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Intro to VIP Access

Hey guys, I first want to say thank you for even coming across my
page and being a supporter of me and the content I put out. It really does
mean a lot having all this support come from yall!

This is going to be a sneak peak into my discord and what you can expect
when joining or looking to join.

First when you join the discord and enter the chat you will enter on this
super boring page. You never have to look at this page again! Yay. As you
can see on the left side there are several channels that have a ton of
informational content that should not be missed such as the Disclaimer,
rules, announcements, and news channels.
You can go to the Signals category from here after looking through all the
informational content needed to navigate through my channel. The signals
category has everything related to my trades, investments, and crypto
plays. This is a picture of one of the channels showing how you can read
my signals with proper stop loss placement.
How to take my trades:

When I trade I trade live with you guys every morning over zoom. Each
morning I will send out a zoom link for you to open and join the call so we
can catch the same trades at the same time! These zoom links can be
found in TJR SPX Signals channel.
We have many other community channels that are fun to engage with other
traders and at this point I just call them my friends.
I also have a QnA ticket with TJR ticket system, where you can ask me
personal questions about topics you have been struggling with. I am always
happy to help you with questions you have to help with your trading.

This is obviously a small picture of what goes on in my discord daily but

hopefully gives you a good idea of what to expect when you join.

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