Book of Financial Powers (NTDC)

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REVISED - 2007

After the Corporatization of WAPDA in March 1999, 12 corporate entities were formed
and one of those was National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC). This
process lead to many administrative changes not in the organizational structure of NTDC
but also in its various departments. For the smooth running of the functional, financial
and administrative matters of the company, WAPDA’s Book of Financial Power
(Revised August 1995) was adopted for the time being. The new book of financial power
was approved by the Board of Directors which became effective from December 3rd,
2005. But this book was lacking in few areas like footnotes and insufficient delegation of
powers etc. For the purpose of revision of Book of Financial Power of NTDC, a
committee was formed which has reviewed the existing book and made necessary
amendments where-ever needed. The Board of Directors in its 31st meeting held on July
31st, 2007 approved the Revised Book of Financial Power “BOFP” NTDC.

The exercise of powers covered by the present Book of Financial Power will be subject to
such detailed rules or procedures framed by Board of Directors of the NTDC as may have
already been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company or have been issued
with the consent of the Board of Directors of the Company or as the Board of Director of
the Company may at any time approve. In the absence of Company’s Rules & Procedures
existing WAPDA/Government rules will be applicable.

The decisions about the delegation of financial powers as now taken are contained in
Section I to XV. In addition to the specific conditions governing the delegation as have
been provided for in the foot-notes under the relevant clauses, these delegations will be
subject to the following general conditions:-

(i) that the powers are not exercised except to promote a program, project or
activity approved by a Board of Director of the Company ;

(ii) that funds exist or are provided in the sanctioned budget of the Company’s
Board of Directors either on a lump sum basis or specifically for the project or
activity in connection with which the power is exercised;

(iii) that foreign exchange if involved has been either already made available or its
provision exists in the foreign exchange budget of the Company sanctioned by
the Government (Release of cash foreign exchange against each project and
activity will be made by the Company as soon as the allocation to the
Company has been approved and made available by the Government);

(iv) that an individual item is not split up into parts merely to enable a part of the
whole item to qualify for a particular sanction;

(v) that the powers delegated to and exercisable by an officer shall also be
exercisable by his higher authorities;

(vi) that officers working as staff officers and not holding independent charge of
an office shall not exercise powers delegated to officers of their rank in this
book unless they are specially authorized to do so by their respective Heads of
Departments in which case approval of Chief Executive of the Company to
exercise such powers in their respective sphere of duties shall be presumed to
have been given;

(vii) that the officers working as Project Managers shall, unless otherwise decided
by the Chief Executive of the Company by general or specific order, exercise
power in their respective sphere of duties as delegated to officers of their rank
in this book. Project Managers already delegated more powers than contained
in this book under any existing general or special order of the Board of
Director of the Company, shall continue to exercise those powers unless they
are withdrawn or modified by Board of Directors of the Company;

This book shall be maintained and kept upto date in respect of all
amendments/modification made therein by the Board of Directors of the Company from
time to time. For this purpose, Heads of Departments/Offices shall nominate one of their
subordinates to perform this duty carefully so that correct application and exercise of
powers contained in this book can be ensured.

Shahid Iqbal
Finance Director (NTDC)



This term denotes the formal acceptance by the competent authority of the proposals for
incurring any expenditure on a work connected with the requirements of the Company. It
is in fact an order to execute specified works within a stated sum to meet the
administrative needs of the Company. The validity of the Administrative Approval is
subject to the following conditions:-

 Powers shall be exercised by the authority empowered under the provisions of

 Competent authority shall make him fully satisfied that proper estimation has
been undergone while submitting proposal for administrative approval.
 While taking a start on the project it is to ensure that this has not been lapsed by
more than o5 years of the date of its administrative approval.
 Fresh Budget Approval is required for each Financial Year.
 In case tech: sanction exceeds over 15% of the Admn. Approval, Revised Admn.
Approval shall be required by the competent authority. If however cost is changed
from original due to only currency rate fluctuation, no need to revise the admn.
 Work shall not be commenced physically until Annual Budget cover is
specifically provided to the project authorities.


This name is given to the order of a competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed
estimate of the cost of a work of construction, repair or procurement of a specific
equipment, proposed to be carried out by the Company. Such orders can only be passed
by officers of the Company to whom such powers are delegated through NTDC,s DFP.
Technical Sanction should fulfill the following conditions while commencing a new
work or repair work:-

 Technical Sanction should contain all possible details regarding each sort of
expense classified in different heads of appropriations.
 Design and Specification shall be depicted according to the standard
requirements of the job.
 Where consultants have been engaged for a work, tech: sanction shall be
accorded by the competent authority in consultation with the consultant and

in case of any conflict between the consultant and the competent authority,
necessary sanction shall be accorded by the next competent authority.
 In case tech: sanction exceeds 15% of the Admn. Approval, revised Admn.
Approval shall be required.


This term denotes the period starting from 1stJuly to 30thJune for which budget is
prepared and relevant account is kept.

Budget is a quantitative expression of a plan for one specific financial year starting from
1st July of the current year and ending on 30th June of the following year and contains
due estimate of revenue receipts and expenditure for each financial year to be laid before
the BOD of the Company for its examination and approval. In NTDC there are three
main kinds of this budget:-

Development Budget: pertain to the projects of transmission of power in the country

duly approved by the federal government through PSDP (public sector development
program) after clearance from CDWP/ECNEC agencies.

O&M Budget: to meet the operational network running expenses inclusive of

establishment and administrative expenses of the related formations.

Foreign Exchange Budget: pertain to the estimates of foreign currency requirements

under the captions of Development Budget & O&M Budget of the company.


Annual Financial Statement is presented to the BOD in a well structured manner and in a
form easy to understand after this is cleared by the Commercial Auditors of the
Company and includes Financial Activities concerning with the Company during a
specified annual year and also contains a comprehensive review on:-
 Balance Sheet.
 Income Statement.
 Statement of Cash flows.
 Footnotes to the financial statements.


This term means a payment on a running account toa contractor for work done by him but
not measured. Further advance payment shall be treated with the firm/contractor as per
the contractual obligations laid down in the approved agreement, entered into adhering to
the conditions imposed in the codes and prevailing instructions of the Company.


This term denotes a payment made on a running account to a contractor in respect of

work done or supplies made by him and duly measured. Such a payment may or may not
be for the full value of work or supplies, if it is an intermediate payment; it is subject to
final settlement of the running account completion of the contract for the work or


This term denotes the last payment on a running account made to a contractor on
completion or termination of his contract and in full settlement of the account.


This term is applied to a disbursement of any kind on a running account, not being the
final payment. It includes an "Advance Payment". A “Secured Advance" and an "On
Account Payment" (other than Final Payment on a running account) or combination of


This term is applied to the account which is specific to a identified work or services
or supplies and keep all the transactions, when payment for work or supplies is made
to him at convenient intervals subject to final settlement of the account on completion or
termination of his contract.


This term is applied specifically to an advance made, on the security of materials brought
to site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for the completed items of work.

Means the assignment to meet specified expenditure of funds at the disposal of the
assigning authority and briefly stated the conspicuous head of account to meet planed
expenditure on a specified object assigned to the respective expense incurring

This means the sub-division of main heads of appropriation into lowest heads, for the
purpose of financial control and illustration of expense nomenclature to keep well
identified data of expense.


This term is applied to a portion of the supply under each minor head which is allotted to
a prescribed sub division of the Head as representing one of the primary objects of the


This term is applied to division or sub-division in to which a primary unit of

appropriation is, for the purpose of financial control, divided.


This term means the transfer of funds from one unit of appropriation to another such unit,
necessitated under specific circumstances to be approved through the specified competent


This term means the banks with which the Company transacts its business and with
which the officers concerned of the Company are authorized to depositor receive money
on behalf of the Company. (Banks in this clause refer to a bank working under the valid
license from government of Pakistan & also chartered by the State Bank of Pakistan)


This term means the National Transmission &Despatch Company Limited


This term means the "Company" or any other officer of the Company (including
Chairman and BOD) to whom relevant powers may be delegated by the Company by
general or special order.


Contingent expenditure comprises those charges which are incidental to the management
of an office of the company and includes the cost of stationary, postage, telegram,
furniture, advertisement, office rent, books and periodicals, charges on account of hot and
cold weather, contingent establishment, liveries, repairs to furniture, taxi hired on duty
connected with the office and other similar petty charges.


This term is applied to works of construction or repair or services, the cost of which is
met, not out of Company's funds but out of funds from Non-Company's sources, which
may either be deposited in cash or otherwise through other financial modes placed at the
disposal of a competent authority. Works executed for municipalities and other public
bodies fall under this category when the cost is chargeable either to cash deposits made
for the purpose, or to their credit balances at banks. It is also applied to Company works
got executed through outer sources i.e. governmental / semi-governmental/autonomous
bodies or local bodies of the district government, against payment made by the company.
However, the work of providing service connection on payment of cost thereof does not
fall within the definition of "Deposit Works".


This term means the main unit of classification of revenue and expenditure in Company's
account e.g. caption of “Salary to Employees” is a major head of expense and does not
depict further sub-division into minor heads, it reveals a gross result of an expense. Sale
of energy/power is a major head of revenue but it can be split into various minor heads to
identify its clients to whom power is being sold.


In the accounts of works and in works estimates this term is used to describe the sub-
divisions into which the total cost of a work (or its sub works of a large work) is, for
purpose of financial control and statistical convenience, divided. The several descriptions
of work that have to be executed in the course of construction or maintenance of a work
or sub work, e.g. excavation brick-work, concrete, wood-work, etc; or usually treated
as the sub heads of it.( a study of NTDC’s book of account code shall enumerate all
definitions on main heads of accounts and sub or minor heads of account)


This term denotes an intermediate head of account introduced between a major head and
the minor heads under it, when the minor head are numerous and can conveniently be
grouped together under such intermediate heads.


This term denotes the division or sub-division into which a major head of account, is, for
the purpose of financial control, divided i.e. with reference to transport expenses, minor
heads are, POL, mechanical repairs, body repairs.


This term denotes the division or a sub-division of a minor head of account. A minor
head may be divided into more than one further sub-heads for the comforts of expense
classification and its comprehensiveness.


In general, denotes the amount approved by the Company in respect of a demand for
grant, and in the wider explanation it means any sanction as accorded in favor of an
employee of the company relating to its service purposes or on a task connected with the
interest of the company. Grant has also its meaning of a financial assistance by a donor
agency in the business of the company for its support and improvement in a special fields
pertaining to the capacity building in operational goals.


This term is applied to a grant approved by the BOD on a supplementary statement of

expenditure presented to it within the current financial year.


This term, when used in respect of an article borne on the stock account of a division
indicates the cost per unit at which the article, or an article of similar description, can be
procured at a given time at the stores good-down from the public market suitable to the
Division for obtaining a supply thereof.


Subject to any general or special orders issued by the Company, the following principals
shall be observed in classifying the expenditure between "Original Works" and "Repairs".

(a) “Original Works" comprise all new construction, whether of entirely new
work or of additions and alternations to existing works, except as herein- after
provided, also all repairs to newly purchased or previously abandoned buildings
required for bringing them into use.

(b) "Repairs" include primarily operations undertaken to maintain in proper

condition buildings and works in ordinary use and also new works in
circumstances indicated in clause ( c ).

(c) When a portion of an existing structure or other work, not being a road,
bridge, causeway, embankment, ferry approach, protective or training work in
connection with a road, is to be replaced or remodeled (whether or not the change

involves any dismantlement) and the cost of the change represents, a genuine
increase in the value of the property, the work of replacement or remodeling may
be classified as "Original work" and the cost (which should be estimated if not
known) of the portion replaced or remodeled being credited to the estimates for
"original work" and debited to "repairs". In all other cases the whole cost of the
new works shall be debited to "repairs".

(d) When an existing portion of a road, bridge, cause-way, embankment, ferry

approach, protective or training work in connection with the road is to be replaced
or remodeled (whether or not the change involves any dismantlement) and the
change representing genuine increase in the value of the property, the whole cost
of replacement of remodeling, as the case may be, shall be classified as new
work" and the cost or value of the portion replaced or remodeled should not be
debited to" repairs".

(e) In addition to all repairs and renewals in material similar to that pre-existing
the following items of road work shall be classed as "repairs".

1- Ordinary repairs and maintenance including surface painting and the

necessary addition of stone chips, gravel or sand, but not including
asphalted concrete, premix asphalt macadam, bitumen grout, bitumen semi
grout, max-in-place, cement concrete, or cement macadam.

2- Special repairs and periodical renewals, and

3-petty and miscellaneous items of work in any material which are classed
ordinarily as "new works", provided that the works in question do not in
the opinion of the competent authority form part of any comprehensive
scheme or project covered by a works estimate.


This term is applied to the sums received by the Company in accordance with the
provision of Company Act, 1984.


This term is applied to an estimate of probable receipts or disbursements for a financial

year framed in the course of the year which refer to the transactions already
recorded. These estimates include actual expenses booked up to the December of a
financial year and estimated needs for next 2 quarters so as to provide a maximum
comfort of availability of requisite funds to the ongoing tasks of the company.


This term is applied to the statement to be laid before the BOD showing the estimated
amount of expenditure to be incurred over and above the expenditure authorized for the
current financial year.

This term when used in connection with the sale of stock material or their issue to works
includes storage charges.

This term when, by itself used in a comprehensive sense, applied not only to works of
new construction/installations or repair, but also to other jobs pertaining to the supply,
repair, maintenance and carriage of tools and plants. In NTDC the works may be divided
in following broad categories:

 Original Works relating to Infrastructure Development, Construction of

Transmission Lines & Grid Stations.
 Civil Works, which include construction of new buildings, roads,
towers/transformers foundations or any other work relating directly relating to
company’s installations.
 Repair and Maintenance Works of Company’s Installations.

