Research 2023

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John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359




A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department 

of St. John Colleges, Calamba City Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Senior High School

Practical Research 1



JUNE 2023
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359





Makeup had a significant impact on all, as it enhances and improves one's

appearance, increasing self-confidence. The use of cosmetics has become

increasingly prevalent among Junior High School students, with many

adolescents using makeup, skincare products, and fragrances to enhance their

physical appearance. While the use of cosmetics can be an enjoyable and

creative way for young people to express themselves, it can also have an impact

on their self-esteem and confidence.

Self-esteem is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as the belief and

confidence in your own ability and value. According to Rajajeyakumar et al.

(2016), Cosmetics are often a tool used for social self-presentation and self-

image management. As a result, the application of facial cosmetics may serve to

increase a woman's sense of confidence in her look, making her more self-

assured in the belief that confidence is obtained when her physical appearance

corresponds to the scenario.

The impact of wearing cosmetics can be different on the self-esteem and

confidence of an individual as it can have positive and negative effects that can
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


influence the level of confidence in students who apply cosmetics in their

everyday agenda. Positive self-esteem individuals believe in their own worth,

expect self-improvement, and adapt well to others. As a result, they may show

signs of stability and accomplishment. On the contrary, people who have

negative self-esteem may find themselves to be the source of self-dissatisfaction

and self-denial which can possess a heavy reliance on others (Moon & Yoo,


Effects such as wearing cosmetics allow women to transform themselves

which leads to higher self-confidence. Makeup is the instrument to discover their

individuality, using different products that match their physical appearance are

some of the positive effects of wearing cosmetics, particularly makeup, in the

routine of Junior High School students. Negative effects namely, clogged pores,

aging of the skin, breakouts, allergies, and so much more. Aside from health

concerns, wearing cosmetics on a daily basis has a negative effect on a person's

self-esteem. As mentioned by Lee & Oh (2018), wearing cosmetics seeks

pleasure through makeup and transforms one's feelings of inferiority and

depression into positive emotions.

Through makeup, women can express their creativity and personality. It

serves as an artistic expression that allows women by experimenting with various

hues, textures, and fashion. It gives them the freedom to create and express their
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


moods, which improves their self-confidence and encourages them to appreciate

more their own individual attractiveness.

Using makeup can be also a way for women to focus on their own needs

and practice self-care. Applying cosmetics can be a relaxing, calming, and

therapeutic ritual that enables individuals to concentrate on themselves and their

well-being. With that being said, makeup has made a big impact given that it has

numerous positive impacts on a person's well-being. It serves as an instrument

not only to hide blemishes and highlight a person’s beauty but also a tool to

improve a person’s self-awareness of themselves and to impress others with

their looks and physical attributes in a positive way.

Statement of the Problem

This qualitative study aims to understand the influence of wearing makeup

on the level of confidence of the selected grade 10 students of St. John Colleges.

Specifically, it seeks to explore their motivation for using makeup and how it

affects their self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Central Question:

Why do the selected grade 10 students wear makeup on a daily basis?

Corollary Questions:
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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


1. What are the reasons of selected grade 10 students to wear makeup?

2. What are the things that selected grade 10 students do to gain

confidence in wearing makeup that affects their psychological aspect?

3. What advices can you offer to other teenagers about makeup?

Conceptual Framework

The Influence of Wearing Makeup on the Level of Confidence of Selected

Grade 10 Students

Data Gathering Procedure

Interview through audio recording

Verbatim Transcription

Data Analysis using IPA

Significance of the Influence of Wearing Makeup on the Level of Confidence

of Selected Grade 10 students

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of the Study

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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


The paradigm of the study is shown above. The first box shows the

influence of wearing makeup on the level of confidence of selected grade 10

students which indicates the correlation between how wearing makeup

influenced the selected grade 10 students in their level of confidence and how it

affects them in their daily lives. The second box indicates how the researchers

will collect the data from the selected respondents. The data-gathering procedure

to be used in the study is through a face-to-face interview, the researchers also

utilized to give a consent form to be filled up by the respondents for the audio

recording of their answers. In relation to that, each answer of the respondents will

be transcripted by the researchers through verbatim transcription which

translates each word and phrase said by the respondents in the interview. The

next enclosure displays the data analysis that the researchers will be using in

interpreting and analyzing the discoveries in the conducted interview. Lastly, the

