him to be calm, but
she knew he didn’t understand.

It grew very quiet, and time seemed to be moving very slowly as

they waited. Suddenly, Thor once again tried to join his friends, and
once again was pulled back to the rock with a horrible sounding

Zeke started to pull his shoes off. “I’m going to go down there and
free him. All I have to do is pull the rope out from between those
rocks, then Thor can fly away,” said Zeke.

Rania knew immediately that that was a

remarkably poorly conceived idea. Zeke’s
intentions were good, but his plan was
bad. She looked flatly at Zeke and chose
her words carefully. “Zeke, if you climb down
to those rocks, Thor isn’t going to understand
that you are coming to help him. He is going
to be really scared. He’ll probably hurt himself even worse, trying to
get away from you. And if you get close, do you think Thor is just
going to sit there and let you tug on the rope? Look at his beak and
his claws. He is a wild animal. He’s going to defend himself.” © K5 Learning 2020 50

Level T Reader

Just then Thor let out another screechy, troubled squawk.

“We can’t just sit here and not do anything. Look at him,” Zeke
replied, undecided on what to do, as he hesitated for a moment
and then continued to pull off his second shoe.

A low rumbling made them look toward the entrance to the dike
road. Both teenagers were relieved to see a truck pull up next to
their bikes. Zeke pulled his shoes back on.

A man and a woman got out,

carrying what looked like a big
dog crate. “Thanks for calling us,”
the woman said. “I’m Martha,
and this is Ralph. Where is the
little guy?”

“Thor,” Rania said, pointing. “That’s

what we named him.”

Ralph smiled. “Perfect strong name for such a majestic creature.”

Martha and Ralph approached Thor cautiously, but the eagle barely
moved, even as they got close to him.

“He looks exhausted,” Martha said. “He may have been stuck here
for quite some time.” She held a blanket above Thor while Ralph cut
the rope, and then together, they bundled the eagle up and carried
him to the truck, gently placing him in the crate.

“Will he be okay?” Zeke asked. © K5 Learning 2020 51

Level T Reader

“He doesn’t seem to be injured,” Ralph said. “But if he’s been stuck
for a while, he’s probably pretty hungry. Don’t worry, we’ll get him
fixed up in no time.”

Zeke pointed to the other two eagles, watching from a distance.

“We think those are his friends, or maybe siblings. When we showed
up, they were trying to help him.”

Ralph nodded, and he and Martha started to climb into t heir truck.
“Thank you so much,” Rania said through the open windows .

“No,” Martha said. “Thank you for calling us. The two of you
probably saved that eagle’s life. Give us a call at the center in a
few days, and we can let you know when Thor is ready to be
released, and you can come and watch, if you like.”

“Really?” Zeke said. “That would be

awesome. I’d love to see him flying.”

The other two eagles flew after the truck as

Zeke and Rania got back on their bikes. “Do
you think they’ll follow the truck al l the way to
the Center?” Zeke asked.

“Maybe, replied Martha. Maybe they will show up when Thor gets
released. That would be way -cool.”

“Maybe the eagles will bring us some medals for saving their friend, ”
said Zeke, imaging a procession of bald eagles sa luting him and
Martha. © K5 Learning 2020 52

Level T Reader

Saving Thor (exercises)

1. Short Answer

What are young bald eagles called ?


What kind of noise do eagles make?


What book is the name Thorondor from?


2. Rania gave 2 reasons why it would be a bad idea for Zeke to

try to rescue the eagle himself. What were they? Can you think
of a 3 r d reason?

a. __________________________________________________________________


b. __________________________________________________________________


c. __________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 53

Level T Reader

3. Write a paragraph describing the rescue from Thor’s point of







________________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 54

Level U Reader

eardrums vibrations scientifically

vacuum symphony frequency

Blocking Beethoven

Mikayla dropped her head onto her open math book, crossed her
arms so her shoulders blocked her ears, and groaned. Her room was
practically vibrating from her brother Liam practicing piano again,
and there was no way that she could focus on math with all o f that

“Mom!” she shouted.

“Liam is playing way
too loud again!”

Mikayla’s mom popped her head into the room. “Sorry honey,” she
said, “Were you calling me?”

“Yes!” Mikayla answered, “I’m surprised you heard me since Liam’s

making so much noise. I can’t study for tomorrow’s math test when
he is banging away on that piano.”

“Right,” said Mikayla’s mom thoughtfully. “It seems we need to find

a way for everyone to get their work done at the same time
because Liam needs to practice for his reci tal on Saturday, and you
need to ace your math test.”

