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BPS_Integration Programme


Class 11 - Biology
Time Allowed: 54 minutes
Maximum Marks: 40

1. What is Adam’s apple? Is it more prominent in males or females? [1]

2. Where does exchange of gases take place in lungs? [1]
3. What is the site of gaseous exchange in an insect? [1]
4. Arrange the following terms based on their volumes in an ascending order [1]
i. Tidal Volume (TV)
ii. Residual Volume (RV)
iii. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
iv. Expiratory Capacity (EC)
5. Name the important parts involved in creating a pressure gradient between lungs and the atmosphere during [1]
normal respiration.
6. Which part of the respiratory tract is also called sound box? [1]
7. A fluid filled double membranous layer surrounds the lungs. Name it and mention its important function. [1]
8. Complete the missing terms. [1]
i. Inspiratory Capacity (IC) = ________ +IRV
ii. ________ = TV + ERV
iii. Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) = ERV + ________
9. What does the oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve indicate? [1]
10. Name the primary site of exchange of gases in our body. [1]
11. In normal breathing, which is the active process of inspiration or expiration? Explain. [2]
12. Mention the cause and the symptoms of Asthma and Emphysema. [2]
13. Why is respiration in insect called direct? [2]
14. Distinguish between Right lung and left lung. [2]
15. Explain the role of haemoglobin in transport of oxygen. [2]
16. Define the following and give their values in a normal human adult: [3]
i. Tidal volume,
ii. Expiratory reserve volume,
iii. Inspiratory capacity.
17. In mammals, the lungs replace the skin very effectively as a respiratory organ. Explain giving three reasons. [3]
18. Write a note on bronchitis and its prevention. [3]
19. Draw a labelled diagram of the human respiratory system. [3]
20. Give two examples of each of the following [3]
i. Animals having internal gills.
ii. Animal groups showing tracheal respiration.

Contact no. 55622943, 77549857
iii. Anaerobes.
21. What is the role of carbonic anhydrase? Show by a series of reactions, how carbonic anhydrase starts the [5]
reaction leading to the formation of haemoglobinic acid (H.Hb)?
Explain the role of the diaphragm in rib cage inspiration and expiration in humans.

Contact no. 55622943, 77549857

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