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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology


A mini review on manufacturing defects and performance

assessments of complex shape prepreg-based composites
Muhammad Hafiz Hassan 1

Received: 24 August 2020 / Accepted: 3 June 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021

Autoclave processing is the most common method used for curing thermoset prepregs due to its capability to minimize void
content. However, unresolved problems still exist in the prepreg manufacturing process, such as the inconsistent thickness, pores,
voids, and resin-rich areas of the laminate panel. Until now, laminate thickness, resin distribution, and fiber wrinkling have been
the key issues that have caught the attention of many researchers. In this review paper, defect-related factors involved in the
manufacturing of complex laminated composites are identified, starting with the layup process itself and ending with the curing
process. The occurrence rate of defects in complex shape laminate is affected by several factors, including mold selection,
material characteristics, bagging configuration, and stacking sequence. The vacuum bagging process needs further attention as
it has been identified as the most critical process following its high contribution to the issues of void content and resin accumu-
lation. Various methods for quality measurements of complex shape laminate were also described in this review, specifically for
the aspects of thickness uniformity, resin distribution, and inter-laminar defects.

Keywords Defect . Complex shape laminate . Prepreg material . Factor contribution . Performance measurement

1 Introduction multiple layers of reinforcement and wet resin to a flat mold,

while the complex laminate is created using unique mold
Components made of advanced composite materials like pre- designs.
preg are commonly used by industries for structural applica- The main purpose of this review paper is to report the types
tions because of its optimized laminate design and controlled of defects that often occur during the manufacturing of com-
resin content. The application of these materials is based on its posite panel, in specific the ones with a complex shape. The
unique advantages such as high strength to weight ratio, high parameters that led to the defects were addressed separately,
modulus, high corrosion resistance, and low density [1–3]. depending on which sub-process was involved during the
Autoclaving is one of the most common curing techniques production of the prepreg laminate. All standard methods
used in prepreg production. However, during the autoclave available for the quality assessment of the finished complex
manufacturing process, voids, wrinkles, uneven thickness, shape composite panel have also been reported in this paper.
and distribution of resin can occur due to imperfect layup,
vacuum bagging, and curing [2].
Figure 1 shows the application fields of each composite
structure, the primary issues faced during the manufacturing
2 Complex shape composite structure
of the composite panel, and the processes that lead to the
In aircraft part assembly, stiffeners are commonly used to
typical defects. There are three types of composite structures,
prevent web buckling on the supports and the concentrated
including flat, sandwich-like structures and complex shape
load area. To decrease the weight relative to the steel material,
structures [3]. Typically, the flat structure is created by adding
some of the stiffeners are made from the composite material.
The designs of stiffeners have become diverse in functionali-
ty, incorporating T-shaped, J-shaped, L-shaped, and hat-
* Muhammad Hafiz Hassan
shaped configurations [4, 5]. The L-shaped, which is the sim-
plest unit of a stiffened panel, is extensively used in aircraft
School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, wings especially at the wing spar-to-skin and stiffener-to-skin
14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia interfaces. The T-shaped plate, on the other hand, is typically
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 1 Composite application

