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Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

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Crashworthiness analysis of hexagonal

hierarchical gradient tubes with axial variable
thickness inspired by tree fractal structure

Xiaolin Deng, Yuwen Chen & Jiale Huang

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analysis of hexagonal hierarchical gradient tubes with axial variable thickness inspired
by tree fractal structure, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI:

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Published online: 31 May 2023.

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Crashworthiness analysis of hexagonal hierarchical gradient tubes with axial

variable thickness inspired by tree fractal structure
Xiaolin Denga, Yuwen Chenb, and Jiale Huangc
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Wuzhou University, Wuzhou, China; bSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Guangxi
University, Nanning, China; cSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China


Inspired by the tree fractal structure, a novel hexagonal hierarchical gradient tube with axial vari- Received 7 April 2023
able thickness (HHGAVT) is proposed and its crashworthiness performances are systematically Accepted 16 May 2023
investigated. Results show that when the axial variation coefficient of wall thickness k > 0, the
peak crushing force (PCF) of HHGAVT will significantly decrease meanwhile the energy absorption
Crashworthiness; thin-
maintains at a high level compared with the referenced structures under the same mass. When walled structures; axially
k > 0, the PCF and CFE of HHGAVT have absolute advantage compared with the uniform wall varying thickness;
thickness tube. The crashworthiness performance can further increase by rational designing the hexagonal tube; hierarchical
distance factor d.

1. Introduction proposed a series of thin-walled corrugated tubes inspired

by the microstructure of the horse hoof wall and investi-
Traffic safety has become a serious problem, which has
gated their crushing behaviors under multiple loading condi-
attracted extensive attention of researchers. During vehicle
tions. Zhang et al. [18] designed and investigated the
collision, vulnerable road users (VRU) [1] may suffer serious
crashworthiness performances of a bionic tree-liked fractal
injuries or even be at risk of death. The crashworthiness
structure based on the tree fractal characteristic. Results
performances of front bumper of vehicle mainly determine
showed that the tree-liked fractal structure has great poten-
the severity of VRU injuries. Thin-walled structures have
tial to improve specific energy absorption and crash force
been widely used in the fields of vehicles, ship, planes and
trains as the energy absorber to passively reduce the injuries efficiency compared with the single-walled structure. Zhang
of passenger in accident. Polygon tubes, including triangle et al. [19] proposed the bionic thin-walled tubes based on
[2], square [3], star [4], circle [5], hexagon [6, 7] and octa- the microstructure of bamboo and beetle forewings.
gon [8] tubes, are widely used in the thin-walled energy Compared to two traditional thin-walled tubes of the same
absorption structures. A. AlaviNia et al. [9] compared the weight, the optimized bionic structure had increased specific
crashworthiness performances of triangle, square and hexa- energy absorption of 44.124% and 125.058%, respectively.
gon tubes. They proved that the hexagon cross-sectional He et al. [20] proposed an excellent energy absorption struc-
thin-walled tube has the best crashworthiness performances ture based on the lotus leaf vein branched structure. Based
among these structures. Sun et al. [10] reviewed a large on the structural characteristics of lotus, Gong et al. [21]
number of literature on lightweight hybrid materials and designed a lotus-inspired bionic multi-cell tube (LBMT) and
structures, and provided prospects for possible future found that LBMT had better energy absorption behavior
research. than traditional multi-cell tubes. Inspired by the biological
With the increased requirement of lightweight and safety structure, Gao et al. [22] developed the bio-inspired hier-
in energy absorber, designing the lightweight, high-efficiency archical multi-cell hexagonal tubes (BHMH), and found that
and high crashworthiness performance thin-walled structure the SEA of the third order BHMH is approximately 2.5
is demanded. In recent years, bionic design is a commonly times that of multi-cell hexagonal tubes.
used way to increase the structural performances. After hun- Numerous researches [20, 22–29] suggest that compared
dreds of millions of years of natural selection and evolution, with single cell tube, multicellular tubes have superior
biomaterials exhibit superior mechanical properties and energy absorption capability under axial loading. However,
multi functionality compared with the conventional inor- as the cell number increase, the structural mass also
ganic materials. Various bionic multicellular tubes were pro- increases, leading to the large initial peak crushing force.
posed and investigated via imitating the natural structures, Decreasing the cell wall thickness may lower the initial peak
such as bamboo [11, 12], woodpecker beak [13], tree-like crushing force, but this will weaken the energy absorption
fractal structure [14], wood [15], conch [16]. Ma et al. [17] capability of structure at the same time. Therefore, lowering

