Astro Mental Final

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Unleash Your Dreams

Having read about several progressive anagram type mental effects to find out a
Zodiac / Star sign from a spectator either as an effect itself or a lead into a reading of
some kind, we have found this to be one of the most effective ways of going about it
without pumping the spectator.

Star signs and astrology are big business and it’s a great ice breaker to be able to tell
someone their star sign without too many questions and for the budding mentalists
arsenal of effects it’s a must have effect!

We have included in this script a full flowchart that will make the routine easy to
learn with minimal fuss. Also included is a full overview of the star signs and
information that goes with them. Giving you the information to deliver not only their
star sign but also a full insight into their inner being, creating an emotional hook and
connecting with your spectator. Put this with our Cold Reading System with Playing
Cards and you will have a very dangerous weapon in your performing repertoire.

The Method:-

We begin by telling the spectator that they need to concentrate on their star sign while
you the performer will attempt to read their mind and find out which star sign they
As you begin, you tell your spectator that you will be picking up on the letters in the
star sign. As you progress you get pictures flashing into view or at least parts of
pictures this is because you only get brief snapshot the images in your mind as they
come and go as you try to pick up on their thoughts.

The flowchart on the next page shows how the questioning begins start with the
“I think I am getting the letter A.” The circle with the A in starts the flowchart

If you look at flowchart, your patter could go something like this for the star sign

“I want you to concentrate on your star sign. Forget about everything else in the room,
just focus on your star sign”


“Right let me try to connect with your thoughts; I think I am getting the letter A!”


The next sentence is said off the cuff and as a throwaway comment
If they answer yes then you finished, as it will be either Aquarius or Sagittarius.

“Was that two A’s?”


“Ok that’s I sometimes get a little confused with the images flashing in my mind, but
I do get a picture of an Animal!”
Now this serves two purposes here, firstly if they say yes you can use this as where
you got the two A’s from (AnimAl), I have found that this can hammer the fact
deeper that you are reading their mind! Secondly, if they say “no” you are finished as
their star sign will be Libra.


“Yes an animal, it is becoming clearer now I get horns, animal horns!”

“I am also getting a letter S?”


“Sorry I do have lots of images flashing up in my mind from you, this tells me that
you are very focused and can be quite intense at times, these qualities are only found
in Capricorns!”

SPECTATOR FAINTS! The audience claps and go wild, for you are a person of your
word, without any pumping you have indeed divined your spectators star sign.

Now if you get a NO! The first thing to do is not panic, as we are trying to read a
thought. All you need to do is remember this NO = POSITIVE ANSWER

“Yes, I did not get that as clear as I should have, I must learn not to rush”
“Yes, I only practiced this a few times, Sometimes I get far too excited”
“Yes, Can we try closing our eyes, this will make concentrating easier”
“Yes, though I guess you are so creative I am getting many images at once.”

Ways for revealing the star sign when you are left with two choices

1. “Do you know what my first thought was when I saw you?”
….Now call out one of the two possible star signs and just wait for the reaction of the
If they react positively, you know you are right. Take your credit gracefully.

If there is no positive verbal or non-verbal reaction, wait and say:

“Though in the meantime, I have received your personal impression and I know that
your star sign is …..”
Name the second sign.

2. “Ah very interesting! You will never believe this! I tell you what my personal star
sign is.”
Now just call out one of the two signs.
If they react positively, you know you are right. Take your credit gracefully.
If there is no positive verbal or non-verbal reaction, wait and say:
“I have heard that this star sign gets on very well with …...”
Name the second sign.

3. “I am getting very clearly.”

You then take a business card, piece of paper, billet and write down one of the two
possibilities. Do not let your spectators see what you write. Look deep into your
spectator’s eyes and call out the star sign that is not written down. If the spectator says
“Yes!” simply, put the card away. If the spectator says “No!”, place the card written
side down onto the table or the spectators hand, ask them for their star sign, and watch
their faces when they turn the cards over!

4. Write down both signs on a business card etc. Again, do not let the spectator see
this. Then have your spectator call out their star sign and simply cross out the wrong
one using a nail writer / boon writer / swami gimmick.

5 Using a himber style wallet have your star signs written on cards so once you tell
the spectator what their star sign is you can prove you knew this by taking out your
business card and showing them the sign on the back. This makes for an excellent
way to get your business card into the hands of a spectator.

Points and hints to remember

Never rush this as it’s all theatre and the more you make of it the more the spectators
will love this.

Combine this with our cold reading guide and give a great reading to you spectator.

