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Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy

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The role of nutrition in pediatric oncology

Ronald D. Barr & Elena J Ladas

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The role of nutrition in pediatric oncology

Ronald D. Barra and Elena J Ladasb
Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; bDivision of Hematology-
Oncology/Stem Cell Transplant, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, Irving Medical Centre, New York, USA


Introduction: Obesity compromises survival in children with cancer in high-income countries (HICs) and Received 25 July 2019
is accompanied often by sarcopenia. In low and middle-income countries (LMICs), where the great Accepted 20 January 2020
majority of children live, the prevalence of under-nutrition is as high as 95% in those with cancer. KEYWORDS
Nutritional support improves clinical outcomes, including survival. Anthropometry; cancer;
Areas covered: This narrative review describes the evolution of attention to nutrition in children with children; densitometry;
cancer and the increasing understanding of this relationship. An initial focus on obesity in children with malnutrition; metabolome;
acute leukemias in HICs has been matched more recently by a recognition of the negative effect of microbiome; morbidity;
under-nutrition on survival in children with cancer in LMICs. These observations have stimulated survival
explorations of underlying mechanisms, including dysbiosis of the gut microbiome, and structured
nutritional interventions to redress adverse outcomes.
Expert opinion: Studies of the gut microbiome and metabolome have yielded important information
on the pathogenesis of malnutrition in children, providing new avenues for interventions. Combinations
of plant products that are inexpensive and readily available in LMICs have been shown to ‘mature’ the
microbiome and the corresponding plasma proteome in children with acute malnutrition, offering the
prospect of cost-effective remedies that are tested in children with cancer.

1. Introduction Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) in 2013 [7]. At the COG meeting in

October 2018, there was a symposium on the State of the
Some 20 years ago the first international workshop on nutrition
Science in Nutrition [8] which has resulted in a set of published
and cancer in children was held in Puebla, Mexico under the
manuscripts. The SIOP committee is a composite of two
auspices of UICC, the Union for International Cancer Control [1].
streams; one focused on high-income countries (HICs) and the
The workshop was entitled Nutritional Morbidity in Children with
other on low and middle-income countries (LMICs). The net-
Cancer: Mechanisms, Measures and Management and had three
work is united in its Terms of Reference that begin ‘Malnutrition
objectives (Table 1). Three sets of outcomes resulted from the
in its broadest sense poses serious challenges in the manage-
workshop (Table 2–4). The second international workshop on
ment of children and adolescents throughout their cancer jour-
nutrition and cancer in children was convened almost a decade
ney, from prior to diagnosis into long-term survivorship’.
later, again in Puebla [2]. The output included position statements
on Nutritional Status: Measurements and Outcomes; Energy
Balance and Body Composition; Bone Morbidity; Complementary
2. In the beginning
and Alternative Medicines; Dietary Manipulation and Vitamin
Supplementation; and Experience in Developing Countries. Much of the focus in HICs has been on the impact of obesity in
The choice of Puebla for these events was made on two children with malignant disease. While there are major con-
counts; early contributions from investigators in Puebla to the cerns about the increasing prevalence of obesity among chil-
literature on the importance of nutrition in children with dren in the general population, it poses particular risks in
cancer [3] and recognition of the influence of malnutrition those with cancer. However, the influence of weight appears
on clinical outcomes in children with cancer in developing to begin early in life. Birth weight over 3.5 Kg has been
countries [4]. Support for these events came mainly from the associated with an increased risk of ALL and AML [9], a risk
Office of International Affairs in the National Cancer Institute refined more recently as relating to ALL and high ‘proportion
(USA) and from the Public Health Agency of Canada. of optimal birth weight’ [10]. Given the robust evidence that
In the years that have passed since the Puebla workshops, leukemogenesis can begin ante-natally [11], there is an
there has been increasing interest in the challenges posed by obvious question about the effect of high birth weight on
the inter-relationships of children, cancer and nutrition [5]. this process. The relationship to ALL is more that of acceler-
Nutrition committees were formed by the Children’s Oncology ated fetal growth, leading to the suggestion that the biologi-
Group (COG) in 2005 [6] and the International Society of cal correlate with a heightened risk of ALL is mediated by