Mikayla nodded. © K5 Learning 2020 55

Level U Reader

“Let’s think about this,” her mom continued. “Sound is energy

created by the vibration of an object. When Liam hits a piano key, a
tiny hammer strikes a metal string in the piano caus ing it to vibrate.
The vibration of the string causes the surrounding air to vibrate, and
those vibrations travel through the air as sound waves.”

“Well, I’m drowning in those

sound waves,” Mikayla said.

“As you’ve noticed,

those sound waves
eventually re ach our ears. Our outer
ear funnels the vibrations in the air into the middle of our ears where
our eardrum sits. Our eardrums then begin to vibrate in the same
pattern. The vibration of our eardrums results in signals that our
brains interpret as sound. A nd that’s what is interrupting your

“You’re not kidding,” Mikayla said. “So, can you please make him

“Maybe we can figure out a way to interrupt that process. Then you
can get your studying done. ”

“Mom, that’s easy. Let me explain,” Mikay la said in her most grown -
up and patient voice. “First, you tell Liam to stop hitting the piano
keys with his fingers, then the keys won’t cause the hammer to hit
the strings, and then the strings won’t vibrate, and there will be no
sound waves flooding in to my ears and ruining my chances of
getting into university.” © K5 Learning 2020 56

Level U Reader

“Very funny girl,” Mom said with a smile. “We could silence the
piano by stopping the strings from vibrating, but then Liam won’t get
the practice that he needs. However, the sound vibrations h ave to
travel through the air to reach our ears . How can we block that?”

“OK, that’s easy too,” Mikayla sighed. “We just hook Dad’s big pump
up to the house and pump out all the air. Then the sound can’t

Mom looked thoughtful. “Well, scientifical ly speaking, you are

correct. Sound vibrations need a medium, like air or water, to travel
through. If there was no air to vibrate, there would be no sound. In
fact, in the vacuum of outer space, it is completely quiet. However,
we need air to breathe , so your plan won’t
work. Let’s try closing your door and block
that vibrating air from coming into your

Mikayla and her mom closed Mikayla’s door

and window, and shoved a blanket around
the door until they couldn’t see any light
coming through. The roo m seemed
completely sealed. Unfortunately, just at the
moment, Liam stuck up a rousing version of
Beethoven’s ninth symphony, and they could
hear every chord.

Mikayla covered her ears. “Why does he

have to play so loud?” © K5 Learning 2020 57

Level U Reader

“Hmmm… I guess closing your door is not going to solve our

problem,” Mikayla’s mom conceded. “The vibrating air outside of
your room is causing your walls to vibrate, which causes the air
inside your room to vibrate. So, we can still hear the piano. We
made it quieter, but still not quiet e nough.”

“Well, can’t you just tell Liam to practice more quietly?” Mikayla

“Sure,” Mom replied. “The energy something makes when it vibrates

produces sound waves that have a definite pattern. If Liam hits the
piano keys harder, then the string vibr ates with more energy and the
sound waves are larger. When he plays lightly, he reduces the
energy of the string vibration, creating smaller, quieter sound waves.
I could ask him to play more quietly, but I don’t think it would solve
our problem completel y.”

“Yeah,” Mikayla groaned. “No matter how gently he

plays the high notes, they make my teeth hurt.”

“That’s a bit melodramatic.” Mikayla’s mom

noted. “High and low notes do vibrate
differently. If a sound has higher pitch, then it
means the sound wave is vibrating much faster
or has a higher frequency. A low frequency pitch
vibrates slower and sounds deeper. Liam needs all of the keys to
practice though, so we can’t ask him to only play the low notes.”

“Great, so I just fail my math test then,” Mik ayla sighed. © K5 Learning 2020 58

Level U Reader

“No, that’s not the answer,” Mom reassured her. “How can we figure
out a way to reduce the vibrations that your ears are exposed to?"

“Oh, OK,” Mikayla said in frustration. “Maybe I’ll just wrap my head
in a giant marshmallow.”

“That’s it!” Mom exclaimed, dashing out of the room. Hearing the
backdoor slam, Mikayla went to the window and saw Mom heading
into her woodworking shop in the backyard. A few minutes later, her
Mom burst back into her room.

“Marshmallows are the answer!” she cried, hold ing up a bulky pair of
ear muffs she used when operating loud machinery in the shop.
“These ear muffs have a tough outer shell, but inside they are filled
with soft foam that’s designed to not vibrate at frequencies we can
hear. Give them a try.”

