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HEALING FC COMMUNITY AND PLANET ¢ ISSUE 109° Professor Chi aluminium’s toxicit Covid vaccines must be suspended and a fall inquiry launched into their approval { \ e | by MHRA, says sone riyos expert report SYSTEMIC SINKS AND SOURCES 1000 oncats ae ag TOTORN jeno-oxioant Ae 24 % IAM a *\ACTIONS! mrtstncen * Multiple human exposures to toxic aluminium Fluoridation expansion plans threaten rest of UK Review: TOXIC LEGACY — How Glyphosate is destroying our health and the environment The Psyche as Interaction Electromagnetic Patterns of e Conscious Energy ateraction ‘Blecramagnen: Paterns of Conscious Energy Manya J. Long The Psyche as Interaction begins as a journey to explain one person's paranormal experiences. Manya Long looks closely atthe fields of ‘mathematics, physics, psychology, music, religion, neurophysiology and parapsychology. Along the way she finds many things connecting each of these fields together. Her intention when she began was merely to answer questions ahout het ‘own unique experiences. However, she quickly realized what she was looking at had the potential to change the way we all view the world. This book explains her joumey, findings, and the conclusions she came to. Following isthe Preface and Hypothesis of my book, which provide a representation of the book's content. Excerpts from the book are alo posted periadically on my Facebook page: ‘The Psyche as Interaction. Preface “The sine-wave the sum etal ofthe waveform (¢houghtform)’, That nee, complete with the punctuation, acre a a caalse my eweny. year journey in search ofa comprehensive structure in which ro understand the nature ofthe paranormal phenomena that [have experienced since 1 'was «wo yeas old. Originally, I vhoughe I had seen thar servence in book that [had been reading before [fll asleep one night. However, the next morning, [searched through the entire book and eould nor find i. Ths ‘event happened in November, 1990. Poe to tha ie, 1984, hogan seeing iy, descent bts feng an overlay of objec, such as peopl, plan, animals; inanimate object, too. At fst only sw thee ener shapes once or eee a year ound the expenence facinating but, a the same time, I waned explanations “These eves created a vacuum sn ny imagination ad nelle ‘which inevitably needed robe filled: hence, this une. Begtning in 199% an cations nl the present, ee eequncy ofthe enegy experiences increased 0 between wenty andy tes day Ht an nguistive mate, [wanted ro undertand the “hows aed “why or those phenomena _My intellectual eravels alo have been in search of other explanations for the ‘awako' dreams (lucid dreams) Ihave experienced; my physically ‘empathetic reactions when Iwas in proximity to certain peopl; and three ‘outo-body experiences. The fst ofthe out-of-body experiences occured ‘when Twas only ewo years ol che second was when Twas 13 yeas old playing ina volleyball game; and the third was when I was 19 years of ae My journey took me to college courses al studies in phys, mahemates, plicsopby, psychology and religion. In addition, I delved into books on the oocul, parapsychology and "New Age’ ropes. Some common themes and pattems arte ro emerge from these seemingly diverse subjects. (Connections appeared between mathematics, physics, peychology, muse, religion, neurophysiology and parapsychology. ‘This search has culminated n an accumulation, analysis an tegration, ‘of strands of conclusions from diferent discipline, inorder m weave fabric explaining an individual’ participation in personal and mass realy. Concepts in quantum mechanic, fatal geometry, the Chaos ‘Theory, philoworty, relgin, music and parapsychology ae interwoven with astrology, numerology, holography, topography, matrices, dissipative structures, reverse speech and the Santiago Theory of cognition, with ts auto poetic concept and Fourers Transform (metaphorically). ‘The road map in researching the destination fr this journey was unknow ‘tome unr 1992 when Tchoughe cha Thad rea the following sentence a beok only to go back the nextday and ie was noc there. “In other words, ‘there is no exterioezation of nature; everything isthe mental, spire and payee manifesarion of All Tat Is. This sentence, too, was complete with punctuation. Hypothesis ‘The psyche (oul/mind, of which there ian aura camera photo proving the linear sucession of images, which the soul creates as past ‘ofthe psychological realm of Al Thats, emoionally propels conscious ‘energy curward as waves from the though pattem field of the collctve ‘unconscious so that, “The sine wave the sum teal ofthe waveform, (thought form); via the frequency imoge by the subconscious, These ‘thought images corespond to che fequency range of 5-8 ops or 10" 1 10% ‘Which sour theta brainwaves, These choughe forms represent al earthly phenomena a thei natural resonant frequency. So, in ocher words, the ‘world of appearances, the Land of 1,000 forms sa olographic image that is formed individually and en masse as a physical expression ofa spiritual and psychological realm and can be emeclly proven with EEG, EKGs and che aura camera. Qur same senses (ey ght, hearing taste, ‘ouch and fel that project the energy cutward, ac as analyzers ofthat same frequency, gan by isomorphically uz Fourte's Transform and transforming i at higher fequencies (by the conscious mind at 16 wo 40

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