2023 Organic Growth Plan

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Scaling Organic Growth in 2023 - Starting in 5

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2023 Organic Growth Plan
Arun Kothapally | Independent Organic Growth Consultant
Why bother about organic growth 70 days before 2023

What should I do before Dec 31 2022 to have a rock-solid start to 2023.

Challenges to expect in 2023 and how to overcome them

What you will get in your inbox
Content Optimisation Checklist and Outline Template to get remarkable content written and ranked [PDF]

Content Marketing Plan For 2023 - What content to write to attract the right audience [Google Sheet]

Real-time automated SEO progress. [Data Studio]

Link Building Tactics Template I use to attract and scale high-quality backlinks [Google Sheet]

All Workshop Slides PDF

Video recording of the session

Keep calm and be focused. :)
50 Min Case Studies, Examples and Actionables
10 Min QnA - Keep posting them on chat
Why bother about organic growth 70
days before 2023
Source: Ahrefs

What did we learn from these graphs
SEO takes time to execute

Google takes time to pick up the changes

SEO needs a maturation time

Acquiring links organically takes time

They all took a leap of faith (Calculated)

Okay. What should i do the next 70 days?
Set a goal for June 2023

Competitive Benchmarking + Situational Awareness - Link

Know your competition Growth Trajectory
Have a list of articles to write

Content Hub Matrix - Link

Source: Ahrefs

Overcome: Optimize for share of voice

Creating content which ranks will be more difficult

SEO in 2012 - Write high quality content - Google decides based on backlinks
and Keyword Optimization

SEO in 2022 - Write high quality content consistently - Google decides based
on entire website quality, semantic understanding of concepts…..
Quality Helpfulness and People Satisfaction

Helpful Content Checklist by Alyeda Solis

Expertise Presentation and production

Helpful Content Checklist by Alyeda Solis

Overcome the content quality challenge
Founding team and product owners should write content

Hire content writers with experience in the field

Hire agencies which give content specific

Have a tight editorial and content quality process

Create comprehensive briefs for writers

Create a calendar and brief for the writer

Content Hub Matrix - Link

Have a list of prospects to reach out to

Link Building Tactics and Networks

Ross Hudgens @ Siege Media
Get Highest Priority Technical SEO changes fixed

Tech Diagnosis and Treatment

Create a dashboard and share it with key stakeholders

Data Studio SEO Dashboard

Do full accounting of your costs

Links and Content Financial Model

7 Tasks To Implement The Next 70 Days
1. Set a goal for June 2023
2. Have a list of articles to write and have a content acquisition strategy
3. Create a calendar and brief for the writer
4. Have a list of prospects to reach out to
5. Get your technical SEO changes fixed
6. Create a dashboard and share it with key stakeholders
7. Do full accounting of your costs
7 Tasks To Implement The Next 70 Days
1. Set a goal for June 2023.
2. Have a list of articles to write and have a content acquisition strategy
3. Create a calendar and brief for the writer
4. Have a list of prospects to reach out to
5. Get your technical SEO changes fixed
6. Create a dashboard and share it with key stakeholders
7. Do full accounting of your costs
Ask your questions in the chat
Learn in public challenge
Go through all the resources provided

Rewatch the recording

Make a post of your key learnings from this session in the next 48 hours.
Do tag Airtribe and me while doing so.

🏆 The 3 best posts with great articulation & summarization will be getting
either books or Amazon vouchers from us. 🎁
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SEO related discussions with Arun and the fellow members!

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