Mikayla put on the big ear muffs, and Beethoven was instantly
silenced. Mikayla gave Mom a thumbs -up. Marshmallows were the
answer indeed. © K5 Learning 2020 59

Level U Reader

Blocking Beethoven (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice

If something is vibrating very quickly, it will likely:

a. have a very low sound like tuba

b. have a really quick beat like dance music
c. have a really high sound like a flute
d. be very soothing to listen to

If something is vibrating very slowly it will likely:

a. sound like tinker bells

b. not have enough energy to vibrate your ear drum
c. sound very deep and low like a foghorn
d. try to catch up to the quick waves

What is a “vacuum” as discussed in the story .

a. A machine for cleaning carpets .

b. A space that is completely empty of all particles,
including air.
c. A room that is so noisy that you cannot hear yourself
think. © K5 Learning 2020 60

Level U Reader

2. Sounds can be high-pitched or low -pitched. They can also be

loud or soft. Fill in this chart with examples of sounds of each

High-pitched sound Loud sound

Low-pitched sound Soft sound

3. Short Answer

Do you think you can hear anything under water? Why or why



________________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 61

Level V Reader

nostrils fidgeted apprehension

canter counselor optimistic

Horse Troubles

Jessica took a deep breath, letting the warm smell of horses fill her
nose as she walked into the stable. Every summer, Jessica spent two
weeks at Green Meadow Farm’s horseback riding camp. Rose, her
camp counselor, led Jessica through the aisle of snorting horses,
with Jessica looking out for Piper, her favorite horse. Last year,
Jessica and Piper had spent days riding the trails. At the end of
camp rodeo, they finished 2 n d in the obstacle co urse race. Jessica
loved everything about Piper, from her speckled gray hair to the
way Piper’s soft nose tickled her hand whenever Jessica fed her

“I can’t wait to ride Piper,” Jessica told Rose.

Rose smiled. “I know you love Piper, but we need to save her for
some of our newer riders this year.”

Jessica tried not to let the disappointment show on her face, but she
felt crushed. Piper was one of the best -behaved horses, so it made
sense that she would be used by the younger
riders. Still, Jessica would miss her favorite
horse. © K5 Learning 2020 45

Level V Reader

“How about you try riding Harley?” Rose said.

Jessica was a little startled by the giant, male horse

in a nearby stall that Rose pointed to.
Even though Harley was beautifu l with
his shiny chestnut hair and his thick
black mane, he looked restless. He had
flared nostrils and wild eyes, and he
was taller than the other horses.

Rose could sense Jessica’s apprehension. “Don’t worry. He just

needs an experienced rider to help tr ain him.”

Jessica tried to stay optimistic, hoping that Harley would turn out to
be easier to ride than he looked. She cautiously approached him,
but the horse moved away from her. He was just so big, thought
Jessica. As Jessica put Harley’s saddle on his back, the horse
fidgeted and brayed, making Jessica even more nervous and
causing her to fumble with the buckles.

Jessica glanced at a group of new riders gathering around Piper’s

stall. They patted her neck and in return, Piper nuzzled her pink nose
on their heads. Jessica tried not to feel jealous as she adjusted the
saddle on Harley’s back.

An annoyed Jessica led a reluctant Harley outside. She climbed on

top of him and headed to the obstacle course. However, when they
reached the log fence, Harley pla nted his hooves in the dirt, refusing
to take another step. © K5 Learning 2020 46

Level V Reader

The next day, Jessica tried cantering through the fields like she’d
done with Piper. Harley got off to a good start, but he wouldn’t slow
down even when Jessica tugged on the reins. Jessica was terrified
as Harley galloped faster and faster. Luckily, he eventually got tired
and stopped running.

After that disaster, they tried a simple ride through the trails, but
Harley flinched at every noise in the woods making an already jittery
Jessica even more anxious. When a bird screeched, Harley panicked
and went up on his back legs, bucking Jessica off. She landed on
the hard ground with a thud. Lying in the dirt, feeling bruised and
achy, Jessica’s eyes filled with tears.

She arrived at the stable s the next day and found

Rose cleaning a stall.

“I really miss Piper and her gentleness,” Jessica said.

“I’m afraid of Harley, and he’s too hard to control. I
have a huge bruise on my back from him bucking me
off yesterday.”

When Jessica had finished speaki ng, Rose

rested her chin on her pitchfork handle,
looking thoughtful. “Harley isn’t used to
being ridden,” she said. “He’s in a new
place with a new person on his back. I bet he’s pretty scared, too.”