used as a planar frame structure for the wing section of the Large amount of experimental and numerical works has
aircraft. been published on the compaction of autoclave-cured com-
In the production of complex shape composite panels, plex shape laminates [7, 8, 10, 12–14]. The effect of various
there are still numerous issues to be addressed. The biggest process parameters such as cure cycle, mold type, mold corner
problem experienced during the manufacturing process of radius, flange length, bagging configuration, stacking se-
complex shape panel is the formation of wrinkles at cor- quence (ply orientation), and resin type system on the com-
ners section [6]. Fiber wrinkles are the result of the inabil- paction quality of complex shape laminates has been widely
ity of the laminate plies to shear or remove wrinkles, trans- investigated [ref]. In overall, the quality of the produced com-
ferred from the consumable materials. Resistance to wrin- posite panel was measured in terms of its difference in thick-
kles was more dominant for plies that includes [90°] plies ness as well as the void content.
because of the low resistance of these plies to local pres-
sure from wrinkles [7]. Another common issue is resin
accumulation. This issue is due to the formation of a low- 3 Defect in complex shape manufacturing
pressure region at the corner section of the composite dur- process
ing the vacuum-bag bridging and highly associated with
components produced from a concave tool. Thickness var- The analysis of the causes and the development of methods to
iations are another common issue in the compaction of minimize defects in composites has continuously been taken
complex shape laminates. It is reported that the highest into account over the last few decades. To date, most of the
thickness gradient was localized at the corner [6–12], and defect assessment studies for complex composite laminates
the compaction behavior (i.e., thinning or thickening) was have concentrated only on the curvature of the L-stiffener
dependent on mold type and fiber ply orientation. [11, 15–17]. The following subsection provides an overview
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of typical defects in the production of the complex laminate laminate during the consolidation of the composite panel [2,
shapes. These manufacturing defects are considered because 10, 15, 20].
they often led to a serious deterioration of the mechanical The studies of laminates with basic geometries in have
properties [18] and the service life of the composite. developed significant fundamental understandings on the res-
in flow and the fiber compaction processes [2, 7, 20].
3.1 Thickness non-uniformity Nevertheless, there has been little research carried out on the
resin flow and fiber compaction for the complex shape com-
One of the key problems in the development of complex shape posite laminate [8]. The compaction of L-shaped laminated
laminates is the non-uniformity of the thickness. The illustra- composites was studied by Hubert and Poursartip [11] through
tion of the non-uniform thickness at the corner section of the experimental research on two types of carbon epoxy compos-
composite laminate is shown in Fig. 2. Corner thickening is ites. The analysis showed that the accumulation of resin rich
reported to be very prevalent on the laminate produced using or resin quickly occurs with the use of low viscosity resin in
the concave (female) mold, while corner thickening is preva- the concave mold with a bleeding condition. This claim was
lent when using convex (male) molds [8, 11, 12]. The dispar- supported by Brillant [21] who suggested placing the non-
ity in reaction stress at the corner between the surface of the perforated film in order to prevent the resin from flowing
laminate exposed to the tool and those exposed to the vacuum out of the configuration of out-of-autoclave prepreg bagging.
bag caused these thickness variations. Additionally, quasi-
isotropic laminates typically displayed a thickness profile that
was more uniform than laminates directed in the [0°] or [90°] 3.3 Inter-laminar defect
directions [6, 11, 14].
Furthermore, the non-uniformity of compaction pressure is There are two major issues in inter-laminar defects that require
the main factor leading to the difference in laminate thickness. intermediate intervention for enhancement: void content and
The study of laminates with basic geometries in [7] has devel- fiber wrinkling. Most authors have investigated inter-laminar
oped a fundamental understanding of the flow and compac- defects in flat laminate, but less research has been done on
tion of thermoset matrix composites. This study was princi- complex laminate shape development, especially at the sharp
pally focused on high flow composite systems cured in an corner region.
autoclave under bleed conditions. The quantity of resin mass
losses was monitored and compared with the prediction model a) Void content
from the analytical work [6, 7, 11, 19].
Void is a tiny cavity in composite panel. The void usually
3.2 Non-uniform resin distribution presents between stacking plies, during semi-impregnation in
resin or in bundles themselves. Voids can be formed in com-
One of the crucial problems that require attention during com- posite laminates by four mechanisms: (1) entrapped air during
posite manufacturing is resin flow. This is because the resin ply collation, (2) moisture in the resin, (3) volatiles released
flow is reported to affect the distribution of the fiber volume from the curing process, and (4) internal stress build-up from
fraction, the laminate’s mechanical properties and the final resin cure shrinkage [2, 22, 23]. It is reported that the moisture
dimension of the part. Figure 3 shows the visual observation content of prepreg materials could be minimized by allowing
at the corner of a composite panel for the case of resin poor them to reach room temperature correctly after removing the
and resin rich. The resin-poor and resin-rich term explains the roll from the freezer [24]. For a no-bleed condition, the resin
distribution of the resin content to the entire composite could be prevented from flowing out of the laminates by

Fig. 2 Change of thickness in

corners in different mold
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Fig. 3 Example defect relating to

the resin distribution in complex
shape manufacturing process [6]

increasing the applied pressure and monitoring the bagging energy of the wrinkled layer as a function of its perturbed
configuration. states were used for wrinkles formation prediction [25].
Two mechanisms of fabric deformation during fabric drap-
b) Fiber wrinkling ing were identified by Long et al. [26]: simple shear and shear-
slip at the fiber crossovers. Simple shear consists of a trellising
Since the composite laminate is formed from layers of pre- action, whereby the tows in the fabric rotate about the cross-
preg materials, the chances of the laminate becoming wrinkled over points. This deformation mechanism can accommodate
are high, particularly at the corner. Figure 4 shows typical large fiber rotations, typically up to [60°]. Fiber “lock-up”
inter-laminar defect that can be found at the corner region of occurs at this point as the parallel rotating fibers contact each
the composite laminate. The wrinkles are usually formed other. This phenomenon was followed by either wrinkling or
when the layup process is performed using a concave mold bridging, as the material unable to conform to the surface [25,
with sharp radius corners. 27–31].
Pandey and Sun [25] analyzed two mechanisms of wrinkle
formation during the production of continuous-fiber polymer-
ic composites. The first method assumed that the wrinkle
length was minimal, and the pre-wrinkled state of the wrin- 4 Manufacturing defect in prepreg
kling layer was straight. During the forming process, each manufacturing
layer in the laminate was assumed to be under the in-plane
load because of the laminate’s global bending. Their research The main processes to be focused on in the prepreg
has shown that in the top layer, there were sets of loads under manufacturing process are layup, vacuum bagging, and curing
which wrinkling may occur. The wrinkling only takes place process. Different selections of parameters are known to lead
when the applied load exceeded the critical load. to different types of defects. For instance, the non-uniform
The second method assumed that the wrinkling was trig- laminate thickness is the common issue reported during the
gered by the buckling of one layer experiencing maximum layup process of complex shape composite [14, 21]. On the
compression; remaining layers provide support to the unwrin- other hand, for the vacuum bagging process, the non-
kled part of the wrinkling layer. The analysis was performed uniformity of laminate resin distribution is the common issue
using large-deflection theory, and variations in potential [6]. This section discussed in detail the common type of

