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Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah
Volume 5– Nomor 2, Oktober 2020, (Hlm 56-71)

Available online at:

Dynamic Governance Strategy in Pollution and Damage Control

Patterns in the Citarum Riverside(DAS)
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib
abUniversitas Padjajaran, Magister Public Administration

Information Article A B S T R A C T
History Article The pattern of pollution and damage control in the Citarum Riverside
Submission : 30-10-2019 (DAS) carried out by the Regional Government of West Java Province has
Revision : 12-03-2020 not been optimal because the environment and water around the river flow
Acepted : 14-03-2020 are still polluted for two decades. This research aimed to examine the
dynamic capabilities of local governments as a positive step to restore the
DOI Article: glory of the Citarum River. The research method used qualitative methods,
/10.24905/jip.5.2.2020.56- data collection techniques used observation, and the data only refers to
71 secondary data. It was conducting analysis used the Systemic Literature
Review (SLR) method to map previous research and to found a novelty from
this research using three databases. They were Taylor and Francis, Emerald
and Science Direct. The theory was Dynamic Governance by Neo & Chen,
focusing on competency dimensions of Thinking Ahead, Thinking Again, and
Thinking Across. The results were whole the Regional Government of West
Java Province has moved in a dynamic direction because it has created a
variety of innovative policies and programs, as a form of innovation from
the realization of the Thinking Ahead dimension. The establishment of a
policy base related to normalization of the Citarum River consisting of
presidential and governor regulations and The existence of new dynamics
including the involvement of the ulemas as actors in the revitalization
process of the Citarum River also take a part on it. Realization of the
Thinking Again dimension, namely the running of the Citarum River
normalization business programs that refer to regional policies. Then the
realization of the Thinking Across dimension is the initiative of the West
Java Provincial Government to adopt the pentahelix model in conducting
collaborations related to the improvement of the Citarum River.

Keyword: Dynamic Governance, Citarum River, Policy Innovation

© 2020 Published by Governmental Studies. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of JIP.

Corresponding author
E-mail address:

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 57
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

The image of the Citraum River is

1. Introduction
undeniably contaminated due to the growing
The Citarum River is a national strategic
industrial sector, which results in negative
river, which is full of economic value and runs an
externalities on the sustainability of the Citarum
important role in the survival of the people in
River, such as liquid waste as one of the causes of
West Java, especially those crossed by this river,
pollution. So, in conclusion, the Citarum River
starts from Bandung Regency until Bekasi
revitalization effort is difficult homework to
Regency. However, in the background, the
complete. Especially the upstream part of the
preservation of the Citarum River seems to be
Citarum riverside which should require the most
threatened. It’s because the various issues along
attention from the government. There were
the Citarum riverside are such complex problems
enormous pollution from domestic and industrial
like the water and environment’s of citarum river
wastes, causing a decrease in water quality. Then
have been polluted for two decades.
the problems that should get attention between
In 2013, according to the Blacksmith
various issues in the Citarum riverside are the
Institute and Green Cross Switzerland, the
rate of the growing population that related to the
Citarum River was in the third position as the
increasing of utilizing resources in Citarum river.
dirtiest and most polluted place in the world (Rio
such as land use for the agricultural sector in the
Tausikal, 2019). Now, the Citarum River is still in
upstream area, around 65%, development 15%
the status of heavily polluted. So monitoring and
and the other 10%(Agaton et al., 2016).
evaluation must be carried out related to the
According to secondary data, domestic
status quo of water quality (Sutadian et al., 2018).
waste in the Citarum riverside is almost 20,461
The data related to the status of river water
tons / per day, and only 29% is transported, then
quality, according to the Central Agency for
71% pollutes the river. The types of waste
Environmental Statistics Indonesia, four rivers in
produced are various, including domestic waste
West Java are heavily polluted, they are:
originating from household waste, including
Table 1.1 Quality Status of Water River of
Riverside in West Java 2016 organic, inorganic, medical and other waste