This term is applied to works for which grant was received in a particular year but were
in progress during the following years.


(1) This term will include such establishment as is employed upon the actual
execution as distinct from the general supervision, of a specific work or of sub
works of a specific project or upon the subordinate supervision of departmental
labor, stores and machinery in connection with such a work or sub work provided
that as exception to the above, mistries and made employed in the interest of the
Company on the technical supervision of contractor's and khalasi attached to
subordinates for assisting them on works, will be treated as work charged
establishment. When employees borne on the temporary establishment or
employed on work of this nature, their pay should for the time being, be charged
direct to the work.
(2) Work charged Works establishment does not includes clerks, draftsman
subordinate or extra establishment of any kind for the divisional or sub-divisional
offices ,such being properly chargeable to temporary establishment, but where
Dak Runners are employed solely for a particular work of a temporary nature, for
a period not exceeding 6 months, they may be treated as Work charged

(3) Chief Engineers and Superintending Engineers are empowered to classify as
"Work charged" or "Temporary" those classes of establishment about whose
correct definition there is a doubt, subject to the concurrence of the Audit Officer
and to the provision that general principle for entertainment of such establishment
are not infringed.

(4) Chief Engineers and Superintending Engineers are authorized to waive the rule
which requires that work charged establishment must be employed on a specific
work and to determine, in such cases, the proportion in which the cost of such
establishment shall be allocated between the works concerned.
Note As an exception to the general rules, the cost of Khalasis attached to
subordinates may be charged to annual maintenance and repairs or other estimates
in which provision for it has been made which the sanction of the Superintending
Engineer or the Chief Engineer, as the case may be.

(5) The cost of work charged establishment must be shown as a separate sub head of
the estimate for a work.

(6) All pay bills for work charged establishment shall be pre audited by the Divisional
Accountant and approved by the Divisional Officer before payment. Before the
pay of a member of the work charged establishment whose services have been
dispensed with, is settled up, the sub divisional officer should invariably ascertain
from the divisional officer if there are any outstanding dues against the man.

(7) Member of the work charged establishment other than road inspectors who are
engaged on the footing of monthly servants will be subject to discharge at 10days
notice except in the case of serious misconduct or gross in-efficiency (when no
notice will be given)or for such payment of pay for 10 days or for such period up
to this extent may be due to them in lieu of notice. Should they desire to resign
they will be required to give 10 days’ notice or forfeit pay for this period up to
this extent, as may be due to them, in lieu of notice.
Other rules of work charged establishment as may already exist in the Govt: codes
or as may be introduced from time to time will be applicable to the work charged
establishment of various formations of the Company except where there is
specific exemption in any case.

COMPETITIVE BIDDING Means a procedure leading to the award of a contract whereby all
the interested persons, firms, companies or organizations may bid
for the contract and includes both national competitive bidding and
international competitive bidding.

CONTRACT Means an agreement enforceable by law. Further means the
Contract Agreement signed by the Parties, together with the
Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments,
appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

CORRUPT AND FRAUDULENT Mean offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value
PRACTICES to influence the action of a public official or the supplier or
contractor in the procurement process or in contract execution to
the detriment of the procuring agencies; or misrepresentation of
facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution
of a contract, collusive practices among bidders (prior to or after
bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels and to deprive the procuring agencies of the
benefits of free and open competition and any request for, or
solicitation of anything of value by any public official in the course
of the exercise of his duty.

EOI Means Expression of Interest, through which firms, joint venture of

firms, organizations and persons are invited to indicate their interest
in providing the consultancy/services. The intention of this
invitation is to prepare short-list of suitable consultants / joint
ventures from which the Proposals (Technical & Financial) will be

LOI Means the Letter of Invitation is sent by the Client to the shortlisted
Consultants to submit their Proposals (Technical & Financial) for
consultancy services.

MARKET RATE This term, when used in respect of an article borne on the stock
account of a division indicates the cost per unit at which the article,
or an article of similar description, can be procured at a given time
at the stores good own from the public market suitable to the
Division for obtaining a supply thereof.

PC-I Performa This Performa is the basic form on which all projects/schemes are
required to be drawn up including estimated cost expenditures. It
was introduced in its simple form in 1952 and substantially revised.

PC-II Performa This Performa is required for conducting surveys and feasibility
studies, in respect of projects, intended to get full justification for
undertaking the project before large resources are tied up with them.

PC-III Performa This Performa is designed to furnish information on the progress of

on-going projects on quarterly basis and is required to be submitted
by the executing agencies/departments on quarterly basis. This
form gives financial as well as physical progress of the schemes
with information on any bottlenecks experienced during the
execution of a project.

PC-IV Performa This Performa is required to be submitted at the time when the
project is adjudged to be complete. The PC-IV Performa gives
information about targets and achievements; planned and
expenditure; benefits of the project; impacts of the project; Lessons
learned from the project and suggestions for future.

PC-V Performa This Performa is to be furnished on an annual basis for a period of

five years by the agencies responsible for operation and
maintenance of the projects.

SUPPLEMENTARY This term is applied to the statement to be laid before the Authority
STATEMENT-OF showing the estimate amount of expenditure to be incurred over
EXPENDITURE and above the expenditure authorized for the current financial year.

SUPPLIMENTARY GRANT This term is applied to a grant approved by the Authority on a

supplementary statement of expenditure presented to it within the
current financial year.

TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) Means Terms of Reference, generally it is the document included in
the RFP which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities,
tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Client and
the Consultant, and expected results and deliverables of the

VALUE FOR MONEY Means best returns for each rupee spent in terms of quality,
timeliness, reliability, after sales service, up-grade ability, price,
source, and the combination of whole-life cost and quality to meet
the procuring agency’s requirements.

Definitions contained in PPRA-2004:

Definitions on Bid, Bidder, Contractor, Contract, Corrupt & Fraudulent practices,

Emergency, Lower Evaluated Bid, Ordinance, Repeat orders, Supplier, Value for Money
as narrated therein has been made a part of this section and be taken in consideration in
letter and spirit for its prompt purposes in exercise of powers of DFP of NTDC.

ECNEC Executive Committee for National Economic Council
PSDP Public Sector Development Projects Approved by Government
ADP Annual Development Program me

Section # Description Clause # Page #
Constitution of Board of Directors 1.1 to 1.2
Powers & Duties of the BOD and Framing of Schemes 2.1 to 2.7
Administrative Approval of Works 2.1.1
Technical Sanction of Works 2.1.2 22
Administrative Approval of Deposit Works 2.1.3
Technical Sanction of Deposit Works 2.1.4
Administrative Approval of Construction of Buildings 2.2.1 24
Technical Sanction of Construction of Buildings 2.2.2
Administrative Approval of Works of Ordinary Repair 2.3.1 25
to Residential & Non-residential Buildings
Technical Sanction of Works of Ordinary Repair to 2.3.2
Residential & Non-residential Buildings after obtaining
Administrative Approval from Competent
Administrative Approval of Works of Special Repair to 2.3.3
Non-residential Buildings
Technical Sanction of Special Repair of Non-residential 2.3.4
Administrative Approval of Works of Special Repair to 2.3.5
Residential Buildings
Technical Sanction of Special Repair to Residential 2.3.6
Administrative Approval of Purchase of Tool & Plants 2.4.1 28
Technical Sanction of Tool & Plants including Office 2.4.2
Administrative Approval of Vehicles/Purchase of 2.4.3
Standardized Cars/Standardized Utility Vehicles such
as Trucks including Fabrication of Body, Single/Twin
Cab Pick-Ups, Jeeps, Tractors & Trailers
Technical Sanction of Vehicles/Purchase of 2.4.4
Standardized Cars/Standardized Utility Vehicles such
as Trucks including Fabrication of Body, Single/Twin
Cab Pick-Ups, Jeeps, Tractors & Trailers
Administrative Approval of Fabrication of Vehicles 2.4.5
such as Trucks etc;
Technical Sanction of Fabrication of Vehicles Body 2.4.6

such as Trucks etc;
Administrative Approval of Repair/Overhauling of 2.5.1 32
Tool & Plants, Vehicles and Light Machinery
Technical Sanction of Repair/Overhauling of Tool & 2.5.2
Plants Vehicles and Light Machinery
Administrative Approval of Local Manufacture of 2.5.3
Repair of Grid Station/Transmission Line Equipments
Technical Sanction to Estimates for Local Manufacture 2.5.4
or Repair of Grid Station Equipments & placing Work
Order thereof after obtaining Administrative Approval
from Competent Authority
Placing of Work Order for repair of Overhauling of 2.5.5
Tool & Plants Vehicles, Light Machinery with/without 2.5.6
calling Quotations
Fixation of Reserve Stock Limit 3.1
Acceptance of Tenders for Construction, Maintenance 4.1 38
and Repair Works and also for Supply of Bricks, Sand
and Bajri
Acceptance of Tenders for Purchase of Material / 4.2
Acceptance of Tenders for Purchase of Imported / 4.3
Proprietary Items
Award of Contract Work Orders for Works against 4.4.1 42
Limited Inquiry in Emergency Situation
Award of Contract Work Orders for Works without 4.4.2
calling Quotations in Emergency Situation
Variation / Change Orders in Original Contract / Work 4.5 44
Acceptance of Quotations for Local Purchase of Stores, 5.1 46
Instruments, Tool & Plants
Local Purchase of Stores, Instruments and Tool & 5.2
Plants without inviting Quotations required for
Immediate Incorporation in Works to meet an
Special Powers for Local Purchase of Stores 5.3 48
Instruments, Tool & Plants by inviting Tenders/ Quotations
Local Purchase of Tyres& Tubes for Immediate use 5.4
when no Rate Contract exists

Administration of Consultancy Service 6.1 49
Local Consultants (in association with or without other 6.2
local Consultants)
Re-Appropriation of Funds for Capital Works in the 7.1 53
Sanctioned Budget
Re-Appropriation of Funds relating to Other 7.2
Powers of Creation & Abolition of Posts (With requisite 8.1 54
Powers of Creation & Abolition of Posts (BPS 1 to 17) 8.2
Purchase of Stationary Articles 9.1 55
Transport in Emergency Cases when Company 9.2
Transport is not Available
Hiring of Residential Building & Land 9.3.1 56
Hiring of Non-Residential Building & Land 9.3.2
Appointment of Establishment Chargeable to 9.4
Electricity, Water Charges, Duties and Taxes for Office 9.5
Postage, Telegraph and Telephone Charges 9.6 57
Sanction of Telephone, Fax Connection / Mobile Phone 9.7
and Internet Facilities
Purchase & Repair of Drawing and Surveying Instruments, 9.8
Furniture and Office Equipments, Space Heaters,
Room Coolers, Water Coolers, Air-Conditioning Plant
Entering into Maintenance Agreement on Annual Basis 9.9
for above Items (Except Calculators & Bi-Cycles)
Purchase of Liveries 9.10 58
Printing Charges 9.11
Copying & Translation Charges Payable on Documents 9.12
obtained from Other Office including Charges for
Photo State Copies
Purchase of Daily Newspapers and Tech Periodicals 9.13
required for Office use
Purchase of Tech Publications, Reports, Specification 9.14
and Maps, Tech Books and such other Books as
facilitate Office Business
Purchase of Tech / Non-Tech Publications / Books / 9.15
Periodicals / Journals / Magazines and other printed
Literature as may be recommended by the Chairman /
Members and the Library Management Committee for
Company’s Central Library Wapda House
Advertisement Charges 9.16
Charges for Remittance of Pay & Allowances of 9.17
Establishment by Money Orders
Purchase of Ferro Chemicals Ammonia Liquor Ammonia 9.18
Paper and reproduction Supplies including Toners,

Ribbons / Cartridges for Computers
Purchase of Service Postage Stamps 9.19
Hot & Cold Weather Charges 9.20
Training Expenses (Local / Foreign) 9.21
Scholarship to Brilliants Students of Company’s 9.22
Other Contingent Expenditure not covered under 9.24
Specific Items (Non-Recurring)
Powers for Disposal of Company’s Property 10.1 63
Disposal of Surplus Buildings 10.2
Declaration of Store Material, Instruments, Tool & 10.3
Plants and Equipments and Vehicles Spare Parts as
Surplus, Un-Serviceable or Scrap
Disposal of Surplus, Store Material, Instruments, Tool 10.4.1
& Plants, Equipments and Vehicles including Spare
Disposal of Vehicles declared as Un-Serviceable 10.4.2
To Sell Trees, Agricultural Produce or Grass growing 10.4.3
on Company’s Land, Waste, Ash or Oil etc
To allow Felling of Trees Causing Obstruction or 10.4.4
Falling under the Transmission Line and Sell such
Fallen Trees through Auction or Private Treaty
Payment under Court Order or as per Decision of 11.1.1 66
Advisory Board
Refund of Deposit through Court Order 11.1.2
Advance for Construction/Purchase of House or a Plot 12.1 67
of Land for Construction of House
Advance for Purchase of Car, Motor Cycle / Scooter 12.2
Purchase of Medicines, Drugs / Dressing for Hospital / 13.1 68
Purchase of Medical X-Rays, Dental Hospital 13.2
Equipments, Surgical Instruments, Laboratory
Chemicals / Equipments etc
Expenditure on Diet provided to Hospitalized Patients 13.3
Payment of Washing Charges in Hospital 13.4
Purchase of Blood for Hospitalized Patients in 13.5
Emergency Cases
To dispose off X-Ray Waste Water 13.6
Purchase of Conservancy items for Hospitals/Dispensaries 13.7
Purchase of Mattresses, Pillows etc 13.8
Purchase of Medical Gases 13.9
Purchase of Linens / Blankets for Hospitals / 13.10