Fig. 4 Example of inter-laminar

defect. (a) and (b) Fiber wrinkling
deformation in concave mold de-
sign and (c) void occur in corner
section region [6]
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defects observed during the layup, vacuum bagging, and cur- curve are unable to resist compaction; therefore, it leads to
ing process of complex shape composite. changes in corner thickness.
Li et al. [14] studied the effects of stacking sequence ([0°]
4.1 Layup process and [Q] laminates) and structural elements towards the thick-
ness uniformity of the L-shaped CF/BMI resin laminates.
The layup process is one of the critical process that may con- They found that the type of the stacking sequence significantly
tributes to the defect in complex shape laminate. Based on influences the uniformity of the cured laminate thickness. It
previous layup research [6, 21, 32], the process includes mold was found that the curvature radius, flat part length, and num-
selection, material preparation, and the stacking sequence of ber of plies did not affect the uniformity of cured laminate
the laminate. The significant impact of the improper layup thickness for the quasi-isotropic laminates. For the [90°]n lam-
process will contribute to void formation and non-uniform inates, the corner radius has a greater impact on the consoli-
thickness. The layup process for prepreg material is the same dation of the corner than the length of the flat part and the
in both the autoclave and oven curing process, but the differ- number of plies. According to the simulated results, resin
ence is based on the type of prepreg being used during the pressure and consolidation time were mainly affected by the
laminate layering [28]. The traditional prepreg is used for the type of stacking sequence, due to the changes on the perme-
autoclave’s manufacturing process, while the special out-of- ability and compressibility behaviors.
autoclave (OoA) is used for oven curing. In general, corner thickening typically happens with the use
of concave mold and corner thinning with the use of convex
4.1.1 Thickness uniformity mold. Previous studies have shown that the compaction be-
havior of angle-bended laminates produced from the convex
For the autoclave manufacturing process, the fiber orientation mold is different from those processed on the concave mold
during the layup process is represented by the stacking se- [11, 12, 32–34]. The high-pressure region generated at the
quence. Most of the common stacking sequences in the com- corner of the male metal mold has led to corner thinning at
plex shape layup are [0°]n, [90°]n, [ 90°, 0°, +45°, −45°]n, and the laminate curvature. Low compaction forces on the female
[Q]n. For the unidirectional composite type, the [Q] sequence metal mold, on the other hand, led to corner thickening. The
is a quasi-sequence where the configuration is more stable and distribution of reaction stress for various types of mold, such
stronger. A different set of stacking sequences can lead to the proposed by Hubert [6], is shown in Fig. 6. The reaction stress
complexity of shaping the laminate into the desired shape. The in the corner is higher in the convex mold case, and thus there
key problem in the issue of thickness uniformity is at the is thinning. Conversely, the reaction stress is lower for a con-
corner region. Hubert [6] by the help of the illustration in cave tool, where corner thickening occurs.
Fig. 5 explained why the [0°] and [Q] samples remained uni- For the L-shaped composites, the arc region area varied
form in the corner compared to the [90°] for unidirectional with the curvature radius; therefore, curvature variation is dif-
type fabric construction. He claimed that the in-plane com- ferent. Li et al. [14, 35] investigated the thickness variation of
pression and tensile stress were generated at the curvilinear laminate produced from the rigid convex and concave molds
fiber bed for the case of using convex and concave molds, of different 2, 4, 6 mm radius. For the [Q] laminates, the cured
respectively. The dotted lines indicate the original shape of thickness varies lightly with the curvature radius. In compar-
the fibers, which are oriented in that direction presumed to ison to the change in curvature radius, the thickness of the
be very stiff. Since both [0°] and [Q] laminates have fibers curled [90°] laminates from the rigid convex tool showed
in the curve’s plane, they resist compaction effectively. On the major changes. Furthermore, it is claimed that the greater the
other hand, [90°] samples with no fibers in the plane of the radius of curvature, the better consolidation will be formed.

Fig. 5 Longitudinal and shear

stresses generated by the
compaction of a curvilinear fiber
bed for convex and concave tool
configurations [6]
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Fig. 6 Reaction stress at the

corner for convex and concave
mold configurations [6]

