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1. What is the angula Pramana of karna according to Sushruta?

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

2. Which organ didn’t consider as Kosthanga according to Acharya Charak?
(a) Heart (b) Lungs (c) Liver (d) Spleen
3. What is the Anjali Pramana of “medi dhatu”?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
4. Who wrote this “ Dhamanat Dhamanya… “?
(a) Charak (b) Sushruta (c) Sharangdhara (d) Bhav Prarkash.
5. “Mahanimnam” word used as synonym for which part of body?
(a) Kostha (b) Foot (c) Leg (d) Thigh
6. Where is the “Jeevsakshini dhamani” situated in human body?
(a) Kara Angustha mool (b) Padasya mool (c) Greeva mool (d) none
7. “Sarvavaha” Acharya Sushruta use this word for….?
(a) Shira (b) Dhamani (c) Srotas (d) Peshi
8. How many Avedhya shiras are present in one upper limb?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
9. “ Jwara chikitsa” suggested in which type of srotas deformity?
(a) Paranvaha Srotas (b) Annavaha srotas (c) Swedvaha srotas (d) Asthivaha srotas
10. What is the root of “Majjavaha Srotas” ?
(a) Asthi & Sandhi (b) Meda & Jaghana (c) Amashaya & Vamaparshava (d) none
11. “Sarvasharir Vyapini” this quote use for which kala?
(a) Raktadhara kala (b) Shukradhara kala (c) Mansadhara kala (d) medodhara kala
12. According to acharya Charak which layer of skin is related to “ Tilkalak, nayachad”
(a) 2nd layer (b) 3rd layer (c) 5th layer (d) 6th layer
13. What is “ Ubhaya Indri” ?
(a) Karna (b) Netra (c) Mana (d) Nasa
14. Which is the largest branch of brachial artery?
(a) Radial artery (b) superior ulnar collateral artery (c) Profunda brachii artery (d)
Ulnar artery
15. What is the Position of long axis of spleen?
(a) 10th rib (b) 11th rib (c) 9th rib (d) none
16. “Glisson's Capsule “ is related to which organ?
(a) Liver (b) Spleen (c) Stomach (d) Kidney
17. “Heart” is situated in…… Mediastinum?
(a) Anterior (b) Posterior (c) Middle (d) Superior
18. “ Pampiniform Plexus” is related with…… ?
(a) Testes (b) Uterus (c) Penis (d) Urinary bladder
19. Which Ashaya is related with Liver & Spleen?
(a) Vatashaya (b) Pittashaya (c) Raktashaya (d) Kaphashaya
20. According to Acharya Vagbhatta which rog marga is related with ashaya?
(a) External (b) Middle (c) Internal (d) none.

Ques2. Short Answer questions & each question carry 5 marks.

1) Describe the “Adhipati marma” & it’s clinical aspects ?
2) Describe the “Pranavaha Srotas” with its clinical aspects ?
3) Describe “Pericardium “ with its clinical aspects?
4) Describe “ Trachiobronchial tree” with suitable diagram & it’s clinical aspects?
5) Describe “Pleura” with its clinical aspects?
6) Describe “Spleen” with its clinical aspects?
7) Describe “Prostate gland” with its clinical aspects?
8) Describe “Stomach” with its clinical aspects?

Ques3. Long answer Questions & each question carry 10 marks.

1) Describe the “Nose” with suitable diagram & it’s clinical aspects?
2) Describe “ Urethra” with suitable diagram & it’s clinical aspects?
3) Describe “Vishalyaghana marma” with its clinical aspects?
4) Describe “Twacha sharir” in detail & also describe the modern & Ayurvedic aspects of kala?

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