International Affairs

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International Affairs
Last One year Current Affairs MCQs

Q1.संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने किस दे श िे साथ पेररस समझौते िी पांचवीं वर्षगांठ पर एि वैकिि जलवायु कशखर सम्मेलन िी
मेजबानी िी है?
(a) किटे न
(b) अमेररिा
(c) चीन
(d) लेबनान

Q1. The United Nation hosted a global climate summit on the anniversary of the Paris
Agreement with which country?
(a) UK
(b) USA
(c) China
(d) Lebanon

• UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

hosted a global climate summit on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Paris
• This summit is organized after an announcement that China would peak
greenhouse emissions in 2030 and attempt to go carbon neutral by 2060.

Q2.दु कनया िे सबसे प्रदू कर्त शहर ं िी सूची में किस शहर ने शीर्ष स्थान प्राप्त किया है ?
(a) िराची
(b) नई कदल्ली
(c) लाहौर
(d) िाठमांडू

Q2. Which city has topped the list of the world's most polluted cities?
(a) Karachi
(b) New Delhi
(c) Lahore
(d) Kathmandu

• Pakistan's cultural capital Lahore has once again topped the list of world's most
polluted cities.
• Lahore ranks the most polluted city in the world," according to air pollution data
released by the US Air Quality Index
• According to the index, Lahore reported a particulate matter (PM) rating of 423.
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• Lahore is not the only Pakistani city to feature in the top 10 list for the worst air
quality. Pakistan’s largest city of Karachi ranked at 7 on the AQI.
• New Delhi came in second with a PM of 229, while Nepal's capital Kathmandu
ranked the third-worst city with a PM of 178.

Q3. आनुवंकशि रूप से संश कित (GMO) गेहं िे उपय ग ि मंजूरी दे ने वाला िौन सा दे श दु कनया िा पहला दे श
बन गया है?
(a) िाजील
(b) ब लीकवया
(c) कमस्र
(d) अजेंटीना

Q3. Which country has become the first country in the world to approve the use of
genetically modified (GMO) wheat?
(a) Brazil
(b) Bolivia
(c) Egypt
(d) Argentina

Argentina formally became the first country in the world to approve the use of
drought-resistant genetically modified (GMO) wheat, prompting fierce criticism by
the country's massive export agriculture industry.
• Argentina has approved HB4 drought–resistant GMO wheat by biotechnology firm
• It will only begin marketing HB4 once it’s approved for importation by Brazil.
• The HB4 technology provides seeds that are more tolerant to drought and helps
minimize production losses.

Q4. भारतीय मूल िे वेवल रामिलावन किस दे श िे नए राष्ट्रपकत बने हैं ?

(a) मालदीव
(b) श्रीलंिा
(c) सेशेल्स
(d) मॉरीशस

Q4. Indian-origin Wavel Ramkalawan has become the new President of which country?
(a) Maldives
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Seychelles
(d) Mauritius

• The Seychelles elected an opposition candidate; as president for the first time since
• Indian-origin Wavel Ramkalawan, reaffirmed a pledge to hike the minimum wage
after Covid-19 stifled the tourism-dependent economy. Vice-President -Ahmed Afif
• Ramkalawan, a former Anglican priest, defeated President Danny Faure after three
decades of unsuccessful runs for the presidency of the East African nation.

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Q5.कनम्नकलखखत में से िौन सा दे श ‘Five Eyes’ गठबंिन िा कहस्सा नहीं है ?

(a) भारत
(b) न्यूजीलैंड
(c) ऑस्ट्र े कलया
(d) िनाडा

Q5. Which of the following countries is not a part of the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance?
(a) India
(b) New Zealand
(c) Australia
(d) Canada
• Foreign ministers from the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada and New
Zealand have urged China to reconsider its actions against Hong Kong’s elected
legislature and immediately reinstate the Legislative Council members
• In a statement, the group of five countries also known as the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance
said that China’s imposition of new rules to disqualify elected legislators in Hong
Kong appeared to be part of a campaign to silence critics.
• They have called on Beijing to reverse its decision.Hong Kong expelled four
opposition members from its legislature last week after Beijing gave city authorities
new powers to curb dissent.

Q6.कवि बैंि िी पूवष अथषशास्त्री माया सँडू किस दे श िी पहली मकहला राष्ट्रपकत बनी हैं ?
(a) म ल्द वा
(b) यूक्रेन
(c) ब लीकवया
(d) र माकनया

Q6. Former World Bank economist Maia Sandu has become the first woman President of
which country?
(a) Moldova
(b) Ukraine
(c) Bolivia
(d) Romania

• Former World Bank economist Maia Sandu (48 years) from Party of Action and
Solidarity has been elected President of Moldova.
• She won Moldova’s 2020 Presidential election with 57.72% of the vote.
• She is the first woman to be elected as the President of Moldova and will assume
office on 23rd December 2020.
• Incumbent President of Moldova, Igor Dodon received 42.28% of the vote. ने किस दे श िे साथ OECD म्यूचुअल एग्रीमेंट प्रकक्रया 2019 पुरस्कार जीता है ?
(a) कसंगापुर
(b) जापान
(c) चीन
(d) ऑस्ट्र े कलया

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Q7. India along with which country has won the OECD Mutual Agreement Procedure 2019
(a) Singapore
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) Australia

• India-Japan cooperation has won the OECD Mutual Agreement Procedure 2019
• This was announced on the occasion of Second Tax Certainty day by OECD
• India with Japan has won the 2019 Award on Co-operation for highest agreement
ratio for a pair of jurisdictions for transfer pricing cases.
• The Award to India-Japan Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Cooperation
demonstrates India's commitment to provide tax certainty and efficacious dispute
resolution mechanism for the Japanese companies doing business in India.

Q8.ग्रीन क्लाइमेट फंड ने हाल ही में किस दे श िे ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सजषन िटौती लक्ष्य ि पूरा िरने िे कलए $
256 कमकलयन अनुदान िी मंजूरी दी है ?
(a) बांग्लादे श
(b) भारत
(c) श्रीलंिा
(d) इं ड नेकशया

Q8. The Green Climate Fund has recently approved dollar 256 million in grants to meet
the GreenHouse Gas emission reduction target of which country?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) India
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Indonesia

• The Green Climate Fund has approved dollar 256 million for Bangladesh in grants
and loans to meet its GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets under the
Paris agreement.
• The financing is provided as an integrated package for textile and Ready Made
Garments (RMG) sectors of Bangladesh are the largest industrial contributors in
carbon emission.

Q9.किस्तान दा िुन्हा द्वीप ि अटलांकटि महासागर में सबसे बडा संरकित समुद्री भंडार घ कर्त किया गया है। यह
किस दे श िा कहस्सा है?
(a) न्यूजीलैंड
(b) अमेररिा
(c) किटे न
(d) ऑस्ट्र े कलया

Q9. Tristan da Cunha island has been declared the largest protected marine reserves in
the Atlantic Ocean. It is a constituent part of which country?
(a) New Zealand

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(b) USA
(c) UK
(d) Australia

• The isolated UK Overseas Territory of Tristan da Cunha, which is home to the

world’s most remote human settlement, declared the largest fully protected marine
reserves in the Atlantic Ocean at 687,000 square kilometres.
• This will close over 90 percent of their waters to harmful activities such as bottom-
trawling fishing, sand extraction and deep-sea mining.
• Tristan da Cunha is a remote group of volcanic islands in the south Atlantic Ocean.
• It is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world
• Tristan da Cunha is a British Overseas Territory with its own constitution

Q10.किस समूह ने STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) घ र्णा 2020 ि अपनाया है ?
(b) SCO
(c) G 20
(d) G 7

Q10. Which group of countries has adopted STI (Science, Technology and Innovation)
Declaration 2020?
(b) SCO
(c) G 20
(d) G 7

The 8th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministerial meeting unanimously has
adopted BRICS STI Declaration 2020.
The meeting was held through a virtual platform.
Science and Technology cooperation among the member countries Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa was discussed in the meeting
During the meeting, Science and Technology Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan highlighted that
the COVID 19 pandemic has been a test, demonstrating that multilateral cooperation is
the key to overcoming such global challenges.