Repair / Maintenance of Medical / Surgical Laboratory 13.11
/ X-Ray / DentalHospital / Dispensaries Equipments
X-Ray Films / Chemicals and Laboratory Chemicals 13.12
Kit / Regents
Powers to Write Off Losses 14.1 70
Write Off of Losses on Stock due to Depreciation, or 14.2 A
Variation in Prices on Receipt of Debit Advice i.e. Book
Losses only as opposed to Actual Losses
To Write Off Losses other than Measurement Books 14.2 B
and Accounts Books, Lost or Rendered Unserviceable
in their own and Subordinate Office
To Write Off Losses due to Demurrage and Wharfage 14.2 C
Powers to Remit Over-Payment of Pay & Allowances 14.2 D
made to Employees due to oversight or
misinterpretation of Rules
Sanction of Law Charges 15.1 74
Expenditure on Formal Ceremonial Functions 15.2.1
Expenditure on Informal Functions 15.2.2
Serving Lunch in Official Meetings which are to 15.3
continue at least 2 Hours beyond Office Hours
Arrangements / Serving to Participants of Ceremonial / 15.4
Non-Ceremonial Functions
Distribution of Sweets on Religious and National 15.5
Functions to Patients, Children and Other Participants
of Religious Functions
Light Refreshment to Participants of Official Meetings 15.6
Serving Meals / Refreshments to Departmental Labour 15.7
camped at site of work on unforeseeable emergency or
break down of serious nature likely to last for 24 hours
or more
Compensation to Workmen / Under the Workmen 15.8
Compensation Act
Compensation to any Individual under a Specific Law – 15.9
Rule of Judgment of Court
Honoraria & Reward to Employees in Basic Pay Scale 15.10.1
No.15 and below
Reward of Officers in Basic Pay Scale No.16 and above 15.10.2
Arbitration Fee 15.10.3
Re-imbursement of Medical Expenses to Employees 15.11.1
Purchase of Petrol, Motor Oil and Lubricant 15.12
Powers to Sanction Investigation of Time Barred 15.13
Claims of Company’s Employees to Arrears of Pay &
Inter Adjustment between Shortage and Surpluses of 15.14
same Item of Stores
Rent Out Heavy Machinery like Gantry Crane and 15.15
Tower Crane etc to Contractors for the Construction of

Purchase of Computers and Peripherals 15.16.1
Repair of Micro / Mid-Range / Main Frame Computers 15.16.2
including related Equipments and entering into
Maintenance Agreements
Compensation for Land Acquisition under Land 15.17
Acquisition Act 1894.
Compensation Damages to Crops, Trees and Other 15.18


1.1 National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited is a Public Limited Company
registered under the Companies Ordinance 1984. The Company has its own Board of
Directors (BOD) comprising of Seven Directors.
1.2 The Company is a body corporate & is entitled to acquire, hold and dispose of property
and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and shall by the said name use
and be used.

2.1 The BOD shall prepare for the approval of the Government a comprehensive plan for the
development of high voltage Transmission network.
2.2 The Company, for the purposes of the NEPRA Act 1997 is a licensee and shall have all
the powers and discharge all the obligations of licensee under said Act.
2.3 The Company may from time to time employ such officers and officials, or appoint such
experts or consultants as it may consider necessary for the performance of its functions,
on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.
2.4 The BOD may by general or special order, delegate to the Chairman, CEO Director or
officer/expert of the Company, any of its powers, duties or functions subject to such
conditions as it may deem fit to impose.
2.5 The Company shall maintain complete and accurate books of accounts in such form as
may be prescribed by it and for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Companies
Ordinance 1984 and applicable International Accounting Standards.
2.6 The Company may take such measures and exercise such powers as it is necessary or
expedient for carrying out the purposes of Companies Ordinance 1984. The following
cases will be referred to the BOD for approval.
2.6.1 Development Plans for the Transmission System.
2.6.2 Processing of PSDP & arrangements for internal and external loans
2.6.3 Annual Budget and Revised Estimates
2.6.4 Cases involving departure from the approved Annual Development Program
Operational Budget
2.6.5 Cases involving important policy decisions for departure from the established
2.6.6 The office working as staff officers and not holding independent charge of an
officer shall not exercise powers delegated to officers of their rank in this book,
unless they are specially authorized to do so by Chief Executive NTDC, in which
case consent of the BOD to their exercising such powers in their respective sphere
of duties shall be presumed to have been given
2.6.7 The powers which have not been conferred upon any officer of the Company shall
be deemed to have been bestowed upon the BOD
2.7 The Civil procurement Regulatory Authority Act, 2000 and Rules made there
under could be followed by the Company

Section – II
Administrative approval of works
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
Administrative approval of I Chief Executive Officer Rs. 60 Mln
works Ii TD/TNO Rs. 40 Mln
Iii GM Rs. 30 Mln
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 15 Mln
V Manager Rs. 6 Mln
Vi Deputy Manager Rs. 1 Mln
1 No administrative approval will be required where PC-I Performa stands already approved with
sufficient details of components of the work included in the project. Where however sufficient
details of components of the work have not been given in the approved PC-I Performa, formal
approval of the BOD concerned shall be obtained
2 Where residential accommodation stands standardized, the scale of accommodation shall not be
exceeded without prior approval of the BOD. The standard design of residential buildings may
however be modified by Chief Executive concerned to suit local conditions where considered
3 Administrative approval for constructing a residential building required for the personal use of
competent authority shall be accorded by the next higher authority
4 The term "work" used in this section has the same meaning as assigned to it in paragraph 4 (68) of
the Central Public Works Account Code as specified in section xviii at Sr. No. 33

Technical Sanction of Works

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
2.1.2 Technical sanction of works I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Ii TD/TNO/ GM Full Powers
Iii Chief Engineer Rs.20 Mln
Iv Manager Rs.15 Mln
v Deputy Manages Rs.10 Mln

1 Where consultants have been engaged for a work, technical sanction shall be accorded by
competent authority in consultation with the consultants. In case of a disagreement between the
consultants and the competent authority, technical sanction by next higher authority shall be
2 If technical sanction involves excess of more than 15 percent over the amount for which a work has
been administratively approved, or may be deemed to have been approved prior revised
administrative approval of the competent authority shall be required.

Administrative Approval of Deposit Works
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.1.3 Administrative Approval of I General Manager/Chief Engineer Full Powers
Deposit works Ii Manager Rs. 5 Mln
iii Deputy Manager Rs. 1 Mln

(1) Deposit works shall be under-taken only after getting full amount of sanctioned work estimate
deposited with the Company, with an under-taking from the depositor to meet any variation.
(2) The term “Deposit Work” used in this section has the same meaning as assigned to it in
paragraph 4 (14) of the Central Public Works Account Code.
(3) Company works executed through some other Government/ Semi Government agencies
including agencies such as PTCL shall be treated as deposit work.
Technical Sanction of Deposit Works
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.1.4 Technical Sanction of I Chief Engineer Full Powers
Deposit works after Ii Manager Rs. 8 Mln
obtaining Admn approval Iii Deputy Manager Rs. 2 Mln

(2.2) Administrative Approval of Construction of Buildings

Administrative Approval of Construction of Buildings

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monitory
2.2.1 Administrative Approval of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Construction of Buildings Ii General Manager Rs. 15 Mln
Iii Chief Engineer Rs. 10 Mln
iv Manager Rs. 3 Mln

Technical Sanction of Construction of Buildings

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monitory
2.2.2 Technical sanction of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Construction of Buildings Ii General Manager Rs. 15 Mln
Iii Chief Engineer Rs. 10 Mln
Iv Manager Rs. 3 Mln

(2.3) – Administrative Approval of Repair of Buildings

Administrative Approval of Works of Ordinary Repair to

Residential & Non-Residential Buildings
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
2.3.1 Administrative I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Approval Of Ordinary Ii TD/TNO/ GM Full Powers
Repair Of Buildings Iii Chief Engineer Full Powers
Iv Manager Full Powers
V Deputy Manager Rs.1 Mln(per case)
1) The above powers are not to exceed the following percentages of capital cost as assessed on account
of ordinary repairs to both permanent and temporary non-residential and residential buildings:

Type of Building Permanent Buildings Temporary Buildings

a) Non-residential 1½% in a year 3% in a year
b) Residential 2% in a year 4% in a year

The above percentages may be increased by:

a) 800% in the case of building works completed before 1968.
b) 600% in the case of building works completed between 1968 and 1987.
c) 300% in the case of building works completed after 1987 and upto the end of 1992.
d) 200% in the case of building works completed after 1992 and upto end of the 1997
e) 100% in the case of building works completed after 1997 and upto end of the 2008

2) The above powers shall not be exercised in case of hired buildings

Technical Sanction of Works of Ordinary Repairs
to Residential & Non-Residential Buildings after Obtaining
Administrative Approval from Competent Authority
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
2.3.2 Technical Sanction of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
ordinary repair of Ii TD/TNO/ GM Full Powers
buildings Iii Chief Engineer Full Powers
Iv Manager Full Powers
v Deputy Manager Rs.2 Mln(per
The above powers are meant for the single building and not for all buildings in the whole colony.

Administrative Approval of Works of Special Repair to
Non-Residential Buildings
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.3.3 Administrative Approval Of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Special Repair Of Non- Ii TD/TNO/ GM Rs.2 Mln
Residential Buildings Iii Chief Engineer Rs.1 Mln
Iv Manager Rs.0.3 Mln
V Deputy Manager Rs.0.05 Mln
1) The term "Special Repairs" means such occasional repairs as become necessary from time to time
and which may have been carried out between times of periodical repairs like renewals of roofs,
renewals of damaged floor, doors and windows.

Technical Sanction of Special Repairs of Non-Residential Building

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.3.4 Technical Sanction of Special I Chief Executive Full Powers
Repairs of Non-Residential Ii TD/TNO/GM Rs.2 Mln
Buildings Iii Chief Engineer Rs. 1 Mln
Iv Manager Rs.0. 3 Mln
V Deputy Manager Rs.0.05 Mln

Administrative Approval of Works of Special Repair to

Residential Buildings
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.3.5 Administrative Approval Of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Special Repair Of Residential Ii TD/TNO/ GM Rs.4 Mln
Buildings Iii Chief Engineer Rs.2 Mln
Iv Manager Rs.1 Mln
v Deputy Manager Rs.0.025 Mln
1) Where Special Repairs are required to be carried out to a residential building which is in
occupation of competent authority approval of next higher authority shall be necessary.
2) The term "Special Repairs" means such occasional repairs as become necessary from time to time
and which may have been carried out between times of periodical repairs like renewals of roofs,
renewals of damaged floor, doors and windows.

Technical Sanction of Special Repairs of Residential Building
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.3.6 Technical Sanction of Special I Chief Executive Full Powers
Repairs of Residential Building Ii TD/TNO/GM Rs.4 Mln
Iii Chief Engineer Rs.2 Mln
Iv Manager Rs.1 Mln
v Deputy Manager Rs.0.025 Mln

Section – II
Administrative Approval of Purchase of Tools & Plants
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.4.1 Administrative Approval of I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
purchase of Tools & Plants Ii TD/TNO/GM Rs. 30 Mln
( including office equipments ) Iii Chief Engineer Rs. 6 Mln
Iv Manager Rs. 4 Mln
v Deputy Manager Rs. 1 Mln

Technical Sanction of Tools and Plants including office equipment

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.4.2 Technical Sanction of Tools and I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
Plants including office Ii TD/TNO Full Power
equipment Iii GM Rs.30Mln
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 6 Mln
V Manager Rs. 4 Mln
vi Deputy Manager Rs. 1 Mln

Administrative approval Of Vehicles/ Purchase Of Standardized cars /
Standardized Utility Vehicles Such As Trucks Including Fabrication Of
Body, Single/Twin Cab Pick-Ups, Jeeps, Tractors And Trailers
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
2.4.3 Administrative approval of vehicles/ i Chief Executive Officer Rs. 10 Mln Per Case
purchase of standardized cars /
standardized utility vehicles such as ii General Manager Rs. 5 Mln Per Case
Trucks, single/twin cab Pickups, Jeeps,
Tractors and Trailers subject to
financial vetting by FD NTDC.

1 Purchase of vehicles shall be regulated strictly in accordance with the following instructions subject
to further instructions issued from time to time.
I Purchase of vehicles of all type will henceforth be made on standardized basis. These powers
will not be delegated.
Ii Quotations will be invited directly from the organizations dealing with local manufacturing
and sale of vehicles or from their sub-offices, wherever they exist and not from any local
dealers, authorized Agents, etc.
iii Only the following types of vehicles will be purchased:
b) JEEPS ( 4 x 4 )

c) PICK-UP/VANS (4 x 2)




iv These orders will also be applicable to vehicles purchased for/by Pakistani Consultants.
v Prior approval of BOD should be obtained if any other type of vehicle not included
In para 3 above is intended to be purchased
2 Advance payment for purchase of vehicles may be made to Government controlled production
Units in accordance with the rules and procedure approved.

