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College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman


Approval: 155th UPD University Council | 02 September 2019


The BA (European Languages) (BA EL) program was instituted in 1976. In 2002, it underwent a
major revision that involved the institution of new courses, changes in course descriptions, and
deletion of courses. Under the revised program, students must choose either Plan 1 or Plan 2. All
students major in one of the following European languages: French, Italian, German, or Spanish
(FIGS). Students in Plan 1 study another European language: German, Russian, Italian, French,
Portuguese, or Spanish (GRIFPS). Students in Plan 2 study another non-EL discipline: English,
Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Filipino, Panitikan ng Pilipinas, Speech
Communication, Theater Arts, Art Studies, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Theory in Fine Arts,
Reading, Teaching in the Early Grades, Language Teaching, Communication Research, and

In 2012, the program was again revised to incorporate the hybrid GE program of the University of
the Philippines, Diliman. In the past several years, much has occurred in the field of language
learning that compelled us to update our curriculum in order to remain relevant and effective. An
ad hoc Curriculum Revision Committee was formed in 2013 followed by four curriculum revision
workshops from 2014 to 2017 aimed at evaluating our program and discussing changes to the
curriculum through Academic Program Improvement (API) grants. In these workshops, we
considered not only the current teaching trends in foreign language pedagogy but also feedback on
the program collated from various stakeholders. While the department continued working on its
program revisions, a fast track version of the program, which adopted the 2017 UP General Education
program, was approved in 2018.

The present curriculum was created to integrate the BA (European Languages) program into the
academic framework of the University by instituting and revising several courses. The BAEL
program objectives are the following:

(a) distinguish different critical lenses through which they understand themselves, other
cultures and the world;
(b) design and implement undergraduate research work and understand their role as
contributors to the production of knowledge;
(c) apply their knowledge and skills in foreign language education, literary and cultural
studies, and translation studies, which they will need as professionals in their chosen
field; and

(d) demonstrate B2 language proficiency in order to linguistically and pragmatically
communicate with various nationals. At this level, students can understand the main
ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical
discussions in his/her field of specialization, express him/herself fluently, use the
language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes, and
produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects.

There were five major factors that influenced our approach to the curricular revisions of 2019:
1. The adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(CEFR)1 2 as an international standard for validating an individual’s language ability;
2. The realization of the ASEAN economic integration, which enabled increased mobility
of faculty and students within the region and more rigorous benchmarking of courses and
3. Recent developments in foreign language pedagogy with a three-pronged source: other
academic institutions (local and international), reflexive pedagogy at the department
level, and student feedback;
4. Increased fluidity in online and offline spaces, which has fostered global interaction and
the generation of more professional opportunities for language experts, facilitated
extensive language contact, and transformed the consumption of information.
5. The revision of the UP General Education program as a result of the nationwide
implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Program.

See Annex A for basic descriptors of each CEFR level, and Annex 2 for correspondence between CEFR levels and
EL courses
See Annex B for correspondence between CEFR levels and EL courses

College of Arts and Letters
Date of effectivity:
02 September 2019

(144 units)

1st Semester 18 units 2nd Semester 18 units

FIGS1 10 3 FIGS 12 3
FIGS1 11 3 FIGS1 13 3
GE 1 Eng 13 3 GE 10
Latin 3
GE 2 Philo 1 3 GE 5 Speech 30 3
GE 3 ARTS 1 3 GE 6 Fil 18 3
GE 4 MATH 10 3 GE 7 EL 50 3
PE (2) PE (2)
1st Semester 18 units 2nd Semester 18 units
1 1
FIGS 14 3 FIGS 16 6
FIGS1 15 3 FIGS1 51 3
EL 3 FIGS1 30 3
EL 180 3 GRIFPS2 12 3
GRIFPS2 10 3 GRIFPS2 13 3
GRIFPS2 11 3 PE (2)
PE (2) NSTP (3)
NSTP (3)

1st Semester 18 units 2nd Semester 18 units
FIGS1 60 3 EL 170 3
FIGS1 70 3 FIGS1 101 3
FIGS1 100 3 FIGS1 61 3
FIGS1 110 3 FIGS1 130 3
GRIFPS2 14 3 GRIFPS2 16 6
GRIFPS2 15 3