Province River Water Quality Criteria (Source: River Basin Organization of citarum,
According to 2018).
Government Regulation
Number 82 Year 2001 The most complicated problem from
Class II
West Citarum Heavily Polluted Citarum River is the issue of waste that the
Java Citanduy Heavily Polluted Regional Government of West Java Province for
Ciliwung Heavily Polluted
Cisadane Heavily Polluted 2019-2025 requires funds of up to IDR 7.99
trillion, and the largest allocation of funds for
Sources: ( Central Agency for Environmental handling waste of 4.1 trillion.
Statistics Indonesia, 2018)

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 58
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

2012). the local government level needed

Picture 1.1 Recapitulation of Funding Needs community participation, either directly or
related to Citarum Watershed Management
indirectly (Brotestes Panjaitan et al., 2019;

Michels & De Graaf, 2017), the government might
3500 4126 be able to overcome challenges related to
2500 individual consumption behaviour in using
1000 energy (Bornemann et al., 2017; Han et al., 2018).
500 134 143 181 510 1094 1219 273
0 ica d… Conducting a pilot program for various purposes
pa cem l…
La an ter…

g o ishe cs…

P nt

in policy innovation, such as establishing cross-


f D ste
g o nin

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nd al, mes

In ng o Wa
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f C ry
Ha dlin lan

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border collaboration between stakeholders had a

Ha ial

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purpose of producing a broader innovation policy






(Ramstad, 2009; Sullivan et al., 2012), a flexible

Funding Needs (RP Billion)
and balanced governance approach could lead to

Source: Government of West Java Province innovation (Sergeeva, 2019).
This data is planning of the funding needs Referring to the results of the Systematic
related to pollution control in the Citarum River Literature Review (SLR) can help the author in
for the next seven years. However, in another side analyzing and mapping existing research to assist
it has a dilemma, like when the Citarum River the author in finding state of the art from this
normalization business program has been paper regarding the pattern of pollution control
running for almost two decades, people and around the Citarum River concerning the concept
government have changed, and in fact, the of Dynamic Governance (dynamic governance
Citarum River still bad. Therefore, resolving capabilities), with the characteristics of
various issues, primarily environmental issues in innovative, collaborative governance, and
the Citarum River that is not an instant task, but responsive.
requires time, process, and enormous costs The main competency elements in this
(Christensen, 2010). theory consist on three elements, First, Thinking
From the results of the Systematic Ahead to formulate and identify various
Literature Review (SLR) that the author has conditions, as well as future public needs, Second,
conducted, the concepts contained in dynamic Thinking Again, which is to reflect and review the
governance theory become more effective and ability and openness to a policy or program that
efficient if the policies made by the government has been made. Third, Thinking Across is the
and has been innovated (Gulbrandsen, 2014). capability of the bureaucracy to adopt new ideas
Good governance such as rules, organizational and knowledge (Neo & Chen, 2007). These
management, the value of knowledge, structure, parameters can be used as a benchmark in
and process was a significant component that writing this scientific paper.
must be present in an organization (Farazmand,
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 59
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

2. Method • Data related to the amount of

This writing used a qualitative method; domestic waste in the Citarum
then, it only consisted of one unit of analysis. This riverside is sourced from the Citarum
paper aimed to analyze an environmental River Basin Organization (BBWS),
problem in the Citarum riverside, associated with 2018.
the concept of dynamic governance in • Data related to a recapitulation of
normalization patterns in Citarum Riverside. The funding needs according to Citarum
author used the method of Systematic Literature waterside management
Review (SLR). Regarding scientific articles in • Data related to various stakeholders
international journals indexed by Scopus and involved in handling the Citarum
national journals and accredited journal. waterside
Data collection technique 2. Author Interpreted the secondary data
In this study, the data collection 3. Read, studied and sorted the data so the
technique that the writer did was first by data was valid and unbiased by checking
observing and using secondary data(Creswell, whether the data was accurate or not
2007) from various sources.
As well as in obtaining data, the author 4. The author performed the results of the
refers to secondary data originating from the data. The analyzed and, combined the
Indonesian Environmental Statistics Agency results of the analysis with certain
(BPS) in 2018 and government documents statements. It related to the research in
sourced from the Regional Government of West order to produce meaning from the data
Java Province in 2019 and the Citarum Riverside collected. It aimed to answer the
in 2018. problems in this study.
Data Analysis Technique
3. Result and Discussion
The author analyzed the data, based on
The central government and local
several stages by (Creswell, 2007).
governments had confirmed that in the Citarum
1. Collecting various types of secondary
waterside there were pollution and
data related to the focus of scientific
environmental damage, and the causes of river
research, that related to various
pollution dominated waste which could harm
environmental issues in the Citarum
public health, economy, social, environment and
riverside, including:
others (Brunner et al., 2007; Demirbas, 2011;
• Data on the status of river water
Domingo & Nadal, 2009; Kumar & Samadder,
quality in West Java which refers to
2017; Yoada et al., 2014). Therefore, various
data from the Indonesian Center for
efforts have been made by the central
Environmental Statistics, 2018.
government and local governments to improve