The debulking process is an important process in the OoA The type of material and configuration used in the oven
manufacturing process, particularly for prepreg material as it cure manufacturing process is different from the autoclave
helps in removing air and compacting the laminate layers. A cure during the layup process. In Brillant’s [21] study, the
common debulking operation draws vacuum for 5 to 15 min thickness variation was tested using two types of OoA pre-
on the layup. The frequency for debulking depends on the preg: Cycom 5320 8-Harness satin and Cycom 5320 plain
component and thickness; however, it is relatively common weave. The influence of the material on the measurements
to have it at every three to five layup layers. While there is was then attributed to the weave design and density of the
substantial debate about the merits of debulking, a general fiber. Plain weave fabrics usually have a looser weave and
guideline is that there would be less void nucleation sites for are harder to drape than harness satin fabrics [37–39]. The
a more compacted laminate. study showed that for both materials, the magnitudes of the
Hubert and Poursartip [11] claimed that debulking a four thickness deviations were identical. Therefore, it is clear that
layup layers laminate in a vacuum bag at room temperature the configuration of the material does not affect the difference
successfully increased the compaction between the plies and in the final thickness of the laminate.
improved the air evacuation. The debulking process is very The type of mold is another aspect that leads to the thinning
important for a thick composite consisting of up to 50 layers to and thickening of laminate corners. Brillant [21] introduced
ensure that all the trapped air is completely extracted during four different mold designs, in his study on the combined
the layup process. Naji and Hoa [9] conducted a debulking effect of the thickness and corner radius on the thickness var-
process on a set of ten-layer, five-layer, and fifty-layer thick iation of the laminate. Four distinct molds were considered:
angle-bend laminate, and they found that the fifty-layer set two types from the concave and convex molds. He discovered
promoted a uniform laminate thickness. In his research, that the thickness variation of the manufactured laminate in-
Kratz [36] suggested seven configurations of the debulking creased with the decreasing radius-to-thickness ratio.
process, including applied pressure, release film types, and
edge breather setup on a flat laminate. He found that during 4.1.2 Resin distribution
the debulking process, the application of edge breather greatly
improved air permeability. This finding therefore proved that The common resin type used in the composite layup is the
the in-plane direction of air movement is also critical during thermoset and thermoplastic. Each type of resin has its own
the debulking process for air evacuation. viscosity property, which during the curing process can lead to
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distinct flow characteristics. Distribution of resin is the term edge. With either double-sided tape or Teflon pins, the dams
used to describe the coverage of the cured resin within the are kept in place.
laminate. Hubert [6], who in the production of complex shape Many studies have been performed on the vacuum bagging
laminate considered two different resin forms, claimed that the process to minimize the issues related to the thickness unifor-
lower viscosity resin easily contributes to the laminate corner- mity and resin distribution of the complex shape laminate.
rich resin as compared to the higher viscosity resin. Caul sheets [12] or a pressure intensifier [21, 44] was used
In addition, it is reported that the resin permeability in the in to ensure that pressure was evenly distributed during the
transverse direction is independent of the orientation of the fiber curing process to achieve uniform laminate thickness. In order
[6, 11, 40, 41]. For instance, the work Sharma and Siginer [42] to regulate the resin flow, bagging conditions can be varied,
have shown that the distribution of resin pressure and the con- whether in bleed condition or non-bleed condition.
solidation period were mainly influenced by the type of stack-
ing sequence in the flat region. The resin pressure in the [90°] 4.2.1 Thickness uniformity
laminates decreased rapidly compared to the [Q] laminates and
achieved complete consolidation in a shorter period. For this section, the topic began with the autoclave
There is a strong likelihood of a resin-rich defect to exhibit manufacturing process and proceeded with the oven cure’s
at the corner region of rigid concave mold [6]. The resin-rich manufacturing process. The caul sheets are usually used in
defects often occur at the curvature section of the laminate, autoclave manufacturing to distribute the external pressure
due to the less pressure at the corner section of the concave to the composite panel uniformly. However, for the oven cure
mold. If the mold radius is small, the potential for a rich-resin process, the intensifier is used as additional pressure to in-
defect to occur is very high. Meanwhile, due to the higher crease the compaction to prevent the void formation. There
compaction pressure applied during the curing process, the are several types of intensifier available [21, 44, 45], such as
resin-poor defect usually occurs at the corner section of the aluminum, rubber mold, or a combination of both. During
convex mold. autoclave manufacturing, rubber molds are used to amplify
and evenly redistribute the pressure on the angle-bended com-
4.1.3 Fiber wrinkling posite laminates. Nevertheless, the use of this flexible tool is
challenging and time-consuming.
The stacking sequence has a major impact on the production of In a concave mold application, the shape of the outer surface
fiber wrinkling during the curing process. The low transverse of the intensifier or pressure strip would evenly press the inner
viscosity of the composite provides no resistance to the local surface of the laminate profile. As this is the case, the type of the
pressure created by the wrinkles. The presence of fibers orient- intensifier and the pressure strip should be tightly controlled
ed in the longitudinal direction of [0°] restricts the material’s when put in the bagging configuration. Fernlund et al. [12]
deformation behavior. Meanwhile, the fibers oriented in the and Kim et al. [46] used a convex mold in the autoclave
[90°] transverse direction offer little resistance to deviatoric manufacturing process for the intensifier application. They
stresses caused by the mold geometry (both convex and con- found that the caul sheets’ materials and geometries significant-
cave mold). Based on this argument, the [90°] layup is therefore ly influence the thickness profile of angle laminates produced
more vulnerable to the development of wrinkles [29, 43]. on male metal molds (convex mold with intensifier). From their
The resin viscosity becomes lower during the curing pro- research finding, the caul sheet successfully changed the lami-
cess, and because of the curvature of the mold surface, the nates’ pressure distribution throughout the cure cycle, and
layers of Teflon film, bleeder cloth, and breather cloth may markedly reduced the degree of corner thinning.
develop wrinkles. If the layers are unable to slip during pres- On the other hand, the rubber male mold has also been used
sure application, the wrinkle cannot be removed, hence start to for the angled-shape laminate to prevent bag bridging at the
affect the surface of the laminate exposed to the bag. All in all, corner and to intensify the pressure on the composite laminate
the wrinkles are usually more difficult to remove with the use [44]. The configurations of the rubber molds are more diverse
of concave mold [21, 33]. and complicated compared to the caul sheet. They have vari-
ous shapes and can be strengthened to change their stiffness
4.2 Vacuum bagging process and service life with fillers or fiber.
The intensifier application is very useful for the oven cure
After the layup process, the laminate is then sealed in a plastic manufacturing process to increase the compaction pressure for
bag for the curing process. A standard vacuum bag configu- OoA production. Brillant [21] investigated the improvement
ration is illustrated in Fig. 7. The dams are placed along the of thickness uniformity for OoA prepregs at the corner radius
periphery of the laminate to prevent the resin from leaking into using two types of rubber intensifier: triangle and pressure
the breather. To stop resin pools from forming between the strip. He demonstrated that the corner radius of the pressure
laminate and dams, the dams are butted up against the layup’s intensifier and pressure strip had a major impact on the final
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Fig. 7 The typical vacuum bagging configuration [8]

