1st Running Bill - Merged

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HH q@ PUNJAB AAB-E-PAK AUTHORITY 4 Floor, Efu House, 6-D Main Gulberg, Jail Road, Lahore ey Phone; 042-35786893-94-95-96 SUBJECT: - SUBMISSION OF 15 BILL jAIN! INDER_NO. DIR(P&C)/36 - PROVISION OF SAFE DRINKING WATER IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD _ BY ‘ILIZI 6__ EXIST] BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI_COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) CHAK RA LOT-3 (CLUSTER 6 Please find enclosed herewith 1% Running bill amounting to Rs, 22,042,099/- in favor of M/S Muhammad Idrees Government Contractor against the cited subject work is hereby forwarded as verified and vetted by consultant of M/s ECSP. Submitted for onward transmission please. T. 7 (Atfikntiar) ASSTT. MANAGER (P&MC) CZ PUNJAB AAB-E-PAK AUTHORITY Deputy —_! (P&MC) CZ/PAPA Qustiits td amacks ae du es wijied by nw Cobra ayd uct Orbonted proce. Director Projects & Quality Control (CZ), PAPA A my ZB Scanned with CamScanner PERFORMA TO BE ATTACHED WITH CONTRATORS BILL Name of Work: TENDER_NO._DIR(P&CY36_— PROVISION _OF_SAFE DRINKING WATER_IN_DISTRICT FAISALABAD _BY. UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) CHAK JHUMRA LOT-3 (CLUSTER 6&7), 1, Name of Contractor: M/s Muhammad Idrees, Govt. Contractor 2. AgreementNo.& Date: PAPA/CE/DG-Projects/36/1278-83 Dated: 05-01-2023. 3. Estimated Cost (Rough Cost) : 4. Whether PC-Approved: —: 5. Agreement Amount Rs, 406,834,949/- 6. Reference of Approval of Tender: CEO PAPA Technical Sanctioned Estimate: PAPA/CE/DG(PY/1088-92 Dated: 10-10-2022 for Rs. he 471,375 Million 8. Reference of Admin Approval: 9. Funds Position Available. as 10. Guarantee Bond : BOK Bank Guarantee No. MD22306845500050 Dated: 03- 1-2022 Amounting to Rs. 8,010,000/- 11. Register of works 12, Property/Stock Register 13. Measurement Book No, MB NO. 2606(1-8),3339(4-8) 14. Contractor's Ledger: 15, Payment already made to Contractor against this agreement: Secured Advance 16. Schedule of Payment: 1& RUNNING BILI 17, Serial No. of this Bill 1"& RUNNING BI 18. Gross Amount Payable 9/- 19. Net Amount Payable: Rs, 18,149,894/- 20, Original Time Limit: _O8Months + 01 Year ORM 21. Extension Time Limit (allowed): 22. Percentage of Work tll last date 23. Percentage checked / exercised by: (i) DeputyDirector. ~:~ DEPUTY MANAGER/ XEN AS PER B&R CODE i) Assistant Director: ASSTT: MANAGER /SDO AS PER B&R CODE 2) Isthere any deviation in design? Specification of work ifany what why? b) Reason for increase/decrease in cost of work: + 7 (VA 4 : Any LTS RO Depiity Mifeager ‘XEN ‘eesti at (ame, Stamp & Date) te AabrePak Auonty Scanned with CamScanner Sigel Directorate Contractor: Name of Work: Provision of Safe Drinking Water In District Fas PUNJAB AAB-E-PAK AUTHORITY 4th Floor, Efu House, Main Gulberg, Jal Road, Lahore Phone: 042-35786893.94.95.96 4st Running Bill Project & Quality Control Division: Project & Management Control Mis Muhammad Idrees, Govt. Contctor, Bahawalpur bad By Utllzing 66 Existing Boreholes of Punjab Saaf Pani Company (North Zone) Lot3 (Cluster 6 & 7) Contract No: