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College of Business and Accountancy


Graduate Attributes: The graduates have the ability to: IX. Desired Course Outcomes :
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor) II.
the endof
ofBusiness and Accountancy
the semester, the students must have:
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino Vision:1. Know and understand the meaning, elements, kinds and sources of obligations.
I. University
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor) 2. Know
The College and understand
of Business the application
and Accountancy and
envisions differences
itself to be thebetween
Cradle ofthe kinds of for
Excellence obligations such as
Accountancy, pure and
Philosophy: and Tourism conditional obligations,
Management obligations
and Business with a period,
management alternative
Education. obligations,
It foresees joint andto
its graduates solidary
become obligations,
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
An Augustinian Recollect Center of Learning which makes knowledge (Scientia) a structure of wisdom that leads one competentdivisible
leaders, and indivisible
managers, obligationsand
businessmen andprofessionals
obligations with
the values of Service and community
to 5.
exerciseand promote
of love “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (RA 7722)
(Caritas). 3. KnowMarian
life, Interiority, and have
morala integrity,
clear understanding on how
Peace and justice, obligations
Love, are extinguished
and the passion by means
for Excellence. It alsoofenvisions
Program Outcomes for Business Administration performance, loss of the things due, condonation or remission of the debt, confusion or merger of rights
be a provider of functional, authentic, value-oriented, and research based business education in the country
Vision: and novation.
1. Analyze the business environment for strategic. adhering4. toGain
the National
knowledge Competency
about theand Industry-based
importance standards.
of contracts, its elements, important principles and classification
A Catholic University committed to the integral formation of the human person with passion for excellence and
2. Prepare
service operational
to Church plans.
and Society. Mission: and defective contracts.
3. Innovate business ideas based on emerging industry. The College of
X. Expected Business
Outputs and Accountancy
/ Course Requirementsshall produce graduates who are academically prepared, technically
4. Manage a strategic business unit for economic sustainability. equipped, and research-oriented, with Augustinian Recollect values who will become globally competent leaders,
An Augustian Recollect University that educates the mind and heart by providing the climate, the structure, and the businessmen and professionals honed to become agents of our country’s development.
5. Conduct business research.
means to develop the vocation, knowledge, skills, talents, and attitude of the community as permeated by the Gospel College Outcomes
1. The students must have at least 75% in all of his or her evaluation.
values for the service of humanity, love and praise to the One God. 1. Produce technically competent and professionally skilled graduates who are intellectually and scholarly prepared,
V. Course No. and Title: Law on Obligations and Contracts (OBLICO130) 2. Must not exceed the allowable number of absences.
Values: equipped to become socially responsive leaders/managers.
2. Provide professional and technical training through the academic and non-academic requirements with the
Service and Community Life; Interiority; Marian and Moral Integrity; Peace and Justice; Love; Passion for XI.cooperation
Grading System
of partner companies and other linkages.
VI. Academic Year: 2019-2020 3. Instil upon future leaders/managers the importance of Catholic Religion and train them to become partners in
Goals: The University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos translates its mission statement into the following four Class Standing (Quizzes, Attendance, Participation, Assignments, Projects, Oral Reports) : 40%
Semester: Second evangelization and internalize UNO-Rian charism.
domains of schooling: Examinations (Written/Performance) : 60%
4. Provide training in research relevant to business education and other fields needed in effecting positive change in
1. VII.Academic:
Course Description:
Continuing education with religion as the core to qualified persons with preferential option for Total : 100%
the business world.
C This course
the poor gives
from the studenttoas
elementary understanding
the of the legal concepts and rules governing the law of obligations and
graduate levels;
contracts and application of these concepts to practical problems. It involves a discussion of the nature, sources, 5. Undertake
Percentagesports and other(Final
Distribution cultural activities to further the value of heritage and desirable traditions as they
2. Non-Academic: Opening of opportunities for the development of skills and talents in the areas of sports and C
kinds, and extinguishments of contracts including defective contracts and other miscellaneous topics relevant to the interact with the academic community or with the other members of the society.
cultural endeavours;
course. Prelimand
Grade : 30% agencies through community immersion programs that build
6. Work with government non-government
3. Community Extension: Complementation of the study programs with inter-disciplinary outreach projects that Midterm Grade and: sustainable
marginalized sectors a self-reliant community.
will enable the academic community to be involved in the promotion of the total development of man; and Final Grade : 40%
4. VIII.
Research: Enrichment
Course Credit of existing
/ Units: academic programs and broadening of knowledge through functional, ethical
Three (3) Grade : 100%
researches for the authentic good of individuals and the society. III. Program / Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Objectives: At the end of the formation, the students are expected to be: IV. Program / Degree Outcomes: Based on CMONO.17, series of 2017

