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B:Hello!,Is there anything I can help with?
A:Yes ,What is its name?
A:Where is this landmark?
B:England,United Kingdom
A:When was it built?
B:It is believed that it was built anywhere
from 3000 BC to 2000 BC.
A:What is it made of?
A:Do you know any of the theories
about its origins?
B:Stonehenge has been subjected to
many theories about its origin,ranging
from the academic worlds of
archaeology to explorations from
mythology and the paranormal.
A:This place is beautiful.

นางสาวนลพรรณ สิงห์บำรุง เลขที่20 ม.6/3

นางสาวปาริฉัตร เอียดอ่อน เลขที่33 ม.6/3

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