enclosure exhibits the significance of the qualitative study in the lives of the

selected grade 10 students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to understand and know the influence of wearing makeup

on the level of confidence of selected grade 10 students at St. John Colleges. In

this study, there were three (3) selected grade 10 students from St. John

Colleges who agreed to be interviewed through audio recording and to share

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


their insights and answers on wearing makeup on a daily basis. Therefore, this

study will only look at how the respondents gain self-confidence and self-esteem

while wearing makeup in their everyday lives. It also covers how the selected

students became interested in putting on makeup as an instrument to become

more confident and to be much more self-aware of themselves.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is on the influence of wearing makeup on the

level of confidence of selected grade 10 students. This research contributes to

the increasing amount of exploring how makeup can enhance an individual's self-

confidence and self-esteem. The study delves deeply into the emotional

experiences of individuals who view makeup as a means of self-expression,

specifically among students attending St. John Colleges at Junior High School. It

provides a comprehensive examination of the role makeup plays in both

appearance and societal norms.

Furthermore, this research can also prove advantageous for subsequent

entities. The results of this research can be utilized by individuals to enhance

their overall well-being, physical appearance, and self-confidence. Additionally,

makeup and cosmetics play a significant role in expressing one's personality and

social identity. Therefore, this study holds great potential for improving various

aspects of people's lives.

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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


To the students. Individuals participating in this study can benefit greatly

by gaining a deep understanding of their emotional experiences and learning

effective coping strategies. Students would have to make changes to improve

their physical appearance as a result of this study in order to benefit from it.

To the school. The staff of the school can keep an eye on the pupils'

appearance and encourage them to be themselves in their own ways. Through

the findings of this study, they can utilize this to develop policies that foster a

more accepting and supportive environment for students who was using makeup

to boost their self-confidence and overall appearance.

To the researchers. The fact that this study will help researchers

complete their work means that they can be aware. Furthermore, researchers

can use this study as a valuable resource for developing their own research

projects. The study's results can serve as a foundation of knowledge, guiding

researchers on what to include, exclude, or improve upon in their own studies.

Additionally, this study provides a starting point for further exploration of how

makeup impacts students in Junior High School level of self-confidence.

To future researchers. The participants in this study will learn new

information that they can apply to their future purposes. The current study on

peer pressure among women and teenagers needs to be expanded in order to

fully understand and address the issue. Future researchers must continue to

investigate and analyze the topic to develop effective interventions that promote

positive emotional experiences among students who are influenced by wearing

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


makeup. This will also help to enhance their research skills and contribute to the

existing knowledge of peer pressure. Further exploration of this subject is crucial

for combating the negative effects of societal pressures and creating a more

supportive environment for individuals.

Definition of Terms

In this part of the research, the terms used will be provided with

appropriate definitions to further understand the words that the researchers used

in the study.

Hues. A shade or a particular variety of color.

Individuality. A character of a person to be able to distinguish if from others of

some kind, specifically when it is prominent. 

Makeup. A substance that is a mixture of chemical components that are attained

either from natural or manmade resources. It is a tool used to improve one’s

appearance, hide blemishes, and enhance physical attractiveness. Makeup such

as lipsticks, foundation, eyeshadow, and blush are some of the products that

people use mostly teenagers.

Qualitative study. A type of study that aims to search for naturalistic things or

settings to prove a phenomenon. It seeks to interpret human experiences and

holistic, and individualistic perspectives of an individual. 

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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Self-care. It is both the practice of acting to maintain or enhance one's own

health and the capacity to care for oneself through awareness, self-control, and

self-reliance in order to acquire, maintain, or promote optimal health and well-


Self-confidence. It is the trust that a person gives to himself/herself. It is an act

of believing in one’s capability in given settings or accomplishing a task.

Self-esteem. It is a subjective view of our personal and overall worth and value.

Self-esteem describes a person’s level of confidence with regards to an

individual's abilities and own attributes.

Therapeutic rituals. Is a planned series of steps created in collaboration with

the therapist and the client to help the client move from one psychological state

to another. (eg. meditating, writing a letter, reading religious texts)



St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Foreign Literature

Makeup use in different aspects can drastically change an individual’s

well-being. Most especially in the self-confidence of a person. Several

observations have been found about the positive correlation between makeup

use and self-esteem. Makeup usage acts as a stimulant to our three senses:

touch (all sensations from the skin’s surface), smell (fragrance), and sense sight

(which can foretell the process of becoming and looking attractive). By using

makeup, positive stimulation of these three senses can result in both sensory

and psychological pleasure (Korichi et al., 2008). 

