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Portfolio Activity Unit 1

EDUC - 5710

Analyse the many ways in which a traditional classroom differs from a diverse classroom and how

the role of teacher changes in a diverse classroom.

There are several ways in which a traditional classroom differs from a diverse classroom, and these

differences can have a significant impact on the role of the teacher. Here are some of the key ways

in which the two types of classrooms differ:

1. Student Diversity: A diverse classroom is characterised by students with different cultural,

linguistic, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds. In contrast, a traditional classroom

often comprises students from similar backgrounds.

2. Learning Needs: In a diverse classroom, students have different learning needs and styles,

which require differentiated instruction and individualised support. In a traditional

classroom, teachers may assume that all students have similar learning needs and styles.

3. Communication: In a diverse classroom, students may speak different languages or dialects,

which can create communication barriers. Teachers may need to use different strategies to

facilitate communication and ensure that all students understand the content.

4. Curriculum: In a diverse classroom, teachers may need to modify the curriculum to reflect

the cultural and linguistic diversity of the students. In a traditional classroom, the curriculum

is often standardised and may not reflect the diversity of the student population.

5. Classroom Culture: In a diverse classroom, teachers need to create a classroom culture that

respects and values diversity. Teachers must also be aware of their own biases and work to

create an inclusive and equitable learning environment.

The role of the teacher in a diverse classroom is different from that of a traditional classroom. In a

diverse classroom, the teacher must be a facilitator of learning, who adapts teaching methods and

materials to meet the needs of diverse learners. Here are some ways in which the role of the teacher

changes in a diverse classroom:

1. Build Relationships: In a diverse classroom, teachers must work to build relationships with

each student to understand their needs, interests, and backgrounds. Teachers need to be

culturally sensitive and respectful, and create a safe and inclusive learning environment. As

a teacher I try to connect to all the students and my principle focus is to build relationship

with my students. If a teacher has good relationship with students they will listen to the

teacher. Till now I have very good relationships with my students.

2. Differentiated Instruction: Teachers in a diverse classroom must use differentiated

instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. Teachers must adapt instruction and

materials to accommodate different learning styles and levels of proficiency. I use 3-4 White

boards in my classroom and a specific whiteboard is assigned to specific group of students.

3. Cultural Awareness: Teachers in a diverse classroom must be aware of the cultural and

linguistic diversity of their students. Teachers should integrate diverse perspectives and

materials into the curriculum and use culturally relevant teaching strategies. As you know

India is a diverse country and home of huge cultural diversity, In Indian culture a lot of

plants are worshipped and I try to connect the fact with biological and ecological importance

of those plants.

4. Collaboration: In a diverse classroom, teachers may need to collaborate with other teachers,

specialists, and families to provide support and accommodations for diverse learners. In our

institution every quarter there is a teaching method review meeting occurs. In that review

meeting all the teachers sit and present their ideas to enhance the quality of education.

In conclusion, a diverse classroom differs from a traditional classroom in several ways, and the role

of the teacher in a diverse classroom is to facilitate learning by adapting instruction to meet the

needs of diverse learners, build relationships, promote cultural awareness and create an inclusive

and equitable learning environment. By embracing diversity and adapting teaching strategies,

teachers can create a rich and engaging learning experience that benefits all students.


Gay, G. (2018). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). Teachers

College Press.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). (2019). Status and trends in the education of racial

and ethnic groups.

Nieto, S. (2015). Language, culture, and teaching: Critical perspectives for a new century (2nd ed.).


Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2014). Leading and managing a differentiated classroom.


Wei, L., & Su, L. (2019). Teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the US: Strategies for

addressing diversity and promoting inclusivity. Foreign Language Annals, 52(1), 62-77.

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