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 60
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

the quality of the Citarum Riverside (DAS) in a It was the ability of the government as a
better direction because the Citarum River is vital public sector organization to be able to identify
and strategic. community needs and environmental
According to the author, a governance developments in the future by creating various
approach used the concept of dynamic strategies and anticipations to achieve the goals
governance relates to the normalization of the set by the organization (Neo & Chen, 2007).
Citarum waterside needs to be studied. The In analyzed this concept, it was
reason was the form of development in associated with government efforts in terms of
understanding the scientific scope of public efforts to control pollution and damage to the
administration. In simple terms, dynamic Citarum River which aimed to create innovations
governance was a concept that adapts to that can overcome various developments and the
conditions in various kinds of organizational increasing demands of environmental issues. The
situations that were uncertain and always authors tried to divide it into three aspects,
changing, full of various kinds of challenges and namely policy-making, making programs and
obstacles experienced by these organizations innovations as strategic and anticipatory efforts
(Neo & Chen, 2007). The efforts that controled in controlling pollution and damage to the
pollution and damage the Citarum waterside Citarum River, as follows:
could not be separated from the obstacles and Policy Point of View
problems that exist, so the dynamic ability of The increasingly complex issues in the
those who had authority. The Regional Citarum watershed covering various problem
Government of West Java Province was factors, including the issue of spatial planning,
important. This was needed as a common goal in industrial waste, livestock and agriculture, five
the future, policy direction and strategy and as a fisheries, domestic waste management, and
forum for creative thinking in making domestic liquid waste, and the low level of public
innovations. awareness in managing and protecting the
Based on the results of the analysis by the Citarum River, made the government centre
author, that the dynamic capabilities or intervenes in handling the improvement of the
competencies possessed by the Regional Citarum watershed by issuing Presidential
Government of West Java Province in efforts to Regulation No. 15 of 2018 concerning the
control pollution and damage to the Citarum Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to
waterside could be seen in the theory of dynamic the Citarum River waterside as a new policy
governance which consists of the concepts of concept and a form of the central government's
thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking seriousness in dealing with this river.
across, (Neo & Chen, 2007). The policy includes actors as directors who
1. Thinking Ahead (Thinking ahead) were at the central government level including
the Coordinating Minister for maritime as
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 61
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

chairman and three other Coordinating other derivative policies such as the Major /
Ministers, namely as deputy chairman. Moreover, Regency Regulation had not been determined
members consisting of 14 Ministries and related because it is still in the process of drafting
government agencies. These actors were tasked legislation.
with determining policies for control pollution Regarding the point of view of dynamic
and damage to the Citarum River waterside. In governance theory regarding Presidential
order for this policy to run well, the Governor of Regulation no. 15 of 2018 concerning the
West Java was appointed as commander and Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to
commander of the TNI as deputy commander in the Citarum River Basin and the Regulation of the
charge of determining an action plan so that the Governor of West Java No. 28 of 2019 concerning
revitalization and rehabilitation program of the the Action Plan for the Acceleration of Pollution
Citarum River in the future could be carried out Control and Damage to the Citarum Watershed
in a synergic and integrated manner between the (DAS) were a form of thinking ahead. Its
central government, the West Java Government, produced changes to the environmental
and the Regency Government. Citarum River was improvement of the Citarum River, so it created
crossing many cities. benefits and positive results for the handling of
The policy foundation was also a form of complex environmental issues that are located in
central government support for local the Citarum watershed, the policies that have
governments to create the Citarum Harum been set by the central government and regional
program, which was targeted for seven years, governments are an integral and connected unit.
starting from 2018-2025, as a form of national However, the policy related to the revitalization
policy to control pollution and damage in the of the Citarum River had only been established at
Citarum watershed. the level of the Regional Government of West Java
A year later, the policy derivative of the Province. It was not yet with the District / City
Presidential Regulation was passed, namely West government because the process of making
Java Governor Regulation No. 28 of 2019 regulations is not easy so it took time. Although
concerning the Action Plan for the Acceleration of the rules were useful in order from the national
Pollution Control and Damage to the Citarum level to the regional level so that they were more
Watershed (DAS). The policy details for the technical and detailed, so the main tasks and
various issues contained in the Citarum functions of implementing policies were clear
watershed are strategies and indicators for and unbiased.
measuring success in controlling pollution and West Java Provincial Government Program to
damage to the Citarum Watershed, program Revitalize the Citarum Watershed
implementation, and action plans. This regional West Java Provincial Government
policy was a course relevant to the national Program to Revitalize the Citarum Watershed
agenda, which has long-term goals. However, The West Java Provincial Government had long
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 62
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

