Polyethylene Characterization by FTIR

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Polyethylene characterization by FTIR

Article in Polymer Testing · August 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0142-9418(01)00124-6


95 8,736

4 authors:

Joseane Gulmine Paulo Roberto Janissek

Instituto de Pesquisa para o Desenvolvi… Universidade Positivo (UP)


Herbert Michael Heise Leni Akcelrud

Fachhochschule Südwestfalen Universidade Federal do Paraná


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Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563
Test method
Polyethylene characterization by FTIR
J.V. Gulmine a, P.R. Janissek b, H.M. Heise c, L. Akcelrud d,*

Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento LACTEC, Caixa Postal 19067, CEP 81531-990 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Centro Universitário Positivo, Campus II, CEP 81280-330 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Institute of Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, 44139 Dortmund, Germany
Departamento de Quı́mica, Centro Politécnico da UFPR, Universidade Federal do Paraná, CP 19081, 81531-990 Curitiba, PR,

Received 5 September 2001; accepted 16 October 2001


Important experimental parameters for FTIR spectra acquisition were studied: apodization, beam aperture, number
of scans and spectral resolution, using polyethylene samples. The optimum conditions for the analyses were established
and permitted unequivocally to identify the three most important commercially available grades: low density, high
density and linear low density products (LDPE, HDPE and LLDPE respectively).  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: FTIR; Attenuated total reflectance; Polyethylene

1. Introduction and the possibility of working under vacuum, which

improves the spectra quality, minimizing interferences
The physical properties of polymeric systems depend, and spectral noise due to absorption from carbon dioxide
in the first instance, upon the chemical constituents and and moisture from the atmosphere. Samples of poly-
the configuration of the macromolecules and also on the ethylene representing the three commercially available
relationships among the chains (morphology) the para- grades were used: high density (HDPE), low density
meters defining such as crystallinity and phase segre- (LDPE) and linear low density (LLDPE). We show that
gation. Many spectroscopic techniques are available with appropriate choice of conditions it is possible to
nowadays to access these features, and FTIR-spec- distinguish between each one, which is not found in the
troscopy is perhaps the most widely used due to its ver- literature by comparing the library of standard spectra.
satility in determining composition, taticity, confor-
mation, crystallinity, among others [1–14]. Nevertheless,
to fully explore the potential of this method, some skill 2. Experimental
is needed in developing a methodology that will permit
optimization of the analysis. In this contribution we 2.1. FTIR analysis
present an experimental approach for spectra acquisition,
exploring the capabilities of the high resolution BOMEM The equipment used, a BOMEM DA8 spectrometer,
DA8 equipment, including a set of different detectors is a FTIR spectrometer specially designed for research,
where the basic configuration, such as light sources,
beam splitters and detectors can be altered by the user.
* Corresponding author. In order to obtain the best signal to noise ratio in the
E-mail addresses: joseane@lactec.org.br (J.V. Gulmine), spectral regions of interest, the parameters defining apod-
janissek@zaz.com.br (P.R. Janissek), akcel@onda.com.br ization, beam aperture (radiation source) and number of
(L. Akcelrud). scans. The criterion used was the ratio obtained by com-

0142-9418/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 4 1 8 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 2 4 - 6
558 J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563

Fig. 1. (A) reference acquisition under atmospheric conditions. (B) reference acquisition under reduced pressure (⬍4 hPa). (C)
sample acquisition under reduced pressure (⬍4 hPa).

Fig. 2. Doublet in the region 1473–1463 cm⫺1 for LDPE showing the effect of resolution.

paring the height of the sample absorbance peaks with

the base line noise (blank). The bands chosen for poly-
ethylene analysis were in the regions 3000–2800, 1550–
1400 and 750–650 cm⫺1.
For the spectral resolution study, the interferograms
were acquired with 0.5 cm⫺1 and the spectra was recal-
culated for 0.5 1, 2, 4 and 8 cm⫺1 resolution using the
following mathematical treatments: Bartlet (triangular),
Hamming, Medium with apodization and Boxcar, with-
out apodization.
We have found out that the Attenuated Total Reflec-
tance (ATR) accessory used represents the most critical Fig. 3. Influence of resolution on band intensity, for Bartlet
condition for spectra acquisition, due to difficulties in apodization (triangular) for de doublet 1473–1463 cm⫺1.
obtaining good sample/crystal contact. The effectiveness
of the sample contact will dramatically affect the quality
of the final result. The detector used was an alanine
doped with deuterated triglycine in CsI windows avoid interference from the atmosphere the measure-
(DTGS), which is more suitable than the mercury cad- ments were performed under reduced pressure below
mium teluride (MCT) for quantitative analysis [15]. To 4hPa.
J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563 559

Fig. 4. Base line spectrum used for the analysis of signal to noise ratio. Range correspondent to LDPE bands at 1473–1463 cm⫺1.