PAPAICE/DG-Projects/38/1278.83 Dated: 05-01-2023, (GENERAL ABSTRACT OF COST tor |ctuster one Bill No. DESCRIPTION Teka 3 8 | Bi1No.4 [over Head Water Tank (100m3) 1,908,886 3 5 | BIN. 6 [water Distribution Network 19,883,589 TOTAL| 20,992,475 (Add SH PST ax] 1,049,624 GROSS AMOUNT| 22,042,099 Tess 736 lncome tax| 1,542, 947 Less 10% Seounity on 5,000,000] 500,000 Less 5 % Securly on 15,992,476] 799.694 Less 5% PSTtax| 1,049,626 ‘Net Poyabie| 18,149,894 fh f= Wis cortiiog hat 1 Theis vendo Re 2. Th wow/supty etre nbs bl ved MB No, 2606-8), 3999(4- 8] Fave sual bee recited at Sta byte contacter. 3 The wor exeute! sup receved i accosng ote aproved standard specifaton. «4» Te oes qouted are corect ana avin accocance wi te sccepisrce eter 5+ S008 (Hundred percen) messuremens ave ven checked by Reset Enginear Ws ECSP Pt LA vi No, ECSPPAPANZO3, Cid 2808 200 na AS NOTH {= Noting sue rom te contactor and the conve wa fund te payer ny 7 The wok supply was competed on ‘and mateals by be contecorhas been taken on stock Reger No < - iF fremreso.win — Autbouewn AR ohne fain Stamp oe oon Oo Att en pEMe) Ns Scanned with CamScanner PROVISION OF SAFE DRINKING WATER IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD BY UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) LOT-3 (Cluster 6 & 7) INTERMEDIATE PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (IPC) NO. 01 MAIN SUMMARY OF COST (CLUSTER - 6 & 7) Contractor: Mls Muhammad ldrees, Govt, Consultant: Mis ECSP (Pvt) Ltd 2 ae Beane | sean Eee "| Description _|'Amounins) | amountits) [ Previous Bal | 7 Upto Dat ci (Chane) | “custeron) | P*YRay | this BNR) | “Fie T [Deveopment of Extng Boreholes and Testing of \iatee Beeches 1aa1_| 144,38 ? [Tubewell Chamber, Control Jt Operator Room cea Wors + Pumbing 1 [ey 3082004 | 3.062.531 7 [ectical Work 453,205 | 463208 3 [Mechanical Work s.ss101 | 2sa101 Ww [Solar System 2,900,000 | 10,200,000 3 [Boundary Wat 316,945 | 3.416.945 [Over oad Water Tank $ Iet00m’y 21,984,473 | 21,984,473, JeAOE O26 | 1108888 5 [water istbution Notwork | gap4oneas | 140,179,730 19,883,589 | 19,883,509 6 [ast Pak arkar (13 Nos) | |e Works + Parting Work 22935045 | 21075697 7 [Etectical Work 244,008 | 2225997 it [Solar System 330,000 | 4.920000 7 [tow LevelReservoir(LtR) | 3,933,011 | 4,063,011 Total Amount Rs. _| 214,770.98 | 166.254,12 20,992,475 | 20,992,475 y Ae 4 Stamp & 0 a Name & Date ee ees tea a oh rok Scanned with CamScanner PUNJAB AAB-E-PAK AUTHORITY VISION OF SAFE DRINKING WATER IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD BY UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) LOT-3 (Cluster 6 & Dn INTERMEDIATE PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (IPC) NO. 01 ‘SUMMARY OF COST (CLUSTER - 6) Gontractor: M/s Muhammad Idreo act Consultant: Ws ECSP (Put) Ltd. a Bias malas picts enaion Noa rip amountirs) | Previous Bil | rig pun(Rs,) | "Fieay ¥ povelopment of Existing Boreholes and Testing of Water Samples 141,381 % [Tabewel chamber, Control® loperator Room 7 [ew Works + Plambing Work 3,062,098 w Etectical Work 463,205 i [Mechanical Work 1,851,401 Ww [Solar System 00,000 3 [Boundary Wat 