CONTACT Ronald D. Barr Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

childhood and early adolescence has been associated with the

Article highlights development of pancreatic cancer in adult life [13].
● In children with cancer both over- and under-nutrition compromise
clinical outcomes, including the prospects for survival.
● Metrics using body weight e.g. BMI are limited and often provide 3. More on obesity
inaccurate assessments of nutritional status in these children; arm
anthropometry is preferable. The influence of obesity on clinical outcomes in children with
● Measures of body composition, such as dual-energy X-ray absorptio- acute leukemias has been a major focus of attention. Lange et al
metry, can provide accurate estimates of fat mass, lean body mass, first described a higher rate of treatment-related mortality in
and bone mineral mass.
● Circumstances in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where children with AML who were obese at diagnosis than in those
the great majority of children with cancer live and undernutrition is who were not [14]. Butturini et al then reported that, in children
prevalent, are especially challenging. with ALL who were obese at diagnosis, their event-free survival
● In LMICs, the genetic, environmental, and dietary diversity offers
many opportunities for research on nutrition in children with cancer. (EFS) and overall survival (OS) rates were shorter than in non-
obese children [15]. The results from international consortia have
A major investment will be made in studies of the gut microbiome
in this population, which could lead to effective interventions and
been inconsistent with respect to associations between obesity
improved clinical outcomes. and survival in children with acute leukemia. No studies have
shown an increased risk of infections in overweight or obese
children with ALL [16], except for two retrospective studies in
single institutions, one reporting that obesity was a risk factor for
Table 1. Objectives of the first Puebla workshop, 1997. urinary tract infections [17] and the other that obesity was asso-
1. To develop a consensus on the nature and magnitude of the challenges ciated with admissions for fever and neutropenia during the pre-
2. To explore possible solutions maintenance phases of therapy in a univariate analysis [18].
3. To set goals and priorities in research
A meta-analysis has been performed by Orgel et al [16]. This
revealed that a higher body mass index (BMI) was associated
Table 2. Key educational messages to health professionals. with a significantly increased mortality rate, poorer EFS and
● Malnutrition is an adverse prognostic factor in children with cancer a statistically non-significant trend toward greater risk of relapse
● Effective cancer therapy contributes to nutritional morbidity in children with ALL [16]. Furthermore, obesity during remission
● Serial monitoring of nutritional status is an essential component of care induction therapy is an independent predictor of minimal resi-
● Early, effective nutritional support is a pre-requisite in the maintenance of
health and health-related quality of life in children with nutritional dual disease (MRD) in ALL [19]. In children with AML, a higher BMI
deficiencies. has been associated with poorer EFS and OS [20]. However,
● The importance of the ‘rules of evidence’ in assessing both safety and a more recent report described a lack of association of BMI at
efficacy in the use of ‘alternative’ therapies must be explained and
stressed. diagnosis with MRD, cumulative incidence of relapse/refractory
disease or EFS [21]. In that report, obesity was associated with
increased treatment-related mortality and less salvage after
Table 3. Key educational messages for the families of children with cancer. refractory disease or bone marrow relapse.
● Maintenance of adequate nutritional status makes an important High BMI has been linked to other treatment-related toxici-
contribution to health and health-related quality of life. ties, including high rates of fatal infections in children with
● There is no evidence that nutritional support ‘feeds the tumor’
● When use of ‘alternative’ therapies is suggested, a framework of agreement AML [22,23], osteonecrosis (especially in females) in ALL [23],
should be developed between the family and health-care professionals, hypertension, hyperglycemia, infection, hepatotoxicity and pan-
perhaps implementing a role for surrogates for health professionals and creatitis in children with ALL [24], and thrombo-embolism in
other advocates for families.
those with solid tumors but not leukemias [25]. What can explain
these observations? With respect to disease refractoriness, pro-
Table 4. Research priorities. gression and relapse limiting prospects for survival, the role of
● Design and evaluation of nutritional interventions during and following IGFs again may play a role [26]. It is plausible that the pharma-
cancer therapy, including ‘alternative’ holistic therapies, with the following cokinetics of cancer chemotherapeutic agents are modified in
outcome measures: nutritional status, toxicity (by conventional criteria as patients who are overweight/obese, but there have been no
outlines by WHO), pharmacology, survival, monetary costs, and health-
related quality of life. adverse impacts on clinical outcomes in the setting of a formal
● Mechanisms of cachexia and anorexia of cancer clinical trial [27]. The adverse effect of obesity at diagnosis on EFS
● Epidemiology of possible causes of neoplasia and sources of prevention in in ALL has been reported to persist in patients who remain obese
the diet.
● Long-term consequences of late nutritional morbidity in survivors of for more than 50% of the time between the end of induction and
childhood cancer. the start of maintenance therapy, although this risk is eliminated
if obesity is reversed [28]. Conversely, children in a high-income
country who were malnourished at diagnosis with a variety of
insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) [12] that are known to be cancers had poorer prospects for survival [29].
involved in normal and malignant hematopoiesis [12]. As
noted by Milne et al, ‘Associations observed between acceler-
4. Limitations of BMI
ated fetal growth and risk of other childhood cancers suggest
that the proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects of IGFs may Any measure based on body weight, including BMI, does not
also be involved in their development’ [10]. Obesity in later distinguish muscle from adipose tissue [30]. In children with