As stated by Onuoha et al. (2020) teenagers engage in using makeup to

fulfill a sense of belongingness or social acceptability, and that natural looks or

appearances are not socially acceptable in the social norms of a society. 

Many teenagers apply beauty cosmetics because of  the fact that beauty

standards have led to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, and lack

of self-confidence. Because of this many individuals, specifically young adults,

experience unfavorable emotions then influence their evaluation of personal

beauty. Therefore, women nowadays are constantly reminded of what is

considered beautiful and lovely. With regard to that, many wear makeup to attain

self-esteem as they believe that wearing makeup might help them achieve self-

confidence, self-assurance, self-trust, and social skills in terms of intrapersonal

relationships (Afable et al., 2014).

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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Adolescents desire a natural and elegant appearance, but many suffer

from skin blemishes and low self-esteem. According to the Renfrew Center

Foundation's report in 2007, 44% of women feel negative emotions when they

are not wearing makeup. Cosmetic products are often viewed as a way to

enhance feminine beauty ideals and assist women in conforming to society's

beauty standards.

In Pakistan, beauty product advertisements have a positive impact on

students due to the rapid growth of media and the resulting changes in lifestyle,

attitude, behavior, culture, and religious values. However, societal standards of

beauty are constantly changing, making it difficult for individuals to keep up with

unrealistic expectations. Cosmetics have a significant impact on how individuals

perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others, which in turn affects

their social interactions. 

Robertson and her colleagues (2008) discovered that there is a positive

relationship between the frequent use of cosmetics and anxiety, self-

consciousness, introversion, and conformity. This implies that the use of

cosmetics not only relates to an individual's emphasis on outward appearance,

but also to their level of confidence and self-worth, social interactions, and overall

social success.

Historically, women’s expectations and societal conventions have been

connected to makeup. Instead of forcing them to adhere to external standards,

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


there has been a change in recent years toward allowing them to use makeup for

their own self-expression.

Foreign Studies

From a psychological standpoint, self-confidence appears to be one of the

few characteristics of human perception that extends over the entire range of

human existence. As a result, self-confidence is usually viewed as the most

important variable of human behavior. In correlation to cosmetic use, makeup

made a significant influence on the self-confidence of an individual.

As cited by Hoffmann (2016) makeup can be a potential art therapy that

has been shown to promote creativity and humans’ emotional expression to

alleviate anxiety, enhance self-appearance, and boost self-confidence. With that

being said, the usage of makeup among women can be a  therapeutic way to

ease mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. As it can help a person’s

inner state to be tranquil and content.

Cosmetic are products designed to be applied to the human body to

promote attractiveness, alter appearance, cleanse, or beautify. Women have

been using cosmetics for thousands of years and have been found to have a

positive correlation with anxiety, self-recognition, introversion, and conformity.

Conversely, cosmetics use has a negative correlation with extraversion, social

confidence, emotional stability, and intellect.

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Recent research has indicated that teenagers wear makeup to improve

their self-confidence and enhance their overall enjoyment of life. A study

conducted by Etcoff (2004), an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical

School and a research psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, has

revealed that women who wear makeup are perceived as more attractive, likable,

competent, and trustworthy than those who do not.

Local Literature

As stated by Lanzuela et al. (2019) most individuals make use of makeup

occasionally based on different scenarios in their lives such as going to school,

going out with some friends, and attending occasions. With that being said,

people most specifically, teenagers, do not completely rely on the benefits  of

makeup on their physical appearance in various settings, even it they use it as a

reason to boost their self-confidence. Makeup can definitely change someone’s

appearance as it helps to improve or alter a person’s looks. As it changes

throughout time, it has been significant to each and every generation that uses it.

According to Silverio (2010) over the past years, both men and women

have worn makeup as it helps to enhance a personal facial feature, but in the

modern times, it is largely women that wear makeup on a daily basis. Because of

beauty standards, people nowadays tend to buy cosmetic products just to gain

and attract someone's attention and to be vulnerable with others.