3.416.945, [Over Head Water Tank (100m) 21,988,479 7,108,686 | 1,108,056 5 [Water Distribution Network 140,403,486, 19,983,569 | 19,083,509 © [Asb-e-Pok Markos (13 Nos) 1 [oii Works + Plumbing Work 72,835,085, i [Bectical Work 2.448.836, i [Solar System 5,330,000 7 [bow Lovet Reservoir (LR) 3.933011 Total Amoyet Rs, 214,770,638 20,992,475 | 20,992,475 (W— 7 7 [Contractors Sig. with AM/SDO'S| ew sigh win Namo & Date Scanned with CamScanner PUNJAB AAB-E-PAK AUTHORITY >ROVISION OF SAFE DRINKING WATER IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD BY UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) LOT-3 (Cluster 6 & a INTERMEDIATE PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (IPC) NO. 01 SUMMARY OF COST (CLUSTER -7) Contractor: M/s Muhammad Idrees, Govt. Contractor Consultant: Ws ECSP (Pvt) Ltd, yy sai “Amount of Executed Work sr] Description moines) | Povo MT ris pare) | UPEOR [evelopment of Existing Boreholes [and Testing of Water Sampios 141,381 F [Tubowel| Chamber, Contol& loverator Room 1 [emi works + Plumbing Work 3,082,534 i [Etectieat Work 463,205, i [Mechanical Work 2,531,401 iv [Solar System 10,200,000 3 [Boundary wal 3,416,945 [Over Head Water Tank 100m") 21,984,473 5. |Water Distribution Network 110,178,730 o 9 6 [Aab-o Pak markae (13 Nos) 1 [ew Works + Plumbing Work 21,075,687, i, [Etectical Work 2,225,937 i [Solar System 4,320,000 7_|Low Level Reservoir (CLR) 4,063,011 Total Amount Rs. 184,264,312 o o [stamp & Date aL sib ay ‘Name & Date inssiery 2008 al eer Scanned with CamScanner lu arajdutos ‘on “siwiof soy sud Suynno| Jpue apeid roo09 01 soyouan Jo spaq] loys Suyjonoy “sopis Surssaup “Bunsus} na} unas woy yrdop| 'y ¢ oxdn souyjadid.fjddns| [rem 20) ~y901 Buns sdooxo_“105| © Spury TE UI SoypuaN Jo uoHIeAEDN| 800 8re corel | serene BeLO'rEL | sswosee [sseest [oes | wD Psoys 40 yesoeyd] 0001 ssey Jo mommy aySuts & oF dn pray (e| yonyues jo Sujpueysa| Sus} O1TLOET esis foizuori [ecesusr | esreuve | oor |soza01 | vo ‘spadsou 0001 WONEAESxa| ervorer [sess [ersoce ‘wontEpUnoy 21219409 aK 001 |suuo0y paBiey Jo youq Fupuewsia severe [acsuct [iver | wo (ouiou 9€) pea} ureya| 01 Joue ordn sionpos [Buussios Supnjsu “x pecs Suynowas pur AVVS VENMd 4O SA 1OHSYOM ONILSIXA 99 ONI —|_ ONTLINVWSIG (2) 1ua0my mnvend [Cs wmowy] ‘anvend [ea renoury] OD opdysasoq SHOMIN NOLMGTISTT WILY LO" (NOZ HLYON) ANVAINOD INV ON ca LLM AG AVAYIVSIVS LOVALSIG NI YALVA\ ONDINIIG 34VS JO NOISIAONA Scanned with CamScanner zoo'g0eL1_Taorri [covsorci [reer recoocer [IE96F [oor Ke z : 3 sssuce [ore [use = a ouvgore [oc cer | 669°9 = eSLssv | Powe — |oog0e = 2 Iss ws [eerie ie wy arojdwo> “oBreyou1 s2ouiTua = Ikq parsaup 2p panoudde se *soysuan uy | puesg smpuy ‘did aunsaid Suryson adig —2u2tyrasjog| Bunoay mins “Buyce, 8 067616 20908 | oT 616 eeL0908 | Zevoa0I | oreo’ | ecIBTy [,ooy s9pun puns 3 t est | eLeOwE [seer ey fee eae r : = (o1eBaiBe ouors yo Buyysem pur] [Suuaaios Sujpnyou!) iajdwos Sutin] lpue Suysiuy “un>edwoo “Buse [Bupnjou weld sieiouo9 wow] 9 Spoig MAHL 40g 9194900 = 1ers90T [Ersecl [oreog ‘a1jd09} [uos) Haury (© syomyues jo oo Joy se ut wou ou urnundo or ques Susortou 3s pre 