Technical Sanction Of Vehicles/ Purchase Of Standardized Cars

/Standardized Utility Vehicles Such As Trucks Including Fabrication Of
Body, Single/Twin Cab Pick-Ups, Jeeps, Tractors and Trailers.
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.4.4 Technical Sanction of vehicles/ I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
purchase of standardized cars Ii TD/TNO Full Power
/standardized utility vehicles Iii GM Rs.30Mln
such as Trucks, single / twin cab Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 6 Mln
pickups, Jeeps, Tractors and V Manager Rs. 3 Mln
Trailors vi Deputy Manager Rs. 1 Mln

Administrative Approval of Fabrication of Vehicles such as Trucks etc.
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary

2.4.5 Administrative approval of I Chief Executive Rs.5 Mln

fabrication of body of vehicles Ii GM Rs.1 Mln
such as Trucks etc. Iii Chief Engineer Rs. 0.5 Mln

Technical Sanction of Fabrication of Vehicles’ body such as Trucks etc.

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.4.6 Technical Sanction of fabrication I Chief Executive Full Powers
of vehicle’s body such as Trucks Ii TD/TNO Full Powers
etc. Iii GM Rs.20 Mln
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 10 Mln
v Manager Rs, 5 Mln

Administrative Approval of Repair/Overhauling of Tools &Plants,
Vehicles and Light Machinery

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit

2.5.1 Administrative approval of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Repairs / over- hauling of Ii TD/TNO/FD/HR&A Dir Rs.0.6 Mln
Tools and Plants
Iii GM Rs.0.4 Mln
Vehicles and Light
Machinery Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln
V Manager Rs.0.1 Mln
Vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.02 Mln
Vii Assistant Manager Rs.0.005 Mln

Technical Sanction of Repair/Overhauling of T&P Vehicles and Light


Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit

2.5.2 Technical Sanction of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Repairs / Over- Hauling Ii TD/TNO/FD/HR&A Dir Rs.0.6 Mln
of Tools and Plants,
Iii GM Rs.0.4 Mln
Vehicles and Light
Machinery Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln
V Manager Rs.0.1 Mln
vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.02 Mln

vii Assistant Manager Rs.0.005 Mln

Administrative Approval of Local Manufacture or Repair of
Grid Station / Transmission Line Equipment
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.5.3 Administrative Approval of local I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Manufacture or Repair of Grid Ii TD/TNO Rs. 20 Mln
Station /Transmission Line Iii GM Rs. 10 Mln
Equipment Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 5 Mln
V Manager Rs. 1 Mln
vi Deputy Manager Rs. 0.5 Mln
1) The repairs shall as for as possible be done in Regional Workshops/Central Workshop at
GSO/TSG/integral Workshops. If not, a certificate to the effect that repairs could not be done in the
said workshop shall be given stating/recording reasons thereof which may include capability,
capacity and availability of spare parts /raw materials. Such certificate with explanatory details
including cost of repairs shall be submitted to the respective General Managers and the Central
Workshop at Regional Workshop for scrutiny, future planning and progressive elimination of
dependence on private/public workshop.
2) Subject to note (1) above, work orders shall be placed only on such public/private organizations/
firms/workshops/repair shops as are considered to be most reliable ones and also stand on the
approved list of Chief Engineers/Project Directors concerned. The formality of calling quotations
may be dispensed with only in case of unforeseen-able damage to the T&P, vehicles or machinery
or where there is only one approved organization/firm/workshop/repair shop at a particular station
or place and the competition of rates is neither possible nor considered necessary.
3) The cost of repairs/overhauling of T&P, vehicles and machinery shall be governed by the general
rule that it must not exceed 60% of their replacement value
4) In case of manufacture/repair of machinery or parts, General Managers (GSO/GSC), shall if
interest of NTDC so requires, be empowered to make advance payment of 50% of the total value of
the order against a Bank Guarantee and the balance 50% only on receiving delivery of the
manufactured/repaired machinery parts in accordance with the prescribed standardized/
specification and their testing. The advance payment for manufacture or repair orders on
Government and Semi-Government Organizations may be 100 percent as aforesaid. Advance
payment shall be regulated in accordance with the procedure approved.

Technical Sanction To Estimates For Local Manufacture Or Repairs Of Grid
Stations Equipment And Placing Work Order Thereof After Obtaining
Administrative Approval From The Competent Authority
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.5.4 Technical Sanction to estimates for local I C.E Full Powers
manufacture or repairs of grid stations Ii TD / TNO Rs. 20 Mln
equipment and placing work order thereof Iii G.M. Rs. 10 Mln
after obtaining administrative approval Iv CE Rs. 5 Mln
from the competent authority V Manager Rs. 1 Mln
vi Deputy Manager Rs. 0.5 Mln
Placing Of Work Order for repair of over-hauling of Tools & Plant Vehicles Light
Machinery with/without calling quotation
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.5.5 Placing of work order for repair, I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
overhauling of T&P Vehicles Light Ii TD/TNO/FD/GM/CE Rs.0.2 Mln
Machinery with calling quotation after Iii Manager Rs.0.1 Mln
administrative approval/Technical Iv Deputy Manager Rs.0.05 Mln
sanction from competent authority. v Assistant Manager Rs.0.025 Mln
Note: 1- The estimate above Rs.10,000/- will be vetted by the Regional Transport Committee.
2- Repair of Vehicles / T&P will be got done from workshop registered with Sales Tax
3- Sub estimate under main estimate may be prepared and got sanctioned.
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
2.5.6 Placing of work order for repair of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.5 Mln
overhauling of T&P Vehicles Light Ii TD/TNO/FD Rs.0.3 Mln
Machinery without calling quotation after Iii GM Rs.0.2 Mln
administrative approval /Technical Iv CE Rs.0.1 Mln
sanction from competent authority V Manager Rs.0.05 Mln
Vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.02 Mln
vii Assistant Manager Rs.0.01 Mln

Section – III
Fixation Of Reserve Stock Limit
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
3.1 Fixation of reserve stock limit I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Ii TD/NO Full Powers
Iii GM Full Powers
Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
v Manager Full Powers

Section – IV
Acceptance of Tenders For Construction, Maintenance And Repair
Works And Also For Supply Of Bricks, Sand and Bajri
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
4.1 Acceptance of Tenders for I Chief Executive Officer Rs.100 Mln
Construction, maintenance & Ii TD/TNO Rs.80 Mln
repair works and also for Iii GM Rs.60 Mln
supply of bricks, sand and Iv Chief Engineer Rs.20 Mln
Bajri. V Manager Rs.10 Mln
vi Deputy Manager Rs.2 Mln

Acceptance Of Tenders For Purchase Of Material/Equipment

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
4.2 Acceptance of Tenders for I Chief Executive Officer Rs.100 Mln
purchase of Material / Ii TD/TNO Rs.80 Mln
Equipments and Tool & Plants Iii GM Rs.60 Mln
for Annual requirement as well Iv Chief Engineer Rs.20 Mln
as for immediate incorporation V Manager Rs.10 Mln
in works after obtaining NAC vi Deputy Manager Rs.2 Mln
from CE Design NTDC
(including Government Levis).
1 Purchase of centralized materials and common use material listed in part I, II of Annexure A will
be made for placing them in NTDC warehouses
2 General Managers and Chief Engineers of NTDC may with prior approval of Chief Executive
Officer NTDC purchase material directly from manufacturers.

Annexure ‘A’
Part-I Power Wing centralized materials.
List of store material (centralized item)
Sr.# Description of Store materials
Grid Station Materials
1 Power Transformers
2 Circuit Breaker
3 Current Transformer/Transformers CTs
4 Bus Isolators and Line Isolators
5 Lightning Arrestors
6 Potential Transformer/C.C.V.Ts
7 Steel Gantries/Masts
8 Control Panels
9 Relay, AC/DC and recording Panels
10 Grid station Hardware
11 Tension Strings with Insulators
12 Suspension Strings Assembly with insulators
13 Earth wire Tension Assembly
14 A.L. Conductors
15 Earth wire
16 11kv Post Isolators with Clumps

17 Battery 110V / 220V
18 Battery Charger
19 Station Auxiliary Panels
20 11kv Switchgear Panel
21 Station Auxiliary Transformers
22 Post Insulators
23 Fuse Structures
24 Auto Reclosers
25 Power Capacitor / Capacitor Racks
26 Capacitors Panel including Neutral CTs
27 P.L.C. Equipments
28 Grounding Conductors
29 Control Cables and Power Cables
30 Outdoor Termination Kit for Power Cables
31 Indoor Termination Kit for Power Cables
32 Tubular Pole
33 Connectors and Clumps
Transmission Line Materials
34 Towers
35 Steel Poles
36 Conductors (ASC, ACSR,AASC)
37 Earth wire
38 Insulators
39 T/L Hardware
40 S.B.Dampers
41 Spacer Dampers
42 Grounding Rods
43 Copper wire for Grounding
Part – II Common use Centralized materials
List of store materials (common use items)
I Hardware and Structural Steel
1. Steel, M.S.Angler, Joints channels tees, flats, etc;
2. M.S.Sheets GI Sheets asbestors sheets.
3. GI Wire, Barber wire, Binding wire, (except for Power Transformer &
II Building Materials
1. Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Oils, Sprits, wood preservatives.
2. Timber including ballies and bamboos
3. Bitumen and ashaltic compounds
4. Cement all kinds
III Tentage Equipments
1. Chouldaries, Tents, Samianas
2. Tarpaulins
IV Office Equipments
1. Typewriters and duplicating machines
2. Quarterly oiling/cleaning of Typewriters & duplicating machines
3. Photocopier
4. Office and Domestic Furniture
V Fuel & Gases
1. Fuels (Other than Oil & Gas for Power Station), lubricants, greases, minerals oil products
and by products.
VI Workshop Equipments & Stores
1. Workshop machinery
2. Welding Equipments
3. Electrodes
4. Tyres & Tubes

5. Automotive Battries
VII Hospital Equipments
1. Hospital Equipments & Instruments
2. Drugs & Medicines
VIII Papers, Stationary & Printing Machinery
1. Papers all sorts
2. Envelops all size and other office Drawing stationary articles of general use.
3. File covers and boards of all sorts
4. Inks of all sorts
5. Printing machinery, spares, and their accessories and their components and printing press
materials of all sorts
IX Pipes
1. GI Pipes and fittings
2. CI Pipes and fittings
3. PVC Pipes and fittings
4. MS Pipes and fittings
X Miscellaneous
1. Electric Bulbs
2. Fans, Fluorescent Tubes and accessories
3. Films and Chemicals
4. Fiber glass
XI Gunny Bags, Cotton Bags and wooden Boxes
XII Drawing and Surveying instruments each costing more than Rs.10,000
XIII Tools and Plants, machinery, each item costing more than Rs.10,000
XIV Vehicles (Motorcycles all types and Jeeps, Vans, Cars, Buses &

Acceptance of Tenders for Purchase of Imported / Proprietary Items
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
4.3 Acceptance of Tenders for I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
purchase of imported / Ii TD/TNO Full Powers
proprietary items (including Iii GM Full Powers
Govt: Levis). Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
Conditions: In order to ensure transparency in tendering procedure for spare parts & other items of
proprietary nature, following steps shall be taken :-
1 GM/CE in-charge shall prepare a shortlist of manufacturers who shall be invited to submit tenders.
2 A post qualification criteria shall be laid down and advised to the manufacturers.
3 Evaluation of lowest responsive tender shall be made on the basis of post qualification.

(4.4) Award Of Contract Work Orders For Works Against Limited Inquiry
In Emergency Situation
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
4.4.1 Award of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.5 Mln in each case Maximum
Contract /Work Rs.50 Mln a year
orders For Ii TD/TNO Rs.4 Mln in each case subject to a
Works Against Maximum of Rs.50 Mln in a year
Limited Inquiry Iii GM Rs.3 Mln in each case subject to a
In Emergency Maximum of Rs.30 Mln in a year
Situation. Iv Chief Engineer Rs.1 Mln in each case subject to a
Note: While Maximum of Rs. 30 Mln in a year
Exercising V Manager Rs.0.3 Mln in each case subject to a
Powers Under Maximum of Rs.10 Mln in a year
this Section- a vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.05 Mln in each case subject to a
Copy of The Maximum of Rs. 2 Mln in a year
Work /Purchase
order Shall be
made to the Next
Higher Officer
giving details of
the Emergency
1) Tender should be called by officers competent to accept tenders or by their authorized officers.
2) The situation of emergency shall be recorded on the contract / enquiry under intimation to the
next higher authority

Award Of Contract Work Orders For Works without calling quotations in
Emergency Situation
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Monetary Limit
4.4.2 Award of Contract/Work I Chief Executive Rs.3 Mln in each case Maximum
orders For Works without Officer Rs.10 Mln in a year
calling quotations in Ii TD/TNO/ GM Rs.2 Mln in each case subject to
Emergent Situation Maximum of Rs. 8 Mln in a year
Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.5 Mln in each case Subject to a
Maximum of Rs. 4 Mln in a year
Note: While Exercising v Manager Rs.0.2 Mln in each case Subject to a
Powers Under this Maximum of Rs. 2 Mln in a year
Section- a Copy of The
Work /Purchase order
Shall be made to the Next
Higher Officer giving
details of the Emergency

1) The situation of emergency shall be intimated to the next higher authority.