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Wearing makeup is notably recognized to be the one that alters a person

on how they can express themselves to the public. Applying makeup

firmly affects each individual’s confidence level. The majority of the population

states that applying and wearing makeup can cause a positive impact on their

confidence that helps them to gain more self-esteem and be much more self-

aware of themselves when facing the public. In addition to that, people might be

putting on makeup due to the extensive exposure to various social media

platforms and advertisements of countless beauty products. Conversely,

negative effects such as not wearing makeup are one of the reasons why most

people tend to buy and wear makeup on a daily basis (Arquiza et al., 2019).

Local Studies

In previous studies according to Aquino et al. (2017) the objective of the

study was to investigate the impact of cosmetics on the self-confidence of Senior

High School (SHS) women. The study consisted of interviews with five randomly

selected students and the distribution of 14 surveys. The study findings indicate

that facial cleansers are the most commonly used cosmetic products among SHS

students. Moreover, the use of cosmetics depends on the physical feature that

stands out or the flaws that need to be altered. Although students admitted being

self-conscious about wearing cosmetics, they believe that the use of cosmetics

makes them more presentable. Additionally, they reported an improvement in

social skills and attitude towards other people.

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


In the Philippines, cosmetic usage is prevalent among teenagers who are

mainly exposed to social media platforms. With that the presence of social media

influencers can influence teenagers on using makeup as their way of attracting,

enhancing natural features, and boosting their self-confidence. In line with that, a

study by Castillo et al. (2022) said that the brand’s marketing and advertising

efforts heavily rely on social media influencers which correlates with why

teenagers use and apply makeup. 

As makeup can highly influence an individual, wearing cosmetics can help

women and teenagers feel more confident. By enabling her to present herself in

a way that makes her feel confident and prepared to take on the world, that might

give her a sense of empowerment. As a result, an individual is more likely to feel

empowered in other aspects of her life, such as her work, relationships, and

personal objectives or endeavors when she has self-confidence in her beauty.


A lot of women including teenagers have experienced low self-esteem,

anxiety, and low self-confidence as a result of commercials featuring

unrealistically idealized depictions of beauty. The majority of these unpleasant

and negative emotions are a result of body and attractiveness dissatisfaction. As

stated by Britton (2012) women, specifically college women, use cosmetics

frequently, are well-informed about the cosmetics industry, and are aware that
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


some individual preferences can have an influence on the decisions and choices

a woman makes with regards to using cosmetics.

In childhood and adolescence period, the usage of cosmetics is a form of

performance where young girls mimic or imitate the actions of female peers and

maternal figures. However, throughout college, applying makeup becomes a

routine and is supported by societal norms, which are upheld by the availability of

information circling around the internet and online platforms that promotes

makeup products (Buegeler, 2015). 

As makeup grows into a much bigger aspect of life, people gain

confidence because it helps individuals to conceal imperfections, enhance facial

features, improve self-expression, give off a sense of “put-together” to be ready

for a day, and receive positive feedback or validation from others. 

In a study conducted by Schneider and Moron (2022), facial makeup has

been linked to a hazy social perception. Although other studies found that women

who used makeup were seen as attractive and warm, they were also seen as

domineering and less worthy. Makeup has been defined as a strategy to

compete with rivals and win over potential partners, which suggests that it may

be interpreted as an indication of power-seeking. In line with that, higher

attractiveness in a woman with lighter makeup attributes a higher likelihood and

make use of dominance tactics, whereas women with heavy makeup were more

likely to use friendly, ingratiating, and convivial techniques.

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Nowadays, individuals who wear makeup particularly have two reasons.

Some studies conclude that women who are less confident apply more

cosmetics, likely to cover up flaws and imperfections. However, women who

have higher self-esteem allow them to apply makeup to attract attention. In a

study constructed by Mafra alongside her colleagues (2022), women’s usage of

makeup is highly correlated with appearance and social interactions made by

individuals. For the reason, that appearance evaluation predicted inversely the

amount of money spent on cosmetics each month, appearance orientation

positively predicted the frequency of makeup use, the amount of time spent

applying makeup, and the cost of makeup. Although in distinct ways, spending

on makeup was positively predicted by both general and social self-esteem.

On both the wearer and the observers, makeup effects can have a variety

of psychological results. At present, a lot of women compare themselves to

celebrities in the media, and influencers who strive to meet the high standards of

feminine beauty that have red cheeks, clear skin, a strong jawline, and big

almond eyes wind up feeling self-conscious and unsatisfied with their


From a psychological perspective, wearing makeup has a strong favorable

relationship with social interaction and performance, as well as a moderately

good relationship with self-esteem and attraction. Additionally, as makeup

indirectly enhances functioning and academic performance, it has a strong

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


favorable relationship with educational level and job success that helps an

individual to function and have a better acceptance of herself with her beauty.

