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Air pollution is a major problem that affects the environment and human health.

occurs when harmful substances, such as gases, particles, and chemicals, are released
into the air by human activities, like transportation, industry, and agriculture. These
pollutants can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, lung disease, and
even cancer. To address this issue, individuals can take simple actions like using
public transportation, and reducing energy consumption. Governments can also enact
policies to regulate emissions from industries and vehicles, and promote clean energy
sources. By working together, we can make the air cleaner and healthier for everyone
to breathe.

A volcanic eruption occurs when molten rock, ash, and gas are released from a
volcano. These natural phenomena can have a significant impact on the environment
and human health. Volcanic eruptions can release ash and gases into the atmosphere,
which can cause respiratory problems and even climate change. They can also cause
damage to buildings, infrastructure, and agriculture. To minimize the impact of
volcanic eruptions, scientists use monitoring tools to study the activity of volcanoes
and issue warnings to the public when necessary. Evacuation plans and emergency
supplies can also help people prepare for potential volcanic disasters.

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