Understanding Demographics

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Understanding Demographics

Directions: Fill in your answer to the demographic question. List companies or products
marketed towards your specific answers. For example: Denture adhesive would be marketed to
a different age group than a school backpack. For each category you will find an advertisement
of your choice that hits the target market. Under the 1st column put the specific of the
demographic, under the 2nd column put how you know it fits that target market, under the third
column put what the product or company that is being advertised.


Age 5-10 Because my little brother

and cousins are all
between 5-10 they all
love transformer toys .

Gender:Female I guess because females

mostly like a flower or
sweetish type of smell.

Income:Rich Rich people love to buy

random things .
Marital Status:Single Its a really good book.It
shows how single life is
better than being in a
relationship or married.

Ethnic Background:

Education:College It'll be good for their feet

students since they have to walk
around all the time

Occupation:Employed If your back hurts from

long hours and
shifts.Having a heating
pad will lessen the pain.
Hobbies:reading Its fun to read random
fanfiction about
whatever.plus you can
find stupid romance and
fantasy stories.

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