Fig. 5. Noise amplitude in the 1473–1463 cm⫺1 range, for the different apodizations.

2.2. Sample preparation 3. Results and discussion

HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE commercial samples, 3.1. Analysis optimization

received as pellets, were analyzed in film, KBr disks and
sheet form. The film and disk measurements were perfor- The importance of using vacuum within the spec-
med in the transmission mode and the sheets using the trometer for the analyses is illustrated in Fig. 1. Under
ATR (attenuated total reflectance) technique. In order to normal atmospheric conditions, (without vacuum),
compare the results from both methods. The films were (spectrum A) a high interference due to moisture and
prepared using a film-maker device, which is a special carbon dioxide is observed in the spectra. This problem
accessory to prepare samples of controlled thickness. was eliminated with the acquisition of reference (B) and
The assembly was submitted to a load pressure of sample spectrum (C) under vacuum. Several minutes are
2.77×107 kgf/m2 at 130°C in a GRASEBY SPECAC required to establish vacuum equilibrium for each run,
press, model P/N 15620. By using different spacers, resulting in a more time consuming measurement than
films with 3 cm diameter and about 20, 30 and 50 µm the standard procedure.
thick were obtained. The KBr disks were prepared with Interferograms with different maximum optical phase
a 5.67×108 Pa load, with no heating, in a stainless steel differences were collected to verify the influence of the
mold. The sheets (10 cm × 10 cm × 0.1 cm) were pre- spectral resolution on absorption band shape. This is
pared by pressing the material at 130°C for 5 mins, with- characterized by the distance in cm⫺1 between two bands
out any load pressure, using a 1.62×108 Pa load for that the instrument can recognize [15]. In Fig. 2 the
further 5 min., and with application of a 3.25×108 Pa results of changing the spectral resolution from 8.0 to
load for 2 min. 2.0cm⫺1 can be observed. When lower resolutions are
560 J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563

Table 2
Main absorptions of polyethylene in the IR region and their

Band (cm⫺1) Assignment Intensity

2919 CH2 asymmetric Strong

2851 CH2 symmetric Strong
1473 and 1463 Bending Strong
1377 CH3 symmetric Weak
1366 and 1351 Wagging Medium
1306 Twisting Weak
1176 Wagging Very weak
731–720 Rocking Medium

upon the absorption bands within the measured spectra.

In order to measure the influence of the available apodiz-
ation types in the software, the noise amplitudes were
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the infrared radiation path
estimated, taking the most intense minimum and
and contact type for the different techniques. maximum points of the baseline (without sample), in the
regions where the PE bands are located and taking the
difference between them, as shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 5
used and the distance between two adjacent bands is near the results from calculations made for each of the four
or less than this resolution, the effect can be quite dra- apodization types are shown. It was noted that Bartlet
matic, as can be seen for resolution 8.0 cm⫺1 in Fig. 2. apodization (triangular) afforded the lowest noise level,
The influence of resolution on band intensity is illus- and was thus adopted in all the analyses.
trated in Fig. 3 for the 1473–1463 cm⫺1 doublet. The Taking into account the results concerning noise, sig-
data were obtained from the LDPE sample with Bartlet nal intensity and time required for spectra acquisitions
apodization. A decrease in the intensity signal is altogether, the following conditions were established:
observed for lower resolutions. 2.0 cm⫺1 for resolution, Bartlet apodization, 128
Each type of apodization exerts a specific influence accumulations (scans) and pressure below 3.0 Torr.

