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Assignment 10 RC_FIP Dr Hima Bindu Valiveti

1. What is yoga, and write its significance

2. What are the main important qualities of sadhaka.

The most important quality for success is continuous practice.

 By thoroughly practicing first the (physical) training, one acquires the

knowledge of the truth.
 It is the responsibility of the sadhaka to make the yoga pure and endearing
 success comes to the sadhaka who is engaged in the practice
 Perfections results from practical application. Without practicing, just by
reading the sastras (sacred books) perfection in yoga will never be attained.
Perfection is also not achieved through practical application

3. Write any four latest applications of technology innovations in education and


 Technology in Teaching and Learning Process

 Technology in Examination and Evaluation
 Technology in academic administration
 Technology in affiliation process
 Technology in admissions
 Technology in improving teacher’s ability
 Technology in post degree management (NAD)
The above mentioned are a few technologies used in the field of education.

Virtual Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Internet of Things,

Biometrics, Social media in Education Systems etc are the technological
innovations that almost are labelled as disruptive technologies in the recent
Virtual Reality (VR):

VR can also help students and teachers gain classroom insights by recording and
recreating real classroom sessions. If a student misses a class, they can use
these VR recordings to be digitally transported into their classroom, see their
peers, and learn as if they were there. Virtual reality creates an immersive
learning experience for the student. It is a growing trend in technology. Many VR
apps like Anatomyou app or Titans of Space etc. are the VR and augmented
reality created applications to make the student understand the concept more

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning:

“Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines,

especially intelligent computer programs. Artificial Intelligence is related to the similar
task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to
confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.” (Stanford Researcher,
John McCarthy)

There are many applications of AI and ML in our day to day life such as motion
detection, video surveillance, online customer support with the help of bots, Traffic
predictions etc.
Advantages of IoT in the field of education:

Internet of things (IoT) is a network of connected devices which generates

unprecedented data through information sharing.

Educational facilities are connected and immersive, infrastructural monitoring is more

flexible and offers security. The role of IoT for students, instructors and administrative
employees are in the figure below. (Ref: FIP class by Dr G K Viswanadh)

Social media in Education:

The use of social media in education helps students, teachers and parents to get
more useful information, to connect with learning groups and other educational
systems that make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and
institutions with multiple opportunities to improve learning methods.

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