1st Semester 18 units 1st Semester 18 units
FIGS1 111 3 PI 100 3
EL 199 3 EL 200 3
Major Language Elective3 3 Major Language Elective3 3
GE 8 Fil 40 3 EL Elective4 3
GE 9 DRMAPS/STS 1 3 EL Elective4 3
GE 10 KAS 1 3 GE 11 Soc Sci 1/Soc Sci 2 3

FIGS = French/Italian/German/Spanish
GRIFPS = German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish
Major Language electives may be any 2 of the following courses listed below provided that the prerequisites have been

For FIGS Majors:

Literature Electives:
FIGS 120
FIGS 150
FIGS 160
FIGS 197

Specific Purposes:
FIGS 140

Linguistics Elective:
FIGS 131

For Spanish Majors Only:

Literature Electives:
Spanish 115
Spanish 116
Spanish 117
Spanish 125

Culture and Civilization Electives:

Spanish 105
Spanish 106
EL electives may be any 2 of the following courses listed below provided that the prerequisites (indicated inside
parentheses) have been satisfied

Translation Electives:
EL 172 (may be taken twice)
EL 174 (may be taken twice)

Direct Language Activities Elective:

EL 181

Special Topic Elective:

EL 197 (may be taken twice)

As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These
are offered by UPD.

College of Arts and Letters
Date of effectivity:
02 September 2019

(144 units)
1st Semester 18 units 2nd Semester 18 units
FIGS1 10 3 FIGS1 12 3
FIGS1 11 3 FIGS1 13 3
GE 1 Eng 13 3 GE 10
Latin 3
GE 2 Philo 1 3 GE 5 Speech 30 3
GE 3 ARTS 1 3 GE 6 Fil 18 3
GE 4 MATH 10 3 GE 7 EL 50 3
PE (2) PE (2)

1st Semester 18 units 2nd Semester 18 units
FIGS1 14 3 FIGS1 16 6
FIGS1 15 3
EL 3 FIGS1 30 3
EL 180 3 FIGS1 51 3
Cognate2 3 Cognate2 3
Cognate2 3 Cognate2 3
PE (2) PE (2)
NSTP (3) NSTP (3)


1st Semester 18 units 1st Semester 18 units

FIGS 60 3 EL 170 3
FIGS1 70 3 FIGS1 101 3
FIGS1 100 3 FIGS1 61 3
FIGS1 110 3 FIGS1 130 3
Cognate2 3 Cognate2 3
Cognate2 3 Cognate2 3


1st Semester 18 units 1st Semester 18 units 21

FIGS 111 3 PI 100 3 units
EL 199 3 EL 200 3
Major Language Elective3 Major Language Elective3 3
GE 8 Fil 40 3 EL Elective4 3
GE 9 DRMAPS/ STS 1 3 EL Elective4 3
GE 10 KAS 1 3 GE 11 Soc Sci 1/Soc Sci 2 3

FIGS= French/Italian/German/Spanish
Cognate (for Plan 2 only) Courses in English, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Filipino, Panitikan ng
Pilipinas, Speech Communication, Theater Arts, Art Studies, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Theory in Fine Arts, Reading,
Teaching in the Early Grades, Language Teaching, Communication Research and Tourism. These non-language courses
must be of the same discipline taken only in one department and provided that the prerequisites are satisfied.

Major Language electives may be any 2 of the following courses listed below provided that the prerequisites have been

For FIGS Majors:

Literature Electives:
FIGS 120
FIGS 150
FIGS 160
FIGS 197

Specific Purposes:
FIGS 140

Linguistics Elective:
FIGS 131

For Spanish Majors Only:

Literature Electives:
Spanish 115
Spanish 116
Spanish 117
Spanish 125

Culture and Civilization Electives:

Spanish 105
Spanish 106
EL electives may be any 2 of the following courses listed below provided that the prerequisites (indicated inside
parentheses) have been satisfied

Translation Electives:
EL 172 (may be taken twice)
EL 174 (may be taken twice)

Direct Language Activities Elective:

EL 181

Special Topic Elective:

EL 197 (may be taken twice)

As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s
Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.