Table 1
Characteristics of the diverse techniques for polyethylene analysis by FTIR

Technique Use Sample preparation Remarks

Heating could alter the

Polymer identification material in some way.
Transmittance Film Heating and pressing
general purpose Very thin films show
fringes in the spectra
Pressing of the pure
Very seldom used in A fine powder is often
Disk material on blended with
thermoplastics difficult to obtain
The spectra from those
Soft polymers surface obtained by transmittance.
Reflectance ATR Different accessories may
analysis A good constant
be needed
crystal/sample is needed
J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563 561

Fig. 7. LDPE spectra acquired by different FTIR techniques: (A) transmission — film; (B) transmission — KBr disk and (C) ATR
obtained with ZnSe and 45° incidence beam.

Fig. 8. LDPE spectra acquired by transmission (film) (A) and by ATR (sheet) (B), showing antioxidant absorptions (circled regions).

The transmission and reflectance techniques are sche- in the 3000 cm⫺1 region. For films (A) these bands were
matically represented in Fig. 6. always very intense causing opaque spectral intervals,
even for very thin films. The ATR technique (C)
3.2. Polyethylene analysis afforded well-resolved and less intense bands, much like
the ones seen with the KBr disks. The advantage of ATR
The characteristics of the different methods for poly- is the possibility of obtaining the spectra directly from
ethylene analysis are depicted in Table 1. These methods the sheet, without any further sample preparation. Essen-
were employed in order to verify their possible influence tially the same fundamental vibrations are detected with
in sample alteration and spectra quality. variations in intensity.
The comparison between ATR and transmission data
3.2.1. Comparison between different methods for is not straightforward as a correction is needed. In trans-
sample preparation, analysis and band assignment mission, the optical path is the material thickness,
The spectra obtained in transmittance and ATR using whereas in ATR the depth of the penetration (dp) (which
the three different techniques of sample preparation is is the counterpart of the optical path) is directly pro-
shown in Fig. 7.The KBr (B) disks resulted in non-homo- portional to the wavelength (l), as described in Eq. (1).
geneous materials due to the PE softness and mismatch The consequence of this fact is that in ATR spectra,
of polarity between the two components. In addition, the when the wave number decreases (and l increases), the
KBr acts as a diluent, decreasing the strong absorptions band intensity is also increased accordingly, due to a
562 J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563

Fig. 9. Polyethylene spectra (film form). (a) Full range; (b) magnification of the 1300–1400 cm⫺1 range.

deeper penetration (dp) of the radiation into the sample.. whereas in Fig. 8(A) the presence of the additive could
This effect can be visualized in spectrum (Fig. 7(C)), not be detected.
without correction.
l 3.2.2. Identification of the different polyethylene types
dp ⫽ (1) by FTIR-spectroscopy
2pn1(sin2 qef−n221)1/2
The spectra of the three types of polyethylene acquired
where dp is the penetration depth of the radiation, l the in film form are shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9(a) it is noted
wavelength in µm, n1 the refraction index of the ATR that all present the same absorptions, varying only in
crystal, n21 the ratio between the refraction indexes of terms of intensity, which can be attributed to differences
the sample and of the crystal and qef the effective inci- in film thickness. In Fig. 9(b) the region 1300–
dent angle in degrees 1400 cm⫺1 is displayed using an enlarged scale, and one
In Table 2 the qualitative analyses of the PE samples can clearly see differences in the absorption pattern of
are shown, with band assignments [16,17]. the samples. Three bands assignable to CH2 and CH3
ATR is a very sensitive technique and is specially suit- groups are present: band I at 1377 cm⫺1, band II at
able for surface analysis. The utmost care should be 1366 cm⫺1 and band III at 1351 cm⫺1. The major differ-
taken in sample manipulation to avoid contamination. To ence between the polyethylenes is their degree of branch-
illustrate the technique’s sensitivity we show in Fig. 8 ing, that is, number and size of ramifications. A literature
the spectra taken by transmittance (A) and by ATR (B) survey in the electronic libraries lead to the assignment
of the same sample. In Fig. 8(B) it was possible to dis- of the polymer in which band I is absent to DPE and the
tinguish the characteristic vibrations of amines at 3200– polymer in which band I is stronger than band II to DPE.
3400 and at 1600 cm⫺1 originated by the UV stabilizers Consequently, the polymer in which band I is weaker
of the type HAS (hindered amine stabilizers, as TINU- than band II is LLDPE, a result not reported so far. Band
VIN, CHIMASORB or CYASORB UV) [18,19], III is constant for the three samples of polyethylene.
J.V. Gulmine et al. / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 557–563 563

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