Q11.किस दे श ने GIFT कसटी कविकसत िरने िे कलए भारत िे साथ साझेदारी पर हस्तािर किए हैं ?
(a) अमेररिा
(b) जमषनी
(c) कसंगापुर
(d) किटे न

Q11. Which country has signed a partnership with India to develop GIFT City?
(a) USA
(b) Germany
(c) Singapore
(d) UK

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• The United Kingdom has entered into a strategic partnership to develop India’s first
International Financial Services Centre- GIFT City (Gujarat International Finance
Tec-City) Gandhinagar
• It has also agreed to set up a new Fund of Funds to be managed by the State Bank
of India (SBI) group in order to route the U.K.’s future capital investments into India.
Q12. किस दे श ने में एि भूकमगत परमाणु सुकविा िा कनमाषण शुरू किया है ?
(a) उत्तर ि ररया
(b) ईरान
(c) लीकबया
(d) सीररया

Q12. Which country has recently started building an underground nuclear facility?
(a) North Korea
(b) Iran
(c) Libya
(d) Syria

• IAEA, the United Nations’ atomic watchdog, has confirmed that Iran has started
building an underground nuclear facility.
• According to IAEA, Iran has stockpiled low-enriched Uranium, but it doesn’t appear
to possess enough to produce a nuclear weapon.
• Iran had a nuclear facility at Natanz, but it got destroyed in July. After that, Iran
stated it would build a more secure nuclear facility around Natanz.
• In 2015 a landmark deal was agreed between Iran and world powers known as the
P5+1 for a joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. It had allowed Iran to produce a
certain amount of uranium.

Q13. किस दे श ने पंज तीरथ िे कहंदू िाकमषि स्थल ि राष्ट्रीय िर हर घ कर्त किया है ?
(a) बांग्लादे श
(b) इं ड नेकशया
(c) पाकिस्तान
(d) नेपाल

Q13. Which country has declared Hindu religious site of Panj Tirath a national heritage?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Indonesia
(c) Pakistan
(d) Nepal

• Pakistan is all set to throw open the doors of a historical temple to Panj Tirath
Temple in Peshawar for Indian pilgrims this year.
• It recently declared Panj Tirath a national heritage.
• It is believed that on this site Pandavas lived for a while during their exile.
• Currently, there are five pools in the temple premises that are being restored to meet
the deadline of January inauguration.

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Q14.किस दे श िे राष्ट्रपकत अल्फा िॉनडे ने तीसरा िायषिाल िे कलए जीत हाकसल िी है ?

(a) लेबनान
(b) कगनी
(c) माली
(d) गाखिया

Q14. Which country’s President; Alpha Conde has won the third term in Office?
(a) Lebanon
(b) Guinea
(c) Mali
(d) Gambia

• Guinea’s president, Alpha Condé, has won a controversial third term with 59.49%
of the vote.
• His victory came amid widespread protests that were violently suppressed by
security forces.
• Such demonstrations have occurred for months after the government changed the
constitution through a national referendum, allowing Condé to extend his decade in

Q15. राष्ट्रपकत िी शखक्तय ं िा कवस्तार िरने िे कलए किस दे श ने अक्टू बर 2020 में अपने संकविान में एि
संश िन ि मंजूरी दी है?
(a) नेपाल
(b) श्रीलंिा
(c) भारत
(d) बांग्लादे श

Q15.Which country passed an amendment to expand the powers of the President, in

October 2020?
(a) Nepal
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) India

The Sri Lankan Parliament recently passed the 20th Amendment of Sri Lankan
The 20th amendment of the Sri Lankan Constitution has expanded the powers of the
President and also has increased the immunity of the President.
Under the 20th amendment, the President gets the power to dissolve the parliament
after two years and six months after being elected. It has weakened the powers of the
prime minister.

Q16.साद अल-हरीरी ि किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी िे रूप में नाकमत किया गया है ?

(a) जॉडष न
(b) लेबनान
(c) इज़राइल

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(d) सीररया

Q16.Saad al-Hariri has been designated as the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Jordan
(b) Lebanon
(c) Israel
(d) Syria

• Lebanon's President Michel Aoun designated Sunni Muslim politician Saad al-Hariri
as prime minister to form a new government to tackle the worst crisis since the
country's 1975-1990 civil war.
• Hariri won the backing of a majority of parliamentarians in consultations with
• He faces major challenges to navigate Lebanon's power-sharing politics and agree
to a cabinet, which must then address a mounting list of woes: a banking crisis,
currency crash, rising poverty and crippling state debts. िी सहायता से कनकमषत मंगदे छु जलकवद् युत पररय जना किस दे श में प्रकतकित िूनल पदि से सम्माकनत िी
गई है ?
(a) बांग्लादे श
(b) नेपाल
(c) भूटान
(d) श्रीलंिा

Q17.India-assisted Mangdechhu hydroelectric project in which country has been awarded

the prestigious Brunel Medal?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Nepal
(c) Bhutan
(d) Sri Lanka

• India-assisted Mangdechhu hydroelectric project in Bhutan has been awarded the

prestigious Brunel Medal for excellence in civil engineering by the UK-based
Institute of Civil Engineers.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi had inaugurated the 720 MW project on August 17
last year during his visit to Bhutan.
• The run-of-river power plant, built on the Mangdechhu River in Trongsa Dzongkhag
district of central Bhutan at a cost of Rs 4,500-crore, is seen as a symbol of
friendship between the two countries.

Q18.फाइनेंकशयल एक्शन टास्क फ सष (FATF) एकशया पैकसकफि ग्रुप ने अपनी Enhanced Follow Up' सूची में
किस दे श ि रखा है?
(a) बांग्लादे श
(b) पाकिस्तान
(c) श्रीलंिा
(d) म्यांमार

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Q18.Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Asia Pacific group has kept which country in its
‘Enhanced Follow Up’ list?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Myanmar

• Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Asia Pacific group has kept Pakistan in its
‘Enhanced Follow Up’ list.
• The organisation had downgraded Pakistan status from “regular follow-up” to
“enhanced follow up”.
• The Asia-pacific group of FATF submitted its report called “Follow up report on
mutual evaluation of Pakistan”.
• In the report, it was highlighted that the progress of Pakistan to combat the
Financing of terror system and anti-money laundering made by the Financial Action
Task Force has remained unchanged in 2020 as compared to that of 2019.

Q19.कबशर अल-खसावनेह किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी बन गए हैं ?

