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1. Stops you from showing your own style and taking responsibility.

 According to an article published in The New York Times, allowing students to choose their
own clothing enables them to express their unique personalities, fostering a sense of
individuality and personal responsibility.
 A study conducted by the University of Texas found that students who have the freedom to
make choices about their clothing develop a stronger sense of self-identity and take
ownership of their decisions.

2. Makes people more divided and can lead to bullying.

 An article in Education Week reports that schools that have abolished uniforms witnessed a
decrease in divisions among students, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment
that reduces the likelihood of bullying incidents.
 Research conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists indicates that factors
other than clothing, such as personality traits or academic performance, play a more
significant role in bullying incidents than attire alone.

3. Doesn’t matter much in today’s schools or jobs.

 In an opinion piece published by Forbes, it is argued that modern education and workplaces
prioritize skills such as critical thinking, adaptability, and collaboration rather than adherence
to uniforms.
 A survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed that
the majority of employers place less importance on attire and focus more on qualifications,
experience, and professionalism.

4. Costs parents money and limits what you can wear.

 According to a study published in the Journal of Educational Research, school uniforms can
place a financial burden on parents, as they have to spend an average of $249 per child per
year on uniforms.
 An article In The Guardian highlights how the absence of uniform requirements allows
parents to have more flexibility in budgeting for their children’s clothing needs, enabling
them to choose affordable options that fit their preferences.

5. Raises worries about what’s suitable, different cultures, and feeling

 Concerns have been raised about the suitability of school uniforms for different climates. For
instance, The Huffington Post has highlighted cases where students, particularly girls, feel
uncomfortable due to uniform policies requiring skirts even in cold weather conditions.
 A study published in the International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership emphasizes
the importance of considering cultural diversity and ensuring that uniform policies respect
and accommodate the cultural practices and beliefs of all students.

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