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Vietnam occupies the eastern portion of mainland Southeast Asia stretching from China to the Gulf of
Thailand. Three quarters of its territory comprise mountains, hills and over 3,000 km long coastline. The
climate is shaped by monsoon making Vietnam hot and humid year round with the exception of the far
North where Winter gets cold in December and January. Hanoi, the capital, pays homage to the nation’s
iconic Communist-era leader, Ho Chi Minh, via a huge marble mausoleum.

Vietnam experienced a period of prolonged warfare in the mid-20th century, and a partitioning (1954-
75), first militarily and later politically, into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, better known as North
Vietnam, and the Republic of Vietnam, usually called South Vietnam.

As a multi-ethnic country, Vietnam has 54 recognized ethnic groups, 53 of which are Ethnic Minority
(EM) groups. These groups comprise an estimated 14.1 million people or around 14.7% of the country's
total population of about 96 million.

Vietnam’s culture focuses on humanity, harmony, family, and community values through music, art,
dance, and literature. There are hints of French and American influence, but national symbols like
dragons, turtles, bamboo, and lotuses are strictly Vietnamese and can be seen on many buildings and
Buddhist temples throughout the country.

Voted as “Asia’s leading destination” by the World Travel Awards (WTA) in 2019, Vietnam boasts many
impressive tourist destinations including;

Ha Long Bay

- Characterised by towering karst limestone pillars and small islets of various shapes and sizes amidst
crystal blue waters, Halong Bay's ethereal beauty is a sight to behold.
Mekong Delta

-known as the ‘rice bowl’ of Vietnam, the delta is carpeted in a dizzying variety of greens. It's a water
world that moves to the rhythms of the mighty Mekong, where boats, houses and markets float upon
the innumerable rivers, canals and streams that criss-cross the landscape like arteries.

Ho Chi Minh City

Vibrating with energy, innovation and traffic – Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is the
economic heart of Vietnam and the main hub of the southern region. HCMC's dynamic cityscape draws
together old and new Vietnam in the most compact of spaces, representing the city’s past as well as its


Vietnamese food works to satisfy the palate on five fundamental taste-fronts: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy,
and salty. These five tastes are perceived and used by locals to create balance in their food and lives.

Where some countries may be known for innovative new dishes and modern culinary skills, Vietnam is
best known for its age-old recipes, from warming noodle soup to Franco-Vietnamese bánh mì baguettes.
Here are the best traditional Vietnamese dishes that make it deliciously obvious why they've stood the
test of time.


Vietnam is a socialist republic with a government that includes an elected legislature, the national
assembly, a president as head of state, and a prime minister as head of government.

Vietnam is a country that thrives on agriculture. Even though many consider the country to be poor,
agriculture is the base of the country’s economy. With a 12-month growing season, the country can get
two or three harvests in a single year. One of the biggest problems in this sector is that much of
Vietnam‘s agricultural industry is driven by manual processes
Vietnam has heavily invested in transportation, particularly roads, airports, and seaports. The navigable
waterways of the interior of the country carry ferries, barges, and water taxis.

*Vietnam is a strip of land shaped like the letter “S” that lies on the eastern part of the Indochinese

*Tribal Viets inhabiting the Red River delta entered written history when China's southward expansion
reached them in the 3rd century bce. From that time onward, a dominant theme of Vietnam's history
has been interaction with China, the source of most of Vietnam's high culture.

*Ruled for almost a thousand years by various Chinese dynasties until 938 AD, Vietnam became a French
protectorate in the 19th century. After independence, there was the Vietnam War. Today, Vietnam is a
proud country and you can see why. Not just for fiercely defending its own independence, but for its
incredible landscapes and history.

*Vietnam is a melting pot of natural beauty and cultural diversity. The scenery ranges from jagged
mountain peaks to lush green rice fields and even picture-perfect beaches.

*It’s madness on them roads!

Motorbikes are quite literally everywhere in Vietnam, from the bustling cities to the deep, hidden
regions of the Vietnamese countryside.

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