20 Kreup vonsedwoa| ¢ (su) nowy ren) (sa) nowy aeaoda | wonsedwio5| ES as, Scanned with CamScanner deypuy soouisug] lou £4 porsoup pue paroxdde se hoadsas ye ut a19jduio> pasynbos 2:04 se pue sjoqnnu'soiusy sa105s2008) ie Jo 1S09 oy) 291 (uerstyeg) UoDg 40] oan) Asan 51-Na Sues aunssosd s0j yeuorew Jpue soiowep paysnads Jo. 24 y20uD Ainp Aa (xp mnowy Amuend Amnuend [Csu) nowy eum Aanuend, Seu Pameny OOM : = Tresce9 [O01 fia = z tossces_[ooe | wea = = tooecir [o's [wera 3 5 zavee1_[lozerte [oo9 | wsea : z SNA wou aong papua sAuela (a) 2 “aii sau pur parosdde so Joue ssiowerp poyisads jo anjes nie Amp éneay Burns pue Suspinosal 0 SSATFA = woooooET | TOOT LOOT or -sigedsau 2 w249jdwoo un] Suuunbay| *ssaonpay fspusq “301 jonboBuronpoy O1-Nd loot~aa se yons syersods 104 uorsinoual ON uondusssa. as Scanned with CamScanner ny xe o-aey send o1eq 2 oweN peer a ae e dues] sa up ax ipsew HY anim Bis saorsenuog| 6 > aT > G loss'ess'er Joss'ese's1 lcos'corore— ‘SU junowly 1e10. 5 3 wosreT [RUNS ferooeT | US {9pUN LOItEn pues (ww! 95)| | 201495 pre] 4940 “289 wuoupaed youq Jo uonBIOSsy| H1 eossiroc |Zrssocr [iverrt | us ‘9569 put 950q-GNS 30} [BDU UDI oot fo widop (uu osz) oot E a E sesui [ceo [oor [wea aianea (a fSunwof yum arajduoa) a : S = saver [oovavar [oor Pea 3 = zi eves [ustev9¢ [oo wea BS E ei sos'esi_[usi9v0s [ons weg = a = i9reer_[eseorce [009 wee Aanuund |(s3) nowy] ‘Apuen, (su) unowy | Aanwend | (sy) sunouy ‘Sina Panony DOm Tras Scanned with CamScanner L - loss'sor'y [oss'sor't sq vunowy reo, [oar 806 OFESETT | 08806 osesent | cesost [ons |esosre 20. Z/I-1 IHC] louors Sumer pur Suse yal Z See auONS| ‘90900 Sri 907007 vorvat | sovsai [ereceor [pron Ww 001 sys y INVd AVVS BVENMd dO $3 1OHIYOD ONILSIXI 99 ONIZITLN AM GVAVTVSIVS LDNUSIG NI ALVA ONDINING 34VS JO NOISIAOWE rad (¢1unowy Tsun Sanuenp, SEU PHOY OOM. 1809 Jo sesqy OV ATISTIN GO (c>¥ 94915019) ¢-1071(GNOZ HLUON) ANVAWOD Scanned with CamScanner fe Ets Ref: ECSp/PAPA/N2-CI-03, Dated: May 23, 2023 PUNIAR (PVE) Ltd. ISTHE LTANCY SERVICES Vahore Ph, Ya OABISTITONSL Fay SINEERING CONS cor, Main to M. Sharject Hussain Director Projects & Quality Control (CZ) Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority Subject: PROVISION OF SAFE DRINKING WATER IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD BY UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BORES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY INORTH ZONE) CHAK JHUMRAH LOT-3__(CLUSTER 687). CONTRACTOR BILL (IPC-03) Dear Sir, Please refer to the letter no. PAPA/D (P&QC)/CZ/4565-A dated April 07, 2023 received by this office dated April 14, 2023 regarding verification of 1PC-01 submitted by contractor M/s Muhammad Idrees Government Contractor. The submitted IPC No.02 for the subject project is forwarded and recommended as verted amounting to Rs.20,992,7475/- (Twenty Million, Nine Hundred Ninety Two Thousand, Four Hundred Seventy Five rupees only), against the work done. Deductions in light of Contract Agreement and Specification such as Mobilization Advance, ‘Secured Advance, Retention Money, Income Tax and Liabilities etc. may please be made from this