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Table Of Contents

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………3
2. Leader’s background……………………………………………………………4
3. Leadership traits and skills……………………………………………………. 5
4. Leadership behaviour…………………………………………………………...6
5. Leadership power………………………………………………………………..7
6. Conclusion & References…………...………………………………………….8

1. Introduction

Leadership is the process through which an individual exerts influence over

others and inspires, motivates, and directs their activities in order to help a
group or organization achieve its goals. A leader is someone who holds great
power. When leaders are effective, the influence they have over others helps a
group or organization in meeting its performance objectives. When leaders are
ineffectual, their influence does not help, and often hinders, goal achievement.
As "A Manager's Challenge" demonstrates, Satya Nadella took numerous
efforts to inspire and motivate Microsoft employees at all levels so that they
could help the company achieve its goals.

2.Leader’s Background

Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman, also known as Khairul Aming on social media,

is a Malaysian cooking celebrity. He is well-known for his inventive recipe
videos, which receive a lot of likes and shares on his Facebook and Instagram
pages. He is 30 years old and was born in Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Last year, Khairulaming’s name managed to be mentioned by netizens. All

because of his Sambal Nyet, 10,000 units were sold in less than 3 minutes after
the launch. Famous for his interesting and funny cooking videos, who would
have thought that Khairul Amin also went through a difficult time in his life when
he started promoting his Sambal Nyet in 2017.

His business began in 2017 through social media, and he began promoting
his sambal through the Facebook platform by creating videos on how to make
penyet chicken rice with his sambal. Khairul Amin founded the Sambal King
through a Twitter partnership, and the product is now known as Sambat Nyet.

2. Leadership Traits and Skills

Trait leadership and skill is defined as integrated patterns of personal qualities that
reflect a wide range of individual variances and generate consistent leader
performance in a number of group and organizational settings.
Firstly, Khairul Aming is known as a leader that has intelligence and expertise. It
means helps managers understand complex issues and solve problems while
expertise means help managers make good decisions and discover ways to increase
efficiency and effectiveness. Khairul Amin promotes his products on social media and
he only makes sales on the Shopee platform. According to Khairul Amin, this year, he
sold 540,000 bottles equivalent to gross sales of RM 7.5 million. Recently there was a
problem where a customer who had bought the product found that the sambal had
leaked and causing the customer to be dissatisfied with the packaging method made
by Khairul Amin. However, Khairul Amin has apologized and made compensation to
anyone who experienced the same thing as before. He said that using plastic wrap
can save costs, and simplify courier matters, the time efficiency of using plastic wrap
is only 1 minute and 5 seconds while using boxes will add time and a low damage
rate. (Nana, 2022) According to him, based on the sales data for a week, the party
has sold around 250,000 bottles, but every week issues such as spilled oil are very
rare and if they do happen, they only involve 2-3 bottles a week.
Next, one of Khairul Amin's secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur is
integrity. Integrity means helping managers behave ethically and earn their
employee’s trust and confidence. When Khairul Amin acts with integrity and gains their
trust, he will treat his employees right and do what is the best for the business. From
this, he can have an ethical management team that can support her with the business.
The issue is that, while Khairul Amin's business was famous, there was a
misunderstanding that caused his business to collapse even worse. At that time, a
scammer claimed to be an agent from Khairul Amin's company, and she cheated on
her customers by selling a fake sambal (Lazim, 2021). However, Khairul Amin acted
quickly to protect his brand's reputation. At that point, the Seller surrendered at the
police station.
Moreover, the most important aspects of leaders is to have maturity traits. Maturity
is not measured by the age of the leader or her expertise or look. As we can see,
Khairul Amin has shown his maturity trait even though he is a young entrepreneur.
Although personal maturity can mean being able to see beyond yourself, leadership
maturity means putting others before yourself. This year has created another issue
where outsiders are not satisfied with manager Khairul Amin because he is arrogant
and pretentious (Miscon, 2022). However, Khairul Amin and his manager have publicly
apologized and admitted their mistake