Jessica hadn’t thought about it that way. Harley seemed so big and
strong to her that she didn’t realize that he could be afraid of her,
too. © K5 Learning 2020 47

Level V Reader

“It’s okay to be scared, but just remember that Harley has his own
fears,” Rose explained. If you are nervous, you will make him
nervous. If you are confident, he will f eel confident. If you show him
trust, he will trust you.”

After her conversation with Rose, Jessica decided that it was time
for a fresh start with Harley. She grabbed an apple from her lunch
box and went to find Harley. When he saw her coming, Harley flar ed
his nostrils.

“I know you’re scared of me,” Jessica whispered. “We’re still

strangers, and it’s up to me to make sure that we become friends.”

She pulled the apple out of her jacket pocket and slowly extended
her hand towards Harley, talking to him sof tly at the same time. At
first, Harley eyed the apple with suspicion, but then he cautiously
took it in his big teeth and began crunching it up. Jessica
couldn’t help but giggle. Harley looked so silly with his big
teeth chomping on the apple, juice sprayi ng
everywhere. As she fed him, she moved closer and
stroked his long neck, so that he could get used to her
touch and scent. For the first time, Harley acted calm,
and Jessica realized that she was also feeling calmer.

Ignoring the saddle, Jessica led Harl ey around the ring so

that he could get used to being with her and following
her direction. That went well and they took a short walk
up the trail where Harley had been so scared by all the noises the
previous day. This time he paid no attention to the scr eeching birds
as he followed Jessica and the carrot she was holding. © K5 Learning 2020 48

Level V Reader

Jessica and Harley made progress together as their confidence in

each other grew. The next day Harley muzzled her hair when she
arrived in the morning. By the end of the week, they had co mpleted
the obstacle course together.

On the final day of camp was the rodeo and obstacle course race.
Jessica confidently climbed onto Harley and watched the others go
through the course, including Piper. Then it was Jessica’s turn, and
Harley, sens ing the excitement of the day, tore through the course
like a madman, easily winning. The other horses were just no match
for the big strong Harley.

Rose handed Jessica the winner’s trophy with a wink, and at that
moment, Jessica realized the real reason Rose had asked Jessica to
ride Harley. Rose knew that Jessica would have had a nice time with
Piper, but she had wanted Jessica to step out of her com fort zone
and challenge herself to be a better rider.

Jessica gave Rose a hug and then brought the trophy, and a carrot,
over to Harley. © K5 Learning 2020 49

Level V Reader

Horse Troubles (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice

How does Jessica feel when she sees the new riders playing
with Piper?

a. jealous
b. excited
c. confused
d. afraid

What activity does Jessica like to do at horse camp ?

a. the obstacle course

b. cantering in the fields
c. riding on the trails
d. all of the above

Why does Jessica feed Harley an apple ?

a. She has extra apples and needs to get rid of them.

b. She wants Harley to be less afraid of her .
c. Harley is very hungry and needs food .
d. Rose tells her to take the apple to Harley . © K5 Learning 2020 50

Level V Reader

2. Match the horse-related terms to their meanings .

A speed between a
trot and a gallop.

A section of a stable
saddle that is meant for
one horse.

A seat that is put on

canter the back of a horse
in order to ride it .

A strap which is
stable used to guide or
slow the horse.

A building that
horses are kept in .

3. Write down 3 things you can do to gain an animal’s trust.

a. __________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________

c. __________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 51

Level W-X Reader

ethnic nomads recitations

mutton culture elaborate

Babushka and the Nomads

Dahlia couldn’t believe that she was missing Sarah’s birthday party
for this. Sarah’s parents had rented the entire Splash Harbor
Amusement Park and invited everyone in grade 12. It was going to
be the party of the year, and Dahlia desperately wanted to go .
Instead, she was stranded for the summer in Kyrgyzstan with only her
babushka, Aidana, for company.

Dahlia stared forlornly out of

the window of Aidana’s car,
watching the Kyrgyzstan
countryside roll by. Had she
not been so annoyed, Dahlia
might have appreciated the
sprawling mountains and clear
blue rivers they passed, but
she ignored the scenery

Pulling out her phone, Dahlia opened the YouTube app. When the
home page failed to load, her eyes flicked to the bars at the top of
her screen. Zero reception. Dahlia groaned, and irritation flared in
the pit of her stomach. Derek Yeon’s latest video was out, but she
couldn’t watch it. © K5 Learning 2020 4

Level W-X Reader

Derek Yeon was Dahlia’s favorite You Tuber. The

23-year-old aspiring journalist travelle d the
world documenting the lives of everyday
people in a series called Interesting Places .
Yeon was very cool, had a wicked sense of
humor and visited weird and beautiful places,
but Dahlia wouldn’t be able to see his latest
video because she was stuck in Kyrgyzstan.