(a) जॉडष न
(b) लेबनान
(c) कमस्र
(d) िुवैत

Q19.Bishr al-Khasawneh has become the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Jordan
(b) Lebanon
(c) Egypt
(d) Kuwait

• King of Jordan, Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein has appointed Bishr al-Khasawneh,

policy advisor to the king, as new Prime Minister of the country.
• His appointment comes after King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein accepted the
resignation of Prime Minister Omar al Razzaz.
• He served as the advisor to the king for Communication and Coordination at The
Royal Hashemite Court (April 2019- August 2020).
• He served as the Minister for Legal Affairs (2017- 2018).

Q20.म हम्मद हुसैन र बल किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी बन गए हैं ?

(a) इकथय कपया
(b) िेन्या
(c) स माकलया
(d) कजबूती

Q20. Mohamed Hussein Roble has become the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Ethiopia
(b) Kenya

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(c) Somalia
(d) Djibouti

• Political newcomer Mohamed Hussein Roble has become Somalia's Prime minister
after getting unanimous approval from lawmakers.
• Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was in attendance when all 215
members of parliament cast their votes in favor of his appointee.
• Roble is promising to create an effective government that addresses some of the key
issues facing the country, including having fair presidential and parliamentary

Q21.किस दे श िे पूवष रिा मंिी, बाह नडाव ि अंतररम राष्ट्रपकत िे रूप में चुना गया हैं ?
(a) मलावी
(b) नाइजीररया
(c) माली
(d) घाना

Q21. Bah Ndaw’ the former defence minister of which country has become the interim
(a) Malawi
(b) Nigeria
(c) Mali
(d) Ghana
• Mali’s former defence minister, Bah Ndaw, has been named as president of the
country’s new transition government.
• Colonel Assimi Goita, the leader of the National Committee for the Salvation of the
People (CNSP) which overthrew Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, was
appointed vice president.
• The transitional government is to be inaugurated on September 25.
• According to a plan backed by the military leaders, the new president is meant to
lead the country for several months before staging elections and returning Mali to
civilian rule

Q22. Sustainable development goals से जुडे संप्रभु बांड जारी िरने वाला पहला दे श िौन सा दे श बन
गया है ?
(a) िाजील
(b) न्यूजीलैंड
(c) िनाडा
(d) मेखिि

Q22. Which country has become the 1st country to issue sovereign bonds linked to
sustainable development goals?
(a) Brazil

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(b) New Zealand

(c) Canada
(d) Mexico

• Mexico has become the first country in the world to issue a sovereign bond linked
to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.
• It has raised EUR 750 million ($890 million) by such bonds.
• The SDG bond will mature in September 2027 and offers a yield to maturity rate of
1.603% and a coupon rate of 1.350%.
• This new bond was issued under Mexico’s new “SDG Sovereign Bond Framework,”
which was released in partnership with French investment bank Natixis.

Q23.य शीकहदे सुगा किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी ह ग

ं े?
(a) चीन
(b) दकिण ि ररया
(c) जापान
(d) थाईलैंड

Q23.Yoshihide Suga will be the new Prime Minister of which country?

(a) China
(b) South Korea
(c) Japan
(d) Thailand

• Japan's ruling party Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has elected Yoshihide Suga as
its leader to succeed Shinzo Abe.
• Shinzo Abe had resigned due to health problems.
• Yoshihide Suga will be the new Prime Minister of Japan. He is currently the chief
Cabinet secretary of Abe's government.
• PM is elected from among Diet members.Japanese parliament is known with the
name of Diet.
• As per the final count, Mr. Suga had secured 377 votes of a total of 534 votes.
• Yoshihide Suga will be replacing the long-serving Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo
Abe, who had resigned in August 2020 due to health problems.

Q24.नवंबर 2020 में शंघाई सहय ग संगठन (SCO) दे श ं िे प्रमुख ं िी पररर्द िे सम्मेलन िी मेजबानी किस दे श
ने िी है?
(a) रूस
(b) पाकिस्तान
(c) भारत
(d) ताकजकिस्तान

Q24. Which country hosted a summit of the council of heads of government of the SCO
in November 2020?
(a) Russia
(b) Pakistan
(c) India

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(d) Tajikistan

• India hosted a summit of the council of heads of government of the SCO on

November 30 with a focus on contributing to the trade and economic agenda of the
influential grouping.
• India has been focusing on expanding its cooperation with the Shanghai
Cooperation Organisation (SCO), an eight-nation regional grouping that represents
around 42 per cent of the world's population and 20 percent of the global GDP.

Q25.किस दे श ने कवि िा सबसे बडा स लर टर ी कविकसत किया है ?

(a) चीन
(b) रूस
(c) भारत
(d) जापान

Q25. Which country has developed World’s largest Solar Tree?

(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) India
(d) Japan

• The CSIR-CMERI operating under the Ministry of Science and Technology has
developed the World’s largest solar tree.
• CMERI-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute,Durgapur, West Bengal
• The tree has an annual capacity of generating 12,000 to 14,000 units of Clean and
Green power.
• The Solar Tree has been designed in such a way that maximum exposure of each
Solar PhotoVoltaic Panel is achieved.
• There are a total of 35 Solar PV panels in each tree. Each panel has a capacity of
330 watt-power.
• The cost of a solar tree is Rs 7.5 lakhs.

Q26.किस संगठन ने बेरूत िे कवरासत भवन ं िे पुनवाषस िे कलए "बेरूत" पहल शुरू िी है ?
(b) कवि आकथषि मंच
(d) संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांकत सेना

Q26. Which organization has launched the initiative "Beirut" for rehabilitating its heritage
(b) World Economic Forum
(d) United Nations Peacekeeping Forces

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• Audrey Azoulay, director-general of UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO), announced that the UNESCO has launched the initiative
"Beirut" to attract funds to be used in rehabilitating Beirut's heritage buildings
• UNESCO has previously warned that 640 heritage buildings have been damaged by
the explosions and 60 of them are at risk of collapse.

Q27.किस दे श में भारतीय कचकित्सि द्वारिानाथ ि टणीस िी िांस्य प्रकतमा िा अनावरण किया जायेगा?
(a) चीन
(b) जापान
(c) जमषनी
(d) अमेररिा

Q27. The bronze statue of Indian doctor Dwarkanath Kotnis will be unveiled in which
country ?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Germany
(d) USA

• A bronze statue of Indian doctor Dwarkanath Kotnis, who is revered in China for
his contributions during the Chinese revolution headed by its founder Mao Zedong
and World War II, would be unveiled outside a medical school in North China next
• Dr Kotnis, who hailed from Maharashtra came to China in 1938 as part of a five-
member team of doctors sent by the Indian National Congress to help the Chinese
during World War II.
• He joined the Communist Party of China in 1942 and died the same year at the age
of 32.

Q28.किस दे श ने एकतहासि च रा चचष (Kariye church) ि मखिद में बदलने िा फैसला किया है ?
(a) इराि
(b) बुल्गाररया
(c) ईरान
(d) तुिी

Q28. Which country has decided to convert the historical Kariye church into a mosque?
(a) Iraq
(b) Bulgaria
(c) Iran
(d) Turkey

• Turkey has decided to convert a church into a mosque.

• It was an ancient Orthodox church that became a mosque and then a popular
Istanbul museum.
• The decision to transform the Kariye Museum into a mosque came just a month
after a similarly controversial conversion for the UNESCO World Heritage-
recognised Hagia Sophia.

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• It was originally converted into the Kariye Mosque half a century after the 1453
conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks.
• It became the Kariye Museum after the Second World War as Turkey pushed ahead
with the creation of a more secular new republic out of the ashes of the Ottoman

Q29.जैकवि खेती में किस दे श ि पहला स्थान कमला है ?