Table 5. Methods for measurement of body composition. and even more so in those diagnosed with cancer [41]. As
Neutron activation revealed in Guatemala, this is associated with socio-economic
Total body potassium (body cell mass)
disadvantage [42]. In a large study in Central America under-
Deuterium dilution (total body water)
Air displacement plethysmography nutrition was related to a poor survival rate, a higher rate of
Bioelectrical impedance assessment treatment abandonment and a trend toward a greater risk
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
of relapse [43]. Few studies have examined the relationship
Magnetic resonance imaging
Ellis K. Physiological Reviews 2000; 80: 649-680 of under-nutrition to outcomes in children with cancer in HICs.
In a report from the Netherlands, under-nutrition at diagnosis,
defined by BMI and present in only 5% of children, was
cancer body weight may be influenced considerably by tumor associated with a lower survival rate [29]. In the United
mass, so the use of such measures risks under-estimating under- States, undernutrition has not been associated with poorer
nutrition [31]. Among the numerous techniques used to outcomes in pediatric ALL; however, most of the studies
determine body composition (Table 5), dual-energy x-ray absorp- were likely underpowered to detect an effect due to the low
tiometry (DXA) has found favor as a clinical gold standard [32]. prevalence of under-nutrition at diagnosis.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has advantages in terms of There have been few studies of changes in body composi-
portability and lower cost but is compromised in the context of tion during treatment and most of them have been in children
fluid retention which is common in patients receiving corticos- with ALL in whom changes occur early with an increase in BMI
teroids [33]. BIA is not interchangeable with DXA in children with reported by the end of induction therapy [44,45]. In the US,
cancer, notably as reported in an LMIC setting [34], although its Hispanic children appear to be at particular risk of worsening
utility in that setting is recognized [34]. However, DXA has limited obesity during treatment [46]. However, a rise in BMI may mask
availability in LMICs in which the use of arm anthropometry is a loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) that has been described in
much more common. The relationships of mid-upper arm cir- children with ALL [47–50], occurring early in therapy with
cumference (MUAC) to lean body mass (LBM which, together incomplete recovery by the end of treatment [48]. Sarcopenia
with bone mineral mass, equates to fat-free mass) and of triceps appears to be a consequence of chemotherapy in these chil-
skin fold thickness (TSFT) to fat mass were described in a study of dren [50] and comes with significantly greater risk of severe
newly diagnosed children with cancer at McMaster Children’s adverse events during remission induction, including invasive
Hospital comparing DXA with arm anthropometry [35]. fungal infection [50]. Long-term survivors of ALL in childhood
Expanding studies of body composition to children with cancer also exhibit sarcopenia [51].
in LMICs is clearly a priority [36]. Children with solid tumors treated with intensive che-
The advantage of using arm anthropometry over weight- motherapy experience marked weight loss [52,53], and mal-
for-height (WFH), the measure of acute malnutrition recom- nutrition (under-nutrition) is especially common in children
mended by WHO [37], was recognized in children with cancer with medulloblastoma [54]. It should be noted that these
more than 25 years ago [31]. Brinksma and colleagues under- studies did not undertake separate assessments of muscle
took a comprehensive review of malnutrition in children with and adipose tissue. A recent systematic review highlights the
cancer, ‘restricted to studies in industrialized countries so as to paucity of information on the relationship of nutritional status
exclude other influencing factors such as poverty and lack of to clinical outcomes in children with solid tumors [55].
health care facilities’. These authors noted prevalence rates of
under-nutrition at diagnosis ranging from 5% in children with
6. A focus on bone mineral mass
leukemia to 50% in those with neuroblastoma [38]. Rates were
higher with arm anthropometry than with BMI and WFH. Approximately 40% of bone mineral mass is accumulated in
A subsequent review of 46 reports containing information childhood and adolescence and it is affected adversely by
from both ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries, information cancer and its treatment in this age group [56]. Osteopenia
from the latter being especially limited, observed that most and osteoporosis have been defined in children as bone
studies were undertaken at diagnosis ‘with very few exploring mineral density (BMD) Z scores of −1.0 to −2.0 and less than
nutritional status during or at the end of therapy’ [39]. Arm −2.0, respectively, [57]. Most studies in children with cancer
anthropometry was associated again with higher prevalence have been in those with ALL. Osteopenia is often evident at
rates of under-nutrition than BMI. However, the authors were diagnosis [58] and worsens with the onset of treatment [59].
critical of the overall quality of evidence and concluded that Vertebral fractures are common and often unrecognized clini-
‘These limitations made it impossible to perform a meta- cally [60]. Orgel and colleagues have examined this loss of
analysis of the associations between malnutrition and clinical bone mineral [61] using both quantitative computed tomo-
outcomes’. Efforts are underway to close this scientific gap in graphy (QCT) and DXA. QCT has the advantages of distinguish-
our knowledge through the SIOP PODC Nutrition Committee ing compact/cortical bone from the trabecular/cancellous
and the International Initiative for Pediatrics and Nutrition counterpart, which is much more active metabolically, and
(IIPAN) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center [8]. determining volumetric (v) BMD instead of areal BMD available
from DXA. Loss of vBMD occurred during remission induction.
Compact/cortical bone mass was affected much less but
5. Under-nutrition and changes in nutritional status
revealed thinning associated with the expansion of the medul-
The great majority of children with cancer live in LMICs [40] lary cavity. Surrogate measures of bone modeling in children
where under-nutrition is prevalent in the general population with ALL have shown bone resorption exceeding bone

