Conflictus Ad Astra (Eng)

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Conflictus Ad Astra and Super Space Knights are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution


When a spaceship takes damage, it marks as many Hull
All Space Knight Orders have spaceships to navigate the points as the damage taken. If the damage is serious, roll
worlds of the Dominion. An Order's fleet can face 1d6 on the following table and apply the result.
enemies such as alien invaders, space pirates and other
cosmic horrors in their own element. Roll Result
By default, all Companies have a spaceship. This ship Life Support: mark Troops. This result can be
allows a Company to move and act through space exactly 1 applied if there are troops on board.
like when it is on the surface of a planet: the SM
describes a situation to the players, asks them what they Engines: the ship stops moving.
are going to do, movements are activated or not, the story
keeps going. Armament: the ship does -1 damage.

In space, since the Space Knights are encased in huge Sensors: the ship is “blind” and “deaf”.
airtight vehicles, some tags are of little use (like Snipers)
Hyper Drives: the ship cannot travel between
while others are fully applicable (like Vehicles:
5 systems.
Spaceships). Supplies aboard star ships tend to take the
form of fuel, power batteries for weaponry, or spare parts Main Reactor: roll twice and apply both results
but the effect is the same. 6 (including other sixes)
Moves are used in the same way. Its effect in fiction may If a result is not applicable, roll again.
be different: Endless War (with Logistics in space)
applies to the ship; The Code of the Space Knights may If a ship's Hull reaches 0 or there are no applicable
represent a query to the tactical computer... results left, the ship is destroyed (and the Company on
board presumably as well).
By default, the Order's starships have the following
characteristics: To repair damage to a spaceship, use the Rites of the
Order move adding this option:
● They have 4 Hull points. Hull points work
similarly to Troop points. ● Recover one hull point or a system.
● Its weaponry deals one (1) damage against
other spaceships. Of course, repairing a ship can require proper facilities
● They can transport all the warriors of their and time (something you don't always have in the middle
Company (or an equivalent number of troops). of a space battle).
● They can travel between star systems.
● They cannot enter planetary atmospheres. To NEW COMPANY TYPE: NAVAL COMPANY.
disembark they have shuttles.
The Naval Companies are formations specialized in
To create a Company ship simply follow these steps: space combat. They form the crew of the most powerful
ships of the Order.
● Give it a name and say what model of ship it is.
Is it modified? Is it very old? Are there other Attribute profile: War 1. Faith 0. Logistics 1.
similar ones?
● Choose an exclusive Dogma and Sin for your ● Choose 1 Capability. Add 1 to one attribute.
ship from the following lists. They work the ● The ship of a Naval Company has two
same as companies'. Dogmas, one sin and 6 points of Hull.
● When in space and expending Supplies, roll
SPACESHIP DOGMAS: Orbital Bombardment, with Advantage instead of repeating a die.
Hardened Hull, Fighter Squadrons, Security Forces,
Hospital, Maintenance Staff, Overwhelming Firepower, ENEMIES
Fuel Reserves, Experienced Crew.
These are a few examples of the type of enemies that
SPACESHIP SINS: Defective Weaponry, Unusual Fuel, Space Knights can face aboard their ships. You are free
Power Outages, Alien Design, Bad Reputation, Slow to modify them and create your own.
Jump Engine, Obsolete, Plague On Board, Poor Range,
Space Fighters
Poorly Maneuverable, Stolen, Problematic Crew.
Large ships often have squadrons of fighters on board to
intercept enemy missiles or harass other ships. Although
individually they are not a threat, their small size allows severely limits the recruitment of new aspiring space
them to attack blind spots of larger ships causing knights.
catastrophic damage.
This is a campaign scenario for your Space Knights
● Squadron, Fast, Low Range.
● Fussion missiles. games specially designed to use the spaceship rules. As
● Damage: 1 always, you can change or extend the scenario to better
● Life 2 suit your table.
This scenario employs Countdowns: whenever the Space
Mo-Kul Cruiser Master can make a move (when a player rolls 6- on the
dice, when nothing happens, or the fiction suggests it) he
It is a medium-sized ship (about three kilometres long)
but heavily armed. They tirelessly patrol the borders of can advance one of the Countdowns one step. The
the Mo-Kul Kingdom and are a dangerous adversary for Countdowns represent dangers that are advancing little
most fleets. by little changing the game universe. If players act, they
can delay or stop a Countdown completely. If a
● Shields, Hyper Jump Engines. Countdown goes all the way to the end, the change in
● Cannon Battery, Turbo Lasers, Super atomic
fiction is permanent. At the beginning of the campaign,
read to the players the first point of each Countdown,
● Damage: 2
generate a mission (or use one of the six included below)
● Life 4.
and move on.
Orbital Battle Station
The Mo-Kul
Orbital Battle Stations are used as shipyards, spaceports,
or defensive posts on planets throughout the galaxy. ● Humans, diplomats.
When supported by other starships they can turn a planet ● Motivation: to bring glory back to their empire.
into an impenetrable fortress. ● Where did they get their new fleet? What
happened to the old ruling house?
● Void Shields, Huge, Tactical Computers,
Repair Teams, Support Fleet. The Tenebroids
● Omega Ray Projector, Orbital Missiles,
Artillery Turrets. ● Shadow beings, infiltrators, carnivores.
● Damage: 1 ● Motivation: to devour and reproduce.
● Life: 10 ● What happens when a planet is infested by
tenebroids? Where do they come from?
The Cosmic Brotherhood
Mo-Kul is a small, declining human kingdom on the
Northern Fringe of the galaxy. In the past, Mo-Kul has ● Humans, renegades, raiders.
clashed with the Dominion on numerous occasions but, ● Motivation: looting.
after the Triphonic Wars, its power was decimated, and ● Who is their leader? Why haven't they been
it was reduced to little more than a handful of isolated crushed?
systems far from anywhere. Recently, the House of
Galator has risen to power in Mo-Kul and times of
change are coming: Prince Kala-Galator has sworn 1-Several Mo-Kul ambassadors arrive on the border
before the Statue of his ancestors to restore the kingdom worlds of the Dominion's Northern Fringe.
to its former glory.
The Northern Fringe of the Dominion is going through 2-The Mo-Kul kingdom establishes several trade routes
with the Dominion buying large quantities of raw
troubled times: pirate fleets are at large, and tension is
materials. Numerous independent merchants and pirates
growing among the population as ferocious tenebroids
bring their goods there causing shortages on nearby
infest one world after another. The vast distance that worlds.
separates the area from the core of the Dominion makes
governmental aid very scarce and separated in time. The 3-After a successful campaign against the Tenebroids,
Order of the Black Swords was recently founded in the the Mo-Kul build the Devastator of Worlds in the Broth
K-900 system with the aim of helping to pacify the system, a gigantic super-weapon capable of destroying
entire planets.
surrounding sectors but is very small in numbers due to
constant unrest among the local population which
4-After showing the power of their super-weapon, the SPACE BATTLE
entire Tuferain Sector swears allegiance to the Mo-Kul.
Any approaching Dominion ship is mercilessly attacked. The planet Strix is under attack: an enemy squadron
composed of a dozen ships (including a Colossal model
Countdown 2: SWORDS AGAINST THE WALL destroyer) is passing through the system towards the
most important source of drinking water in the sector.
1-A shipment of weapons and equipment travelling to K- The Order has the reinforcements of the sector's fleet at
900 is intercepted by space pirates. The Black Swords its disposal to repel the enemy, but it is not going to be
call for help to deal with the pirate threat. an easy battle.