(a) स्वाज़ीलैंड
(b) किटे न
(c) भारत
(d) इटली

Q29. Which country has ranked first in Organic Farming?

(a) Swaziland
(b) UK
(c) India
(d) Italy

• The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has recently announced that India
ranks first in Organic Farming.
• India ranks ninth in terms of areas under Organic Farming.
• Sikkim was the first state in the world to become completely organic. The other
states that have similar targets include Uttarakhand and Tripura.
• India has launched two schemes to assist farmers in adopting organic farming.
• Also, the Agro-Export Policy, 2018 gave simultaneous thrusts to organic farming.

Q30.किस दे श ने अरब जगत िे पहले परमाणु ररएक्टर िा संचालन शुरू किया है ?

(a) सऊदी अरब
(b) ितर
(c) संयुक्त अरब अमीरात
(d) यमन

Q30. Which country has started the operation of the first-ever nuclear reactor of Arab
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Qatar
(c) UAE
(d) Yemen

• Oil-rich Gulf state UAE has finally started its first-ever nuclear reactor “Barakah”
at Abu Dhabi on the Gulf coast.
• Barakah means “blessing” in Arabic. Barakah was expected to start its operation
in 2017.
• However, due to various safety issues, it kept on getting delayed.
• Developed in a joint venture with the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and
Korea Electric Power CorporationIn association with KEPCO, the nuclear reactor
power plant has begun the process of nuclear fission in one of its four reactors.

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Q31. किस दे श ने Diaoyu islands (‘कदयाओउ' द्वीपसमूह ) ि अपने िेि िे रूप में दावा किया है ?
(a) चीन
(b) जापान
(c) दकिण ि ररया
(d) भारत

Q31. Which country has claimed Diaoyu islands as its territory?

(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) South Korea
(d) India

• China has recently claimed that the Diaoyu islands are Chinese territory and it has
the right to conduct law enforcement activities in the area.
• The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin denied the criticism of the
U.S. of incursions of China.
• The islands are located in the East China sea and have also been claimed by Japan
for several years.
• Japan calls the territory as Senkaku and China calls as Diaoyu.

Q32. किस दे श ने एि नए िानून ि मंजूरी दी है ज स शल मीकडया िंटें ट ि कवकनयकमत िरने िे कलए अकिि
शखक्त दे ता है?
(a) ईरान
(b) तुिी
(c) सीररया
(d) इराि

Q32. Which country has approved a new legislation that gives more power to regulate
social media content?
(a) Iran
(b) Turkey
(c) Syria
(d) Iraq

• The Parliament of Turkey has approved a new legislation that gives its authorities
more power to regulate social media content.
• As per the law, major social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter will
have to keep representative offices and also would store user data in Turkey.
• This law will combat cyber-crime and protect users and Authorities can remove
cyber bullying posts.

Q33.किस दे श िे रिा मंिी हाकमद बािाय ि ि प्रिान मंिी िे रूप में कनयुक्त किया गया है ?
(a) माली
(b) सेनेगल
(c) घाना
(d) आइवरी ि स्ट्

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Q33. Which country’s Defence Minister Hamed Bakayoko has been appointed as its Prime
(a) Mali
(b) Senegal
(c) Ghana
(d) Ivory Coast

• The Republic of Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara has appointed Defence
Minister Hamed Bakayoko as Prime Minister after acting as an interim PM since the
sudden death of Amadou Gon Coulibaly ( July 8, 2020)
• Hamed Bakayoko will also hold his position as defence Minister.
• Hamed Bakayoko became acting PM on May 2, 2020 due to the absence of Amadou
Gon Coulibaly.
• Hamed Bakayoko since 2017 was in the defence portfolio after he served as an
interior minister from 2011.

Q34. कहचमे मेकचची ि किस दे श िा नया प्रिानमंिी कनयुक्त किया गया है ?

(a) अल्जीररया
(b) लीकबया
(c) स माकलया
(d) ट्यूनीकशया

Q34. Hichem Mechichi has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Algeria
(b) Libya
(c) Somalia
(d) Tunisia

• Tunisian President Kais Saied appointed Hichem Mechichi(46-year-old), Interior

Minister as it’s new Prime minister.
• He has a month to form a government i.e., should be capable of winning a
confidence vote in parliament by a simple majority.
• He succeeded Elyes Fakhfakh, who resigned over allegations of a conflict of interest.

Q35. डबल-स्ट्ै ि िंटे नर ं िे पररचालन हेतु दु कनया िी पहली कवद् युतीिृत रे ल सुरंग किस दे श में चालू िी जाएगी?
(a) जापान
(b) भारत
(c) रूस
(d) चीन

Q35.World’s first electrified rail tunnel that fits double stack containers will be
operationalized in which Country?
(a) Japan
(b) India
(c) Russia
(d) China

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• World’s first electrified rail tunnel that fits double stack containers will be
operationalized in India.
• It cuts through Aravali mountain on the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC)
near Sohna, Haryana.
• The project is implemented by the DFCCIL (Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation
of India Limited).
• Geologically, this tunnel is safe and stable as it is caved through 2500 to 500
million-year-old Proterozoic Rocks mainly Quartzite, Schists and slates of
Alwar/Azabgarh groups of Delhi Supergroup rocks which have the high bearing

Q36.अंतराषष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंिन (ISA) फ्रेमविष समझौते पर हस्तािर िरने वाला 87वाँ दे श िौन सा है ?
(a) मेखिि
(b) कनिारागुआ
(c) ि स्ट्ा ररिा
(d) ग्वाटे माला

Q36. Which country has become the 87th country to sign the International Solar
Alliance(ISA) Framework Agreement?
(a) Mexico
(b) Nicaragua
(c) Costa Rica
(d) Guatemala

• The Republic of Nicaragua has become the 87th country to sign the International
Solar Alliance(ISA) Framework Agreement.
• H. E. Jaime Hermida Castillo, Permanent Representative to the UN of the Republic
of Nicaragua, signed the Agreement at the Permanent Mission of India to the
United Nations, New York.

Q37.किस दे श ने दु कनया िे सबसे बडे िैमरा टर ै प वन्यजीव सवेिण िे कलए एि नया कगनीज वर्ल्ष ररिॉडष बनाया है?
(a) कसंगापुर
(b) भारत
(c) रूस
(d) चीन

Q37. Which country has set a new Guinness World Record for the world’s largest camera
trap wildlife survey?
(a) Singapore
(b) India
(c) Russia
(d) China

• The fourth cycle of the All India Tiger Estimation 2018, results of which were
declared to the nation on Global Tiger Day last year by Prime Minister,Shri Narendra

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Modi has entered the Guinness World Record for being the world’s largest camera
trap wildlife survey.
• The country now has an estimated 2967 tigers as per the latest census.
• With this number, India is home to nearly 75% of the global tiger population and
has already fulfilled its resolve of doubling tiger numbers, made at St. Petersburg in
2010, much before the target year of 2022.

Q38.Global E-waste Monitor 2020 िे अनुसार दु कनया में तीसरा सबसे बडा इलेक्टरॉकनि िचरा उत्पादि
दे श िौन सा है?
(a) चीन
(b) अमेररिा
(c) रूस
(d) भारत

Q38. Which country is the third largest electronic waste generator in the world as per the
UN’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020?
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) India

• India is the third largest electronic waste generator in the world after China and the
USA and these three countries together contributed 38% of total 53.6 million tonnes
(Mt) of e-waste, generated worldwide in 2019.
• Releasing these data, the UN’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020, has presented a
worrying scenario where only 17.4% (9.3 Mt) of the total e-waste was collected and
recycled globally.