thickness profile of the laminate. While corner thickening with 4.2.2 Resin distribution
the use of a pressure intensifier has been reduced, there are still
other defects related to the flow of resin. Resin accumulation The arrangement and sealing of the bagging system are
easily occurs due to excessive intensifier pressure in the con- essential for the autoclave manufacturing process and need
cave mold application. to be handled properly. During consolidation, the leakage
Wang et al. [45] studied the tool assembly schemes to de- from the bagging device will cause less compaction [47].
termine the pressure distribution in the autoclave manufactur- The bagging condition may differ from a bleed or no-bleed
ing of T-stiffened skin using carbon fiber/bismaleimide pre- by regulating the excess resin after the curing process.
pregs. The influence of tool assembly schemes and integral When bleeding conditions are required, a bleeder cloth
molding technologies on T-stiffened skins’ compaction was can be put on top of the laminate to absorb the excess resin.
discussed in detail. A self-designing substantial pressure test- The Teflon film application can also be utilized for no-
ing method was introduced to measure T-stiffeners’ pressure bleed condition, however, to avoid resin flow from the
distribution during the curing process. The experimental re- laminate [6]. It is reported that the bleed sample was found
sults showed that T-stiffeners’ pressure distribution was sig- to have a higher average fraction of fiber length, Vf, com-
nificantly reduced by tool assembly schemes and tool radii. pared with no bleed sample. A similar result was observed
The compaction forces transferred on the prepregs stacks by Radford [48] with similar use of molding and bagging
with different male rubber molds have been compared using condition.
the simulated data by Xin et al. [44]. The results showed that Conversely, resin pressure is the critical factor controlling
the stiffness of the convex mold significantly affected the the bagging configuration in the manufacturing process of the
degree of corner thickening and the distribution of pressure autoclave. The movement of resin happens in the transverse
on the laminates. In addition, different stiffness of convex direction between the layers of the composite laminates.
mold regions was required for the corner and flat regions to Lynch et al. [49] used an inexpensive pressure sensing system
ensure uniform compaction. A laminate of uniform thickness to investigate the resin pressure distribution in the composite.
could be produced by using the modified flexible mold. The resin pressure was measured from the driving force
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created at two different locations during the curing. An online production process from the bagging arrangement. In order
resin pressure measuring system was proposed by Xin et al. to manufacture high-quality laminates, further enhancements
[44] for the autoclave process, based on the concept of opti- in the bagging arrangement should also be taken into account.
mizing the transferred liquid pressure and the size of the mea- In general, the role of the bagging configuration remains
suring probe system. The result indicated that the accuracy similar to the process of autoclave processing. It is known that
and dynamic response of the system could meet the require- very limited research has been conducted on the bagging con-
ments needed for the resin pressure measurement. figuration setup in the OoA manufacturing process. The study
The applied pressure is borne by the fiber bed in no bleed by Brilliant [21] has proposed five different bagging configu-
state, and the resin pressure inside laminates distributes evenly rations for male and female mold design. In order to discover
in through-thickness and in-plane directions. The higher fiber the effect of the air movement at the corner and void defor-
content prepreg could result in lower resin pressure during no mation after the curing process, different breather positions
bleeding phase, which inhibits void growth. On the other were considered. The positioning of breather cloth at the cor-
hand, low fiber prepreg contributes to lower fiber stress and ner was reported to be a source of defects in both molds. The
affect the uniform distribution of the fiber in composites. The corner should be free from breather to (1) prevent the defor-
resin pressure profile is greatly affected by the fiber volume mation of wrinkles and (2) prevent resin accumulation at the
fraction of the prepregs, suggesting that the fiber content of corner [6, 21]. However, the lack of breather at the corner
prepregs should be optimized to achieve free defects and uni- increased the void content and resin accumulation for a con-
form distribution of fiber. vex mold application.
For the oven cure manufacturing process, the edge breath-
ing system should facilitate breathing by creating a passage 4.2.3 Void content
for air and volatiles between the laminate plies and the breath-
er materials [50]. Two common configurations of edge breath- The development of the void is closely related to the bagging
ing have been reported by Brillant. [21] In the first configura- configuration in which the hydrostatic resin pressure is subse-
tion, woven fiberglass fabric was wrapped around sealant quently influenced during the cure. It is understood that high
tape, touching the laminate and breather cloth. The fiberglass hydrostatic resin pressure minimizes void formation by killing
fabric created a channel through the breather cloth and into the air bubbles and prevents dissolved gases from forming voids
vacuum line for the air to be expelled, while the sealant tape [54]. Also, high resin pressure is also helpful in such a way
prevented any bleeding of the in-plane resin [33]. that it compensates for the tensile stresses during curing.
For the second method, individual fiberglass tows were When the resin pressure is too low, the internal stress state
spaced evenly around the laminate parameter and overlapped during densification will hit the critical stresses for void for-
into the thickness of the laminate. The glass tows were in mation [55, 56]. From their experimental work, Hubert and
touch with the laminate and breather, thus providing an escape Poursartip [7] have shown that high compaction pressure is
route. For both methods, the sealant tape and cork dams were ideal for resin pressure optimization in laminated and non-
used to prevent the vacuum bag from pinching the edges of the bleed conditions. The void content was increased in the bleed
laminate and blocking the evacuation paths. For this reason, conditions owing to the lowering of the resin pressure.
the thickness of the sealant tape and cork dam should therefore Fiber wrinkling occurs occasionally during the vacuum
be greater or equal to the laminate thickness [51]. bagging process. The wrinkles from the bagging configuration
Proper laminate edge breathing in OoA prepregs is essen- can be transferred to the laminate’s surface during the curing
tial to make full use of the air evacuation pathways engineered process due to the resin’s lower viscosity. The arrangement for
into the prepreg. Louis [52] claimed that the Advanced bagging has a critical influence on the content of the voids.
Composite Group (ACG) manufacturer recommended the The volume and position of breather material directly affects
use of peel-ply or dry glass tows to open the laminate edge the capacity of the system to evacuate air from the laminate.
breathing at regular intervals [53]. The failure to do so can The laminate thickness can be uniform in a pressure-
result in other consumables for vacuum bagging, some of intensifier application. In return, the application of the inten-
which are non-permeable, blocking, and effectively sealing sifier will lead to the creation of the void. Brillant [21] found
the laminate free edge. that more void was created under the pressure intensifier be-
Brilliant [21] has further applied the edge breathing tech- tween the first 2 to 3 plies. This phenomenon indicates that the
niques in the manufacturing process of complex shape com- edges of the pressure intensifier may have been deformed with
posite. In order to improve the evacuation of entrapped air the pressure applied and pinched the laminate plies, blocking
during the debulking process, woven glass fabric was used some paths of air evacuation.
as edge breathers. Unfortunately, the problem of resin accu- As the resin becomes soft during the curing, any wrinkles
mulation remains to occur at the corner radius of the finished in the consumable materials will be passed on to the laminate.
product. The corner’s problem emerged mainly during the Brillant [21] proposed a breather configuration to avoid the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