(Al-Samydai et al., 2021)

Furthermore, makeup allows various users to fully establish a different and

new side of themselves as it gives a significant impact on their own personal life.

Effects such as self-expression to creatively express their inner persona and

experiment with different looks as it showcases one’s mood, personality, and

style, social perception of how makeup can directly affect how others perceive an

individual, self-perception that greatly affects on how teenagers perceive

themselves by changing how they look or appear on public, individuals can

enhance and highlight particular traits which could result in a more favorable self-

image, a tool for mood enhancement as it can be a therapeutic ritual or process

for some women by taking self-care, concentrating on personal grooming and

beauty enhancement. 

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359



Research Design

The researchers utilized a qualitative research design to furthermore delve

into the subjective experiences of the respondents using a phenomenological

research approach. The aim is to gain a deep understanding of the lived,

experiences, situations, perceptions, and interpretations of individuals in relation

to this research.

With this type of study design provides a valuable opportunity to explore

and illuminate the intricacies and nuances of subjective experiences, contributing

to the existing body of knowledge.

Locale of the Study

The locale of the study was conducted in St. John Colleges located at 098

Chipeco Avenue Brgy. 3, Calamba City, where both of the researchers and the

respondents are currently studying. It is the researchers choice to perform their

study inside the school for an easier and more accessible way to allocate

respondents and interview the students that are selected by the researchers. 

Data Gathering Procedure

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


The data gathering procedure that was used by the researchers are as

follows: First, the researchers searched for their grade 10 respondents who wear

makeup every day in school through a purposive sampling method. Second, the

researchers gave the selected interviewees a consent form to be read and filled

up by the respondents who are willing to be the interviewee of the researchers

study. Then, all of the participants were interviewed one by one through a face-

to-face setup that took place inside the school. Lastly, the researchers

transcribed all three interviews conducted which will be soon analyzed and

evaluated by the researchers to understand why did the selected grade 10

students wear makeup and gain confidence in applying it.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are composed of students at St. John

Colleges that are enrolled in the school year 2022-2023. All of these participants

were selected by the researchers, which is one of the vital processes to keep this

study successful. A purposive sampling method is conducted where each

member finds a suitable participant who is wearing makeup and has the

influence of it.

The chosen respondents consist of three (3) participants from a selected

section of grade 10 students at St. John Colleges. One (1) of three selected

grade 10 students came from grade 10 Jade, while two (2) of them came from
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


grade 10 Sapphire. The respondents are interviewed face-to-face with an audio

recorder and will be interviewed in a room that is comfortable and private which

will help the interviewee and the researchers to exchange conversation without

interruption. By doing this the researchers would gain a lot of needed information

with regards to the completion of the research.

Instruments of the Study

In order to gather the needed data a hard copy of the consent letter was

given to the interviewees to notify and gave them an idea of how will the

researchers collect all the information given by the respondents. The letter

consists of the header which shows the logo and name of the school, next is the

introduction and instructions to the respondents, followed by a section wherein

the respondents give their consent to be the interviewees of the research and to

authorize the researchers to record their answers through audio recording. 

The interview was conducted via face-to-face interview in a room that is

quiet and comfortable for both of the respondents and the researchers. To further

analyze and determine the significance of wearing makeup on the level of

confidence of the respondents, a set of interview questions was asked to the

interviewees that were approved by the research adviser.

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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359



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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359



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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359




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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


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098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


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Silverio, L. (2010). Makeup's Effects on Self-Perception. Retrieved from


The Renfrew Center Foundation. (2007). New Survey Results Indicate There's

More to Makeup Use Than Meets the Eye. Retrieved from indicate-

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359



Interview Questions (in violet)

1. What are the reasons of selected grade 10 students to wear makeup?

a. Why do you wear makeup?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


b. When did you start wearing makeup?

c. What motivated you to use it?

- Is there any particular person that you want to impress so you wear


d. What do you feel when you don’t wear makeup?

2. What are the things that selected grade 10 students do to gain

confidence in wearing makeup that affects their psychological


a. What are the positive and negative effects on yourself when you wear


b. How does it affect you as an individual?

c. How does wearing makeup help you express yourself?