Do not be mechanical in your approach to this script, change it to suit your own needs
and learn from it, love it and work with it.

Email support always available via

Copyright 2006 Unleash Your Dreams All Rights Reserved

Copying or reselling this script is illegal.
This is lodged with the Ebay VERO program

Please note that we do not sell wholesale to anyone at all, so if you came by this via
another means please let us know where it came from.

The zodiac signs, also known as "sun signs" indicate which sector the sun was in at the
time of birth. The zodiac itself is the path of the Earth's orbit around the sun.

Signs of the Zodiac

The signs of the zodiac follow a pattern that never changes Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The sun is always in
one sign or another; it can never be in two signs at the same time. Each of these twelve
signs represents certain positive as well as negative characteristics in human behavior.

These twelve signs are thirty-degree segments of the zodiac and are associated with four
elements: fire, earth, air, water, and three modalities: cardinal, fixed and mutable.

We have all twelve-zodiac signs in our horoscope, and their effect is determined by the
position of the planets in the signs and the interaction between the zodiac signs and the
houses of the horoscope. On the following pages, you will find some information that you
can study and use along with Astromental.

Zodiac Signs

March 21 - April 21

Aries. The ram, is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolizes a new beginning. It is
endlessly creative, but never completes a task. It is not very sympathetic, and hates
weakness. It is the sign of the eternal warrior. Aries rules the head.
Famous Arians include: Thomas Jefferson, Al Gore, Joseph Haydn, Nikita Khrushchev,
David Letterman, Gregory Peck, Colin Powell, Chuck Connors, Jerry Brown, Diana Ross and
Clarence Darrow.

• Element: fire
• Quality: cardinal
• Ruling Planet: Mars
• Key phrase: "I am"

April 21 - May 21

Taurus, the sign of the bull, is the sign of purposeful determination and productivity. Very
resourceful, perceptive and alert for good business opportunities, it maximizes profit
through reliance on its own talents. It can generate great wealth. Can be very
materialistic, and can be quite cruel to those who stand in its way. Taurus rules the neck.
Famous Taureans include Judy Collins, Bing Crosby, Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali,
Ella Fitzgerald, Ulysses S. Grant, Saddam Hussein, George McGovern, Barbra Streisand,
Jack Nicholson and Harry Truman.

• Element: earth
• Quality: fixed

• Ruling Planet: Venus
• Key phrase: "I have"

May 21 - June 21

Gemini, the twins, represents curiosity and the urge to learn and communicate. It is quick
witted, restless and mentally brilliant, but lacks depth--it is the jack-of-all-trades and
master of none. It adjusts quickly to circumstances, and can juggle many things at once.
Gemini rules the arms, hands, shoulders and lungs.
Famous Gemini’s include George Bush, Raymond Burr, Bob Hope, John F. Kennedy, Bill
Moyer’s, Richard Wagner, Mario Cuomo, Bob Dylan, Newt Gingrich and Henry Kissinger.

• Element: air
• Quality: mutable
• Ruling Planet: Mercury
• Key phrase: "I think"

June 21 - July 21

Cancer, the crab, introduces personal meanings and values. It represents the urge to build
a home and is the nurturing sign. It is very intuitive, imaginative, and illogical. It always
seeks to preserve life and protect the rights of individuals and property. It is talented at
managing others. Cancer rules the stomach.
Famous Cancers include Milton Berle, David Brinkley, Bill Cosby, Tom Cruise, Helen
Keller, Sylvester Stallone, Ringo Starr, Gerald Ford, Meryl Streep, Robin Williams, Ross
Perot and Thurgood Marshall.

• Element: water
• Quality: cardinal
• Ruling Planet: Moon
• Key phrase: "I feel"

July 21 - August 21

Leo, the lion, is the sign of confidence and power. Those with Leo traits radiate warmth to
all and bask in adoration and affection. They love to give and receive love. They are
dramatic, great organizers and leaders -- others always feel great confidence in them.
They are also stubborn, dogmatic and egotistic. Leo rules the heart and the spine.
Famous Leos include Henry Ford, Julius Caesar, Fidel Castro, Bill Clinton, Robert De
Niro, Whitney Houston, Mick Jagger, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Robert Redford and
Arnold Schwarzenegger.

