W 3 3 1 - Task-1-Response-Structure - Transcript

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Hello. In this video we will focus on an overall structure for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1.

This is a
structure that you can use to summarise and describe whichever visual you are given on test day. Later
in the course, you will learn about the structure of each part or paragraph of the response in more
detail. In this lesson, you will look at an example task one response based on this bar graph. Remember
that the structure you will look at in this lesson is suitable for all types of visuals. You can download a
complete response to this bar graph from below this video. On test day, before you start writing, it is
important that you first identify the topic of the graph or chart that you are given. You should look for a
number of elements. Let's do that now for the bar graph that we will be using throughout this lesson.
The title - Top Five Activities of Children. The location - the gray bar is the United Kingdom and the black
bar is Australia. The unit of measurement - hundreds of children. The time - 2020. The categories, here,
there are five different activities.
Now that you have looked at the topic and content of the graph, let's look at a model response to this
bar chart. The response has three paragraphs. The first contains an introduction and overview
statement. The second and third are body paragraphs which discuss and summarise the main details of
the graph. Let's look at the purpose of each paragraph. The purpose of the introduction sentence is to
state the topic of the graph. Look at how the candidate has included all the information about the topic
of the graph in this one sentence. The purpose of the overview statement is to provide a summary of
the main topic in the graph. The purpose of the body paragraphs are to describe the main details from
the image. It is important that you choose the topics of the two paragraphs carefully, as how you divide
your information into paragraphs is assessed as part of the band descriptors.
In this case, the first body paragraph is about the United Kingdom and the second is about Australia.
You do not need to write a conclusion in your task one response. Do not waste your time doing this. In
upcoming lessons, you will learn about each of these sections in more detail.

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