4. Leadership behaviour

The traits and attributes that enable someone to be a good leader are referred to
as leader behaviour. Leaders use their actions to guide, direct, and influence the work
of their teams. There are various inherent characteristics that support leadership
behaviour; yet, leaders can strive to develop methods and activities to improve their
conduct and be more effective. Leaders who utilize their actions to articulate a vision,
encourage people, and ensure everyone is as productive as possible help businesses
thrive. (Writer, 2020)
Relationship-oriented leaders prioritize team cohesion, healthy work environments,
and group members' individual and collective satisfaction to be liked them. For
Example, Khairul Amin always cares about his employees such as giving their
employees benefits from the company like the flexibility of working hours, optical and
dental insurance, meals allowance, and transport allowance. Not only that, employees
who have personal problems such as money problems or family problems, surely, he
will help them. Besides, he always motivates his employees or teams to become
successful like him. He treats each of employee equally This style also towards a
healthy work environment. (Jones, 2021)
Task-oriented leadership is a directive style of leadership that specifies tasks and
goals in order to attain an aim. Task-oriented executives provide actions and a plan to
achieve an organization's goals. The leader can accomplish a specified standard of
performance in their direction through task-oriented leadership. To incorporate your
management talents into the organization, you can choose task-oriented leadership
as a style. As a result, it is very goal-oriented and completes the objectives within the
timeframes provided. It specifies and supports the roles of the entire team. Task-
oriented leaders provide specialized work tools, resources, and other tools to help
employees do their tasks. Everything in this type of leadership is centred on
completing the task. There are a few strengths of task-oriented leadership focused on
Khairul Amin, which is applying a reward system after their teams have achieved key
results and objectives, and applying systems to continually reward and motivate. For
example, he gives his team a bonus and rewards them. Others that offer guidance is
to provide clear advice and direction to avoid mistakes and hassles. Clearly that
Khairul Amin is such a good leader because he always follows up with their teams
about the issue and settles it by providing clear information and resources to them

5.Leadership power

Power is the ability to influence others' behaviour with or without their consent by
employing a range of strategies to push or compel action. There are some power in
this case. One of them is reward power. It is the ability of a manager to give or withhold
tangible rewards (pay raises, bonuses, choice job assignments) and intangible
rewards (verbal praise, a pat on the back, respect). Like Khairul Amin, often use their
reward power to motivate their employees. Employees in organizations like this often
receive a commission on whatever they sell and a reward for the quality of their
customer service, which motivates them to do their best. This year, Khairul Amin took
all his employees to Genting Highland and gave them pocket money to spend there
and he treat them to eat at a 4-star hotel.
Next, expert power is built on a leader's particular knowledge, abilities, and
expertise. The nature of expert power changes according to the position of the leader
in the hierarchy. First- and middle-level managers frequently have technical
knowledge relevant to the jobs that their employees execute. Their specialist position
offers them great influence over employees. For example, Khairul Amin has become
an expert in videographer since he has made a self-taught videographer for years.
When he was 21, he bought his first DSLR camera and improved his skills. He
participated in an international travel video contest in the US and got first place in that
competition. He then uses his expertise in making videos for his business which is
‘Sambal Nyet' without hiring any videographer.
Lastly, referent power is more informal than the other kinds of power. Referent
power is a function of the personal characteristics of a leader; it is the power that
comes from employee and co-workers’ respect, admiration, and loyalty.. In addition to
being an asset for top managers, referent power can help first-line and middle
managers are effective leaders as well. For example, Khairul Amin has become a role
model to his followers on Instagram because of the uniqueness of his cooking, and
editing. In addition, he is admired because he has respect for small business owners.
He had bought their product online and made an honest review of the product. After
he made a review, the sales of small businesses started to increase because of him

6. Conclusion

In a nutshell, leadership is viewed as the process of guiding, teaching motivating,

and directing the activities of others toward attaining the goal. It involves having
abilities to influence others. There is a widespread perception that leadership is
essential to successful organizational and societal functioning and progress. It is
because in order to be an effective leader, he should have personal characteristics
that can lead the organization to become successful and gain profit. We can say that
Khairul Amin is also an effective leader because he has personal characteristics such
as intelligence, knowledge and expertise, integrity, and maturity. He was also
successful to control his teams toward leader behavior, such as relationship-oriented
leaders and task-oriented leaders. Lastly, a strong leader has his own attraction in his
team to attract his employees to be loyal, happy, and comfortable during working
under his direction

Jones, G. R. (2021). Leadership. In G. R. Jones, Contemporary Management (p. 421). United Kingdom:

Lazim, A. (30 April, 2021). Sinar Harian. Retrieved from Sinar Harian:

Miscon, N. Z. (2022 September, 2022). Malaysia Dateline. Retrieved from Malaysia Dateline:

Nana. (21 September, 2022). Majalah Remaja. Retrieved from Majalah Remaja:

Writer. (17 June, 2020). Western Governors University. Retrieved from Western Governors


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