Variation/Change Orders in Original Contract/ Work Order
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
4.5 Variation / change orders in I Chief Executive Officer Up to a maximum of 25%
original contract / work order of total amount of original
contract price
Ii TD/TNO Up to 20%
Iii GM Up to 15%
Iv Chief Engineer Up to 10%
V Manager Up to 5%
1 Aggregate amount of all variation orders approved shall include the amount approved by
Sub-ordinate offices.
1 The lowest tender for works shall normally be accepted, subject to the condition that the bid does
not exceed the administrative approval by more than 15 percent.
2 Prior approval of the next higher authority shall be necessary in the following cases:-
A Where the bid received exceeds by more than 15 percent of the approved cost of the work
B Where it is proposed not to accept the lowest technically acceptable and responsive tender,
and it is intended to accept a tender other than the lowest
C Where only one or two tenders have been received and it is intended to place order on the
only tenderer or on the lower of the two tenders
D Where competent authority considers it necessary and in the interest of the Company to
enter into negotiations. Negotiations if necessary should be carried out with all the
E Where it is intended to place order on the basis of rates negotiated in accordance with (d)
3 Notwithstanding the conditions (2) above, General Managers and Chief Engineers shall be
competent to take decision in any of the four cases enumerated thereunder at (b) (c), (d) and (e)
above only under intimation to next higher authority
4 The authorities competent to accept tenders in accordance with this delegation may also accept in
connection there with securities, and execute and sign contract agreement on behalf of the
Company. Where, however, standard forms of contract are not used, prior concurrence of the
Central Contract Cell and the Legal Advisor, NTDC shall be necessary for entering into contract
agreement on unstandard forms.
5 Repeat order for works/supplies may be placed by the competent authority on the basis of already
accepted rates on the same firm with whom order has already been placed, provided
a) The value of repeat order is less than 50 percent of the value of original order or Rs.5 lacs
whichever is less and
b) The repeat order is placed within six months of the original order
6 In case of materials to be purchased from Government controlled production Units, the
requirements as to obtaining of tenders and quotations and as to making of enquiries etc, shall be
treated as waived and all competent authorities shall have powers to do so freely, subject to
availability of necessary funds and administrative approval and technical sanction of the competent
authority. If insisted by the production Units aforesaid, the payment for purchase of vehicles,
cement and other Government controlled materials may be made in advance, subject to the
availability of necessary funds, administrative approval and technical sanction of the competent
authority in each case. The advance payment shall be regulated in accordance with the terms and
conditions approved by the Company.
7 Tenders for purchase of locally manufactured materials shall be issued to prequalified

manufacturers only.
8 All materials to be purchased shall be subject to inspection in accordance with the procedures laid
down by the Company from time to time
9 Work order for works without calling, quotations shall not be given without prior approval of the
next higher authority. However, General Managers and Chief Engineers may take decision in such
cases themselves.
10 The variation/change order(s) in contracts/work orders shall be issued strictly in accordance with
the procedure prescribed by the Company in this behalf.
11 All tenders and purchase orders shall ordinarily be issued in accordance with the detailed
instructions and on the forms, prescribed in NTDC Purchase Procedure as amended from time to
time. In case of purchase of materials of proprietary nature such spares for Power House machinery
and equipment, air-conditioning plant etc, TD/TNO all General Managers and all Chief Engineers
shall, if interest of the Company so require, have the powers to amend or delete such standard
clauses of the purchase order form as are unacceptable to the suppliers of such materials
12 Each competent authority shall maintain a register recording there in the details of the sanctions
issued against various items under Sub-section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 so as to ensure that the annual
ceilings of maximum amounts are not exceeded. This register shall be considered as "auditable
13 Rate contract shall be executed by Chief Engineer (P&D)/ Chief Engineer Design on annual basis
for common use items as far as possible
14 The powers of Deputy Managers to accept tenders for constructions, maintenance and repair work
and also for supply of bricks, sand and bajri will be subject to the following conditions:-
i) Administrative approval of the competent authority must be obtained before calling tenders
for construction and maintenance work or supply of materials etc
ii) Tenders will be issued after obtaining approval of the next higher authority
iii) Tender documents will be issued only to those contractors who are borne on the approved
list of NTDC / WAPDA or of the regional office or project concerned.
iv) Single tender will not be accepted even with the approval of the next higher authority. Such
cases shall be brought to the notice of the Chief Engineer/General Manager concerned who
will give through consideration to the case and make recommendations for acceptance or
otherwise of the proposal to the Chief Executive NTDC. Each Deputy Manager and Manager
will tender monthly return so as to reach the Chief Engineer / General Manager concerned by
the 5th of the month following that to which pertains showing full particulars of all the
contracts awarded by them during the month under report.
The General Manager / Chief Engineer concerned will carry out necessary scrutiny and
comment on any thing unusual, suggesting suitable remedial measures therefore or initiating
disciplinary action against the officer concerned where called for. The monthly return shall be
in the form appended as Annexure ‘A’

Monthly return of contracts awarded

By____________________________________ for the month_____________________

Sr. Name of Cost of Amount of Administrative Amount of

Nos. Work Work Administrative sanction with Technical
Approval with date by CE or sanction
Date one up with date

Date of Tender Acceptance of For item rate Name successful

Opening with tender with date contracts give contractor and with
Amount of lowest and percentage percentages of whom enlisted with
Tender allowed on tendered rate Region No.
Sanctioned estimate above/below the
Current schedule
Of rates separately

Total No. of Total No. of Remarks

Tenders issued tenders received

The monthly reports concerning award of contracts by the Deputy Managers/Managers should be sent to respective
Chief Engineer / General Managers who in turn should scrutinize the awards and submit their recommendations along
with the result of their scrutiny to the concerned Chief Executive Officer where considered necessary.

Section – V
Acceptance of Quotations for local purchase of stores,
instruments, tool and plants
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
5.1 Acceptance of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.10 Mln at a time &
Quotations for local Maximum Rs.50 Mln p.a.
purchase of stores, Ii TD/TNO Rs.5 Mln at a time & Maximum
instruments, tool and Rs.25 Mln p.a.
plants for immediate Iii GM Rs.3 Mln at a time & Maximum
incorporation in Rs.15 Mln p.a
works, Copy of PO Iv Chief Engineer Rs.1 Mln at a time & Maximum
shall be made to the Rs.10 Mln p.a.
next higher officer V Manager Rs.0.5 Mln at a time &
giving details of Maximum Rs.5 Mln p.a.
emergency for items Vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.02 Mln at a time &
of Annexure ‘A’ & Maximum Rs.1 Mln p.a.
Annexure ‘B’ vii Assistant Manager Rs.0.01 Mln at a time &
Maximum Rs.1.0 Mln p.a

Local Purchase Of Stores, Instruments And Tools And Plants Without Inviting
Quotations Required For Immediate Incorporation In Works To Meet An
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
5.2 Local Purchase of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.1 Mln at a time maximum
Stores, Instruments up to Rs.10 Mln p.a.
and tools and plants Ii TD/TNO Rs.0.5 Mln at a time maximum
without inviting up to Rs.5 Mln p.a.
quotations required Iii GM Rs.0.3 Mln at a time maximum
for immediate up to Rs.3.0 Mln p.a.
incorporation in Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln at a time maximum
works to meet an up to Rs.2 Mln p.a.
emergency. Copy of V Manager Rs.0.1 Mln at a time maximum
purchase order shall up to Rs.1 Mln p.a.
be made to the next Vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.01 Mln at a time
higher officer giving maximum up to Rs.0.1 Mln p.a.
details of emergency
for items of
Annexure ‘A’ &
Annexure ‘B’

Annexure ‘A’
Sr.# Description of Materials

1 All items other than listed in part I and II of Annexure A to Section IV

2 All item listed in part II of Annexure A to Section IV provided:
a) No rate contract has been issued by Director Purchase for the items to be purchased; or
b) If a rate contract has been placed by Director Purchase but the supplier cannot supply the material
within 30 days from the date of issuance of Purchase Order.
3 If rate contract exist, the financial power of next higher authority may be used.

Provided further that in case of purchase of these items by Officers of NTDC, the non-availability
certificate will be obtained from Director (Design) NTDC / NTDC Ware Houses.

Annexure ‘B’
List of Materials (decentralized items) which are to be procured by General Managers and Chief Engineers

Sr.# Description of Materials

1- Stay rods and anchors
2- Danger plates
3- Phase plates
4- Nuts & Bolts
5- Name plates
6- Seasol / Manila rope (off size)
7- Steel rope (off size)

Special Power for Local Purchase of Stores Instruments, Tools &
Plants by inviting tenders/quotations
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
5.3 Special power for local i Chief Executive Officer Rs. 1 Mln at a time
purchase of stores & Max Rs. 10 Mln
instruments, tools & p.a
plants (other than Ii TD/TNO/FD/ and HR&A Dir. Rs.0.5 Mln at a
proprietary imported time & Max Rs.5.0
items) and spare parts for Mln p.a
air conditioning plants Iii GM Rs. 0.3 Mln at a
including training aids, time & Max Rs.3.0
AC,. Multimedia, TV Mln p.a
sets, electronic equipment Iv IT Director Rs. 0.3 Mln at a
not mentioned above and time & Max Rs.3.0
two way communication Mln p.a
systems V Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln at a
time & Maximum
of Rs.2 Mln
vi Manager Rs. 0.1 Mln at a
time & max Rs.1.0
Mln p.a
Note: All cases relating to purchase of Multimedia will be vetted by IT Director.

Local Purchase of Tyres & Tubes for Immediate Use

When no rate contract exist
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
5.4 Local purchase of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.1.5 Mln
tyres & tubes for Ii TD/FD/HR & A Dir. TNO/GM Rs.1 Mln
immediate use when Iii Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln
no rate contract exist Iv Managers Rs.0.05 Mln
V Deputy Managers Rs.0.02 Mln
vi Assistant Managers Rs.0.01 Mln
1 Prior approval of the next higher authority shall be necessary in the following cases:-
A Where it is proposed not to accept the lowest technically acceptable and responsive tenders /
quotations, and it is intended to accept a tender other than the lowest
B Where only one or two tender/quotations have been received and it is intended to place order
on the only tender/bidder or on the lower of the two tenderers/bidders
C Where competent authority considers it necessary and in the interest of the Company to
enter into negotiations. Negotiations if necessary should be carried out with all the
D Where it is intended to place order on the basis of rates negotiated in accordance
with (C) above
2 Notwithstanding the conditions (1) above, General Managers and Chief Engineers shall be
competent to take decision in any of the four cases enumerated thereunder at (a), (b) (c) and (d)
above only under intimation to next higher authority
3 The local purchase of tyres and tubes shall normally be made from manufacturers or by the
stockiest as per their approved price list.
4 Repeat order may be placed by the competent authority on the basis of already accepted rates on
the same firm with whom an order has already been placed, provided
a) the value of repeat order is less than 50 percent of the value of original order or Rs.3 lacs
whichever is less and

b) repeat order is placed within six months of the original order
5 All materials to be purchased shall be subject to inspection in accordance with the procedures laid
down from time to time
6 Work order for works without calling, quotations shall not be given without prior approval of the
next higher authority. However, General Managers and Chief Engineers may take decision in such
cases themselves.
7 The term of local purchase for the purpose of this section means the purchase of decentralized
items of materials, measuring and testing instruments and tools and plants listed in Annexure ‘A’ &
Annexure ‘B’ to this section whether required for stock purposes to meet annual requirement or for
immediate incorporation in works in emergency or otherwise but in either case such purchase does
not involve any payment in foreign exchange.
In addition to the above terms, local purchase would include stores, plants and tools which :
i- are not procured centrally
ii- even if ordinarily procured or stocked centrally or not available with the central store and
cannot be arrange in time by the central procurement agency;
iii- are not covered by rate contract or price agreement ;
iv- are not required for immediate incorporation in works or for immediate use.
v- It is considered expedient in the interest of the Company to procure without calling for
quotations (if total price is below, specified limits or after calling for limited quotations
again within specified limits) but without public tenders and the purchase of such items is
confined to what would suffice for the period of emergency and until arrangement can be
made for after their regular purchase.

8 Purchase of materials through limited tenders/quotations or without inviting tenders/quotations

shall be resorted to only in cases of unforeseeable work of emergent nature to be certified by the
purchasing authority or where the items to be purchased are of propriety character and competition
in the market is not considered necessary and purchases be made from the contractors/suppliers
registered with Sales Tax Department.

Section – VI
Administration of Consulting Services
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr Competent Authority Monetary Limit
6.1 Foreign consultants (in association with or without local consultants)
A Short listing (with or without I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
association with local consultants)
B Acceptance/approval of financial I Chief Executive Rs.2 Mln
C Extension of time in consultancy I Chief Executive Officer Up to 1/4th of original
services contract period but not
exceeding one year
D Variation in consultancy cost
I Within scheduled time I Chief Executive Officer Up to 15% of
originally agreed cost
Ii For extended period I Chief Executive Officer 1 year cost of services
E Inter-adjustment in man month I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers (Provided
between various disciplines and within the agreed total
direct cost at site man-months and value
of cost)
F Utilization of approved I TD, FD, HR&A Director Full Powers
contingencies provision
6.2 Local consultants (in association with or without other local consultants)
A Short-listing I TD, FD, HR&A Director Full Powers
B Technical selection of consultants I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
C Acceptance / approval of cost of I Chief Executive Officer Rs.2 Mln in each case
consultancy services
E Approval to comply / replace I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
expatriate employees of

Inter-adjustments in man months between various disciplines and
direct costs at site office and home office
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
F Inter adjustment in man months between I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
various disciplines of direct cost at site

Approval to employ/replace employees of the Consultant

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
G At rates in excess of approved rates I Chief Executive Officer Up to 20%
i- Within the approved rates of contract Ii General Manager Full Powers

1- The following items shall be subject to approval by the BOD

i- Technical proposal of foreign consultants with or without association with local
ii- Establishment of local consultant in the panel of approved local consultants
iii- Financial proposal of local consultants exceeding 4 Mln
iv- Increase / decrease in the existing scope of services of a consultant

2- Chief Executive NTDC shall have powers for reasons to be recorded to select and engage
local consultants without undertaking normal selection procedure.