“Stop pouting,” Aidana scolded.

Dahlia turned her gaze to her babushka. The

stern woman was nothing like Dahlia’s Texan
grandma, Rose, who always wore cowboy boots
and a Stetson, was quick with a joke, and smiled easily. “I’m not
pouting,” Dahlia said, sticking out her bottom lip.

“Yes, you are. You’ve been pouting since you stepped off that plane
in Bishkek three days ago,” Aidana sighed. “I know that you don’t
want to be here, but it is important that you know about where you
come from and learn about our culture.”

“I know where I come from,” Dahlia protested. “And we have plenty

of culture back home.”

Aidana eyed Dahlia skeptically. “What do you know about

Kyrgyzstan?” © K5 Learning 2020 5

Level W-X Reader

“I know that it used to be part of the Soviet Union,” Dahlia

answered. “I know that it’s a country in Asia bordered by
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. I know that for some
crazy reason, Dad wanted me to spend the summer here in the
middle of nowhere when I could have been at Sarah’s birthday
party!” She glanced back down at her phone. Still no service.

Aidana sighed again. “We’re not in the middle of nowhere, Dahlia.

Look out the window.”

Dahlia looked up from her disconnected phone and focused her

attention out the window. The countryside stretched out as far as
Dahlia could see. Mountains rose up on either side of the car. The
road followed a bright blue river which cut through the heart of the
heavily forested valley. Trees, trees and more trees , thought Dahlia.

A short time later, they came upon a village c onstructed of portable

round tents known as yurts. People milled about the tents, some
dressed in traditional ethnic clothing
while others wore t -shirts and jeans.

“What is this?” Dahlia asked.

“This is the World Nomad Games,”

Aidana informed her. “Think of it like the Olympics of Asia, but
instead of running and jumping, it has sports that originated in
Central Asia. The World Nomad Games started in 2014, and they
have taken place every two years since then. It’s a celebration of
the nomadic peoples from Mongolia to Turkey. People from all over
the world come to compete in the events, even Americans.” © K5 Learning 2020 6

Level W-X Reader

Dahlia had never heard of the World Nomad Games. She watched
as two young men in elaborate costumes passed in front of their car
with huge birds, as big as eagles, perched on their arms. A girl her
own age in a long red gown and a very tall hat rode by on a
beautiful white horse, greeting the boys in some strange language
as she passed them.

Aidana smiled at Dahlia’s surprised

expression. “It’s interesting, I
know,” Babushka said. “And it’s not
only sports at the World Nomad
Games. It is also a cultural fe stival.
The hosting country has the
opportunity to share its culture with
visitors. In the yurt village, you can
listen to folk music and recitations of epic poems and legends,
watch traditional dances, and see traditional clothing.”

After they had parked the car, Dahlia followed her babushka into
the yurt village. All around them people were speaking languages
from many countries. Babushka explained that people were
speaking Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Korean, Mongolian, Arabic,
Armenian, French, German, S panish, and other languages, including

The scent of grilled meat filled Dahlia’s nose. Aidana stopped before
a food vendor, buying them each a plateful of kuurdak, stewed
mutton with onions and spices. Dahlia eyed the food suspiciously as
they waited in line. She loved her dad’s homemade kuurdak, but she
wasn’t sure she trusted food sold from a stall. © K5 Learning 2020 7

Level W-X Reader

A voice from behind Dahlia inquired, “Have you had this before?”

“It’s kuurdak.” As she answered, Dahlia turned around and promptly

froze. Standing directly behind her in all his glory was Derek Yeon, a
video camera around his neck. Dahlia’s heart skipped a beat.
“You’re Derek Yeon.”

Derek smiled. “I am. I take it you’re familiar with my work.”

Dahlia was more than simply familiar with his w ork.

She had watched every one of his videos multiple
times. “I am.” It was the understatement of the
century. “I’m Dahlia, and this is Aidana, my
babushka. That means -”

“Grandmother,” Derek finished for her. “My

Russian may be nonexistent, but I do know t hat word.” He went on to
explain he was in Kyrgsztan filming an episode of Interesting Places .
“The countryside is so beautiful here, and the culture is fascinating,”
he enthused.

“Yes, it is so beautiful, and the culture is fantastic, too!” agreed

Dahlia, avoiding her babushka’s skeptical gaze. “I could be your
translator, if you like,” Dahlia offered. “I speak both Kyrgyz and

“You’d really do that?” Derek asked, surprised.

