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30 years old married man who is still handsome in is early 30s and his wife who have been

married from 2years now. And but couple are called match made in heaven by others friends and family.
The man is brought from a scholar background and he prefer being normal, live a relax and comfortable
lifestyle without bothering on wealth and riches with his wife.

But tragedy comes to him, when he met a young lady or let me say a young adult with range of 20
beautiful which we call she look like a fairy descent from the immortal and we'll builth body
shape so to say I rich and from a Noble background in the capital city. She is everyman dream girl in the
campus in which she was given the title campus bella.

But know one knows who she real is or where she comes from from a background but we all know she
comes from a rich family in the capital city. But unknown to everyone she came to that school with a
motive or should we say I was here for a sweet revenge ahhhhhh.

Certain morning the man(Tanny) left home after some lovely dovy with us wife ivy before taking is
journey to the campus (Howard Stern College of Technology) best school in town with genius of
expertise. Taking a cab to the campus before the rain started pouring down , Tenny who forgot to check
is forecast this morning because of his lovely wife at home have to jog down from the bus stop to the
campus gate under the weather.

Moving to the campus a certain girl was crossing over to the campus gate at a fast speed because she
did not carry umbrella but unknown to her an incoming vehicle is approaching her in a faster spreed. But
speed can't be stop due to the slepe flood.

Been closed to get hit by the car, doctor Tenny who so this scene run to the road to pull her from getting
hit, due to pull and shock of the girl he pull her to us embrace under the rain.

Later after the shock and the realize themselves on what just came up. And Doctor Tenny look at the
lady he just save and found out that she was beautiful pale girl with bright eyes like sapphire which
shake is ❤️heart. Looking at her on what to do but yet to notice a perfect God made skin white soft and
tender... Due to incident her arms to her collar cloth was reapoff. So he swallowed down and can
remove is sight staring at a frightening girl.

Are you okey miss..... Hello miss. He noticed she is try to cover her exposed skin. So he have to use is
jacket to cover her around and brought her to the nearest spot.

Since are cloth is down ,he took her to his office after finding out that she did not suffer any harm.

Okay miss you can stay here a bit before you go to you class since you are a student... Okay

I stare at her for a moment since I did not here any word from her, I have to go to my pouch and bring
out some tealeaf and boil some hot water her.

Return back to where she is I gave her the warm tea and she drank and relax a little bit. Then I ask what
is her name and which department she came from. Still waiting for her answer I look at her again
worried she might feel uncomfortable, I told her to take her time and relax I will go and get something
comfortable for her to ware.

Not realize much I found my self looking at my wife cloth that I bought to give to yesterday which I
forgot in the office. Have given her the cloth for her to change in the closet.

She just looked at me with that eyes which make me a little bit out of it. And she nodded as a thanks.

I show her the way to the closet...

I went back to clean up the left over drink and clean up the wet floor. After finishing I sat down in my
desk thinking of what happened today and me meeting a girl which I think is familiar but can't recall
where I met those lovly eyes.

Lost in though for god knows how long, I realized I was still thinking about her, shaking my head way ..
she is just a student.

I look around to check if she is already out, I have to recap that she was in the closet for more than
1hours now. I move to her direction thinking if she is still scared.

Miss..... are you okay is everything all right, still not heard her response I ruched to the door open it wide
without knocking.


I got cut off guard when I found her with only panties I lost my voice to call her . I stare at blue eyes
again to her face I still can't recover myself because I have never lost my composition with the opposite
sex. I am a married man for crying loud I have seen things than that I am very satisfied with my self and
still yet I don't care about other women who fluent there selves to attract me. Still yet I can't moved
evendo they are beautiful with different of sizes..

I am a respectable man of word I stay Faith with my lovely wife at home of cause am okay with my life
not like most of my mate who have girlfriends there and their and keep their wife's at home. Because
they look for new meat. I am not like them I depart from them or ignore them when they called me for
outdoor fun in the club .

I throw down their invitation and say my wife is cooking tonight and I can't miss it. I make excuse like
this. Till I was started calling wife backpack.

Yes, I do agree with you guys I am a wife backpack because I Dot on my lovelyee ivy and homepeck
husband who loves nagging when I misses wife for a second.