• Element: fire
• Quality: fixed
• Ruling Planet: Sun
• Key phrase: "I will"

August 21 - September 21

Virgo, the virgin, is the sign of work and duty. It takes care of all the details. Its desire for
perfection and order makes it prudish and obsessed with efficiency. Since it is
uncomfortable with the unknown, Virgo is the sign of technology and scientific research. It
has a strong need to help the poor and the sick. Virgo rules the intestines.
Famous Virgos include Michael Jackson, Shirley Booth, Lyndon Johnson, Gene Kelly,
Sam Nunn, William H. Taft, Greta Garbo, Sean Connery, Stokely Carmichael, Elizabeth I,
and Peter Falk.

• Element: earth
• Quality: mutable
• Ruling Planet: Mercury
• Key phrase: "I analyze"

September 21 - October 21

Libra, the scales, is the most cultured, refined, artistic and musical of the signs. It has a
strong sense of justice and balance, and it brings reconciliation through negotiation. Libras
are constantly evaluating and able to see both sides of an issue, though they can be quite
indecisive. It is the sign of war as well as peace. Libra rules the kidneys and loins.
Famous Libras include John Lennon, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franz Liszt, Rutherford B.
Hayes, Barbara Walters, Timothy Leary, Angela Lansbury, Brigitte Bardot, Eugene O'Neill
and Bruce Springsteen.

• Element: air
• Quality: cardinal
• Ruling Planet: Venus
• Key phrase: "I balance"

October 21 - November 21

Scorpio, the scorpion, is the most passionate and strong- willed sign. It seeks to penetrate
beneath the surface, probe the mysteries, and uncover what is hidden. Aware of
vulnerability and death, it has iron determination, and is steadfast in its struggles with its
enemies and for fulfillment of its desires. It is the sign of spiritual rebirth. Scorpio rules the
sex organs.
Famous Scorpios include Hillary Clinton, Oscar Wilde, Carl Sagan, Robert Kennedy,
Richard Burton, Pat Buchanan, Marie Antoinette, Dan Rather, Theodore Roosevelt and
Richard Dreyfus.

• Element: water
• Quality: fixed
• Ruling Planet: Pluto
• Key phrase: "I desire"

November 21 - December 21

Sagittarius, the centaur, is the sign of philosophy, the higher mind, higher education,
publishing, the press, organized religion, diplomacy and flight. Well adjusted, it insists on
freedom for itself and others. It thinks big, and speaks openly regardless of the outcome.
Sagittarians are daring and adventurous, and tend to exaggerate achievements. It rules
the hips and thighs.
Famous Sagittarians include Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Dick Van Dyke,
Woody Allen, Kirk Douglas, William F. Buckley, Rod Serling, Bette Midler, Tina Turner,
Mark Twain and Strom Thurmond.

• Element: fire
• Quality: mutable
• Ruling Planet: Jupiter
• Key phrase: "I see"

December 21 - January 21

Capricorn, the goat, is ambitious and has the aim to achieve status. Capricorns are very
good organizers, and can be persistent and focused, never cutting corners since the aim is
right and truth rather than expedience. They tend to be conscientious, realistic and
possess a high integrity, which can be relied upon, until they decide to use others for their
own needs. Capricorn rules the hips and thighs.
Famous Capricorns include Muhammed Ali, Walter Mondale, Elvis Presley, Robert Stack,
Ben Franklin, Joan Baez, Barry Goldwater, Janis Joplin, Mary Tyler Moore, Woodrow
Wilson, Richard Nixon and Albert Schweitzer.

• Element: earth
• Quality: cardinal
• Ruling Planet: Saturn
• Key phrase: "I rule"

January 21 - February 21

Aquarius, the water bearer, challenges authority and seeks the new and unfamiliar. It
stands for knowledge and friendship toward all. Aquarians are charismatic leaders, non-
conformists who try to understand the world as it is and reinvent it. They are objective,
unemotional and can be detached. They are original, unpredictable, intellectual and
independent. It rules the legs and ankles.
Famous Aquarians include Oprah Winfrey, Norman Mailer, Richard Gephardt, Jack
Lemmon, Charles Darwin, Babe Ruth, Boris Yeltsin, Clark Gable, Thomas Edison, Jack
Benny, Lord Byron and Sinclair Lewis.

• Element: air
• Quality: fixed
• Ruling Planets: Uranus and Saturn
• Key phrase: "I know"

February 21 - March 21

Pisces, the fishes, the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, seeks to understand and identify
with the whole of creation and find ultimate redemption. It wishes to be part of all, but not
to enclose itself. It seeks escape from the limits of form and this gives it the capacity to
shirk responsibility and deceive itself and others. Pisces rules the feet.
Famous Pisceans include Billy Crystal, Daniel Moynihan, Elizabeth Taylor, Ralph Nader,
George Harrison, Frederic Chopin, Rex Harrison, L. Ron Hubbard, Ted Kennedy, George
Washington, Albert Einstein, and William Jennings Bryan.