“As long as it’s okay with Aidana.” Dahlia turned to Aidana, who
was watching the exchange with trepidation. “Can I?” © K5 Learning 2020 8

Level W-X Reader

“No,” Aidana said. “I promised your parents I would look after you,
and I am not about to let you go wandering off with this young
man.” Dahlia felt her heart sink. “However, he can join both of us if
he wants a tour guide.”

Holding her breath, Dahlia waited for Derek’s answer. She doubted
a cool YouTube journalist would want to spend his time with her and
her babushka, but Derek immediately nodded. “It sounds like fun. Do
you mind if I film you guys?”

“No,” Dahlia answered for Aidana. “I mean, go right ahead. It’s

totally fine.” Derek powered up his camera and set about filming as
Dahlia and Aidana ate their lunch. He mostly interviewed Aidana
about local life; Dahlia slid a little closer to her grandmother.

“Let’s go check out some of the games,” Aidana suggested

as she finished her lunch and disposed of their trash.

They followed the crowd out of the yurt village to the

edge of camp, where an archery range was set up.
Instead of the round targets that Dahlia was used to
seeing in American movies, the targets were pear -
shaped, bigger on the bottom than they were on the top.

“Because there are so many different countries participating in the

World Nomad Games, there are five different types of archery,”
Aidana explained to Dahlia and Derek. “This is traditional Kyrgyz
archery. There are four women and four men on each team. They
are required to wear traditional dress when competing and are only
allowed to use wooden bows and arrows.” © K5 Learning 2020 9

Level W-X Reader

With Derek beside her, it w as easy to get swept up in the games. A

woman pulled back a curved bow with the fluidity of an expert, shot
an arrow at the target, and cheered as it hit home. Excitement
bubbled in Dahlia’s chest. She couldn’t wait to watch this episode of
Interesting Places.

They spent the afternoon moving from event to event, with Dahlia
helping Derek interview various people. Then, one of the local
archers, a 20-year-old Kyrg named Umar, took them for a drive
through the countryside. Dahlia filled her camera with shots of
stunning landscapes while Derek filmed.

When they returned, Umar invited them all to a “Nomad party” that
was happening that night.

“What’s a Nomad party?” Derek asked.

“A big group of us get together and wander around all night, sort of
like nomads,” laughed Umar. “We bring food and drink and sing
songs and just keep walking. It’s a lot of fun.”

“I’m in!” replied Derek.

“Me, too!” exclaimed

Dahlia. © K5 Learning 2020 10

Level W-X Reader

“No chance!” said Aidana, taking Dahlia’s hand. “We are not
nomads! We have a house and we’re going home.” She gave Derek
and Umar big hugs, wished the boys well and marched Dahlia back
to their car.

As for Dahlia, she had long forgotten about her friend’s birthday
party. She marveled at the countryside on the drive home and
looked forward to meeti ng more Kyrgyz and learning more about
their culture. Maybe she would make some videos of her own. © K5 Learning 2020 11

Level W-X Reader

Babushka and the Nomads (exercises)

1. Multiple Choice

What event is Dahlia missing to go to the World Nomad


a. her dad’s retirement

b. Sarah’s birthday party
c. the 4th of July
d. her archery club’s annual competition

Babushka is the Russian word for what?

a. grandmother
b. sister
c. fox
d. principal

What is the name of Derek Yeon’s video series?

a. Fascinating Individuals
b. Interesting Places
c. Beautiful Humans
d. Boring Folk © K5 Learning 2020 12

Level W-X Reader

What year did the first World Nomad Games take place?

a. 2004
b. 2016
c. 2014
d. 1904

What sport do Dahlia and Aidana watch?

a. horseback archery
b. traditional Korean archery
c. traditional Kyrgyz archery
d. soccer

2. Which of the following countries border the Kyrg yz Republic

(also known as Kyrgyzstan)?

a. Kazakhstan
b. Turkey
c. Mexico
d. Uzbekistan
e. Alaska
f. Tajikistan
g. Disneyland
h. China
i. Japan
j. Canada © K5 Learning 2020 13

Level W-X Reader

3. Dahlia’s attitude toward the Kyrgyzstan countryside and culture

changed from the start of the story to the end of the story.

A. How did it change?



B. Why do you think it changed?



C. What important lesson did Dahlia learn from Derek?


__________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 14

Level Y-Z Reader

aquarium anticipation contemplating

phobia worrisome apprehension

Friends Over Fears

For as long as Mia could remember, she had been terrified of

snakes. She had skipped the class field trip to the zoo, and on the
day James had brought his pet snake into their seventh -grade math
class, Mia had run into the hallway, tears pooling in her eyes. With
every passing year, Mia’s fear of snakes seemed to be getting
worse. Recently, she had started to avoid
playing in the local park because
sometimes there were small
garden snakes in the grass.