CONTACT Jiale Huang School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China.
ß 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

the initial peak crushing force of multicellular tubes is energy absorption performance of thin-wall structures,
urgent. increasing the application scalability and design space of
Excellent energy absorption structure needs to have low energy absorption structures and materials.
initial peak crushing force and high specific energy absorp- In recent years, considerable attention has been focused
tion, and functional gradient structures have great advantage on the multicellular tubes with lateral hierarchical gradient
in reducing the initial peak crushing force [30]. Research characteristics due to their excellent crashworthiness per-
[31] shows that the gradient thickness characteristic can formances. Inspired by the vascular bundles in plants, lateral
enhance energy absorption performance at larger oblique hierarchical gradient multicellular square tubes [24, 48] and
loading angles. Sun et al. [32] conducted a comprehensive hexagonal tubes [49] were proposed and investigated in our
review of thin-walled multi-cell structures and materials in previous studies. Results showed that hierarchical gradient
recent decades, including classification, manufacturing meth- structures have great advantages and potentials in energy
ods, energy absorption mechanisms, experimental tests and absorption. Inspired by the tree fractal structure, a novel
numerical simulation techniques, different loading condi- hexagonal hierarchical gradient tube with axial variable
tions and functional gradient structures. The functional gra- thickness (HHGAVT) tubes is proposed in this study. In
dient structures can be divided as four types according to order to achieve the high energy absorption characteristic
their gradient forms: (1) the diameter or width of cross sec- and low initial peak crushing force simultaneously, axial
tion varies along longitudinal direction (such as conical variable wall thickness is introduced into the hierarchical
tubes [33, 34] and tapered square tubes [35, 36]), (2) the multicellular tubes. The crashworthiness performances of
wall thickness changes along axial or lateral direction, (3) novel HHGAVT are firstly compared with other hexagonal
the mechanical properties of wall materials present gradient multicellular tubes with uniform wall thickness. Then, effects
distribution (such as density [37, 38] and strength [39]) and of hierarchical level and thickness variation coefficient k on
(4) functional gradient multicellular (such as foam [40, 41] their crashworthiness performances under axial impact are
and honeycomb [42, 43]) foam-filled tubes. Among them, investigated. Finally, the structural deformation modes are
the most extensive researches are the functional gradient analyzed and the mode classification chart of HHGAVT is
structures along axial and lateral directions. By introducing obtained.
gradient characteristics into the structure and reasonably
designing the gradient parameters, the multicellular struc- 2. Materials and methods
tures can decrease the initial peak crushing force meanwhile
maintain the high energy absorption capability. Asanjarani 2.1. Structural design
et al. [36] investigated the effect of different cross-sectional The tree fractural structure, annual rings of tree and the
shapes, grooves and tapers on the crashworthiness of struc- evolutionary processes of bionic structures are shown in
tures. Results showed that the shape of the cross section, the Figure 1. The branches of the tree continue to grow more
degree of taper and the addition of grooves had a significant branches, presenting a fractal structure, and the annual rings
effect on energy absorption behavior. Additionally, it was of tree expand outward from the inside, presenting a hier-
found that hexagonal cross-sections exhibited better energy archical structure. Inspired by this tree-like fractal and hier-
absorption behavior. Zhou et al. [44] proposed a bionic archical structure, a novel HHGAVT is proposed, in which
tapered tube based on the structure and mechanical proper- the connecting rib plates are like tree branches with con-
ties of yak horn, and compared its specific energy absorp- stantly fractal characteristics, and the hexagon rings expand
tion with traditional circular tubes, square tubes and conical outward from the inside, presenting a hierarchical structure.
tubes. The results showed that the bionic tube had signifi- The HHGAVTs with the side length of the outer hexagonal
cantly higher specific energy absorption. Han et al. [45] pro- tube L0¼ 50 mm, the total height H ¼ 150 mm, the side
posed and investigated the crashworthiness performances of length of 1st level hexagon L1 ¼ 40 mm and the side length
a novel gradient auxetic tube. Results showed that gradient of 2nd level hexagon L2 ¼ 30 mm are constructed. The
auxetic tubular structures have higher overall stability, dimension of the inner hexagonal tubes is controlled by the
higher energy absorption and higher specific energy absorp- distance factor d, which is the vertex distance between the
tion under inclined loads, and the improvement will be adjacent hexagons. For example, the distance factor in
more prominent when the difference of wall thickness Figure 1b is calculated as follows: d1¼L0–L1 and d2¼L1–L2.
between the upper and lower sections of the gradient auxetic Numerous researches have been proved that axial variable
tubular structure is larger. The axially varying thickness lat- thickness thin-wall structures have great advantage in reduc-
eral corrugated tubes were also proposed in our previous ing the initial peak crushing force due to the fewer materials
studies [46, 47]. For the two key crashworthiness indexes of in the impact end [30]. Therefore, in this study, thinner wall
initial peak crushing force and crushing force efficiency, the thickness tmin is set at the impact end of the tube and
gradient thickness tube has absolute advantages compared thicker wall thickness tmax is set at the fixed end. The wall
with the uniform thickness tube, which has 44.53% decrease thickness of HHGAVT is linearly increased according to the
in initial peak crushing force and 81.72% increase in crush- Equation (1), as shown in Figure 1c.
ing force efficiency. The abovementioned studies clearly 
tx ¼ tmin þ kx
show that the introduction of gradient characteristic will (1)
k ¼ ðtmax  tmin Þ=H
lower the initial peak crushing force while maintain the high

