MS Word: Practice Activity 2

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Practice Activity 2

1. Retrieve the Word document named ’Data for Practice Activity 2’ from the CD
provided, or from a location on your school’s computer network as indicated to you
by your teacher.

2. Immediately save the file as ‘Practice Activity 2’.

3. Edit the file as follows:

a. Select the heading ‘The First Computers’ using an appropriate selection

technique and then change the font to Courier New and set the font size to 14

b. Now make this heading bold and underline it with a double line.

c. Change the alignment of this heading to ‘centre’.

d. Find the words ‘Abacus’ and ‘Pascal’s’ in the first paragraph. Select them and
change them to italics and change their font colour to blue.

e. Change the alignment of the entire document to ‘justify’.

f. The second paragraph that starts with ‘Modern day computers are able to …’
contains four statements. Turn these four statements into a bulleted list, using
bullets of your choice.

g. Insert a piece of clip art of your choice that represents a computer at the
bottom of the document and ensure that it is centred on the page.

4. Be sure to save all the changes that you have made to your document.

5. Close the document and Microsoft Word and shut down the computer correctly.

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