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The new Lawyer's Oath in the Philippines, as of the information provided, is as


"I (name) do solemnly swear that I accept the honor, privilege, duty, and
responsibility of practicing law in the Philippines as an officer of the court in the
interest of our people.

I declare fealty to the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.

In so doing, I shall work towards promoting the rule of law in a regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace.

I shall conscientiously and courageously work for justice as well as safeguard the
rights and meaningful freedoms of all persons, identities, and communities. I shall
ensure greater and equitable access to justice.

I shall do no falsehood, nor shall I pervert the law to unjustly favor or prejudice

I shall faithfully discharge these duties and responsibilities to the best of my

ability, with integrity and utmost civility.

I impose upon myself without mental reservation nor purpose of evasion so help
me God."

1. This new Lawyer's Oath emphasizes several key principles and responsibilities for
lawyers in the Philippines. Here is a breakdown of its main elements:
2. Acceptance of honor, privilege, duty, and responsibility: Lawyers acknowledge the
importance and gravity of their role as legal professionals.
3. Fealty to the Constitution: Lawyers commit to uphold and respect the Constitution of
the Republic of the Philippines, which serves as the supreme law of the land.
4. Promotion of the rule of law: Lawyers pledge to work towards establishing a society
governed by the principles of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace.
5. Justice and protection of rights: Lawyers vow to conscientiously and courageously
pursue justice and safeguard the rights and meaningful freedoms of all individuals and
communities. They strive to ensure equitable access to justice.
6. Honesty and fairness: Lawyers commit to refraining from falsehoods and from distorting
the law to unfairly favor or prejudice anyone. They uphold the principles of integrity and
7. Faithful discharge of duties: Lawyers promise to fulfill their duties and responsibilities to
the best of their ability, while maintaining integrity and displaying utmost civility in their
professional conduct.
8. Solemn affirmation: The oath concludes with a declaration that the lawyer imposes this
obligation upon themselves without mental reservation or intent to evade their
responsibilities, and invokes the help of God.
9. It's important to note that this explanation is based on the information provided in your
question, and there might be additional context or interpretations that could be
relevant. For the most accurate and up-to-date understanding of the new Lawyer's Oath
in the Philippines, it is recommended to consult official sources or legal authorities.

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