2-The flagship of the Black Swords, the Protonic ● Who is the enemy? How can it be stopped?
Mandoble, is disabled after suffering severe damage ● What strategic location has been left
fighting the space pirates. The VII Squire Company unprotected by mobilizing the fleet to Strix?
disappears in the Valley of Death.
3-A huge pirate fleet attacks K-900.
The planet Pantrudectes is threatened by the Mo-Kul
4-The pirates take control of the Orbital Station and advance. The ruling family (six hundred members of the
destroy the fortress of the Black Swords, which are Van Cliff Clan and their most essential servitude) must
officially destroyed. be evacuated at all costs.

MISSIONS ● Why are the Van Cliffs so important? What is

the nearest safe evacuation point?
PATROL ● How many people are going to be abandoned
in front of the Mo-Kul? Which companies are
The border of the Tuferain and Randros sectors have
in disagreement with the orders received?
always been a troubled area with skirmishes and open
warfare. Tuferain Sector is mainly dedicated to trade and SPACE GRAVEYARD
is the birthplace of the famous Poetess Barnadia whereas
Randros is mainly composed of mining-industrial worlds Three hundred years ago, the Triphonic Wars raged
of the K-65 Conglomerate. It is suspected that the Mo- across half the galaxy. The final battle took place in the
Kul are fomenting this conflict to facilitate their own T-46-W Quadrant of the Randros sector which has since
conquests. A detachment of the Order is assigned to been a heap of stellar debris, destroyed spacecraft and
patrol the border to keep the peace. wandering asteroids.

● What is the source of the conflict between the ● What is the use of the space graveyard today?
two sectors? Why is there no permanent What is the Order looking for there?
solution? ● Who is hiding in this place?
● Where was the last skirmish? Where do you
suspect the next one will be? A PORT IN THE STORM

RESCUE Proxima Eibonis is the capital of the Tuferain sector and

is the hub of many trade routes. Its shipyards and orbital
The Neptune's Trident, flagship of the Randros Sector bases are a docking and repair port for ships from all
fleet, is badly damaged in the Cartagenis asteroid belt over the galaxy. Lately, Mo-Kul ships have begun to be a
after a heavy battle. Its engines are down, and the enemy regular presence at the spaceports. After several
is regrouping to attack again. The Order has received a incidents, it is rumored that the tenebroids may have
distress request that must be answered. infiltrated Proxima Eibonis.

● Against whom has the fleet been fighting? ● What does the Order's fleet need to repair?
What other work does the Order have to Would the players be willing to negotiate with
neglect to come to the rescue? the Mo-Kul?
● Why is it essential that Neptune's Trident does ● What would be the consequences of a full-
not fall into enemy hands? scale war on this world?


 Life Support: mark Troops. This result can be applied as long as

there are troops on board.

 Engines: the ship stops moving.

 Armament: the ship does -1 damage.

 Sensors: the ship is “blind” and “deaf”.

 Hyper Drives: the ship cannot travel between systems.

 Main Reactor: roll twice and apply both results (including other

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