Jess had been Mia’s best friend

since kindergarten. Jess wasn’t afraid of snakes or anything else that
crawled or slithered. I n grade 5, she had hung a huge poster of a
boa constrictor on her bedroom wall, but she took it down because
it bothered Mia so much. Jess knew all about Mia’s snake phobia,
and she used to find it funny, but now it had grown worrisome. If
Mia’s irrational fears kept getting worse, how long would it be
before she was afraid to even leave her own house?

One day, Mia went to visit Jess. The new video game, Green Ghosts
Gone Wild, had just been released, and Jess had bought it. Mia was
stoked. Playin g a new game, especially one as epic as Green Ghosts
Gone Wild, was a major event. © K5 Learning 2020 72

Level Y-Z Reader

As Mia stepped into Jess’ room, she froze. “What’s that?” Over Jess’s
shoulder, she could see a massive glass tank. Judging by its size, it
probably wasn’t built for a small creature, and there was no water in
the tank, so it wouldn’t contain fish. Logs, leaves, and stones were
scattered along the bottom of the aquarium. Suddenly, a scaly tail
flashed out from beneath some leaves; Mia jumped and let out a
shriek, instantly bo unding back into the hallway.

“What’s wrong?” Jess asked, looking both concerned and a little

guilty. “Does the snake really bother you that much?”

Mia nodded, her eyes darting back and forth between Jess and the
distant glass tank. She felt betrayed. Ho w could Jess bring a snake
into her house, knowing how Mia felt?

“Tiger is totally contained in the tank, Mia. She can’t escape,” Jess
offered weakly. “Come on – I know how badly you want to play
Green Ghosts Gone Wild . It’s just a few steps around Tiger’ s home to
get to my computer.”

“You don’t understand how scary that is for

me,” Mia snapped. She felt a hot tear roll
down her cheek, and, turning her back on
Jess, she stomped out of the house, plopping
herself down on the steps outside of Jess’
front door. When she felt Jess’ hand on her
shoulder, she shrugged it off, still angry at her
friend and contemplating going home where
it was safe. © K5 Learning 2020 73

Level Y-Z Reader

Jess sat down silently beside her friend. A few minutes passed. “I’m
sorry for scaring you, Mia,” Jess said, attem pting to console her

As Mia breathed in the fresh outside air, her panic slowly turned into
embarrassment. She gave Jess a weak smile. She wanted to be
playing the game, not fighting with her best friend . She knew the
snake couldn’t escape the tan k; maybe if she avoided looking at
the tank, she could control her emotions while in the room. Mia
decided to be brave. “I’m going to try, but don’t let me go
anywhere near Tiger.”

Jess nodded solemnly and the girls re -entered the house.

Mia stayed close to Jess as they cautiously

crept into Jess’s room. Mia purposely
stared at the wall opposite the tank as
she found her way to Jess’s monitor.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jess


Mia scowled; she didn’t agree, but she kept quiet. One look at the
slithery reptile was enough to send chills down her spine.

The next day, Mia took her bike over to Jess’ house for another bout
of Green Ghosts Gone Wild ; however, her enthusiasm to play the
game was mixed in with apprehension about being in the same
room as the snake. © K5 Learning 2020 74

Level Y-Z Reader

The closer she got to Jess’ house, the more Mia obsessed about the
snake. She was just getting off her bike when Jess’
front door flew open, followed by a small hand
waving rapidly in her face.

“Hey Mia! Come on in - let’s get started, ” Jess shouted excitedly.

Mia scowled slightly as she wearily stepped into Jess’ house. Jess
could be so insensitive. It was as if she had forgotten about Mia’s
fear, or didn’t care at all for her feelings.

Throwing Mia an animated grin, Jess led her friend into the bedroom.
Mia glanced uneasily at Tiger’s cage. It took all of her courage, but
she managed to make it to Jess’s computer in a few quick leaps.

Mia glared at Jess as she caught her breath. “Can we play the
game now? I don’t want to spend any more time thinking about that
oversized worm.”

Jess laughed, and started the game.

