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Name: Sem. Bryan S.

Date Assigned: March 17, 2023
Gospel Passage: Mark 12:28-34
Liturgical Season: Friday of the Third Week of Lent
Edited by: Sem. Arjay A. Ligamzon / Sem. Richard Anthony Lim
Title of Reflection: Love the Divine Who Taught Us to Love

In the Gospel, Jesus gives us two very important commandments: to love God and to love

our neighbors. The common denominator of these two is the term "love." It is easy to love if we

are on good terms with others. But how about those who we hated—can we love them as Jesus

told us? The commandment does not aim to discriminate, to divide, or to exclude. We must love

just as Jesus does: openhanded and inclusive to all.

I remember when I was still a corporate employee and needed to become as rigid as

possible with the implementation of rules. There were times I easily judged some employees

because of their incomplete reports. My mindset during those times was to become the best. That

was the fruit of my pride. I was so ashamed of myself because I forgot what the seminary had

instilled in me—to be a neighbor to others. I reflected, and this changed my ways and led me to

build more harmonious relationships. After we formed a friendly connection, one of them

confessed to me that they were having a hard time dealing with me and were afraid of being

criticized. After hearing those words, I realized that I really had broken my boundaries. I failed

to love in this sense.

The very key to this vocation is to love the ministry Jesus has set for me. It is the means

by which He lets His love be experienced by others. The priesthood revolves around loving God

through others who share this same Divine love. Loving sometimes means leaving and letting go.

Love means taking up our own cross. Love means teaching. It is through love that we can find
God amidst the world's temptations. It is not only a noun but also a verb that requires our actions.

There is no chance of failing when we love because a genuine one will expect no rewards.

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