implement programs to restore the Citarum support from the central government as a
River ecosystem, including: substantial effort to improve the condition of the
Tabel 3.1 Normalization program of citarum Citarum River which is divided into four zones,
namely: slightly polluted, critically polluted,
Program Focus Program Year
Citarum Controlling a 2000- highly polluted, and heavily polluted. Each of
Bergetar pollution 2003
these programs aims to create changes so that
Citarum It aimed to make 2013
Bestari a Citarum river they can remain relevant and effective in
(Bersih, Sehat, will be deserve to
Indah, dan drink in 5 years, achieving the long-term goals and desires of the
Lestari) but it unfulfilled
West Java Provincial Government to make efforts
Citarum Increasing a 2018
Harum quality of water in revitalizing the Citarum watershed.
Citarum Accelerating in 2019-
Harum Juara control the 2025 Innovation program by West Java Provincial
pollution and Government
damage of
Citarum Innovations carried out as a form of the
West Java Provincial Government's seriousness
Source: (Rio Tausikal, 2019)
to restore the condition of the Citarum watershed
in table below:

Table 3.2 Innovation in controlling a normalization Citarum River
The program is mutually sustainable from

Sources: Author;2019
one another,
and the program also has direct

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 63
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

Refers to the table, the Regional solutions have not suitable. This concept also
Government of West Java Province has made includes redesigning policies and programs (Neo
efforts to embrace various elements of society in & Chen, 2007).
order to revitalize the Citarum watershed The thinking again process was one of them
because all parties or multi-sectors must be able in carrying out the Action Plan that carried out by
to work together that better coordination can be the West Java Province Government, which refers
established. to the West Java Governor Regulation No. 28 of
On the other hand, the authors found new 2019 concerning the Action Plan for the
dynamics to collaborate revitalization of Citarum Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to
River by the West Java Province, namely by the Citarum Watershed (DAS) as the ultimate
involving the role of clerics, especially related to goal. The preparation of the Action Plan aimed to
waste management because philosophically, provide stakeholders with a reference in doing
clerics have an important role in helping efforts more technical planning in terms of budgets,
to handle the Citarum watershed. monitoring, and evaluation in the effort to
Form of effort that can be conducted by scholars revitalize the Citarum watershed in the 2019-
was conducting lectures by disclosing hadiths 2025 period.
about the environment, clean water, managing If we Judge the policy, the Citarum Harum
waste correctly and adequately as a form of Juara program was created, which became a
environmental preservation in each school, program of the government led by M. Ridwan
madrasah, and others so that these efforts were Kamil as the current Governor of West Java.
expected to be effective in order to increase The Action Plan contains the handling of
awareness the community in maintaining and various crucial problems in the Citarum
protecting the sustainability of the Citarum River. watershed by dividing two program categories:
The forms of innovation that have been programs that have a direct impact, it was a
implemented by the West Java Provincial program that have a direct effect on the cause of
Government vary as a form of application of the pollution. Indirect programs was a program that
thinking ahead theory, viewed from three has not the effects directly related to the Citarum
categories including innovation in terms of the River body.
policy, program innovation, and innovative Direct Impact Programs:
activities in the context of revitalizing the Handling of Critical Land, Handling in
Citarum watershed as an adaptive step. Waste Management, Handling of Waste (industry,
2. Thinking Again (Reviewing) livestock, and fisheries), Handling Domestic
The government's ability to utilize actual Liquid Waste, Education, and Public Relations.
data and information, review various derivative Programs with Indirect Impact:
policies and programs that have been carried out, Controls related to Space Utilizers and Law
and review various strategies for analysis and Enforcement.
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 64
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