Q39.किस दे श ने वतषमान राष्ट्रपकत िे शासन ि वर्ष 2036 ति बढाने िे कलए एि संकविान संश िन ि मंजूरी दी
(a) ईरान
(b) रूस
(c) अमेरीिा
(d) पाकिस्तान

Q39. Which country has passed a referendum to extend the current President’s rule to
(a) Iran
(b) Russia
(c) USA
(d) Pakistan

• Russian voters approved changes to the constitution that will allow President
Vladimir Putin to hold power until 2036.
• For the first time in Russia, polls were kept open for a week to bolster turnout
without increasing crowds casting ballots amid the coronavirus pandemic, a

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provision that Kremlin critics denounced as an extra tool to manipulate the

• A massive propaganda campaign and the opposition's failure to mount a
coordinated challenge helped Putin get the result he wanted, but the plebiscite could
end up eroding his position because of the unconventional methods used to boost
participation and the dubious legal basis for the balloting. िे बाहर कवि िा पहला य ग कविकवद्यालय किस दे श ने स्थाकपत किया है ?

(a) जमषनी
(b) आयरलैंड
(c) इज़राइल
(d) अमेररिा

Q40. Which country has set up World's first yoga university outside India?
(a) Germany
(b) Ireland
(c) Israel
(d) USA

• As part of the 6th International Yoga Day commemorations, the world's first yoga
university outside India has been launched in Los Angeles, offering programmes
that combine scientific principles and modern research approaches to the ancient
Indian practice of yoga.
• The Vivekananda Yoga University (VaYU) was jointly launched by Minister of State
for External Affairs V Muraleedharan during a virtual event held at the Consulate
General of India in New York.
• Eminent Indian yoga guru Dr. H R Nagendra, Chancellor of Swami Vivekananda
Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA) is the first Chairman of VaYU.

Q41.किस दे श ने “कहजबुल्लाह” ि आतंिवादी संगठन नाकमत किया है ?

(a) फ्रां स
(b) ऑखस्ट्र या
(c) जमषनी
(d) डे नमािष

Q41. Which country has designated Hezbollah a terrorist organisation?

(a) France
(b) Austria
(c) Germany
(d) Denmark

• Germany has banned Hezbollah activity on its soil and designated it a terrorist
• Germany had previously distinguished between Hezbollah's political arm and its
military units, which have fought alongside President Bashar al-Assad's army in
• Israel and the United States had been pushing Germany to ban the organisation.

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• Police conducted early morning raids in Germany to detain suspected members of

the political group, which is based in Lebanon under the leadership of Hassan

Q42.पीएम नरें द्र म दी ने मई 2020 में वचुषअल नॉन-अलाइड मूवमेंट (NAM) सकमट में कहस्सा कलया है। यह बैठि
किस दे श िे राष्ट्रपकत िे नेतृत्व में आय कजत िी गई?
(a) ईरान
(b) इं ड नेकशया
(c) अल्जीररया
(d) अज़रबैजान

Q42. PM Narendra Modi participated in the Virtual Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit
in May 2020 . The meeting was organized under the leadership of which country’s
(a) Iran
(b) Indonesia
(c) Algeria
(d) Azerbaijan

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has participated in the Virtual Non-Aligned

Movement (NAM) Summit through Video Conferencing.
• The summit discussed and decided on the enhanced coordination of the member
states in their fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
• Azerbaijan is the president of the grouping from 2019-2022 and the meet is being
organised under the leadership of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
• The title of the summit is "We stand together against COVID-19".
• NAM represents the biggest grouping of countries outside the United Nations
comprising 120 developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Q43. मुस्तफा िािेमी ने किस दे श िे प्रिान मंिी िे रूप में शपथ ली है ?

(a) िुवैत
(b) इराि
(c) अफगाकनस्तान
(d) ईरान

Q43. Mustafa Kadhimi has been sworn-in as the Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Kuwait
(b) Iraq
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Iran

• Iraq’s Parliament chose an American-backed former intelligence chief as the new

prime minister, giving the country its first real government in more than five months
as it confronts an array of potentially crippling crises.

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• The prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, 53, who has a reputation for pragmatism,
was also seen as an acceptable choice to Iran, the other major foreign power
competing for influence in Iraq.
• Mr. al-Kadhimi is Iraq’s first real prime minister since the last one resigned in
November in the face of persistent anti government protests.

Q44.किस दे श ने अपनी मुद्रा ि बदलिर त मान िरने िा फैसला किया है ?

(a) ईरान
(b) अफगाकनस्तान
(c) इराि
(d) पाकिस्तान

Q44.Which country has decided to change its currency to “Toman?

(a) Iran
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Iraq
(d) Pakistan

• Iranian lawmakers have voted to change Iran’s national currency from ‘rial’ to
• The lawmakers approved an amendment to Iran’s Monetary and Banking Act of Iran
to make the change.
• Under the amended law, the existing currency of Iran will continue to remain valid
alongside "toman" for two years, during which the old coins and bills will be
gradually collected to replace them with new ones.
• The new currency is equal to 10,000 rials, marking a reduction of four zeros.

Q45.अगस्त 2020 में किस दे श ने दु कनया िे सबसे बडे समुद्री अभ्यास, द ररम ऑफ द पेकसकफि (RIMPAC) िी
मेजबानी िी?
(a) न्यूजीलैंड
(b) िनाडा
(c) किटे न
(d) अमेररिा

Q45. Which country hosted the world's largest maritime exercise, the Rim of the Pacific
(RIMPAC) in August 2020?
(a)New Zealand
(b) Canada
(c) UK
(d) USA

• The U.S. Navy will host the world's largest maritime exercises in Hawaii again this
year, but the drills will only be held at sea because of the coronavirus.
• The Navy has held the Rim of the Pacific exercises(RIMPAC) in Hawaii every two
years since the early 1970s.
• RIMPAC 2020 would not include social events on shore.
• Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam will host a "minimal footprint" of staff for logistics
and support functions.

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Q46. जमषन पर जीत िी 75 वीं वर्षगांठ ि कचकित िरने िे कलए रूसी राष्ट्रपकत ने स्मारि युद्ध पदि से किसे
सम्माकनत किया है?
(a) मून जे-इन
(b) किम ज ग ं -उन
(c) चुंग सय-ियून
(d) कशंज अबे

Q46. Who has been awarded a commemorative war medal by the Russian President to
mark the 75 anniversary of the victory over Nazi German?

(a) Moon Jae-in

(b) Kim Jong-un
(c) Chung Sye-kyun
(d) Shinzō Abe

• Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un
a commemorative war medal marking the 75 anniversary of the victory over Nazi

• The medal was awarded to the North Korean leader for his role in preserving the
memory of Soviet soldiers who died on North Korean territory.