But I still don't understand what happened to me today and why did I get unlucky to met a girl who is
beautiful with no flaws on her Body. Still yet she is still 20s why I am a married man if middle 30s having
my thoughts go further away on a girl I accidentally save because of passionate heart to others who
need help.
Ahhhhhhh youuuuuu ttsaaasair.. uncle what are you doing here.

Shoke my head with Strawn realize what I just did and I just got carried away due to unwanted
absorption of my thoughts.


I quickly turn around backing her, composing myself a bit ... Zhummm...kofff..I was checking on you seen
I called you you are not responding, I thought something happened to you ehmmm.

go on sorry for the intrusion............. I step outside and close the door.

Closing the door I found my self sweating look like my hormones got rose up . Run to the table I took
down a glass of water bring my self down.

Is it just me sweating or the room temperature is higher, I can't rum my thoughts at a point.

30min Later I clam down after quoting some meditative mantras suggested by one of my mentor who is
spiritual leader Abbott mendaval.

Before I settle down and get back to work for the day throwing what happened back of mind a minute


My name is ellina Lavinia De'castle a eligant virtuous woman grow in the noble clan of country M Capital
city , I was born in the De'castle family a well renounce mercenary family whose foot took fear by their
enemies who what to destroyed them during my forefathers days in the mapol war regime.but we still
stood firm and drive our enemies away from the bounder of our nations and we are still strong, rich and
powerful. I'm which with our full power we can go head on with a country military power. Ahhhh that
the days of our older generation still now De'castle family is still in power in a low profile way either in
politics,business and military. But as the younger generation keep coming we are still the De'castle
family of all time but we chose to focus our power in the business world.

Who am I.... Ellina De'castle called by my friends Ellina Lavinia De'castle called by my family, Lavinia
called by my grandmother who also a sharp noble Garima Elston De'castle. But in other way around I
was Nine Lotus princess by my subordinate, Jasmine of asura ahhh for Been a notorious underworld
dark queen by killers , Mafians in the underworld. I control all the law that govern outlaw in country M
and other costal county's. I was a queen to them, who don't bow down to my rule I remove them any
who cause trouble I keep them in check with my Night Fate Mercenary guards.

I take over that position at the age of 17 , do what have to be done to guard my family and remove
obstacle from the upper eloms in the underworld, but it take me 3 years to build my power to this stage.
Why was it like that some might be wondering why I take the dark world at early age, one of the reasons
was my master who taught me when I was little was the chief commander if Night Fate Crop but he died
due to plan hidden by his enemies which took his life and pass the mantle for me to take his position.
What can I do u should have reject that position, but at the his death bed he ask me if I am still looking
for that Man.......

I got unsettle because know one knows what deep feels and hated do I have for that person.

Ellina I know you are still looking for that Man , and your inner heart is still troubling you for long........

Master are you alright........ Tapping is shoulder.

Ellina I am requesting for you to take my position as a chief commander of the Crop and I will give you
the information where you can find that Man........

I was lost in though , know one knew the deep feeling I have for that Man which turn my world away.

Recalling how I met Him...............

I was at junior high school having fun , causing trouble here and there. Even skip class to hang around
with friends that when I got cut by the principal Mr Prim a serious well minded old block ahhm. I got cut
and put on detention for a owe day and I will have to do community cleaneup for 1 month crazy right I
am still De'castle, asking me to clean when I have not done so before, I laughed it out and smog my

Mr Prim what can you do to me ........ I just order my master to blow down you lousy old broke ass

But okay I still have to do it because Mr Prim is a man of principle and he fear no body with is philosophy
brain head...

That when I met that Man that lead me to think of him for 5years which almost lead me and my family
in trouble due to clashes against the outlaw gangs.

Daniel Tennyson a well dressed young man not more than age 28 but he still looking more handsome
and energetic of younger college hunks in my neighborhood.. emmum I think he his more cooler than
them.. look at his eye brow......o that lips .... Ahhhhhhh omg ...... What am I thinking.... . Ellina Lavinia
De'castle you are out of your mind.

O is coming this way ajhhhhhh , I want him himmmm alone . I could not remove my eyes I lick my lips
pressing them together waiting for expectations.oooooooops hhhhieee hunk.