The West Java Province Government quite undoubtedly had a positive impact, following
often conducted monitoring and evaluation changes to the program in the Citarum watershed
related to various programs that can support the referring to the Action Plan guidelines, including:
success of the Citarum watershed normalization
Table 3.3 Reviewing Programs that has been ran by West Java Province

Source: Government of West Java Province

process. These programs aimed to meet the The programs above were an effort to
demands of community needs. This has normalize Citarum watershed that ran well in
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 65
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

line with legal corridors, which refers to the This concept is based on the
Regulation of the Governor of West Java No. 28 of government's inability to be able to solve various
2019 concerning the Action Plan for the problems, especially those related to very
Acceleration of Pollution and Watershed Damage complex environmental issues, such as in the
Control (DAS), as a source of ideas & actions that Citarum watershed, so that collaboration
can generate innovation in the realm of between stakeholders ultimately becomes a
government. This is an essential key in necessity (O’Toole, 2015; Thomson & Perry,
dynamizing a policy, so it solves problems and 2006).
unravels dilemmas related to issues. Picture 3.1 Model Penta Helix
Environment contained in the Citarum

watershed. As well as from the established Academic

policies and programs & activities carried out

was a new system that the process of improving
Mass Media Business
the Citarum watershed can be achieved, and the
community gets better outcomes from these
3. Thinking Across
Government Civil Society
The next step to perfect the various policy
innovations, programs, and activities that have Source: (Calzada & Cowie, 2017)

been made, were free-thinking, which includes Explanation:
opinions, ideas, and adoption, which comes from 1. Academics: Contribute to capacity
outside the frame of mind(Neo & Chen, 2007). building society or community, based
The Thinking Across process used by the on writing.
West Java Provincial Government realized, by: 2. Business World: Community
a. Adopting the Penta Helix Model empowerment or community in the
To improve existing policies and programs, development process.
the Regional Government of West Java Province 3. Civil Society: Monitoring and evaluate
adopted a model used in other countries, namely the environment.
by applying the Penta Helix concept as a 4. Government: Make every policy
breakthrough for Citarum Harum Juara. Penta based on rational thinking
helix is a collaboration that includes five elements 5. Mass Media: The media plays an
of stakeholders in it, namely: Academics, important role, because the role of the
Business / Business, Civil Society, Government, mass media in supporting the
and Mass Media. The five elements can be revitalization of the Citarum
abbreviated as ABCGM (Calzada & Cowie, 2017). watershed is very important.

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 66
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

Basically, collaboration is a process The author analyzed to identify and map

(Cornforth et al., 2015; Emerson et al., 2012) which parties were involved in the normalization
Collaboration between stakeholders has actually of the Citarum watershed. It shows in table 3.4
been established for a long time regarding the below.
handling of the Citarum watershed, previously The results of the identification by the
collaboration only occurred between academics, author showed that the synergy between
the business world, and the government. stakeholders using the Penta Helix model for
However, the triple Helix Concept is now controlling the Citarum watershed had been
considered irrelevant so that the Regional created. Handling the Citarum watershed using
Government of West Java Province adopted the Penta Helix model can accelerate the

Table 3.4 Penta Holix Model in Manage the Citarum Watershed

Sources: Author;2019
another model, namely the Penta Helix model.
pollution control program and damage that
occurs in the Citarum watershed so that the

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 67
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

collaboration created must be compact and No Activity Tahun

Japanese Minister of the
mutually supportive to be able to build a fragrant, Environment named Tsukasa
healthy, clean, and sustainable Citarum River. 2 The Regional Government of 2019
West Java Province received a
Because we do not assume that public affairs are team from the United Nations
only government affairs, but the participation of (PBB), related to cooperation
in the environmental sector to
stakeholders outside the government is also very overcome the problem of the
Citarum River.
important and determines the success of efforts
to control pollution and damage to the Citarum Source: Author;2019

watershed. The purpose of the exchange of experience

This collaboration model was necessary for and information is for the benefit of the local

a country that adheres to democracy because the government so that the ability of Human

way the government achieves each of these goals Resources (HR) increase in terms of conceptual,

requires other stakeholders who were technical, skill, and managerial capabilities and

continuously among the five stakeholders, so social abilities.