Figure 1. Structure design: (a) branch fractal [18] and annual rings, (b) evolutionary process and (c) schematic diagram of axial thickness variation.

where tx is the wall thickness at a distance x from the

impact end, k is the axial variation coefficient of wall thick-
ness. When k ¼ 0, the wall thickness of tube turns into uni-
form. The wall thickness tm of uniform tube with the same
mass of HHGAVT can be calculated by Equation (2).
tmax þ tmin
tm ¼ (2)
In this study, tm is fixed as 1.2 mm. By changing the
value of tmin and tmax, different values of k can be obtained.
In this study, hexagonal hierarchical gradient tubes with
axial variable thickness with different hierarchical levels and
axial variation coefficients are established. These structures
are named “HHGAVTn-k”. The letter n represents the hier-
archical level, k represents the value of axial variation coeffi-
cient. For example, the HHGAVT3-k6 structure is the 3rd
order of HHGAVT with k ¼ 0.06.
Figure 2. Engineering stress-strain curve of AA6061-O [50].

2.2. Materials properties

The material of wall thickness of tube is aluminum alloy crushing distance as follows.
AA6061-O with the density of q ¼ 2700 kg/m3, Young’s
modulus E ¼ 68 GPa, Poisson’s ratio t ¼ 0.33, initial yield EA ¼ F ðxÞdx (3)
stress ry ¼ 71 MPa and ultimate stress ru ¼ 130.7 MPa. The
engineering stress-strain curve of aluminum alloy AA6061-O where F(x) is the instantaneous impact force, d is the crush-
is shown in Figure 2 ing distance. PCF is the maximum force of the force-dis-
placement curves. For the axial impact, the impact force will
reach the maximum value quickly. Therefore, PCF will occur
2.3. Crashworthiness indexes at the initial stage of impact, and it is also called initial peak
crushing force (IPCF).
To evaluate the crashworthiness performances of thin-walled Specific energy absorption (SEA) is defined as the energy
structures, six crashworthiness indexes, including energy absorption per unit mass, which is calculated as follows.
absorption (EA), peak crushing force (PCF), initial peak
crushing force (IPCF), specific energy absorption (SEA), EA
SEA ¼ (4)
mean crushing force (MCF) and crushing force efficiency m
(CFE), were adopted in this study. EA is the total energy where m is the mass of the thin-walled tube.
absorption of thin-walled structures during compression, Mean Crushing Force (MCF) is defined as the ratio of
which can be calculated by the product of impact force and total energy absorption to crushing distance as follows.

EA height (150 mm). In order to guarantee the convergence, 4-

MCF ¼ (5)
d node shell continuum (S4R) element with five integration
Crushing Force Efficiency (CFE) is the ratio of mean points along the thickness direction is used in the finite
crushing force to peak crushing force as follows. element models. The general contact (Explicit) is applied to
the model to simulate the interaction effect, and the friction
CFE ¼  100% (6) coefficient is fixed as 0.2 [27].

2.4.2. Convergence analyses

2.4. Finite element model construction and verification The mesh size has great influence on the finite element
simulation. In general, larger mesh size leads to greater
2.4.1. Finite element model construction
numerical error. To eliminate the mesh size effect on the
The finite element models with a thin-walled tube and two
calculated results, convergence analyses of 2nd order of
rigid plates are constructed in Abaqus/CAE 6.14-1 (Simulia
HHGAVT with five element sizes, including 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2
Copr., RI, USA), as shown in Figure 3. The thin-walled tube
and 2.5 mm, were carried out. The results are shown in
is placed between the two rigid plates. The bottom of tube is
Figure 4 and Table 1. Figure 4 shows that the mesh size has
tied to the supporting rigid plate and all degrees of freedom
relative large influence on the energy absorption, whereas, it
of the supporting rigid plate are fixed. The aluminum alloy
has less influence on the IPCF. Table 1 shows that the dif-
AA6061-O is low sensitive to the strain rate [51, 52], thus
the inertia effect of wall materials is neglected in this study. ference of energy absorption between mesh sizes of 2.5 and
Considering the efficiency of the structural analysis, the 1.3 mm is only 34.63%. However, when the mesh size
mass of the impact rigid plate is set as 600 kg [53], and its decreases to 1.5 mm, the difference is only 5.37%. For the
vertical impact velocity is set as 10 m/s. The crushing dis- IPCF, the difference of mesh sizes between 2.5 and 1.3 mm
tance is set as 120 mm, which is the 80% of total structural is only 1.67%. Figure 4 also shows that the computing time
dramatically increases as the mesh size decreases.
Synthetically considering the calculating error and comput-
ing time, the mesh size of 1.5 mm is chosen in the following