- Does it satisfy you?

d. How important is it to you to wear makeup just to increase your self-

confidence if you know that there are other ways?

3. What advices can you offer to other teenagers about makeup?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359



Transcription of the Interview

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Interview Questions (in violet)

Interviewee’s answer (in black)

Participant # 1


Grade 10 Student

St. John Colleges


a. Why do you wear makeup?

- Bakit ka nagm-makeup?

Ahhh (pause for 5 seconds) I can’t say na force of habit pero it

helps with the way I…carry myself din, kasi…. uhmm I guess it helps with

my confidence and (pause for 3 seconds) I don’t know if sa’kin lang but if I

wear makeup I feel like.. I can face yung mga mangyayari sa’kin kasi

usually if I don’t wear makeup and I face the public parang… ang naked

ko? Parang my walls are damaged, I’m too exposed. (End of answer)

b. When did you start wearing makeup?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


- Kailan ka nagsimula?

(Took 4 seconds before answering the question) I’ve worn makeup

from a very early age, since kinder nagm-makeup na ako. It’s always been

something that I was fond of kasi kapag iniiwan ako ni mama ninanakaw

ko makeup niya hahaha (chuckles lightly). (End of answer)

c. What motivated you to use it?

- Ano-ano yung mga nag-udyok sa’yo na gamitin ito?

Society? (pause for 4 seconds) uhmmm (pause for 4 seconds)

siguro gawa din… because of my sister and then the people around me.

I’ve had a phase din kasi na… I don’t like makeup? So I used to like

makeup and then I didn’t… and then… I loved it. (End of answer)

+ Is there any particular person that you want to impress so you wear

makeup? Meron bang partikular na person?

No one other than myself. (answered with confidence) (End of


d. What do you feel when you don’t wear makeup?

I feel exposed.(become more serious) (End of answer)

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


a. What are the positive and negative effects on yourself when you wear


- Ano-ano yung mga positive and negative?

Positive wiiise, ‘yun nga nakaka-help siya sa confidence ko and h-

how I care in myself… but even if that’s positive, negative din na at some

point nagre-rely ako doon, kasi I should be comfortable with my own skin.

But…I can’t. (started to get teary eyed) (End of answer)

b. How does it affect you as an individual?

(mumbles) Tsk (pause for 5 seconds) I guess (pause for 3

seconds) sa positive.. ‘yon nga nakakatulong siya sa…sarili but… yung

positiveness na ‘yon it’s bad na… sa makeup siya nagre-rely, sa material

object. It’s kind of like… kung wala ‘yong makeup, kulang ako and that’s

bad… (pause for 3 seconds) kasi I should be… okay with just myself nga.

(End of answer)

c. How does wearing makeup help you express yourself?

- Paano ito nakakatulong sa’yo sa pagpapahayag ng iyong sarili?

It helps me a lot—and it helps in different aspect like boosting my

self-confidence…and like kapag nag-wear ka kasi ng makeup is ikaw yung

pinakamaganda, na kapaaag may makeup ka may advantage ka sa iba,

that expressing myself using makeup really do satisfy myself. Uhmm

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


without it…I feel suffocated sa mga judgmental glares ng mga tao…and

sa mga judgment ng society about beauty standards…na kapag pangit

(emphasized) ka wala ka nang halaga, unlike when I’m wearing makeup…

I can express more myself and feel valuable by others.(End of answer)

d. How important is it to you to wear makeup just to increase your self-

confidence if you know that there are other ways?

Since I wear makeup everyday—halos especially when I go out… I

guess it’s quite important for me… but… not to the point na… I would die

(emphasized) without makeup… it’s just that I prefer it talaga na… people

would see me, I would see myself na maayos yung itsura…kasi when it

comes to other people then hindi sila naka-ayos (pause for 3 seconds,

thinking) I guess naging judgy din ako, hindi ko naman ‘yon maano.. I

can’t deny it. And I’ve been quite self-conscious din kasi sa sarili ko so…

for me if ganon yung pumapasok sa isip ko when other people aren’t get

up like hindi sila dressed up, I feel like ganon din yung iniisip nila sa’kin…

and I don’t like that. (End of answer)


a. What advice can you offer to other teenagers about makeup?

