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Algebra grade 5

1 . The breadth of a rectangle is . The length of he rectangle is Ionger than its breath.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle?            

2 . Express in the simplest form(   ).

A. B. C. D.

3 . A pencil costs cents and a file costs cents more than a pencil.

( 1 ) What is the cost of identical files and identical pencils in cents?

Express your answer in terms of in the simplest form.

( 2 ) Shernice wants to buy such files and such pencils but is short of cents. If the pencil

costs cents, how much money does Shemice have?

4 . The mass of cookbook is thrice as heavy as magazine. cookbook and magazines

weigh . Find the mass of magazine.            



6 . What is the missing number?

( ) .

A. B. C. D.

7 . Study the pattern below, What is the missing number?

, , ,            , ,

8 . A fruit seller has some red and green apples in the ratio of .

There are red apples. How many apples does the fruit seller have in total?

1. .

【解析】 ,

2. A

【解析】 N/A.

3. (1) cents.

(2) $ .

【解析】 ( 1 ) Cost


( 2 ) Shernice has cents $ .


【解析】 N/A.


【解析】 N/A.

6. C

【解析】 无解析


【解析】 N/A.
8. .

【解析】 units ,

unit ,

units .

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