1. Spiritually sound individuals who are CHRIST-centered and MARIAN- inspired. 1. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
2. Intellectually cultured individuals who are able to rationally and eloquently communicate their ideas and 2. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business and employ these concepts in
appreciate the arts as reflections of the infinite beauty of God; various business situations.
3. Morally healthy individuals who can weigh values with great sense of accountability;
3. Select the proper decision making tools to critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
4. Physically healthy individuals who give due respect to the body, keeping it fit as a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT;
4. Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written forms.
5. Culturally conscious individuals who value heritage earned by past generations, enriching it by promoting
5. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
desirable traditions and rendering authentic service to the Church and the country for the common good;
6. Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the workplace.
6. Socially concerned individuals who are sensitive and responsive to the needs of the marginalized sector of the
community and the society; 7. Plan and implement business related activities.
7. Technically proficient individuals who are superior in useful skills in the practice of professions; and 8. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Scholarly leaders of science who extend the frontiers of knowledge through experimentation and verification 9. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
bringing about a deeper evaluation of problems that will make them see profoundly the synthesis of faith,
reason, culture and life.
XII. Course Design Matrix:
Prelim Discussion:
DLO 1 Obligations 1. Definition of obligations. De Leon, Hector S., De Leon, Hector Jr. M. Lecture 6 hours
2. Elements of obligations. The Law on Obligations and Contracts Class Discussion
3. Sources of obligations. 2014 Revised Edition Quizzes
4. Nature and effect of obligations. Manila, Phils.: Rex Bookstore, c2014 Assignments

DLO 1, 2 Nature and Effect of Obligations 1. Duty to exercise diligence. Suarez, Carlos B., Suarez, Alexander Q. Lecture 6 hours
2. Kinds of delivery. The Law on Obligations and Contracts for Class Discussion
3. Classification of obligations. Business Students, 2011 Edition Quizzes
4. Specific and determinate things. Manila, Phils.: GIC Enterprises & Co., 2011 Assignments
5. Generic or indeterminate things.
6. Remedies of the creditor when the debtor Soriano, Fidelito R.
fails to comply with his obligations. Obligations and Contracts: (Law and
7. Effects of fortuitous events. Application): for Business and Law Students,
8. Default or Mora. 2016 Edition
9. Different kinds of Mora.
10. Grounds for liability in the performance of Luna, Miguela Ancheta
obligations. The Law on Obligations and Contracts, Revised
11. Kinds of damages Edition
12. Dolo and Cupla. Mandaluyong City, Phils.: National Book Store,
13. Fortuitous event. 2005
14. Essential characteristics of a fortuitous
15. Rights of creditors.
DLO 1, 2 Different Kinds of Obligations 1. Characteristics of obligations. Websites: Lecture 6 hours
2. Obligations with a period. Class Discussion
3. Alternative obligations. Quizzes
4. Joint and solidary obligations. Assignments
5. Divisible and indivisible obligations.
6. Obligations with penal clause.
Midterm Discussion:
DLO 3 Extinguishment of Obligations 1. Payment of performance. Lecture 18 hours
2. Loss of the things due. Class Discussion
3. Condonation or remission of the debt. Quizzes
4. Confusion or merger of rights. Seat works
5. Compensation. Assignments
6. Novation.
Final Examination Discussion:
DLO 4 Contracts 1. General provisions. Lecture 18 hours
2. Essential requisites of contracts. Class Discussion
3. Forms of contracts. Quizzes
4. Reformation of instruments. Seat works
5. Interpretation of contracts. Assignments
6. Rescissible contracts.
7. Unenforceable contracts.
8. Void or inexistent contracts.
9. Natural obligations.
10. Estoppel

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Atty. Reena May V. Reliquias,CPA Grace L. Lopena, CPA, MBA, JD, RN, CRB Grace L. Lopena, CPA, MBA, JD, RN, CRB
Instructor Department Head OIC-Dean

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