(Took 3 seconds before answering the question) Makeup is an

everything. It helps—it really helps…but…makeup isn’t supposed to be

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


something na…you would rely to like I did myself, because it’s just an

object… you’re you…you should be able to embrace yourself as you are,

and makeup is just there to enhance it. It’s quite hypocritical for me to say

that kasi ako nga hindi ako nalabas ng walang makeup but…for other

people… parang…kapag kasi natural sila nakakainggit din so…I envy

those girls and sana…in the future mas madaming babae na ganon—like

mas…ano sila sa walang makeup. But I’m not saying na masama ang

makeup…kasi nga it helps yung too much lang ang masama.(End of


Interviewer and Observers: Thank you po for your participation!

Date of the Interview: May 30, 2023

Interviewer: Rachelle M. Montilla

Duration of the Interview: 6 minutes and 9 seconds

Participant # 2


Grade 10 Student
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


St. John Colleges


a. Why do you wear makeup?

- Bakit ka nagm-makeup?

Sa…dahil po sa confidence ko po, para po ma--boost po yung

confidence ko po. (Her fist are closed, and a little bit shaking)(End of


b. When did you start wearing makeup?

- Kailan ka nagsimula?

Grade 10 ngayon lang pong Grade 10.(End of answer)

c. What motivated you to use it?

- Ano-ano yung mga nag-udyok sa’yo na gamitin ito?

Friends ko po…sa classroom po. (End of answer)

+ Is there any particular person that you want to impress so you wear

makeup? Meron bang partikular na person?

Hmmm, (chuckles lightly and shook her head)(End of answer)

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


d. What do you feel when you don’t wear makeup?

Para pong may kulang sa’kin kapag di po ako nag we-wear ng

makeup.(answered it straightforwardly) (End of answer)

+Ano-ano ‘yon?

Like…parang…‘di po ko parang…(pause for 3 seconds)

nagagandahan sa sarili ko po… kapag walang makeup. (she could not

look to the interviewer in the eye while speaking, she was starting to feel

nervous.)(End of answer)


a. What are the positive and negative effects on yourself when you wear


- Ano-ano yung mga positive and negative?

(Took 4 seconds before answering the question) Ahhmm, siguro

po…sa positive…mas naaabo-boost po kasi yung confidence ko po

ganun. Sa negative naman po, parang pag nagbibili po ako ng…

masyadong madaming makeup parang naaano…na yung pera ganun po.

(End of answer)

b. How does it affect you as an individual?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Hmmm (She shook his head slowly and seemed to be looking for

an answer, until she could not speak and the question was not answered.)

(End of answer)

c. How does wearing makeup help you express yourself?

- Paano ito nakakatulong sa’yo sa pagpapahayag ng iyong sarili?

Para po kasing pag nag we-wear ako ng makeup kapag madaming

taong nag…(She paused 3 seconds and continued) humahanga sakin,

ganun kapag (She hesitated to continue her answer and decided to stop.)

(End of answer)

+Does it satisfy you? Why? Na-satisfy ka ba?

(She asks to repeat the question based on her gesture that her

eyebrows are slightly towards each other which signifies that she didn't

understand the question but then she nods.)

+Does it really satisfy you? Are you sure?

(She nods again.)

d. How important is it to you to wear makeup just to increase your self-

confidence if you know that there are other ways?

- Gaano kahalaga para sa’yo ang pagsusuot ng makeup para mapataas

ang self-confidence mo kung may iba pa namang paraan?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Ahhmm sobrang… (she hesitated) ‘di naman sa sobrang halaga

kasi… minsan lang din naman po ako nagsusuot ng ganto kapag kunyari

papasok sa school ganun…pero sa kunyari po sa bahay, pero po minsan

sa school di naman ako masyadong…nag ma-makeup.(End of answer)


a. What advice can you offer to other teenagers about makeup?

- Anong maibibigay mong advice sa kanila?

Ahhmm ang advice ko lang po sakanila… kung… gusto pa nilang

ma-boost yung confidence nila, ok lng naman sila na mag wear ng

makeup(Took her 3 seconds to think what to answer next) pero kung…

may…sabi nyo nga may ibang way pa para or may maisip pa silang way

na ma-boost ang confidence nila, pwede namang mag try sila ng iba hindi

lang yung makeup yung ia-apply nila para ma-boost yung confidence nila.

(End of answer)

Interviewer and Observers: Thank you so much po!

