Power Transmitting Elements

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These industries plays crucial role as integral part of the global energy sector and provide essential

products that power economies, fuel transportation, and serve as raw materials for a wide range of
consumer goods.

REFINERIES: They utilize complex and interconnected processes to separate, transform, and upgrade
different hydrocarbon fractions obtained from crude oil. The refined products produced by refineries
are essential for transportation, industry, and residential energy needs.

And here’s the simple processes associated to refineries, distilling or distillation, cracking, reforming,
blending and last but not the least treating.

Distilling or distillation- In this process, it separates heavy & Lighter fuels. It is important to note that
distillation is the action of purifying a liquid by a process of heating and cooling.

Cracking- Maximize the use of heavy oil. Catalysts break the heavy oil into more valuable lighter fluids
This process produces additional gasoline, diesel, and other light hydrocarbon streams.

Reforming- Increases the amount of gasoline produced from crude oil. Number of carbon atoms are
same in Naphtha (liquid obtained from distillation) as in gasoline but the structure is more complex.
Reforming rearranges the molecules in Naphtha & turn it into more useful gasoline, hence increases
the gasoline amount produced.

Blending- Gasoline is blended to achieve octane standards volatility, and other performance
characteristics to meet the specification of engine types.

Treating- it is a process used to produce cleaner gasoline. Helps to protect the environment & our
health. Desulfurization was mentioned which removes sulfur from gasoline and these sulfur
compounds are used in fertilizers and pharmaceutical.

Next here’s a simplified drawing which shows the processes associated with refinery. Next and for us
to further visualize what’s going through the process, here’s a youtube video which shows the
petroleum refining process.

It's important to note that this is a simplified overview, and the actual production flow in refineries
can be much more complex and involve additional processes and units depending on factors such as
the refinery's configuration, product slate, and market demand. Each refinery has its unique set of
processes and technologies to optimize product yields, quality, and profitability.

Petrochemical Plants- focus on the production of petrochemicals which are chemical compounds
derived from petroleum or natural gas, and they serve as the building blocks for a vast array of
products in industries such as plastics, textiles, pharmaceuticals, detergents, and more.

Feedstock Preparation- This preparation step ensures the quality and suitability of the feedstock for
subsequent processing.

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