• Element: water
• Quality: mutable
• Ruling Planets: Neptune and Jupiter
• Key phrase: "I believe"

Aries Compatibility

March 21 – April 21
Most Compatible With: Leo and Sagittarius
Somewhat Compatible With: Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius
Least Compatible With: Cancer. Cancerians are too sensitive and too emotional for this
Libra - The Libra Personality proves to be vacillating, lacks imagination, fun and daring
Capricorn. To Aries, this sign is comes across as unimaginative and much too conservative
Neutral: Virgo and Scorpio

Taurus Compatibility

April 21 – May 21
Most Compatible With: Virgo and Capricorn
Somewhat Compatible With: Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Aries
Least Compatible With: Aquarius who lacks the stability that Taurus needs
Leo, always self-absorbed, and very authoritative, traits which directly conflict with Taurus
Scorpio - manipulative, not open and certainly not direct
Neutral: Libra and Sagittarius

Gemini Compatibility

May 21 – June 21
Most Compatible With: Libra and Aquarius
Somewhat Compatible With: Cancer, Leo, Aries and Taurus
Least Compatible With: Virgo personality is seen as quite strict and hard to satisfy
Sagittarius - unable to relax, like yourself
Pisces - thought to have negative outlooks in addition to being self-absorbed
Neutral: Scorpio and Capricorn

Cancer Compatibility

June 21 – July 21
Most Compatible With: Scorpio and Pisces
Somewhat Compatible With: Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Gemini
Least Compatible With: Aries - too insensitive, aggressive and arrogant
Libra - does not take matters not seriously enough
Capricorn - too simple, and very unrefined
Neutral: Sagittarius and Aquarius

Leo Compatibility

July 21 – August 21
Most Compatible With: Sagittarius and Aries
Somewhat Compatible With: Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Cancer
Least Compatible With: Scorpio - seen as being too scheming
Aquarius - unsubstantial, unengaged and aloof
Taurus - either too stubborn or too placid
Neutral: Pisces and Capricorn

Virgo Compatibility

August 21 – September 21
Most Compatible With: Capricorn and Taurus
Somewhat Compatible With: Libra, Scorpio, Leo and Cancer
Least Compatible With: Sagittarius - seen as unreliable and unresponsive
Pisces - gloomy, sullen, moody disposition
Gemini - impractical, inconsistent, too whimsical
Neutral: Aquarius and Aries

Libra Compatibility

September 21 – October 21
Most Compatible With: Aquarius and Gemini
Somewhat Compatible With: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo
Least Compatible With: Aries - very domineering and too impatient
Capricorn - lacks any imagination, ordinary, dull personality
Cancer - has tendency to become overly protective
Neutral: Pisces and Taurus

Scorpio Compatibility

October 21 – November 21
Most Compatible With: Pisces and Cancer
Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo and Libra
Least Compatible With: Aquarius who is seen as detached and impersonal
Taurus - there is a clash of wills here
Leo - usually has tendency to be overly dramatic and arrogant
Neutral: Aries and Gemini

Sagittarius Compatibility

November – December 21
Most Compatible With: Aries and Leo
Somewhat Compatible With: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Scorpio
Least Compatible With: Pisces is seen as being too introverted
Gemini appears to be scattered and lacking in perceptible depth
Virgo is seen as narrow-minded and too fussy
Neutral: Taurus and Cancer

Capricorn Compatibility

December 21 – January 21
Most Compatible With: Taurus and Virgo
Somewhat Compatible With: Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Least Compatible With: Aries who is not admired for his impulsive, erratic nature
Cancer - finds this personality sad and depressing
Libra - seen as being not only dramatic but lacks sincerity
Neutral: Gemini and Leo

Aquarius Compatibility

January 21 – February 21
Most Compatible With: Gemini and Libra
Somewhat Compatible With: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aries
Least: Taurus is considered to be very habit oriented
Leo is seen as much too demanding
Scorpio tendency to be too possessive not attractive
Neutral: Cancer and Virgo

Pisces Compatibility

February 21 – March 21
Most Compatible With: Cancer and Scorpio
Somewhat Compatible With: Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus
Least Compatible With: Gemini who is too nervous and high strung
Virgo considered to be dull and uninteresting
Sagittarius is looked upon as being too impulsive
Neutral: Leo and Libra


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