The girls played until it was time for Mia to return home. Mia was
exhausted, and she yawned sleepily as she got up. “Goodnight,
Jess,” she said, before turning her attention for the first time towards
the snake on the other side of the room. Tiger made her way from
one side of the aquarium to the other, occasionally lifting her head
to let her tongue dart out. Mia didn’ t enjoy the sight, but she was
mesmerized by how easily she writhed over leaves and around
branches. Finally snapping back to reality, Mia decided she had
been in Tiger’s presence for far too long. © K5 Learning 2020 75

Level Y-Z Reader

“Goodnight to you too, I guess,” she mumbled, making her way to

the front door and closing it firmly behind her.

The girls played the video game every day after school that week.
Mia was still bothered by the snake, but at least her stomach wasn’t
churning anymore when she thought about it. On Friday, both girls
hurried into the computer room to finish the last segment of the

“That was so cool,” Jess said as the girls watched the end credits roll
off of the screen. “I never expected the Green Ghosts to vaporize
the motorcycle gang!”

“Don’t mess with Green G hosts, I guess,” replied Mia . The girls
laughed and sipped their lemonade. Mia felt relaxed and happy.

“Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you!” Jess said, jumping up.
Mia closed her eyes, rocking back and forth in anticipation.

“You can open them n ow.”

When Mia opened her eyes, she wanted nothing more

than to close them again. There before her was Tiger,
squirming around in Jess’ arms. “Look!” Jess smiled
broadly. “She’s very gentle - see how calm she is?”

Mia studied Tiger nervously as she slither ed around

slowly and curiously. She was almost kind of cute, or at least her
face was.

Carefully, Jess inquired, “Would you like to hold her?” © K5 Learning 2020 76

Level Y-Z Reader

Mia’s breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t thrilled by the idea of
holding Tiger at all, but Jess’ bright ey es were so enthusiastic that
she couldn’t refuse. Mia watched, petrified, as Jess lowered Tiger
into her arms. Her hands were shaking, but Tiger didn’t seem to
mind. She looked curiously at Mia with bright, beady eyes.

Jess watched Mia carefully and saw h ow she gradually became less
rigid. She told Mia all about Tiger: what type of snake she was, her
diet, and more. Meanwhile, Tiger investigated what was in Mia’s
pocket, and managed to pull out her bus pass.

“Maybe she wants to take the bus to the zoo an d find a boyfriend,”
joked Mia as she passed Tiger back to Jess, looking her in the eye.
“To be honest, Jess, I felt betrayed when you bought Tiger because
you know how snakes terrify me,” Mia said, in a soft but slightly
reproachful voice.

Jess carefully replied. “When

you first told me about your fear
of snakes, I did everything I
could to keep them away from
you. Whenever there was an
event at school involving
snakes, or if someone brought in
their pet snake, I would let you know. But when you started to avoid
the park, I realized that I wasn’t being a good friend by letting your
fears get so out of control. I knew I needed to help you conquer
them. So, I started researching snakes, and I searched for the
smallest, most harmless one that I could bring hom e. When I finally
chose Tiger, the purchase wasn’t for me. It was for you.” © K5 Learning 2020 77

Level Y-Z Reader

“Me?” Mia’s eyes darted towards Jess.

“I knew you’d be angry with me at first, but after you spent more
time in Tiger’s vicinity, you started to get more comfortable. Now
look at you two! You’re practically best friends.”

As Jess placed Tiger back in her tank, Mia felt a surge of gratitude.
She had misunderstood Jess, assuming that Jess was being selfish
when she bought the snake, when in reality she had sacrificed her
time and energy to help her. Mia threw her backpack over her
shoulder and wrapped her arms around Jess in a big thank -you hug.
“Well, we’re best friends, but I’m not sure yet about Tiger.”

On her way out, Mia made a detour to say adios to Tiger. When she
approached Tiger’s aquarium, she felt no fear. Another high five
with Jess, and she was out the door, feeling proud of herself and her
friend. © K5 Learning 2020 78

Level Y-Z Reader

Friends Over Fears (exercises)

1. New Words

Below are sentences from the story. In your own words,

describe what the underlined words mean.

Jess knew all about Mia’s snake phobia, and she used to find it
funny but now it had grown worrisome .


If Mia’s irrational fears kept getting worse, how long would it be

before she was afraid to even leave her own house?


“To be honest, Jess, I felt betrayed when you bought Tiger,

because you knew how much snak es terrified me,” Mia said, in
a soft but slightly reproachful voice.


2. True or False

__________ Snakes are highly dangerous in all circumstances .

__________ Sometimes fears can be real and sometimes they

can be irrational .

__________ If fears are irrational, it is easy to overcome them . © K5 Learning 2020 79

Level Y-Z Reader

3. Describe an irrational fear that someone might have, and what

they might do to overcome that fear.











__________________________________________________________________ © K5 Learning 2020 80

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