IPC-01. Further please ensure that all codal formalities required under departmental procedures must be met before releasing any payment to the Contractor. Itis requested to please send one copy of this IPC indicating the net released amount and detaiiy of deductions from the Contractor's bill for our record, Thanks and regards, Mite Muhammad Khalid Zaman Resident Engineer (ECSP) PAPA North Zone Projects Copy forwarded for information: 1. Project Manager (ECSP), Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority Projects 2. Project Coordinator (ECSP), Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority Projects 3. M/s Muhammad Idrees Government Contractor 4. Office Copy Scanned with CamScanner MUHAMMAD IDREES Ref. No. (0 7— BrP Date 22S -2023 The Director P&QC, Central Zone, Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority, 4" Floor, EFU House, Main Gulberg, Jail Road, LAHORE. Subject: - TENDER NO. DIR(P&C)/36_- PROVISION OF _SAFE_ORINKING WATER_IN DISTRICT FAISALABAD BY UTILIZING 66 EXISTING BOREHOLES OF PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMPANY (NORTH ZONE) HU = Cc ERC} vi = INING BI It is stated that the work of the subjected project has been allotted to our firm vide Letter of Acceptance No. PAPA/CE/DG-Projects/36/1278-83 Dated: 05-01- 2023 Amounting to Rs. 406,834,949/-(Exclusive of PST). The work of the project is in Progress. The 1% Running Bill amounting to Rs. 20,992,475/- (Exclusive of PST @ 5%) and Amounting to Rs. 22,042,099/- (Inclusive of PST @ 5%) is hereby submitted for further processing and payment. It is requested that the bill may be processed for payment please. Thanking you, a nh Fol M/s Muhammad Idrees Govt, Contractor oS: NA Oo {An ISO Certified Company 1SO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001:2004) ell: 0300-8680744 Tel & Fax: 062-2503085 E-mail: idrees744@gmail.com Scanned with CamScanner MUHAMMAD IDREES J S rer co Ret. No/O7/A — Bu? Dae 25-0S 203 The Director P&QC, Central Zone, Punjab Aab-e-Pak Authority, 4" Floor, EFU House, Main Gulberg, Jail Road, LAHORE. Subject: - ER = 0) IN LAB EI F_PUNJAB SAAF PANI COMP: ORTH ZONE: MRA LOT-~ PST INVor Ls BILL, It is stated that the work of the subjected project has been allotted to our firm Vide Letter of Acceptance No. PAPA/CE/DG-Projects/36/1278-83 Dated: 05-01- 2023 Amounting to Rs. 406,834,949/-(Exclusive of PST). The work of the project is in Progress. The 1% Running Bill is hereby submitted for further processing and paymen Description ‘Amount (Rs.) Gross Amount 20,992,475/- Add PST @ 5% 1,049,624/- Total 22,042,099/- Less Income Tax @ 7% 1,542,947/- Less Security @10% on Rs.5,000,000/- 500,000/- Less Security @5% on Rs.15,992,475/- 799,634/- Less PST @ 5% 1,049,624/- Net Payable 18,149,8947- It is requested that the bill may be processed for payment please. Thanking you, nm ee For & behalf of M/s Muhammad Idrees Govt. Contractor {An ISO Certified Company ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001:2004) Gell: 0300-8680744 Tel & Fax: 062-2503085 E-mail: idrees744@gmail.com Scanned with CamScanner

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