formation [62]. This imbalance, which results in loss of bone with an examination of the nutritional practices in LMICs relat-
mineral, is due mainly to corticosteroids and methotrex- ing to the care of children with cancer [73] which highlighted
ate [56]. the need for enhanced education on nutrition and adoption of
Osteopenia in children with cancer is not limited to those tools for assessing nutritional status by dieticians, physicians,
with ALL, having been described in those with solid tumors [63] and nurses. This prompted a framework for adapted nutritional
as well as brain tumors. In the latter, it has been associated with therapy [74] and a measure of the capacity to provide nutri-
an adverse effect on health-related quality of life [64]. tional care in pediatric oncology units in India [75]. In turn, an
algorithm was developed and tested at the Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER in
7. Nutritional status after completion of therapy
Chandigarh, India) [76,77] for delivery of nutritional support
The literature on adverse sequelae (late effects) in children (Figure 1); using the algorithm produced better nutritional out-
with cancer who have completed therapy is dominated by comes than the institutional standard of care [77].
reports from HICs, many of which are focused on obesity The need for such an approach is exemplified in Malawi
and the attendant risk of cardiovascular morbidity alone or where almost all children with cancer (95%) are severely mal-
as part of the metabolic syndrome. In this regard, the impor- nourished at diagnosis, as assessed by arm anthropometry [78].
tance of determining adiposity by studies of body composi- Children in North America do not exhibit such malnutrition; for
tion has been emphasized [65]. However, there is a plethora of example, fewer than 5% of those with Wilms tumor have a BMI
late effects in such long-term survivors; these are, in numerous less than the 5th percentile [79].
instances, more common in those treated as adolescents and In Guatemala children with ALL who were severely mal-
young adults than as children [66]; and a case has been made nourished at diagnosis and remained so after 6 months of
for the establishment of large international cohorts to enable treatment had a 5-year OS rate of 56.9% [80]. The OS of
substantive studies [67]. Comprehensive models of care have children who were adequately nourished throughout therapy
been proposed [66]. With respect to nutritional morbidity, was 79.8%. For children who were severely under-nourished at
these emphasize not only the role of healthy diets but also diagnosis, but became adequately nourished by 6 months
the importance of physical activity [68]. Clinical trials of appro- with nutritional supplementation, the 5-year OS was 77.5%.
priate interventions are essential [69]. A subsequent report from the COG provided confirmatory
evidence of the benefit of correcting nutritional depletion [28].
However, the prices of commercial nutritional supplements
8. Responding to the challenges in LMICs
make these products unaffordable in many LMICs. Non-
The SIOP PODC Nutrition Working Group and IIPAN have governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Childhood Cancer
devoted attention to the prevalence and severity of under- International (CCI
nutrition, as well as the prevalence of cancer, and the attendant can help to fill this gap. The deficit has generated interest in ready-
morbidity and mortality in children in LMICs [70–72]. It began to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs). The beneficial impact of