wrinkle at the corner section. The breather cloth was separated 4.3.2 Resin distribution
in two pieces, and the corner edge was exposed to the vacuum
bag directly as shown in Fig. 8. It is seen that the surface The resin flow is an important parameter in the curing process
wrinkle at the corner section is considerably reduced by that needs attention to monitor the quality of resin distribution.
implementing this configuration. However, resin-rich or resin The resin flow is influenced by inadequate resin pressure and
accumulation remains to form due to the lack of breather to bleeder material. It is very well known that the resin-rich ten-
absorb the excess resin. dency to occur in a complex shape structure is very high. Xin
et al. [44] proposed two curing cycle stages in their research to
control the resin-rich problem during the curing process. In the
4.3 Curing process first stage, the resin was allowed to leak into the bleeder. Then,
the assembly was cooled down, and the bleeder was removed.
In composite manufacturing study, the curing process has The bleeder was used to absorb excess resin to achieve the
been less emphasized because it relates to the viscosity of suitable fiber volume fraction of the composite. The function
the resin and the movement regulation of the resin. of removing the bleeder before the resin is fully cured is to
Traditionally, the manufacturer data are used for an accurate prevent further resin flow during the second stage and also to
curing recipe for a specific prepreg processes. To date, very increase the smoothness of the laminate.
limited studies have been conducted on the production of
complex laminate shapes.
5 Performance measurement
4.3.1 Thickness uniformity
Performance measurement is the measurement of the degree
It is difficult to control the quality of the panel in the of defects related to the structure of composite product. In this
manufacturing of thicker composite parts, especially to section, all the measurement methods and apparatus used in
achieve a minimum void content and perfect uniformity of the experimental setup for laminate performance assessment
thickness. There have been several works on the curing of were compiled and briefly explained. The standard of mea-
thick thermosetting composite materials. With reference to surement for each defect will be addressed separately based on
the work performed in [10, 35, 57], researchers have success- its type.
fully built cure simulation models that are capable of forecast-
ing temperature and degree of cure distributions within the 5.1 Thickness uniformity
composite laminate. Naji and Hoa [8, 9] proposed a 2-step
and 3-step curing cycle to study the variations in thickness a) Point to point measurement
and fiber volume fraction of angle bed structure made from
graphite/epoxy Hercules AS4/3501-6 prepreg. For the 2-step The uniformity of the finished laminate thickness is gener-
cure process, the recipe was T1=115°C, t1=60min, T2=115°C, ally measured by measuring the thickness at several stations,
and t 2=120 min while for the 3-step cure process was as shown in Fig. 9. Most of the researchers used the microm-
T1=115°C, t1= 120 min, T2=150°C, t2= 90 min, T3=177°C, eter [12, 44] or Vernier caliper [21] to determine each station’s
and t3=240 min. It was found that the 3-step cure method thickness. Brillant [21] introduced another technique of mea-
managed to regulate the thickness uniformity of the angle suring thickness of composite component by using image pro-
bend structure. This finding clearly showed that the number cessing. A line was drawn at each measurement position be-
of steps of curing cycle significantly regulate the thickness tween the top and bottom surfaces of the component, and the
uniformity of the complex shape structure. program then measured the length of the line in pixels. The