Flipping my skirt checking if I look good , pushing my small figure up ahh I am God bless me today am
favouredahhhhhh.... I go for the killing, I must get a glimpse of him before those
crazieeee******""bi*****s comes..

Ahhhhhhhhhhbn scream ahhhkik hokt hhunk mammjsnm ooo stop pushing me......ahhiik hunk look here
am here........ look me Nona will warm you up....
Speaking of the devil....... Ah scratch my head around. Dammite does damn bit****h , their to still my
man.. ya you all crazy girls, scam away and move from my sight before I use my fist on you..

What is she say...... Ignore her bitch.......ahhhhhhhhh loookm at that legs .... I want to be that door
ahhhhh I want be that sit ooooooankkkaookkk me that handkerchief...

Did this damn bit****h just called me bitch*******

Ahhhh brat how there you run your mouth in front of your
grandaunt....pakkakakKpKakPakkkkkapakkkk . Any one want to end up like them , come let me try my
new skills.

Ah Ellina you are crazie,

O ....putt which fly is talking,icecy stare at them........ Do you want to get smack down by my shake panko
pant butte pie...

Now scam and stop being an eyesore.......... Mhum what a chicken.

Quak chop them off now.. puting my hand in my waste as a lady boss.

After dealing with those fan girls, I jog to the direction he went , can't find him I ask around for his where
about and what direction he took.

Aimlessly looking for him , knock out a person whose Items fell in the ground.

Watch it dude, I can't you see me looking foooorrr...... Emmmmm, hello hummk emmm Uncle.

Sorry kid , I did not see you,

Ahhhh his voice is good music to hear...

Hello are you listening.


Yes i am, I was sayyying that ahhhh you drop this, it belongs to you.

Okay thanks.

Then he move is head away and turn around leaving.

Waiting emm.

Yes kid....

Pls stop calling me kid, do I look like a child to you hummm


Do you need anything...

Em it like this.emm

Are you a teacher i this school, you look new here I can show you around if you want.

No, yes I look new here because I just came in here for the first time

Ahh first time mmm ..... As I thought..

Uncle I can show you around where are you going to, I can lead you there.

No thanks............ Turning around to leave

I hold my hand in excitement..........with burning gaze.

A kid what are you looking at, where you supposed to be in the class.

Ahh that I.....

Was under punishment ehmmm embarrassing ahhhhhh I need to hide my face. O God come
and buried me.

As I thought you are trouble maker

What troublemaker, you look at this darling cute little cherry princess a troublemaker, I will get angry at
you........ shouting with indignation....

Okay okay sorry aghhhhh my bad.

Are you smiling at me..... uncle

Ahh No. I mean yes , you look cute when you get angry

O that so ............ehhhh thank you Uncle.

Okay kid go back to the class I needd to look for the principal.

O are you looking for principal prim, why are you looking for him...

Non of you business kid..........go to the class

Butt ........but you don't know is office is , I beat my chest I can take you there . .

O what are you staring about take you I eyes away I dug them out....
Haven't you said you can beat your chest to be well reassured.

Damnit pervert, what are you staering at,

Nothing much

Are you insulting me, don't you know in few more years I will use it to suppress and suffocating you with

Kkoffkkofff ahhhh....................Kid stop speaking

I will be going..... He walked away without turning back that is my first time meeting him..

Scene 1: principal meeting,

Good day Mr Tennyson....... Who was lead by the principal secretary

Good day principal Prim it good to see you sir.............. With hand shake and smiling pleasant.

Have a sit............. You look good it as being a long time since you left this school ahh.

Secretary Monroe pls serve us some tea.....


Looking as been a while sir Prim

Ahh my boy you done very well, I heard you are in country A studying Advance AI machine which is good

You made us proud ahhhhh .......... You still my must best student I have trained so far..and I am looking
forward for more impact from you... but you surprised me by creating that technology in country A.

It was no big deal sir.... evendo its challenging and took some of time..

Don't be so humble my boy .... just do what you can do is all about have to do a new things that
others may find impossible to do.

But am impressed...........

Thank you......... Clakkk ...... taking a cup of tea from the secretary.

You are welcome Dr Tenny..... ..... closing the door clakkkkk

So my boy... I call you here to take lecture to our student here on 5G technology and your
experience........ Kids now are days are very bright but stubborn to the right direction... so I want if you
can take us on this work.

