HW 9 - Ise 303

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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Industrial & Systems Engineering Department

ISE 303: Operations Research I
Term 212

Dated: 6th May 2022

Due Date: 12th May 2022 (Submission on Blackboard), (Practice HW, No Submission is Required)
Homework # 9
NETWORK MODEL (20 points)
For the following networks, compute the Maximal Flow from node 1 to node 8 in Network 1 and from
node 1 to node 7 in Network 2.
NOTE: Show all iterations with all steps clearly.

Network 1:

Network 2:

CPM (20 points)

1. A company is in the process of preparing a budget for launching a new product. The following table
provides the associated activities and their durations.
a. Construct the project network.
b. Find earliest & latest start times for each event.
c. Determine the critical path, minimum duration to complete the project and identify critical
activities and non-critical activities.
d. For the non-critical activities, compute total and free float and identify red-flagged activities.
e. Create the time-schedule for all the activities.


2. Solve Problem 8-2, Page 354. (10 points)

3. Solve Problem 8-7, Page 356. (10 points)
4. Solve Problem 8-13, Page 356. (5 points)


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