Section – VII
Re-appropriation of funds for Capital Works in the sanctioned budget
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
7.1 Re-appropriation of funds for I Chief Executive Officer, Full Powers
Capital Works in the sanctioned T.D.,T.N.O.,G.M., C.Es., Manager,
budget. Deputy Manager

Re-appropriation of funds relating to other expenditure

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr. Competent Authority Monetary Limit
7.2 Re-appropriation of I Chief Executive Officer,TD, Full Powers for re-appropriation
funds relating to the TNO, F.D, G.M, C.Es, of funds between various units of
other expenditure in Manager appropriation under the same
the sanctioned budget minor head excepting re-
excluding pay and appropriation between “Pay of
allowances and Officers” Pay of Est. and
traveling allowance Traveling” Allowances and Fuel
after clearance from cost
finance director

The exercise of powers under this section is subject to the following conditions:
a) The amount for which re-appropriation is required does not exceed the monitory limit for which
a competent authority is otherwise empowered to accord administrative approval.
b) Re-appropriation is not required to create new item for which funds were specifically refused by
the BOD.
c) Re-appropriation does not entail any recurring liability for the Company.
d) Re-appropriation if sanctioned is immediately reported to the next higher administrative
authority and the Accounts Officer concerned.

Restriction imposed by the BOD for re-appropriation of funds from one Project to another
would continue to be enforced.

Section – VIII
Power of Creation & Abolition of Posts
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
8.1 Creation and abolition of formation with I BOD Full Powers
requisite establishment
(officers and subordinates)
For the purpose of obtaining sanction to the creation of charges/posts, the General Manager concerned or
the Chief Engineer concerned shall submit to the Chief Executive the following documents/information to
justify the creation of charges/posts:-
I Proposition statement on the prescribed form
Ii Nature and importance of work for which charges/posts are to be created
Iii Job description/duty list of each post
Iv Annual financial effect
V Certificate to the effect that funds stand allocated for creation of charges/posts; and
Vi Certificate to the effect that the charges/posts to be created are in accordance with the yardstick
If any approved by the BOD.

Power of Creation & Abolition of Posts

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr. Competent Authority Monetary
# Limit
8.2 Creation & abolition of posts up to BPS-17 I CEO Full Power
( technical and non-technical )
Copies of the orders sanctioning the creation of posts shall be required to be endorsed to the next higher
administrative authority, the Finance Director, Deputy Manager CA. If the posts to be created are not
covered by the approved yardstick, prior approval of the Chief Executive through his Finance Director shall
be required.
The above powers are to be exercised subject to the Conditions:-
1 The expenditure involved in the creation of posts can be met with either from within the lump sum
budget allocation under the units of appropriation “Pay of Officers” or “Pay of Establishment” as
the case may be, or by retrenchment of existing posts or by utilization of savings, if any, by then
accrued under the aforesaid units of appropriation.
2 Posts created shall be reported, with full justification, to the next higher administrative authority and
the Director Finance of the respective wing, under intimation to the Finance Director / Deputy
Manager CA / Assistant Manager CA concerned.
3 For creation of the post in their own offices not covered by the approved yardstick, the competent
authorities shall obtain the approval of the next higher authority through the finance division in their
respective cases.
4 The creation of the post under this section requires clearance of scrutiny committee.

Section - IX
(9.1) Purchase of Stationary Articles
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.1.1 Purchase of stationery I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
articles with quotations Ii TD/FD/ HR & A Dir. Rs. 0.1 Mln at a time
Iii GM Rs. 0.075 Mln at a time
Iv IT/L&CA Director Rs. 0.075 Mln at a time
V Chief Engineer Rs. 0.050 Mln at a time
Vi Manager Rs. 0.025 Mln at a time
Vii Deputy Manager Rs. 0.012 Mln at a time
Viii Assistant Manager Rs. 0.0025 Mln at a time
9.1.2 Purchase of stationery I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.050 Mln at a time
articles without Ii TD/ FD/ HR&A Director Rs.0.020 Mln at a time
quotations Iii GM Rs.0.015 Mln at a time
Iv IT/L&CA Director Rs.0.015 Mln at a time
V Chief Engineer Rs.0.010 Mln at a time
Vi Manager Rs.0.005 Mln at a time
Vii Deputy Manager Rs.0.0025 Mln at a time
Viii Assistant Manager Rs.0.0005 Mln at a time

(9.2)Transport In Emergent Cases When Company Transport Is Not

Sr.# Nature of Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.2 Transport in I Chief Executive Officer Full powers as per actual Expenditure
emergent cases Ii TD/ FD/ HR&A Director/ Full Powers as per actual Expenditure on
when company GM/ TNO verification by the concerned officer.
transport is not Iii Chief Engineer Full Powers as per actual Expenditure on
available verification by the concerned officer.
Iv Manager Full Powers as per actual Expenditure on
verification by the concerned officer

(9.3) Hiring of Building & Land

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.3.1 Hiring of residential I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.050 Mln p.m
buildings for officers & Ii TD/ FD/ HR&A Dir/ TNO Rs.0.030 Mln p.m
subordinate working Iii General Manager Rs.0.020 Mln p.m
under them Iv IT/L&CA Director Rs.0.020 Mln p.m
V Chief Engineer Rs.0.015 Mln p.m
Vi Manager Rs.0.010 Mln p.m
vii Deputy Manager Rs.0.005 Mln p.m.
Note: Subject to ceiling, scale and standard laid down by the Company and assessment by RAB.

Hiring of non residential buildings/Lands
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.3.2 Hiring of non- I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
residential buildings / Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir/TNO Rs.0.100 Mln pm
land Iii General Manager Rs.0.750 Mln pm
Iv IT/L&CA Dir. Rs.0.750 Mln pm
V Chief Engineer Rs.0.030 Mln pm
vi Manager Rs.0.015 Mln pm

(9.4)Appointment of establishment chargeable to contingencies

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.4 Appointment of I Chief Executive Officer Full powers, subject to the condition
establishment that the pay allowed does not exceed
chargeable to that sanctioned for regular
contingencies establishment of the same category
and that budget allocation in lump sum
or otherwise exists there-of under the
subhead ‘ contingencies’

(9.5)Electricity, Water Charges, Duties And Taxes For Office Buildings

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.5 Electricity, water charges, I Chief Executive Officer, TD, FD, HR&A Full Powers
duties and taxes for office Director, GM, IT/L&CA Dir, C E,
buildings Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant

(9.6) Postage telegraph and telephone charges

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.6 Postage telegraph and I Chief Executive Officer, TD, FD, HR&A Full Powers
telephone including Directors, GM, /IT/L&CA Dir, C E, Manager,
courier charges e-mail Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager

(9.7) Sanction of Telephone, Fax Connection/Mobile Phone
And Internet Facility
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.7 Sanction of telephone, fax I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
connection/mobile phone FD/GM/CE /Dir IT/L&CA/HR&A for both
internet and e-mail subject to Director Office and
scrutiny by Committee under Residential
GM concerned for Technical Telephone
Officers and by FD for Non- Connections
Technical Officers.

(9.8) Purchase and repairs of drawing and surveying instruments,
furniture and office equipment space heaters, room coolers/water
coolers air-conditioner and air-conditioning plant
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.8 Purchase and repair of I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
drawing and surveying Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir Rs.0.2 Mln in each case
instruments, furniture and Iii General Manager/IT/L&CA Rs.0.15 Mln in each case
office equipment Director
including training Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.075 Mln in each case
aids/material, space V Manager Rs.0.05 Mln in each case
heaters, room- vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.02 Mln
coolers/water coolers, air-
conditioners and air-
conditioning plants.

(9.9) Entering Into Maintenance Agreement On Annual Basis For

Above Items (Except Calculators And Bi-Cycles)
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.9 Entering into maintenance I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
agreement on annual basis Ii TD, FD, HR&A Director Rs. 0.5 Mln p.a.
for above items (except Iii General Manager/ IT/ L&CA Rs 0.3 Mln p.a.
calculators and bi-cycles) Director
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 0.2 Mln p.a.

(9.10) Purchase of Liveries

Sr.# Nature of Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.10 Purchase of I GM IT/L&CA Dir/CEs/Manager/ Full Powers subject to the
Liveries Dy: Managers standard and scale laid down
by the BOD
II TD/FD/.HR&A Director Full Powers subject to the
standard and scale laid down
by the BOD

(9.11) Printing Charges

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr. Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.11 Printing charges I Chief Executive Officer Full powers
Ii TD, FD, HR& A Director Rs.0.1 Mln in each case
Iii GM/IT/L&CA Director Rs.0.075 Mln in each case
Iv Chief Engineers Rs.0.050 Mln in each case
V Manager Rs.0.020 Mln in each case
vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.010 Mln in each case

(9.12) Copying and Translation charges payable on documents obtained
from other offices including charges for photo state copies
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.12 Copying and translation charges I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
payable on documents obtained Ii TD. FD, HR&A Director Full Powers
from other offices including Iii GM/IT/L&CA Director Full Powers
charges for photo-state copies Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
V Manager Full Powers
Vi Deputy Manager Full Powers

(9.13) Purchase of daily Newspapers and Technical periodicals

required for official use
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.13 Purchase of daily I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
newspapers and Ii TD, FD, HR&A Director/ TNO Full Powers
technical periodicals Iii GM / IT/ L&CA Director Full Powers
for official use Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
V Manager Full Powers, subject
To a maximum of
Two (2) newspapers
And one (1)
Technical Journal

Vi Deputy Manager Full Powers,

Subject to a
Of two (2)
vii Assistant Manager One newspaper only

(9.14) Purchase of Technical Publications, reports, specification and

Maps, Technical Books and such other books as facilitate office business
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.14 Purchase of technical I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
publication, reports, Ii TD, FD,HR&A Dir Rs.0.1 Mln p.a
specification and maps, technical Iii G M / IT / L&CA Director Rs.0.050 Mln p.a
books and such other books as to Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.020 Mln p.a
facilitate office business V Manager Rs.0.010 Mln p.a

(9.15) Purchase of Technical, non-technical publications/ books/
periodicals/Journals/magazines and other printed literature
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.15 Purchase of technical, non-technical I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
publications /books/periodicals/journals/ Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir, TNO Rs.0.050 Mln
magazines and other printed literature in each case
Iii GM / IT / L&CA Director Rs 0.030 Mln
in each case
Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.020 Mln
in each case
V Manager Rs.0.010 Mln
in each case
Vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.005 Mln
in each case

(9.16) Advertisement Charges

Sr.# Nature of Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.16 Advertisement I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
Charges Ii TD/FD/HR&A Dir Rs 0.050 Mln p.m
Iii GM/IT/L&CA Dir Rs.0.030 Mln p.m
Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.020 Mln p.m
V Manager Rs.0.010 Mln p.m
vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.005 Mln p.m

(9.17) Charges for remittance of pay and allowance of establishment

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.17 Charges for remittance of pay I Chief Executive Officer, TD, Full Power
and allowances of establishment FD, HR&A Director
by money order/bank draft/pay
order through courier II Manager/Deputy Manager Full Power

(9.18) Purchase of Ferro chemicals Ammonia Liquor Ammonia Paper
and reproduction supplies including Toners, Ribbons / Cartridges for
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.18 Purchase of Ferro I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
chemicals, ammonia Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir Full Powers
liquor ammonia paper Iii GM, IT, L&CA Director Full Powers
and reproduction Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
supplies including V Manager Rs.0.050 Mln
toners /ribbons/ vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.025 Mln
cartridges for

(9.19) Purchase of service postage stamps

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.19 Purchase of service I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
postage stamps Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir Full Powers
Iii GM, IT, L&CA Director Full Powers
Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers
V Manager Full Powers
Vi Deputy Manager Full Powers
Vii Assistant Manager Full Powers

(9.20) Hot and cold weather charges

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.20 Hot and cold I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
weather charges Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
Iii GM, IT, L&CA Director Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
Iv Chief Engineer Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
V Manager Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
Vi Deputy Manager Full Powers as per instructions by BOD
vii Assistant Manager Full Powers as per instructions by BOD

(9.21) Training Expenses (Local / Foreign)

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
9.21 Training Expenses (Local / I Chief Executive Officer/GM/FD/CE Full Powers
Foreign) / Seminars / Workshop Subject to
overall limit

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.22 Scholarship to brilliant I Chief Executive Officer/ Full Powers as per the
students of Company GM/FD/C.E limits laid down in Welfare
Employees Fund
(9.23) Other Contingent Expenditure Not Covered Under Specific Items
(Non Recurring)
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
9.23 Other contingent I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.1 Mln in each case
expenditure not Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir Rs.0.075 Mln in each case
covered under specific Iii GM, IT, L&CA Director Rs.0.050 Mln in each case
items (non recurring) Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.025 Mln in each case
V Manager Rs.0.010 Mln in each case
vi Deputy Manager Rs.0.005 Mln in each case

Section – X
Powers For Disposal Of Company Property
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
10.1.1 To dismantle and I Chief Executive Officer Rs.10 Mln
sell temporary II General Manager Rs.5 Mln
unserviceable III Chief Engineer Rs.2 Mln

Notes :
1- The above powers shall be exercised only after a building has been declared unserviceable by
committee constituted for the purpose by the General Manager / Chief Engineer concerned, which
shall also include a Deputy Manager (Civil), provided that the dismantlement of temporary building
takes place only after other departments of Government with local interests have been consulted in
regard to any use they may have for the building proposed to be dismantled.
2- Amount indicating above refer to reserve value/price of the building

10.1.2 Lease of land, I) Chief Executive Officer Full Powers subject to open auction
buildings and and lease period of two years at a time
portion thereof II) TD, FD, HR&A Dir/TNO Rs.0.8 Mln subject to open auction
belonging to the and lease period of two years at a time.
company III) General Manager Rs.0.5 Mln subject to open auction
and lease period of two years at a time.
IV) Chief Engineer Rs.0.2 Mln subject to open auction
and lease period of two years at a time.
10.1.3 Sale of land not I) BOD Full Powers subject to open auction
required by the

Disposal of Surplus Buildings

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
10.2 To sell surplus buildings I BOD Full Powers
1- The above powers shall be exercised only after a building has been declared surplus by committee
constituted by the General Manager / Chief Engineer concerned which shall also include a Deputy
Manager (Civil) provided that the sale takes place only after other departments of Government
with local interests have been consulted in regard to any use they may have for the surplus
buildings proposed to be sold.
2- Amounts indicated above refer to reserve value/price of the building.

