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11:os PM Wed Jul 12


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Marines Abort Mission to

Arrest HHS Director Xavier
By Michael Baxter - March 18, 2023 0 16036 "J 422


United States Marines sent to arrest Health and Human

Services Director Xavier Becerra on Friday aborted the
mission after spotting nearly three dozen federal goons
guarding the inside and outside of his palatial home in
northwest Washington, D.C., a source in General Eric M.
Smith's office told Real Raw News.
Becerra, he said, is wanted for "Covid crimes" against the
people of the United States, which include misusing part
of HHS' $120 billion annual budget to payoff state
officials for continuing lockdowns and mask mandates
into 2021. Everyone from Andrew Cuomo to Gretchen
Whitmer got a slice of the pie in exchange for frightening
the public into believing masks and frequent boosters
were necessary to protect lives, and that they persuaded
the public to adopt the "new normal," a state to which an
economy, society, etc. settles following a crisis, natural or

If all information is accurate, Becerra employed

intermediaries to surreptitiously distribute $35 billion
among 5,700 officials, medical professionals, and hospital
administrators in the first half of 2021-a treasonous act
for which he, our source said, must face a military

White Hats have sought Becerra's arrest for nearly that

long, but the sneaky HHS director had been hiding in
Poland to avoid getting apprehended by the military.
Our source said that United States Army Cyber Command
learned that Becerra had reentered the country via
Andrews AFB on March 13 and was spotted near his D.C.
home-one of five properties he owns-a day later. On
March 15, General Smith assigned a recon squad to
surveil the residence, but the Marines reported that the
home was dark and empty, and that Becerra was
nowhere to be found. A day later, Cyber Command told
Gen. Smith it had intercepted messages suggesting that
Becerra planned to host a St. Patrick's Day party at the
D.C. residence on the evening of March 17.

"The general was suspicious; the news sounded too good

to be true. Becerra isn't even Irish . Gen. Smith felt
obliged to investigate, and the recon team was still in the
area. He moved a platoon from North Carolina to
Washington and put it on standby while the recon unit
revisited Becerra's house," our source said.

When the recon team scoped out the residence Friday

night, they heard music pulsing and saw lights flashing
inside the house. They could see silhouettes of what
looked like people dancing and drinking inside. They also
saw a dozen armed federal thugs kneeling behind bushes
and hedgerows and a sniper perched atop a tree in
Becerra's yard . As they watched, the front door opened,
and three men in tactical gear with rifles slung across
their shoulders stepped outside to smoke cigarettes.
"It's a trap," the recon lead radioed to the Quick Reaction
Force (QRF). "It's unlikely the target is here, and if he is,
30 feds are swarming the place. Please tell Eagle." Eagle
is General Smith's codename.

The general, our source said, ordered the unit to stand

down since it was pointless to risk a bloody firefight if
Becerra wasn't on the property.

"Only Cyber Command and the White Hat council knew of

the operation . There's a leak, a mole. General Smith has
polygraphed and interviewed all council members several
times and is confident they are trustworthy and loyal.
He's told USCYBERCOM commander Gen . Nakasone to do
the same, since the leak must have originated there," our
source said .
HHS Secretary Urges COVID
Booster Every 2 Months I The
Most Revolutionary Act
DECEMBER 2, 2022
A tweet Monday from Vice President Kamala Harris
said: "One shot, once a year - that's all most people
will need to stay protected from COVID year-long .
Make a plan to get your shot at htt12_:/"
The following day, however, Biden's secretary of
Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, tweeted
that if "it's been over 2 months since your last dose,
make a plan to get one now."
The definition of 'fully vaccinated' now requires an
experimental jab every two months ...

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