2.4.3. Layered test

The HHGAVT is discretized into several uniform layers
with equal height, and each layer is given an individual wall
thickness value to achieve the axial variable thickness of the
thin-walled tube. Larger number of layers will better simu-
late the axial variable characteristics of wall thickness, but it
also increases the workload of modeling and simulation.
Here, the 2nd order of HHGAVTs with k ¼ 0.08 and tm ¼
1.2 mm are divided into 9 layers, 15 layers and 45 layers,
respectively, as shown in Figure 5a. The simulated results
are shown in Figure 5b and c. Figure 5b shows that the
force-displacement curves and energy absorption curves
between 15 layers and 45 layers HHGAVTs are almost the
same. When the compressed distance is equal to 120 mm,
Figure 3. Finite element model. the energy absorptions of 15 layers and 45 layers HHGAVTs

Figure 4. Mesh size analysis results, (a) force and (b) energy absorption.

are 10614.77 and 10874.57 J, respectively, which difference is point is only 4.97%. Moreover, the simulated deformation
only 2.39%. The IPCFs of 15 layers and 45 layers mode shows good agreement with experiment (Figure 6c),
HHGAVTs are 62.52 and 4.90 kN, respectively, which differ- suggesting the high accuracy of the finite element model.
ence is only 3.67%. Moreover, the final deformation mode
of l5 layers HHGAVT shows good agreement with 45 layers
3. Crashworthiness comparison of different
HHGAVT (Figure 5c). Therefore, 15 discrete layers are used
structures under the same mass
to simulate the axial variable characteristics of wall thickness
in this study. In this section, the HHGAVT3-k6 (3rd order HHGAVT
with k ¼ 0.06) and HHGAVT3-k0 are compared to other
multicellular structures which cross-sectional dimensions
2.4.4. Finite element model verification
and height are consistent with the HHGAVT3-k0. Taking
To verify the accuracy finite element model, a hexagonal
the HHGAVT3-k0 with thickness t ¼ 1.2 mm as reference,
tube with the same dimension to the Ref. [50] is constructed
the crashworthiness performances of HHGAVT3-k6, H,
and investigated. The side length, total height and wall
GAVT3-k0, H-KF1 [55], HHC-1 [23], HS2 [56], HT-2 [57],
thickness are 36, 120 and 1.2 mm [50], respectively. The wall Hx-mc-2 [9] and PSP06 [58] are carried out under the same
material is aluminum alloy AA6061O. The compressed vel- mass. The detailed data is shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows
ocity of experiment is 0.5 mm/min, which is too slow for the that except for the HHC-1, the SEA of HHGAVT3 with uni-
finite element simulation. Considering the low sensitivity of form wall thickness is almost the highest compared with
aluminum alloy AA6061O to strain rate [52] and the struc- other structures, and the maximum increase is 59.64%. The
tural inertial effect can be neglected under the low impact CFE of the HHGAVT3-k0 is up to 92.78%, which is much
velocity, the mesh size of 1.5 mm and the impact velocity of higher than other structure. Compared with the Hx-mc-2
1 m/s [54] are adopted in the simulation. The results are and HHC-1, the increases of CFE are 46.57% and 4.35%,
shown in Figure 6. The plot shows that the densification respectively. The SEA of HHGAVT3-k6 increases around
point of experiment occurs at the crushing distance of 1.34% compared with HHGAVT3-k0 due to its gradient
71.4 mm. Figure 6b shows that the energy absorption differ- characteristics. The PCF of HHGAVT3-k6 improves signifi-
ence between experiment and simulation at the densification cantly compared to other structure and the CFE of
HHGAVT3-k6 is up to 155.75%, which is 75.18% higher
Table 1. Detailed data of mesh size analysis. than HHC-1 and around 2.5 time as high as Hx-mc-2. The
Mesh size (mm) EA (J) Diff (%) PCF (kN) Diff (%) force-displacement and energy absorption curves of each
1.3 9619.78 – 114.48 – structure with the same mass are shown in Figure 7. The
1.5 10136.24 5.37 114.16 –0.28
1.7 10657.93 10.79 114.06 –0.37 plot shows that the force-displacement curve of the
2.0 11766.27 22.31 113.17 –1.15 HHGAVT3-k6 with axial variable thickness is different from
2.5 12950.84 34.63 112.56 –1.67
that of the conventional uniform-thickness thin-walled tube.