Declaration of store materials, instruments, tools and plants and
equipment and vehicles spare parts as surplus, unserviceable or Scrap
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
10.3 To declare store I Chief Executive Officer Rs. 20 Mln
materials instrument Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir/TNO Rs. 7.5 Mln
tools and plants and Iii GM Rs. 5 Mln
equipment and vehicle Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 2 Mln
parts as scrap and V Manager Rs. 1 Mln
equipment relating to
Grid stations and
Transmission Lines.
1 The declaration of store materials, instruments, tools and plants and equipment and vehicles
including spare parts as surplus, unserviceable or scrap shall be made subject to the conditions laid
down in NTDC Disposal Procedure and on the recommendation of a Committee constituted for the
purpose by the General Manager/Chief Engineer concerned as given in the Disposal Procedure,
however, it shall also include a Representative of Finance/Accounts not below the rank of a Grade-
17 Officer
2 Amount indicated above refers to the reserve price of store material, etc

Disposal of surplus, store materials, instrument, tools and plants,

equipment and vehicles including spare parts
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
10.4.1 To dispose store I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
materials instrument Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir, TNO Full Power
tools and plants and Iii GM Full Power
Grid Station & T/Line Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 5 Mln
equipment declared as v Manager Rs. 1 Mln
surplus unserviceable
or scrap.

Disposal Of Vehicles Declared As Unserviceable

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
10.4.2 Disposal of vehicles I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
declared as Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir, TNO Full Power
unserviceable Iii GM Full Power
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 5 Mln
V Manager Rs. 1 Mln
1) The above powers shall be exercised strictly in accordance with the NTDC Disposal Procedure
2) Amounts indicated above refer to the reserve price
3) Disposal of all serviceable material would be in accordance with the Disposal Procedure
4) The amounts indicated above refer to the reserve price of each lot when stores are sold in lots, and
to the reserve price of each item when sold item-wise

To sell trees, agricultural produce or grass growing on Company land,
waste, ash or oil etc
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
10.4.3 To sell trees, I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
agricultural subject to
produce or grass open auction
growing on and lease
company land, period of two
waste, ash or oils II TD/TNO/GM/CE/Manager years at a
etc time.

To Allow Felling Of Trees Causing Obstruction Or Falling Under The

Transmission Line And Sell Such Fallen Trees Through Auction Or
Private Treaty
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary
10.4.4 To allow felling of trees causing I G. M., C.E., Manager Full Powers
obstruction or falling under the
transmission line and sell such fallen trees
through auction or private treaty

Section – XI
Payment under Court Order or as per decision of Advisory Board
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
11.1.1 Payment under court I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
order. (judicial & Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir/ TNO Rs.5 Mln
quasi judicial Iii GM Rs.3 Mln
forums) Iv IT, L&CA Director Rs.3 Mln
V Chief Engineer Rs.2 Mln
Vi Manager Rs.1 Mln
Vii Deputy Manager Rs.0.050 Mln
Viii Assistant Manager Rs.0.025 Mln
The advisability of going in appeal against the court orders shall be examined in consultation with the
Legal and Corporate Affairs Director, NTDC in each case and. necessary action taken within the limitation
period. All cases involving payment beyond Rs. 100,000 shall be reported by the competent authority to
Legal and Corporate Affairs Director for information of BOD.

Refund of deposit Through Court Orders

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
11.1.2 Refund of deposit I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
through court orders Ii TD, FD, HR&A Dir/ TNO Rs.5 Mln
Iii GM Rs.3 Mln
Iv IT, L&CA Director Rs.3 Mln
V Chief Engineer Rs.2 Mln
Vi Manager Rs.1 Mln
Vii Deputy Manager Rs.0.050 Mln
Viii Assistant Manager Rs.0.025 Mln

Section – XII
Advance for the construction/ purchase of a house or a plot of land for
construction of a house
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
12.1 Advance for the I Chief Executive Full Powers Grade 19 and above
construction/purchase Ii TD, FD, HR& A Full Powers Grade 17 & 18
of a house or plot of Dir/TNO/GM
land for construction of Iii Chief Engineer Full Powers Grade 16 & below.
a house as per Company policy in
accordance with Relevant rules in
case of subordinates on whom
they are competent to
impose major penalty under the
relevant Disciplinary rules

Advance for the purchase of a Car, Motor Cycle/ Scooter

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr. Competent Authority Monetary Limit
12.2 Advances for the I Chief Executive Officer, Full Powers as per company
purchase of a car, motor TD, FD, HR& A Dir/TNO, policy in accordance with relevant
cycle/scooter/cycle/Pers GM, IT, L&CA Director, rules
onal Computers and Chief Engineer, Manager,
House hold appliances Deputy Manager

Purchase Of Medicines Drugs/Dressing For Hospital/Dispensaries
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.1 Purchase of medicines I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
drugs/dressing for Ii HR&A. Director Rs. 5 Mln per quarter
hospital/dispensaries Iii MS Hospital Rs. 1.0 Mln per quarter

Purchase of medical X-Rays, dental hospital equipment, surgical

instruments laboratory chemicals / equipments etc
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.2 Purchase of medical x-ray, I Chief Executive Officer TD, HR Full Powers
dental hospital equipment, & A. Director
surgical instruments laboratory II MS Hospital Rs.1 Mln in each case
chemicals/equipment etc

Expenditure on diet provided to hospitalized patients

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.3 Expenditure on diet provided to I MS Hospital Full Powers
hospitalized patient Subject to yard stick

Payment Of Washing Charges In Hospital

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.4 Payment of washing charges in I MS Hospital Full Powers

Purchase Of Blood For Hospitalized Patients In Emergency Cases

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.5 Purchase of blood for hospitalized I MS Hospital Full Powers as per Govt:
patients in emergency cases Blood Bank rates in each

To dispose of X-ray waste water

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.6 To dispose of x-ray waste water I MS Hospital Full Powers

Purchase of Conservancy Items for Hospitals/ Dispensaries

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.7 Purchase of conservancy items for I HR&A Director Full Powers
hospitals/ dispensaries II MS Hospital Rs. 0.5 Million p.a

Purchase of Mattresses, Pillows etc
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.8 Purchase of mattresses pillows etc I HR&A Director Full Powers
II MS Hospital Rs. 0.1 Million p.a

Purchase Of Medical Gases

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.9 Purchase of medical gases I MS Hospital Rs.1 Mln in each

Purchase Of Hospital Dispensary Linens/Blankets Etc

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.10 Purchase of hospital dispensary I HR&A Director Full Powers
linens/blankets etc II MS Hospital Rs.0.020 Mln in
each case

Repair/maintenance of medical /surgical laboratory/ X-ray

dental/hospital/ dispensaries equipment
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.11 Repair/maintenance of medical/ I HR&A Director Full Powers
surgical/laboratory /x- ray/dental/ II MS Hospital Rs.0.020 Mln in
hospital/ dispensaries equipment each case

X-Ray Films / Chemicals and Laboratory Chemicals Kit / Regents

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
13.12 X-ray films/chemicals and I HR&A Director Full Powers
laboratory chemicals kit/regents II MS Hospital Rs.0.050 Mln per

Section XIV

Powers to write-off losses (Monetary limit)

Sr.# Nature of Power Losses Due To Losses Not Losses Due To
Theft But Not Due To Theft Theft Fraud Or
Due To Fraud Fraud Or Neglect
Or Neglect Neglect

14.1 I Chief Executive Full Powers Full Power Rs.2 Mln

Ii TD/TNO/FD/HR&A Dir. Rs. 4 Mln Rs.8 Mln Rs.2 Mln
Iii General Manager Rs. 3 Mln Rs.6 Mln Rs.2 Mln
Iv Chief Engineer Rs. 2 Mln Rs.3 Mln Rs.0.05 Mln
V Manager Rs. 0.05Mln Rs.1 Mln Rs.0.02 Mln


General conditions

1): All losses, whether of public money or of stores, shall be subjected to preliminary investigation by
the officer in whose charge they were to fix the cause of the loss and the amount involved.
2): When an investigation into a case of loss due to theft, fraud or neglect discloses a defect of system
and when irrecoverable loss is due to that cause, a report shall be made to the Company through the
usual channels and the Finance Director concerned with a recommendation for rectifying .the
3): When the preliminary investigation shows that the loss is not due to theft, fraud or neglect, it will
be written-off by the competent authority in consultation with the Finance Director or his local
representative. If preliminary investigation shows that the loss is due to theft, fraud or neglect the
case will be immediately submitted to the next higher authority. This authority shall arrange, within
one week of the receipt of case, constitution of an Inquiry Committee to investigate the reported
loss unless the loss involved is of Rs. 2,000 or less in which case the constitution of Inquiry
Committee may at its discretion, be dispensed with. The Inquiry Committee shall submit, within 30
days its report to the competent authority who shall in consultation with the Finance Director
concerned or his representative of appropriate status take action according to the circumstances of
the case.


i): He may write-off` the entire loss for reasons to be recorded in writing.
ii): He may allow but cannot compel the individual or individuals concerned to make good the loss in
whole or in part. If the loss is made good in part, he may sanction the write-off of the balance for
reasons to be recorded in writing.
iii): He may lodge a report in writing at the nearest police station in cases of serious nature involving
loss of large amounts of public money or of valuable property with a copy to the Superintendent of
police concerned for prompt investigation and persecution of the accused. He may also with the
sanction of the Company, file a recovery suit against the person responsible for the loss in a court
of law.
iv): Any one or more of the above courses of action may, at the discretion of the competent authority,
be taken against the persons responsible.


i): He may write-off the entire loss for reasons to be recorded in writing.
ii): He may allow but can not compel the individual or individual concerned to make good the loss in
whole or in part. If the loss is made good in part, he may sanction the write-off of the balance for
reasons to be recorded in writing.
iii): He may take departmental action, against the individual responsible or in cases where such action
require the order of a higher authority, submit the case for orders together with his
iv): He may lodge a report in writing at the nearest police station in cases of serious nature involving
loss of large amounts of public money or of valuable property, with a copy to Superintendent of
police concerned for prompt investigation and prosecution of the accused. He may also, with the
sanction of the Authority file a recovery suit against the person responsible for the loss in a court of
v): any one or more of the above courses of action may at the discretion of the competent
authority be taken against the persons responsible.
1): where the reported loss is below than Rs. 100,000/- the matter will be reported directly by the
Manager concerned to CE who will constitute an enquiry committee as under

i) A Grade 18 Officer Convener

ii) A Grade 17 Officer (from Audit outside the project) Member
iii) A Grade 17 Officer (from Directorate of Investigation) Member

2): Where the reported loss amount to more then 100,000/- and less then Rs. 700,000/-
the matter will be reported directly by the Chief Engineer concerned to General Manager
concerned who will constitute an enquiry committee as under:

i) A Grade 19 Officer Convener

ii) A Grade 18 Officer (from Audit outside the project) Member
iii) A Grade 18 Officer (from Directorate of Investigation) Member

3): Where the reported loss amounts to more then 700,000/- and less then 1,500,000/-
the matter will be reported by the Chief Engineer concerned to the Member MD
concerned through General Manager concerned who will constitute an enquiry committee
as under:

i) A Grade 20 Officer Convener

ii) A Grade 19 Officer (from Audit outside the project) Member
iii) A Grade 19 Officer (from Directorate of Investigation) Member

4): Where the reported loss amounts to 1,500,000/- and above, the matter will reported by
the Chief Engineer concerned to the BOD through the Chief Executive. The enquiry committee
will be constituted by MD
concerned as under:

i) A Grade 20 Officer Convener

ii) Director (Investigation) Member
iii) A Grade 19 Officer (to be nominated by Finance Director) Member

5): The enquiry committee so constituted under notes 1, 2, 3 & 4, above shall have a Convener, who
will be generally one grade higher or senior than the one being enquired into.