Q47.संयुक्त राष्ट्र पयाषवरण िायषक्रम ने अकभनेिी दीया कमजाष िे िायषिाल ि भारत िे सद्भावना राजदू त िे रूप में
िब ति बढा कदया गया है ।
(a) 2024
(b) 2021
(c) 2022
(d) 2023

Q47. UN Environment Programme has extended the term of actress Dia Mirza as the
Goodwill ambassador of India till _______.
(a) 2024
(b) 2021
(c) 2022
(d) 2023
• The United Nations Environment Programme extended the term of actress Dia Mirza
as the Goodwill ambassador of India till 2022.
• The actress is also a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Advocate.
• A Goodwill Ambassador in general is a person who supports global issues or specific
• UNICEF has the largest number of ambassadors which is 300.
• Goodwill Ambassadors on the request of the United Nations will raise funds, engage
in public advocacy (like creating awareness, etc.). Their term of service is for 2 years.

Q48.किस भारतीय-अमेररिी ि IBRD िे अमेररिी वैिखिि िायषिारी कनदे शि िे रूप में नाकमत किया गया
(a) मनीर्ा कसंह
(b)अश ि माइिल कपंट

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(c) अरुणा सुिमण्यन

(d) र खन्ना

Q48. Which Indian-American has been nominated as US Alternate Executive Director of

(a) Manisha Singh
(b) Ashok Michael Pinto
(c) Aruna Subramanian
(d) Ro Khanna
• US President Donald Trump has nominated Indian-American Ashok Michael Pinto
as a representative to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
• Pinto was nominated as US Alternate Executive Director of IBRD for a term of two
• If confirmed by the Senate, Pinto would replace Erik Bethel, who has resigned from
the post.
• Pinto currently serves as Counselor to the Under Secretary for International Affairs
at the United States Department of the Treasury.
• Pinto was Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to President George W Bush
during private practice at two international law firms.

Q49.म िेट् सी म ह र ने किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी िे रूप में शपथ ली है ?

(a) ब त्सवाना
(b) नामीकबया
(c) लेस थ
(d) कजिाब्वे

Q49. Moeketsi Majoro has been sworn in as new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Botswana
(c) Lesotho
(d) Zimbabwe

• Moeketsi Majoro has been sworn in as Lesotho’s new prime minister after Thomas
Motsoahae Thabane.
• Majoro, who had previously served as the finance minister of the country, took the
oath at the king’s palace in front of dignitaries.
• Thabane's decision to step down came amid mounting pressure over a case in
which he and his current wife are suspected of involvement in the 2017 murder of
his estranged wife.
• Thabane's own All Basotho Convention (ABC) party, opposition figures and South
African mediators had pressured him to quit

Q50.किस संगठन िे महाकनदे शि रॉबटो अज़वेद ; ने अगस्त 2020 में इस्तीफा कदया था?
(a) IMF
(c) WTO
(d) OPEC

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Q50. Roberto Azevêdo; the director general of which organization resigned in August 2020?
(a) IMF
(c) WTO
(d) OPEC

• The World Trade Organization (WTO) has announced that its director general
Roberto Azevêdo has decided to step down effective August 31, a year earlier than
• Azevedo’s second four-year term was scheduled to end in September 2021.
• His sudden exit has come at a time when the world is grappling with the Covid-19
pandemic and global trade is forecast to plummet to historic lows.
• Azevêdo, is the sixth Director-General of the WTO and first took charge on
September 1, 2013 for a four-year term.
• His second four-year term began on September 1, 2017.

Q51. इज़राइल में बेंजाकमन नेतन्याह ने मई 2020 में पीएम पद िी शपथ ली है | इस पद पर यह उनिा ______
िायषिाल है|
(a) चौथा
(b) पांचवां
(c) छठा
(d) तीसरा

Q51. Benjamin Netanyahu took the oath of prime minister of Israel in May 2020. It is his
_________ term?
(a) 4th
(b) 5th
(c) 6th
(d) 3rd

• Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured a historic fifth term to form
his government, after a controversial power-sharing deal with rival-turned-partner
Benny Gantz.
• On 7 May 2020, President Reuven Rivlin officially granted Netanyahu, two-week
mandate to form his government, following which, Netanyahu announced the
formation of his coalition government on 17 May 2020.

Q52.किस दे श िी संसद ने ऐकतहाकसि भूकम सुिार कबल ि अपनाया है ?

(a) ईरान
(b) प लैंड
(c) यूक्रेन
(d) रूस

Q52. Which country’s parliament adopted the historic land reform bill?
(a) Iran
(b) Poland
(c) Ukraine

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(d) Russia

• Ukraine's parliament has lifted a long-standing ban on the sale of farmland, a

crucial and controversial piece of legislation needed to unlock support from the
International Monetary Fund.
• The president has to sign off on the bill for it to become law. Zelensky had urged
MPs to lift the ban, warning that the ex-Soviet country could default due to the
economic shocks of the coronavirus pandemic.
• The bill has sparked huge controversy and multiple protests in one of Europe's
poorest countries.

Q53. भारत और किस दे श िे बीच राजनकयि संबंि ं िी स्थापना िी 70 वीं वर्षगांठ 1 अप्रैल 2020 ि कचकित िी
(a) मलेकशया
(b) कसंगापुर
(c) चीन
(d) रूस

Q53. The 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between India and
which country was marked on April 1, 2020?
(a) Malaysia
(b) Singapore
(c) China
(d) Russia

• On April 1, 1950, India became the first non-Communist country in Asia to establish
diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC).
• This year marks the 70th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties between China
and India.
• The two countries together finalised 70 events to celebrate the event in line with the
understanding reached by Prime Minister Narendra

• Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping during their 2nd Informal Summit at
Mamallapuram on October 11-12 last year.
• Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, all the events have been cancelled.

Q54.COVID-19 िे िारण यूनेस्क िी कवि िर हर सकमकत िा 44 वां सि स्थकगत िर कदया गया है ; यह किस दे श
में आय कजत किया जाना था?
(a) चीन
(b) तुिी
(c) कलथुआकनया
(d) प लैंड

Q54. The 44th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has been postponed
due to COVID-19; was scheduled to be held in which country?
(a) China

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(b) Turkey
(c) Lithuania
(d) Poland

• China's Ministry of Education has announced that the 44th session of the World
Heritage Committee of UNESCO, initially scheduled from 29th of June to 9th of
July, in Fuzhou of eastern China's Fujian Province, has been postponed to a later
date due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
• The decision was made unanimously by the committee's bureau members and
consultations are currently underway to determine the exact dates of the session.
• 43rd Session- Baku, Azerbaijan
• The World Heritage Committee inscribed 29 new sites on UNESCO's World Heritage
in the 43th session.

Q55.किस दे श ने COVID-19 महामारी िे दौरान मैटरहॉनष पवषत पर कतरं गा प्र जेक्ट िरिे भारत िे साथ एिजुटता
व्यक्त िी है?
(a) इटली
(b) म नाि
(c) खस्वट् जरलैंड
(d) फ्रां स

Q55. Which country has expressed solidarity with India by projecting the tricolour on the
Matterhorn mountain during the COVID-19 pandemic?
(a) Italy
(b) Monaco
(c) Switzerland
(d) France

• Switzerland has expressed solidarity with India in its fight against the coronavirus
pandemic by projecting the tricolour on the famous Matterhorn mountain in the
Swiss Alps to give "hope and strength" to all Indians.
• Swiss light artist Gerry Hofstetter has been lighting up the 4,478-meter pyramidal
peak straddling between Switzerland and Italy with spectacular displays of flags of
different countries and messages of hope as part of a nightly series supporting the
nations combating the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
• The Indian flag on the Matterhorn is intended to express our solidarity and give
hope and strength to all Indians
• The daily projections have been illuminating the mountain since the end of March.