Thu the kids might not listen to you a start ...but you can get hang on it. And it good to interact with
fresh mind might be a help for you in the future..
So what do you say...... Waiting for response with a burning gaze.... moving is lip up smiling wide open as
a sly fox..

Ok sir Prim I will take the students within a month, I will see their performance before I leave.

I will love to see what they can do.

Excellent my boy ahhhhhha ......... Most excellent.....m. my boy let me introduce you to the school board
and the students.

Holding the phone box calling.......... Secretary Monroe pls come in... Notify the board that we will be
having a meeting by two pm, we have a guest to tech the students on 5G technology.

Go now ......

Hand shake......... It good to be back sir and it my pleasure for been here.

Ahh it your hard work that makes you to be what you are.......



Still missing him when we just spoke in the first day made me feel refreshed..... what am I thinking I like
that smell of his that tone....ohhh

What match for me.... and he pleases my eye........ My heart is beating.... What happened to face, do I
look like those crazy fan girls..

Ellina Lavinia De'castle you can be yourself..... calm down...xhelaxxxxs....


What a day I found my self to........ O damn it I am late for class..

That bullish teacher Mr Hon Jones will make me solve a load of mathematics, damn it what am be doing

Rushing to the classroom......

Class A

You stop right there.............a man shouted outside, but I did not pay attention or look back to see who it

De'castle......... Shouted the man

I have to turn back and look for the voice....... receiving a shock....ahhhhhhh
Mmmmn Mr Hon ........ Ii.....

So you have grow enough wing to start ignoring your teachers call arh..

You are quite bold fore that I will keep you on probation today..

Sir......mbut I just mmmm

No but...

Now get to the class and start working on the sums in page 35 of your mathematics textbook.

No move......

Stump my feet in reluctant...... murmur damn that old man...... how did I get to his hand......o God help
me...this one's. Heading to my desk........

Hey Ellie you got yourself in spoton today....... Said by my desk mate.. Nichols who is a skipant girl.

So what .... Just an old man wait till I set does bears on fire, we will no what happened to those who give
me hard tim....e

De'cast......le...... hum......what are you chatting all about,start work..... you have 15minute to solve that
question..... If not prepare your self on probation today..

I stare at him....still find how I will deal with this stressful teacher of my...

What ...What are you looking at girl..... Start now and stop being a busy body.

But Sir........

No but ...get on it.


Clakkk.. good afternoon student said by the head of student associate who just step in..

Today by 2Pm all class A student will be going to the auditorium for a welcome guest who will be taking
us on 5G technology. And he his already here in the school and the principal want to introduce him to

What technology...ahhhhh

Who cares....... 5 what

Is 5G dude.... So what is 5G who cares about that just some dumping bored paperwork. I better take a
nap than listen to those bore subject... Said by Drake a school bullie.
Silent........... shouted Mr Hon

Recap again by the Head of associate , all student from class A are to attend... Failure to do so must be
penalty by cut his or her mark in the upcoming exam.

Okay now can I get your attention.....

Everyone turn there head and look at the head of associate....

Ellie what are you doing...said Nichols

Nothing just thinking...

Thinking got some hunk at home you can't leave.ahhhhh

No.... How can that be ..... Having a red face from been embarrassed...

Ahhhh you do..... Ellie you do tell mee

No I don't

But you..uuh.

De'castle..........shouted Mr Hon

I keep shut.

So student do any of you knows Dr Daniel Tennyson from county A intergalactic Research Institute.....

Ahhh shouted by one of the student pommel who is a tech maniac in which rumor said he hack the
school web server.

Why others recall

Ah kid do you know .....

O I remember Dr Tennyson that genius geck in the tech world in country A, I heard he create a research
work on 5G technology which is super awesome..

Really...... Is that so

Yes.... Check you SNS their is an article about him their.

Everyone brought there phone to search.

So boring why do I care on such thing...... murmur Ellina

Ellie you said...

Nothing just having some though running.

Yes it that him Dr Tennyson who profound 5G technology I thought it was just a sham,.

Hey kid .....silent let me finish what I want to say..............

supervisor, closing hour, bad guys, under didame table etc.

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