To Write-off of losses on stock due to depreciation, or variation in prices on
receipt of debit advice i.e. book losses only as opposed to actual losses
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
14.2 To write-off of losses on stock I Chief Executive, TD, TNO, Full Power
(A) due to depreciation or variation General Manager , FD, HR&A
in prices on receipt of debit Director
advice i.e. book losses only as II Chief Engineer Rs. 1.00 Mln
opposed to actual losses III Manager Rs. 0.050 Mln

To Write-Off Losses Other Than Measurement Books And Accounts Books, Lost
Or Rendered Unserviceable In Their Own And Subordinate Offices
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
14.2 To write-off losses other then I Chief Executive Officer, TD, Full Powers in
(B) measurement books, and TNO, FD, accordance with
accounts books, lost or rendered II General Managers, Chief relevant rules
unserviceable in their own and Engineer and Manager
subordinate offices

To Write-Off Of Losses Due To Demurrage And Wharf age Charges

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
14.2 To write-off of losses due I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
(C) to demurrage and wharf Ii TD, TNO Rs.3 Mln
age charges Iii General Manager Rs.2 Mln
Iv Chief Engineer Rs.1 Mln
V Manager Rs.0.050 Mln
Vi Demurrage Committee Full Powers
constituted by the
All the cases of write-off of losses shall be processed in accordance with the relevant rule in each case And
shall be subject to cent per cent post-audit by the Chief Auditor NTDC

Powers To Remit Over Payment Of Pay And Allowances Made To Employees
Due To Oversight Or Misinterpretation Of Rules
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
14.2 Powers to remit over payment of I BOD Full Powers
(D) pay and allowances made to II Chief Executive Rs. 0.015 Mln in each
employees due to oversight or case and Rs.0.030 Mln in
misinterpretation of rules consultation with FD.
1 The above financial power will be exercised after conducting through investigation of each case in order to fix
responsibility for over payment upon the concerned officer/officials due to whose negligence, the over
payment was made
2 Suitable disciplinary action under the relevant “Removal from Service Ordinance 2000” will be taken against
the officer/officials responsible for over payment
3 The authority has further decided that such cases should be properly examined by the Finance Director
concerned and their audit reports be routed through the respective Director Finance who will submit their
recommendations on merit of each case to the Member concerned for decision

Section – XV
Miscellaneous Powers ( Sanction of Law charges )
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.1 Sanction of law I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers Fees in excess of those
charges shown with schedule of fee
approved by the BOD with the
recommendation of legal advisor
II TD,TNO, GM,F.D.,HR&A Full Powers in accordance with the
Director, IT Director, L&CA schedule of fees approved by the
Director, Chief Engineer, BOD
Manager, Deputy Manager

Expenditure on formal ceremonial functions

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.2.1 Serving meals to I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.5 Mln in each case
visiting VIP guests to Ii TD/FD/HR&A Director/GM Rs.0.075 Mln in each case
attend formal Iii Chief Engineer Rs.0.050 Mln in each case
ceremonial / Iv Manager Rs.0.020 Mln in each case
inauguration functions

Expenditure on informal functions

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.2.2 Serving meals to I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.05 Mln in each case
visiting VIP guests to Ii TD/FD/HR&A Dir/GM Rs.0.02 Mln in each case
attend informal Iii Chief Engineer Rs.0.01 Mln in each case
functions Iv Manager Rs.0.005 Mln in each case

Serving Lunch In Official Meetings Which Are To Continue At Least 2
Hours Beyond Office Hours
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.3 Serving lunch in official I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.02 Mln in each case
meeting which are to Ii TD/FD/HR&A Dir Rs.0.015 Mln in each case
continue at least 2 hours Iii GM/L&CA/IT Rs.0.010 Mln in each case
beyond office hours Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.005 Mln in each case

Arrangements/Serving To Participants Of Ceremonial / Non-Ceremonial

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.4 Arrangement /Serving I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.05Mln in each case
to participants of Ii TD, TNO , FD, HR&A Directors Rs.0.035Mln in each case
ceremonial/non- Iii GM/L&CA/IT Rs.0.020Mln in each case
ceremonial functions Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.01Mln in each case
V Manager Rs.0.006Mln in each case

Distribution Of Sweets On Religious And National Functions To Patients,

Children And Other Participants Of Religious Functions
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.5 Distribution of sweets I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.02 Mln in each case
on religious and
Ii GM/TD/TNO/FD/HR&A Dir Rs.0.01 Mln in each case
national functions to
patients, children and Iii Chief Engineer/Manager Rs.0.005 Mln in each case
other participants of
religious functions
1 The officers competent to sanction the expenditure upto the amount specified must have proper
estimates of expenditure
2 In case not covered by this delegation and where it is necessary to entertain or present gifts to
foreign personnel teams, Pakistani VIPs and other VIPs arriving in the country, the General
Managers, Chief Engineers and Finance Director should initiate proposal for such entertainments or
presentation of gift and submit the same to next higher authority for sanction 'inter alia' giving the
following information:-
A The number of individuals, team or party, whom it is proposed to entertain or present gifts
B Type of entertainment (e.g.) dinner or lunch etc
C In the case of presentation of gift (s) the number and value of the gifts

Light refreshment to participants of official meetings
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.6 Light refreshments to I Chief Executive Officer Rs.0.010 Mln in each case
participants of official Ii TD, TNO, FD, HR&A Director Rs.0.006 Mln in each case
meetings Iii GM Rs.0.004 Mln in each case
Iv IT/ L&CA Director Rs.0.004 Mln in each case
V Chief Engineer Rs.0.003 Mln in each case
Vi Manager Rs.0.001 Mln in each case
vii Deputy Manager Rs.500 in each case

Serving meals/ refreshments to departmental labor camped at site of

work on unforeseeable emergency or break down of serious nature
likely to Last for 24 hours or more
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.7 Serving meals/ refreshments to I Manager Rs.60 per meal/ head
departmental labor camped at Ii Deputy Manager Rs 20 for refreshment /
site of work on unforeseeable head
emergency or break down of
serious nature likely to last for
24 hours or more

Compensation To Workmen/Under The Workmen Compensation Act

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.8 Compensation to I Chief Executive Officer, G.M, TD, Full Powers provided
workmen/under the TNO, HR&A Director, Chief compensation does not
workmen compensation Engineer, Manager, Deputy exceed the scale laid down
act Manager in the Workmen
Compensation Act
To expedite settlement of compensation claims, payments may be post-audited. However, cases in which
there is a doubt as to the applicability of the Workmen Compensation Act, shall be referred to the L&CA
Director for legal advise.

Compensation To Any Individual Under A Specific Law-Rule Of

Judgment Of Court
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.9 Compensation to any I Chief Executive Full Powers, Subject to the advice of
individual under a Officer Legal Adviser, who will bring to the
specific law-rule of notice of the BOD cases involving
judgment of court Expenditure exceeding, Rs.0.050 Mln

Honoraria & Reward To Employees In Basic Pay Scale No. 15 & Below
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.10.1 Honoraria to I Chief Executive Officer Upto Rs.0.05 Mln in each case
Employees in and 2.0 Mln in a year
basic pay scale Ii TD/FD/GM Rs.0.003 Mln in each case and
No.15 & below 0.5 Mln in a year
Honoraria will be admissible to NTDC employees for work performed which is occasional in character and
either so laborious or of such special merit as to justify a special reward. In the case of personal staff the
case will be referred to the next higher authority.


Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.10.2 Reward to officers in BPS-16 I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
& Above II GM/ TD/FD Rs.0.01 Mln in each case
and 1.0 Mln in a year
It is payable to Officers for exceptionally good work done and to non-employees for assistance or service
rendered on emergencies to the Company.

Arbitration Fee
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.10.3 Arbitration Fee I Chief Executive Officer Upto a maximum of Rs.0.2
Mln in each case subject to a
maximum of Rs. 6 Million in a
financial year in all cases
1 Arbitration fee will be admissible to NTDC officers with the concurrence of L & CA Director,
NTDC, taking into consideration the nature of each case and subject to existing instructions.
2 The powers delegated for grant of `Fee' shall be exercised after the work has been undertaken
with prior consent of the BOD and its amount has been settled in advance
3 Fee is generally to be paid to non-employee of the Company but the competent authority may
allow `Fee' to a NTDC employee if it is satisfied that this can be done without detriment to public
or private body or person and to permit him to receive remuneration thereof

Reimbursement of medical expenses to employees
Sr.# Nature of Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.11.1 Reimbursement I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
of medical Ii FD, HR&A Director, G.M. Rs.0.4 Mln in each case of hospitalization
expenses to and Rs.0.05 Mln in each case in other cases
Iii Chief Engineer Rs.0.05 Mln in each case of hospitalization
and Rs.0.02 Mln in each case in other cases
Iv Manager Rs.0.02 Mln in each case of hospitalization
and Rs.0.01 Mln in each case in other cases
V Deputy Manager Rs.0.01 Mln in each case of hospitalization
and Rs.0.003 Mln in each case in other
15.11.2 Advance for I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
treatment in
emergency / II TD, GM , FD, HR&A Dir, CE Rs.0.1 Mln in each case
of Employees III Manager Rs.0.05 Mln in each case
approved by
DG Medical IV Deputy Manager Rs.0.025 Mln in each case

Purchase Of Gasoline / CNG Motor Oil And Lubricant

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.12 Purchase of I Chief Executive Officer, TD, TNO, GM, Full power subject to the following conditions
Gasoline/CNG FD, HR&A Director, Chief Engineer, and prior sanction of estimate by the competent
motor oil and Manager, Deputy Manager authority:
lubricant a): From company approved Petrol station
b): GM /HR&A/CE to issue list of approved
petrol stations
Note: Not applicable on outstation duties.

Powers To Sanction Investigation Of Time Barred Claims Of Company

Employees To Arrears Of Pay/Allowances
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.13 Powers to sanction I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
investigation of time Ii GM, FD, HR&A Dir Full - powers
barred claims of In respect of claims less than three years old for
company employees to employees whom they are competent to appoint
arrears of Iii Chief Engineer Full powers in respect of claims less than one
pay/allowance Iv Manager year old for employees whom they are
competent to appoint

Inter-Adjustment Between Shortages And Surpluses Of
Same Item Of Stores
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.14 Inter-Adjustment between I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
shortages and surpluses of Ii General Manager Rs.0.1 Mln
same items of stores Iii Chief Engineer Rs.0.050 Mln
1) Before exercising the above powers, proper inquiry shall be held to determine the causes of
shortages/surpluses in stores and responsibility fixed thereof on the officials at fault
2) The above powers shall be exercised only in cases, where shortages/surpluses are not due to any misappropriation, but only
due to some error or omission through oversight
3) Inter-adjustment shall be allowed only between shortages and surpluses in the consecutive and nearby sizes/capacities of
same item of stores and not between two separate and distinct items of stores

Rent Out Heavy Machinery Like Gantry Crane And Tower Crane Etc To
Contractors For The Construction Of The Projects
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.15 Rent out heavy machinery I Chief Executive Officer Full power
like gantry crane and II General Manager Full power
tower crane, trailers,
stringing equipments
dehydration plants etc; to
contractors for the
construction of the

Purchase Of Computers & Peripherals

Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.16.1 Purchase of Computers I Chief Executive Officer Full Power
and Peripherals


Repair Of Computers Related Equipments and Entering Into

Maintenance Agreements
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.16.2 Repair of micro/mid- I Chief Executive Officer Full Powers
range/ mainframe Ii TD, TNO, FD, HR&A Dir Rs. 0.1 Mln in each case
computers including Iii GM, IT, L&CA Director Rs.0.050 Mln in each case
related equipments and Iv Chief Engineer Rs.0.030 Mln in each case
entering into V Manager Rs.0.010 Mln in each case
maintenance agreements
1 Purchase/maintenance of the micro computers, mid-range computers/mainframe computers,
personal computers and related equipment shall be approved subject to the technical vetting by I
T. Director
2 The maintenance agreement shall be made for a period of only one year at a time and annual
maintenance cost should not in any case exceed 1O% of the total cost of, equipment or market
prevailing price whichever is less

Compensation For Land Acquisition Under The Land Acquisition Act 1894
Sr.# Nature of Power Sr.# Competent Authority Monetary Limit
15.17 Compensation for land I Chief Engineers Full Powers
acquisition under the land Ii Managers Rs.1 Mln
acquisition act 1894
1 Assessment of compensation shall be based on the estimates provided by the Deputy
Commissioner/Commissioner/Board of Revenue.
2 Copies of orders sanctioning payment of compensation shall be endorsed to the next higher
authority and the Audit Officer concerned giving full details of the land acquired

Compensation Damages To Crops, Trees And Other Property
Sr. Nature of Sr.# Authority Authority Authority Monetary Limit
# Power Competent To Competent competent
Make Assessment to approve to make
Assessment payment of
made by the the amount
Authority approved
in Col. 2
15. Compensation I Land Acquisition Chief Manager Above 0.060 Mln
18 for damages to Officer /Tehsildar Engineer jointly with
crops trees and concerned LAO
other property Tehsildar
in the course of Ii Tehsildar/Assistant Chief Deputy Above 0.040 Mln
construction of Land Acquisition Engineer Manager & upto 0.0.060
transmission Officer concerned concerned Mln
lines, Grid Jointly with
Stations, Tehsildar
investigation ALAO
works, project Iii Tehsildar/Assistant Managers Deputy Above 0.004 Mln
roads Land Acquisition Manager & upto 0.040 Mln
installation of Officer concerned
SCARPS tube Jointly with
wells & Tehsildar
drainages ALAO
under section Iv Tehsildar/Assistant Deputy Asstt: Above 300 & upto
14(2) of Land Acquisition Manager Manager 0.004 Mln
WAPDA Act, Officer Jointly with
1958 ALAO/Naib
V Tehsildar/Assistant Assistant Asstt: Upto Rs.300
Land Acquisition Managers Manager
Officer Jointly with
1 The abbreviations "LAO" and "ALAO" used in column 4 denote "Land Acquisition Officer" and
"Assistant Land Acquisition Officer" respectively
2 Assessment of compensation shall not be made at rates exceeding those fixed by the Deputy
Commissioner/Collector of the District except with the prior approval of the BOD.
3 Copies of Orders of payment of compensation for damages shall be endorsed to the next higher
authority and the Branch Audit Officer concerned giving full details of damages
4 Where no ALAO/ Naib Tehsildar is posted, Tehsildar shall exercise the above powers
5 Powers can be exercised by the next higher authorities also.


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