Figure 1. Participants in the workshop on nutrition and children with cancer at the post-graduate institute for medical education and research, Chandigarh, India.

a peanut-based RUTF (chiponde) was shown in children with An opportunity to explore a similar role for RUTFs is exem-
Wilms tumor in Malawi [81], with weight gain during pre- plified by a report on more than 100 pairs of Malawian twins
operative chemotherapy and a better response to treatment. At who were discordant for kwashiorkor [89]. With the adminis-
the SIOP meeting in Kyoto in 2018, the results of a randomized tration of a peanut-based RUTF, the gut microbiome and
clinical trial of RUTF in India were presented [82]. Children in the metabolic functions in the malnourished children ‘matured’
RUTF arm had significantly greater weight gain and improvements transiently but regressed when the RUTF ceased. When fecal
in body composition with fewer episodes of febrile neutropenia samples from children with kwashiorkor were transplanted
than controls. into gnotobiotic mice this led to marked weight loss which
Building on success is an obvious way forward and will improved, again transiently, with the administration of the
include: RUTF [89]. Dr. Jeffrey Gordon’s group have also studied chil-
dren with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and moderate
● Continuing and expanding the education of families and acute malnutrition (MAM) in an urban slum (Mirpur) in
health-care professionals. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. In a clinical trial of thera-
● Promoting routine assessment and surveillance of nutri- peutic foods the microbiota ‘immaturity’, which characterizes
tional status, consistent with local resources, by estab- SAM and MAM, was not repaired fully and there was no
lished methods. impact on severe stunting [90]. The group then undertook
● Increased availability of nutritional supplements that are an exhaustive investigation based on a subset of 54 children
affordable and culturally appropriate, such as ready-to- with SAM [91]. A combination of chickpea, soy, and peanut
use therapeutic foods. flours with banana (code named MDCF 2) was most effective
● Utilization of algorithms for nutritional interventions in ‘maturing’ the gut microbiota of children with MAM as well
commensurate with local realities. as of gnotobiotic mice and piglets which had been colonized
● Maintenance of a registry with standardized elements to with microbiota of ‘immature’ phenotype derived from fecal
record nutritional care and provide a platform for clinical samples obtained from the children before treatment. The
research. 4-component therapeutic food produced a significant increase
● Ongoing program monitoring of established nutritional in the MUAC of the piglets. MDCF 2 also generated a striking
programs. change in the plasma proteome of children with MAM from
that typical of SAM to that of healthy children, including
Efforts to address undernutrition in children with cancer in reduction in the levels of acute-phase proteins and anti-
LMICs must be undertaken in randomized clinical trials. This is inflammatory mediators. The scene is now set for a clinical
exemplified by interventions to minimize sarcopenia during trial of MDCF 2 in children with SAM in Mirpur. Could these
and after treatment, such as with creatine, used in the treat- findings lead to the use of healthy fecal microbiota transplants
ment of muscular dystrophy [83] and well-tolerated by chil- to remediate under-nutrition, as has been accomplished with
dren with cancer [84]. It is essential to include important Clostridium difficile infection [92] which is so common in
clinical outcomes such as tolerance of chemotherapy, infec- children with cancer during periods of prolonged neutrope-
tions, relapse of disease, survival, health-related quality of life nia? Experience in children is yet limited [93].
and nutritional end points like obesity. Metabolic profiling may be another area worthy of explora-
tion. Urinary metabolic phenotypes were shown to distinguish
under-nourished from well-nourished children in Brazil [94].
9. An investment in future biological enquiry
Again, the relationship between nutritional status, gingival