Date of the Interview: May 30, 2023

Interviewer: Rachelle M. Montilla

Duration of the Interview: 4 minutes

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Participant # 3


Grade 10 Student
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


St. John Colleges


a. Why do you wear makeup?

- Bakit ka nagm-makeup?

Hmmm for me po kaya po ako nagm-makeup, yun lang po yung

way para ma-boost yung confidence ko po. Then para po sa iba, parang…

sinasabi nila naaa pang-arte-arte lang pero hindi po nila alam na…sa

isang tao malaki yung naitutulong ng pagm-makeup...lalong lalo na po sa

pagb-boost ng confidence . (answered it with confidence)(End of answer)

b. When did you start wearing makeup?

- Kailan ka nagsimula magsuot ng makeup?

Since grade 9 po.(answered it without hesitation) (End of answer)

c. What motivated you to use it?

- Ano-ano yung mga nag-udyok sa’yo? Ano-ano yun?

(Took 3 seconds to answer) Yung mga nakikita ko po sa social


+ Is there any particular person that you want to impress kaya ka

gumagamit ng makeup?
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


(Took 4 seconds to answer) Nung una po wala, pero sa ngayon

meron po. (answered it while smiling)(End of answer)

d. What do you feel when you don’t wear makeup?

- Anong nararamdaman mo? Ano-ano?

Ahmmm…ang nararamdaman ko po is… parang… hindi po tulad

nung dati na kapag ka wala po akong makeup nagiging confident po ako

na lumabas na ganun at kahit walang makeup, pero sa ngayon po…

parang (pause for 3 seconds) hindi ko na po gusto yung mukha ko ‘pag

walang makeup.(End of answer)


a. What are the positive and negative effects on yourself when you wear


- Ano-ano yung mga positibo at negatibong epekto nito sa’yo?

Ahmmm… yung positive po is yung pagb-boost nga po ng

confidence sa sarili and yung negative po is yung…parang nasasanay ka

nang mag-wear ng makeup araw-araw tapos hindi mo na po pinapakita

yung pagmamahal mo kung ano ka talaga. (End of answer)

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


b. How does it affect you as an individual?

-Paano ito nakakaapekto sa’yo bilang isang indibidwal?

(Took 4 seconds before answering the question) Nakakaapaekto

po sa’kin kasi nga (pause for 3 seconds) magandang…wait lang po hehe

(total silence)(pause for 20 seconds) ano nga po ulit yung question?

How does it affect you as an individual?

-Paano ito nakakaapekto sa’yo bilang isang indibidwal?

(Total silence) Pwede pong ano next question?

-Sige, next question babalikan natin yan.

c. How does wearing makeup help you express yourself?

- Paano sya nakatulong sa’yo na i-express yung sarili mo?

Ahmmm…yun nga po, kasasabi ko lang po, yung pag-boost po ng

confidence. (answered it rapidly) (End of answer)

+Does it satisfy you? Why?

Yes po. (answered it quickly) (End of answer)

d. How important is it to you to wear makeup just to increase your self-

confidence if you know that there are other ways?

- Gaano kahalaga para sa’yo ang pagsusuot ng makeup para mapataas

ang self-confidence mo kung may iba pa namang paraan?

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


(Took 3 seconds before answering the question) Para po sa’kin…

yung pagm-makeup…is yun lang yung, sa opinion ko lang po, yun lang po

yugn way para ma-boost yung confidence ko…then parang sa’kin po is…

wala na pong ibang way.

- Then back again sa question kanina.

b. How does it affect you as an individual?

Nakakaapekto po ‘to sa’kin sa magandang paraan lalo na po sa

pagmamahal ko po sa sarili ko.


a. What advice can you offer to other teenagers about makeup?

Ang advice ko lang po is…okay lang nama—okay lang naman

pong mag makeup but wag sosabra, kasi pag sosobra po uhmm parang…

hindi mo na po nagugustuhan yung sarili mo (inaudible word) parang

nandun kana eh…parang (pause for 4 seconds) parang ‘di mo na

nagugustuhan yung sarili mo kapag walang makeup.

Interviewer and Observers: Thank you po for participating!

St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3, Calamba City
Tel No. (049) 545-1948 / 545 - 3359


Date of the Interview: May 30, 2023

Interviewer: Rachelle M. Montilla

Duration of the Interview: 5 minutes and 6 seconds

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