Q56.अप्रैल 2020 में किस दे श ने अपना पहला सैन्य उपग्रह सफलतापूवषि लॉन्च किया है ?
(a) इराि
(b) अफगाकनस्तान
(c) ईरान
(d) बांग्लादे श

Q56. Which country has successfully launched its first military satellite in April ,2020?
(a) Iraq

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(b) Afghanistan
(c) Iran
(d) Bangladesh

Iran has successfully launched the country's first military reconnaissance satellite after
months of failures, a programme the United States alleges is a cover for missile
The first satellite of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been successfully launched into orbit
by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC].
The two-stage satellite launch took off from Iran's Central Desert,
The launch comes amid tensions between Tehran and Washington over its collapsing
nuclear deal.

Q57.किस दे श ने दु कनया िे सबसे बडे रे कडय टे लीस्क प िे संचालन िी शुरुआत िी है ?

(a) जापान
(b) कसंगापुर
(c) भारत
(d) चीन

Q57. Which country has begun the operations of the world's largest radio telescope?
(a) Japan
(b) Singapore
(c) India
(d) China

• China has officially opened operations of the world’s largest radio telescope, which
it will use for space research and help in the hunt for extraterrestrial life.
• The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, is the size of 30
football fields and has been hewed out of a mountain in the southwestern province
of Guizhou. It is also known by the name “Sky Eye” in China.
• This telescope is 2.5 times sensitive to Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory.
• The Observatory in Puerto Rico has the world’s second-largest single-radio radio
telescope installed.
• Its purpose is to search for life in distant space and also to find aliens.

Q58.माररजुआना िी खेती ि वैि बनाने वाला पहला अरब दे श िौन सा है ?

(a) ट्यूनीकशया
(b) लेबनान
(c) कफकलस्तीन
(d) अल्जीररया

Q58. Which has become the first Arab country to legalize cannabis farming?
(a) Tunisia
(b) Lebanon

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(c) Palestine
(d) Algeria

• Lebanon became the 1 Arab nation to legalise cannabis (also known as marijuana)

farming for medicinal & industrial use with the aim to boost the exports & to beat
the economic crisis created by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
• Lebanon faces the worst economic crisis due to lockdown since the 1975-1990 civil

Q59.किस दे श ने नाबाकलग ं द्वारा किए गए अपराि ं िे कलए मौत िी सजा ि समाप्त िरने िा आदे श कदया है ?
(a) ओमान
(b) UAE
(c) सऊदी अरब
(d) ितर

Q59. Which country has ordered an end to the death penalty for crimes committed by
(a) Oman
(b) UAE
(c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Qatar

• Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has ordered an end to the death penalty for crimes
committed by minors.
• The decision comes on the heels of another ordering judges to end the practice of
flogging, replacing it with jail time, fines or community service and bringing one of
the kingdom's most controversial forms of public punishment to a close.

Q60.म कहउद्दीन यासीन किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी बने हैं ?

(a) आयरलैंड
(b) मलेकशया
(c) इराि
(d) अफगाकनस्तान

Q60. Muhyiddin Yassin has become the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Ireland
(b) Malaysia
(c) Iraq
(d) Afghanistan

• Malaysia’s King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah has appointed Muhyiddin
Yassin as the new Prime Minister, trumping Mahathir Mohamad’s bid to return to
power following his resignation as Prime Minister.
• The appointment of Muhyiddin, who heads Mahathir’s Bersatu party, will ironically
bring back to power the United Malays National Organization, which was ousted by
Mahathir’s ruling alliance in 2018 elections.

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• Mahathir quit this week and struck a new deal to work with his former ruling
alliance led by rival Anwar Ibrahim to thwart Muhyiddin’s plan but failed.
• But the palace announced that King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah believed
that Muhyiddin has the support of a majority of lawmakers. ने माचष 2020 में किस दे श से 40 कमकलयन डॉलर िा रिा सौदा हाकसल किया है ?
(a) जॉकजषया
(b) अजरबैजान
(c) आमेकनया
(d) प लैंड

Q61. India bagged a $40 million defence deal in March 2020, from which country?
(a) Georgia
(b) Azerbaijan
(c) Armenia
(d) Poland

India won a $40 million defence deal to supply 4 indigenously-built weapons locating
radars to Armenia in Europe. India won the deal by overtaking Russia and Poland.
The move by GoI is to boost the defence sector of the country. The deal is a major
achievement for the ‘Make in India’ programme in the defence sector.
The SWATHI weapon will help in locating radars.
The weapon is being developed by DRDO’s Electronics and Radar Development
Establishment (LRDE)

Q62.डे कनस श्मीगल किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी बन गए हैं ?

(a) मलेकशया
(b) यूक्रेन
(c) इराि
(d) माल्टा

Q62. Denys Shmygal has become the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Malaysia
(b) Ukraine
(c) Iraq
(d) Malta
• Ukrainian parliament approved the resignation of former Prime Minister Oleksiy
Honcharuk .
• President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed Deputy Prime Minister Denys Shmygal
as new Prime Minister.
• Ukraine's parliament has approved Denys Shmygal as the new prime minister after
his predecessor resigned, caught out by a leaked recording of him criticising the
• Oleksiy Honcharuk spent only six months on the job.
• Oleksiy Honcharuk had offered to resign, in his second attempt to quit after a leaked
recording emerged in January of him questioning President Volodymyr Zelensky’s
grasp of economics.

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Q63.‘Freedom in the World 2020” ररप टष में किस दे श ने मुक्त ल ितांकिि दे श िे रूप में सूची में शीर्ष
स्थान प्राप्त किया है?
(a) नीदरलैंड
(b) नॉवे
(c) स्वीडन
(d) कफनलैंड

Q63. Which country has topped the list as the free democratic country in the ‘Freedom in
the World 2020” report?
(a) Netherland
(b) Norway
(c) Sweden
(d) Finland

• According to the ‘Freedom in the World 2020” report, which analyzes democratic
values and people’s freedom in 195 countries & 15 territories, India has ranked
83 in the report along with Timor-Leste and Senegal in ‘Free’ category.

• While, Finland topped the list as the free democratic country.

• India’s score fell by 4 points from 75 to 71 in the survey results (34 out of 40 points
in the political rights category & 37 out of 60 in the civil liberties category).This is
the biggest drop in the 25 largest democracies in the world.

Q64.दु कनया िी अंकतम मादा सफेद कजराफ ि किस दे श में कशिाररय ं द्वारा मार कदया गया है ?
(a) इकथय कपया
(b) युगांडा
(c) िेन्या
(d) स माकलया

Q64. World’s last female white giraffe has been killed by poachers of which country?
(a) Ethiopia
(b) Uganda
(c) Kenya
(d) Somalia
• Poachers have killed two extremely rare white giraffes in Kenya, leaving just one
such animal in the world.
• The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) had classified giraffes as
vulnerable in the Red List in December 2016.
• They are listed under Appendix II of the CITES.
• The two giraffes to be killed were a mother and her seven-month-old calf. The
mother’s other male calf is the one that survived.
• The white appearance of the giraffe is due to leucism, a genetic condition that causes
skin cells to have no pigmentation.

