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Session: July to Dec 2022

Submitted by :
B.Tech 3 Semester B.Tech 3rd Semester
URN :300102421066 URN :
Enroll. No :CB4315 Enroll. No :


B.Tech 3 Semester B.Tech 3rd Semester
Enroll. No : Enroll. No :

Under Guidance of :


Department of ElectricalEngineering
ISO 9002 Certified,NBA Accredited, NAAC Grade A Certified

Bhilai Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute)
Bhilai House, Durg, (C.G.), 491 001 INDIA


I/ we the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report titled

“Laser Security System” is based on our own work carried out during the course of our study
under the supervision of DR. ARCHANA GUPTA
I/we assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of our work. We
further certify that
i. The work contained in the report is original and has been done by us under the general
supervision of our supervisor(s).
ii. I/ we have followed the guidelines provided by the University in writing the report.
iii. Whenever I/we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources,
I/ we have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report and giving their
details in the references.

(Signature of the Student-1)

Name of the Student: Shifa Fatima
Enrollment No.:CB4315

(Signature of the Student-2)

Name of the Student:Saurabh Singh
Enrollment No.:CB4318

(Signature of the Student-3)

Name of the Student:Sanskriti Agrawal
Enrollment no:CB4319



This is to certify that the work incorporated in the project report entitled Laser Security System is a
record of work carried out by Shifa Fatima bearing Enrollment No.:CB4315 , under my/our
guidance and supervision as a fulfillment of a curriculum of autonomous course in B.Tech 3rd
semester in the Faculty of Department of Electrical Engineering of Bhilai Institute of Technology,
Durg (CG).

To the best of my/our knowledge and belief the project report

i. Embodies the work of the candidates themselves,
ii. Has duly been completed,
iii. Fulfils the requirement B.Tech 3rd semester and
iv. Is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to
the examiners.

Dr. Archana Gupta

(Dr. S.P. Shukla)

Head of the Department
Seal of the Department

This is to certify that the project report entitled <Title of the Report> which is submitted by

1. Shifa Fatima, Roll No.: 300102421066, Enrollment No.:CB4315

2. Saurabh Singh, Roll No.: 300102421068, Enrollment No.:CB4318
3. Sanskriti Agrawal, Roll No.: 30010124241069, Enrollment No.:CB4319

has been examined by the undersigned as a part of the examination for the fulfillment of a
curriculum of autonomous course in B.Tech 3rd semester in the faculty of Department of Electrical
Engineering of Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (CG).

External Examiner Internal Examiner

Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Designation: Designation:
Institute: Institute:


The exclusivity of this project cannot be claimed as a singular effort, for several persons have
contributed to the accomplishment of this project report. We heavily offer our profound regard to
all, as without their generous guidance this work, would never have been completed. As it is
impossible to include all, some of the prominent names are mentioned at appropriate places.

We express our deepest regard to Dr. Arun Arora, Director BIT Durg, Dr. Mohan Gupta,
Principal BIT Durg, Dr. (Mrs.) Manisha Sharma,Vice-Principal BIT Durg and Dr. S.P. Shukla,
HOD Electrical Engineering BIT Durg for providing us necessary permission and creating an
excellent facility to carry out our team project during B.Tech (3rd Semester). We are equally
grateful to our project guide DR. ARCHANA GUPTA, (Department of Electrical Engg.) for
extending her support. Our deepest sense of gratitude to our department for their support and
guidance. We also take this opportunity to thank our institution, entire faculty member and entire
supporting staffs for their kind help and support without whom this project would haven’t been

Name of Student:Shifa Fatima URN:300102421068

Name of Student
Name of Student:Sanskriti Agrawal URN
Name of Student:Saurabh Singh

Laser based Security System is a type of security and alarm system that
uses laser light and a light sensor. A security system protects our homes,
offices, banks, lockers etc. from intrusion and unauthorised access. There
are different types of security systems available and laser based security
system is an important and efficient type.
A Laser security system can acts as a standalone system, which makes
some sound or noise when it detects any irregular activity, or can be part
of a much bigger security and home automation system, which can send
messages, call the owner etc.
In this project, we have designed a simple DIY lased based security
system, which acts as a tripwire like security system and triggers an alarm
when the laser in interrupted.
Laser Pointer acts as the main source of light in this project. We have
used a small laser pointer with an output power of less than 1mW. The
laser pointer emits red light and the wavelength of the laser output is not
very strong.

Table of Contents

Chapter - Introduction 1- 2
1.1 Introduction ……………1

Chapter-2 Methodology 3-4

2.1 Principle and Working ……………3
Chapter - Implementation 5-10
3.1 Circuit diagram ……………5
3.2 Explanation of each component ……………6
BC 547 Transistor ……………6
Resistor ……………7
Buzzer ……………8
LDR ……………9
Laser Diode
3.3 Advantage and disadvantage ……………11
Chapter-4 Conclusion 12
5.1 Conclusion ……………14
5.2 Future scope ……………15
Reference 16

List of Tables

Table Descriptions Page No

Table List of components 1

List of Figures

Figure Descriptions Page No

Figure 1.1 BC 547 Transistor 5
Figure 1.2 Resistor 11
Figure 1.3 Buzzer
Figure 1.4 LDR
Figure 1.5 Laser Diode
Figure 1.6 Circuit Diagram

Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviation Full Form

V Volts
mA milli-ampere
cm Centimeter
m Meter
Ω Ohm
L Inductor
f Frequency
H Henry
μF microfarad
kΩ Kilo ohm



A simple, cheap and effective laser based security system is
developed in this project. Let us see the working of this project.
First, the Op – Amp circuit acts as a comparator i.e. it compares
the voltages at the inverting and non – inverting terminals and
produces an output accordingly.
The LDR – 10 KΩ resistor Voltage divider is connected to the
non – inverting terminal of Op –Amp and a POT is connected to
the inverting terminal. Assume, the laser pointer is placed directly
in line of sight to the LDR and the light from the laser is
continuously being incident on LDR. In this situation, the
resistance of LDR falls down to few Ohms (or tens of Ohms) and
as a result, the voltage at the non – inverting terminal will be less
than that at the inverting voltage. The output of the Op –Amp is
low and the transistor is OFF.



2.1 Principle
A simple, cheap and effective laser based security system is
developed in this project. Let us see the working of this project.
First, the Op – Amp circuit acts as a comparator i.e. it compares
the voltages at the inverting and non – inverting terminals and
produces an output accordingly. The LDR – 10 KΩ resistor
Voltage divider is connected to the non – inverting terminal of Op
–Amp and a POT is connected to the inverting terminal. Assume,
the laser pointer is placed directly in line of sight to the LDR and
the light from the laser is continuously being incident on LDR. In
this situation, the resistance of LDR falls down to few Ohms (or
tens of Ohms) and as a result, the voltage at the non – inverting
terminal will be less than that at the inverting voltage. The output
of the Op –Amp is low and the transistor is OFF.

2.3 Working
The design of the laser security system circuit is very simple. We
will see the design of the circuit in this section and in the working
explanation we will see the working of the individual
component.Coming to the design of the circuit, first, the LDR and
a 10 K Ω resistor are connected in a voltage divider fashion and
its output (common point) is connected to the pin 3 (non –
inverting) of the Op- Amp IC LM358.For the inverting terminal
(pin 2), connect the wiper of a 10 KΩ potentiometer (other two
terminal of the POT are connected to VCC and GND)The output
of the Op – Amp (Pin 1) is connected to the base of the transistor
(BC547) through a resistor.100 nF is connected between pins 5
and GND. A buzzer is connected to pin 3 of 555 IC.



3.1. Circuit Diagram

Figure1.6 Circuit Diagram

3.2 Explanation of each component

Table 1.1 List of Components

S.N Item Description /Rating Qty

1. BC 547 Transistor NPN Transistor 1
2. Resistor 10 k ohm 1
3. Buzzer Sound source 1
4. LDR Light Sensor 1
5. Laser Diode Light Source 1

1. BC 547 Transistor

Figure1.1 BC 547 Transistor

BC547 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). It is kind of an NPN

transistor. It has three terminals: Emitter, Collector and Base. The
maximum current gain of BC547 is 800A. The Collector−Emitter Voltage
is 65V.

2. Resistor

3. Buzzer

A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device,[1] which may
be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric (piezo for short).
Typical uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm
devices, timers, train and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click
or keystrok


The LDR acts as a light sensor in this project. As the intensity of the light
falling on the LDR increases, the resistance of the LDR decreases and
vice – versa. The LDR is used in combination with the laser to form the
light sensor and source.

5.Laser Diode

Laser Pointer acts as the main source of light in this project. We have
used a small laser pointer with an output power of less than 1mW. The
laser pointer emits red light and the wavelength of the laser output is
between 630 nm to 680 nm.pter-5

3.3 Advantages

The circuit, construction and setup for the Laser Security System
is very simple.
If used with a battery, the laser security system can work even
when there is a power outage.

3.4 Disadvantages

The laser security system works only if the laser is obstructed. If

the intruder passes without obstructing the laser, it is considered
as a failure.
In order to secure a larger area, we need more lasers and
corresponding sensors.



4.1 Conclusion
This system for security uses the combination of LASER light and LDR.
The LDR module has an onboard potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity of
LDR, so that it only senses laser light falling onto it. The concept is quite
simple and similar to what we see in movies where antique, priceless
ornaments are protected under laser lights. As someone crosses these
lights, an alarm runs on to indicate unauthorised presence. This project
works similarly. In normal conditions, where there is always laser light
falling on the LDR, the LDR module always gives a high signal to
microcontroller. When someone crosses this laser light, it will behave as
an obstruction between the LDR module and laser light, resulting in no
light falling on LDR. In such cases LDR module gives a low signal to the
microcontroller, which indicates it to switch on an alarm

14 1
4.2 Future Scope

Laser Security System can be used in safety lockers in our homes, where
even if the locker’s code is hacked, it acts as an additional layer of
Apart from security systems, this laser based setup can also be used to
check if pets or babies crossed a certain boundary.

15 1

• English Wikipedia. Laser Security System, Laser Security

System , retrieved on 01/02/12.
• English Wikipedia.BC547 Transistor, BC547 Transistor ,
retrieved on 02/02/12.
• English Wikipedia.Photo resistor, BPhoto resistor , retrieved
on 02/02/12.
• English Wikipedia.Laser Diode, diode , retrieved on

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