Course Descriptions

Classification Course Course Description

of courses Number
Major courses FIGS 10 Elementary training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish I
FIGS 11 Elementary training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish II
FIGS 12 Intermediate training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish I
FIGS 13 Intermediate training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish II
FIGS 14 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish I
FIGS 15 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish II
FIGS 16 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
French/Italian/German/Spanish III
FIGS 30 Advanced Spoken French/Italian/German/Spanish
FIGS 51 Development of critical reading skills in
FIGS 60 Mechanics of composition in
French/Italian/German/Spanish and of its different genres
FIGS 61 Structure, content, formalities and ethics in academic
writing in French/Italian/German/Spanish
FIGS 70 Critical theories: analysis of literary and cultural texts in
FIGS 100 French/Italian/German/Spanish culture and civilization
FIGS 101 Contemporary French/Italian/German/Spanish culture and
FIGS 110 A survey of French/Italian/German/Spanish literature from
the Origins to the Enlightenment Period
FIGS 111 A survey of French/Italian/German/Spanish literature from
the Romantic Period to the 21st Century
FIGS 130 Basic structural features of French/Italian/German/Spanish
and their application in foreign language learning
EL 199 Research methods
EL 200 Undergraduate thesis

Core courses Latin 10 Elementary Latin
EL 170 Techniques of translation
EL 180 Directed language activities: Theory
EL 197 Special topics
Qualified GRIFPS 10 Elementary training in linguistic, communicative, and
elective intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish I
GRIFPS 11 Elementary training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish II
GRIFPS 12 Intermediate training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish I
GRIFPS 13 Intermediate training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish II
GRIFPS 14 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish I
GRIFPS 15 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish II
GRIFPS 16 Advanced training in linguistic, communicative, and
intercultural knowledge and skills in
German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish III
EL elective FIGS Literature electives
FIGS 131 Research methods in French/Italian/German/Spanish
applied linguistics
FIGS 140 French/Italian/German/Spanish for specific purposes
Spanish Spanish literature electives
Spanish 105/106 Spanish culture and civilization electives
EL 172 Translation practicum: Non-literary texts
EL 174 Translation practicum: Literary texts
EL 181 Directed language activities: practicum

Annex A

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Global Scale

C2 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize
information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing
arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself
spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of
meaning even in more complex situations.
C1 Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit
Proficient User

meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much

obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively
for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-
structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of
organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
B2 Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract
topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can
interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction
with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce
clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a
topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Independent User

B1 Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters
regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most
situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where the language is
spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of
personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and
ambitions, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
A2 Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of
most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information,
shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple routine
tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and
routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background,
immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
A1 Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases
aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself
Basic User

and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as
where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact in
a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared
to help.

Annex B

CEFR Level Equivalent of Major and Minor Courses

CEFR Course Code & No. Course Title


B2 EL 200 Undergraduate Thesis

EL 199 Research Methods

French 130/Italian 130/German 130/Spanish 130 French/Italian/German/Spanish Linguistics I

French 111/Italian 111/German 111/Spanish 111 French/Italian/German/Spanish Literature II

French 110/Italian 110/German 110/Spanish 110 French/Italian/German/Spanish Literature I

French 101/Italian 101/German 101/Spanish 101 Contemporary French/Italian/German/Spanish

Culture and Civilization
French 100/Italian 100/German 100/Spanish 100 French/Italian/German/Spanish Culture and

French 70/Italian 70/German 70/ Spanish 70 Critical Theories in French/Italian/German/Spanish

French 61/Italian 61/German 61/Spanish 61 Academic Writing in

French 60/Italian 60/German 60/Spanish 60 Composition

B1 French 51/Italian 51/German 51/Spanish 51 Text Engagement in French/Italian/German/Spanish

French 30/Italian 30/German 30/Spanish 30 Advanced Spoken French/Italian/German/Spanish

German 16/Russian 16/Italian 16/ French 16/ Advanced Language Course III in
Portuguese 16/Spanish 16 German/Russian/Italian/French/Portuguese/Spanish
A2 German 15/Russian 15/Italian 15/ French 15/ Advanced Language Course II
Portuguese 15/Spanish 15
German 14/Russian 14/Italian 14/ French 14/ Advanced Language Course I
Portuguese 14/Spanish 14
German 13/Russian 13/Italian 13/ French 13/ Intermediate Course II
Portuguese 13/Spanish 13
A1 German 12/Russian 12/Italian 12/ French 12/ Intermediate Course I
Portuguese 12/Spanish 12

German 11/Russian 11/Italian 11/ French 11/ Elementary Course II

Portuguese 11/Spanish 11

German 10/Russian 10/Italian 10/ French 10/ Elementary Course I

Portuguese 10/Spanish 10


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