Fig. 8 Proposed breather

configuration to avoid surface
corner wrinkle during curing [21]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 9 Schematic for position of

thickness measurement [12]

thickness for each point was analyzed by using point to point measurement values: thickness before the cure process and
calculation. thickness after the cure process [21]. The bagging configura-
tion type is also one of the parameters influencing the value of
b) Degree of uniformity the bulk factor. During the vacuum bagging process, the man-
ner in which trapped air evacuates from the laminate depends
on the bagging configuration. In addition, debulking frequen-
The idea of calculating the degree of corner thickening or cy and duration also play essential roles in the calculation of
corner thinning was introduced based on the thickness ratio of the bulk factor during debulking. Using point to point mea-
the corner region and the flat region [44]. The ratio of the surement, the bulk factor can be calculated, and the average
average thickness of the flat regions and the thickness of the initial flange thickness can be calculated. The calculated bulk
curved region was determined based on this formula: factor represented how good the bagging configuration is to
evacuate the trapped air from the laminate. The formula to
H¼ ð1Þ determine the bulk factor is as below:
t averageflangeI
c1 ¼ ð3Þ
where h6 is the thickness of the curved regions and hflat is t averageflange
the average thickness of the flat region.
taverageflangeI is the thickness of the flange before cure and
c) Strain percolation taverageflange is the thickness after cure.

Percolation flow is a way of predicting the movement of

resin into or out of the laminate. A strain percolation describes 5.2 Resin distribution
the final thickness of the laminate based on the loss of resin
mass and the fraction of fiber length [6]. By assuming that the a) Resin mass loss
in-plain strains are small, the laminate percolation strain is
defined as follows: Resin mass is a measurement taken on the laminate sample
before and after curing. The measures consisted of the mass,
M rloss   thickness, and volume faction profiles of the laminate
εpercolation ¼ V f 0 ρ F þ 1−V f 0 ρR ð2Þ
ρR [59–61]. From the mass measurements, the resin mass loss
ratio can be computed as follows:
where ρR is the resin density, ρF is the fiber density, and Vf0  
is the initial fiber volume fraction of the composite. Vf0 can be mc −mc0
M rloss ¼ − ð4Þ
measured according to the ASTM D 3171-76 standard [58]. mc0

d) Bulk factor calculation where mc is the laminate mass after cure and mc0 is the
laminate mass before curing.
A bulk factor of a material is defined as the ratio of the Xin et al. [61] suggested a different approach for resin
flange’s initial thickness before healing to the final thickness calculation, in which reference was made to the amount of
of the flange after healing. Generally, it requires two resin flow from the prepreg stack into the bleeder materials.
The bleeder materials’ weight, which covers the top surfaces
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

of the laminate, was calculated after the curing process. Then, accumulate by percolation, thus increasing the local thickness
the mass of resin absorbed per ply of unit area of bleeder (m) of the laminate.
was obtained by the following equation:
M 5.3 Inter-laminar defect
m¼ −m0 ð5Þ
a) Micrograph observation/micro-sectioning (wrinkle)
where M is the mass of the bleeder material after cure
process, S the area of the bleeder material, n the number of The major contribution of the fiber wrinkling defect is al-
plies of bleeder material, and m0 the original areal density of ways caused by the process of layup and bagging arrangement
one ply of bleeder material. [23]. However, most wrinkle-related performance measure-
ments had concentrated on visual inspection. The surface
b) Fiber volume fraction determination wrinkle also sometimes occurs in the vacuum bagging process
upon layering the consumable material [7]. Brillant [21] re-
The fiber volume fraction is an indicator that can be used to ported the presence of several soft material layers between the
determine the uniformity of the resin distribution within the laminate surface and the bag. These layers of Teflon film,
composite laminate. Radford [48] and Hubert [6] found that bleeder cloth, and breather cloth formed the wrinkles due to
the bleed sample has a higher average fiber volume fraction the mold surface’s curvature. The wrinkle would be created if
than the non-bleed sample. A low fiber volume fraction was the layers do not move during the application of pressure, thus
obtained on the mold side, and a greater fiber volume fraction affecting the surface of the laminate exposed to the bag [6, 21,
was obtained on the bag side. 32, 63].
The local fiber volume fraction (Vf) can be measured by With a concave tool, the wrinkles are usually harder to be
using an image processing technique as proposed by Radford removed. The prepreg material with low resin viscosity is
[48] and Yang and Colton [62]. The samples were polished more likely to wrinkle in the bag. The presence of additional
with a diamond solution of 5 μm and were coated with a light bleeder layers, as used in the bleed condition, raises the risk of
carbon layer. The images were then taken in a scanning elec- wrinkles development. Finally, the low transverse viscosity of
tron microscope (SEM) in backscatter mode and was observed the composite does not give any resistance to local pressure
at a magnification of × 400. Next, the acquired images were induced by the wrinkles. Additionally, it is frequently record-
processed to measure the fiber area ratio. Additionally, acid ed that the [90°] stacking sequence is more vulnerable to
digestion technique is another technique that can provide cor- wrinkle formation.
rect fiber volume fraction value [58]. Gu et al. [59] and Xin
et al. [60, 61] proposed that the Vf can be obtained according b) Void content measurement
to the following equation.
There is a clear relationship between the amount of void
na f material and the mechanical properties of finished composite
Vf ¼ ð6Þ laminate. It is difficult to remove the voids, but for the use in
ρf hf
the aircraft industry, it is strongly recommended to regulate
the void to be less than 1%. There are various studies of non-
where hf is the thickness of the laminate, n is the number of destructive and destructive methods performed to quantify the
prepreg ply, af is the areal density of the fabric, and ρf is the composite void content [64]. In destructive methods, such as
volume density of carbon fiber. acid digestion, the formula from the ASTM D3171-76 stan-
dard is used to provide a reliable value of the void content,
c) Micrograph observation/micro-sectioning based on the calculation of the fraction of the fiber length. The
formula of void content calculation is according to the follow-
The presences of the cross-section defects also influence ing equation:
the products’ final quality. It is possible to observe resin-rich
or resin accumulation through the micrograph illustration. The V v ¼ 100−ðV r þ V m Þ ð7Þ
observation of the micrograph is very helpful in evaluating the where the Vv, Vr, and Vm are the void volume, reinforce-
defect or impurities occurring at the corner section of the com- ment volume, and matrix volume respectively in percent.
plex laminate shape. For instance, Hubert [6] reported that the For the entire laminate, the amount of the void content
bridging of the bag at the corner explains the presence of the varies between the flat and the corner regions. This claim
resin on the surface exposed to the concave mold bag. The bag was proven by Hubert [6], who compared the void content
bridges produced a small gap where resin can be seen to at the flat and corner section of the laminate in order to find
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 1. Summary of parameter study and performance measurement based on defect study

