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A Capstone Project
presented to the Faculty of the
Information Technology Department,
Northern Samar Colleges

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Aneylen N. Longcop
Reese B. Engo

March 2018

We sincerely acknowldge the support of the people who have taken part in the fulfilment

of this project. Without their encourage, inspiration and support we cannot finished this project.

To our parents for their untiring supports in sending us to school, for their guidance and

efforts not just financially but also in emotional, moral and spiritual aspects have become our

strengths in striving hard on our studies.

To our classmates, especially to our Instructor, for the time, wisdom and knowledge he

had given on us that was imbued to equip us with the things that we will be needed in facing the

challenges of our life and welcome us to the world of knowledge.

And to our Almighty God for without Him all these are nothing.

The 4P’s Online Archive and Record Management System is a complex solution. It takes

into consideration in various conditions and factors. The recording of family members, recording

weekly and quarterly reports of compliance and non-compliances, omitting graduate students in

records of 4P’s members should also be taken into consideration. The system is developed to

assist 4P’s records management system particularly at Gamay, Northern Samar for convenience

and efficiency. Municipal and Social Welfare Development Office and staff can use other

documents associated with the system online immediately. The 4P’s Online Archive and Record

Management System, the services of the 4P’s workers is faster than the manual process of their

services. The submission of reports is through online by uploading the approved household

members, the health, education and family development session reports. The archiving and

recording is the major function of the system, for uploading reports, automatically saved into

database and retrieved the records from database. The main features of 4P’s Online Archive and

Record Management System is uploading the reports of health, education, family development

session of compliance and noncompliance and automatically update the records of the

compliance and noncompliance of household members. It is important in offices to give an

online archive and record management system for the effective way in keeping and identifying

record. Therefore, the system could be helpful in the 4P’s office specially in terms of monitoring

the weekly and quarterly reports of compliance and noncompliance household members.

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