public trust would increase. However, 4. Conclusion

community participation was not guaranteed The problems related to the Citarum
that it could contribute significantly to the watershed are still very relevant to be studied
changes by the government (Cheema & because this environmental problem is very
Rondinelli, 2007). complex and is still a common concern from the
According to the author, the use of the central government to local governments and
Penta Helix concept was good for the Citarum other stakeholders. The government has been
River revitalization program. However, the trying to solve the problem of the Citarum River
commitment must be strong among the for a long time, and the government has spent so
stakeholders because it could influence the much money on the normalization of the Citarum
collaboration process. River, but until now the problems related to the
b. West Java Provincial Government Conducts Citarum River have not been resolved, this is
a Visit because environmental issues will never stop so
Another form of thinking across is to The government's dynamic ability to handle this
conduct comparative studies or visits to other matter is very much needed.
agencies as a means of getting new ideas and The concept of dynamic governance
knowledge, including: (dynamic governance) can be interpreted as the
Tabel 3.5 List of invitation ability of the government to continue to adjust its
No Activity Tahun
1 West Java Governor M. Ridwan 2019 policies and programs so that short-term and
Kamil, has made a working visit
to Japan which aims to long-term interests can meet the demands and
establish cooperation related
to handling pollution in the needs of society. This is reflected in the various
Citarum River with the

Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)

JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
Vol. 5 (2), Oktober 2020 - 68
Neneng Zakiaha*; Yogi Suprayogib

programs and projects that aim to fix problems The process of forming dynamic
that occur in the Citarum watershed that have capabilities of the thinking again mindset carried
been carried out by the central government and out by the Regional Government of West Java
local governments from the past until now, of Province is by compiling an action plan and
course, there are still advantages and implementing it, reviewing programs that have
disadvantages in it. been carried out as a form of monitoring and
From the discussion that the author has evaluation to support the success of the Citarum
done before, the author studies it with the watershed normalization process, regarding the
concept of dynamic governance which refers to Governor Regulation West Java No. 28 of 2019
three main dimensions, including: thinking concerning the Action Plan for the Acceleration of
ahead, thinking again, and thinking across, Pollution Control and Damage to Watersheds
including: (DAS).
The dynamic capabilities that are created Furthermore, the realization of the
as a form of realization of the thinking ahead thinking across the formation process carried out
mindset, the authors divide them into three by the Regional Government of West Java
categories, namely in terms of the policy of the Province, including by adopting the Penta Helix
Presidential Regulation and the Regulation of the model which aims to create collaboration from
Governor of West Java regarding the acceleration the five stakeholders (Academics, Business
of pollution control and damage to the Citarum World, Civil Society, Government and Mass
watershed, in terms of programs and in terms of Media) to assist acceleration. Normalization of
innovations carried out by the Government. West the Citarum watershed, but on the other hand,
Java Province. These policies and programs are a working visits aimed at obtaining new ideas,
form of the government's seriousness in knowledge and information that can improve
responding to various issues in the Citarum existing policies are still low, so they need to be
watershed. Regarding policy, because the policy improved.
is decentralized, so it has to wait for the policy at
the Regency / City level regarding the technical Commitment from various stakeholders is
aspects of the pollution control policy and
needed to improve the Citarum River because the
damage to the Citarum watershed to be collaboration involves so many stakeholders that
completed so that each Regency / City can carry according to the author, the existing commitment
out its duties properly. Another thing is that there must be improved and maintained in order to
is a new dynamic in carrying out the Citarum improve the conditions and environment of the
watershed revitalization business program, Citarum River so that it will remain a concern and
namely the involvement of ulama actors who continue. Moreover, it is better if all the general
have a role in carrying out the Citarum watershed public are involved in controlling the Citarum
improvement socialization program.
Copyright © 2020 JIP, ISSN: 2503-4685 (Print), ISSN: 2528-0724 (Online)
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan): Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah,
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