Q65.िौन सा द्वीप दे श "डािष स्काई प्लेस" िे रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त दु कनया िा पहला दे श बन गया है ?
(a) ट ग
ं ा
(b) कनउए
(c) पलाऊ
(d) नाउरू

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Q65.Which island country has become the world’s first country recognized as a “Dark Sky
(a) Tonga
(b) Niue
(c) Palau
(d) Nauru
• The island of Niue has become the world’s first whole country recognised as a ‘Dark
Sky Place.
• The International Dark-Sky Association’s (IDA) has approved the island’s
application for the protection of its sky, land and sea.
• The title of ‘Dark Sky nation’ recognises an area with exceptional quality of starry
nights and a commitment to protecting the environment.
• Niue is home to around 1,600 inhabitants and is one of the world’s smallest
independent nations.

Q66.संयुक्त राष्ट्र िी कवि खुशहाली ररप टष में दु कनया िा सबसे खुशहाल दे श िौन सा है ?
(a) आइसलैंड
(b) भूटान
(c) कफनलैंड
(d) कसंगापुर

Q66. Which country is the World’s happiest nation in the UN's World Happiness Report?
(a) Iceland
(b) Bhutan
(c) Finland
(d) Singapore

• Finland is the world's happiest nation in the UN's World Happiness Report of 156
• Finland's residents enjoy a high quality of life, security and public services, with
rates of inequality and poverty among the lowest of all OECD countries.
• India ranked 144.
• Following Finland, Denmark and Switzerland ranked second and third positions

Q67.इग र माट कवि ने किस दे श िे नए प्रिानमंिी िे रूप में शपथ ली है ?

(a) माल्टा
(b) स्ल वाकिया
(c) इराि
(d) न्यूजीलैंड

Q67. Igor Matovic has sworn-in as the new Prime Minister of which country?
(a) Malta
(b) Slovakia
(c) Iraq
(d) New Zealand

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• Slovak President Zuzana Caputova administered the oath of office to new Prime
Minister Igor Matovic amid economic turmoil due to the spread of the coronavirus.
• Matovic is taking the leadership role as the country heads into recession after
measures to control the virus have shuttered shops and cafes for more than a week.
• Zuzana Caputova is the first female president of Slovakia.

Q68. िौन सा दे श राष्ट्रमं डल में कफर से शाकमल ह गया है और उसिा 54 वां सदस्य बना है ?
(a) नाउरू
(b) रवांडा
(c) मालदीव
(d) म जांकबि

Q68. Which country has rejoined the Commonwealth and become its 54th member?
(a) Nauru
(b) Rwanda
(c) Maldives
(d) Mozambique

• Maldives has once again become a member of the Commonwealth.

• President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih has reported that the Commonwealth
Secretary-General, Petrika Scotland has confirmed this and Maldives has become
the 54th member country of the Commonwealth.
• President Solih’s cabinet passed a proposal to rejoin the Commonwealth soon after
coming to power in 2018.

Q69. किस दे श ने फरवरी 2020 में बडे पैमाने पर कटकिय ं िे हमले िे िारण राष्ट्रीय आपात िाल घ कर्त किया है?
(a) पाकिस्तान
(b) चीन
(c) स माकलया
(d) द न ं (a) और (c)

Q69. Which country declared a National Emergency due to massive locusts attack in Feb
(a) Pakistan
(b) China
(c) Somalia
(d) Both (a) and (c)

• Pakistan, which is facing its worst locust attack in decades, has declared a national
emergency to tackle the insects destroying crops on a large scale in Punjab province,
the country's main region for agricultural production.
• The decision was taken at a meeting convened by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
• The meeting, attended by federal ministers and senior officials of the four provinces,
also approved a National Action Plan (NAP) that requires a sum of ₹7.3 billion to
overcome the crisis.

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• Somalia has also declared a national emergency as large swarms of locusts spread
across East Africa.

Q70. किस दे श ने दु कनया िा सबसे छ टा स ने िा कसक्का जारी किया है ?

(a) खस्वट् जरलैंड
(b) भारत
(c) यूएई
(d) कसंगापुर

Q70. Which country released the world’s smallest gold coin?

(a) Switzerland
(b) India
(c) UAE
(d) Singapore

• Switzerland has minted a gold coin so small that the 2.96-millimeter (0.12-inches)
gold coin is the smallest in the world.
• It weighs 0.063 grams (1/500th of an ounce) and has a nominal value of 1/4 Swiss
francs (USD 0.26).
• It displays Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue at you.

• It will be sold for 199 francs with a special magnifying glass so owners can see the
famous physicist on its face.

Q71.फरवरी 2020 में किस दे श ने भारतीय कहंदू श्रद्धालुओं ि श्री िटास राज मंकदर ं िे दशषन िे कलए वीजा जारी
किया है ?
(a) मॉरीशस
(b) अफगाकनस्तान
(c) इं ड नेकशया
(d) पाकिस्तान

Q71. Which country issued visas to Indian hindu pilgrims to visit Shree Katas Raj
temples in Feb, 2020?
(a) Mauritius
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Indonesia
(d) Pakistan

The Pakistan High Commission has issued visas to a group of Hindu pilgrims to visit
Shree Katas Raj temples in Punjab province's Chakwal district.
The group is planning to visit Shree Katas Raj temples, also known as Qila Katas or
complex of Katas temples, from February 19 to 25
Katas Raj temples surround a pond which is considered sacred by the Hindus, it said.
A group of 88 Indian Hindu devotees had also visited Shree Katas Raj temples last year
from December 13 to 19.
This is covered under the Pakistan-India Protocol on Visits to Religious Shrines, 1974.

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Q72.प्रवाल शैल-श्रेकणय ं िी रिा िे कलए िौन सा दे श सनस्क्रीन पर प्रकतबंि लगाने वाला पहला दे श बन गया है?
(a) पलाऊ
(b) नाउरू
(c) किरीबाती
(d) कफजी

Q72. Which country has become the first country to ban sunscreen to protect coral
(a) Palau
(b) Nauru
(c) Kiribati
(d) Fiji

• The Pacific Island, Palau has become the first country to ban sun cream that is
harmful to corals.
• The country has banned common ingredients used in cosmetics including
• The order of the ban was passed in 2018. However, it comes into effect from January
1, 2020.

Q73.ज़ रान कमलान कवच किस दे श िे राष्ट्रपकत चुने गए हैं ?

(a) फ्रां स
(b) स्पेन
(c) क्र एकशया
(d) अजेंटीना

Q73. Zoran Milanovic has won the presidential elections of which country?
(a) France
(b) Spain
(c) Croatia
(d) Argentina

Zoran Milanovic has won Croatia’s presidential Elections.

Zoran Milanovic is Croatia’s center-leftist former Prime Minister.
He defeated center-right incumbent Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic who was the first female
president of Croatia.
Milanovic belongs to the Social Democratic Party(SDP) won 52.7% vote while Grabar-
kitarovic of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union won 47.3%.

Q74.पेडर सांचेज ने किस दे श िे प्रिानमंिी िे रूप में शपथ ली है ?

(a) फ्रां स
(b) स्पेन
(c) पुतषगाल
(d) म रक्क

Q74. Pedro Sanchez has sworn-in as the Prime Minister of which country?
(a) France
(b) Spain

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(c) Portugal
(d) Morocco

• Spain's Parliament confirmed Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez as Prime Minister of

the country on 7 January 2020.
• He has narrowly won a confidence vote in parliament, enabling him to govern in
coalition with far-left Podemos.
• The dramatic open vote, by a simple majority of MPs, went 167 to 165 in his favour.
He will now form a minority government.
• It will be Spain's first coalition government since democracy was restored in 1978,
after the Franco dictatorship.

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