Type of defect Curing method Sub-process Parameter study Performance measurements

Thickness uniformity Autoclave Layup Stacking sequence • Point to point measurement

Mold type • Degree of uniformity
Mold radius • Strain percolation
• Bulk factor calculation
Number of plies
Frequency of debulking
Vacuum bagging Type of intensifier/caul sheet
Curing Staggering stage
Oven cure Layup Material configuration
Mold type
Frequency of debulking
Vacuum bagging Type of Intensifier/caul sheet
Resin distribution Autoclave Layup Stacking sequence • Resin mass loss
Mold type • Fiber volume fraction
Resin type • Micrograph observation
Vacuum bagging Type of bagging configuration
Curing Two stage curing cycle
Oven cure Vacuum bagging Edge breather configuration
Type of bagging configuration
Inter-laminar (void/fiber wrinkling) Autoclave Layup Stacking sequence • Micrograph observation
Mold type • Void content measurement
Vacuum bagging Type of bagging configuration a.) Acid digestion
b.) Burn off
Oven cure Vacuum bagging Type of bagging configuration

the best method for bagging configuration. Two methods were Brillant [21] estimated the void content via image analysis
proposed in his study: acid digestion and image analysis, using the ImageJ software. The image was converted to a
where the value of void content was compared between those binary image after changing the threshold to highlight each
two methods. The degree of voids was ranked on a scale of 0 void location. Then, by using a tracing tool, each void’s con-
to 3, with 0 corresponding to no voids and 3 corresponding to tour was traced and measured by the program. For each cut
a greater number of voids. It was reported that more voids surface, the void content was measured as the proportion of
were present for the bleed condition and at the laminate corner the total area occupied by the void over the total laminate
region. surface area, as described by the following equation:

Table 2 Summary of intensifier/caul sheet application in prepreg manufacturing

Author Complex shape Mold type Intensifier/caul sheet Intensifier/caul sheet configuration Curing
type material method

Fernlund et al. C stiffened Convex (male) Rubber and hybrid Full rubber Autoclave
[12] Thin composite (4 plies of carbon fiber)
Thick composite (12 plies of cured carbon fiber)
Wang et al. [45] T stiffened Concave Rubber Silicon pressure strip Autoclave
Kim et al. [46] Hat stiffened Convex (male) Rubber Hat shape male mold Autoclave
Xin et al. [44] L stiffened Concave Rubber L-shaped flexible Autoclave
(female) Triangle flexible
Reinforced triangle flexible
Brillant. [21] L stiffened Concave Rubber Triangle flexible Oven cure
(female) Pressure strip
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Author contribution Muhammad Hafiz Hassan — Construct the main

S void01 content of the article.
Vc01 ¼ x100 ð8Þ
S laminate01
Funding There is no research grant involved in this article writing, and
S void02
Vc02 ¼ x100 ð9Þ the author’s sponsorship is already mentioned in the acknowledgements
S laminate02 section.
V c01 þ V c02
Vcaverage ¼ ð10Þ Declarations
where Vc01 and Vc02 are the void content for surface 1 and Ethical approval Not applicable.
surface 2, Svoid is total area occupied by voids, and Sla min ate is
overall total area of the laminate. Consent to participate Not applicable.

Consent to publish Not applicable.

6 Concluding remarks Competing interests The author declares no competing interests.

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