Understanding the human microbiome and metabolome using health, and the composition of oral microbiota were examined
stool, urine, saliva, and human milk samples is a promising area for in children from a poor region of Argentina [95]. Significant
study in pediatric oncology [85]. The interaction of the gut micro- differences in the main periodontal pathogen species were
biome and metabolome with nutritional status in children can identified between eutrophic and under-nourished children.
provide a basis for studies in children with cancer in LMICs [86]. As Findings such as these suggest that metabolic markers of
reported by Bhatt and colleagues [87], the gut has a critical role to nutritional status may be useful in predicting clinical out-
play in modifying cancer susceptibility and progression through comes in children with cancer.
several mechanisms, including DNA damage and inflammation as
well as metabolites contributing to carcinogenesis and tumor
suppression. A dysbiotic gut can influence the efficacy of che-
10. Expert opinion
motherapy, leading to greater toxicity and poorer clinical out-
comes [87]. A recent systematic review [88] describes the lower Measurement of nutritional status is accomplished best by
relative abundance of a healthy gut microbiome in children with determination of body composition, allowing accurate assess-
cancer during treatment, with a marked increase in Enterococcus ment of fat mass, lean mass and bone mineral mass, each of
in those with ALL and AML. This dysbiosis may resolve after the which is altered during treatment, especially among children
completion of therapy. Probiotics appear to improve the gut with ALL. When aggregated from DXA, these components sum
microenvironment and may decrease clinical side effects such as almost exactly to total body weight measured directly. Simple
infection. Their incorporation into supportive care regimens is assessment of body composition can be accomplished by arm
exemplified by efforts underway in the COG among children anthropometry together with height and weight. The clinical
undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. importance of accurate measurement of body composition is

not trivial, as exemplified by loss of skeletal muscle mass, the advantage of this framework in striving to achieve real pro-
dominant element of the sarcopenic phenotype, which results gress in the nutritional care of children with cancer
in the frailty syndrome that presages premature aging and worldwide.
susceptibility to intercurrent illnesses. Amelioration of sarco-
penia can improve health status and health-related quality of
life in adults with malignant disease. Furthermore, increased
fat confers a protective environment for leukemic cells leading This paper received no funding.
to reduced survival. Extending the availability of assessment of
body composition in LMICs will enable better understanding
of the perturbations which accompany non-communicable Declaration of interest
diseases that are assuming increasing importance in countries The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
with limited resources. This is especially true among regions organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with
with a high prevalence of malnutrition in the pediatric the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
population. employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
Malnutrition, in the forms of obesity and under-nutrition, is
well established as a cause of compromised clinical outcomes in
children with cancer. Risks to health associated with malnutrition
Reviewer disclosures
have been identified clearly, both during active treatment and in
long-term survivorship. However, the mechanisms responsible Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other
relationships to disclose.
for these adverse effects are as yet understood incompletely.
Nevertheless, the benefits of restoring normal nutritional status
are clear. This paradigm is being explored vigorously, with
a particular focus on the gut microbiome and the associated
metabolome and proteome. Under-nutrition in children has Papers of special note have been highlighted as either of interest (•) or of
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