Figure 5. Layer test results: (a) three different stratification methods, (b) force-displacement and energy absorption curves and (c) final deformation mode diagram.

Figure 6. Finite element model experiment[50] and numerical simulation verification: (a) force-displacement curve, (b) energy absorption curve and (c) deformation

The force-displacement curve of the conventional uniform- capable of maintaining the advantage of energy absorption
thickness thin-walled tube experiences an initial peak force, while significantly reducing PCF, thus having an absolute
followed by a rapid drop, then a regular horizontal oscilla- advantage in the two key crashworthiness indicators of PCF
tion stage, and finally a densification stage. After the drop and CFE.
behind initial peak force, the force-displacement curve of
HHGAVT3-k6 does not exhibit a regular fluctuation stage,
but it gradually increases and shows a climbing phenom- 4. Parametric analysis
enon during the impact process, until the final densification 4.1. Effect of hierarchical level on the crashworthiness
stage. Because the wall thickness at the top of HHGAVT3- performances of HHGAVT
k6 (which is close to the impact end) is the smallest relative
to other positions, the wall thickness increases as the impact Taking HHGAVT2 (tm ¼ 1.2 mm) as the reference, the
process progresses, leading to the greater reaction force. effect of hierarchical levels on the crashworthiness perform-
Therefore, the force-displacement curve shows a gradually ances of four groups of HHGAVT structures (namely
increasing trend. The force-displacement curve shows that group1 with k ¼ 0, group2 with k ¼ 0.03, group3 with
the PCF of HHGAVT3-k6 is significantly lower than that of k ¼ 0.05 and group4 with k ¼ 0.07) was investigated under
other structures. While for the energy absorption, although axial impact, while ensuring that the mass of each structure
the energy absorption curve of HHGAVT3-k6 is lower than is the same. The corresponding final folding diagram and
that of other structures at the beginning of the impact, at extracted schematic of cross section of different groups are
the end of the impact, the energy absorbed of HHGAVT3- shown in Figure 9. The plot shows that with the increase of
k6 is only less than HHC-1. The final folding diagram and hierarchical level, the number of folds also increases,
extracted schematic of cross section of different types of improving the energy absorbing capability.
structures are shown in Figure 8. The wrinkle shapes and The force-displacement curves and energy absorption
quantities of folding number of different structures are curves for each group of structures are shown in Figures 10
clearly observed in the plot. The deformation modes of all and 11, respectively. Figure 10a shows that with the increase
structures are the progressive folding mode and the folding of hierarchical level, the fluctuation of the force during the
numbers of HHGAVT3-k0 and HHGAVT3-k6 are signifi- platform stage decreases. The force-displacement curve of
cantly higher than other structures. The analysis results fully HHGAVT3 in group 1 is smoother than that of HHGAVT0.
demonstrate that the HHGAVTs proposed in this paper are Moreover, with the increase of hierarchical level, the initial

Table 2. Crashworthiness comparison of structures with the same mass.

Cross section Structure tm (mm) m (g) SEA (J/g) MCF (kN) PCF (kN) CFE (%)
HHGAVT3-k6 1.2000 604.55 34.23 172.57 110.80 155.75

This paper
HHGAVT3-k0 1.2000 604.55 33.79 170.36 183.62 92.78

This paper
H-KF1 2.3092 604.55 27.56 138.96 177.19 78.42

Ref. [55]
HHC-1 2.2213 604.55 38.69 195.04 219.38 88.91

Ref. [23]
HS2 2.4879 604.55 27.57 138.98 181.52 76.56

Ref. [56]
HT-2 1.6586 604.55 30.39 153.24 194.75 78.68

Ref. [57]
Hx-mc-2 3.3171 604.55 23.57 118.84 187.75 63.30

Ref. [9]
PSP06 1.7980 604.55 21.18 106.80 168.40 63.42

Ref. [58]

Figure 7. Comparison with same mass: (a) force-displacement curve and (b) energy absorption curve.

peak force decreases under the same mass condition. The indicating that the higher the hierarchical level, the more
PCF of HHGAVT3, HHGAVT2 and HHGAVT1 is signifi- obvious the gradual increase of the force-displacement
cantly lower than that of HHGAVT0. Figure 10 also shows curve. Figure 11 shows that with the increase of hierarchical
that as the value of k increases, the force-displacement level, more energy is absorbed by HHGAVT. HHGAVT3
curves of HHGAVT3 and HHGAVT2 show a clear gradual and HHGAVT2 absorb significantly more energy than
increase, while the force-displacement curves of HHGAVT1 HHGAVT0, while HHGAVT0 absorbs more energy than
and HHGAVT0 are fluctuating but almost unchanged, HHGAVT1. This phenomenon is attributed to the thicker

Figure 8. Final folding diagram and extracted schematic of cross section of different types of structures.

Figure 9. Final folding diagram and extracted schematic of cross section of different groups.

Figure 10. Force-displacement curves of HHGAVTs with different values of k (a) group 1, k ¼ 0, (b) group 2, k ¼ 0.03, (c) group 3, k ¼ 0.05, (d) group 4, k ¼ 0.07.

Figure 11. Energy absorption curve of HHGAVTs with different values of k (a) group 1, k ¼ 0, (b) group 2, k ¼ 0.03, (c) group 3, k ¼ 0.05, (d) group 4, k ¼ 0.07.

Figure 12. Crashworthiness data comparison of different levels: (a) SEA, (b) MCF, (c) PCF, (d) CFE.

Table 3. Crashworthiness data of HHGAVTs with different hierarchical levels.

Group Tube tm (mm) m (g) SEA (J/g) MCF (kN) PCF (kN) CFE (%)
Group 1 (k ¼ 0) HHGAVT0 3.5357 429.59 19.82 71.01 128.13 55.42
HHGAVT1 1.7678 429.59 19.71 70.63 118.45 59.63
HHGAVT2 1.2000 429.59 23.60 84.55 116.40 72.64
HHGAVT3 0.8527 429.59 31.36 112.38 116.32 96.62
Group 2 (k ¼ 0.03) HHGAVT0 3.5357 429.59 19.68 70.53 119.84 58.86
HHGAVT1 1.7678 429.59 18.39 65.89 102.41 64.34
HHGAVT2 1.2000 429.59 24.49 87.75 92.66 94.70
HHGAVT3 0.8527 429.59 31.86 114.15 84.31 135.40
Group 3 (k ¼ 0.05) HHGAVT0 3.5357 429.59 19.49 69.83 113.48 61.53
HHGAVT1 1.7678 429.59 18.77 67.27 94.21 71.41
HHGAVT2 1.2000 429.59 24.37 87.32 80.31 108.73
HHGAVT3 0.8527 429.59 31.20 111.81 65.20 171.50
Group 4 (k ¼ 0.07) HHGAVT0 3.5357 429.59 19.37 69.42 108.19 64.17
HHGAVT1 1.7678 429.59 18.43 66.04 84.91 77.78
HHGAVT2 1.2000 429.59 24.73 88.61 67.20 131.86
HHGAVT3 0.8527 429.59 30.26 108.43 46.39 233.77

wall thickness of HHGAVT0 than HHGAVT1 under the hierarchical level leads to the lower PCF, and this phenom-
same mass condition. The larger wall thickness leads to the enon becomes more pronounced with the increase of k
fewer number of the folds, and finally resulting in poorer value. Compared to HHGAVT0, the PCF of HHGAVT3
energy absorption. decreases by 9.22%, 29.65%, 42.54% and 57.12% at k ¼ 0,
The comparison of crashworthiness data among different k ¼ 0.03, k ¼ 0.05 and k ¼ 0.07, respectively. The decrease in
hierarchical levels of HHGAVT is shown in Figure 12, and PCF will increase CFE, therefore, as the level increases, CFE
the detailed data is shown in Table 3. Figure 12a and b increases, as shown in Figure 12d. In Group 1, HHGAVT3
show that with the increase of hierarchical levels, both SEA shows the highest increase in CFE compared to other struc-
and MCF of HHGAVT are also increasing, and the higher tures, with a maximum increase of 74.34% and a minimum
hierarchical level has larger energy absorption capability. increase of 33.01%. This advantage becomes more pro-
The SEA of HHGAVT3 in groups 1-4, compared to their nounced as k increases. In group 4, the maximum increase
corresponding HHGAVT0, is increased by 58.22%, 61.89%, in CFE of HHGAVT3 is about 3.6 times compared to other
60.08%, 56.22%, and the MCF is increased by 58.26%, structures. Under the same mass condition, with the
61.85%, 60.12%, 56.19%, respectively. Under the same mass increase of hierarchical level, the PCF of the structure
condition, the PCF of HHGAVT3 is smaller than that of decreases while the SEA increases, significantly improving
other hierarchical structures, indicating that the higher its crashworthiness performance.

Figure 13. Deformation mode of the HHGAVTn with different k values.

4.2. Effect of axial variation coefficient of wall displacement curve of HHGAVT with k > 0 do not exhibit a
thickness k regular stage of horizontal fluctuations. Instead, it gradually
rises and shows a climbing phenomenon as the impact pro-
In this section, the influence of the axial variation coefficient
cess continues, until the final stage of densification. The
k on the crashworthiness performance of the structure was
force-displacement curve indicates that, in the initial stage
investigated. Three groups of structures, including
of impact, the force of the HHGAVT with uniform wall
HHGAVT1, HHGAVT2 and HHGAVT3, with the same
thickness (k ¼ 0) is greater than that of HHGAVT with
wall thickness tm of 1.2 mm were selected, and each group
k > 0, and as k increases, the initial peak force of HHGAVT
was tested with six variables of k (including 0, 0.02, 0.04,
decreases continuously. In the later stage of impact, the
0.06, 0.08, 0.10). The mass of each structure within the
force of HHGAVT with k > 0 is significantly higher than
group was kept equal. The corresponding deformation
modes obtained by finite element simulation of HHGAVT1, that of the HHGAVT with uniform wall thickness. The
HHGAVT2 and HHGAVT3 under axial impact are shown energy absorption curve shows that, in the initial stage of
in Figure 13. A value of k > 0 means that the wall thickness impact, the energy absorption of HHGAVT with k > 0 is
of the HHGAVT near the impact end is thinner, and the lower than that of HHGAVT with k ¼ 0, while at the end of
folds are more likely to occur at the impact end. As shown the impact, the energy absorption of HHGAVT with k > 0 is
in Figure 13, structures with k > 0 are all crushed first at the equal to or even higher than that of HHGAVT with uniform
position near the impact end, and the starting position of wall thickness.
the first fold is closer to the impact end as the k value The crashworthiness data of the HHGAVTs under differ-
increases. However, the structure with k ¼ 0 deforms not ent values of k is presented in Figure 15. The plot shows
only at the position near the impact end but also at the pos- that the variation of the axial coefficient k has little effect on
ition near the fixed end during the initial stage of impact. In the crashworthiness indicators of SEA and MCF. Note that
addition, the increase of the k value also results in a smaller the SEA and MCF of HHGAVT2 and HHGAVT3 with
wavelength of the first fold in the structure, and as the k > 0 are higher than the corresponding structure with uni-
impact progresses, these smaller folds are further com- form wall thickness. For example, the SEAs of HHGAVT2
pressed downward. It should be noted that when k > 0, the and HHGAVT3 at k ¼ 0.08 are 5.51% and 3.41% higher than
wall thickness near the fixed end is thicker, and the com- those of the structures with k ¼ 0, respectively. The impact of
pression distance of structure is only 80% of the total length the axial coefficient k on the key crashworthiness indicators of
H, resulting in the thicker wall not participating in plastic PCF and CFE is significant, as shown in Figure 15c and d.
deformation at last. For example, when k ¼ 0.08, there is still The PCF of HHGAVT with k > 0 is significantly lower than
a significant portion of the structure at the bottom that has that of HHGAVT with k ¼ 0, while the CFE of HHGAVT
not undergone plastic deformation, which to some extent with k > 0 is significantly higher. HHGAVT with k > 0 has
impairs the overall energy absorption capacity of the struc- an absolute advantage over HHGAVT with k ¼ 0 in terms of
ture, as shown in Figure 13. PCF and CFE, and this phenomenon becomes more pro-
The force-displacement curve of thin-walled tubes with nounced as k increases. The PCF of HHGAVT3 with k > 0
uniform wall thickness undergoes a rapid drop after the ini- is reduced by a maximum of 64.35%, while its CFE is
tial peak force, followed by a regular horizontal fluctuation increased up to 182.22%, compared to HHGAVT3 with
stage and a final densification stage, as shown in Figure 14. k ¼ 0. Similarly, the PCF of HHGAVT2 with k > 0 is
After experiencing an initial peak force drop, the force- reduced by a maximum of 60.40%, and its CFE is about 3.5

Figure 14. Effect of different values of k on the structural crashworthiness performances, (a), (c), (e) force-displacement curves and (b), (d), (f) energy absorption
curves of HHGAVT1, HHGAVT 2 and HHGAVT 3, respectively.

times higher than that of HHGAVT3 with k ¼ 0. Therefore, and between the vertices of the second-level hexagon and
the HHGAVT with k > 0 not only maintains good energy the vertices of the inner hexagon, respectively. Here, the dis-
absorption performance but also slightly improves SEA and tance factors of different hierarchical levels are set as the
MCF compared with the HHGAVT with k ¼ 0. same (d1 ¼ d2 ¼ d), and the effect of d (including 10, 12,
Furthermore, it significantly reduces PCF and increases 15, 16 and 18 mm) on the structural crashworthiness per-
CFE. The above results clearly demonstrate that HHGAVT formances is investigated. Section 4.2 shows that the
with k > 0 has a significant advantage over the HHGAVT3 HHGAVT with k ¼ 0.08 significantly reduces PCF while
with k ¼ 0. increasing SEA. Therefore, the HHGAVT3 with k ¼ 0.08 is
used to investigate the effect of distance factor d, as shown
in Figure 16. Note that as d increases, the rids at the outer
4.3. Effect of distance factor d region will intersect (d ¼ 18 mm). The force-displacement
curves and energy absorption curves with different values of
In section 2.1, the distance factor d, which is the vertex dis- d are shown in Figure 17. The plot shows that the value of
tance between the adjacent hexagons, has been defined. For d has little effect on PCF, and the PCF of each structure is
example, d1 ¼ L0–L1 and d2 ¼ L1–L2 are the distance factors around 90 kN. From the energy absorption curves, it can be
of the 1st and 2nd hierarchical level, respectively, where d1 seen that when d ¼ 18 mm, the energy absorption is greater
and d2 represent the distances between the vertices of the than other structures. This phenomenon is attributed to the
outer hexagon and the vertices of the second-level hexagon, existence of cross rids in the outer region, which is

Figure 15. Effect of different values of k on the crashworthiness performances of HHGAVT, (a) SEA, (b) MCF, (c) PCF, (d) CFE.

Figure 16. Cross sections HHGAVT3 with different values of d, (a) d ¼ 10 mm, (a) d ¼ 12 mm, (a) d ¼ 15 mm, (a) d ¼ 16 mm, (a) d ¼ 18 mm.

Figure 17. Effect of different values of d on the crashworthiness performances, (a) force-displacement curves and (b) energy absorption curves.

beneficial for energy absorption due to the increased num- discussion. Moreover, the energy absorption of HHGAVT3
bers of angle elements. To avoid the effect of the cross rids with d ¼ 15 mm is only second to that with d ¼ 18 mm.
on the crashworthiness performances, the analysis of the The crashworthiness data of HHGAVT3 with different
structure with d ¼ 18 mm will be neglected in the following values of d is shown in Figure 18, and detailed data is given

Figure 18. Crashworthiness data of HHGAVT3 with different values of d, (a) SEA, (b) MCF, (c) PCF and (d) CFE.

Table 4. Crashworthiness data of HHGAVT3 with different different values of d. was carried out using the verified finite element model, and
d (mm) tm (mm) m (g) SEA (J/g) MCF (kN) PCF (kN) CFE (%) the following conclusions were obtained:
10 1.2 604.55 34.97 176.16 89.20 197.49
12 1.2 608.10 37.25 188.76 90.09 209.53
15 1.2 614.89 37.96 194.49 90.95 213.84
1. Compared to other structures, HHGAVT has an abso-
16 1.2 617.35 37.17 191.20 91.15 209.76 lute advantage in the key crashworthiness indicators of
18 1.2 621.62 39.48 204.51 91.26 224.10 PCF and CFE while maintaining the advantage of
energy absorption under the same mass.
2. As the number of hierarchical level increases, the num-
ber of folds also increases and the fluctuation of the
in Table 4. The plot shows that excluding the case of force-displacement curve of HHGAVT decreases while
d ¼ 18 mm, the HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 15 mm has higher SEA, its energy absorption increases. HHGAVT3 has the
MCF and CFE than other structures, meanwhile, the PCF of advantage of improving the crashworthiness of the
each structure is around 90 kN, with little difference to each structure while reducing PCF.
other. Compared with the HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 10 mm, the 3. For HHGAVT with k > 0, the first fold starts from the
HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 15 mm has a 8.55% increase in SEA, position near the impact end due to its thinner wall
10.41% increase in MCF and 8.28% increase in CFE. thickness, and the wavelength of the first fold decreases
Compared with the HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 12 mm, the as k increases. The force-displacement curve of
HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 15 mm has increased its SEA by 1.91%, HHGAVT with k > 0 is different from that of the uni-
MCF by 3.04% and CFE by 2.06%. Compared with the form wall thickness structure, and increasing k can
HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 16 mm, the HHGAVT3 with effectively reduce the PCF and significantly improve
d ¼ 15 mm has reduced weight and increased its SEA by the CFE.
2.13%, MCF by 1.72% and CFE by 1.95%. Therefore, 4. Reasonable setting the parameter d can fully utilize the
HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 15 mm has the best crashworthiness advantages of HHGAVT. Compared with HHGAVT3
performances. with d ¼ 16 mm, HHGAVT3 with d ¼ 15 mm has better
crashworthiness performances and lower weight.

Author contributions
5. Conclusions
Xiaolin Deng: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal
Inspired by the tree fractal structure, the HHGAVT tubes analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing—original draft,
were proposed. The crashworthiness analysis of HHGAVT Supervision, Visualization. Yuwen Chen: Investigation, Data curation,

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ence the work reported in this paper. [14] N.S. Ha, T.M. Pham, W. Chen, H. Hao, and G. Lu,
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cell circular tubes under axial crushing, Thin. Walled Struct.,
Funding vol. 169, pp. 108315, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2021.108315.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of [15] D. Le, N. Novak, A. Arjunan, A. Baroutaji, Q. Estrada, T.N.
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